author William Roberts <>
Fri, 11 Jun 2010 16:25:18 +0100
changeset 24 c50373b4327b
parent 12 966b25fd74b5
child 17 a5ac35ca6d81
permissions -rw-r--r--
Branch for GCC_SURGE fixes

* Copyright (c) 2004 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description:    


#include <e32base.h>
#include <e32cmn.h>
#include <e32std.h> 
#include <in_sock.h>
#include <stringpool.h>

#include "mcecommediastream.h"
#include "mcemediadefs.h"
#include "mcesrv.h"
#include "mcesip.h"

class CSdpDocument;
class CMceComSession;
class CMceComAudioStream;
class CSdpMediaField;
class CSdpOriginField;
class CMceMediaManager;
class CMceSdpCodec;
class CSIPDialogAssocBase;

*  Class for storing session specific SDP parameters
class CMceSdpSession : public CBase

    public:  // enums
    enum TOfferType
    public:  // Constructors and destructor
        * Two-phased constructor.
        static CMceSdpSession* NewL( CMceComSession& aSession,
                                     CMceMediaManager& aManager );

        * Two-phased constructor.
        static CMceSdpSession* NewLC( CMceComSession& aSession,
                                      CMceMediaManager& aManager );

        * Destructor.
        CMceMediaManager& Manager() const;

        * Createas a SDPDocument based on the streams in iSession. For each stream
        * a media line is created in the sdp document. Fails if one of the streams 
        * is not supported / failed
        * @since
        * @param None.
        * @return CSdpDocument, containing the offer
        CSdpDocument* CreateOfferL( CMceComSession& aSession, TOfferType aType = EFirst );
        * Goes through the answer and removes all the not supported codecs from 
        * iSession streams so that for each stream one codec is left. Otherwise
        * fail.
        * @since
        * @param None.
        * @return KErrNone, if successful, error if answer is not accepted 
        TInt DecodeAnswerL( CSdpDocument& aSdpDocument, CMceComSession& aSession );
        * Decodes the incoming offer. For each media line in the offer, create corresponding
        * stream in aSession. If one of the streams failes, then fail the whole offer.
        * NOTE! if KErrNotSupported is returned, offer is rejected and next time CreateAnswerL()
        * is called it creates a rejected answer.
        * @return KErrNone, if successful, KErrNotSupported if failed
        TInt DecodeOfferL( CSdpDocument& aSdpDocument, CMceComSession& aSession );
        * Creates an answer based on the OFFER received and the application's
        * updated preferences. In successful case SdpDocument will have one selected rtpmap
        * field for each media line and updated port number. And all session level parameters.
        * NOTE! if any of the media lines fail, SdpDocument will have rejected media lines.
        * @since
        * @param None.
        * @return KErrNone, if successful, KErrNotSupported if offer was rejected,        
        CSdpDocument& CreateAnswerL( CMceComSession& aSession, TBool aInvalid = EFalse ); 

    public: // New functions
        * Set SDP <session name>. Default is -.
        * Leaves with system wide error code if setting fails.
        * @since
        * @param aUserName User name.
        * @return None.
        void SetSessionNameL( const TDesC8& aUserName );
        * Get SDP <session name>
        * @since
        * @param None.
        * @return Session name
        const TDesC8& SessionName() const;
        * Set SDP <username>. Default is MediaManager.
        * Leaves with system wide error code if setting fails.
        * @since
        * @param aUserName User name.
        * @return None.
        void SetUserNameL( const TDesC8& aUserName );
        * Get SDP <username>
        * @since
        * @param None.
        * @return User name.
        const TDesC8& UserName() const;

        * Stores the remote o= field
        * @param None.
        * @return None.
        void StoreRemoteOriginL();
        * Checks if the SDP is refresh or re-invite
        * @param aSdpDocument, SDP document
        * @return None.
        TBool IsSessionRefresh( CSdpDocument* aSdpDocument = NULL );

        * Cleans session level parameters
        * @since
        * @param aSessionVersion Session version.
        * @return None.
        void CleanSessionParams( CSdpDocument& aDocument ) const;
        TBool DetachMedia( CMceComSession& aSession );
        void StockMediaSessionL();
        CMceSdpSession& ForkL();

        CMceComSession* Consumes( TUint32 aSessionId );
        void ContextSwitch( CMceSdpSession* aForkedSession = NULL );

        TBool IsMaster();
        void AttachContext( CSIPDialogAssocBase* aContext );

        CSIPDialogAssocBase* Context();

        TBool ContextSwitchRequested();
        void UpdateSecureStreamL( CMceComSession& aSession );

public: //update handling
        * Set the current media session
        * @param aSession the current media session
        void SetMediaSession( CMceComSession* aSession );
        * Get the current media session
        * @return the current media session
        CMceComSession* MediaSession();
        * Store backup session for current media session
        * @param aSession the backup media session
        void SetBackup( CMceComSession* aSession );
        * backup session
        * @param None.
        * @return server session
        CMceComSession* Backup();
        * Return indication wheater signalling is required
        * @return reference to value indication wheater signalling is required
        TInt& SignallingRequired();

        * Return indication wheater network resource reservation is ready
        * @return flag indication wheater network resource reservation is ready
        TBool NeedToNegotiate( CMceComSession& aSession );
        TBool ReservationNeeded( CMceComSession& aSession );
        TMceReturnStatus ReserveL( CMceComSession& aSession );

        * prepares session refresh
        * @param aSession the media session
        void PrepareSessionRefreshL( CMceComSession& aSession );

        void SdpCleanup( CSdpDocument* aPrevious, CSdpDocument* aReplacement );
    private: // for internal use only
        * Encodes session level parameters
        * @param aSession the media session
        * @param aDocument the sdp document
        * @param aType the type of offer
        * @return None.
        void EncodeSessionParamsL( CMceComSession& aSession, 
                                   CSdpDocument& aDocument, 
                                   TOfferType aType = EFirst );
        * Encodes session level attributes client is willing to insert
        * @param aSession the media session
        * @param aDocument the sdp document
        void EncodeClientAttributesL( CMceComSession& aSession,
                                      CSdpDocument& aDocument ) const;

        * Decodes session level attributes to be sent to client
        * @param aDocument the sdp document
        * @param aSession the media session
        void DecodeClientAttributesL( CSdpDocument& aDocument, 
                                      CMceComSession& aSession ) const;  
        * Gets a random number for version and session id 
        * @since
        * @param aSessionVersion Session version.
        * @return None.
        TInt64 GetRandomNumber();
        TMceSipWarningCode SetRemoteIpAddressL( CMceComSession& aSession,
                                                CSdpDocument& aSdpDocument );
        void PrepareForAnswerEncodeL( CSdpMediaField& aMediaLine );
        CSdpMediaField* CreateMediaLineLC( CMceComMediaStream& aStream ) const;
        TBool MediaLineLC( CSdpMediaField*& aMediaLine, 
                           CMceSdpCodec*& sdpCodec,
                           CMceComMediaStream* aStream,
                           RPointerArray<CSdpMediaField>& aMediaLines,
                           RPointerArray<CMceComMediaStream>& aStreams );
        CMceComMediaStream* MediaSlotInUse( TInt aMediaLine, 
                                            RPointerArray<CMceComMediaStream>& aStreams );

        void DecodeConnectionFieldL( CSdpDocument& aSdpDocument, CMceComSession& aSession );
        void EncodeConnectionFieldL( CMceComSession& aSession, CSdpDocument& aSdpDocument );

        void MatchingStreamsToMLinesL( 
            CSdpDocument& aSdpDocument, CMceComSession& aSession );
        void DecodePullModeUpdateMediaLineL( CSdpDocument& aSdpDocument, 
                                             CMceComSession& aSession,
                                             CSdpMediaField& aMediaLine,
                                             TInt aIndex,
                                             CMceSdpCodec& aSdpCodec );   

        * Stores the remote a= field
        * @param None.
        * @return None.
        void StoreRemoteMediaFieldsL();

        * Compares media lines 
        * @param aFieldsSrc for media lines being compared 
        * @param aFieldsDst for media lines being compared
        * @return ETrue if media lines are equal, EFalse otherwise
        TBool CompareMediaLines( 
            RPointerArray<CSdpMediaField>& aFieldsSrc,
            RPointerArray<CSdpMediaField>& aFieldsDst ) const;
        * By default Symbian 2nd phase constructor is private.
        void ConstructL();
        * C++ default constructor
        CMceSdpSession( CMceComSession& aSession, CMceMediaManager& aManager );  
    public:    // Owned Data

        CMceComSession* iInitialSession;

    public:    // Data
        CMceMediaManager& iManager;
        // User name in SDP origin field
        HBufC8* iUserName;  
        // Session name in SDP session name field
        HBufC8* iSessionName;
        // Session ID in SDP origin field
        TInt64 iSessionId;

        // Session version in SDP origin field
        TInt64 iSessionVersion; 
        // reference to corresponding server stream
        CMceComSession* iSession;
        // pointer to backup stream
        CMceComSession* iBackup;
        // SDP document, not owned
        CSdpDocument* iSdpDocument;
        // the origin field received last from the remote end
        CSdpOriginField* iRemoteOrigin;
        // the "a:-" field received last from the remote end
        RPointerArray<CSdpMediaField> iSdpRemoteMediaFields;
        TInt iIsSignallingRequired;
        RStringPool iStringPool;
        const TStringTable* iStringTable;
        // OldSchool Flag Outgoing Session
     	TUint iOOldSchool;
     	// OldSchool Flag for Incomming Session
     	TUint iIOldSchool;
     	TUint iOOldSchoolProceeding;
        TUint iOOldSchoolCompleted;

        TBool iIsMaster;
        CSIPDialogAssocBase* iContext;
        CSIPDialogAssocBase* iRequestedContext;
        // old local port, used for refresh
        TUint iOldLocalMediaPort;
    	//definitions for unit testing

public: //inner classes

    class TIterator

        enum TFilter
            EFilterNone = 0,
            TIterator( RPointerArray<CMceSdpSession>& aSessions, TFilter aFilter =  EFilterNone );
            TBool IsEof();
            TBool Next( CMceSdpSession*& aCandidate );
            void Reset();
            TInt Count();
            TInt Remove();
            TInt Current();
            void SetFilter( TFilter aFilter );
            TFilter iFilter;
            RPointerArray<CMceSdpSession>& iSessions;
            TInt iCurrentIndex;


#endif      // CMCESDPPARAMETERS_H   
// End of File