--- a/cmmanager/cmmgr/cmmserver/inc/cmmcache.h Thu Jun 17 22:32:02 2010 +0100
+++ b/cmmanager/cmmgr/cmmserver/inc/cmmcache.h Thu Jul 22 16:37:38 2010 +0100
@@ -121,7 +121,7 @@
void OpenDestinationL(
CCmmDestinationInstance& aDestinationInstance,
- const TUint32& aId );
+ const TUint32 aId );
* Refresh the data contained in aDestinationInstance. This means reloading
@@ -134,12 +134,12 @@
void CreateDestinationL(
CCmmDestinationInstance& aDestinationInstance,
const TDesC& aName,
- const TUint32& aId );
+ const TUint32 aId );
void OpenConnMethodL(
CCmmConnMethodInstance& aConnMethodInstance,
CCmmDestinationInstance* aDestinationInstance,
- const TUint32& aId );
+ const TUint32 aId );
* Refresh the data contained in aConnMethodInstance. This means reloading
@@ -152,8 +152,8 @@
void CreateConnMethodL(
CCmmConnMethodInstance& aConnMethodInstance,
CCmmDestinationInstance* aDestinationInstance,
- const TUint32& aBearerType,
- const TUint32& aConnMethodId );
+ const TUint32 aBearerType,
+ const TUint32 aConnMethodId );
* Creates a copy of the given client instance (copy of the connection
@@ -207,14 +207,14 @@
* is already checked that the connection method given as parameter can be
* deleted and a transaction is already open.
- void DeleteConnMethodAsPartOfDestinationUpdateL( const TUint32& aConnMethodId );
+ void DeleteConnMethodAsPartOfDestinationUpdateL( const TUint32 aConnMethodId );
* Deletes a connection method as part of destination delete operation. It
* is already checked that the connection method given as parameter can be
* deleted and a transaction is already open.
- void DeleteConnMethodAsPartOfDestinationDeleteL( const TUint32& aConnMethodId );
+ void DeleteConnMethodAsPartOfDestinationDeleteL( const TUint32 aConnMethodId );
* Basic connection method delete. Removes a connection method from any
@@ -222,23 +222,23 @@
void DeleteConnMethodL( CCmmConnMethodInstance& aConnMethodInstance );
- TBool DestinationExistsWithId( const TUint32& aId );
- TBool DestinationExistsWithNameL( const TDesC& aName, const TUint32& aDestinationId );
- TBool DestinationOpenWithId( const TUint32& aId );
- TBool NotSavedDestinationOpenWithNameL( const TDesC& aName, const TUint32& aDestinationId );
+ TBool DestinationExistsWithId( const TUint32 aId );
+ TBool DestinationExistsWithNameL( const TDesC& aName, const TUint32 aDestinationId );
+ TBool DestinationOpenWithId( const TUint32 aId );
+ TBool NotSavedDestinationOpenWithNameL( const TDesC& aName, const TUint32 aDestinationId );
- TBool ConnMethodExistsWithId( const TUint32& aConnMethodId );
- TBool ConnMethodOpenWithId( const TUint32& aConnMethodId );
+ TBool ConnMethodExistsWithId( const TUint32 aConnMethodId );
+ TBool ConnMethodOpenWithId( const TUint32 aConnMethodId );
TBool DestinationExistsWithMetadataLocalizedL(
CCmmDestinationInstance& aDestinationInstance,
- const TUint32& aValue );
+ const TUint32 aValue );
TBool DestinationExistsWithMetadataPurposeL(
CCmmDestinationInstance& aDestinationInstance,
- const TUint32& aValue );
+ const TUint32 aValue );
- void DbChangeDetected( const TUint32& aTableId );
- void DbChangeError( const TUint32& aTableId );
+ void DbChangeDetected( const TUint32 aTableId );
+ void DbChangeError( const TUint32 aTableId );
void CloseDestination( CCmmDestinationInstance& aDestinationInstance );
void CloseConnMethod( CCmmConnMethodInstance& aConnMethodInstance );
@@ -279,7 +279,7 @@
void OpenConnectionMethodInstanceL(
CCmmConnMethodInstance& aConnMethodInstance,
- const TUint32& aConnMethodId );
+ const TUint32 aConnMethodId );
* Returns Connection Method specific integer value. CM is loaded(if not loaded already)
@@ -290,8 +290,8 @@
* KErrNotFound.
TUint32 GetConnectionMethodInfoIntL(
- const TUint32& aCmId,
- const TUint32& aAttribute );
+ const TUint32 aCmId,
+ const TUint32 aAttribute );
* Returns Connection Method specific boolean value. CM is loaded(if not loaded already)
@@ -302,8 +302,8 @@
* KErrNotFound.
TBool GetConnectionMethodInfoBoolL(
- const TUint32& aCmId,
- const TUint32& aAttribute );
+ const TUint32 aCmId,
+ const TUint32 aAttribute );
* Returns Connection Method specific 16 bit string value.
@@ -314,8 +314,8 @@
* KErrNotFound.
HBufC* GetConnectionMethodInfoStringL(
- const TUint32& aCmId,
- const TUint32& aAttribute );
+ const TUint32 aCmId,
+ const TUint32 aAttribute );
* Returns Connection Method specific 8 bit string value.
@@ -326,8 +326,8 @@
* KErrNotFound.
HBufC8* GetConnectionMethodInfoString8L(
- const TUint32& aCmId,
- const TUint32& aAttribute );
+ const TUint32 aCmId,
+ const TUint32 aAttribute );
* Returns bearer specific integer value. IAP does not need to be loaded for this.
@@ -337,8 +337,8 @@
* KErrNotFound.
TUint32 GetBearerInfoIntL(
- const TUint32& aBearerType,
- const TUint32& aAttribute );
+ const TUint32 aBearerType,
+ const TUint32 aAttribute );
* Returns bearer specific boolean value. IAP does not need to be loaded for this.
@@ -348,8 +348,8 @@
* KErrNotFound.
TBool GetBearerInfoBoolL(
- const TUint32& aBearerType,
- const TUint32& aAttribute );
+ const TUint32 aBearerType,
+ const TUint32 aAttribute );
* Returns bearer specific 16 bit string value. IAP does not need to be loaded for this.
@@ -359,8 +359,8 @@
* KErrNotFound.
HBufC* GetBearerInfoStringL(
- const TUint32& aBearerType,
- const TUint32& aAttribute );
+ const TUint32 aBearerType,
+ const TUint32 aAttribute );
* Returns bearer specific 8 bit string value. IAP does not need to be loaded for this.
@@ -370,8 +370,16 @@
* KErrNotFound.
HBufC8* GetBearerInfoString8L(
- const TUint32& aBearerType,
- const TUint32& aAttribute );
+ const TUint32 aBearerType,
+ const TUint32 aAttribute );
+ /**
+ * Find and return a copy of a connection method item matching the given ID.
+ * Returns KErrNotFound, if the connection method is not found.
+ */
+ TInt GetConnMethodItem(
+ const TUint32 aConnMethodId,
+ TCmmConnMethodItem& aConnMethodItem ) const;
* Returns all conenction method IDs. Unsupported connection methods are
@@ -385,7 +393,7 @@
* Returns the number of destinations the provided connection method
* belongs to.
- TInt DestinationsContainingConnMethod( const TUint32& aConnMethodId ) const;
+ TInt DestinationsContainingConnMethod( const TUint32 aConnMethodId ) const;
* Return the EasyWLAN IAP ID, zero if not found or WLAN not supported.
@@ -416,7 +424,7 @@
* Returns all the valid connection methods under given destination.
void GetConnMethodsFromDestinationL(
- const TUint32& aDestinationId,
+ const TUint32 aDestinationId,
RArray<TCmmConnMethodItem>& aConnMethodArray ) const;
@@ -430,8 +438,8 @@
void UpdateBearerPriorityArrayL( const RPointerArray<CCmmBearerPriority>& aArray );
TBool ConnMethodInOtherDestination(
- const TUint32& aConnMethodId,
- const TUint32& aDestinationId );
+ const TUint32 aConnMethodId,
+ const TUint32 aDestinationId );
TUint32 NextFreeTemporaryId();
@@ -451,7 +459,7 @@
* @return Returns ETrue if the CM is connected and EFalse if it's not
* connected.
- TBool CheckIfCmConnected( const TUint32& aCmId ) const;
+ TBool CheckIfCmConnected( const TUint32 aCmId ) const;
* Enumerates connections and checks if any of the connection methods in
@@ -468,32 +476,32 @@
* Check from database if the given destination is an embedded destination
* in any other destination.
- TBool DestinationIsEmbedded( const TUint32& aDestinationId ) const;
+ TBool DestinationIsEmbedded( const TUint32 aDestinationId ) const;
* Check from database if the given destination has an embedded destination.
- TBool DestinationHasEmbedded( const TUint32& aDestinationId ) const;
+ TBool DestinationHasEmbedded( const TUint32 aDestinationId ) const;
* Check from database if the given destination is pointed to by any
* virtual IAP.
- TBool DestinationPointedToByVirtualIap( const TUint32& aDestinationId ) const;
+ TBool DestinationPointedToByVirtualIap( const TUint32 aDestinationId ) const;
* Check from database if the given connection method is pointed to by any
* virtual IAP.
- TBool ConnMethodPointedToByVirtualIap( const TUint32& aConnMethodId ) const;
+ TBool ConnMethodPointedToByVirtualIap( const TUint32 aConnMethodId ) const;
* Check if the given connection method is the only connection method in
* the given destination and if a virtual IAP points to that destination.
TBool ConnMethodInDestinationButLocked(
- const TUint32& aConnMethodId,
- const TUint32& aDestinationId ) const;
+ const TUint32 aConnMethodId,
+ const TUint32 aDestinationId ) const;
* Remove all references to the given connection method from the
@@ -524,13 +532,21 @@
* held in the temporary array iUpdatedConnMethods until successful commit
* to database. This method is used to find out those real IDs before that.
- void TranslateTemporaryId( const TUint32& aTemporaryId, TUint32& aRealId ) const;
+ void TranslateTemporaryId( const TUint32 aTemporaryId, TUint32& aRealId ) const;
* Check if the given connection method can have all references removed and
* made into an uncategorized connection method.
- void CheckIfConnMethodReferencesCanBeRemovedL( const CCmmConnMethodInstance& aConnMethodInstance );
+ void CheckIfConnMethodReferencesCanBeRemovedL(
+ const CCmmConnMethodInstance& aConnMethodInstance );
+ /**
+ * Check if given connection method is referenced from any protected destination.
+ */
+ void CheckIfConnMethodBelongsToProtectedDestinationL(
+ const CCmmConnMethodInstance& aConnMethodInstance,
+ TBool& aBelongsToProtectedDestination );
* Check if the given connection method can be deleted.
@@ -548,10 +564,10 @@
CommsDat::TMDBElementId TableId( TCmmDbRecords aRecord );
- TInt FindDestinationFromCache( const TUint32& aId );
- TInt FindNotSavedDestinationFromCacheL( const TDesC& aName, const TUint32& aDestinationId );
+ TInt FindDestinationFromCache( const TUint32 aId );
+ TInt FindNotSavedDestinationFromCacheL( const TDesC& aName, const TUint32 aDestinationId );
- TInt FindConnMethodFromCache( const TUint32& aConnMethodId );
+ TInt FindConnMethodFromCache( const TUint32 aConnMethodId );
void ReplaceGenConnSettingsL( const TCmGenConnSettings& aGenConnSettings );