* Copyright (c) 2005 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description:
#include <sdpcodecstringconstants.h>
#include "mcelogs.h"
#include "mcesrvsink.h"
#include "mcesrvsource.h"
#include "mcecommediasink.h"
#include "mcecommediasource.h"
#include "mcecomcodec.h"
#include "mceaudiostream.h"
#include "mcevideostream.h"
#undef _DEBUG
* Class provides logging through RDebug in debug builds
* 'MCE: ' added automatically in fron of every logged line
class TMceMMDebug
#ifdef _DEBUG
inline static void Print(const TDesC16& aStr)
TChar notAllowed('%');
if ( aStr.Locate( notAllowed ) == KErrNotFound )
_LIT(KMceFormat, "[Media Manager] %S");
TBuf<256> str;
str.Format(KMceFormat, &aStr);
TMceDebug::Print( str, ETrue );
_LIT(KMceWarning, "MCE: Text contains not allowed characters, log ignored");
RDebug::Print( KMceWarning );
inline static void Print(const TDesC16& aStr1, TUint32 aValue1 )
TChar notAllowed('%');
if ( aStr1.Locate( notAllowed ) == KErrNotFound )
_LIT(KMceFormat, "[Media Manager] %S=%d");
TBuf<256> str;
str.Format(KMceFormat, &aStr1, aValue1);
TMceDebug::Print( str, ETrue );
_LIT(KMceWarning, "MCE: Text contains not allowed characters, log ignored");
RDebug::Print( KMceWarning );
inline static void Print( const TDesC16& aStr1, const TDesC16& aStr2 )
TChar notAllowed('%');
if ( aStr1.Locate( notAllowed ) == KErrNotFound &&
aStr2.Locate( notAllowed ) == KErrNotFound )
_LIT(KMceFormat, "[Media Manager] %S=%S");
TBuf<256> str;
str.Format(KMceFormat, &aStr1, &aStr2);
TMceDebug::Print( str, ETrue );
_LIT(KMceWarning, "MCE: Text contains not allowed characters, log ignored");
RDebug::Print( KMceWarning );
inline static void Print(const TDesC16& aStr1, TUint32 aValue1, const TDesC16& aStr2, TUint32 aValue2 )
TChar notAllowed('%');
if ( aStr1.Locate( notAllowed ) == KErrNotFound )
_LIT(KMceFormat, "[Media Manager] %S=%d, %S=%d");
TBuf<256> str;
str.Format(KMceFormat, &aStr1, aValue1, &aStr2, aValue2 );
TMceDebug::Print( str );
_LIT(KMceWarning, "MCE: Text contains not allowed characters, log ignored");
RDebug::Print( KMceWarning );
inline static void Print( const TDesC16& aStr1, const TDesC8& aValue1 )
TChar notAllowed('%');
if ( aStr1.Locate( notAllowed ) == KErrNotFound )
TBuf<100> str2;
CnvUtfConverter::ConvertToUnicodeFromUtf8(str2, aValue1);
_LIT(KMceFormat, "[Media Manager] %S=\"%S\"");
TBuf<256> str;
str.Format(KMceFormat, &aStr1, &str2);
TMceDebug::Print( str );
_LIT(KMceWarning, "MCE: Text contains not allowed characters, log ignored");
RDebug::Print( KMceWarning );
#if ( defined _DEBUG ) && ( !defined EUNIT_UNIT_TEST_COVERAGE )
#define MCEMM_DEBUG( a ) { TMceMMDebug::Print( _L( a ) ); }
#define MCEMM_DEBUG2( a, b ) { TMceMMDebug::Print( _L( a ), _L( b ) ); }
#define MCEMM_DEBUG_DVALUE( a, b ) { TMceMMDebug::Print( _L( a ), b ); }
#define MCEMM_DEBUG_DVALUES( a, b, c, d ) { TMceMMDebug::Print( _L( a ), b, _L( c ), d ); }
#define MCEMM_DEBUG_SVALUE( a, b ) { TMceMMDebug::Print( _L( a ), b ); }
#define MCEMM_DEBUG_SVALUE16( a, b ) { TMceMMDebug::Print( _L( a ), b ); }
#define MCEMM_DEBUG_STATE( str, state )\
switch( state )\
case KMceMediaIdle:{ MCEMM_DEBUG2( str, "KMceMediaIdle" );break; }\
case KMceOfferingMedia:{ MCEMM_DEBUG2( str, "KMceOfferingMedia" );break; }\
case KMceAnsweringMedia:{ MCEMM_DEBUG2( str, "KMceAnsweringMedia" );break; }\
case KMceAnsweringMediaUpdate:{ MCEMM_DEBUG2( str, "KMceAnsweringMediaUpdate" );break; }\
case KMceMediaNegotiated:{ MCEMM_DEBUG2( str, "KMceMediaNegotiated" );break; }\
case KMcePreparingOffererStreams:{ MCEMM_DEBUG2( str, "KMcePreparingOffererStreams" );break; }\
case KMceStartingOffererReceiveStreams:{ MCEMM_DEBUG2( str, "KMceStartingOffererReceiveStreams" );break; }\
case KMceStartingOffererSendStreams:{ MCEMM_DEBUG2( str, "KMceStartingOffererSendStreams" );break; }\
case KMcePreparingAnswererStreams:{ MCEMM_DEBUG2( str, "KMcePreparingAnswererStreams" );break; }\
case KMceStartingAnswererStreams:{ MCEMM_DEBUG2( str, "KMceStartingAnswererStreams" );break; }\
default:{ MCEMM_DEBUG_DVALUE( str, state );break; }\
#define MCEMM_DEBUG_STATE_1( str, session )\
if ( &session.NegotiationState() )\
MCEMM_DEBUG_STATE( str, session.NegotiationState().Id() );\
MCEMM_DEBUG( "no state!" );\
#define MCEMM_DEBUG_MEDIASTATE( str, state )\
switch( state )\
case CMceSrvStream::EAdopted:{ MCEMM_DEBUG2( str, "EAdopted" );break; }\
case CMceSrvStream::ECreated:{ MCEMM_DEBUG2( str, "ECreated" );break; }\
case CMceSrvStream::ECreatingLink:{ MCEMM_DEBUG2( str, "ECreatingLink" );break; }\
case CMceSrvStream::ELinkCreated:{ MCEMM_DEBUG2( str, "ELinkCreated" );break; }\
case CMceSrvStream::EPreparing:{ MCEMM_DEBUG2( str, "EPreparing" );break; }\
case CMceSrvStream::EPrepared:{ MCEMM_DEBUG2( str, "EPrepared" );break; }\
case CMceSrvStream::EStarting:{ MCEMM_DEBUG2( str, "EStarting" );break; }\
case CMceSrvStream::EPending:{ MCEMM_DEBUG2( str, "EPending" );break; }\
case CMceSrvStream::EStopped:{ MCEMM_DEBUG2( str, "EStopped" );break; }\
case CMceSrvStream::EInactive:{ MCEMM_DEBUG2( str, "EInactive" );break; }\
case CMceSrvStream::EStarted:{ MCEMM_DEBUG2( str, "EStarted" );break; }\
case CMceSrvStream::EPausing:{ MCEMM_DEBUG2( str, "EPausing" );break; }\
case CMceSrvStream::EPaused:{ MCEMM_DEBUG2( str, "EPaused" );break; }\
default:{ MCEMM_DEBUG_DVALUE( str, state );break; }\
#define MCEMM_DEBUG_STREAMMEDIA( str, type )\
switch( type )\
case KMceAudio:{ MCEMM_DEBUG2( str, "audio" );break; }\
case KMceVideo:{ MCEMM_DEBUG2( str, "video" );break; }\
default:{ MCEMM_DEBUG_DVALUE( str, type );break; }\
#define MCEMM_DEBUG_STREAMTYPE( str, type )\
switch( type )\
case CMceComMediaStream::ELocalStream:{ MCEMM_DEBUG2( str, "ELocalStream" );break; }\
case CMceComMediaStream::ESendOnlyStream:{ MCEMM_DEBUG2( str, "ESendOnlyStream" );break; }\
case CMceComMediaStream::EReceiveOnlyStream:{ MCEMM_DEBUG2( str, "EReceiveOnlyStream" );break; }\
case CMceComMediaStream::ESendStream:{ MCEMM_DEBUG2( str, "ESendStream" );break; }\
case CMceComMediaStream::EReceiveStream:{ MCEMM_DEBUG2( str, "EReceiveStream" );break; }\
default:{ MCEMM_DEBUG_DVALUE( str, type );break; }\
switch( type )\
case SdpCodecStringConstants::EAttributeSendrecv:{ MCEMM_DEBUG2( str, "sendrecv" );break; }\
case SdpCodecStringConstants::EAttributeRecvonly:{ MCEMM_DEBUG2( str, "recvonly" );break; }\
case SdpCodecStringConstants::EAttributeSendonly:{ MCEMM_DEBUG2( str, "sendonly" );break; }\
case SdpCodecStringConstants::EAttributeInactive:{ MCEMM_DEBUG2( str, "inactive" );break; }\
default:{ MCEMM_DEBUG_DVALUE( str, type );break; }\
/*lint -e666 */
#define MCEMM_DEBUG_STREAM( str, stream )\
MCEMM_DEBUG( str );\
if ( !(stream).IsAdopted() )\
MCEMM_DEBUG_DVALUE(" Session id ", (stream).SessionId() );\
MCEMM_DEBUG_STREAMMEDIA(" Stream media ", (stream).Data().iType );\
MCEMM_DEBUG_DVALUE(" Stream id ", (stream).Id() );\
MCEMM_DEBUG_DVALUE(" Stream link id ", (stream).LinkId() );\
MCEMM_DEBUG_STREAMTYPE(" Stream type ", (stream).StreamType() );\
MCEMM_DEBUG_DVALUE(" Stream enabled ", (stream).Data().IsEnabled() );\
MCEMM_DEBUG_STREAMDIRECTION(" Stream direction ", (stream).Data().Direction() );\
MCEMM_DEBUG_MEDIASTATE(" Stream state ", (stream).State() );\
MCEMM_DEBUG_SVALUE( " Codec name ", (stream).Codec().iSdpName );\
MCEMM_DEBUG_DVALUE( " Codec enabled ", (stream).Codec().iIsEnabled );\
MCEMM_DEBUG_DVALUE( " Codec payload ", (stream).Codec().iPayloadType );\
MCEMM_DEBUG_DVALUE(" Sink id ", (stream).Sink().Id() );\
MCEMM_DEBUG_MEDIASTATE(" Sink state ", (stream).Sink().State() );\
MCEMM_DEBUG_DVALUE(" Sink enabled (l) ", (stream).Sink().Data().IsEnabled() );\
MCEMM_DEBUG_DVALUE(" Sink enabled (e2e) ", (stream).Sink().Data().IsEnabled( KMceEnabledE2e ) );\
MCEMM_DEBUG_DVALUE(" Source id ", (stream).Source().Id() );\
MCEMM_DEBUG_MEDIASTATE(" Source state ", (stream).Source().State() );\
MCEMM_DEBUG_DVALUE(" Source enabled (l) ", (stream).Source().Data().IsEnabled() );\
MCEMM_DEBUG_DVALUE(" Source enabled (e2e)", (stream).Source().Data().IsEnabled( KMceEnabledE2e ) );\
MCEMM_DEBUG_DVALUE(" Session id ", (stream).SessionId() );\
MCEMM_DEBUG_DVALUE(" Stream id ", (stream).Id() );\
MCEMM_DEBUG_DVALUE(" Stream link id ", (stream).LinkId() );\
#define MCEMM_DEBUG( a )
#define MCEMM_DEBUG2( a, b )
#define MCEMM_DEBUG_DVALUE( a, b )
#define MCEMM_DEBUG_DVALUES( a, b, c, d )
#define MCEMM_DEBUG_SVALUE( a, b )
#define MCEMM_DEBUG_STATE( str, state )
#define MCEMM_DEBUG_STATE_1( str, session )
#define MCEMM_DEBUG_MEDIASTATE( str, state )
#define MCEMM_DEBUG_STREAMTYPE( str, type )
#define MCEMM_DEBUG_STREAM( str, stream )
#define MCEMM_DEBUG_STREAMMEDIA( str, type )
// End of File