* Copyright (c) 2009-2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description:
* Client side IPC handling for Connection Method Manager server.
#include <e32std.h>
#include <cmdefconnvalues.h>
#include <cmgenconnsettings.h>
class CCmDestinationWrapper;
class CCmConnectionMethodWrapper;
class TBearerPriority;
class TCmmIpcStructGetConnMethods;
class TCmmIpcStructMoveConnMethod;
NONSHARABLE_CLASS( RCmManagerApi ) : public RSessionBase
* Constructor.
* Opens a connection (session) to the CMM server.
* @return KErrNone if the connection succeeds, a system-wide error code
* if not.
TInt Connect();
* Closes the connection (session).
void Close();
TInt StoreDestinationWrapper(
CCmDestinationWrapper* aDestinationWrapper );
TInt RemoveDestinationWrapper(
CCmDestinationWrapper* aDestinationWrapper );
CCmDestinationWrapper* GetDestinationWrapperL( const TInt aHandle );
TInt StoreConnMethodWrapper(
CCmConnectionMethodWrapper* aConnMethodWrapper );
TInt RemoveConnMethodWrapper(
CCmConnectionMethodWrapper* aConnMethodWrapper );
CCmConnectionMethodWrapper* GetConnMethodWrapperL( const TInt aHandle );
TInt GetBearerInfoInt(
const TUint32 aBearerType,
const TUint32 aAttribute,
TUint32& aValue );
TInt GetBearerInfoBool(
const TUint32 aBearerType,
const TUint32 aAttribute,
TBool& aValue );
TInt GetBearerInfoString(
const TUint32 aBearerType,
const TUint32 aAttribute,
HBufC* aBuffer );
TInt GetBearerInfoString8(
const TUint32 aBearerType,
const TUint32 aAttribute,
HBufC8* aBuffer8 );
TInt GetConnectionMethodInfoInt(
const TUint32 aIapId,
const TUint32 aAttribute,
TUint32& aValue );
TInt GetConnectionMethodInfoBool(
const TUint32 aIapId,
const TUint32 aAttribute,
TBool& aValue );
TInt GetConnectionMethodInfoString(
const TUint32 aIapId,
const TUint32 aAttribute,
HBufC* aBuffer );
TInt GetConnectionMethodInfoString8(
const TUint32 aIapId,
const TUint32 aAttribute,
HBufC8* aBuffer8 );
void GetConnMethodsL(
const TCmmIpcStructGetConnMethods& aParameters,
RArray<TUint32>& aCmArray );
void GetAllDestinationsL(
RArray<TUint32>& aDestArray );
void GetBearerPriorityArrayL( RArray<TBearerPriority>& aArray );
void SetBearerPriorityArrayL( const RArray<TBearerPriority>& aArray );
void GetSupportedBearersL( RArray<TUint32>& aArray );
TInt GetEasyWlanId( TUint32& aValue );
TInt ReadDefaultConnection(
TCmDefConnValue& aDefConnSetting );
TInt WriteDefaultConnection(
const TCmDefConnValue& aDefConnSetting );
TInt ReadGeneralConnectionSettings(
TCmGenConnSettings& aGenConnSettings );
TInt WriteGeneralConnectionSettings(
const TCmGenConnSettings& aGenConnSettings );
TInt CopyConnectionMethod(
const TInt aTargetDestHandle,
const TInt aConnMethodHandle,
TInt& aIndex );
TInt MoveConnectionMethod(
TCmmIpcStructMoveConnMethod& aPkgData );
TInt RemoveConnectionMethod(
const TInt aTargetDestHandle,
const TInt aConnMethodHandle );
TInt RemoveAllReferences(
const TInt aConnMethodHandle );
TInt GetUncategorizedIcon( HBufC* aBuffer );
// Array of destination handles opened through this session.
// Does not have ownership of contained objects.
RPointerArray<CCmDestinationWrapper> iDestinations;
// Array of connection method handles opened through this session.
// Does not have ownership of contained objects.
RPointerArray<CCmConnectionMethodWrapper> iConnMethods;
// True when a session is established to the server.
TBool iConnected;
// True when using smaller buffer for ConnectionMethodL(array)-query.
// Bigger buffer is taken into use if needed.
TBool iSmallBufsForDestinations;
// True when using smaller buffer for AllDestinationsL(array)-query.
// Bigger buffer is taken into use if needed.
TBool iSmallBufsForConnMethods;
// End of file