* Copyright (c) 2004 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: Part of TestConsole application.
** Methods for the class CTestAppConsole
#include <e32std.h>
#include <e32base.h>
#include "testconsole.h"
#include "testdefinitions.hrh"
#include "mccteststubs.h"
#include "test_interface.h"
#include "test_audiocontrol.h"
#include "test_dtmf.h"
#include "test_rtcp.h"
#include "test_async_features.h"
#include "test_secure.h"
#ifndef __WINSCW__
const TInt KTestIapId = 1;
const TInt KTestIapId = 6;
// Method : CTestAppConsole::NewL()
// Purpose :
// Parameters :
// Return Value:
CTestAppConsole* CTestAppConsole::NewLC()
CTestAppConsole* self = new ( ELeave ) CTestAppConsole();
CleanupStack::PushL( self );
return self;
// Method : CTestAppConsole::CTestAppConsole()
// Purpose : Constructor
// Parameters :
// Return Value:
: CActive( EPriorityStandard )
CActiveScheduler::Add( this );
// Method : CTestAppConsole::ConstructL()
// Purpose :
// Parameters :
// Return Value:
void CTestAppConsole::ConstructL()
iConsole = Console::NewL( KMainTitle, TSize(KConsFullScreen, KConsFullScreen) );
this->DisplayConsoleMenuL( KTxtMainInstructions );
// Method : CTestAppConsole::~CTestAppConsole()
// Purpose : Destructor
// Parameters :
// Return Value:
delete iConsole;
delete iInstruct;
delete iMccInterface;
delete iMccInterfaceStub;
if ( iFeatTest )
delete iFeatTest;
// Method : CTestAppConsole::ResetNetworkSettings()
// Purpose :
// Parameters :
// Return Value:
void CTestAppConsole::ResetNetworkSettings()
iNetsettings.iRemoteAddress.SetAddress( KInetAddrLoop );
iNetsettings.iRemoteAddress.SetPort( KDefaultRtpPort );
iNetsettings.iRemoteRtcpPort = KDefaultRtcpPort;
iNetsettings.iLocalAddress.SetAddress( KInetAddrAny );
iNetsettings.iLocalAddress.SetPort( KDefaultRtpPort );
iNetsettings.iLocalPublicAddress.SetAddress( KInetAddrAny );
iNetsettings.iLocalRtcpPort = KDefaultRtcpPort;
iNetsettings.iLocalPublicRtcpPort = KDefaultRtcpPort;
iNetsettings.iMediaQosValue = KDefaultMediaQos;
iNetsettings.iIapId = KTestIapId;
// Method : CTestAppConsole::QueryNetworkSettings()
// Purpose :
// Parameters :
// Return Value:
void CTestAppConsole::QueryNetworkSettings()
TBuf16<80> line;
iConsole->Printf( _L("\nQUERYING NETWORK SETTINGS") );
iConsole->Printf( _L("\nPress enter to use existing value") );
TUint iap( KTestIapId );
TInt inputErr( 0 );
iConsole->Printf( _L("\nINPUT IAPID: ") );
GetStringFromConsole( line );
if ( line.Length() != 0 )
TLex lex( line );
inputErr = lex.Val( iap );
} while ( inputErr );
iNetsettings.iIapId = iap;
// Method : CTestAppConsole::QueryIPAddress()
// Purpose :
// Parameters :
// Return Value:
void CTestAppConsole::QueryIPAddress()
TBuf16<80> line;
// Query IP address and parse it
TUint32 address;
RArray<TUint32> values;
TInt inputErr( 0 );
iConsole->Printf( _L("\nINPUT IP (use dot as a separator): ") );
iConsole->Printf( _L("\nPress enter if IP not needed in tests\n\n") );
GetStringFromConsole( line );
if ( line.Length() != 0 )
TInt dotIndex( 0 );
TBool dotExist = ETrue;
while ( dotExist )
dotIndex = line.Locate( '.' );
// True if last attribute value
if( KErrNotFound == dotIndex )
dotExist = EFalse;
dotIndex = line.Length();
TUint8 number;
TLex16 lex = line.Mid( 0, dotIndex );
inputErr = lex.Val( number, EDecimal );
if ( !inputErr )
values.AppendL( number );
if( dotExist )
line.Delete( 0, dotIndex + 1 );
if ( !inputErr && values.Count() == 4 )
address = INET_ADDR( values[0], values[1], values[2], values[3] );
iNetsettings.iRemoteAddress.SetAddress( address );
// Method : CTestAppConsole::StartTesting()
// Purpose : start this AO
// Parameters :
// Return Value:
void CTestAppConsole::StartTesting()
// Method : CTestAppConsole::DoRead()
// Purpose : get the user's option and send request to scheduler
// Parameters :
// Return Value:
void CTestAppConsole::DoRead()
iConsole->Read( iStatus );
// Method : CTestAppConsole::RunL()
// Purpose :
// Parameters :
// Return Value:
void CTestAppConsole::RunL()
// According to current test case and direct the user's command
// to proper command handler.
// Method : CTestAppConsole::DoCancel()
// Purpose :
// Parameters :
// Return Value:
void CTestAppConsole::DoCancel()
// Method : CTestAppConsole::DisplayConsoleMenu()
// Purpose : Display main or sub console menus for different test cases
// Parameters : TDesc &aInstructions
// Return Value: void
void CTestAppConsole::DisplayConsoleMenuL( const TDesC &aInstructions )
if ( iInstruct )
delete iInstruct;
iInstruct = NULL;
iInstruct = aInstructions.AllocL();
iConsole->Write( *iInstruct );
// Method : CTestAppConsole::ProcessMainInput()
// Purpose : Obtain user's option and decide which test case to run next.
// Parameters :
// Return Value:
void CTestAppConsole::ProcessMainInput()
TBuf<80> line;
if ( line.Length() > 0 )
TChar inputChar = line[0];
TInt err( KErrNone );
TBool testsRun( ETrue );
switch( inputChar )
case '1':
err = RunInterfaceTests();
case '2':
err = RunAudioControlTests();
case '3':
err = RunRtcpTests();
case '4':
err = RunDtmfTests();
case '5':
err = RunAsyncFeatureTests();
case 's':
err = RunSecureTests();
case '0':
testsRun = EFalse;
testsRun = EFalse;
DisplayMsg( KTxtWrongOption );
if ( err )
iConsole->Printf( _L("Some tests failed: %d, check logs\n"), err );
RDebug::Print( _L("\nSome tests failed: %d, check logs\n"), err );
else if ( testsRun )
iConsole->Printf( _L( "ALL TESTS OK\n" ) );
RDebug::Print( _L( "\nAll tests OK\n" ) );
// Ready to get next input option.
// Method : CTestAppConsole::DisplayMsg()
// Purpose : Display testing message on screen
// Parameters : TDesC &
// Return Value:
void CTestAppConsole::DisplayMsg(const TDesC &aMsg)
iConsole->Write( *iInstruct );
iConsole->Printf( KTxtLineBreak );
iConsole->Printf( aMsg );
iConsole->Printf( KTxtLineBreak );
// Method : CTestAppConsole::GetAddrFromConsole()
// Purpose :
// Parameters :
// Return Value:
TKeyCode CTestAppConsole::GetStringFromConsole( TDes &aAddr )
// Get a line from console
TKeyCode input = EKeyNull;
const TInt start_pos = iConsole->WhereX();
// loop until descriptor full or EKeyEnter or EKeyEscape entered
do {
// get one character
input = iConsole->Getch();
// process it
if(input == EKeyBackspace || input == EKeyDelete)
// backspace or delete
if(iConsole->WhereX() > start_pos)
iConsole->SetPos(iConsole->WhereX() - 1);
if(aAddr.Length() > 0)
aAddr.SetLength(aAddr.Length() - 1);
// other than backspace or delete
TChar ch(input);
iConsole->Printf(_L("%c"), input);
while(aAddr.Length() < aAddr.MaxLength() && input != EKeyEnter && input != EKeyEscape);
DisplayMsg( KTxtLineBreak );
return input;
// Method : CTestAppConsole::RunAsyncFeatureTests()
// Purpose : Test the async Mcc Interface functions
// Parameters :
// Return Value: System wide error code
TInt CTestAppConsole::RunAsyncFeatureTests()
TRAPD( err, MccInterfacePreambleL() );
if ( err )
iConsole->Printf( _L("TESTSETUP FAILED: %d\n"), err );
RDebug::Print( _L("TESTSETUP FAILED: %d\n"), err );
return err;
iFeatTest = CTestAsyncFeat::NewL( *iConsole, iNetsettings,
*iMccInterface, *iMccInterfaceStub );
TRAP( err, iFeatTest->DoRunAsyncFeatureTestsL() );
return err;
// Method : CTestAppConsole::RunInterfaceTests()
// Purpose : Test the Mcc Interface functions
// Parameters :
// Return Value: System wide error code
TInt CTestAppConsole::RunInterfaceTests()
TInt err( KErrNone );
TRAP( err, MccInterfacePreambleL() );
if ( KErrNone != err )
iConsole->Printf( _L("TESTSETUP FAILED: %d\n"), err );
RDebug::Print( _L("TESTSETUP FAILED: %d\n"), err );
return err;
CTestInterface* intTest = CTestInterface::NewL( *iConsole, iNetsettings,
*iMccInterface, *iMccInterfaceStub );
CleanupStack::PushL( intTest );
TRAP( err, intTest->DoRunInterfaceTestsL() );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( intTest );
return err;
// Method : CTestAppConsole::RunAudioControlTests()
// Purpose : Test the Mcc audio control functions
// Parameters :
// Return Value: System wide error code
TInt CTestAppConsole::RunAudioControlTests()
TInt err( KErrNone );
TRAP( err, MccInterfacePreambleL() );
if ( KErrNone != err )
iConsole->Printf( _L("TESTSETUP FAILED: %d\n"), err );
RDebug::Print( _L("TESTSETUP FAILED: %d\n"), err );
return err;
CTestAudioControl* audio = CTestAudioControl::NewL( *iConsole, iNetsettings,
*iMccInterface, *iMccInterfaceStub );
CleanupStack::PushL( audio );
TRAP( err, audio->DoRunAudioControlTestsL() );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( audio );
return err;
// Method : CTestAppConsole::RunDtmfTests()
// Purpose : Test the Mcc RTCP sending
// Parameters :
// Return Value: System wide error code
TInt CTestAppConsole::RunDtmfTests()
TInt err( KErrNone );
CTestDtmf* dtmf = CTestDtmf::NewL( *iConsole, iNetsettings );
CleanupStack::PushL( dtmf );
TRAP( err, dtmf->DoRunDtmfTestsL() );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( dtmf );
return err;
// Method : CTestAppConsole::RunRtcpTests()
// Purpose : Test the Mcc DTMF features
// Parameters :
// Return Value: System wide error code
TInt CTestAppConsole::RunRtcpTests()
TInt err( KErrNone );
CTestRtcp* rtcp = CTestRtcp::NewL( *iConsole, iNetsettings );
CleanupStack::PushL( rtcp );
TRAP( err, rtcp->DoRunRtcpTestsL() );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( rtcp );
return err;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CTestAppConsole::MccInterfacePreambleL
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CTestAppConsole::MccInterfacePreambleL()
iMccInterfaceStub = CMccInterfaceStub::NewL();
iMccInterface = CMccInterface::NewL( *iMccInterfaceStub );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CTestAppConsole::MccInterfacePostamble
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CTestAppConsole::MccInterfacePostamble()
delete iMccInterface;
iMccInterface = NULL;
delete iMccInterfaceStub;
iMccInterfaceStub = NULL;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CTestAppConsole::RunSecureTests()
TInt err( KErrNone );
TRAP( err, MccInterfacePreambleL() );
if ( KErrNone != err )
iConsole->Printf( _L("TESTSETUP FAILED: %d\n"), err );
RDebug::Print( _L("TESTSETUP FAILED: %d\n"), err );
return err;
CTestSecure* secTest = CTestSecure::NewL( *iConsole, iNetsettings,
*iMccInterface, *iMccInterfaceStub );
CleanupStack::PushL( secTest );
TRAP( err, secTest->DoRunSecureTestsL() );
CleanupStack::Pop( secTest );
return err;