changeset 58 83ca720e2b9a
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/cmmanager/cmmgr/Plugins/cmpluginwlan/src/cmpwlansettingsdlgadv.cpp	Wed Sep 01 12:23:51 2010 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,640 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2006 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:  Dialog for setting WLAN plugin advanced settings
+#include <StringLoader.h>
+#include <akntextsettingpage.h>
+#include <aknmfnesettingpage.h> // for IP dialog
+#include <cmcommonui.h>
+#include <cmwlanui.rsg>
+#include <AknQueryDialog.h>
+#include <cmpluginbaseeng.h>
+#include <cmmanager.rsg>
+#include <csxhelp/cp.hlp.hrh>
+#include "cmpluginwlan.h"
+#include <cmpluginwlandef.h>
+#include "cmpwlansettingsdlgadv.h"
+#include "cmpwlansettingsdlgipv4.h"
+#include "cmpwlansettingsdlgipv6.h"
+#include "cmwlancommonconstants.h"
+#include <cmpbasesettingsdlg.h>
+#include "cmpluginmenucommands.hrh"
+#include <cmcommonconstants.h>
+#include <cmpsettingsconsts.h>
+#include "cmmanagerimpl.h"
+using namespace CMManager;
+const TUint32 KAdhocChannelSelectionItems[] = 
+    {
+    0
+    };
+// ================= MEMBER FUNCTIONS =========================================
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CmPluginWlanSettingsDlgAdv::NewL()
+// Two-phase dconstructor, second phase is ConstructAndRunLD
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CmPluginWlanSettingsDlgAdv* CmPluginWlanSettingsDlgAdv::NewL( 
+                                            CCmPluginBaseEng& aCmPluginBase )
+	{
+	CmPluginWlanSettingsDlgAdv* self = 
+	                new (ELeave) CmPluginWlanSettingsDlgAdv( aCmPluginBase );
+	return self;
+	}
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CmPluginWlanSettingsDlgAdv::ConstructAndRunLD
+// Constructs the dialog and runs it.
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TInt CmPluginWlanSettingsDlgAdv::ConstructAndRunLD( )
+    {
+    // Set this flag to allow edit continue
+    iCanEditingContinue = ETrue;
+    CCmManagerImpl& cmMgr = iCmPluginBaseEng.CmMgr();
+    cmMgr.WatcherRegisterL( this );
+    return CmPluginBaseSettingsDlgAdv::ConstructAndRunLD();
+    }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CmPluginWlanSettingsDlgAdv::CmPluginWlanSettingsDlgAdv()
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+                                        CCmPluginBaseEng& aCmPluginBase ) :
+    CmPluginBaseSettingsDlgAdv( aCmPluginBase ),
+    iIpv6Supported( aCmPluginBase.FeatureSupported( KFeatureIdIPv6 ) ),
+    iParent( NULL )
+    {
+    iHelpContext = KSET_HLP_AP_SETTING_WLAN_AS;
+    }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CmPluginWlanSettingsDlgAdv::~CmPluginWlanSettingsDlgAdv
+// Destructor
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    {
+    }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CmPluginWlanSettingsDlgAdv::UpdateListBoxContentBearerSpecificL
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CmPluginWlanSettingsDlgAdv::UpdateListBoxContentBearerSpecificL( 
+                                                    CDesCArray& aItemArray )
+    {
+    if ( iIpv6Supported )
+        {
+        // IPV4 SETTINGS
+        AppendSettingTextsL( aItemArray,
+                             ESettingPageCmdIpv4,
+                             R_QTN_SET_IPV4_SETTINGS,
+                             0 );
+        // IPV6 SETTINGS
+        AppendSettingTextsL( aItemArray,
+                             ESettingPageCmdIpv6,
+                             R_QTN_SET_IPV6_SETTINGS,
+                             0 );
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        // PHONE IP ADDRESS
+        AppendSettingTextsL( aItemArray, EWlanIpAddr );
+        HBufC* ipAddr = iCmPluginBaseEng.GetStringAttributeL( EWlanIpAddr );
+        TBool isUnspec = IsUnspecifiedIPv4Address( *ipAddr );
+        delete ipAddr; ipAddr = NULL;
+        if ( !isUnspec )
+            {
+            // SUBNET MASK
+            AppendSettingTextsL( aItemArray, EWlanIpNetMask );
+            // DEFAULT GATEWAY
+            AppendSettingTextsL( aItemArray, EWlanIpGateway );
+            }
+        AppendSettingTextsL( aItemArray, EWlanIpNameServer1 );
+        AppendSettingTextsL( aItemArray, EWlanIpNameServer2 );
+        }
+    if ( iCmPluginBaseEng.GetIntAttributeL( EWlanConnectionMode ) == EAdhoc )
+        {
+        AppendSettingTextsL( aItemArray, EWlanChannelID );
+        }
+    AppendSettingTextsL( aItemArray, ECmProxyServerName );            
+    AppendSettingTextsL( aItemArray, ECmProxyPortNumber );
+    TInt valResId(0);
+    // Allow SSID Roaming?
+    TBool res = iCmPluginBaseEng.GetBoolAttributeL( EWlanAllowSSIDRoaming );
+    if ( res )
+        {
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        }    
+    AppendSettingTextsL( aItemArray, EWlanAllowSSIDRoaming, valResId  );
+    }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CmPluginWlanSettingsDlgAdv::ShowPopupSettingPageL
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TBool CmPluginWlanSettingsDlgAdv::ShowPopupSettingPageL( TUint32 aAttribute,
+                                                         TInt aCommandId )
+    {    
+    TBool retval = EFalse;
+    switch ( aAttribute )
+        {
+        case EWlanIpAddr:
+        case EWlanIpNetMask:
+        case EWlanIpGateway:
+        case EWlanIpNameServer1:
+        case EWlanIpNameServer2:        
+            {
+            ShowPopupIpSettingPageL( aAttribute );
+            break;
+            }        
+        case ESettingPageCmdIpv4:                
+            {
+            ShowIpv4SettingPageL();
+            break;
+            }
+        case ESettingPageCmdIpv6:                
+            {
+            ShowIpv6SettingPageL();
+            break;
+            }
+        case ECmProxyServerName:                
+            {
+            retval = ShowPopupTextSettingPageL( aAttribute );
+            break;
+            }
+        case ECmProxyPortNumber:                
+            {
+            retval = ShowPopupPortNumSettingPageL( aAttribute );
+            break;
+            }
+        case EWlanChannelID: // may not be correct
+            {
+            retval = ShowAdhocChannelSettingPageL();
+            break;
+            }
+        case EWlanAllowSSIDRoaming:
+            {
+//            retval = ShowAdhocChannelSettingPageL();
+            break;            
+            }
+        default:
+            {
+            CmPluginBaseSettingsDlgAdv::ShowPopupSettingPageL( aAttribute, aCommandId );
+            break;            
+            }
+        }
+    return retval;
+    }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CmPluginWlanSettingsDlgAdv::ShowIpv4SettingPageL
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TBool CmPluginWlanSettingsDlgAdv::ShowIpv4SettingPageL()
+    {
+    TInt retVal( EFalse );
+    CmPluginWlanSettingsDlgIpv4* ipv4Dlg = 
+                    CmPluginWlanSettingsDlgIpv4::NewL( iCmPluginBaseEng );
+    // This view may have to un-register as watcher here
+    CCmManagerImpl& cmMgr = iCmPluginBaseEng.CmMgr();
+    cmMgr.WatcherUnRegister();
+    ipv4Dlg->RegisterParentView( this );
+    TInt ret = ipv4Dlg->ConstructAndRunLD();
+    if( iNotifyFromIp == KCmNotifiedNone )
+        {
+        if ( ret == KDialogUserExit )
+            {
+            retVal = ETrue;
+            TryExitL( KDialogUserExit );
+            }
+        else
+            {
+            // Re-register as watcher if advanced view comes back or exists normally
+            cmMgr.WatcherRegisterL( this );
+            }
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        HandleCommsDatChangeL();
+        }
+    return retVal;
+    }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CmPluginWlanSettingsDlgAdv::ShowIpv6SettingPageL
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TBool CmPluginWlanSettingsDlgAdv::ShowIpv6SettingPageL()
+    {
+    TInt retVal( EFalse );
+    CmPluginWlanSettingsDlgIpv6* ipv6Dlg = 
+                    CmPluginWlanSettingsDlgIpv6::NewL( iCmPluginBaseEng );
+    // This view may have to un-register as watcher here
+    CCmManagerImpl& cmMgr = iCmPluginBaseEng.CmMgr();
+    cmMgr.WatcherUnRegister();
+    ipv6Dlg->RegisterParentView( this );
+    TInt ret = ipv6Dlg->ConstructAndRunLD();
+    if( iNotifyFromIp == KCmNotifiedNone )
+        {
+        if ( ret == KDialogUserExit )
+            {
+            retVal = ETrue;
+            TryExitL( KDialogUserExit );
+            }
+        else
+            {
+            // Re-register as watcher if advanced view comes back or exists normally
+            cmMgr.WatcherRegisterL( this );
+            }
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        HandleCommsDatChangeL();
+        }
+    return retVal;
+    }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CmPluginWlanSettingsDlgAdv::ShowAdhocChannelSettingPageL
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TBool CmPluginWlanSettingsDlgAdv::ShowAdhocChannelSettingPageL()
+    {
+    TInt retVal( EFalse );
+    const TCmAttribConvTable* convItem = 
+                        iCmPluginBaseEng.ConvTableItem( EWlanChannelID );
+    const TUint32* items = KAdhocChannelSelectionItems;
+    TInt value = iCmPluginBaseEng.GetIntAttributeL( EWlanChannelID );
+    TInt selected = value ? EAdhocUserDefined : EAdhocAutomatic;
+    // Show the dialog  
+    if ( ShowRadioButtonSettingPageL( items, 
+                                      selected,
+                                      R_QTN_WLAN_SETT_ADHOC_CHANNEL ) )
+        {
+        // 'User defined' selected
+        if ( selected == EAdhocUserDefined )
+            {
+            // if EWlanChannelID doesn't have a valid number, use the defaul
+            if ( value < KCmAdhocChannelMinValue || value > KCmAdhocChannelMaxValue )
+                {
+                value = KCmAdhocChannelDefaultValue;
+                }
+            TBool loop ( ETrue );
+            do
+                {
+                HBufC* buf = HBufC::NewLC( convItem->iMaxLength );
+                TPtr ptr ( buf->Des() );
+                ptr.AppendNum( value );
+                // Display a numeric query dialog
+                CAknTextQueryDialog* dlg = CAknTextQueryDialog::NewL( ptr );
+                dlg->PrepareLC( R_NUMERIC_QUERY );
+                dlg->SetMaxLength( convItem->iMaxLength );
+                dlg->SetDefaultInputMode( EAknEditorNumericInputMode );
+                dlg->MakeLeftSoftkeyVisible( EFalse );
+                HBufC* prompt = StringLoader::LoadLC( 
+                                                R_QTN_WLAN_PRMPT_ADHOC_CHANNEL );
+                dlg->SetPromptL( *prompt );
+                CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( prompt );
+                // Show the popup
+                if ( dlg->RunLD() )
+                    {
+                    TLex lex ( ptr );
+                    lex.Val( value );
+                    // Check valid limits
+                    if ( value >= KCmAdhocChannelMinValue && 
+                         value <= KCmAdhocChannelMaxValue )
+                        {
+                        // set result                
+                        iCmPluginBaseEng.SetIntAttributeL( EWlanChannelID, value );
+                        loop = EFalse;
+                        UpdateListBoxContentL();
+                        retVal = ETrue;
+                        }
+                    else
+                        {
+                        value = value <  KCmAdhocChannelMinValue ? 
+                                         KCmAdhocChannelMinValue : 
+                                         KCmAdhocChannelMaxValue;
+                        }
+                    }
+                else
+                    {
+                    loop = EFalse;
+                    }
+                CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( buf );
+                } while ( loop );
+            }
+        else
+            {
+            iCmPluginBaseEng.SetIntAttributeL( EWlanChannelID, EAdhocAutomatic );
+            UpdateListBoxContentL();
+            retVal = ETrue;
+            }        
+        }
+    return retVal;
+    }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CmPluginWlanSettingsDlgAdv::ProcessCommandL
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CmPluginWlanSettingsDlgAdv:: ProcessCommandL( TInt aCommandId )
+    {
+    if ( !iCanEditingContinue )
+        {
+        // We have to block all editing activity if database changed by
+        // other application
+        return;
+        }
+    if ( MenuShowing() )
+        {
+        HideMenu();
+        }
+    switch ( aCommandId )
+        {
+        case EPluginBaseCmdExit:
+            {
+            iExitReason = KDialogUserExit;
+            }            
+        case EAknSoftkeyBack:
+            {
+            CCmManagerImpl& cmMgr = iCmPluginBaseEng.CmMgr();
+            cmMgr.WatcherUnRegister();
+            HBufC* ipAddr = iCmPluginBaseEng.GetStringAttributeL( EWlanIpAddr );
+            TBool isUnspec = IsUnspecifiedIPv4Address( *ipAddr );
+            delete ipAddr; ipAddr = NULL;
+            if ( !isUnspec )
+                {
+                ipAddr = iCmPluginBaseEng.GetStringAttributeL( EWlanIpNetMask );
+                TBool isUnspec1 = IsUnspecifiedIPv4Address( *ipAddr );
+                delete ipAddr;
+                ipAddr = iCmPluginBaseEng.GetStringAttributeL( EWlanIpGateway );
+                TBool isUnspec2 = IsUnspecifiedIPv4Address( *ipAddr );
+                delete ipAddr;
+                if ( isUnspec1 || isUnspec2 )
+                    {
+                    if ( TCmCommonUi::ShowConfirmationQueryL(
+                            R_QTN_NETW_QUEST_IAP_INCOMPLETE_DELETE ) )
+                        {
+                        iCmPluginBaseEng.RestoreAttributeL( EWlanIpAddr );
+                        iCmPluginBaseEng.RestoreAttributeL( EWlanIpNetMask );
+                        iCmPluginBaseEng.RestoreAttributeL( EWlanIpGateway );
+                        iCmPluginBaseEng.RestoreAttributeL( EWlanIpDNSAddrFromServer );
+                        TryExitL( iExitReason );
+                        }
+                    }
+                 else
+                    {
+                    TryExitL( iExitReason );
+                    }
+                }
+            else
+                {
+                TryExitL( iExitReason );
+                }
+            break;
+            }  
+        case EAknSoftkeyOk:                    
+        case EPluginBaseCmdChange:
+            {
+            ShowPopupSettingPageL( 
+                        iSettingIndex->At( iListbox->CurrentItemIndex() ),
+                        aCommandId );
+            break;
+            }
+        default:
+            {
+            CmPluginBaseSettingsDlgAdv::ProcessCommandL( aCommandId );
+            break;            
+            }
+        }
+    }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CmPluginWlanSettingsDlgAdv::OkToExitL
+// Good to know : EAknSoftkeyCancel is never called, because
+// EEikDialogFlagNotifyEsc flag is not set in the resource.
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TBool CmPluginWlanSettingsDlgAdv::OkToExitL( TInt aButtonId )
+    {
+    // Database has been changed by other application so exit from this view
+    // without update editings to database
+    if ( !iCanEditingContinue )
+        {
+        if ( iExitReason == KDialogUserExit )
+            {
+            iCmPluginBaseEng.CmMgr().WatcherUnRegister();
+            // Set iExitReason back to KDialogUserBack so as to exit from this view through else in the next call
+            TInt exitValue = KDialogUserExit;
+            iExitReason = KDialogUserBack;
+            // If destination has been deleted by other application
+            // then we may have to exit from Cmmgr
+            TryExitL( exitValue );
+            return EFalse;
+            }
+        else
+            {
+            // Exit from this view here to avoid possible update to databse
+            return ETrue;
+            }
+        }
+    // Translate the button presses into commands for the appui & current
+    // view to handle
+    TBool retval( EFalse );
+    switch ( aButtonId )
+        {
+        case EAknSoftkeyOk:
+        case EAknSoftkeyChange:
+            {
+            ProcessCommandL( aButtonId );
+            break;
+            }        
+        case EAknSoftkeyBack:
+            {
+            ProcessCommandL( aButtonId );
+            break;
+            }
+        case EAknSoftkeyOptions:
+            {
+            DisplayMenuL();
+            break;
+            }
+        default:
+            {
+            retval = ETrue;
+            break;
+            }
+        }
+    return retval;
+    }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CmPluginWlanSettingsDlgAdv::RegisterParentView
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CmPluginWlanSettingsDlgAdv::RegisterParentView( CCmParentViewNotifier* aParent )
+    {
+    iParent = aParent;
+    }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CmPluginWlanSettingsDlgAdv::CommsDatChangesL
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CmPluginWlanSettingsDlgAdv::CommsDatChangesL()
+    {
+    if ( !iCanEditingContinue )
+        {
+        return;
+        }
+    CCmManagerImpl& cmMgr = iCmPluginBaseEng.CmMgr();
+    CCmDestinationImpl* parentDest = iCmPluginBaseEng.ParentDestination();
+    if ( parentDest )
+        {
+        if( !cmMgr.DestinationStillExistedL( parentDest ) )
+            {
+            if( iParent )
+                {
+                iParent->NotifyParentView( KCmNotifiedDestinationDisappear );
+                }
+            // If parent destination is deleted by somebody then the dialog must exit back to main view
+            iExitReason = KDialogUserExit;
+            iCanEditingContinue = EFalse;
+            cmMgr.RemoveDestFromPool( parentDest );
+            delete parentDest;
+            return;
+            }
+        // We may have to go back to parent view if database is changed by other application
+        if( iParent )
+            {
+            iParent->NotifyParentView( KCmNotifiedIapDisappear );
+            }
+        iCanEditingContinue = EFalse;
+        cmMgr.RemoveDestFromPool( parentDest );
+        delete parentDest;
+        }
+    else // Legacy
+        {
+        // We may have to go back to parent view if database is changed by other application
+        if( iParent )
+            {
+            iParent->NotifyParentView( KCmNotifiedIapDisappear );
+            }
+        iCanEditingContinue = EFalse;
+        }
+    }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CmPluginWlanSettingsDlgAdv::NotifyParentView
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CmPluginWlanSettingsDlgAdv::NotifyParentView( TInt aValue )
+    {
+    iNotifyFromIp = aValue;
+    if( iParent )
+        {
+        iParent->NotifyParentView( aValue );
+        }
+    }
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CmPluginWlanSettingsDlgAdv::HandleCommsDatChangeL
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CmPluginWlanSettingsDlgAdv::HandleCommsDatChangeL()
+    {
+    if ( iCanEditingContinue )
+        {
+        // Set iCanEditingContinue to False so that exit fromn this view without update editings
+        iCanEditingContinue = EFalse;
+        }
+    if( iNotifyFromIp == KCmNotifiedIapIsNotInThisDestination || 
+            iNotifyFromIp == KCmNotifiedIapDisappear )
+        {
+        TryExitL( iExitReason );
+        }
+    else if( iNotifyFromIp == KCmNotifiedDestinationDisappear )
+        {
+        iExitReason = KDialogUserExit;
+        TryExitL( iExitReason );
+        }
+    }