--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/bearermanagement/S60MCPR/src/s60extendedtmselector.cpp Thu Dec 17 08:55:21 2009 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,213 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2008-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description: S60 IP TM selector implementation
+@file s60tiermanagerselector.cpp
+S60 IP TM selector implementation
+#include <comms-infras/ss_log.h>
+#include <comms-infras/ss_tiermanagerutils.h>
+#include <commsdattypesv1_1.h> // CommsDat
+#include <es_connpref.h> //TConnIdList
+#include <commdbconnpref.h>
+#include <commsdattypeinfov1_1_internal.h>
+#include <commsdattypesv1_1_partner.h>
+#include <extendedconnpref.h>
+#include "s60extendedtmselector.h"
+#include "s60tiermanagerfactory.h"
+#include "s60mcpr.h"
+#include <comms-infras/esock_params_internal.h>
+using namespace ESock;
+using namespace CommsDat;
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// IpProto Tier Manager's UID.
+// Since meaning of the selection policy id changes with
+// the legacy flavor it is difficult to derive the next layer
+// tier's id dynamically when supporting all of the legacy scenarios.
+// At the same time it is known that for all of these legacy
+// setups this is and always will be the only next layer tier manager.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+static const TUid KLegacyNextLayerTierId = { 0x10281DF0 }; //CIPProtoTierManagerFactory::iUid
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CExtendedS60SelectorBase::CExtendedS60SelectorBase
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CExtendedS60SelectorBase::CExtendedS60SelectorBase( TUid aTierId, const ESock::RConnPrefList& aConnPrefList )
+ : ASimpleSelectorBase( )
+ {
+ iTierId = aTierId;
+ iConnPrefList = aConnPrefList;
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CExtendedS60SelectorBase::~CExtendedS60SelectorBase
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ {
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CExtendedS60SelectorBase::SelectL
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CExtendedS60SelectorBase::SelectL(ISelectionNotify& aSelectionNotify)
+ {
+ //This code doesn't need to be in a seperate selector. It could be moved to
+ //a transition if the method FindOrCreateProviderL was re-created in
+ //another file (it is currently inherited from ASimpleSelectorBase)
+ CMDBSession* dbs = CMDBSession::NewLC(KCDVersion1_2);
+ iTierRecord = TierManagerUtils::LoadTierRecordL(iTierId,*dbs);
+ CleanupStack::Pop();
+ iDbs = dbs;
+ //__ASSERT_DEBUG(iDbs, User::Panic(KSpecAssert_ESockCrPrvTMSelC, 1));
+ //__ASSERT_DEBUG(iTierRecord, User::Panic(KSpecAssert_ESockCrPrvTMSelC, 2));
+ TUint accessPoint = 0;
+ CCDAccessPointRecord* apRec;
+ TUid tierId;
+ TUint selected = 0;
+ // Get sub session unique id
+ ESock::RConnPrefList::TIter<TConnCSRPref> iterCSR = iConnPrefList.getIter<TConnCSRPref>();
+ // If no prefs in list return error
+ if (iterCSR.IsEnd())
+ {
+ User::Leave(KErrArgument);
+ }
+ //This iterator runs through all the instances of TConnCSRPref
+ while(!iterCSR.IsEnd())
+ {
+ iSubSessionUniqueId = iterCSR->SubSessionUniqueId();
+ iterCSR++;
+ }
+ //This iterator links to all the elements of TExtendedConnPref that exist in the list
+ ESock::RConnPrefList::TIter<TExtendedConnPref> iterAP = iConnPrefList.getIter<TExtendedConnPref>();
+ // If no prefs in list return error
+ if (iterAP.IsEnd())
+ {
+ User::Leave(KErrArgument);
+ }
+ //This iterator runs through all the instances of TExtendedConnPref
+ while(!iterAP.IsEnd())
+ {
+ accessPoint = iTierRecord->iDefaultAccessPoint;
+ //The access point record that that access point represents is retrived
+ apRec = TierManagerUtils::LoadAccessPointRecordL(accessPoint,*iDbs);
+ tierId = TierManagerUtils::MapElementIdToTagId(apRec->iTier, *iDbs);
+ delete apRec;
+ // If the access point is related to this tier manager the provider
+ // is created
+ if(iTierId == tierId)
+ {
+ aSelectionNotify.SelectComplete(this, FindOrCreateProviderL(accessPoint));
+ ++selected;
+ iterAP++;
+ // For now we accept only one instance of TExtendedConnPref
+ break;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ LOG_DETAILED( ESockLog::Printf(KCoreTMgrSelSupSubTag, _L("CCoreProviderSelectorSuper %08x:\t AP %d not in tier %08x"), this, accessPoint, iTierId) );
+ iterAP++;
+ }
+ }
+ if (selected == 0)
+ {
+ LOG_DETAILED( ESockLog::Printf(KCoreTMgrSelSupSubTag, _L("CCoreProviderSelectorSuper %08x:\t No APs selected [Tier: %08x]"), this, iTierId) );
+ User::Leave(KErrArgument);
+ }
+ aSelectionNotify.SelectComplete(this, NULL);
+ return;
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CExtendedS60SelectorBase::FindOrCreateProviderL
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CMetaConnectionProviderBase* CExtendedS60SelectorBase::FindOrCreateProviderL( TUint aAccessPoint )
+ {
+ ASSERT(aAccessPoint); //Should not be 0 now.
+ //Find factory
+ TUid mCprUid = TierManagerUtils::ReadMCprUidL( aAccessPoint, *iDbs );
+ CMetaConnectionProviderFactoryBase* factory =
+ static_cast<CMetaConnectionProviderFactoryBase*>(iMetaContainer.FindOrCreateFactoryL( mCprUid ));
+ //Create the provider
+ TUid tierId = TUid::Uid( iTierRecord->iRecordTag );
+ TProviderInfo providerInfo( tierId, aAccessPoint );
+ TUid tierImplUid = TierManagerUtils::MapTierIdtoTierImplIdL(tierId,*iDbs);
+ TMetaConnectionFactoryQuery query( providerInfo, tierImplUid );
+ //We are not looking for an existing provider, we always create a new one.
+ //This is the legacy selection (can also be the legacy attach, one layer deep selection)
+ CMetaConnectionProviderBase* provider = static_cast<CMetaConnectionProviderBase*>( factory->CreateObjectL( query ));
+ CS60MetaConnectionProvider* prov = static_cast<CS60MetaConnectionProvider*>( provider );
+ CleanupStack::PushL( provider );
+ // Provision selection preferences to S60 NetMCPR.
+ prov->SetConnPrefList( iConnPrefList );
+ prov->SetSubSessionUniqueId( iSubSessionUniqueId );
+ // Change the provider info so that this provider is never found by other selections
+ const TProviderInfo& pi = provider->ProviderInfo();
+ provider->SetProviderInfo( TProviderInfo( pi.TierId(), pi.APId(), provider )); //This provider will never be found
+ // Override the selection policy as we always do for legacy prefs
+ ASSERT(provider->AccessPointConfig().FindExtension(TOverridenSelectionPrefsExt::TypeId())==NULL);
+ RMetaExtensionContainer mec;
+ mec.Open(provider->AccessPointConfig());
+ CleanupClosePushL(mec);
+ TOverridenSelectionPrefsExt* ext = new (ELeave) TOverridenSelectionPrefsExt( KLegacyNextLayerTierId, iSelectionPrefs );
+ CleanupStack::PushL( ext );
+ mec.AppendExtensionL( ext ); //The ownership of the extension goes to AccessPointConfig now.
+ CleanupStack::Pop( ext );
+ provider->AccessPointConfig().Close();
+ provider->AccessPointConfig().Open(mec);
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&mec);
+ CleanupStack::Pop( provider );
+ provider->IncrementBlockingDestroy();
+ return provider;
+ }