/** Copyright (c) 2002 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). * All rights reserved.* This component and the accompanying materials are made available* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"* which accompanies this distribution, and is available* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".** Initial Contributors:* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.** Contributors:** Description: Declaration of class CApItemWlanData **/#ifndef CAPITEMWLANDATA_H#define CAPITEMWLANDATA_H// INCLUDES#include <e32base.h>// CLASS DECLARATION/*** Wlan-specific data extension for CApAccessPointItem.* Access Point data which is common to all AP-s (ISP...), are not stored* here.*/class CApItemWlanData : public CBase { public: /** * Two-phased constructor. Leaves on failure * @return The constructed CApItemWlanData. */ static CApItemWlanData* NewL(); /** * Destructor. */ virtual ~CApItemWlanData(); /** * C++ default constructor. */ CApItemWlanData(); /** * Second-phase constructor. */ void ConstructL(); public: // data members are public for CApAccessPointItem... HBufC* iWlanNetworkName; ///< WLAN netwotk name, SSID TUint32 iWlanNetworkMode; ///< Gives network mode, TUint32 TUint32 iWlanSecurityMode; ///< The security mode, TUint32 TUint32 iWlanId; ///< Commdb_id of wlan settings, TUint32 TBool iIsWlan; ///< Indicates that this WLAN-capable ///< access point is really WLAN or not. TBool iScanSSID; ///< need to scan the SSID TUint32 iChannelId; ///< The ad-hoc channel ID };#endif // CAPITEMWLANDATA_H// End of File