author Dremov Kirill (Nokia-D-MSW/Tampere) <kirill.dremov@nokia.com>
Tue, 25 May 2010 13:08:02 +0300
changeset 26 0a9e01492035
parent 0 5a93021fdf25
permissions -rw-r--r--
Revision: 201019 Kit: 2010121

* Copyright (c) 2002 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: 
*     This is a localisation file for ApSettingsHandlerUi
*     A .loc file is the one and only place where the logical strings
*     to be localised are defined.


//d:Command in options menu.
//d:Selects the currently selected access point.
#define qtn_set_cmd_select "Select"

//d:Command in options menu.
//d:Opens the currently selected access point.
#define qtn_set_cmd_edit_ap "Edit"

//d:Command in options menu.
//d:Create new access point top menu.
#define qtn_set_cmd_new_ap "New access point"

//d:Sub-command in options menu's qtn_set_cmd_new_ap.
//d:Create new access point with default values.
#define qtn_set_cmd_new_default "Default settings"

//d:Sub-command in options menu's qtn_set_cmd_new_ap.
//d:Create access point based on an existing one.
#define qtn_set_cmd_new_existing "Use existing"

//d:Command in options menu.
//d:Deletes the currently selected access point.
#define qtn_set_cmd_del_ap "Delete"

//d:Command in options menu.
//d:Opens help application with context sensitive help.
#define qtn_set_options_help "Help"

//d:Command in options menu.
//d:Exits access point settings.
#define qtn_set_options_exit "Exit"

//d:Title pane text while in General settings' connection settings.
#define qtn_set_title_settings_inet "Connection settings"

//d:Title pane text while in General settings' connection settings.
#define qtn_set_navi_ap "Access points"

//d:User has tried to edit active access point.
//d:Operation is refused with this info note.
#define qtn_set_note_ap_in_use_edit "Access point in use: Can't be edited."

//d:User has tried to delete active access point.
//d:Operation is refused with this info note.
#define qtn_set_note_ap_in_use_del "Access point in use: Can't be deleted."

//d:User trying to delete last access point.
//d:Operation is confirmed with this info note.
//d:%U stands for the name of the connection.
#define qtn_set_note_delete_last_ap "%U connection is the only one. Are you sure to delete it?"

//d:User enters access points list view and no connections exists.
//d:User is offered a 'solution' with this info note.
#define qtn_set_ap_create_new "No access points defined. Define now?"

//d:User trying to delete access point which is linked to any other application.
//d:Operation is confirmed with this info note.
#define qtn_set_ap_delete_linked "Access point linked to another application.Are you sure to delete?"

//d:User steps back from access point editing while Access Number field for data call is still empty.
//d:Operation is confirmed with this confirmation query.
#define qtn_set_ap_access_number_not "Access point can't\n be saved without \naccess number.\nDelete it?"

//d:Command in options menu in access points view.
//d:Modifies the currently selected access point.
#define qtn_set_options_change "Change"

//d:Command in options menu in access points view.
//d:Opens advanced settings for the access point.
#define qtn_set_options_ap_advanced "Advanced settings"

// localisation info for the access point setting view/edit part
// all strings below are items for list_setting_item
// "Common" for all access point bearer types

//d:Item text in setting list.
//d:The name of the connection
#define qtn_set_ap_conn_name "Connection name"

//d:Item text in setting list.
//d:The name of the bearer type.
#define qtn_set_ap_bearer "Bearer type"

//d:Item text in setting list.
//d:Indicates whether connection is secure/unsecure (result: On/Off)
#define qtn_set_wtls_security "WTLS security"

//d:Item text in setting list.
//d:Indicates whether the connection type is continuous or temporary
#define qtn_set_conn_type "Connection type"

// for GPRS bearer
//d:Item text in setting list.
//d:The name of the GPRS access point
#define qtn_set_access_point_name "Access point name"

//d:Item text in setting list.
//d:The user name
#define qtn_set_ap_username "User name"

//d:Item text in setting list.
//d:Prompt password? (Yes/No)
#define qtn_set_prompt_passwd "Prompt password"

//d:Item text in setting list.
#define qtn_set_ap_passwd "Password"

//d:Item text in setting list.
//d:Indicates whther password authentication is secure or normal
#define qtn_set_passwd_aut "Password authentication"

//d:Item text in setting list.
#define qtn_set_gateway_ip "Wap Gateway IP address"

//d:Item text in setting list.
//d:The starting page for this access point.
#define qtn_set_starting_page "Starting page"

// for GPRS Advanced
//d:Item text in setting list.
#define qtn_set_ip_address "Phone IP address"

//d:Item text in setting list.
#define qtn_set_primary_dns "Primary Name Server"

//d:Item text in setting list.
#define qtn_set_secondary_dns "Secondary Name Server"

// for CSD
//d:Item text in setting list.
#define qtn_set_access_number "Access Number"

//d:Item text in setting list.
//d:Indicates whether data call is analogue or ISDN
#define qtn_set_data_call_type "Data call type"

//d:Item text in setting list.
//d:The max. connection speed
#define qtn_set_max_speed "Max. connection speed"

// for CSD Advanced
//d:Item text in setting list.
#define qtn_set_use_cb "Use call back"

//d:Item text in setting list.
#define qtn_set_cb_type "Call back type"

//d:Item text in setting list.
#define qtn_set_cb_number "Call back number"

//d:Item text in setting list.
//d:Indicates whether to use PPP compression or not
#define qtn_set_ppp_comp "Enable PPP compression"

//d:Item text in setting list.
#define qtn_set_use_logins "Use login script"

//d:Item text in setting list.
#define qtn_set_modem_init_string "Modem init string"

// 'Textual' but fixed values for settings

//d:The bearer type is packet data
#define qtn_set_bearer_packet_data "Packet data"

//d:The bearer type is data call
#define qtn_set_bearer_data_call "Data call"

//d:The bearer type is HSCSD data call
#define qtn_netw_sett_bearer_hscsd "HSCSD call"

//d:Answer to: Prompt for password?
#define qtn_set_prompt_passwd_yes "Yes"

//d:Answer to: Prompt for password?
#define qtn_set_prompt_passwd_no "No"

//d:Answer to: qtn_set_passwd_aut,
//d:whether password authentication is secure or normal
#define qtn_set_passwd_aut_normal "Normal"

//d:Answer to: qtn_set_passwd_aut,
//d:whether password authentication is secure or normal
#define qtn_set_passwd_aut_secure "Secure"

//d:The IP address is dynamic.
#define qtn_set_ip_address_dynamic "Dynamic"

//d:Answer to: qtn_set_wtls_security
//d:whether connection is secured or not
#define qtn_set_wtls_security_on "On"

//d:Answer to: qtn_set_wtls_security
//d:whether connection is secured or not
#define qtn_set_wtls_security_off "Off"

//d:Answer to: qtn_set_conn_type
//d:connection type is continuous
#define qtn_set_conn_type_contin "Continuous"

//d:Answer to: qtn_set_conn_type
//d:connection type is temporary
#define qtn_set_conn_type_temp "Temporary"

//d:Answer to: qtn_set_data_call_type
//d:The data call type is analogue
#define qtn_set_data_call_analolgue "Analogue"

//d:Answer to: qtn_set_data_call_type
//d:The data call type is ISDN v.110
#define qtn_set_data_call_isdn_110 "ISDN v.110"

//d:Answer to: qtn_set_data_call_type
//d:The data call type is ISDN v.120
#define qtn_set_data_call_isdn_120 "ISDN v.120"

//d:Answer to: qtn_set_max_speed
#define qtn_set_speed_auto_detect "Auto detect"

//d:Answer to: qtn_set_use_cb
//d: Use call back.
#define qtn_set_use_cb_yes "Yes"

//d:Answer to: qtn_set_use_cb
//d:Do not use call back.
#define qtn_set_use_cb_no "No"

//d:Answer to: qtn_set_cb_type
//d:Use server number for call back.
#define qtn_set_use_server_number "Use server number"

//d:Answer to: qtn_set_cb_type
//d:Use other number for call back.
#define qtn_set_use_other_number "Use other number"

//d:Answer to: qtn_set_ppp_comp
#define qtn_set_ppp_comp_yes "Yes"

//d:Answer to: qtn_set_ppp_comp
#define qtn_set_ppp_comp_no "No"

//d:Answer to: qtn_set_use_logins
#define qtn_set_use_logins_no "no"

//d:Answer to: qtn_set_use_logins
#define qtn_set_use_logins_yes "yes"

//d:Prompt text when creating new access point based on an already existing value
#define qtn_set_new_ap_prompt_list "Use existing connection:"

//d:Item text in setting list.
#define qtn_set_login_script "Login script"

//d:Text used as prompt text in a text setting item
#define qtn_set_default_ap "Default Access Point"

// not part of spec but added it
//d:After editing an access point, info after succesful save
#define qtn_set_ap_saved "Saved"

// not part of spec but added it
//d:User IS in access points list view and no connections exists.
//d:User is informed of having 0 access points with this 'empty list text'.
#define qtn_set_ap_none_defined "No access point connections defined."

//d:When a compulsory setting is not filled, this string indicates that it is compulsory.
#define qtn_set_compulsory "Compulsory"

//d:When no access point is selected, the text None indicates this.
#define qtn_mce_settings_mms_none "None"

//d: When the entered phonennumber is invalid, this information note is shown
//l: popup_note_window
#define qtn_info_invalid_number "Invalid number"

//d: When the entered connection name is invalid, this information note is shown
//l: popup_note_window
#define qtn_info_invalid_conn_name "Invalid connection name"

//d:%U stands for the name of the connection.
//l: popup_note_wait_window
#define qtn_set_wait_deleting_ap "Deleting %U"

//d:Error note message: database is inaccessible.
#define qtn_set_err_db_inaccessible    "Cannot access\ndatabase.\nTry again later."

//d:Item text in setting list.
#define qtn_set_proxy_server_address "Proxy server address"

//d:Item text in setting list.
#define qtn_set_proxy_port_number "Port Number"

//d:Item text in setting list.
#define qtn_set_network_group "Network group"

//d:Command in options menu.
//d:Creates a new network group.
#define qtn_set_cmd_new_netw_group "Create new group"

//d:When there is no homepage value set, it is indicated with the text: none 
#define qtn_set_home_page_none "None"

//d:If user selected a  WCDMA specific speed, this string presented to confirm it.
#define qtn_set_conf_max_speed_only_3g "Selected speed is available only in third generation mobile network. Continue?"

//d:Item text in setting list. Gives the network type (whether it is IP4 or IP6)
#define  qtn_set_network_type "Network type"

//d: States that the network type is IP4
#define qtn_set_nw_type_ipv4 "IPv4"

//d: States that the network type is IP6
#define qtn_set_nw_type_ipv6 "IPv6"

//d:Item text in setting list. Offers IPv4 settings to be changed
#define  qtn_set_ipv4_settings "IPv4 settings"

//d:Item text in setting list. Offers IPv6 settings to be changed
#define  qtn_set_ipv6_settings "IPv6 settings"

//d:Item text in setting list. Entrance for the Domain name servers settings
#define  qtn_set_dns_servers_ip "Domain name servers"

//d: When the entered IP address is not a valid IP address, this error note is shown
//l: popup_note_window
#define qtn_set_info_invalid_ip "Invalid IP address"

//d: Name server IP address is user defined
#define qtn_set_ip_user_defined "User defined"

//d: Name server IP address is well-known
#define qtn_set_ip_well_known "Well-known"

//d:If user selected a  VPN access point for editing, this string presented to inform the user that 
// to edit a VPN access point, he/she must use the VPN Settings UI
#define qtn_set_note_vpn_ap_sett "VPN access point, use VPN settings to edit it."

//d:User has tried to delete a protected access point.
//d:Operation is refused with this info note.
#define qtn_set_note_protected_ap "Protected Access point: Can’t be deleted"

//d:User has tried to open a protected access point.
//d:Operation is refused with this info note.
#define qtn_set_note_protected_ap_sett  "Protected setting: Can’t be opened"

//d:User trying to delete access point, which is linked to an existing another VPN access point.
//d:Operation is confirmed with this info note.
//d:%U stands for the name of the VPN connection.
#define qtn_vpn_quest_delete_iap_associated "Access point is associated with a VPN access point ’%U’. Delete anyway?"

//d:User trying to copy a protected access point
//d:Operation is denied with this info note.
#define qtn_netw_info_cannot_use_protected_ap "Unable to use protected access point"

//d:User name if left empty
#define qtn_set_ap_username_none "None"

//d:Domain name servers 'Automatic'
#define qtn_set_dns_servers_automatic "Automatic"

//d:Primary name server & Secondary name server value 'Automatic' if left empty
#define qtn_set_dns_server_automatic "Automatic"

//d:Text to be displayed when proxy server address is left empty
#define qtn_set_proxy_server_address_none "None"

//d:Text to be displayed when the callback number is left empty
#define qtn_set_cb_number_none "None"

//d:Text to be displayed when the login script number is left empty
#define qtn_set_login_script_none "None"

//d:Text to be displayed when the modem init string is left empty
#define qtn_set_modem_init_none "None"

// WLAN loc strings

//d:The bearer type is Wireless LAN
#define qtn_wlan_sett_bearer_wlan "Wireless LAN"

//d:Item text in setting list.
//d:The WLAN network name
#define qtn_wlan_sett_network_name "WLAN network name"

//d:Defines the WLAN network mode, i.e. either infrastructure or ad-hoc.
#define qtn_wlan_sett_network_mode "WLAN network mode"

//d:Defines the WLAN security mode, i.e. Open, WEP, 802.1x, WPA.
#define qtn_wlan_sett_security_mode "WLAN security mode"

//d:Selecting it will open the WLAN security settings
#define qtn_wlan_sett_security_settings "WLAN security settings"

//d:Specifies that the network mode is Infrastructure
#define qtn_wlan_sett_network_mode_infra "Infrastructure"

//d:Specifies that the network mode is Ad-hoc
#define qtn_wlan_sett_network_mode_adhoc "Ad-hoc"

//d:Specifies that the security mode is Open network
#define qtn_wlan_sett_security_mode_open "Open network"

//d:Specifies that the security mode is WEP
#define qtn_wlan_sett_security_mode_wep "WEP"

//d:Specifies that the security mode is 802.1x
#define qtn_wlan_sett_security_mode_802_1x "802.1x"

//d:Specifies that the security mode is WPA
#define qtn_wlan_sett_security_mode_wpa "WPA/WPA2"

//d:Specifies that the WLAN network name is user defined
#define qtn_wlan_sett_network_name_user_defined "User defined"

//d:Specifies that the WLAN network name is selected from a scanned list
#define qtn_wlan_sett_network_name_scan "Scan for networks"

//d:User has tried to save incomplete WLAN access point.
//d:Operation is refused with this info note.
#define qtn_wlan_quest_nw_name_not_defined "Incomplete details. WLAN network name must be defined.Delete access point?"

//d:Defines the WLAN subnet mask to be used
#define qtn_netw_sett_subnet_mask "Subnet mask"

//d:Defines the WLAN default gateway to be used
#define qtn_netw_sett_default_gateway "Default gateway"

//d:Informs that the selected Open Network does not has security settings.
#define qtn_wlan_info_no_security_settings "No security settings for ’Open network’"

//d:Prompt text for WLAN network name query.
#define qtn_wlan_prmpt_network_name "WLAN network name:"

//d:User tries to save an access point which has some compulsory fields which are not filled.
//d:Operation is confirmed with this confirmation query.
#define qtn_netw_quest_iap_incomplete_delete "Incomplete access point details. Exit without saving?"

//d:Prompt text for Ad-hoc channel name query.
#define qtn_wlan_prmpt_adhoc_channel "Ad-hoc channel"

//d:Setting item text for Ad-hoc channel.
#define qtn_wlan_sett_adhoc_channel "Ad-hoc channel"

//d:Defines the ad-hoc channel to be automatic
#define qtn_wlan_sett_adhoc_channel_automatic "Automatic"

//d:Defines the ad-hoc channel to be user defined
#define qtn_wlan_sett_adhoc_channel_user_defined "User defined"

//d:User steps back from access point editing while the securuty settings' compulsory fields are not filled.
//d:Operation is confirmed with this confirmation query.
#define qtn_wlan_quest_security_settings_empty "Security settings for the selected security mode are incomplete.\nDelete access point?"

///d:Item text in setting list "Hidden network"
#define qtn_wlan_sett_hidden_network "Hidden network"

//d:Option of hidden network
#define qtn_wlan_sett_hidden_network_no "No"

//d:Option of hidden network
#define qtn_wlan_sett_hidden_network_yes "Yes"

//d:User is duplicating an access point.
//d:Options menu item.
#define qtn_netw_options_duplicate_iap "Duplicate"

//d:User enters access points list view and no connections exists.
//d:User is informed about it and a 'solution' is offered with this info note.
#define qtn_netw_info_no_iap_defined "No access points defined. Define one via Connection settings."

// End of File