changeset 0 5a93021fdf25
child 20 9c97ad6591ae
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/ipcm_pub/connection_settings_api/inc/cmpluginpacketdatadef.h	Thu Dec 17 08:55:21 2009 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,442 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2006 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:  packet data specific enums
+/**  ECOM interface UID */
+const TUint KUidPacketDataBearerType = 0x10207378;
+namespace CMManager
+    {
+    /** Packet Data specific connection method attributes */
+enum TConnectionMethodPacketDataSpecificAttributes
+    {
+    EPacketDataSpecificAttributes = 10000,  /**<
+                                            * Marks the beginning of packet
+                                            * data specific attributes.
+                                            */
+    EPacketDataOutGoing,            /**<
+                                    * Indicates the direction of this connection method. 
+                                    * Value ETrue means outgoing, EFalse is incoming. 
+                                    * Can be changed dynamically, 
+                                    * but every packet data specific data is lost then.
+                                    * (TBool - default: ETrue)
+                                    */
+    EPacketDataAPName = 10100,      /**<
+                                    * Access point name.
+                                    * (String - default: None)
+                                    */
+    EPacketDataPDPType,             /**<
+                                    * PDP type. Values can be one 
+                                    * (RPacketContext::TProtocolType):
+                                    *   - EPdpTypeIPv4 or
+                                    *   - EPdpTypeIPv6
+                                    * (TUint32 - default: EPdpTypeIPv4 
+                                    *                       if IPv4 only
+                                    *                     EPdpTypeIPv6 
+                                    *                       if IPv6 supported )
+                                    */
+    EPacketDataPDPAddress,          /**<
+                                    * PDP address of phone.
+                                    * ( String - default: None)
+                                    */
+    EPacketDataReqPrecedence,       /**<
+                                    * Requested quality of service precedence class.
+                                    * ( TUint32 - default: None)
+                                    */
+    EPacketDataReqDelay,            /**<
+                                    * Requested quality of service delay class.
+                                    * ( TUint32 - default: None)
+                                    */
+    EPacketDataReliability,         /**<
+                                    * Requested quality of service reliability class.
+                                    * ( TUint32 - default: None)
+                                    */
+    EPacketDataPeakThroughput,      /**<
+                                    * Requested quality of service peak throughput class.
+                                    * ( TUint32 - default: None)
+                                    */
+    EPacketDataMeanThroughput,      /**<
+                                    * Requested quality of service mean throughput class.
+                                    * ( TUint32 - default: None)
+                                    */
+    EPacketDataMinPrecedence,       /**<
+                                    * Minimum quality of service precedence class.
+                                    * ( TUint32 - default: None)
+                                    */
+    EPacketDataMinDelay,            /**<
+                                    * Minimum quality of service delay class.
+                                    * ( TUint32 - default: None)
+                                    */
+    EPacketDataMinReliability,      /**<
+                                    * Minimum quality of service reliability class.
+                                    * ( TUint32 - default: None)
+                                    */
+    EPacketDataMinPeakThroughput,   /**<
+                                    * Minimum quality of service peak throughput class.
+                                    * ( TUint32 - default: None)
+                                    */
+    EPacketDataMinMeanThroughput,   /**<
+                                    * Minimum quality of service mean throughput class.
+                                    * ( TUint32 - default: None)
+                                    */
+    EPacketDataDataCompression,     /**<
+                                    * Data compression on?
+                                    * ( TBool - default: None)
+                                    */
+    EPacketDataHeaderCompression,   /**<
+                                    * IP header compression on?
+                                    * ( TBool - default: None)
+                                    */
+    EPacketDataUseEdge,             /**<
+                                    * EDGE parameter.
+                                    * ( TBool - default: None)
+                                    */
+    EPacketDataAnonymousAccess,     /**<
+                                    * Use anonymous access on?
+                                    * ( TBool - default: None)
+                                    */
+    EPacketDataIFParams,            /**<
+                                    * Interface parameter string.
+                                    * ( String - default: None)
+                                    */
+    EPacketDataIFNetworks,          /**<
+                                    * Comma separated list of network protocols,
+                                    * e.g. "PPP".
+                                    * ( String - default: None)
+                                    */
+    EPacketDataIFPromptForAuth,     /**<
+                                    * Prompt user for authentication 
+                                    * username and password?
+                                    * ( TBool - default: None)
+                                    */
+    EPacketDataIFAuthName,          /**<
+                                    * Authentication username used by PPP.
+                                    * ( String - default: None)
+                                    */
+    EPacketDataIFAuthPass,          /**<
+                                    * Authentication password used by PPP.
+                                    * ( String - default: None)
+                                    */
+    EPacketDataIFAuthRetries,       /**<
+                                    * Number of times to retry authentication if it fails.
+                                    * ( TUint32 - default: None)
+                                    */
+    EPacketDataIPNetmask,           /**<
+                                    * IP net mask of interface.
+                                    * ( String - default: None)
+                                    */
+    EPacketDataIPGateway,           /**<
+                                    * IP address of gateway
+                                    * ( String - default: None)
+                                    */
+    EPacketDataIPAddrFromServer,    /**<
+                                    * Get IP addresses (for EPOC) from server?
+                                    * ( TBool - default: None)
+                                    */
+    EPacketDataIPAddr,              /**<
+                                    * IP address of EPOC.
+                                    * ( String - default: None)
+                                    */
+    EPacketDataIPDNSAddrFromServer, /**<
+                                    * Get DNS addresses from server?
+                                    * ( TBool - default: None)
+                                    */
+    EPacketDataIPNameServer1,       /**<
+                                    * IP Address of primary name server.
+                                    * ( String - default: None)
+                                    */
+    EPacketDataIPNameServer2,       /**<
+                                    * IP Address of secondary name server.
+                                    * ( String - default: None)
+                                    */
+    EPacketDataIPIP6DNSAddrFromServer,  /**<
+                                        * Get IP6 DNS addresses from server?
+                                        * ( TBool - default: None)
+                                        */
+    EPacketDataIPIP6NameServer1,    /**<
+                                    * IP6 Address of primary name server.
+                                    * ( String - default: None)
+                                    */
+    EPacketDataIPIP6NameServer2,    /**<
+                                    * IP6 Address of secondary name server.
+                                    * ( String - default: None)
+                                    */
+    EPacketDataIPAddrLeaseValidFrom,/**<
+                                    * IP address valid from this time, used to store 
+                                    * dynamically assigned address lease info.
+                                    * ( String - default: None)
+                                    */
+    EPacketDataIPAddrLeaseValidTo,  /**<
+                                    * IP address valid for use until this time, 
+                                    * used to store.
+                                    * ( String - default: None)
+                                    */
+    EPacketDataConfigDaemonManagerName, /**<
+                                        * IP address valid for use until this time, 
+                                        * used to store dynamically assigned address 
+                                        * lease info.
+                                        * ( String - default: None)
+                                        */
+    EPacketDataConfigDaemonName,    /**<
+                                    * Name of the ECOM configuration daemon manager 
+                                    * component. This component interfaces with the 
+                                    * server identified in ISP_CONFIG_DAEMON_NAME. 
+                                    * If specified, ISP_CONFIG_DAEMON_NAME 
+                                    * should also be specified. 
+                                    * Name of the configuration daemon server. 
+                                    * This server is used to provide further
+                                    * configuration for a connection, 
+                                    * e.g. dynamic IP address assignment. 
+                                    * If specified, ISP_CONFIG_DAEMON_MANAGER_NAME 
+                                    * should also be specified.
+                                    * ( String - default: None)
+                                    */
+    EPacketDataEnableLcpExtension,  /**<
+                                    * Enable LCP extensions?
+                                    * ( TBool - default: None)
+                                    */
+    EPacketDataDisablePlainTextAuth,/**<
+                                    * Disable plain text authentication?
+                                    * ( TBool - default: None)
+                                    */
+    EPacketDataApType,              /**<
+                                    * Service supports Internet only, WAP only or both.
+                                    * Values can be any of TPacketDataType.
+                                    * ( TUint32 - default: None)
+                                    */
+    EPacketDataQoSWarningTimeOut,   /**<
+                                    * If the requested QOS can not be satisfied warn
+                                    * the user after this time in microseconds. 
+                                    * Set to 0xffffffff to disable.
+                                    * ( TUint32 - default: None)
+                                    */
+    EPacketDataServiceEnableLLMNR,  /**<
+                                    * Enable LLMNR?
+                                    * ( TBool - default: None)
+                                    */
+    EGPRSReqTrafficClass = 10200,   /**< 
+                                    * Requested traffic class
+                                    * Defined in etelqos.h in RPacketQoS::TTrafficClass.
+                                    * (TUint32 - default: ETrafficClassUnspecified)
+                                    */
+    EGPRSMinTrafficClass,           /**< 
+                                    * Minimum acceptable traffic class.
+                                    * Defined in etelqos.h in RPacketQoS::TTrafficClass.
+                                    * (TUint32 - default: ETrafficClassUnspecified)
+                                    */
+    EGPRSReqDeliveryOrder,          /**< 
+                                    * Requested value for sequential SDU delivery.
+                                    * Defined in etelqos.h in RPacketQoS::TDeliveryOrder.
+                                    * (TUint32 - default: EDeliveryOrderUnspecified)
+                                    */
+    GPRSMinDeliveryOrder,           /**< 
+                                    * Minimum acceptable value for sequential SDU delivery.
+                                    * Defined in etelqos.h in RPacketQoS::TDeliveryOrder.
+                                    * (TUint32 - default: EDeliveryOrderUnspecified)
+                                    */
+    EGPRSReqDeliverErroneousSDU,    /**< 
+                                    * Requested value for erroneous SDU delivery.
+                                    * Defined in etelqos.h in RPacketQoS::TErroneousSDUDelivery.
+                                    * (TUint32 - default: EErroneousSDUDeliveryUnspecified)
+                                    */
+    EGPRSMinDeliverErroneousSDU,    /**< 
+                                    * Minimum acceptable value for erroneous SDU delivery.
+                                    * Defined in etelqos.h in RPacketQoS::TErroneousSDUDelivery.
+                                    * (TUint32 - default: EErroneousSDUDeliveryUnspecified)
+                                    */
+    EGPRSReqMaxSDUSize,             /**< 
+                                    * Request maximum SDU size.
+                                    * (TInt32 - default: 0)
+                                    */
+    EGPRSMinAcceptableMaxSDUSize,	/**< 
+                                    * Minimum acceptable SDU size.
+                                    * (TInt32 - default: 0)
+                                    */
+    EGPRSReqMaxUplinkRate,          /**< 
+                                    * Requested maximum bit rates on uplink.
+                                    * (TInt32 - default: 0)
+                                    */
+    EGPRSReqMinUplinkRate,          /**< 
+                                    * Requested minimum bit rates on uplink.
+                                    * (TInt32 - default: 0)
+                                    */
+    EGPRSReqMaxDownlinkRate,        /**< 
+                                    * Requested maximum bit rates on downlink.
+                                    * (TInt32 - default: 0)
+                                    */
+    EGPRSReqMinDownlinkRate,        /**< 
+                                    * Requested minimum bit rates on downlink.
+                                    * (TInt32 - default: 0)
+                                    */
+    EGPRSReqBER,                    /**< 
+                                    * Requested target BER.
+                                    * Defined in etelqos.h in RPacketQoS::TBitErrorRatio.
+                                    * (TUint32 - default: EBERUnspecified)
+                                    */
+    EGPRSMaxBER,                    /**< 
+                                    * Maximum acceptable target BER.
+                                    * Defined in etelqos.h in RPacketQoS::TBitErrorRatio.
+                                    * (TUint32 - default: EBERUnspecified)
+                                    */
+    EGPRSReqSDUErrorRatio,          /**< 
+                                    * Requested target SDU error ratio.
+                                    * Defined in etelqos.h in RPacketQoS::TSDUErrorRatio.
+                                    * (TUint32 - default: ESDUErrorRatioUnspecified)
+                                    */
+    EGPRSMaxSDUErrorRatio,          /**< 
+                                    * Maximum acceptable target SDU error ratio.
+                                    * Defined in etelqos.h in RPacketQoS::TSDUErrorRatio.
+                                    * (TUint32 - default: ESDUErrorRatioUnspecified)
+                                    */
+    EGPRSReqTrafficHandlingPriority,	/**< 
+                                        * Requested traffic handling priority.
+                                        * Defined in etelqos.h in RPacketQoS::TTrafficHandlingPriority.
+                                        * (TUint32 - default: ETrafficPriorityUnspecified)
+                                        */
+    EGPRSMinTrafficHandlingPriority,	/**< 
+                                        * Minimum acceptable traffic handling priority.
+                                        * Defined in etelqos.h in RPacketQoS::TTrafficHandlingPriority.
+                                        * (TUint32 - default: ETrafficPriorityUnspecified)
+                                        */
+    EGPRSReqTransferDelay,          /**< 
+                                    * Requested transfer delay(in milliseconds).
+                                    * (TInt32 - default: 0)
+                                    */
+    EGPRSMaxTransferDelay,          /**< 
+                                    * Maximum acceptable transfer delay(in milliseconds).
+                                    * (TInt32 - default: 0)
+                                    */
+    EGPRSReqGuaranteedUplinkRate,       /**< 
+                                        * Requested guaranteed bit rates on uplink.
+                                        * (TInt32 - default: 0)
+                                        */
+    EGPRSMinGuaranteedUplinkRate,      	/**< 
+                                        * Minimum acceptable guaranteed bit rates on uplink.
+                                        * (TInt32 - default: 0)
+                                        */
+    EGPRSReqGuaranteedDownlinkRate,  	/**< 
+                                        * Requested guaranteed bit rates on downlink.
+                                        * (TInt32 - default: 0)
+                                        */
+    EGPRSMinGuaranteedDownlinkRate,	    /**< 
+                                        * Minimum acceptable guaranteed bit rates on downlink.
+                                        * (TInt32 - default: 0)
+                                        */
+    EGPRSSignallingIndication,		   	/**< 
+                                        * Signalling indication.
+                                        * (TBool - default: EFalse)
+                                        */
+    EGPRS_ImCnSignallingIndication,     /**< 
+                                        * IP Multimeida System (IMS) Core Network (CN) Signalling Indicator.
+                                        * (TBool - default: EFalse)
+                                        */
+    EGPRSSourceStatisticsDescriptor,    /**< 
+                                        * Static source descriptor.
+                                        * Defined in etelqos.h in RPacketQoS::TSourceStatisticsDescriptor.
+                                        * (TUint32 - default: ESourceStatisticsDescriptorUnknown)
+                                        */
+    EPacketDataRangeMax = 19999     /**<
+                                    * Marks the end of packet data specific
+                                    * attributes.
+                                    */
+    };
+/** Enumeration for packet data AP types */
+enum TPacketDataApType
+    {
+    EPacketDataInternetOnly,    ///< Internet-only connection method
+    EPacketDataWAPOnly,         ///< WAP-only connection method
+    EPacketDataBoth             ///< Connection method supports both WAP and
+                                ///< Internet
+    };
+} // namespace CMManager