author hgs
Fri, 14 May 2010 10:52:16 +0300
changeset 30 8dde790cab74
parent 20 9c97ad6591ae
child 40 c5b848e6c7d1
permissions -rw-r--r--

* Copyright (c) 2006-2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description:
* IF implementation class for connection method plugins.


#include <cmconnectionmethoddef.h>

#include <e32std.h>
#include <e32base.h>
#include <ecom/ecom.h>
#include <metadatabase.h>
#include <commsdattypesv1_1.h>
#include <cmmanagerdef.h>

 * Macro for getting element id from Iap Id.
 * @param iapRecId Record id of an Iap.
#define IAP_ELEMENT_ID( iapRecId )  (KCDTIdIAPRecord | \
                                     KCDMaskShowFieldType | \
                                     (iapRecId << 8))

 * Macros for getting/setting diffrerent type of values from/to the records(CommsDat)
 * @param record Pointer to the record which has the field requested/to be set.
 * @param fieldId Id of the field to get/set the value.
 * @param ***Val Value to be set.
 * @return Returns the requested value in get operation.

#define QUERY_HBUFC_FIELD( record, fieldId ) *STATIC_CAST(CommsDat::CMDBField<HBufC*>*, record->GetFieldByIdL( fieldId ))
#define QUERY_UINT32_FIELD( record, fieldId ) *STATIC_CAST(CommsDat::CMDBField<TUint32>*, record->GetFieldByIdL( fieldId ))
#define QUERY_INT_FIELD( record, fieldId ) *STATIC_CAST(CommsDat::CMDBField<TInt>*, record->GetFieldByIdL( fieldId ))
#define SET_HBUFC_FIELD( record, fieldId, stringVal ) STATIC_CAST(CommsDat::CMDBField<TDesC>*, record->GetFieldByIdL( fieldId ))->SetL( stringVal->Des() )
#define SET_INT_FIELD( record, fieldId, intVal ) STATIC_CAST(CommsDat::CMDBField<TInt>*, record->GetFieldByIdL( fieldId ))->SetL( intVal )
#define FIELD_TO_TDESC( field ) ( (const TDesC&)( field ) )

const TInt32 KExtensionBaseLevel = 1;
const TUint32 KMaxProxyServerNameLength = 1024;

const TUint32 KDummyBearerType = 1;

 * Record indexes for generic iap records in the Client instance table.
const TInt KIapRecordIndex = 0;         // Mandatory record
const TInt KServiceRecordIndex = 1;     // Mandatory record
const TInt KNetworkRecordIndex = 2;     // Mandatory record
const TInt KWAPAPRecordIndex = 3;       // Mandatory record
const TInt KWAPBearerRecordIndex = 4;   // Mandatory record
const TInt KMetaDataRecordIndex = 5;    // Mandatory record
const TInt KLocationRecordIndex = 6;    // Optional record
const TInt KProxyRecordIndex = 7;       // Mandatory record (flag in record tells if in use)

typedef enum
    } TCMFieldTypes;

// Attributes that are related to bearer plugin creation
enum TBearerCreationCommonAttributes
    ECmBearerCreationCommonAttributes = 9000,   /**<
                                                * Marks the beginning of
                                                * bearer creation related
                                                * attributes

    ECmExtensionLevel,          /**<
                                * Return the extension level of the given
                                * bearer type. 1 means the level 1st.
                                * (TUint32 - default: none - read only)

    ECmBearerCreationCommonAttributesEnd = 9999 /**<
                                                * Marks the end of bearer
                                                * creation related attributes

 * Flags for Iap metadata to indicate:
 * EMetaHighlight: If it's set it indicates that a connection method is
 *                 highlighted in Agent dialog. Only one connection
 *                 method can have this flag set.
 * EMetaHiddenAgent: If it's set it indicates that an connection method is
 *                   hidden connection method in Agent dialog.
enum TCmMetaDataFields
    EMetaHighlight    = 0x00000001,
    EMetaHiddenAgent  = 0x00000002

class CCmPluginBaseEng;
class CCDIAPMetadataRecord;

 * Initialisation instance for plugin creation. Used in plugin
 * construction phase.
         * Constructor.
         * @param aSessionRef Reference for open Session handle to CommsDat.
        IMPORT_C TCmPluginInitParam( CommsDat::CMDBSession& aSessionRef );

         * Reference to CommsDat session handle.
        CommsDat::CMDBSession& iSessionRef;

         * Reserved for future.
        TAny* iNotused1;
        TAny* iNotused2;

 * This defines the data object used for moving data between
 * cmm server and plugins.
NONSHARABLE_CLASS( CCmClientPluginInstance ): public CBase
         * Two-phase constructor. Returns pointer to the new
         * CCmClientPluginInstance object.
        IMPORT_C static CCmClientPluginInstance* NewL();

         * Two-phase constructor. Returns pointer to the new
         * CCmClientPluginInstance object.
        IMPORT_C static CCmClientPluginInstance* NewLC();

         * Destructor
        IMPORT_C ~CCmClientPluginInstance();

         * Default constructor.

         * Second phase constructor.
        void ConstructL();

         * Pointer array for generic record pointers. Those are copies
         * from CommsDat versions for the client usage.
        RPointerArray<CommsDat::CCDRecordBase> iGenRecordArray;

         * Pointer array for bearer specific record pointers. Those are copies
         * from CommsDat versions for the client usage. These are asked from
         * the different plugins.
        RPointerArray<CommsDat::CCDRecordBase> iBearerSpecRecordArray;

        /** Naming way of the CM. e.g. ENamingUnique */
        CMManager::TNamingMethod iNamingMethod;

        /** Boolean to keep the information if location is enabled */
        TBool iLocationEnabled;

        /** Iap Record id of this Connection Method */
        TUint32 iIapId;

 *  CCmPluginBaseEng is base class for every connection method plugin.
 *  It handles all the generic iap informations e.g. record handling
 *  and attribute reaquests to generic records.
 *  @lib cmmpluginbase.lib
 *  @since S60 v5.2
class CCmPluginBaseEng : public CBase
        * Destructor.
       IMPORT_C virtual ~CCmPluginBaseEng();

         * Create a new instance of the given bearer type plugin.
         * Used from CMM server to avoid using slow ECom framework.
         * @param aInitParam initialization data
         * @return Returns CCmPluginBaseEng type pointer which represents pure
         * bearer instance for the CMM server.
        virtual CCmPluginBaseEng* CreateInstanceL(
                TCmPluginInitParam& aInitParam ) const = 0;

         * Following GetBearerInfoXXXL methods return the values of the
         * requested attributes. These values are bearerspecific so they
         * don't vary between CMs with same bearer type.
         * @param aAttribute An attribute identifier.
         * @return Returns the value requested. If not found leaves with
         * KErrNotFound error code.
        IMPORT_C virtual TUint32 GetBearerInfoIntL(
                TUint32 aAttribute ) const = 0;

        IMPORT_C virtual TBool GetBearerInfoBoolL(
                TUint32 aAttribute ) const = 0;

        IMPORT_C virtual HBufC* GetBearerInfoStringL(
                TUint32 aAttribute ) const = 0;

        IMPORT_C virtual HBufC8* GetBearerInfoString8L(
                TUint32 aAttribute ) const = 0;

         * Checks if the plug-in can handle the Connection Method identified
         * with parameter aIapId.
         * @param aIapId IAPId of the AP to be checked
         * @return ETrue if plug-in can handle the IAP, otherwise EFalse.
        virtual TBool CanHandleIapIdL( TUint32 aIapId ) const = 0;

         * Checks if the plug-in can handle the given IAP record.
         * @param aIapRecord IAP record to be checked
         * @return ETrue if plug-in can handle the IAP, otherwise EFalse.
        virtual TBool CanHandleIapIdL(
                CommsDat::CCDIAPRecord* aIapRecord ) const = 0;

    public: // Client interface
         * Loads all the records belonging to this Connection Method.
         * @param aIapId Id of the IAP record. Identifies the CM
         * related records to load.
        IMPORT_C void LoadL( TUint32 aIapId );

         * Resets and loads all the records belonging to this Connection Method.
        IMPORT_C void ReLoadL();

         * Creates a new Connection Method in memory. Call UpdateL() to store
         * it in CommsDat. No CommsDat transaction operation is needed for this.
         * @param aCmId Predefined iapid to be used when saving to CommsDat.
         *       0 means that CommsDat gives the id.
        IMPORT_C void CreateNewL( TUint32 aCmId );

         * Creates a copy of an existing Connection Method.
         * @param aClientPluginInstance The source data to create the copy from.
         * @return CCmPluginBaseEng type pointer to an object which represents
         * the new plugin to the CMM server.
        IMPORT_C CCmPluginBaseEng* CreateCopyL(
                CCmClientPluginInstance* aClientPluginInstance );

         * Updates all records to commsdat. Data is copied from the client's copy
         * to the original data.
         * This method does not open/rollback/commit transaction to CommsDat.
         * Caller must handle transactions.
        IMPORT_C virtual void UpdateL(
                CCmClientPluginInstance* aClientPluginInstance );

         * Deletes all the records of this CM from the database.
         * All the preventing conditions must be checked before calling this.
         * This method does not open/rollback/commit transaction to CommsDat.
         * Caller must handle transactions.
        IMPORT_C virtual void DeleteL();

         * Creates a copy of all plugin data( most of them are CommsDat data ) for a client.
         * @param aClientPluginInstance An object where to copy the data.
        IMPORT_C void GetPluginDataL( CCmClientPluginInstance* aClientPluginInstance );

         * Following GetXXXXAttributeL methods return the values of the
         * requested attributes. Attributes are returned from the client's
         * copy of the data. These values are CM specific.
         * @param aAttribute An attribute identifier.
         * @param aClientPluginInstance Client's copy of the data where
         * to get the return value.
         * @return Returns the value requested. If not found leaves with
         * KErrNotFound error code.
        IMPORT_C TUint32 GetIntAttributeL(
                TUint32 aAttribute,
                CCmClientPluginInstance* aClientPluginInstance );

        IMPORT_C TBool GetBoolAttributeL(
                TUint32 aAttribute,
                CCmClientPluginInstance* aClientPluginInstance );

        IMPORT_C HBufC* GetStringAttributeL(
                TUint32 aAttribute,
                CCmClientPluginInstance* aClientPluginInstance );

        IMPORT_C HBufC8* GetString8AttributeL(
                TUint32 aAttribute,
                CCmClientPluginInstance* aClientPluginInstance );

         * Following SetXXXXAttributeL methods set the given values
         * identified with attributes. Attributes are set to the
         * client's copy of the data.
         * @param aAttribute An attribute identifier.
         * @param aValue Value to set.
         * @param aClientPluginInstance Client's copy of the data where
         * to set the given value.
        IMPORT_C void SetIntAttributeL(
                TUint32 aAttribute,
                TUint32 aValue,
                CCmClientPluginInstance* aClientPluginInstance );

        IMPORT_C void SetBoolAttributeL(
                TUint32 aAttribute,
                TBool aValue,
                CCmClientPluginInstance* aClientPluginInstance );

        IMPORT_C void SetStringAttributeL(
                TUint32 aAttribute,
                const TDesC16& aValue,
                CCmClientPluginInstance* aClientPluginInstance );

        IMPORT_C void SetString8AttributeL(
                TUint32 aAttribute,
                const TDesC8& aValue,
                CCmClientPluginInstance* aClientPluginInstance );

         * Requests CommsDat table ids to be observed for changes by the cmm
         * server. This is only for generic iap related tables.
         * @param aTableIdArray A reference to an array where iap related generic
         * table ids are added.
        IMPORT_C void GetGenericTableIdsToBeObserved( RArray<TUint32>& aTableIdArray ) const;

         * Requests CommsDat table ids to be observed for changes by the cmm
         * server. If a table used is not mentioned to be modified a bearer
         * shouldn't return this. Bearers do not reset the array before adding
         * ids.
         * @param aTableIdArray A reference to an array where plugin must add
         * the ids of the tables it want's to be observed.
        IMPORT_C virtual void GetBearerTableIdsToBeObservedL(
                RArray<TUint32>& aTableIdArray ) const = 0;

    public: // plugin interface
         * Creates a copy of all bearer specific CommsDat data for the client.
         * Called as result of GetPluginDataL().
         * @param aRecordArray An array where the copy the records. Only
         * the bearer specific implementation knows the amount and order
         * of these records in the array.
        virtual void GetBearerSpecificRecordsL(
                RPointerArray<CommsDat::CCDRecordBase>& aRecordArray ) = 0;

         * Following GetBearerXXXXAttribute methods get only the
         * fields in records in pointer arrays(parameters).
         * @param aAttribute Identifier of the requested value.
         * @param aGenRecordArray An array containing pointers to generic
         * records of the Connection Method.
         * @param aBearerSpecRecordArray An array containing pointers to bearer
         * specific records of the Connection Method. aAttribute
         * parameter should identify one field(integer, boolean string)
         * in one of these records.
         * @return Returns the requested value. In error case leaves with
         * system-wide error code.

        virtual TUint32 GetBearerIntAttributeL(
                TUint32 aAttribute,
                RPointerArray<CommsDat::CCDRecordBase>& aGenRecordArray,
                RPointerArray<CommsDat::CCDRecordBase>& aBearerSpecRecordArray ) = 0;

        virtual TBool GetBearerBoolAttributeL(
                TUint32 aAttribute,
                RPointerArray<CommsDat::CCDRecordBase>& aGenRecordArray,
                RPointerArray<CommsDat::CCDRecordBase>& aBearerSpecRecordArray ) = 0;

        virtual HBufC* GetBearerStringAttributeL(
                TUint32 aAttribute,
                RPointerArray<CommsDat::CCDRecordBase>& aGenRecordArray,
                RPointerArray<CommsDat::CCDRecordBase>& aBearerSpecRecordArray ) = 0;

        virtual HBufC8* GetBearerString8AttributeL(
                TUint32 aAttribute,
                RPointerArray<CommsDat::CCDRecordBase>& aGenRecordArray,
                RPointerArray<CommsDat::CCDRecordBase>& aBearerSpecRecordArray ) = 0;

         * Following SetBearerXXXXAttribute methods set only the
         * fields in records in pointer arrays(parameters). They are not
         * allowed to update the original records in plugins.
         * @param aAttribute Identifier of the field to set.
         * @param aValue The value to set.
         * @param aGenRecordArray An array containing pointers to generic
         * records of the Connection Method.
         * @param aBearerSpecRecordArray An array containing pointers to bearer
         * specific records of the Connection Method. aAttribute
         * parameter should identify one field(integer, boolean string)
         * in one of these records.
         * @return None.

        virtual void SetBearerIntAttributeL(
                TUint32 aAttribute,
                TUint32 aValue,
                RPointerArray<CommsDat::CCDRecordBase>& aGenRecordArray,
                RPointerArray<CommsDat::CCDRecordBase>& aBearerSpecRecordArray ) = 0;

        virtual void SetBearerBoolAttributeL(
                TUint32 aAttribute,
                TBool aValue,
                RPointerArray<CommsDat::CCDRecordBase>& aGenRecordArray,
                RPointerArray<CommsDat::CCDRecordBase>& aBearerSpecRecordArray ) = 0;

        virtual void SetBearerStringAttributeL(
                TUint32 aAttribute,
                const TDesC16& aValue,
                RPointerArray<CommsDat::CCDRecordBase>& aGenRecordArray,
                RPointerArray<CommsDat::CCDRecordBase>& aBearerSpecRecordArray ) = 0;

        virtual void SetBearerString8AttributeL(
                TUint32 aAttribute,
                const TDesC8& aValue,
                RPointerArray<CommsDat::CCDRecordBase>& aGenRecordArray,
                RPointerArray<CommsDat::CCDRecordBase>& aBearerSpecRecordArray ) = 0;

         * Inherited class can make some preraration before CCmPluginBaseEng
         * would start loading bearer specific records.
        virtual void PreparePluginToLoadRecordsL() = 0;

         * Gives the plugin a possibility to do some preparing operations
         * if needed.
         * @param aCopyInstance Client side data instance.
        virtual void PrepareToCopyDataL( CCmPluginBaseEng* aCopyInstance ) = 0;

         * Inherited class can make some preraration before CCmPluginBaseEng
         * would start to update all the records.
         * @param aGenRecordArray Reference to generic records pointer array.
         * @param aBearerSpecRecordArray Reference to bearer specific records
         * pointer array.
        virtual void PreparePluginToUpdateRecordsL(
                RPointerArray<CommsDat::CCDRecordBase>& aGenRecordArray,
                RPointerArray<CommsDat::CCDRecordBase>& aBearerSpecRecordArray ) = 0;

         * Plugin can prepare to delete the Connection Method with this
         * function. Called from DeleteL() before any record would be
         * deleted. No records are deleted here.
        virtual void PrepareToDeleteRecordsL(){};

         * Loads the service record. Service record type is known and loaded by
         * plugin(bearer specific) part of the implementation even if the record
         * is saved to the generic side. Service record is linked to IAP record.
        virtual void LoadServiceRecordL() = 0;

         * Creates the service records.
        virtual void CreateServiceRecordL() = 0;

         * Update service record.
         * @param aGenRecordArray Reference to generic records pointer array.
         * @param aBearerSpecRecordArray Reference to bearer specific records
         * pointer array.
        virtual void UpdateServiceRecordL(
                RPointerArray<CommsDat::CCDRecordBase>& aGenRecordArray,
                RPointerArray<CommsDat::CCDRecordBase>& aBearerSpecRecordArray ) = 0;

         * Copies the service record. Bearer specific part knows the type of it's
         * service record.
         * @return Returns the service record pointer.
        virtual CommsDat::CCDRecordBase* CopyServiceRecordL() = 0;

         * Returns the service record id of the Connection Method.
         * @return Returns the id of the service record id of the Connection Method.
        virtual TUint32 ServiceRecordId() const = 0;

         * Returns the service record name of the Connection Method.
         * @param aServiceName Name of the service record the CM's iap record
         * points to.
        virtual void ServiceRecordNameLC( HBufC* &aServiceName ) = 0;

         * Inherited class loads all the bearer specific records after
         * loading generic records. Called from LoadL().
        virtual void LoadBearerRecordsL() = 0;

         * Creates bearer specific records.
        virtual void CreateBearerRecordsL(){};

         * Update bearer specific records.
         * @param aGenRecordArray Reference to generic records pointer array.
         * @param aBearerSpecRecordArray Reference to bearer specific records
        virtual void UpdateBearerRecordsL(
                RPointerArray<CommsDat::CCDRecordBase>& aGenRecordArray,
                RPointerArray<CommsDat::CCDRecordBase>& aBearerSpecRecordArray ) = 0;

         * Plugin(generic part) can delete bearer specific records
         * with this function. Called from DeleteL().
        virtual void DeleteBearerRecordsL() = 0;

          * Resets the bearer specific records.
         virtual void ResetBearerRecords() = 0;

         * Copies the bearer specific records to copy instance given as
         * parameter.
         * @param aCopyInstance Pointer to instance where to copy.
        virtual void CopyBearerRecordsL( CCmPluginBaseEng* aCopyInstance ) = 0;

         * Returns the bearer record id of the Connection Method.
         * @param aRecordId Id of the bearer record this CM's iap record
         * points to.
        virtual void BearerRecordIdL( TUint32& aRecordId ) = 0;

         * Returns the bearer record name of the Connection Method.
         * @param aBearerName Name of the bearer record this CM's iap record
         * points to.
        virtual void BearerRecordNameLC( HBufC* &aBearerName ) = 0;

         * Constructor
        IMPORT_C CCmPluginBaseEng( TCmPluginInitParam *aInitParam );

         * Second phase constructor
        IMPORT_C virtual void ConstructL();

         * Checks if the ECmName attribute was set since the last update.
         * If so, name is updated in passed record
         * @param aSrcRecord record to be checked against
         * @param aDestRecord record to be checked against aSrcRecord
        IMPORT_C void CheckIfNameModifiedL(
                CommsDat::CCDRecordBase* aSrcRecord,
                CommsDat::CCDRecordBase* aDestRecord ) const;

         * Plugins can check DNS setting with this function.
         * Suggested to be called from PrepareToUpdateRecordsL().
         * It checked the DNS server addresses, moves secord into
         * first if first is dynamic, and update DNSFromServer field
         * according to address values.
         * @param aIPv6 passed DNS server address are in IPv6 form
         * @param aDNS1 first DNS server address
         * @param aDNS1 secord DNS server address
         * @param aDNSFromServer DNS address from server flag
        IMPORT_C void CheckDNSServerAddressL(
                TBool aIPv6,
                CommsDat::CMDBField<TDesC>& aDNS1,
                CommsDat::CMDBField<TDesC>& aDNS2,
                CommsDat::CMDBField<TBool>& aDNSFromServer );

         * Handles all the Connection Method data copying to instance given as
         * parameter. This is called from CreateCopyL().
         * @ param aCopyInstance Pointer to plugin to copy the data.
        void CopyDataL( CCmPluginBaseEng* aCopyInstance );

         * Handles all the Connection Method related record copying. Called from
         * CopyDataL().
         * @ param aCopyInstance Pointer to plugin to copy the data.
        void CopyRecordsL( CCmPluginBaseEng* aCopyInstance );

         * Copies the record identified by aRecordIdentifier to copy instance.
         * @param aRecordIdentifier Identifies the record which is copied copy.
         * @param aCopyInstance Pointer to plugin to copy the data.
        void CopyRecordDataL(
                TUint32 aRecordIdentifier,
                CCmPluginBaseEng* aCopyInstance );

         * Copies the values and attributes of all fields from aSource-record
         * into aDestination record.
         * Does not copy the record element ID. Also, does not touch any field
         * in aDestination-record that is NULL in aSource-record.
         * @param aSource The record that is copied from.
         * @param aDestination The record that is copied to.
        void CopyRecordFieldsL(
                CommsDat::CMDBRecordBase& aSource,
                CommsDat::CMDBRecordBase& aDestination );

         * Creates proxy record and sets the proxy settings enabled for this
         * Connection Method.
        void EnableProxyL( TBool aEnable );

         * Creates location record and sets the location enabled for this
         * Connection Method.
        void EnableLocationL( TBool aEnable );

         * Calls all the loading methods.
        void DoLoadL( TUint32 aIapId );

         * Loads IAP record.
         * @param aIapId Identifies the IAP record to load.
        void LoadIAPRecordL( TUint32 aIapId );

         * Loads proxy record related to this IAP. This is called as a result
         * of calling LoadL().
        void LoadProxyRecordL();

         * Loads network record related to this IAP. This is called as a result
         * of calling LoadL().
        void LoadNetworkRecordL();

         * Loads location record related to this IAP. This is called as a result
         * of calling LoadL().
        void LoadLocationRecordL();

         * Loads WAP AP and WAP IP records related to this IAP. This is called as a result
         * of calling LoadL().
        void LoadWapRecordL();

         * Loads iap metadata record related to this IAP. This is called as a result
         * of calling LoadL().
        void LoadMetadataRecordL();

         * Following methods are called as a result of calling method UpdateL().
         * Each method overwrites the original data in memory with the client copy
         * of that data. Client data has all the possible changes set by client.
         * After overwrite the data is written to CommsDat.
         * @param aClientPluginInstance The client copy of the original data with the
         * possible changes.
        void UpdateIAPRecordL( CCmClientPluginInstance* aClientPluginInstance );
        void UpdateProxyRecordL( CCmClientPluginInstance* aClientPluginInstance );
        void UpdateConnPrefSettingL();
        void UpdateNetworkRecordL( CCmClientPluginInstance* aClientPluginInstance );
        void UpdateLocationRecordL( CCmClientPluginInstance* aClientPluginInstance );
        void UpdateWapRecordL( CCmClientPluginInstance* aClientPluginInstance );
        void UpdateMetadataRecordL( CCmClientPluginInstance* aClientPluginInstance );
        void UpdateServiceRecordL( CCmClientPluginInstance* aClientPluginInstance );

        * Creates new wap records.
        void NewWapRecordL();

         * Searches the WAP records related to this iap. This is called as a
         * result of LoadL().
         * @return Returns pointer to WAP IP record. If it's not found NULL is
         * returned.
        CommsDat::CCDWAPIPBearerRecord* FindWAPRecordL();

        * Creates a new metadata record.
        * @param aSetDef ETrue if setting default seamlessness value is needed
        * @return Returns metadata record pointer.
        CCDIAPMetadataRecord* NewMetadataRecordL( TBool aSetDef );

         * Searches the metadata record belonging to this iap. This is called as a
         * result of LoadL().
         * @return Returns pointer to WAP IP record. If it's not found NULL is
         * returned.
        CCDIAPMetadataRecord* FindMetadataRecordL(); //TODO, check comment, return value...

        * Set attribute flag on the given record.
        * @param aRecord Record to be set.
        * @param aAttribute Attribute to be set.
        * @param aSet ETrue to set, EFalse to clear
        void SetAttribute(
                CommsDat::CCDRecordBase* aRecord,
                TUint32 aAttribute,
                TBool aSet );

        * Copy the attributes of the source record to the destination.
        * @param aSrcRecord record of which attributes are copied
        * @param ADstRecord record of which attributes are set
        void CopyAttributes(
                CommsDat::CCDRecordBase* aSrcRecord,
                CommsDat::CCDRecordBase* aDstRecord );

        * Returns the default location record id.
        * @return Returns the default location record id.
        TUint32 GetLocationIdL() const;


         * Gives a possibility to make some prerarations before
         * starting to load bearer specific records.
        void PrepareToLoadRecordsL();

         * Gives a possibility to make some prerarations before
         * starting to update bearer specific records.
        void PrepareToUpdateRecordsL(
                CCmClientPluginInstance* aClientPluginInstance );

         * Returns the element id of the iap record.
         * @return Returns the element id of the iap record.
        CommsDat::TMDBElementId IAPRecordElementId() const;

         * Checks the protection attribute of the IAP.
         * @return Returns ETrue if the IAP is protected. Otherwise returns
         * EFalse.
        TBool IsProtected() const;

         * Sets the name of the proxy server to proxy record. If name's
         * length is 0, proxyport is set to 0 and proxyserver usage
         * boolean is set to EFalse. If the name is longer than 0,
         * boolean is set to ETrue.
         * @param aProxyServer Address to be set.
         * @param Record pointer where to set.
        void SetProxyServerNameL(
                const TDesC& aProxyServer,
                CommsDat::CCDRecordBase* aProxyRecord );

         * Sets a name to IAP.
         * @param aName Name to set.
         * @param aClientPluginInstance Client copy of data where to set the
         * name. UpdateL() updates the name to the CommsDat.
        void SetNameL(
                const TDesC& aName,
                CommsDat::CCDRecordBase* aIapRecord,
                const CMManager::TNamingMethod aNamingMethod );

         * Following methods are called as a result of SetNameL() to
         * make a valid name of the given string.
        HBufC* DoMakeValidNameL( const TDesC& aName, const TUint32& aIapId );
        HBufC* EnsureMaxLengthLC( const TDesC& aName, TBool& aChanged );
        TPtrC GetPrefix( const TDesC& aName );
        TInt GetPostfix( const TDesC& aName, const TDesC& aPrefix );
        TBool IsValidNameL( const TDesC& aNameText, const TUint32& aIapId );
        HBufC* EscapeTextLC( const TDesC& aLiteral );
        void SetDefaultNameL( const TDesC& aName );

        * Check if the passed IP address is '' or empty string
        * @param aIpAddress IP address to be checked
        TBool IsUnspecifiedIPv4Address( const TDesC& aIpv4Address );

        * Check if the passed IP address is one of these:
        * - empty string    -
        * - '0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0'
        * - 'fec0:000:0000:ffff::1'
        * - 'fec0:000:0000:ffff::2'
        * @param aIpAddress IP address to be checked
        CMManager::TIPv6Types ClassifyIPv6Address( const TDesC& aIpv6Address );

    public: // Data

        // Required attribute for the framework
        // (An identifier used during destruction)
        TUid    iDtor_ID_Key;
        TUint32 iBearerType;

         * Reference to cmm's session handle. Initialised at the construction
         * phase.
        CommsDat::CMDBSession& iSession;

         * Generic record pointers.
        CommsDat::CCDIAPRecord*             iIapRecord;
        CommsDat::CCDProxiesRecord*         iProxyRecord;
        CommsDat::CCDRecordBase*            iServiceRecord;
        CommsDat::CCDNetworkRecord*         iNetworkRecord;
        CommsDat::CCDLocationRecord*        iLocationRecord;
        CommsDat::CCDWAPAccessPointRecord*  iWapAPRecord;
        CommsDat::CCDWAPIPBearerRecord*     iWapIPBearerRecord;
        CCDIAPMetadataRecord*               iMetaDataRecord;

         * IAP record id of the CM. 0 means that this is not stored to CommsDat
         * yet. If in UpdateL phase iap record has an id but iIapId == 0 -->
         * predefined iap id
        TUint32 iIapId;

         * Naming method of the CM.
        CMManager::TNamingMethod iNamingMethod;

         * Table id of the iap metadata table.
        CommsDat::TMDBElementId iMetadataTableId;

         * Identifies if the location is enabled.
        TBool iLocationEnabled;