changeset 0 5a93021fdf25
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/apengine/apsettingshandlerui/inc/Apsettingsdeleteoperation.h	Thu Dec 17 08:55:21 2009 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,246 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2002 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:  Declaration of class CApSettingsDeleteOperation.
+#include <ApDataHandler.h>
+#include <AknProgressDialog.h>
+class CActiveApDb;
+class CApSettingsModel;
+class CAknWaitDialog;
+class CErrorUI;
+* Model for the access point settings ui.
+NONSHARABLE_CLASS( CApSettingsDeleteOperation ) : 
+                    public CActive, public MProgressDialogCallback
+    {
+    public:
+        enum TState             /// State of the finite state machine.
+            {
+            EProcOnDialogOn,
+            EProcOffDialogOn,
+            EProcOnDialogOff,
+            EProcOffDialogOff
+            };
+    public:     // Construct / destruct
+        /**
+        * Two-phased constructor. Leaves on failure.
+        * @param aNoteControlId The ID of the note control.
+        * @param aResourceID The resource ID of the wait note dialog.
+        * @param aUid The UID of the access point to delete.
+        * @param aNoteText The label for the note text.
+        * @return The constructed CApSettingsDeleteOperation object.
+        */
+        static CApSettingsDeleteOperation* NewL(
+                                TInt aNoteControlId,
+                                TInt aResourceID,
+                                TUint32 aUid,
+                                const TDesC& aNoteText
+                                );
+        /**
+        * Destructor.
+        */
+        virtual ~CApSettingsDeleteOperation();
+    protected:  // new functions
+        /**
+        * Constructor.
+        * @param aNoteControlId The ID of the note control.
+        * @param aResourceID The resource ID of the wait note dialog.
+        * @param aUid The UID of the access point to delete.
+        */
+        CApSettingsDeleteOperation(
+                                TInt aNoteControlId,
+                                TInt aResourceID,
+                                TUint32 aUid
+                                );
+        /**
+        * Second phase constructor. Leaves on failure.
+        * @param aNoteText The desired text of the note.
+        * events.
+        */
+        void ConstructL( const TDesC& aNoteText );
+    protected:  // from CActive
+        /**
+        * Run a step of the observer test.
+        */
+        void RunL();
+        /**
+        * Cancel protocol implementation.
+        * must be present although does nothing
+        * as it is pure virtual in base...
+        */
+        void DoCancel();
+        /**
+        * Callback for notification of the dismissal of the wait note dialog.
+        * From MProgressDialogCallback.
+        * The passed aButtonId is ignored.
+        */
+        virtual void DialogDismissedL( TInt aButtonId );
+    public:     // new methods
+        /**
+        * Start the operation.
+        */
+        void StartL();
+        /**
+        * Moves into next wait round and forces RunL to execute.
+        */
+        void Next();
+        /**
+        * Starts the wait note with the current params.
+        */
+        void StartWaitNoteL();
+        /**
+        * Starts the separate delete operation thread with the current params.
+        */
+        void StartDeleteOperationThreadL();
+        /**
+        * Separate thread for the delete operation.
+        * @param aPtr   A pointer to the operation to be started in the thread
+        * @return The return code of the delete operation
+        */
+        static TInt RunDeleteThread( TAny* aPtr );
+        /**
+        * Separate thread for the delete operation.
+        * @param aop   A pointer to the operation to be started in the thread
+        * @return The return code of the delete operation
+        */
+        static TInt DoRunDeleteThreadL( CApSettingsDeleteOperation* aop );
+        /**
+        * Starts a transaction on the given database
+        * @param aDb Pointer to the database object
+        * @param aWrite boolean indicating whether write or read lock is needed
+        * @param aRetry boolean indicating whether retry is needed
+        * @return Whether the transaction is our own or not
+        */
+        static TBool StartTransactionLC
+                            (
+                            CCommsDatabase* aDb,
+                            TBool aWrite,
+                            TBool aRetry /* ETrue */
+                            );
+        /**
+        * Gets write lock for the given database
+        * @param aDb Pointer to the database object
+        */
+        static void GetWriteLockL( CCommsDatabase* aDb );
+        /**
+        * Cleanup function for the transaction.
+        * In case of leave, it will be called and
+        * transaction will be rolled back
+        */
+        static void RollbackTransactionOnLeave( TAny* aDb );
+        /**
+        * Get the list of VPN WAP Access point UID's which are linked to a 
+        * specific normal internet access point WAP ID.
+        * @param aDb a reference of a CCommsDatabase database object 
+        * to operate on
+        * @param aUid a TUint32 containing the WAP UID of the normal 
+        * internet access point
+        * @param aVpnList a TUint32 dynamic array passed by reference to 
+        * hold the WAP UID's of the linked VPN access points.
+        */
+        static void GetLinkedVpnAccessPointsL( CCommsDatabase& aDb,
+                                        TUint32 aUid, 
+                                        CArrayFixFlat<TUint32> &aVpnList );
+        /**
+        * Reads up an integer from the given table
+        * @param atable The CCommsDbTableView* table to perform the operation
+        * @param aColumn The column to read
+        * @param aValue A TUint32 passed by reference to hold the readed value.
+        * @return TInt Error code. Returns either 0 or KErrnotFound. 
+        * Leaves on any other error
+        */
+        static TInt ReadUintL( CCommsDbTableView* atable,
+                               const TDesC& aColumn,
+                               TUint32& aValue );
+        /**
+        * Returns the current state.
+        */
+        TState State(){ return iState;};
+        /**
+        * Set a new UID
+        */
+        void SetUid( TUint32 aUid ) { iUid = aUid;};
+        /**
+        * Set a new note-text
+        */
+        void SetNoteTextL( const TDesC& aNoteText );
+    private:    // data
+        TInt                iNoteControlId;
+        TInt                iResourceID;
+        TUint32             iUid;
+        RThread             iDeleteOperation;
+        HBufC*              iNoteText;
+        CAknWaitDialog*     iWaitDialog;
+        TState              iState;
+        CErrorUI*           iErrorUi;
+        TInt                iErr;
+    };
+// End of file