* Copyright (c) 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description:
* Common header for flextimer panic codes.
* %version: 1 %
// System includes
#include <e32base.h>
* Server and session panic category and codes
// Panic category
_LIT( KRFlexTimerPanicCat, "RFlexTimer");
_LIT( KCFlexTimerPanicCat, "CFlexTimer");
_LIT( KCFlexPeriodicPanicCat, "CFlexPeriodic");
_LIT( KFlexTimerServerPanicCat, "FlexTimerServer" );
_LIT( KFlexTimerSessionPanicCat, "FlexTimerSession" );
_LIT( KFlexTimerContainerPanicCat, "FlexTimerContainer" );
enum TFlexTimerPanic
* Timer After-function has been provided with a negative interval value.
* @see RFlexTimer
EFlexTimerAfterIntervalLessThanZero = 1,
* Timer AfterTicks-function has been provided with a negative interval
* value.
* @see RFlexTimer
EFlexTimerAfterTicksIntervalLessThanZero = 2,
* Timer At-function has been provided with an expiry time prior to
* TTime::HomeTime.
* @see RFlexTimer
* @see TTime
EFlexTimerAtIntervalLessThanZero = 3,
* Timer AtUTC-function has been provided with an expiry time prior to
* TTime::UniversalTime.
* @see RFlexTimer
* @see TTime
EFlexTimerAtUTCIntervalLessThanZero = 4,
* Timer has been configured with flexible window size less than zero.
* @see RFlexTimer
EFlexTimerWindowLessThanZero = 5,
* Periodic timer Start-function has been called with delay value less
* than zero.
* @see CFlexPeriodic
EFlexPeriodicDelayLessThanZero = 6,
* Periodic timer Start-function has been called with interval value less
* than one microsecond.
* @see CFlexPeriodic
EFlexPeriodicIntervalTooSmall = 7,
* Periodic has been configured with delay window size less than zero.
* @see CFlexPeriodic
EFlexPeriodicDelayWindowLessThanZero = 8,
* Periodic has been configured with interval window size less than zero.
* @see CFlexPeriodic
EFlexPeriodicIntervalWindowLessThanZero = 9,
* This panic is raised by the At(), After() and Lock() member functions
* of the CFlexTimer active object.
* It is caused by an attempt to request a timer event when the CFlexTimer
* active object has not been added to the active scheduler.
* @see CFlexTimer
EFlexTimerNotAddedToActiveScheduler = 10,
* New timer has been issued while previous operation is still pending
* @see RFlexTimer
EFlexTimerServerErrorPendingTimer = 15,
* Cleanup stack memory creation failed for FlexTimer server process
EFlexTimerServerCleanupStack = 20,
* Memory allocation for active scheduler object filed in server creation
EFlexTimerServerActiveScheduler = 21,
* Starting CServer2 based FlexTimer server failed
EFlexTimerServerStartServer = 23,
* User has issued a timer request with parameters that can not be
* fulfilled
EFlexTimerServerIllegalTimerValue = 24,
* FlexTimer session failed to read tick period from HAL. This means that
* we are not able to map our tick time to system time.
EFlexTimerContainerNoTickPeriod = 30,
* In CFlexPeriodic::Start() has been passed a NULL function pointer in
* TCallBack aCallBack parameter.
EFlexPeriodicCallbackFunctionIsNull = 31,
* In CFlexPeriodic::Start() has been passed a NULL function pointer in
* TCallBack aCallBackError parameter and error has occurred.
EFlexPeriodicErrorCallbackFunctionIsNull = 32,
* RFlexTimer::Connect() has been called twice without closing the handle
* first.
EFlexTimerAlreadyConnected = 33