--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/bearermanagement/mpm/src/mpmiapselection.cpp Thu Dec 17 08:55:21 2009 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,1401 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2008-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description: Handles selecting Iap for connection
+#include "mpmiapselection.h"
+#include "mpmlogger.h"
+#include "mpmdialog.h"
+#include "mpmserversession.h"
+#include "mpmcommsdataccess.h"
+#include "mpmconnmonevents.h"
+#include "mpmconfirmdlgstarting.h"
+#include "mpmdefaultconnection.h"
+#include "mpmwlanquerydialog.h"
+#include "extendedconnpref.h"
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CMPMIapSelection::CMPMIapSelection
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CMPMIapSelection::CMPMIapSelection( CMPMCommsDatAccess* aCommsDatAccess,
+ CMPMServerSession* aSession )
+ : iChooseIapState( ENoConnection ),
+ iCommsDatAccess( aCommsDatAccess ),
+ iStoredIapInfo(),
+ iSession( aSession ),
+ iConfirmDlgStarting( NULL ),
+ iDialog( NULL ),
+ iWlanDialog( NULL ),
+ iNextBestExists( EFalse ),
+ iUserSelectionIapId( 0 ),
+ iUserSelectionSnapId( 0 ),
+ iImplicitState( EImplicitStart ),
+ iOfflineNoteResponse( EOfflineResponseUndefined ),
+ iIsRoaming( EFalse ),
+ iNewWlansAllowed ( EFalse )
+ {
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CMPMIapSelection::ConstructL
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CMPMIapSelection::ConstructL()
+ {
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CMPMIapSelection::NewL
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CMPMIapSelection* CMPMIapSelection::NewL( CMPMCommsDatAccess* aCommsDatAccess,
+ CMPMServerSession* aSession )
+ {
+ CMPMIapSelection* self = new ( ELeave ) CMPMIapSelection( aCommsDatAccess,
+ aSession );
+ CleanupStack::PushL( self );
+ self->ConstructL();
+ CleanupStack::Pop( self );
+ return self;
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CMPMIapSelection::~CMPMIapSelection
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ {
+ // stop confirm dialog in case one exists
+ //
+ StopDisplayingStartingDlg();
+ // Cancel WLAN availability check in case it is active
+ //
+ if ( iSession )
+ {
+ iSession->MyServer().Events()->CancelCheckWlanWlanAvailability( this );
+ }
+ delete iConfirmDlgStarting;
+ delete iDialog;
+ delete iWlanDialog;
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CMPMIapSelection::ChooseIapL
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CMPMIapSelection::ChooseIapL( const TMpmConnPref& aChooseIapPref )
+ {
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+ // Dump CommsDat IAPs to log in order to support testing
+ //
+ iCommsDatAccess->DumpIAPsL();
+ TRAPD( err, iCommsDatAccess->DumpSnapsL() );
+ if ( err != KErrNone )
+ {
+ "CMPMIapSelection::ChooseIapL: DumpSnapsL fail %d",
+ err )
+ }
+#endif // _DEBUG
+ iChooseIapPref = aChooseIapPref;
+ if ( iSession->IsWlanOnlyL( iNewWlansAllowed ) )
+ {
+ if ( iChooseIapPref.BearerSet() ==
+ TExtendedConnPref::EExtendedConnBearerUnknown )
+ {
+ // Force bearerset to WLAN if received bearerset was empty
+ iChooseIapPref.SetBearerSet(
+ TExtendedConnPref::EExtendedConnBearerWLAN );
+ }
+ else if ( iChooseIapPref.BearerSet() &
+ TExtendedConnPref::EExtendedConnBearerWLAN )
+ {
+ // Force bearerset to WLAN only in case where wlan was included
+ // in the received bearerset.
+ iChooseIapPref.SetBearerSet(
+ TExtendedConnPref::EExtendedConnBearerWLAN );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // If wlan was not included in received bearerset,
+ // complete selection with error code
+ ChooseIapComplete( KErrPermissionDenied,
+ iSession->MyServer().UserConnPref() );
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ // Always use stored connection info.
+ // If stored information doesn't exist, a normal sequence is used.
+ TUint32 snap( 0 );
+ TUint32 iap ( 0 );
+ snap = iSession->MyServer().GetBMSnap( iSession->ConnectionId() );
+ iap = iSession->MyServer().GetBMIap( iSession->ConnectionId() );
+ if ( snap )
+ {
+ MPMLOGSTRING2( "CMPMIapSelection::ChooseIapL: Set snap %i to preferences",
+ snap )
+ iChooseIapPref.SetSnapId( snap );
+ iChooseIapPref.SetIapId( 0 );
+ }
+ else if ( iap )
+ {
+ MPMLOGSTRING2( "CMPMIapSelection::ChooseIapL: Set iap %i to preferences",
+ iap )
+ iChooseIapPref.SetIapId( iap );
+ iChooseIapPref.SetSnapId( 0 );
+ }
+ MPMLOGSTRING2( "CMPMIapSelection::ChooseIapL: IapID: %i",
+ iChooseIapPref.IapId() )
+ // Check if direct IAP connection is tried to make
+ if ( iChooseIapPref.IapId() != 0 )
+ {
+ TMPMBearerType bearerType = iSession->MyServer().CommsDatAccess()->GetBearerTypeL( iChooseIapPref.IapId() );
+ MPMLOGSTRING2( "CMPMIapSelection::ChooseIapL: bearerType: %i", bearerType )
+ // Complete selection with error code if wlan only was set and cellular IAP other
+ // than MMS IAP was tried to access
+ if ( ( iChooseIapPref.BearerSet() ==
+ TExtendedConnPref::EExtendedConnBearerWLAN ) &&
+ ( bearerType == EMPMBearerTypePacketData ) &&
+ ( iSession->IsMMSIap( iChooseIapPref.IapId() ) == EFalse ) )
+ {
+ ChooseIapComplete( KErrPermissionDenied, NULL );
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ MPMLOGSTRING2( "CMPMIapSelection::ChooseIapL:\
+ connection type %d", iChooseIapPref.ConnType() )
+ if ( iChooseIapPref.ConnType() == TMpmConnPref::EConnTypeDefault )
+ {
+ // Default connection is requested.
+ MPMLOGSTRING( "CMPMIapSelection::ChooseIapL:\
+ Default Connection" )
+ if ( iSession->UseUserConnPref() )
+ {
+ // User connection active -> use it
+ // Add info into the BM connections
+ iSession->MyServer().AppendBMConnection(iSession->ConnectionId(),
+ iSession->MyServer().UserConnPref()->SnapId(),
+ iSession->MyServer().UserConnPref()->IapId(),
+ EStarting,
+ *iSession );
+ ChooseIapComplete( KErrNone, iSession->MyServer().UserConnPref());
+ return;
+ }
+ TCmDefConnType type( TCmDefConnType( 0 ) );
+ TUint32 id( 0 );
+ iSession->MyServer().DefaultConnection()->GetDefaultConnectionL( type, id );
+ MPMLOGSTRING3( "CMPMIapSelection::ChooseIapL:\
+ default connection type %d id %d", type, id )
+ if( type == ECmDefConnConnectionMethod )
+ {
+ iChooseIapPref.SetIapId( id );
+ iChooseIapPref.SetSnapId( 0 );
+ ExplicitConnectionL();
+ }
+ else if( type == ECmDefConnDestination )
+ {
+ iChooseIapPref.SetSnapId( id );
+ ExplicitConnectionL();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if( iCommsDatAccess->IsSnapEmptyL( id ) )
+ {
+ // start implicit connection
+ ImplicitConnectionL();
+ return;
+ }
+ iChooseIapPref.SetSnapId( id );
+ // start connection as if explicitly defined
+ // by application
+ ExplicitConnectionL();
+ }
+ }
+ else if ( iChooseIapPref.ConnType() == TMpmConnPref::EConnTypeExplicit )
+ {
+ // Client has defined SNAP or IAP connection to be used.
+ // If usage of given IAP is mandated, do not allow user connection.
+ if ( !iChooseIapPref.MandateIap() )
+ {
+ TBool useUCPref = iSession->UseUserConnPref();
+ // Check that user connection is active, it is not in internet snap
+ // and destination id is something else than zero.
+ // OR
+ // User connection is active and iap id is non-zero.
+ if ( ( useUCPref &&
+ !iSession->MyServer().UserConnectionInInternet() &&
+ iChooseIapPref.SnapId() ) ||
+ ( useUCPref && iChooseIapPref.IapId() ) )
+ {
+ // Add info into the BM connections
+ iSession->MyServer().AppendBMConnection(
+ iSession->ConnectionId(),
+ iSession->MyServer().UserConnPref()->SnapId(),
+ iSession->MyServer().UserConnPref()->IapId(),
+ EStarting,
+ *iSession );
+ ChooseIapComplete( KErrNone, iSession->MyServer().UserConnPref() );
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ ExplicitConnectionL();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Used connection will be asked from the user.
+ ASSERT( iChooseIapPref.ConnType() == TMpmConnPref::EConnTypeImplicit );
+ if ( iSession->UseUserConnPref() )
+ {
+ // Do not prompt the user in this case.
+ // Add info into the BM connections
+ iSession->MyServer().AppendBMConnection(
+ iSession->ConnectionId(),
+ iSession->MyServer().UserConnPref()->SnapId(),
+ iSession->MyServer().UserConnPref()->IapId(),
+ EStarting,
+ *iSession );
+ ChooseIapComplete( KErrNone, iSession->MyServer().UserConnPref() );
+ return;
+ }
+ ImplicitConnectionL();
+ }
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CMPMIapSelection::ExplicitConnectionL
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CMPMIapSelection::ExplicitConnectionL()
+ {
+ TBool iapTypeLanOrWlan = EFalse;
+ TUint32 validateIapId = iChooseIapPref.IapId();
+ "CMPMIapSelection::ExplicitConnectionL - Connection Id = 0x%x",
+ iSession->ConnectionId() )
+ TUint32 snap( 0 );
+ if ( validateIapId == 0 )
+ {
+ if ( iChooseIapPref.SnapId() )
+ {
+ snap = iChooseIapPref.SnapId();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Neither defined -> attempt to use
+ // already stored connection info
+ snap = iSession->MyServer().GetBMSnap( iSession->ConnectionId() );
+ iChooseIapPref.SetSnapId( snap );
+ if( !snap )
+ {
+ // If snap not defined, this must be iap connection
+ //
+ validateIapId = iSession->MyServer().GetBMIap( iSession->ConnectionId() );
+ iChooseIapPref.SetIapId( validateIapId );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // IAP Id explicitly defined
+ //
+ if ( validateIapId )
+ {
+ "CMPMIapSelection::ExplicitConnectionL - IAP Id = %i",
+ validateIapId )
+ TUint32 retNetId = 0;
+ iCommsDatAccess->ValidateIapL( iSession->ConnectionId(),
+ validateIapId,
+ retNetId,
+ iapTypeLanOrWlan,
+ *iSession );
+ // Set validated IAP Id and returned Access Network Id
+ // in connection preferences
+ //
+ iChooseIapPref.SetIapId( validateIapId );
+ iChooseIapPref.SetNetId( retNetId );
+ // In case offline mode is enabled, only LAN or WLAN is allowed.
+ // If some other bearer has been requested, then error code
+ // KErrGprsOfflineMode should be returned instead of KErrNone.
+ //
+ if ( !iapTypeLanOrWlan && iSession->IsPhoneOfflineL() )
+ {
+ ChooseIapComplete( KErrGprsOfflineMode, &iChooseIapPref );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ TWlanIapType wlanType = iCommsDatAccess->CheckWlanL( validateIapId );
+ if( wlanType != ENotWlanIap )
+ {
+ iChooseIapState = EExplicitConnection;
+ iWlanDialog = CMPMWlanQueryDialog::NewL( *this, validateIapId );
+ iWlanDialog->StartWlanQueryL();
+ return;
+ }
+ // Check whether confirmation from user is needed for allowing cellular usage.
+ // When application is starting an IAP confirmation is asked only when roaming.
+ if ( iSession->IsConfirmFirstL( validateIapId ) )
+ {
+ // Check whether queries are disabled
+ if ( !( iChooseIapPref.NoteBehaviour() & TExtendedConnPref::ENoteBehaviourConnDisableQueries ) )
+ {
+ if ( iSession->MyServer().RoamingWatcher()->RoamingStatus() == EMPMInternationalRoaming )
+ {
+ // Check if cellular data usage query has already been presented to the user in this country
+ if ( iSession->MyServer().RoamingWatcher()->AskCellularDataUsageAbroad() == true )
+ {
+ TConnectionId connId = iSession->ConnectionId();
+ // International roaming
+ iConfirmDlgStarting = CMPMConfirmDlgStarting::NewL(
+ *this,
+ connId,
+ snap,
+ validateIapId,
+ CMPMConfirmDlg::EConfirmDlgVisitorNetwork,
+ iChooseIapPref,
+ iSession->MyServer(),
+ *iSession,
+ EExplicitConnection );
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Add info into the BM connections
+ //
+ iSession->MyServer().AppendBMConnection( iSession->ConnectionId(),
+ snap,
+ validateIapId,
+ EStarting,
+ *iSession );
+ ChooseIapComplete( KErrNone, &iChooseIapPref );
+ }
+ }
+ // Snap Id explicitly defined
+ //
+ else
+ {
+ "CMPMIapSelection::ExplicitConnectionL - SNAP = %i", snap )
+ // If the SNAP contains WLAN IAP,
+ // scan wlan networks
+ //
+ RArray<TUint> iapPath;
+ CleanupClosePushL( iapPath );
+ //Check if WLAN bearerset is in use
+ if ( ( iChooseIapPref.BearerSet() & TExtendedConnPref::EExtendedConnBearerWLAN ) ||
+ ( iChooseIapPref.BearerSet() == TExtendedConnPref::EExtendedConnBearerUnknown ) )
+ {
+ if ( iNewWlansAllowed )
+ {
+ // User allows only WLAN connections, check WLAN availability.
+ // A note will be shown if no WLANs are available.
+ //
+ iSession->MyServer().Events()->CheckWlanAvailabilityL( this );
+ }
+ else if( iCommsDatAccess->SnapContainsWlanL( snap, iapPath, KMPMNrWlansOne ) )
+ {
+ // Scan wlan networks. After that execution continues
+ // in CompleteExplicitSnapConnectionL()
+ //
+ iChooseIapState = EExplicitConnection;
+ iSession->MyServer().Events()->ScanWLANNetworksL( iSession,
+ iSession->ConnectionId(),
+ EWlanScanCallbackChooseIap );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ CompleteExplicitSnapConnectionL();
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ CompleteExplicitSnapConnectionL();
+ }
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &iapPath );
+ }
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CMPMIapSelection::UpdateConnectionDialog
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CMPMIapSelection::UpdateConnectionDialogL()
+ {
+ if( iDialog )
+ {
+ MPMLOGSTRING( "CMPMIapSelection::UpdateConnectionDialogL data will be updated" )
+ iDialog->PublishSortSnapInfoL();
+ }
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CMPMIapSelection::CompleteExplicitSnapConnectionL
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CMPMIapSelection::CompleteExplicitSnapConnectionL()
+ {
+ MPMLOGSTRING( "CMPMIapSelection::CompleteExplicitSnapConnectionL" )
+ // Store Snap id
+ //
+ TUint32 snap = iChooseIapPref.SnapId();
+ RAvailableIAPList availableIAPList;
+ CleanupClosePushL( availableIAPList );
+ iSession->AvailableUnblacklistedIapsL( availableIAPList, iSession->ConnectionId() );
+ TBool iapTypeLanOrWlan = EFalse;
+ TConnectionId connId = iSession->ConnectionId();
+ ChooseBestIAPL( iChooseIapPref, availableIAPList, iNextBestExists );
+ TUint32 validateIapId = iChooseIapPref.IapId();
+ // Check if any suitable IAP's were found, if not then complete selection with error code
+ if (validateIapId == 0 )
+ {
+ ChooseIapComplete( KErrNotFound, NULL );
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &availableIAPList );
+ return;
+ }
+ TUint32 retNetId( 0 );
+ iCommsDatAccess->ValidateIapL( connId,
+ validateIapId,
+ retNetId,
+ iapTypeLanOrWlan,
+ *iSession );
+ // Set validated IAP Id and returned Access Network Id
+ // in connection preferences
+ //
+ iChooseIapPref.SetIapId( validateIapId );
+ iChooseIapPref.SetNetId( retNetId );
+ if ( !CheckGprsServicesAllowedL( iapTypeLanOrWlan ) )
+ {
+ ChooseIapComplete( KErrGprsServicesNotAllowed, NULL );
+ }
+ else if ( !iapTypeLanOrWlan && iSession->IsPhoneOfflineL() )
+ {
+ // In case offline mode is enabled, only LAN or WLAN is allowed.
+ // If some other bearer has been requested, then error code
+ // KErrGprsOfflineMode should be returned instead of KErrNone.
+ //
+ ChooseIapComplete( KErrGprsOfflineMode, &iChooseIapPref );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Check whether confirmation from user is needed for allowing cellular usage
+ if ( ( iSession->IsConfirmFirstL( validateIapId ) ) &&
+ ( iSession->MyServer().CommsDatAccess()->CheckWlanL( validateIapId ) == ENotWlanIap ) )
+ {
+ // Check whether queries are disabled
+ if ( !( iChooseIapPref.NoteBehaviour() & TExtendedConnPref::ENoteBehaviourConnDisableQueries ) )
+ {
+ if ( iSession->MyServer().RoamingWatcher()->RoamingStatus() == EMPMInternationalRoaming )
+ {
+ // Check if cellular data usage query has already been presented to the user in this country
+ if ( iSession->MyServer().RoamingWatcher()->AskCellularDataUsageAbroad() == true )
+ {
+ // International roaming
+ iConfirmDlgStarting = CMPMConfirmDlgStarting::NewL(
+ *this,
+ connId,
+ snap,
+ validateIapId,
+ CMPMConfirmDlg::EConfirmDlgVisitorNetwork,
+ iChooseIapPref,
+ iSession->MyServer(),
+ *iSession,
+ EExplicitConnection );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // If user has already been queried in this country just complete the IAP selection.
+ iSession->MyServer().AppendBMConnection( connId,
+ snap,
+ validateIapId,
+ EStarting,
+ *iSession );
+ ChooseIapComplete( KErrNone, &iChooseIapPref );
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Home network
+ iConfirmDlgStarting = CMPMConfirmDlgStarting::NewL(
+ *this,
+ connId,
+ snap,
+ validateIapId,
+ CMPMConfirmDlg::EConfirmDlgHomeNetwork,
+ iChooseIapPref,
+ iSession->MyServer(),
+ *iSession,
+ EExplicitConnection );
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Queries are disabled and connection creation will fail
+ ChooseIapComplete( KErrPermissionDenied, &iChooseIapPref );
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if ( !StartWlanQueryIfNeededL( validateIapId ) )
+ {
+ // Add info into the BM connections
+ //
+ iSession->MyServer().AppendBMConnection( connId,
+ snap,
+ validateIapId,
+ EStarting,
+ *iSession );
+ ChooseIapComplete( KErrNone, &iChooseIapPref );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &availableIAPList );
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CMPMIapSelection::CheckGprsServicesAllowedL
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TBool CMPMIapSelection::CheckGprsServicesAllowedL( TBool aIapLanOrWlan )
+ {
+ if ( iSession->MyServer().IsVoiceCallActiveL() )
+ {
+ // Check whether we are in GSM or 3G mode.
+ // Connection request during voice call is always allowed
+ // in 3G. In GSM it's allowed in case phone supports dual
+ // transfer mode (DTM)
+ //
+ if ( iSession->MyServer().IsModeGSM() )
+ {
+ // If phone doesn't support DTM, then
+ // return KErrGprsServicesNotAllow
+ //
+ if ( !iSession->MyServer().IsDTMSupported() )
+ {
+ if ( !aIapLanOrWlan )
+ {
+ MPMLOGSTRING( "CMPMIapSelection::CheckGprsServicesAllowedL not allowed" )
+ return EFalse;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return ETrue;
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CMPMIapSelection::StartWlanQueryIfNeededL
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TBool CMPMIapSelection::StartWlanQueryIfNeededL( TUint32 aIapId, TBool aIsRoaming )
+ {
+ MPMLOGSTRING3( "CMPMIapSelection::StartWlanQueryIfNeededL iap %d, isRoaming %d ",
+ aIapId,
+ aIsRoaming )
+ TBool wlanQueryNeeded( EFalse );
+ // If wlan iap check if offline note needed
+ TWlanIapType wlanType = iCommsDatAccess->CheckWlanL( aIapId );
+ if( wlanType != ENotWlanIap )
+ {
+ iIsRoaming = aIsRoaming;
+ iChooseIapState = EExplicitConnection;
+ iWlanDialog = CMPMWlanQueryDialog::NewL( *this, aIapId );
+ iWlanDialog->StartWlanQueryL();
+ wlanQueryNeeded = ETrue;
+ }
+ return wlanQueryNeeded;
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CMPMIapSelection::ImplicitConnectionCheckWlanScanNeededL
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CMPMIapSelection::ImplicitConnectionCheckWlanScanNeededL()
+ {
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG( !iDialog, PanicServer( EMPMReceiveAlreadyActive ) );
+ MPMLOGSTRING( "CMPMIapSelection::ImplicitConnectionCheckWlanScanNeededL" )
+ iCommsDatAccess->CheckWLANIapL( *iSession );
+ // Scan WLAN networks before displaying Connection Dialog in case:
+ // - there is a WLAN IAP configured in the phone (other than Easy WLAN)
+ //
+ if ( iSession->MyServer().IsWLANScanRequired() )
+ {
+ // Store state of choose iap during
+ // asynchronous calls.
+ //
+ iChooseIapState = EImplicitConnection;
+ // In case of offline mode hidden WLAN networks will
+ // not be discovered by this WLAN scan.
+ //
+ iSession->MyServer().Events()->ScanWLANNetworksL( iSession,
+ iSession->ConnectionId(),
+ EWlanScanCallbackChooseIap );
+ return;
+ }
+ ImplicitConnectionL();
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CMPMIapSelection::ChooseIapWLANScanCompletedL
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CMPMIapSelection::ChooseIapWLANScanCompletedL( TInt aStatus )
+ {
+ MPMLOGSTRING( "CMPMIapSelection::ChooseIapWLANScanCompletedL" )
+ if( iChooseIapState == EExplicitConnection )
+ {
+ MPMLOGSTRING( "CMPMIapSelection::ChooseIapWLANScanCompletedL: explicit " )
+ CompleteExplicitSnapConnectionL( );
+ }
+ else if( iChooseIapState == EImplicitConnection )
+ {
+ // If getting available IAPs failed, complete request with error code
+ //
+ if( aStatus != KErrNone )
+ {
+ MPMLOGSTRING2( "CMPMIapSelection::ChooseIapWLANScanCompletedL: implicit, err %d",
+ aStatus )
+ ChooseIapComplete( aStatus, NULL );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ MPMLOGSTRING( "CMPMIapSelection::ChooseIapWLANScanCompletedL: implicit " )
+ ImplicitConnectionL();
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ MPMLOGSTRING( "CMPMIapSelection::ChooseIapWLANScanCompletedL: no state \
+to complete connection" )
+ }
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CMPMIapSelection::ChooseIapComplete
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CMPMIapSelection::ChooseIapComplete(
+ TInt aError,
+ const TMpmConnPref* aPolicyPref )
+ {
+ MPMLOGSTRING2( "CMPMIapSelection::ChooseIapComplete aError = %d", aError )
+ if ( ( aError == KErrNone ) &&
+ !( iChooseIapPref.NoteBehaviour() &
+ TExtendedConnPref::ENoteBehaviourConnDisableNotes ) )
+ {
+ TBool connectionAlreadyActive =
+ iSession->MyServer().CheckIfStarted( aPolicyPref->IapId() );
+ CConnectionUiUtilities* connUiUtils = NULL;
+ TRAPD( popupError,
+ connUiUtils = CConnectionUiUtilities::NewL();
+ connUiUtils->ConnectingViaDiscreetPopup(
+ aPolicyPref->IapId(),
+ connectionAlreadyActive );
+ delete connUiUtils; );
+ if ( popupError && connUiUtils )
+ {
+ delete connUiUtils;
+ }
+ }
+ if( iWlanDialog )
+ {
+ delete iWlanDialog;
+ iWlanDialog = NULL;
+ }
+ iSession->ChooseIapComplete( aError, aPolicyPref );
+ // Set choose iap state to none
+ iChooseIapState = ENoConnection;
+ iNextBestExists = EFalse;
+ iUserSelectionSnapId = 0;
+ iUserSelectionIapId = 0;
+ iImplicitState = EImplicitStart;
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CMPMIapSelection::UserWlanSelectionDoneL
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CMPMIapSelection::UserWlanSelectionDoneL( TInt aError, TUint32 aIapId )
+ {
+ MPMLOGSTRING( "CMPMIapSelection::UserWlanSelectionDoneL" )
+ if( iIsRoaming )
+ {
+ iIsRoaming = EFalse;
+ iSession->MigrateCallbackL( aError );
+ delete iWlanDialog;
+ iWlanDialog = NULL;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if( aError != KErrNone )
+ {
+ MPMLOGSTRING2( "CMPMIapSelection::UserWlanSelectionDoneL - Error = %d, completing", aError )
+ ChooseIapComplete( aError, NULL );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if( iChooseIapState == EImplicitConnection )
+ {
+ iUserSelectionIapId = aIapId;
+ ImplicitConnectionL();
+ }
+ else if( iChooseIapState == EExplicitConnection )
+ {
+ MPMLOGSTRING( "CMPMIapSelection::UserWlanSelectionDoneL completing explicit iap connection" )
+ iChooseIapPref.SetIapId( aIapId );
+ // Add info into the BM connections
+ //
+ iSession->MyServer().AppendBMConnection( iSession->ConnectionId(),
+ iChooseIapPref.SnapId(),
+ aIapId,
+ EStarting,
+ *iSession );
+ iWlanDialog->StoreEasyWlanSelectionL();
+ delete iWlanDialog;
+ iWlanDialog = NULL;
+ ChooseIapComplete( KErrNone, &iChooseIapPref );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ MPMLOGSTRING( "CMPMIapSelection::UserWlanSelectionDoneL - error, no connection state" )
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CMPMIapSelection::HandleUserSelectionError
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CMPMIapSelection::HandleUserSelectionError( TInt aError )
+ {
+ MPMLOGSTRING2( "CMPMIapSelection::HandleUserIapSelectionError - error %d",
+ aError )
+ ChooseIapComplete( aError, NULL );
+ delete iDialog;
+ iDialog = NULL;
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CMPMIapSelection::HandleUserIapSelectionL
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CMPMIapSelection::HandleUserSelectionL( TBool aIsIap, TUint32 aId, TInt aError )
+ {
+ MPMLOGSTRING2( "CMPMIapSelection::HandleUserSelectionL - Connection Id = 0x%x",
+ iSession->ConnectionId() )
+ if( aError != KErrNone )
+ {
+ HandleUserSelectionError( aError );
+ return;
+ }
+ if ( !aIsIap )
+ {
+ // User selected SNAP
+ //
+ TMpmConnPref userPref;
+ iUserSelectionSnapId = iCommsDatAccess->MapNetIdtoSnapAPL( aId );
+ userPref.SetSnapId( iUserSelectionSnapId );
+// Agreed that MPM will be migrated to SNAP TAG ID SNAPS.
+// if ( iUserSelectionSnapId < 0x1000 ) // TODO: remove when connection dialog return valid SNAP TAG ID.
+// {
+// // legacy snaps ok
+// userPref.SetNetId( aId );
+// iUserSelectionSnapId = aId;
+// }
+// else
+// {
+// // 5.2 snaps, MPM uses internally legacy snaps. Convert back. -jl- TODO: use CommsDat mapping in future.
+// userPref.SetNetId( aId - 3000 );
+// iUserSelectionSnapId = aId - 3000;
+// }
+ "CMPMIapSelection::HandleUserSelectionL: Snap = %i selected by the User",
+ iUserSelectionSnapId )
+// userPref.SetNetId( aId );
+ userPref.SetIapId( 0 );
+ ChooseBestIAPL( userPref, iStoredAvailableIaps );
+ iUserSelectionIapId = userPref.IapId();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // User explicit selection of IAP
+ //
+ iUserSelectionIapId = aId;
+ iUserSelectionSnapId = 0;
+ "CMPMIapSelection::HandleUserSelectionL: IAP Id <%i> selected by the User",
+ iUserSelectionIapId )
+ }
+ // We are done
+ //
+ delete iDialog;
+ iDialog = NULL;
+ ImplicitConnectionL();
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CMPMIapSelection::ImplicitConnectionWlanNoteL
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CMPMIapSelection::ImplicitConnectionWlanNoteL()
+ {
+ MPMLOGSTRING( "CMPMIapSelection::ImplicitConnectionWlanNoteL" )
+ TWlanIapType wlanType = iCommsDatAccess->CheckWlanL( iUserSelectionIapId );
+ // In case offline mode is enabled, only LAN or WLAN is allowed.
+ // If some other bearer has been requested, then error code
+ // KErrGprsOfflineMode should be returned instead of KErrNone.
+ //
+ if( wlanType != ENotWlanIap )
+ {
+ iChooseIapState = EImplicitConnection;
+ iWlanDialog = CMPMWlanQueryDialog::NewL( *this, iUserSelectionIapId );
+ iWlanDialog->StartWlanQueryL();
+ return;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Check whether confirmation from user is needed for allowing cellular usage.
+ // When user is starting implicit IAP/SNAP confirmation is asked only when roaming.
+ if ( iSession->IsConfirmFirstL( iUserSelectionIapId ) )
+ {
+ // Check whether queries are disabled
+ if ( !( iChooseIapPref.NoteBehaviour() & TExtendedConnPref::ENoteBehaviourConnDisableQueries ) )
+ {
+ if ( iSession->MyServer().RoamingWatcher()->RoamingStatus() == EMPMInternationalRoaming )
+ {
+ // Check if cellular data usage query has already been presented to the user in this country
+ if ( iSession->MyServer().RoamingWatcher()->AskCellularDataUsageAbroad() == true )
+ {
+ TConnectionId connId = iSession->ConnectionId();
+ // International roaming
+ iConfirmDlgStarting = CMPMConfirmDlgStarting::NewL(
+ *this,
+ connId,
+ iUserSelectionSnapId,
+ iUserSelectionIapId,
+ CMPMConfirmDlg::EConfirmDlgVisitorNetwork,
+ iChooseIapPref,
+ iSession->MyServer(),
+ *iSession,
+ EImplicitConnection );
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ CompleteImplicitConnectionL();
+ }
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CMPMIapSelection::OfflineNoteResponse
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TOfflineNoteResponse CMPMIapSelection::OfflineNoteResponse()
+ {
+ MPMLOGSTRING2( "CMPMIapSelection::OfflineNoteResponse: %d",
+ iOfflineNoteResponse )
+ return iOfflineNoteResponse;
+ // Platsim simulates WLAN and offline-mode. To ease automated testing,
+ // offline connection confirmation is not asked in Platsim-variant
+ MPMLOGSTRING( "CMPMIapSelection::OfflineNoteResponse: yes for Platsim" )
+ return EOfflineResponseYes;
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CMPMIapSelection::ConnectionStarted
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CMPMIapSelection::ConnectionStarted()
+ {
+ MPMLOGSTRING( "CMPMIapSelection::ConnectionStarted: reset offline response" )
+ SetOfflineNoteResponse( EOfflineResponseUndefined );
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CMPMIapSelection::SetOfflineNoteShown
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CMPMIapSelection::SetOfflineNoteResponse( TOfflineNoteResponse aResponse )
+ {
+ MPMLOGSTRING2( "CMPMIapSelection::SetOfflineNoteResponse %d ", aResponse )
+ iOfflineNoteResponse = aResponse;
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CMPMIapSelection::CompleteImplicitConnectionL
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CMPMIapSelection::CompleteImplicitConnectionL()
+ {
+ TBool iapTypeLanOrWlan( EFalse );
+ TUint32 retNetId( 0 );
+ iCommsDatAccess->ValidateIapL( iSession->ConnectionId(),
+ iUserSelectionIapId,
+ retNetId,
+ iapTypeLanOrWlan,
+ *iSession );
+ if ( !iapTypeLanOrWlan && iSession->IsPhoneOfflineL() )
+ {
+ MPMLOGSTRING2( "CMPMIapSelection::CompleteImplicitConnectionL: Completing with code = %i",
+ KErrGprsOfflineMode )
+ ChooseIapComplete( KErrGprsOfflineMode, NULL );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Add info into the BM connections
+ //
+ iSession->MyServer().AppendBMConnection( iSession->ConnectionId(),
+ iUserSelectionSnapId,
+ iUserSelectionIapId,
+ EStarting,
+ *iSession );
+ // Set validated IAP Id and returned Access Network Id
+ // in connection preferences
+ //
+ iChooseIapPref.SetIapId( iUserSelectionIapId );
+ iChooseIapPref.SetNetId( retNetId );
+ if( iWlanDialog )
+ {
+ iWlanDialog->StoreEasyWlanSelectionL();
+ delete iWlanDialog;
+ iWlanDialog = NULL;
+ }
+ ChooseIapComplete( KErrNone, &iChooseIapPref );
+ }
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CMPMIapSelection::ImplicitConnectionIapSelectionL
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CMPMIapSelection::ImplicitConnectionIapSelectionL()
+ {
+ MPMLOGSTRING( "CMPMIapSelection::ImplicitConnectionIapSelectionL" )
+ iSession->AvailableUnblacklistedIapsL( iStoredAvailableIaps, iSession->ConnectionId() );
+ // Create and initiate user dialog
+ //
+ iDialog = CMPMDialog::NewL( *this,
+ iStoredAvailableIaps,
+ iChooseIapPref.BearerSet(),
+ *iSession->MyServer().ConnectDialogQueue(),
+ iSession->MyServer() );
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CMPMIapSelection::ImplicitConnectionL
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CMPMIapSelection::ImplicitConnectionL()
+ {
+ if( iImplicitState == EImplicitStart )
+ {
+ MPMLOGSTRING( "CMPMIapSelection::ImplicitConnectionIapSelectionL EImplicitStart" )
+ iImplicitState = EImplicitWlanScan;
+ ImplicitConnectionCheckWlanScanNeededL();
+ }
+ else if( iImplicitState == EImplicitWlanScan )
+ {
+ MPMLOGSTRING( "CMPMIapSelection::ImplicitConnectionIapSelectionL EImplicitWlanScan" )
+ iImplicitState = EImplicitUserSelection;
+ ImplicitConnectionIapSelectionL();
+ }
+ else if( iImplicitState == EImplicitUserSelection )
+ {
+ MPMLOGSTRING( "CMPMIapSelection::ImplicitConnectionIapSelectionL EImplicitUserSelection" )
+ iImplicitState = EImplicitWlanQuery;
+ ImplicitConnectionWlanNoteL();
+ }
+ else //EImplicitWlanQuery
+ {
+ MPMLOGSTRING( "CMPMIapSelection::ImplicitConnectionIapSelectionL EImplicitWlanQuery" )
+ CompleteImplicitConnectionL();
+ }
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CMPMIapSelection::StopDisplayingStartingDlg
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CMPMIapSelection::StopDisplayingStartingDlg()
+ {
+ MPMLOGSTRING( "CMPMIapSelection::StopDisplayingStartingDlg" )
+ if ( iConfirmDlgStarting )
+ {
+ // We probably have to complete the ChooseBestIAP message with KErrCancel
+ //
+ ChooseIapComplete( KErrCancel, NULL );
+ }
+ delete iConfirmDlgStarting;
+ iConfirmDlgStarting = NULL;
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CMPMIapSelection::ChooseBestIAPL
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CMPMIapSelection::ChooseBestIAPL(
+ TMpmConnPref& aMpmConnPref,
+ const RAvailableIAPList& aAvailableIAPs )
+ {
+ MPMLOGSTRING( "CMPMIapSelection::ChooseBestIAPL" )
+ TBool nextBestExists( EFalse );
+ // reuse different version of this function
+ //
+ ChooseBestIAPL( aMpmConnPref, aAvailableIAPs, nextBestExists );
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CMPMIapSelection::ChooseBestIAPL
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CMPMIapSelection::ChooseBestIAPL(
+ TMpmConnPref& aMpmConnPref,
+ const RAvailableIAPList& aAvailableIAPs,
+ TBool& aNextBestExists )
+ {
+ MPMLOGSTRING2( "CMPMIapSelection::ChooseBestIAPL: SNAP: %d",
+ aMpmConnPref.SnapId() )
+ RArray<TNetIap> destNetIaps, embeddedIaps;
+ CleanupClosePushL( destNetIaps );
+ CleanupClosePushL( embeddedIaps );
+ // Find the valid IAPs belonging to the Snap.
+ //
+ iCommsDatAccess->SearchDNEntriesWithEmbeddedL( aMpmConnPref.SnapId(),
+ destNetIaps,
+ embeddedIaps );
+ // Remove any unavailable IAP from destNetIaps
+ //
+ TInt ret = KErrNotFound;
+ TInt destCount = destNetIaps.Count();
+ // Decrement by one, because count is n,
+ // but indexes in array are 0 .. n-1.
+ //
+ destCount--;
+ // This time we are browsing the array from the end to the beginning,
+ // because removing one element from array affects index numbering.
+ //
+ for ( TInt k = destCount; k >= 0; k-- )
+ {
+ ret = aAvailableIAPs.Find( destNetIaps[k].iIapId );
+ if ( ret == KErrNotFound )
+ {
+ MPMLOGSTRING2( "CMPMIapSelection::ChooseBestIAPL: \
+Remove unavailable IAP = %i", destNetIaps[k].iIapId )
+ destNetIaps.Remove( k );
+ }
+ }
+ // Remove any unavailable IAP from embeddedIaps
+ //
+ if ( embeddedIaps.Count() > 0 )
+ {
+ TInt embedCount = embeddedIaps.Count();
+ embedCount--;
+ for ( TInt m = embedCount; m >= 0; m-- )
+ {
+ ret = aAvailableIAPs.Find( embeddedIaps[m].iIapId );
+ if ( ret == KErrNotFound )
+ {
+ // Remove IapId because it's not available
+ //
+ MPMLOGSTRING2( "CMPMIapSelection::ChooseBestIAPL: \
+Remove unavailable IAP = %i", embeddedIaps[m].iIapId )
+ embeddedIaps.Remove( m );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Determine the actual priorities for virtual IAPs and embedded Snaps
+ //
+ iCommsDatAccess->DeterminePrioritiesL( destNetIaps, aAvailableIAPs,
+ *iSession );
+ if ( embeddedIaps.Count() > 0 )
+ {
+ iCommsDatAccess->DeterminePrioritiesL( embeddedIaps, aAvailableIAPs,
+ *iSession );
+ }
+ // Start checking if a matching available IAP is found.
+ //
+ // Pick the first item from both arrays and check the global bearer
+ // priority for both destNetIaps and embeddedIaps.
+ //
+ TUint32 destNetPriority( KLowestPriority );
+ TUint32 embeddedPriority( KLowestPriority );
+ if( destNetIaps.Count() > 0 )
+ {
+ iCommsDatAccess->GlobalBearerPriorityL( destNetIaps[0].iIapId,
+ destNetPriority );
+ }
+ if( embeddedIaps.Count() > 0 )
+ {
+ iCommsDatAccess->GlobalBearerPriorityL( embeddedIaps[0].iIapId,
+ embeddedPriority );
+ }
+ // Compare the global bearer priorities of the selected IAPs and
+ // select the better.
+ //
+ // If the priorities are equal, prioritize the Snap
+ // over the embedded Snap.
+ //
+ // When comparing the priorities, smaller value is better.
+ //
+ // Set found IAP Id and Access Network Id
+ // in connection preferences
+ //
+ if( destNetPriority <= embeddedPriority )
+ {
+ if( destNetIaps.Count() > 0 )
+ {
+ aMpmConnPref.SetIapId( destNetIaps[0].iIapId );
+ aMpmConnPref.SetSnapId( destNetIaps[0].iSnap );
+ "CMPMIapSelection::ChooseBestIAPL: Found IapId = %i",
+ destNetIaps[0].iIapId )
+ "CMPMIapSelection::ChooseBestIAPL: Found SNAP = %i",
+ destNetIaps[0].iSnap )
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if( embeddedIaps.Count() > 0 )
+ {
+ aMpmConnPref.SetIapId( embeddedIaps[0].iIapId );
+ aMpmConnPref.SetSnapId( embeddedIaps[0].iSnap );
+ "CMPMIapSelection::ChooseBestIAPL: Found IapId = %i",
+ embeddedIaps[0].iIapId )
+ "CMPMIapSelection::ChooseBestIAPL: Found SNAP = %i",
+ embeddedIaps[0].iSnap )
+ }
+ }
+ if( ( destNetIaps.Count() + embeddedIaps.Count() ) > 1 )
+ {
+ "CMPMIapSelection::ChooseBestIAPL: aNextBestExists = ETrue" )
+ aNextBestExists = ETrue;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ "CMPMIapSelection::ChooseBestIAPL: aNextBestExists = EFalse" )
+ aNextBestExists = EFalse;
+ }
+ if ( iSession->UseUserConnPref() &&
+ iSession->MyServer().UserConnectionInInternet() )
+ {
+ "CMPMIapSelection::ChooseBestIAPL: Change iap id %d to %d\
+ when user connection exists",
+ aMpmConnPref.IapId(),
+ iSession->MyServer().UserConnPref()->IapId() )
+ aMpmConnPref.SetIapId( iSession->MyServer().UserConnPref()->IapId() );
+ }
+ // Release memory
+ //
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &embeddedIaps );
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &destNetIaps );
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CMPMIapSelection::SetConfirmDlgStartingPtrNull
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CMPMIapSelection::SetConfirmDlgStartingPtrNull()
+ {
+ iConfirmDlgStarting = NULL;
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CMPMIapSelection::Session
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CMPMServerSession* CMPMIapSelection::Session()
+ {
+ return iSession;
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CMPMIapSelection::TriggerInformationNote
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CMPMIapSelection::TriggerInformationNoteL()
+ {
+ // ConnectioUiUtilities client side has a nonblocking active object
+ // implementation
+ //
+ CConnectionUiUtilities* connUiUtils = CConnectionUiUtilities::NewL();
+ connUiUtils->NoWLANNetworksAvailableNote();
+ delete connUiUtils;
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CMPMIapSelection::WlanAvailabilityResponse
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CMPMIapSelection::WlanAvailabilityResponse( const TInt aError,
+ const TBool aResult )
+ {
+ if ( ( aError == KErrNone && aResult == EFalse )
+ || ( aError == KErrNotSupported ) )
+ {
+ // no WLANs are available and user allows only
+ // WLAN connections
+ TRAPD( err, TriggerInformationNoteL() );
+ if ( err )
+ {
+ MPMLOGSTRING2( "TriggerInformationNoteL leaved %d", err )
+ }
+ ChooseIapComplete( KErrNotFound, NULL );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Some WLANs are available,
+ // or an error has occured while requesting available WLANs.
+ //
+ TRAPD( err, CompleteExplicitSnapConnectionL() );
+ if ( err )
+ {
+ MPMLOGSTRING2( "CompleteExplicitSnapConnectionL leaved %d", err )
+ ChooseIapComplete( KErrCancel, NULL );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CMPMIapSelection::MpmConnPref
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TMpmConnPref CMPMIapSelection::MpmConnPref()
+ {
+ return iChooseIapPref;
+ }