author hgs
Fri, 09 Jul 2010 13:14:28 +0300
changeset 32 f2ed1fc4c163
parent 0 1bce908db942
permissions -rw-r--r--

* Copyright (c) 2006-2007 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description:    Connection multiplexer connection abstraction.


#include <e32base.h>
#include <in_sock.h>

#include "mncmsourceobserver.h"
#include "mncmreceiversenderobserver.h"
#include "natfwconnectivityapidefs.h"

class MNcmMultiplexerConnectionObserver;
class CNcmConnectionObserverHandler;
class CNcmSender;
class CNcmReceiver;

 * Connection multiplexer connection abstraction.
 *  @lib connectionmux.lib
 *  @since S60 v3.2
NONSHARABLE_CLASS( CNcmConnection ) : public CActive,
    public MNcmSourceObserver, public MNcmReceiverSenderObserver


     * Two-phased constructor
     * @param   aSessionId                     The ID identifying session
     * @param   aStreamId                      The ID identifying stream
     * @param   aConnectionId                  The ID identifying connection
     * @param   aLocalAddr                     Local IP address
     * @param   aObserver                      Observer
     * @param   aConnectionObserverHandler     Observer handler
     * @param   aQos                           The desired quality of service
     * @param   aSocketServ                    Socket server
     * @param   aConnection                    RConnection
     * @param   aProtocol                      KProtocolInetUdp / KProtocolInetTcp
     * @param   aReuseAddress                  If ETrue reuse local address
    static CNcmConnection* NewL( TUint aSessionId,
        TUint aStreamId,TUint aConnectionId,
        const TInetAddr& aLocalAddr,
        MNcmMultiplexerConnectionObserver& aObserver,
        CNcmConnectionObserverHandler& aConnectionObserverHandler,
        TInt aQos,
        RSocketServ& aSocketServ,
        RConnection& aConnection,
        TUint aProtocol,
        TBool aReuseAddress );

     * Two-phased constructor
     * @param   aSessionId                     The ID identifying session
     * @param   aStreamId                      The ID identifying stream
     * @param   aConnectionId                  The ID identifying connection
     * @param   aLocalAddr                     Local IP address
     * @param   aObserver                      Observer
     * @param   aConnectionObserverHandler     Observer handler
     * @param   aQos                           The desired quality of service
     * @param   aSocketServ                    Socket server
     * @param   aConnection                    RConnection
     * @param   aProtocol                      KProtocolInetUdp / KProtocolInetTcp
     * @param   aReuseAddress                  If ETrue reuse local address
    static CNcmConnection* NewLC( TUint aSessionId,
        TUint aStreamId,TUint aConnectionId,
        const TInetAddr& aLocalAddr,
        MNcmMultiplexerConnectionObserver& aObserver,
        CNcmConnectionObserverHandler& aConnectionObserverHandler,
        TInt aQos,
        RSocketServ& aSocketServ,
        RConnection& aConnection,
        TUint aProtocol,
        TBool aReuseAddress );

     * Destructor
    virtual ~CNcmConnection();

     * Establishes TCP connection. Connection will be established in specified
     * direction.
     * @since   S60 v3.2
     * @param   aConfig         TCP connection setup configuration
     * @param   aDestAddr       The destination address for active connection
     * @return  void
    void OpenTcpConnectionL( TNATFWTcpConnectionSetup aConfig,
        const TInetAddr& aDestAddr );

     * Closes connection or cancels in-progress connection process.
     * @since   S60 v3.2
     * @return  void
    void CloseTcpConnectionL();
     * Set receiving state
     * @since   S60 v3.2
     * @param   aState             Streaming status
     * @return  void
    void SetReceivingStateL( TNATFWStreamingState aState );
     * Sets sending state
     * @since   S60 v3.2
     * @param   aDestAddr           Destination address
     * @param   aState              Streaming state
     * @return  void
    void SetSendingStateL( const TInetAddr& aDestAddr,
        TNATFWStreamingState aState );
     * Check sender validity sending.
     * @since   S60 v3.2
     * @param   aDestinationAddr    Destination address
     * @return  ETrue if ready to send,
     *          Efalse if not ready
    TBool CheckSenderValidityToSending( const TInetAddr& aDestinationAddr );
     * Get destination address.
     * @since   S60 v3.2  
     * @return  Destination address
    const TInetAddr& DestinationAddress() const;
     * Cancels the specified message send processes.
     * @since   S60 v3.2       
     * @param   aSenderObserver         Observer
     * @return  void
    void CancelMessageSendL(
        const MNcmSenderObserver* aSenderObserver );
     * Returns whether this destination can be used to send to arbitrary
     * remote address.
     * @since   S60 v3.2       
     * @return  ETrue if generic destination, EFalse otherwise
    TBool IsGenericDestination() const;

     * Sets address from which incoming data is accepted from this moment
     * onwards. Binds connection to the specified remote address. Unbinding
     * can be done by setting unspecified address.
     * @since   S60 v3.2
     * @param   aAddress            The remote address
    void SetAcceptedFromAddressL( const TInetAddr& aAddress );
     * Method to send from this connection.
     * @since   S60 v3.2
     * @param   aMessage                Message to send
     * @param   aDestinationAddress     Destination address
     * @param   aSenderObserver         Sender observer for this send
    void Send( const TDesC8& aMessage,
        const TInetAddr& aDestinationAddress,
        MNcmSenderObserver* aSenderObserver );

     * Send directly from this connection to network
     * @since   S60 v3.2
     * @param   aMessage            Message is a reference to message which
     *                              is copied by caller
     * @param   aSenderObserver     Sender observer for this sending request
     * @return  void
    void SendDirectlyToNetwork( const TDesC8& aMessage,
        MNcmSenderObserver* aSenderObserver  );
     * Returns connectionId ID
     * @since   S60 v3.2
     * @return connection ID
    TUint ConnectionId() const;

     * Return the local IP address
     * @since   S60 v3.2
     * @return  Local IP address.
    TInetAddr& LocalAddress();
// from base class MNcmSourceObserver

     * From MNcmrSourceObserver.
     * @since S60 v3.2
     * @param aMessage          The outgoing message
     * @param aSenderObserver   Observer for this send
     * @param aDestAddr         Destination address
    void OutgoingMessageAvailable( const TDesC8& aMessage,
        MNcmSenderObserver* aSenderObserver, const TInetAddr& aDestAddr );

// from base class MNcmReceiverSenderObserver

     * Called by socket receiver while message is found
     * @since S60 v3.2
     * @return void
    void MessageAvailable();
     * Called by socket receiver/sender while error occurs on receiving
     * @since   S60 v3.2
     * @param   aError              Error code
     * @return  void
    void Error( TInt aError );

// from base class CActive

    void RunL();
    void DoCancel();
private: // Private constructors

    /** Identifies states for TCP connection  **/
    enum TTcpConnectionState
        ETcpConnectionUnspecifiedState            =   1,
        ETcpConnectionConnectingState             =   2,
        ETcpConnectionConnectedState              =   3
    CNcmConnection( TUint aSessionId, TUint aStreamId,
        TUint aConnectionId,
        const TInetAddr& aLocalAddr,
        MNcmMultiplexerConnectionObserver& aObserver,
        TInt aQos,
        RSocketServ& aSocketServ,
        RConnection& aConnection,
        TUint aProtocol,
        TBool aReuseAddress );

    void ConstructL();

    void InitializeUdpL();
    void InitializeTcpL();

    void ActivateReceivingL();
    void DeactivateReceivingL();
    void ActivateSendingL( const TInetAddr& aDestAddr );
    void DeactivateSendingL();
private: // data

     * Session ID 
    TUint iSessionId;
     * Stream ID
    TUint iStreamId;
     * Connection ID associated with this sub stream
    TUint iConnectionId;
     * Local address
    TInetAddr iLocalAddr;
     * Observer for this connection
     * Not own.
    MNcmMultiplexerConnectionObserver& iObserver;
     * Handler for connection observers
     * Not own.
    CNcmConnectionObserverHandler& iConnectionObserverHandler;
     * TOS bit setting
    TInt iIpTOS;
     * Protocol, KProtocolInetUdp / KProtocolInetTcp
    TUint iProtocol;
     * ETrue if local address should be reuse.
    TBool iReuseAddress;
     * Socket for this connection (Multiplexer destination)
     * Own.
    RSocket iSocket;
     * Socket for listening incoming TCP connection requests
     * Own.
    RSocket iListenSocket;  
     * Socket for this connection (Multiplexer destination)
     * Not own.
    RSocketServ& iSocketServ;
     * Socket for this connection (Multiplexer destination)
     * Not own.
    RConnection& iConnection;
     * Sender for connection
     * Own.
    CNcmSender* iSender;

     * Receiver for connection
     * Own.
    CNcmReceiver* iReceiver;
     * Destiantion address.
    TInetAddr iDestinationAddress;
     * Connection receiver state
    TNATFWStreamingState iReceiverState;
     * Connection sender state
    TNATFWStreamingState iSenderState;
     * TCP connection state
    TTcpConnectionState iTcpConnectionState;
     * TCP connecting type
    TNATFWTcpConnectionSetup iConnSetupConf;
     * Boolean variable, which indicates is listening socket in listening state
    TBool iIsListening;
     * Indicates whether this destination can be used to send to the arbitrary
     * remote address.
    TBool iIsGenericDestination;
     * Remote address from which to accept data.
    TInetAddr iAcceptedFromAddr;
     * Message
    HBufC8* iMessage;
