* Copyright (c) 2004 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description:
#include <e32base.h>
#include <e32cmn.h>
#include "mcemediadefs.h"
#include "mcedefs.h"
#include "mcesip.h"
#include "mcesrv.h"
#include "mcecomfilesource.h"
#include "mcesrvstream.h"
#include "mcesecuremediasession.h"
class MMceMediaGeneralObserver;
class CMceComSession;
class CMceComAudioStream;
class CMceComAudioCodec;
class CMceComMediaStream;
class CMceSdpSession;
class CSdpDocument;
class CMceComMediaSink;
class CMceComMediaSource;
class CMceComRtpSource;
class CMceComRtpSink;
class CMceComSpeakerSink;
class CMceComDisplaySink;
class CMceComCameraSource;
class CMceComAMRCodec;
class CSdpMediaField;
class CMceSdpCodec;
class RStringF;
class CMccInterface;
class CMccSecureInterface;
class CMceNatPluginManager;
// Constants
const TInt KRtcpRR = 1;
const TInt KRtcpSR = 2;
const TInt KRtcpUndefined = 3;
* Media negotiator for encoding and decoding SDP according to
* offer/answer model defined in RFC 3264 and managing the MCC interface
class CMceMediaManager : public CBase, public MMccCtrlObserver
public: // Constructors and destructor
* Two-phased constructor.
static CMceMediaManager* NewL( MMceMediaGeneralObserver& aObserver );
* Two-phased constructor.
static CMceMediaManager* NewLC( MMceMediaGeneralObserver& aObserver );
* Destructor.
public: // new API for server
CMceNatPluginManager& NatPluginManager();
CSdpDocument* EncodeL( CMceComSession& aSession );
TMceSipWarningCode DecodeL( CMceComSession& aSession,
CSdpDocument& aSdpDocument );
TMceReturnStatus UpdateL( CMceComSession& aSession );
TMceReturnStatus ReserveL( CMceComSession& aSession, const TDesC8& aToken );
TBool ReservationNeeded( CMceComSession& aSession );
TBool NeedToNegotiate( CMceComSession& aSession, CSdpDocument* aSdpDocument = NULL );
TBool ConfirmationNeeded( CMceComSession& aSession );
TMceNegotiationRole GetRole( CMceComSession& aSession );
public: // API for server
* Creates a rejected SDP answer with all media lines set to 0.
* @param aSession, server session
* @return none.
void CreateRejectedAnswer( CMceComSession& aSession );
* Pauses the sink
* @param aSink, server sink
* @leaves with a system-wide error code
void PauseL( CMceComMediaSink& aSink );
* Pauses the source
* @param aSource, server source
* @leaves with a system-wide error code
void PauseL( CMceComMediaSource& aSource );
* Resumes the sink
* @param aSink, server sink
* @leaves with a system-wide error code
void ResumeL( CMceComMediaSink& aSink );
* Stops the source
* @param aSource, server source
* @leaves with a system-wide error code
void ResumeL( CMceComMediaSource& aSource );
* Closes the session
* @param aSession, server session
* @return One of the standard system-wide error codes.
TInt CloseSession( CMceComSession& aSession );
* Starts inactivity timer for the given RTP source
* @param aRtpSource
* @param aInactivityTimeout inactivity timeout
* @leaves with a system-wide error code
void StartInactivityTimerL( const CMceComRtpSource& aRtpSource,
TUint32 aInactivityTimeout );
* Stops inactivity timer for the given RTP source
* @param aRtpSource
* @leaves with a system-wide error code
void StopInactivityTimerL( const CMceComRtpSource& aRtpSource );
* Sends RTCP any data
* @param aMediaStream, stream
* @param aData, data payload
* @leaves with a system-wide error code
void SendRTCPAnyDataL( const CMceComMediaStream& aMediaStream,
const TDesC8& aData );
* Sends RTCP receiver report to uplink if possible.
* @param aRtpSink, rtp source
* @leaves with a system-wide error code
void SendRTCPReceiverReportL( const CMceComRtpSource& aRtpSource );
* Sends RTCP sender report to uplink if possible.
* @param aRtpSink, rtp sink
* @leaves with a system-wide error code
void SendRTCPSenderReportL( const CMceComRtpSink& aRtpSink );
* Gets current maximum volume supported.
* @param aMaxVolume - [output] maximum volume supported
* @leaves with a system-wide error code
void GetMaxVolumeL( TInt& aMaxVolume );
* Gets current volume.
* @param aSink, sink
* @param aVolume - [output] After completion, current volume
* @leaves with a system-wide error code
void GetVolumeL( const CMceComMediaSink& aSink,
TInt& aVolume );
* Sets playback volume.
* @param aSink, sink
* @param aVolume - [input] Volume value to set
* @leaves with a system-wide error code
void SetVolumeL( const CMceComMediaSink& aSink,
TInt aVolume );
* Gets audio routing.
* @param aSpeaker - [input] speaker sink
* @param aRoutingDestination on return contains destination where audio
* is currently routed. Usable values are defined in
* mmccinterfacedef.h (e.g. KMccAudioToPublic).
* @leaves with a system-wide error code
void GetAudioRoutingL( const CMceComSpeakerSink& aSpeaker,
TInt& aRoutingDestination );
* Sets audio routing.
* @param aSpeaker - [input] speaker sink
* @param aRoutingDestination destination into which audio is routed.
* Usable values are defined in mmccinterfacedef.h
* (e.g. KMccAudioToPublic).
void SetAudioRoutingL( const CMceComSpeakerSink& aSpeaker,
TInt aRoutingDestination );
* Sets balance of a given sink.
* @param aSink, sink
* @param aBalance - [input] Balance value to set
* @leaves with a system-wide error code
void SetBalanceL( const CMceComMediaSink& aSink,
TInt aBalance );
* Sets balance of a given source.
* @param aSource, source
* @param aBalance - [input] Balance value to set
* @leaves with a system-wide error code
void SetBalanceL( const CMceComMediaSource& aSource,
TInt aBalance );
* Gets current gain used in recording.
* @param aSource, source
* @param aGain - [output] After completion, current gain
* @leaves with a system-wide error code
void GetGainL( const CMceComMediaSource& aSource,
TInt& aGain );
* Gets current maximum gain supported.
* @param aMaxGain - [output] After completion, current gain
* @leaves with a system-wide error code
void GetMaxGainL( TInt& aMaxGain );
* Sets uplink/record gain to all ongoing sessions.
* @param aSource, source
* @param aGain - [input] Gain value to set
* @leaves with a system-wide error code
void SetGainL( const CMceComMediaSource& aSource,
TInt aGain );
* Gets number of displays available
* @param aDisplaysAvailable, return value
* @return One of the standard system-wide error codes.
void GetDisplaysAvailableL( TInt& aDisplaysAvailable );
* Gets display size
* @param aSink, sink
* @param aDisplayRect, return value
* @leaves with a system-wide error code
void GetDisplayRectL( CMceComDisplaySink& aSink,
TRect& aDisplayRect );
* Sets display size
* @param aSink, sink
* @param aDisplayRect, input value
* @leaves with a system-wide error code
void SetDisplayRectL( CMceComDisplaySink& aSink,
TRect aDisplayRect );
* Gets display priority
* @param aSink, sink
* @param aDisplayPriority, return value
* @leaves with a system-wide error code
void GetDisplayPriorityL( CMceComDisplaySink& aSink,
TInt& aDisplayPriority );
* Gets display rotation
* @param aSink, sink
* @param aDisplayRotation, return value
* @leaves with a system-wide error code
void GetDisplayRotationL( CMceComDisplaySink& aSink,
TInt& aDisplayRotation );
* Sets display priority
* @param aSink, sink
* @param aDisplayPriority, input value
* @leaves with a system-wide error code
void SetDisplayPriorityL( CMceComDisplaySink& aSink,
TInt aDisplayPriority );
* Sets display index
* @param aSink, sink
* @param aDisplayIndex, input value
* @leaves with a system-wide error code
void SetDisplayIndexL( CMceComDisplaySink& aSink,
TInt aDisplayIndex );
* Sets display rotation
* @param aSink, sink
* @param aDisplayRotation, input value
* @leaves with a system-wide error code
void SetDisplayRotationL( CMceComDisplaySink& aSink,
TInt aDisplayRotation );
* Gets camera info
* @param aCameraIndex, input value
* @param aCameraInfo, return value
* @leaves with a system-wide error code
void GetCameraInfoL( TInt aCameraIndex,
TCameraInfo& aCameraInfo );
* Gets available cameras
* @param aCamerasAvailable, return value
* @leaves with a system-wide error code
void GetCamerasAvailableL( TInt& aCamerasAvailable );
* Gets zoom factor of camera
* @param aSource, source
* @param aZoomFactor, return value
* @leaves with a system-wide error code
void GetZoomFactorL( CMceComCameraSource& aSource,
TInt& aZoomFactor );
* Gets digital zoom factor of camera
* @param aSource, source
* @param aDigitalZoomFactor, return value
* @leaves with a system-wide error code
void GetDigitalZoomFactorL( CMceComCameraSource& aSource,
TInt& aDigitalZoomFactor );
* Gets contrast of camera
* @param aSource, source
* @param aContrast, return value
* @leaves with a system-wide error code
void GetContrastL( CMceComCameraSource& aSource,
TInt& aContrast );
* Gets brightness of camera
* @param aSource, source
* @param aBrightness, return value
* @leaves with a system-wide error code
void GetBrightnessL( CMceComCameraSource& aSource,
TInt& aBrightness );
* Gets exposure of camera
* @param aSource, source
* @param aExposure, return value
* @leaves with a system-wide error code
void GetExposureL( CMceComCameraSource& aSource,
TInt& aExposure );
* Gets white balance of camera
* @param aSource, source
* @param aWhiteBalance, return value
* @leaves with a system-wide error code
void GetWhiteBalanceL( CMceComCameraSource& aSource,
TInt& aWhiteBalance );
* Sets camera index of camera
* @param aSource, source
* @param aCameraIndex, input value
* @param aCameraInfo, return value
* @leaves with a system-wide error code
void SetCameraIndexL( CMceComCameraSource& aSource,
TInt aCameraIndex,
TCameraInfo& aCameraInfo );
* Sets zoom factor of camera
* @param aSource, source
* @param aZoomFactor, input value
* @leaves with a system-wide error code
void SetZoomFactorL( CMceComCameraSource& aSource,
TInt aZoomFactor );
* Sets digital zoom factor of camera
* @param aSource, source
* @param aDigitalZoomFactor, input value
* @leaves with a system-wide error code
void SetDigitalZoomFactorL( CMceComCameraSource& aSource,
TInt aDigitalZoomFactor );
* Sets contrast of camera
* @param aSource, source
* @param aContrast, input value
* @leaves with a system-wide error code
void SetContrastL( CMceComCameraSource& aSource,
TInt aContrast );
* Sets brightness of camera
* @param aSource, source
* @param aBrightness, input value
* @leaves with a system-wide error code
void SetBrightnessL( CMceComCameraSource& aSource,
TInt aBrightness );
* Sets exposure of camera
* @param aSource, source
* @param aExposure, input value
* @leaves with a system-wide error code
void SetExposureL( CMceComCameraSource& aSource,
TInt aExposure );
* Sets white balance of camera
* @param aSource, source
* @param aWhiteBalance, input value
* @leaves with a system-wide error code
void SetWhiteBalanceL( CMceComCameraSource& aSource,
TInt aWhiteBalance );
* Gets file info
* @param aSource, source
* @param aFileInfo, return value
* @leaves with a system-wide error code
void GetFileInfoL( CMceComFileSource& aSource,
TMceFileInfo& aFileInfo );
* Gets file info
* @param aFileInfo, return value
* @leaves with a system-wide error code
void GetFileInfoL( TMceFileInfo& aFileInfo );
* Sets file info
* @param aSource, source
* @param aFileInfo, return value
* @leaves with a system-wide error code
void SetFileInfoL( CMceComFileSource& aSource,
TMceFileInfo& aFileInfo );
* Gets file position
* @param aSource, source
* @param aFilePosition, return value
* @leaves with a system-wide error code
void GetFilePositionL( CMceComFileSource& aSource,
TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds& aFilePosition );
* Sets file position
* @param aSource, source
* @param aFilePosition, input value
* @leaves with a system-wide error code
void SetFilePositionL( CMceComFileSource& aSource,
TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds& aFilePosition );
* Sets FF
* @param aSource, source
* @param aOnOff, inout value
* @leaves with a system-wide error code
void FastForwardL( CMceComFileSource& aSource,
TBool& aOnOff );
* Sets RW
* @param aSource, source
* @param aOnOff, inout value
* @leaves with a system-wide error code
void FastRewindL( CMceComFileSource& aSource,
TBool& aOnOff );
* Transcodes file
* @param aFile, source
* @return transcoding session id
* @leaves with a system-wide error code
TUint32 TranscodeFileL( CMceComFileSource* aFile );
* Cancels transcoding
* @param aSessionId, transcoding session id
* @leaves with a system-wide error code
void CancelTranscodeFileL( TUint32 aSessionId );
* Get supported codecs.
* @param aCodecs - [output] An array to be filled with FourCC codes
* @return One of the standard system-wide error codes.
TInt GetSupportedCodecs( RArray<TFourCC>& aCodecs );
* Returns array of audio capabilities in aCapabilities. Note that data that
* the aCapabilities contains before calling this function will be
* lost during the excecution of this function. Note also that the CLIENT
* is responsible for the destruction of the objects contained in the
* parameter array.
* @param aCapabilities Codec capabilities
* @return None
void GetCapabilitiesL( RPointerArray<CMceComAudioCodec>& aCapabilities );
* Returns array of video capabilities in aCapabilities. Note that data that
* the aCapabilities contains before calling this function will be
* lost during the excecution of this function. Note also that the CLIENT
* is responsible for the destruction of the objects contained in the
* parameter array.
* @param aCapabilities Codec capabilities
* @return None
void GetCapabilitiesL( RPointerArray<CMceComVideoCodec>& aCapabilities );
* Handles dtmf sending.
* @param aMediaSource
* @param aEvent
* @param aSequence
* @return None
void DtmfL( CMceComMediaSource& aSource,
TMceComEvent& aEvent,
const TDesC8& aSequence = KNullDesC8 );
* Sets CName used in RTP session
* @param aEndpoint
* @param aCName
void SetCNameL( const CMceComEndpoint& aEndpoint, const TDesC8& aCName );
* Updates configuration key fetched from camera to all endpoints
* within the same session which might need configuration key information,
* @param aSource
void UpdateConfigKeyL( const CMceComMediaSource& aSource );
void UpDateStreamStateL(CMceComSession& currentSession,
CMceComSession& forkSession );
void ForceEnableSinkState(CMceComSession& aSession );
private: //
* Callback function to receive media link created prepared event.
* @param aSessionId Session ID
* @param aLinkId Link ID
* @param aNetSettings network settings
void MccMediaLinkCreated( TUint32 aSessionId,
TUint32 aLinkId,
const TDesC8& aNetSettings );
private: // from MMccCtrlObserver
* Callback function to receive media signalling
* @param aEvent Received media signal
void MccEventReceived( const TMccEvent& aEvent );
* Callback function to receive media prepared event.
* @param aSessionId Session ID
* @param aLinkId Link ID
* @param aStreamId Stream ID
* @param aSinkSourceId Sink or source ID
void MccMediaPrepared( TUint32 aSessionId,
TUint32 aLinkId,
TUint32 aStreamId,
TUint32 aSinkSourceId );
* Callback function to receive media started event.
* @param aSessionId Session ID
* @param aLinkId Link ID
* @param aStreamId Stream ID
* @param aSinkSourceId Sink or source ID
void MccMediaStarted( TUint32 aSessionId,
TUint32 aLinkId,
TUint32 aStreamId,
TUint32 aSinkSourceId );
* Callback function to receive media stopped event.
* @param aSessionId Session ID
* @param aLinkId Link ID
* @param aStreamId Stream ID
* @param aSinkSourceId Sink or source ID
void MccMediaStopped( TUint32 aSessionId,
TUint32 aLinkId,
TUint32 aStreamId,
TUint32 aSinkSourceId );
* Callback function to receive media paused event.
* @param aSessionId Session ID
* @param aLinkId Link ID
* @param aStreamId Stream ID
* @param aSinkSourceId Sink or source ID
void MccMediaPaused( TUint32 aSessionId,
TUint32 aLinkId,
TUint32 aStreamId,
TUint32 aSinkSourceId );
* Callback function to receive media resumed event.
* @param aSessionId Session ID
* @param aLinkId Link ID
* @param aStreamId Stream ID
* @param aSinkSourceId Sink or source ID
void MccMediaResumed( TUint32 aSessionId,
TUint32 aLinkId,
TUint32 aStreamId,
TUint32 aSinkSourceId );
* Callback function to receive media inactivity event.
* @param aSessionId Session ID
* @param aLinkId Link ID
* @param aStreamId Stream ID
* @param aSinkSourceId Sink or source ID
void MccMediaInactive( TUint32 aSessionId,
TUint32 aLinkId,
TUint32 aStreamId,
TUint32 aSinkSourceId );
* Callback function to receive media activity event. The
* function is called when the first RTP packet is received
* by a downlink stream.
* @param aSessionId Session ID
* @param aLinkId Link ID
* @param aStreamId Stream ID
* @param aSinkSourceId Sink or source ID
void MccMediaActive( TUint32 aSessionId,
TUint32 aLinkId,
TUint32 aStreamId,
TUint32 aSinkSourceId );
* Callback function to receive error event.
* @param aError Error code
* @param aSessionId Session ID
* @param aLinkId Link ID
* @param aSinkSourceId Sink or source ID
void MccCtrlError( TInt aError,
TUint32 aSessionId,
TUint32 aLinkId,
TUint32 aStreamId,
TUint32 aSinkSourceId );
public: // new functions
CMceSdpSession& CreateSessionL( CMceComSession& aSession );
CMceSdpSession* SdpSession( CMceComSession& aSession );
void CreateMccSessionL( CMceComSession& aSession );
void InitializeMccStreamL( CMceSrvStream& aStream );
void CreateMccLinkL( CMceSrvStream& aStream );
void CreateMccStreamL( CMceSrvStream& aStream,
TMceNegotiationRole aRole );
void PrepareMccStreamL( CMceSrvStream& aStream,
TMceNegotiationRole aRole );
void StartMccStreamL( CMceSrvStream& aStream );
void AdjustMccStreamL( CMceSrvStream& aStream );
void ValidateMccStreamL( CMceSrvStream& aStream );
void StopMccStream( CMceSrvStream& aStream );
void SetRemoteAddressL( CMceSrvStream& aStream );
void PrepareUpdateL( CMceSdpSession& aSession );
void CleanupL( CMceComSession& aSession );
void DisposeMediaStreamL( CMceComMediaStream* aStream );
void DisposeCodecL( CMceComCodec* aCodec );
CMceSdpCodec* SdpCodec( const CSdpMediaField& aMedia );
CMceSdpCodec* SdpCodec( CMceComMediaStream& aStream );
void SynchronizeMccStreamL( CMceSrvStream& aStream,
TMceNegotiationRole aRole,
TBool aSyncCodecOnly = EFalse );
void SynchronizeMccStreamL( CMceSrvStream& aStream,
TUint32 aForceEnableEndpoint = 0,
TUint32 aForceDisableEndpoint = 0 );
TUint32 GetSSRCL( CMceSrvStream& aStream );
void EnableViewFinderL( const CMceComMediaSink& aMediaSink, const TDesC8& aParam );
void DisableViewFinderL( const CMceComMediaSink& aMediaSink );
TBool ReuseLink( CMceSrvStream& aStream );
TBool ReuseSource( CMceSrvStream& aStream );
TBool ReuseSink( CMceSrvStream& aStream );
TBool CanReleaseEndpoint( CMceSrvStream& aStream, TUint32 aEndpointId );
TInt ReleaseSink( CMceSrvStream& aStream, TUint32 aEndpointId );
TInt ReleaseSource( CMceSrvStream& aStream, TUint32 aEndpointId );
void SetMccParameterL( TUint32 aParam,
const TDesC8& aValue ) const;
void GetMccParameterL( TUint32 aParam,
TDes8& aValue ) const;
void SetMccParameterL( const CMceComMediaSink& aMediaSink,
TUint32 aParam,
const TDesC8& aValue,
TBool aAllowNonPrepared = EFalse ) const;
void SetMccParameterL( const CMceComMediaSource& aMediaSource,
TUint32 aParam,
const TDesC8& aValue,
TBool aAllowNonPrepared = EFalse ) const;
void GetMccParameterL( const CMceComMediaSink& aMediaSink,
TUint32 aParam,
TDes8& aValue,
TBool aAllowNonPrepared = EFalse ) const;
void GetMccParameterL( const CMceComMediaSource& aMediaSource,
TUint32 aParam,
TDes8& aValue,
TBool aAllowNonPrepared = EFalse ) const;
void UpdateMccSourceL( CMceComCameraSource& aMediaSource );
private: // for private usage only
CMccCodecInformation* CreateMccCodecLC( CMceSrvStream& aStream,
TMceNegotiationRole aRole );
void UpdateAcceptedL( CMceSdpSession& aSdpSession );
void UpdateRejectedL( CMceSdpSession& aSdpSession );
TInt RequireSignallingL( CMceComSession& aSession,
CMceComSession& aBackup );
void CleanupSessionL( CMceComSession& aSession );
* Gets Sdp session
* @param aMccSessionId.
* @return session if found, NULL otherwise
CMceComSession* Session( TUint32 aSessionId );
* Removes corresponding Sdp session(s), which is no longer needed
void RemoveSession( CMceSdpSession* sdpSession );
CMceComFileSource* TranscodingSession( const CMceComFileSource& aFile ) const;
CMceComFileSource* TranscodingSession( TUint32 aTcSessionId ) const;
void MccTranscodeEventReceived( const TMccEvent& aEvent );
TBool UseRtcp( CMceSrvStream& aStream );
void FillMceFileInfoL( TMccFileSourceSetting& aMccFileInfo,
TMceFileInfo& aMceFileInfo ) const;
TBool DoStartEndpointsL( CMceSrvStream& aStream,
TUint32 aForceEnableEndpoint,
TUint32 aForceDisableEndpoint );
TBool DoResumeEndpointsL( CMceSrvStream& aStream, TUint32 aForceEnableEndpoint );
TBool DoPauseEndpointsL( CMceSrvStream& aStream,
TUint32 aForceDisableeEndpoint );
void SetPendingState( CMceSrvStream& aStream,
TUint32 aEndpointId,
CMceSrvStream::TState aState );
TBool DoDtmfL( CMceComMediaSource& aSource,
TMceComEvent& aEvent,
const TDesC8& aSequence,
TBool aUseBoundStream = EFalse );
CMceComCodec* DoAdjustMccStreamL( CMceSrvStream& aStream );
void DoConfigKeyUpdateL( CMceComMediaStream& aStream, HBufC8* aConfigKey );
void CreateTranscodingOutputCodecsL( CMccCodecInformation** aAudioCodec ,
CMccCodecInformation** aVideoCodec,
CMceComFileSource* aFile );
* By default Symbian 2nd phase constructor is private.
void ConstructL( MMceMediaGeneralObserver& aObserver );
* C++ default constructor
public : // Data
CMccSecureInterface* iMccSecureInterface;
private: // Data
// Pointer to MCCInterface, owned
CMccInterface* iMccInterface;
// Pointer to CMceNatPluginManager, owned
CMceNatPluginManager* iNatPluginManager;
RPointerArray<CMceSdpSession> iMceSdpSessions;
MMceMediaGeneralObserver* iObserver;
// List of SDP codecs
RPointerArray<CMceSdpCodec> iSdpCodecs;
RPointerArray<CMceComFileSource> iTranscodeSessions;
friend class CMceSdpSession;
//definitions for unit testing
friend class UT_CMceSecureDesStream;
friend class UT_CMceSecureMediaSession;
// End of File