* Copyright (c) 2009-2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description:
* Session side object representing a destination.
#include <e32base.h>
#include <metadatabase.h>
#include <cmmanagerdef.h>
#include "cmmserverdefs.h"
class CCmmSession;
class CCmmCache;
class CCmmConnMethodInstance;
class TCmmIdStruct;
class TCmmConnMethodItem;
class CCDSNAPMetadataRecord;
* Session side object representing a destination. Keeps track of any changes
* the client makes before they are updated to database.
NONSHARABLE_CLASS( CCmmDestinationInstance ) : public CObject
* NewL.
static CCmmDestinationInstance* NewL( CCmmSession* aCmmSession, CCmmCache* aCache );
* NewLC.
static CCmmDestinationInstance* NewLC( CCmmSession* aCmmSession, CCmmCache* aCache );
* Destructor.
* Constructor.
* @param aCache CmmCache.
CCmmDestinationInstance( CCmmSession* aCmmSession, CCmmCache* aCache );
* Second phase constructor.
void ConstructL();
void SetId( const TUint32 aId );
TUint32 GetId() const;
* Sets a new status value.
void SetStatus( const TCmmDestinationStatus& aStatus );
* Gets the current status of this destination instance.
TCmmDestinationStatus GetStatus() const;
* Get handle ID.
TInt GetHandle() const;
* Set handle ID.
void SetHandle( const TInt aHandle );
* Set the record status for all records.
void SetStatusForAllRecords( const TCmmRecordStatus& aStatus );
TUint32 GetElementIdL();
TUint32 GetRecordTagFromApRecordL();
TInt SetRecordPointer(
const TCmmDbRecords& aDestRecord,
CommsDat::CCDRecordBase* aRecordPointer );
TInt GetRecordPointer(
const TCmmDbRecords& aDestRecord,
CommsDat::CCDRecordBase*& aRecordPointer );
* Save the contents of this destination into database. All connection
* methods including embedded destination, that the client has open handles
* to, are also updated.
void UpdateL();
TDesC& GetDestinationNameL();
HBufC* GetLocalisedDestinationNameL();
void SetDestinationNameL( const TDesC& aDestinationName );
* Get the destination icon.
HBufC* GetDestinationIconL();
void SetDestinationIconL( const TDesC& aDestinationIcon );
void GetMetadataL(
const CMManager::TSnapMetadataField& aMetadataField,
TUint32& aMetadata );
void SetMetadataL(
const CMManager::TSnapMetadataField& aMetadataField,
const TUint32 aMetadata );
void GetProtectionL( CMManager::TProtectionLevel& aProtectionLevel );
void SetProtectionL( CMManager::TProtectionLevel aProtectionLevel );
* Return true if protection level has been changed.
TBool ProtectionChanged();
* Return the previous valid protection level of this connection method
* instance.
CMManager::TProtectionLevel LastProtectionLevel();
* Return the protection level currently set into this destination instance.
CMManager::TProtectionLevel CurrentProtectionLevelL();
* Adds a connection method into this destination. Returns the index in
* the connection method array where the connection method was added.
TInt AddConnMethodL(
CCmmConnMethodInstance& aConnMethodInstance );
* Adds an embedded destination into this destination. Returns the index in
* the connection method array where the connection method was added.
TInt AddEmbeddedDestinationL(
const CCmmDestinationInstance& aEmbeddedDestinationInstance );
* Delete a connection method that belongs to this destination. If the
* connection method belongs to any other destination, it is only removed
* from this destination and not deleted. Does not call update.
void DeleteConnMethodFromDestinationL(
const CCmmConnMethodInstance& aConnMethodInstance );
* Remove a connection method from this destination. If the second
* attribute aTestIfConnected is false, the test to check if connection
* method is in use is skipped. This is to avoid a duplicate check, so it
* should have been already tested by the caller.
void RemoveConnMethodFromDestinationL(
const CCmmConnMethodInstance& aConnMethodInstance,
const TBool aTestIfConnected = ETrue );
* Modifies the priority of a connection method inside this destination.
void ModifyConnMethodPriorityL(
CCmmConnMethodInstance& aConnMethodInstance,
TUint aIndex );
* Finds a connection method instance that belongs to the same session and
* matches the provided ID. Return NULL if no match is found.
CCmmConnMethodInstance* FindConnMethodInstanceFromSessionById(
const TUint32 aConnMethodId ) const;
* Finds a destination instance that belongs to the same session and matches
* the provided ID. Return NULL if no match is found.
CCmmDestinationInstance* FindDestinationInstanceFromSessionById(
const TUint32 aDestinationId ) const;
* Check from all open destination handles in the same session if the given
* connection method is inside any of them. The given destination is
* skipped.
TBool ConnMethodInOtherDestinationInSession(
const TUint32 aConnMethodId,
const TUint32 aDestinationId ) const;
* Check if the given connection method is in this destination. Include
* embedded destinations.
TBool ValidConnMethodIdInDestinationIncludeEmbedded(
const TUint32 aConnMethodId ) const;
* Check if the given connection method is inside this destination and if
* it is in a 'locked' status. A locked connection method can't be deleted
* nor removed from the destination. A connection method becomes locked
* if it is the only remaining connection method in a destination and a
* virtual IAP points into that destination.
TBool ConnMethodInDestinationButLocked( const TUint32 aConnMethodId ) const;
* Counts how many connection methods that require priority information are
* currently in this destination. This excludes any virtual IAPs that point
* to a destination or any embedded destinations from the count. Assumes
* the connection method array is in order so all wildcard priority IAPs
* are at the end of the list.
TUint NumberOfConnMethodsWithPriority() const;
* Check if this destination has an embedded destination. Checks the
* current (possibly unsaved) status of this destination handle, not the
* current status in database.
TBool HasEmbedded() const;
* Check if this destination has an embedded destination with the specified
* ID. Checks the current (possibly unsaved) status of this destination
* handle, not the current status in database.
TBool HasEmbeddedWithId( const TUint32 aDestinationId ) const;
* After update/delete to database, refresh temporary ID to real ID if
* necessary and refresh status information for any related handles for
* all client sessions.
void RefreshHandlesForAllSessions( const TCmmIdStruct& aIdStruct );
* If the destination contains a connection method with matching temporary
* ID, updates the ID to real ID. This is done after the connection method
* has been successfully saved into the database.
void RefreshConnMethodId( const TCmmIdStruct& aIdStruct );
* Called after this destination has been updated and database transaction
* has completed successfully. Sets the internal state of this destination
* instance to reflect the new valid state.
void UpdateSuccessful();
TBool AllMandatoryRecordsContainData() const;
* Loads a requested type of record from database if it is not yet loaded.
void LoadRecordIfMissingL( TCmmDbRecords aRecordType );
void LoadAllRecordsL();
void SetMetadataInternetL( const TUint32 aMetadata );
void SetMetadataHighlight( const TUint32 aMetadata );
void SetMetadataHiddenAgentL( const TUint32 aMetadata );
void SetMetadataLocalizationL( const TUint32 aMetadata );
void SetMetadataPurposeL( const TUint32 aMetadata );
* Checks the current metadata for this destination, and verifies there is
* no other conflicting destinations in the database.
TBool ConflictingMetadataFoundL();
// Array of connection method items that belong to this destination. Loaded
// and maintained in priority order.
RArray<TCmmConnMethodItem> iConnMethodItemArray; // Owned.
// Array of connection method IDs that should be deleted if UpdateL() is
// called for this destination instance.
RArray<TUint32> iConnMethodsToBeDeleted; // Owned.
// Session that owns this instance.
CCmmSession* iCmmSession; // Not owned.
// Database cache.
CCmmCache* iCache; // Not owned.
// The network record.
CommsDat::CCDNetworkRecord* iNetworkRecord; // Owned.
// The access point record.
CommsDat::CCDAccessPointRecord* iDestApRecord; // Owned.
// The metadata record.
CCDSNAPMetadataRecord* iMetadataRecord; // Owned.
// Status flags for each record.
TCmmRecordStatus iNetworkRecordStatus;
TCmmRecordStatus iDestApRecordStatus;
TCmmRecordStatus iMetadataRecordStatus;
// Destination handle status.
TCmmDestinationStatus iStatus;
// Destination ID. If real ID is not available, contains a temporary ID.
TUint32 iId;
// Subsession handle ID.
TInt iHandle;
// True if protection value has been changed. Reset to false on update.
TBool iProtectionChanged;
// The previous valid protection level of this connection method instance.
// Set correctly only if iProtectionChanged is true.
CMManager::TProtectionLevel iLastProtectionLevel;
// The protection level currently set into this destination instance.
CMManager::TProtectionLevel iCurrentProtectionLevel;
// End of file