* Copyright (c) 2009-2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description:
* Database cache manager.
#ifndef CMMCACHE_H_
#define CMMCACHE_H_
#include <e32base.h>
#include <metadatabase.h>
#include <commsdattypesv1_1.h>
#include <cmgenconnsettings.h>
#include "cmmserverdefs.h"
#include "cmmbearerpriority.h"
#include "cmmconnmethodstruct.h"
#include "cmmconnmethoditem.h"
// Forward declarations.
class CCmmDestinationStruct;
class CCmPluginBaseEng;
class CCmmListenerManager;
class CCmmInstanceMapping;
class CCmmDestinationInstance;
class CCmmConnMethodInstance;
class CCmmTransactionHandler;
class CCmManagerImpl;
class CCmmBearerPriorityCache;
* A simple class to group a temporary ID and a database assigned valid ID
* together as a single structure.
* Used e.g. when updating a newly received real ID to datastructures
* containing a certain temporary ID.
inline TCmmIdStruct() : iRealId( 0 ), iTemporaryId( 0 )
inline TCmmIdStruct( TUint32 aRealId, TUint32 aTemporaryId )
iRealId( aRealId ),
iTemporaryId( aTemporaryId )
TUint32 iRealId;
TUint32 iTemporaryId;
* The CmmCache-class oversees all database operations.
* It manages the cached database data and handles all interactions between
* that data and the client sessions.
* It provides access to the CCmmInstanceMapping-class, that keeps track of the
* overall structure of destinations and connection methods in the database.
* It also manages the database listeners that keep track of database changes
* caused by outside sources.
NONSHARABLE_CLASS( CCmmCache ) : public CBase
* NewL.
static CCmmCache* NewL(
CCmManagerImpl* aCmManagerImpl,
CArrayPtrFlat<const CCmPluginBaseEng>* aPlugins );
* NewLC.
static CCmmCache* NewLC(
CCmManagerImpl* aCmManagerImpl,
CArrayPtrFlat<const CCmPluginBaseEng>* aPlugins );
* Destructor.
* Constructor.
* @param aPlugins Reference to supported plugin array.
CCmManagerImpl* aCmManagerImpl,
CArrayPtrFlat<const CCmPluginBaseEng>* aPlugins );
* Second phase constructor.
void ConstructL();
void OpenDestinationL(
CCmmDestinationInstance& aDestinationInstance,
const TUint32& aId );
* Refresh the data contained in aDestinationInstance. This means reloading
* the data from database if necessary. After this call the contents of
* aDestinationInstance will reflect the current state in the database.
void RefreshDestinationL(
CCmmDestinationInstance& aDestinationInstance );
void CreateDestinationL(
CCmmDestinationInstance& aDestinationInstance,
const TDesC& aName,
const TUint32& aId );
void OpenConnMethodL(
CCmmConnMethodInstance& aConnMethodInstance,
CCmmDestinationInstance* aDestinationInstance,
const TUint32& aId );
* Refresh the data contained in aConnMethodInstance. This means reloading
* the data from database if necessary. After this call the contents of
* aConnMethodInstance will reflect the current state in the database.
void RefreshConnMethodL(
CCmmConnMethodInstance& aConnMethodInstance );
void CreateConnMethodL(
CCmmConnMethodInstance& aConnMethodInstance,
CCmmDestinationInstance* aDestinationInstance,
const TUint32& aBearerType,
const TUint32& aConnMethodId );
* Creates a copy of the given client instance (copy of the connection
* method to the cache). The copy is created from the commsdat data
* (changes not updated will not be shown in the copy).
* @param aNewConnMethodInstance The copy instance to be created.
* @param aConnMethodInstance The source instance to be copied.
void CreateCopyOfConnMethodL(
CCmmConnMethodInstance& aNewConnMethodInstance,
CCmmConnMethodInstance& aConnMethodInstance );
* Re-loads a destination record if needed and copies the latest version to
* the session instance given as parameter.
void LoadDestinationRecordL(
CCmmDestinationInstance& aDestinationInstance,
TCmmDbRecords aDestRecordType );
* Saves the modifications in aDestinationInstance into the database. Also
* all connection methods inside this destination are updated (including
* any embedded destination).
void UpdateDestinationL( CCmmDestinationInstance& aDestinationInstance );
* Saves the modifications in aConnMethodInstance into database. The second
* attribute aTemporaryHandle must be true if the connection method
* instance is only a temporary one created for the duration of this update
* process only.
void UpdateConnMethodL(
CCmmConnMethodInstance& aConnMethodInstance,
TBool aTemporaryHandle );
* Deletes the destination refered by aDestinationInstance from the
* database. In case other sessions have open handles to the same
* destination, the status is updated to deleted state, but it is not yet
* removed from database. (ID must be kept reserved in commsdat until all
* handles are closed).
void DeleteDestinationL(
CCmmDestinationInstance& aDestinationInstance,
TBool aForced = EFalse );
* Deletes a connection method as part of destination update operation. It
* is already checked that the connection method given as parameter can be
* deleted and a transaction is already open.
void DeleteConnMethodAsPartOfDestinationUpdateL( const TUint32& aConnMethodId );
* Deletes a connection method as part of destination delete operation. It
* is already checked that the connection method given as parameter can be
* deleted and a transaction is already open.
void DeleteConnMethodAsPartOfDestinationDeleteL( const TUint32& aConnMethodId );
* Basic connection method delete. Removes a connection method from any
* destination it might belong to, and then deletes it.
void DeleteConnMethodL( CCmmConnMethodInstance& aConnMethodInstance );
TBool DestinationExistsWithId( const TUint32& aId );
TBool DestinationExistsWithNameL( const TDesC& aName, const TUint32& aDestinationId );
TBool DestinationOpenWithId( const TUint32& aId );
TBool NotSavedDestinationOpenWithNameL( const TDesC& aName, const TUint32& aDestinationId );
TBool ConnMethodExistsWithId( const TUint32& aConnMethodId );
TBool ConnMethodOpenWithId( const TUint32& aConnMethodId );
TBool DestinationExistsWithMetadataLocalizedL(
CCmmDestinationInstance& aDestinationInstance,
const TUint32& aValue );
TBool DestinationExistsWithMetadataPurposeL(
CCmmDestinationInstance& aDestinationInstance,
const TUint32& aValue );
void DbChangeDetected( const TUint32& aTableId );
void DbChangeError( const TUint32& aTableId );
void CloseDestination( CCmmDestinationInstance& aDestinationInstance );
void CloseConnMethod( CCmmConnMethodInstance& aConnMethodInstance );
* Returns a reference to the CommsDat session.
CommsDat::CMDBSession& Session() const;
* Finds out the bearer type and priority of the service type from given
* IAP record.
void BearerInfoFromIapRecordL(
CommsDat::CCDIAPRecord* aIapRecord,
TUint32& aBearerType,
TUint& aBearerPriority ) const;
* Finds out the priority of the service type in given IAP record.
void BearerPriorityFromIapRecordL(
CommsDat::CCDIAPRecord* aIapRecord,
TUint& aBearerPriority ) const;
* Finds out the bearer type of a connection method from given IAP record.
void BearerTypeFromIapRecordL(
CommsDat::CCDIAPRecord* aIapRecord,
TUint32& aBearerType ) const;
* Loads and initializes a connection method instance.
* @param aConnMethodInstance Reference to connection method instance
* beeing initialized.
* @param aConnMethodId ID of the connection method beeing opened.
void OpenConnectionMethodInstanceL(
CCmmConnMethodInstance& aConnMethodInstance,
const TUint32& aConnMethodId );
* Returns Connection Method specific integer value. CM is loaded(if not loaded already)
* to get the value.
* @param aCmId Identifier of the Connection Method.
* @param aAttribute The identifier of the requested value.
* @return Returns the requested integer value if found. Otherwise leaves with error code
* KErrNotFound.
TUint32 GetConnectionMethodInfoIntL(
const TUint32& aCmId,
const TUint32& aAttribute );
* Returns Connection Method specific boolean value. CM is loaded(if not loaded already)
* to get the value.
* @param aCmId Identifier of the Connection Method.
* @param aAttribute The identifier of the requested value.
* @return Returns the requested boolean value if found. Otherwise leaves with error code
* KErrNotFound.
TBool GetConnectionMethodInfoBoolL(
const TUint32& aCmId,
const TUint32& aAttribute );
* Returns Connection Method specific 16 bit string value.
* CM is loaded(if not loaded already) to get the value.
* @param aCmId Identifier of the Connection Method.
* @param aAttribute The identifier of the requested value.
* @return Returns the requested string value if found. Otherwise leaves with error code
* KErrNotFound.
HBufC* GetConnectionMethodInfoStringL(
const TUint32& aCmId,
const TUint32& aAttribute );
* Returns Connection Method specific 8 bit string value.
* CM is loaded(if not loaded already) to get the value.
* @param aCmId Identifier of the Connection Method.
* @param aAttribute The identifier of the requested value.
* @return Returns the requested string value if found. Otherwise leaves with error code
* KErrNotFound.
HBufC8* GetConnectionMethodInfoString8L(
const TUint32& aCmId,
const TUint32& aAttribute );
* Returns bearer specific integer value. IAP does not need to be loaded for this.
* @param aBearerType The type of the plugin to be asked.
* @param aAttribute The identifier of the requested value.
* @return Returns the requested integer value if found. Otherwise leaves with error code
* KErrNotFound.
TUint32 GetBearerInfoIntL(
const TUint32& aBearerType,
const TUint32& aAttribute );
* Returns bearer specific boolean value. IAP does not need to be loaded for this.
* @param aBearerType The type of the plugin to be asked.
* @param aAttribute The identifier of the requested value.
* @return Returns the requested boolean value if found. Otherwise leaves with error code
* KErrNotFound.
TBool GetBearerInfoBoolL(
const TUint32& aBearerType,
const TUint32& aAttribute );
* Returns bearer specific 16 bit string value. IAP does not need to be loaded for this.
* @param aBearerType The type of the plugin to be asked.
* @param aAttribute The identifier of the requested value.
* @return Returns the requested string value if found. Otherwise leaves with error code
* KErrNotFound.
HBufC* GetBearerInfoStringL(
const TUint32& aBearerType,
const TUint32& aAttribute );
* Returns bearer specific 8 bit string value. IAP does not need to be loaded for this.
* @param aBearerType The type of the plugin to be asked.
* @param aAttribute The identifier of the requested value.
* @return Returns the requested string value if found. Otherwise leaves with error code
* KErrNotFound.
HBufC8* GetBearerInfoString8L(
const TUint32& aBearerType,
const TUint32& aAttribute );
* Returns all conenction method IDs. Unsupported connection methods are
* included if aCheckBearerType is set to EFalse.
void GetAllConnMethodsL(
RArray<TUint32>& aConnMethodArray,
TBool aCheckBearerType ) const;
* Returns the number of destinations the provided connection method
* belongs to.
TInt DestinationsContainingConnMethod( const TUint32& aConnMethodId ) const;
* Return the EasyWLAN IAP ID, zero if not found or WLAN not supported.
TUint32 EasyWlanIdL() const;
* Check if WLAN is supported on phone.
TBool WlanSupported() const;
* Find out the internet destination ID. Set to 0 if not found.
void InternetDestinationIdL( TUint& aInternetDestinationId ) const;
* Return the number of destinations in database.
TInt GetDestinationCount() const;
* Returns all the valid Destinations
void GetDestinationsL( RArray<TUint32>& aDestinationArray ) const;
* Returns all the valid connection methods under given destination.
void GetConnMethodsFromDestinationL(
const TUint32& aDestinationId,
RArray<TCmmConnMethodItem>& aConnMethodArray ) const;
* Copies the bearer priority array's contents to aArray.
void CopyBearerPriorityArrayL( RPointerArray<CCmmBearerPriority>& aArray ) const;
* Updates the bearer priority array with the contents of aArray.
void UpdateBearerPriorityArrayL( const RPointerArray<CCmmBearerPriority>& aArray );
TBool ConnMethodInOtherDestination(
const TUint32& aConnMethodId,
const TUint32& aDestinationId );
TUint32 NextFreeTemporaryId();
* Read general connection settings from database.
void ReadGenConnSettingsL( TCmGenConnSettings& aGenConnSettings ) const;
* Write general connection settings to database.
void WriteGenConnSettingsL( const TCmGenConnSettings& aGenConnSettings );
* Enumerates connections and checks if the given connection method is
* connected.
* @param aCmId Id of the connection method to be checked.
* @return Returns ETrue if the CM is connected and EFalse if it's not
* connected.
TBool CheckIfCmConnected( const TUint32& aCmId ) const;
* Enumerates connections and checks if any of the connection methods in
* the given destination is connected.
* If pointer to destination instance is given, then information about
* relevant connection methods is retrieved from that. Otherwise the
* information is retrieved from instance mapping using the given ID.
TBool DestinationConnectedL(
const TUint32 aDestinationId,
CCmmDestinationInstance* aDestinationInstance = NULL ) const;
* Check from database if the given destination is an embedded destination
* in any other destination.
TBool DestinationIsEmbedded( const TUint32& aDestinationId ) const;
* Check from database if the given destination has an embedded destination.
TBool DestinationHasEmbedded( const TUint32& aDestinationId ) const;
* Check from database if the given destination is pointed to by any
* virtual IAP.
TBool DestinationPointedToByVirtualIap( const TUint32& aDestinationId ) const;
* Check from database if the given connection method is pointed to by any
* virtual IAP.
TBool ConnMethodPointedToByVirtualIap( const TUint32& aConnMethodId ) const;
* Check if the given connection method is the only connection method in
* the given destination and if a virtual IAP points to that destination.
TBool ConnMethodInDestinationButLocked(
const TUint32& aConnMethodId,
const TUint32& aDestinationId ) const;
* Remove all references to the given connection method from the
* datamobility selection policy records. Then update instance mapping to
* reflect the current database state, and notify any possible client
* handles for the changed destinations.
void RemoveAllReferencesToConnMethodL(
CCmmConnMethodInstance& aConnMethodInstance );
* Update the ID of a new destination from temporary ID to real ID after a
* successful update to database.
void RefreshDestinationId( const TCmmIdStruct& aIdStruct );
* Update the ID of a new connection method from temporary ID to real ID
* after a successful update to database.
void RefreshConnMethodId( const TCmmIdStruct& aIdStruct );
* During destination update, after updating connection methods inside the
* destination, the database records containing the information of what
* connection methods are inside the destination need to be updated with
* real IDs for any newly created connection methods. These real IDs are
* held in the temporary array iUpdatedConnMethods until successful commit
* to database. This method is used to find out those real IDs before that.
void TranslateTemporaryId( const TUint32& aTemporaryId, TUint32& aRealId ) const;
* Check if the given connection method can have all references removed and
* made into an uncategorized connection method.
void CheckIfConnMethodReferencesCanBeRemovedL( const CCmmConnMethodInstance& aConnMethodInstance );
* Check if the given connection method can be deleted.
void CheckIfConnMethodCanBeDeletedL( const CCmmConnMethodInstance& aConnMethodInstance );
* Check if the given destination can be deleted.
void CheckIfDestinationCanBeDeletedL( const CCmmDestinationInstance& aDestinationInstance );
* Return the requested table ID.
CommsDat::TMDBElementId TableId( TCmmDbRecords aRecord );
TInt FindDestinationFromCache( const TUint32& aId );
TInt FindNotSavedDestinationFromCacheL( const TDesC& aName, const TUint32& aDestinationId );
TInt FindConnMethodFromCache( const TUint32& aConnMethodId );
void ReplaceGenConnSettingsL( const TCmGenConnSettings& aGenConnSettings );
* Opens a transaction and deletes the given connection method.
void DeletePluginL( CCmmConnMethodStruct& aConnMethodStruct );
* Initiate the deletion of given destination if none of the connection
* methods inside it are connected.
void DeleteDestinationForcedL( CCmmDestinationInstance& aDestinationInstance );
// Monitors changes in the database.
CCmmListenerManager* iListenerManager; // Owned.
// Contains the current destination/connection method structure.
CCmmInstanceMapping* iInstanceMapping; // Owned.
// Array of currently opened destinations.
RPointerArray<CCmmDestinationStruct> iDestinationArray; // Owned.
// Array of currently opened connection methods.
RPointerArray<CCmmConnMethodStruct> iConnMethodArray; // Owned.
// Temporary array to hold information about connection methods that are
// deleted during a database transaction. This information is needed
// immediately when the database transaction is successfully commited.
RArray<TCmmIdStruct> iDeletedConnMethods; // Owned.
// Temporary arrays to hold information about connection methods that are
// updated during a database transaction. This information is needed
// immediately when the database transaction is successfully commited.
RArray<TCmmIdStruct> iUpdatedConnMethods; // Owned.
RPointerArray<CCmmConnMethodInstance> iUpdatedConnMethods2; // Does not own contents.
// Temporary arrays to hold information about destinations that are updated
// during a database transaction. This information is needed immediately
// when the database transaction is successfully commited.
RArray<TCmmIdStruct> iUpdatedDestinations; // Owned.
RPointerArray<CCmmDestinationInstance> iUpdatedDestinations2; // Does not own contents.
// Transaction handler for CommsDat operations. Created and owned by
// CCmManagerImpl.
CCmmTransactionHandler* iTrans; // Not owned.
// Pointer to bearer priority array.
CCmmBearerPriorityCache* iBearerPriorityCache; // Owned.
CArrayPtrFlat<const CCmPluginBaseEng>* iPlugins; // Not owned.
// Connection method manager.
CCmManagerImpl* iCmManagerImpl; // Not owned.
// Counter to generate new unique IDs. These are used to link new objects
// without valid IDs between session side and cache.
TUint32 iCurrentTemporaryId;
#endif // CMMCACHE_H_
// End of file