author Dremov Kirill (Nokia-D-MSW/Tampere) <>
Thu, 02 Sep 2010 20:49:29 +0300
changeset 47 a4443cbc1353
parent 0 1bce908db942
child 49 64c62431ac08
permissions -rw-r--r--
Revision: 201033 Kit: 201035

* Copyright (c) 2005 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description:    


#include <e32base.h>
#include "mcedefs.h"
#include "mceclientserver.h"
#include "mcecomfactory.h"
#include "mcecomserializable.h"

typedef TBuf8<KMceMaxSdpNameLength> TMceComCodecName;

#include "mcemediadefs.h"

class CMccCodecInformation;
class TMceMccComEvent;
class CMceSrvStream;

class TMceComFactory;
class TMceComAudioCodecFactory;

const TBool KMceCodecFmtpReset = ETrue;
const TBool KMceCodecFmtpAppend = EFalse;
_LIT8( KMceFmtpSeparator, "; ");

const TUint8 KMinDynPayloadType( 96 );
const TUint8 KMaxDynPayloadType( 127 );


class CMceComCodec : public CBase,
                     public MMceComSerializable


public:  // Constructors and destructor

    * C++ constructor

    * C++ destructor
    * Second phase constructor
    void ConstructL( CMceComCodec& aCodec );
    * ID 
    * @return ID
	TMceMediaId Id() const;

    * Parent object
    * @return Parent object
	CMceComMediaStream* Stream() const;
    * Set codec specific fmtp line
    * @param aReset if ETrue reset fmtp, EFalse append
    virtual void SetFmtpAttributeL( const TDesC8& aFmtpAttribute, 
                                    TBool aReset = KMceCodecFmtpReset );
    * Sets keep alive data
    * @param keep alive data
    void SetKeepAliveDataL( const TDesC8& aKeepAliveData );
    * Sets bitrate used with codec for encoding.
    * @param aBitrate bitrate value for encoding
    * @return KErrNotSupported if codec doesn't support bitrate
    *         value issued
    virtual TInt SetBitrate( TUint aBitrate );
    * Sets bitrates allowed with codec.
    * @param aBitrates allowed bitrate values
    * @return KErrNotSupported if codec doesn't support bitrate
    *         values issued
    virtual TInt SetAllowedBitrates( TUint aBitrates );

    * Sets the codec specific mode.
    * @param aCodecMode mode of the codec
    * @return KErrNotSupported if codec doesnt' support codec mode
    *         value issued
    virtual TInt SetCodecMode( TUint aCodecMode );
    * Sets the payload type.
    * @param aPayloadType type identifier of the payload
    * @return KErrNotSupported if codec doesn't support payload type issued
    virtual TInt SetPayloadType( TUint8 aPayloadType );
    * Returns max bit rate
    * @return max bit rate
    virtual TUint GetMaxBitRate();
public: //from MMceComSerializable

    * Returns serialization id
    * @return serialization id
    TUint64 SerializationId() const;

    * Internalizes flat data
    * @param aReadStream read stream
    void InternalizeFlatL( RReadStream& aReadStream );

    * Externalizes flat data
    * @param aWriteStream write stream
    void ExternalizeFlatL( RWriteStream& aWriteStream );
    * Internalizes
    * @param aSerCtx context for serialization
    void InternalizeL( MMceComSerializationContext& aSerCtx );
    * Externalizes
    * @param aSerCtx context for serialization
    void ExternalizeL( MMceComSerializationContext& aSerCtx );

public: //new (virtual) functions
    * Updates this object
    * @param aUpdate object updates this
    virtual void UpdateL( CMceComCodec& aUpdate );
    * Return ETrue, if this codec decodes rtpmap value
    * @param aRtpmapValue rtp map
    * @param aFmtpValue fmtp
    * @param aIsStrictMatch, EFalse if matching is less strict
    * @return ETrue, if this codec decodes rtpmap value
    virtual TBool Decodes( const TDesC8& aRtpmapValue, 
                           const TDesC8& aFmtpValue,
                           TBool aIsStrictMatch = ETrue );

    * Initializes 
    * @param aParent the parent
    virtual void InitializeL( CMceComMediaStream& aParent );
    * Traversal event handler
    * @param aEvent the event
    * @return status, if event was consumed or not or object needs update
    virtual TInt EventReceivedL( TMceEvent& aEvent );
    * Resolve allowed bitrates based on given bitrate value.
    * @param aBitrate
    * @param aAllowedBitrates, on return contains allowed bitrates
    * @return error code
    virtual TInt ResolveAllowedBitrates( TUint aBitrate, TUint& aAllowedBitrates );
    * Sets codec enabled/disabled.
    * @param aIsEnabled
    virtual void SetEnabled( TBool aIsEnabled );
    * Check if codec can send.
    * @return ETrue if can send
    virtual TBool SendSupported();

public: //new functions

    * Gets enabled state.
    * @return ETrue if enabled, EFalse if disabled
    TBool IsEnabled() const; 

    * Factory
    * @return factory
    TMceComFactory BaseFactory();
    * Gets current fmtp attribute
    * @return fmtp attribute
    TPtrC8 FmtpAttr() const;

public: //new functions

    * Synchronizes itself with another codec, if possible
    * @param aCodec codec to be synchornized with
    * @param aRoleAnswerer is answerer
    virtual void SynchronizeL( CMceComCodec& aCodec, TBool aRoleAnswerer );

    * Assigns mcc codec
    * @param aMccCodec mcc codec
    * @return assigned codecs
    virtual CMceComCodec& operator=( CMccCodecInformation& aMccCodec ) = 0;
    * Decodes to mcc codec
    * @param aMccCodec mcc codec
    void MccDecodeL( CMccCodecInformation& aMccCodec );

    * Populates mcc codec
    * @param aMccCodec mcc codec
    * @param aStream stream
    * @param aRole role
    void MccPopulateL( CMccCodecInformation& aMccCodec, 
                       CMceSrvStream& aStream,
                       TMceNegotiationRole aRole );

    * Validates codec values based on mcc codec
    * @param aMccCodec mcc codec
    * @param aStream stream
    * @param aRole role
    * @return Other codec which is affected because of values or
    *   NULL if none is affected
    CMceComCodec* MccValidateL( CMccCodecInformation& aMccCodec,
                                CMceSrvStream& aStream,
                                TMceNegotiationRole aRole );

    * Adjust codec values based on mcc codec
    * @param aMccCodec mcc codec
    * @param aStream stream
    void MccAdjustL( CMccCodecInformation& aMccCodec, 
                     CMceSrvStream& aStream );
    * Checks, if signalling is required
    * @param aStream stream
    * @param aMccCurentCodec current mcc codec
    * @param aMccUpdateCodec to be used mcc codec
    TInt MccRequireSignalling( 
                        const CMceSrvStream& aStream,
                        const CMccCodecInformation& aMccCurentCodec, 
                        const CMccCodecInformation& aMccUpdateCodec ) const;
    * Sets state of codec based on event
    * @param aEvent event
    void SetState( TMceMccComEvent& aEvent );
    * Set default fmtp line
    void SetDefaultFmtpAttributeL();

    void Merge( CMceComCodec& aMergeWith );
    * Used for storing fmtp proposal but the value is not set as official
    * fmtp of the codec. Pre-check for fmtp validity
    * @param aFmtpProposal
    * @return ETrue if fmtp is valid
    virtual TBool SetFmtpProposalL( const TDesC8& aFmtpProposal );
    * Set fmtp
    * @param aReset if ETrue reset fmtp, EFalse append
    virtual void SetFmtpFromIncomingSdpL( const TDesC8& aFmtpAttribute, 
                                          TBool aRoleAnswerer,
                                          TBool aReset = KMceCodecFmtpReset );
    * Create fmtp for outgoing sdp
    * @return fmtp, ownership is transferred
    virtual HBufC8* FtmpForOutgoingSdpLC();

protected://abstract methods

    * Decodes to mcc codec
    * @param aMccCodec mcc codec
    virtual void DoMccDecodeL( CMccCodecInformation& aMccCodec ) = 0;

    * Encodes from mcc codec
    * @param aMccCodec mcc codec
    * @param aStream stream
    virtual void DoMccEncodeL( CMccCodecInformation& aMccCodec,
                               CMceSrvStream& aStream ) = 0;
    * Validates codec values based on mcc codec
    * @param aMccCodec mcc codec
    * @param aStream stream
    * @param aRole role
    * @return Other codec which is affected because of values or
    *   NULL if none is affected
    virtual CMceComCodec* DoMccValidateL( CMccCodecInformation& aMccCodec,
                                          CMceSrvStream& aStream,
                                          TMceNegotiationRole aRole );
    * Adjust codec values based on mcc codec
    * @param aMccCodec mcc codec
    * @param aStream stream
    virtual void DoMccAdjustL( CMccCodecInformation& aMccCodec, 
                               CMceSrvStream& aStream ) = 0;
    * Checks, if signalling is required
    * @param aStream stream
    * @param aMccCurentCodec current mcc codec
    * @param aMccUpdateCodec to be used mcc codec
    virtual TInt DoMccRequireSignalling( 
                                const CMceSrvStream& aStream,
                                const CMccCodecInformation& aMccCurentCodec, 
                                const CMccCodecInformation& aMccUpdateCodec ) const = 0;
    * Set default fmtp line
    virtual void DoSetDefaultFmtpAttributeL() = 0;
    * Encodes common values from mcc codec
    * @param aMccCodec mcc codec
    * @param aStream stream
    void EncodeCodecCommonL( CMccCodecInformation& aMccCodec );
    * Decodes common values to mcc codec
    * @param aMccCodec mcc codec
    void DecodeCodecCommonL( CMccCodecInformation& aMccCodec );


    * Encodes from mcc codec
    * @param aMccCodec mcc codec
    * @param aStream stream
    void MccEncodeL( CMccCodecInformation& aMccCodec, CMceSrvStream& aStream );
    * Updates codec based on mcc codec
    * @param aMccCodec mcc codec
    void UpdateL( CMccCodecInformation& aMccCodec );


protected: //new functions

    void ConstructL( TMceComCodecName aSdpName );

public:// data
     * type of session
    TMceMediaId iID;
     * Fmtp attribute
    HBufC8* iFmtpAttr;

    * Sdp name used in SDP messages
	TMceComCodecName iSdpName;		

    * Payload type
	TUint8 iPayloadType;

     * Is enabled
    TBool iIsEnabled;
    * Stream's bit rate
	TUint iBitrate;

    * Stream's allowed bit rates
	TUint32 iAllowedBitrates;

    * Codec mode ( e.g. PCMU, PCMA, Bandwidth efficient, octet aligned )
	TUint32 iCodecMode;		
	* Codec FourCC
	TUint32 iFourCC;

    * Codecs frame size
	TUint iFrameSize;

    * Codecs state of the codec
	TInt iState;
    * MMF priority of the codec
	TInt iPriority;

    * MMF priority preference of the codec
	TInt iPriorityPreference;
    * Keep alive timer
    TUint8 iKeepAliveTimer;
    * Keep Alive Payload Type
    TUint8 iKeepAlivePayloadType;
    * Keep Alive Data
    HBufC8* iKeepAliveData;
    TBool iIsNegotiated;
    TInt iCodecSdpIndex;
    TInt iPreference;
     * Fmtp proposal
    HBufC8* iFmtpProposal;
protected: // NOT owned data
     * stream
	CMceComMediaStream* iStream;

public: //inner classes

    class TIterator

        enum TFilter
            EFilterNone = 0,
        enum TStreamStateMatchType
            TIterator( const RPointerArray<CMceComCodec>& aCodecs, 
                       TFilter aFilter =  EFilterNone,
                       CMceComCodec* aCodec = NULL );
            TBool IsEof();
            TBool Next( CMceComCodec*& aCandidate,
                        TIterator::TStreamStateMatchType aMatchType = EExactMatch );
            void Reset();
            TInt Count();
            void SetFilter( TFilter aFilter, CMceComCodec* aCodec = NULL );
            TFilter iFilter;
            const RPointerArray<CMceComCodec>& iCodecs;
            TInt iCurrentIndex;
            CMceComCodec* iCodec;
    #ifdef EUNIT_TEST
    	friend class UT_CMceComCodec;


// End of File