author hgs
Fri, 09 Jul 2010 10:25:55 +0300
changeset 44 a0c4ceac30d0
parent 0 5a93021fdf25
permissions -rw-r--r--

* Copyright (c) 2002 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description:  Localization texts for ConnectionMonitorUi

//d:Title pane text in main view

#define qtn_cmon_title	"Conn. Manager"

//d:No active connection in main view

#define qtn_cmon_no_active_connections	"(no active connections)"

//d:Title pane text in main view.

#define qtn_cmon_navi_one_active_conn "1 active connection"

//d:Title pane text in main view.

#define qtn_cmon_navi_many_active_conns "%N active connections"

//d:downloaded / uploaded data amounts with two decimal 
//d:digits (for GPRS connections)

#define qtn_cmon_ul_dl_data_amounts "%0U / %1U"

//d:duration of the connection over 24h (for CSD and HSCSD connections)

#define qtn_cmon_duration_over_24h  "%0Ud %1U"

//d:Connection status (main view)

#define qtn_cmon_status_creating    "Creating connection"

//d:Connection status (main view)

#define qtn_cmon_status_idle    "Idle"

//d:Connection status (main view)

#define qtn_cmon_status_active  "Active"

//d:Connection status (main view)

#define qtn_cmon_status_suspended   "On hold"

//d:Connection status (main view)

#define qtn_cmon_status_closing "Closing connection"

//d:Connection status (main view)

#define qtn_cmon_status_closed  "Closed"

//d:Connection status (details view)

#define qtn_cmon_status_details_creating    "Creating connection"

//d:Connection status (details view)

#define qtn_cmon_status_details_idle    "Idle"

//d:Connection status (details view)

#define qtn_cmon_status_details_active  "Active"

//d:Connection status (details view)

#define qtn_cmon_status_details_suspended   "On hold"

//d:Connection status (details view)

#define qtn_cmon_status_details_closing "Closing connection"

//d:Connection status (details view)

#define qtn_cmon_status_details_closed  "Closed"

//d:The navi pane displays the “serial number” (%1N) of the
//d:connection in question and the total amount of the 

#define qtn_cmon_navi_nof_connection    "%0N/%1N"


#define qtn_cmon_heading_conn_name  "Name"


#define qtn_cmon_heading_bearer   "Bearer"


#define qtn_cmon_heading_status "Status"


#define qtn_cmon_heading_data_received  "Received"


#define qtn_cmon_heading_data_sent  "Sent"


#define qtn_cmon_heading_duration   "Duration"


#define qtn_cmon_heading_speed      "Speed"


#define qtn_cmon_heading_csd_number "Dial-up no."


#define qtn_cmon_heading_gprs_apn   "APN"


#define qtn_cmon_heading_sharing_info   "Sharing"


#define qtn_set_bearer_data_call    "Data call"


#define qtn_set_bearer_packet_data  "Packet data"


#define qtn_cmon_bearer_hscsd    "High speed GSM"


#define qtn_log_gprs_amount_b   "%U B"


#define qtn_log_gprs_amount_kb   "%U kB"


#define qtn_log_gprs_amount_mb   "%U MB"


#define qtn_log_gprs_amount_gb   "%U GB"


#define qtn_cmon_data_transf_rate_dl    "%U kB/s"


#define qtn_cmon_sharing_information    "Between %N instances" 

//d:Confirmation query to close selected connection

#define qtn_cmon_conf_end_single_conn "End connection ’%U’?"

//d:Confirmation query to close all connections

#define qtn_cmon_conf_end_all_conns "%N connections active. End all connections?"

//d:Main view menu item

#define qtn_cmon_list_options_details "Details"

//d:Main view menu item

#define qtn_cmon_list_options_end_conn "End connection"

//d:Main view menu item

#define qtn_cmon_list_options_end_all "End all connections"

//d:Application name

#define qtn_apps_cmon_list "Conn. manager"

//d:Application name

#define qtn_apps_cmon_grid "Conn. manager"

//d:Transferred KBytes

#define qtn_cmon_data_transf_rate_ul    "%U kB/s"


#define qtn_cmon_item_conn_name_modem   "Modem connection"

//d:Confirmation query to close modem connection

#define qtn_cmon_conf_end_modem_conn    "End modem connection?"

//d:when user rejects the query, an information note

#define qtn_cmon_info_conn_already_end    "Connection was already closed."

//d:Connection Manager’s Active connections main view
#define qtn_cmon_active_data_connections 		"Active data connections"

//d:Connection Manager’s Available WLAN networks main view
#define qtn_cmon_available_wlan_networks 		"Available WLAN networks"

//d: WLAN network mode value text,mode, terminal is connected to another terminal or multiple
//d:terminals (point-to-multipoint) without utilising any physical access points.  
#define qtn_cmon_wlan_newtwork_mode_adhoc 		"Ad-hoc"

//d: WLAN network mode value text, the terminal is connected over WLAN to a physical WLAN access point.
#define qtn_cmon_wlan_newtwork_mode_infra		"Infrastructure"

//d: WLAN network security mode value text, this is the abbrevation of a kind of security mode 
#define qtn_cmon_wlan_security_mode_wep             	"WEP"

//d: WLAN network security mode value text, this is the abbrevation of a kind of security mode  
#define qtn_cmon_wlan_security_mode_802_1x           	"802.1x"

//d: WLAN network security mode value text, this is the abbrevation of a kind of security mode  
#define qtn_cmon_wlan_security_mode_wpa             	"WPA/WPA2"

//d:Title of Active connections main view 
#define qtn_cmon_title_active_conns                	 	"Active data connections"

//d: Title of Available WLAN networks main view
#define qtn_cmon_title_available_wlan               		"Available WLAN networks"

//d: WLAN network bearer type value text 
#define qtn_wlan_sett_bearer_wlan            		"Wireless LAN"

//d: WLAN network security mode value text 
#define qtn_cmon_wlan_security_mode_open            	"Open network"

//d: WLAN network name (SSID) detail of the network
#define qtn_cmon_heading_wlan_network_name               	"Network"

//d: WLAN network signal strength detail of the network
#define qtn_cmon_heading_wlan_signal_strength            	"Signal"

//d: WLAN network mode detail of the network
#define qtn_cmon_heading_wlan_network_mode               	"Mode"

//d:WLAN network  Security mode used by the WLAN network detail of the network
#define qtn_cmon_heading_wlan_security_mode              	"Security"

//d:WLAN network  Current transmit (TX) power level detail of the network
#define qtn_cmon_heading_wlan_tx_power              	"TX power"

//d:WLAN network  Amount of physical WLAN access points detail of the network
#define qtn_cmon_heading_wlan_nw_ap_amount          	"Coverage"

//d:WLAN network  Maximum data rate detail of the network
#define qtn_cmon_heading_wlan_nw_max_rate           	"Max. rate"

//d:WLAN network Amount of physical WLAN access points (AP) in range, if a single AP is in range
#define qtn_cmon_wlan_ap_amount_in_range            	"1 access point"

//d:WLAN network Amount of physical WLAN access points (AP) in range, if multiple APs in range (%N is the amount)
#define qtn_cmon_wlan_ap_amount_in_range_many       	"%N access points"

//d:WLAN network Current transmit (TX) power level in milliwatts (mW
#define qtn_cmon_wlan_tx_power_level                		"%N mW"

//d:WLAN network Maximum data rate in network (of best AP in range)
//d:in megabits per secondin
#define qtn_cmon_wlan_max_data_rate                 	"%U Mbit/s"

//d: WLAN network signal strength value text 
#define qtn_cmon_wlan_singal_strength_low           	"Low (%N%)"

//d: WLAN network signal strength value text 
#define qtn_cmon_wlan_singal_strength_medium        	"Medium (%N%)"

//d: WLAN network signal strength value text 
#define qtn_cmon_wlan_singal_strength_good          	"Good (%N%)"

//d: WLAN network signal strength text  if the network in question becomes unavailable while
//d:in details view,
#define qtn_cmon_wlan_signal_strength_no_signal            	"No signal"

//d:Navi pane text in Available WLAN networks main view, if only one network is available. 
#define qtn_cmon_navi_one_wlan_nw_available         	"1 network available"

//d:Navi pane text in Available WLAN networks main view, if more than one network is available 
//d:(%N is the amount of networks).
#define qtn_cmon_navi_many_wlan_nws_available       	"%N networks available"

//d:Navi pane text in Available WLAN networks details view. 
//d:The navi pane displays the “serial number” (%0N) of the
//d:network in question and the total amount of the connections
//d:(%1N) using the navigation text component: %0N/%1N
#define qtn_cmon_navi_nof_wlan_network       		"%0N/%1N"

//d:Available WLAN networks main view — No networks available
#define qtn_cmon_no_wlan_networks_available         	"(no available WLAN networks)"

//d:Available WLAN networks main view options menu item. 
#define qtn_cmon_options_create_wlan_iap       	"Create internet access point"

//d:Available WLAN networks main view options menu - create internet access point item 
//d:was selected this confirmation query note is displayed.
#define qtn_cmon_quest_create_wlan_iap  "Create internet access point for WLAN network '%U'?"

//d:Available WLAN networks main view options menu - create internet access point item 
//d:and secure network was selected this information note is poped up.
#define qtn_cmon_info_wlan_secure_nw_iap_create     	"You can create an internet access point for a secure WLAN network via Connection settings, Access points."

//d:Available WLAN networks main view — One or more networks available, options menu item
#define qtn_cmon_options_refresh               		"Refresh"

//d: Unavailable attribute (details view)
#define qtn_cmon_parameter_unavailable  "(unavailable)"

#define qtn_cmon_heading_data_total  "Total"

//d:"Connection summary note" note- info text
#define qtn_cmon_summary_heading  "Connection summary"

//d:First line topic of "Connection summary note" note
//d:displays the total transferred data amount (received and sent summarized)
#define qtn_cmon_summary_transferred "Transferred data:"

//d:Third line topic of "Connection summary note" note,
//d:displays the duration of the connection
#define qtn_cmon_summary_duration "Duration:"

//d:Available WLAN networks main view options menu - create internet access point item 
//d:final confirmation note is poped up when access point item has been created successfully
#define qtn_cmon_conf_wlan_iap_created	"Internet access point defined for WLAN network '%U'."

//d:Text in middle soft key (opens a view for detailed information)
#define qtn_msk_cmon_details "Details"

//d:The name of the application which uses the connection (MessagingServer)
#define qtn_cmon_sharing_app_msg_server  "Messaging" 

//d:The name of the application which uses the connection (DownaloadMgrServer)
#define qtn_cmon_sharing_app_dl_mg  "Downloads" 

//d:The name of the application which uses the connection (Feeds Server)
#define qtn_cmon_sharing_app_rss_server  "Web Feeds" 

//d:The name of the application which uses the connection (Java MIDlets)
#define qtn_cmon_sharing_app_java_midlet  "Application" 

//d:The name of the application which uses the connection (Unknown instance)
#define qtn_cmon_sharing_app_unknown  "(unknown)" 

//d:The name of the application which uses the connection 
//d:(SUPL (Secure User Plane Location) server)
#define qtn_cmon_sharing_app_supl "Positioning server" 

// End of File