author William Roberts <>
Mon, 08 Mar 2010 21:43:55 +0000
changeset 9 c65663728cf1
parent 0 5a93021fdf25
child 17 c14618f9de99
child 20 9c97ad6591ae
permissions -rw-r--r--
Create CompilerCompatibility branch

* Copyright (c) 2004-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: MPM server session class definitions

@file mpmserversession.h
Mobility Policy Manager server session class definitions.


#include <e32base.h>
#include <commdbconnpref.h> // for TCommDbConnPref
#include <connpref.h>       // for TConnPref
#include <rconnmon.h>       // for TConnMonIapInfo
#include <ConnectionUiUtilities.h> //TMsgQueryLinkedResults
#include "rmpm.h"
#include "mpmserver.h"

const TUint32 KLowestPriority       = 2147483647; // 0x7FFFFFFF
const TInt    KFirstArgument        = 0;
const TInt    KSecondArgument       = 1;
const TInt    KThirdArgument        = 2;
const TInt    KFourthArgument       = 3;
const TInt    KShift8               = 8;
const TInt    KSmaller              = -1;
const TInt    KEqual                = 0;
const TInt    KBigger               = 1;
const TUint32 KUidAlwaysOnlineStarter  = 0x101F85EE;
const TUint32 KUidSimApplicationToolkit  = 0x1000A833;
const TUint32 KUidBrowser           = 0x10008D39;
const TUint32 KUidDVBH  = 0x10208413;
const TUint32 KSortUncategorisedIaps  = 0;
const TUint   KMPMNrWlansOne        = 1;
const TUint   KMPMNrWlansTwo        = 2;
const TInt    KMaxGetIntSettingLength = KCommsDbSvrMaxColumnNameLength * 2;
_LIT( KIapProxyServiceSetting, "IAP\\IAPService" );

class CMPMDisconnectDlg;
class CMPMConfirmDlgRoaming;
class CMPMCommsDatAccess;
class CMPMIapSelection;

*  TNetIap
*  Record for commdb IAP table search storage
*  @lib MPMServer.exe
*  @since 3.0
class TNetIap
    public: // Constructors and destructor

        * Constructor.

    public: // New methods

        * Ordering method of class objects.
        * @since 3.2
        * @param aFirst First object for comparison
        * @param aSecond Second object for comparison
        * @return -1 if aFirst.iRanking >  aSecond.iRanking
        *          1 if aFirst.iRanking <  aSecond.iRanking
        *          0 if aFirst.iRanking == aSecond.iRanking
        static TInt CompareRanking(const TNetIap& aFirst, const TNetIap& aSecond);

        * Ordering method of class objects. Compares iGlobalPriority and if those values 
        * are equal return value is determined based on iRanking by CompareRanking function.
        * @since 3.2
        * @param aFirst First object for comparison
        * @param aSecond Second object for comparison
        * @return -1 if aFirst is higher
        *          1 if aFirst is lower
        *          0 if argument objects are equal
        static TInt CompareGlobalAndLocalPriority(const TNetIap& aFirst, const TNetIap& aSecond);

    public: // Data
        // SNAP
        TUint32 iSnap;
        // Embedded SNAP
        TUint32 iEmbeddedSnap;
        // IAP Id
        TUint32 iIapId;

        // Priority
        TUint32 iRanking;

        // Global bearer priority
        TUint32 iGlobalPriority;

* Stores data of whether Preferred IAP Notifications may 
* be sent immediately and stores IAP information for later handling.
* @lib MPMServer.exe
* @since 3.2
class TStoredIapInfo
        * Constructor.
        * Checks if Preferred IAP notification can 
        * be sent immediately or not
        * @return ETrue if preferred IAP notification 
        * can't be sent immediately
        TBool HoldPrefIapNotif() const;

        * Sets iHoldPrefIapNotif to true, so that notifications 
        * won't be sent.
        void SetHoldPrefIapNotif();

        * Checks if there is stored IAP info to be handled.
        * Sets iHoldPrefIapNotif to false so notifications can be sent. 
        * @param aStoredIapInfo If stored IAP info exists it is 
        * written to this argument.
        * @return ETrue if IAP info to be handled exists
        TBool HandleIapInfoWaiting( TConnMonIapInfo& aStoredIapInfo );

        * Sets iStoredIapInfo 
        * @param aStoredIapInfo IAP info to be stored
        void SetStoredIapInfo( const TConnMonIapInfo& aStoredIapInfo );

        * Clears data so that Pref IAP notifs can be sent 
        * and no IAP info is stored.
        void ResetStoredIapInfo();

        // True if Preferred IAP Notifications 
	    // should be stored for later handling
	    TBool iHoldPrefIapNotif;
	    // True if there is an IAP info waiting 
	    // for handling
	    TBool iIapInfoWaiting;
	    // Stored IAP info
	    TConnMonIapInfo iStoredIapInfo;

// States for migrating
enum TMigrateToCarrierState
*  Mobility Policy Manager server session.
*  An instance of class CMPMServerSession is created for each client
*  @lib MPMServer.exe
*  @since 3.0
class CMPMServerSession : public CSession2
    public: // Constructors and destructor

        * Two-phased constructor.
        static CMPMServerSession* NewL(CMPMServer& aServer);

        * Destructor.
        virtual ~CMPMServerSession();

    public: // New methods

        * Sets iDisconnectDlg pointer to NULL.
        * @since 3.1
        inline void SetDisconnectDlgPtrNull();

        * Sets iConfirmDlgRoaming pointer to NULL.
        * @since 3.2
        inline void SetConfirmDlgRoamingPtrNull();

        * Gets the value of iMyServer.
        * @since 3.1
        * @return Value of iMyServer
        inline CMPMServer& MyServer();

        * Returns iIapSelection.
        * @since 3.2
        * @return Value of iIapSelection
        CMPMIapSelection* IapSelectionL();

        * Gets the value of iConnId.
        * @since 3.1
        * @return Value of iConnId
        inline TConnectionId ConnectionId() const;

        * Checks the need for preferred IAP notification.
        * @since 3.1
        * @param aIapInfo Info about available IAPs
        * @param aCaller Info about component which initiated this call
        void PrefIAPNotificationL( const TConnMonIapInfo&    aIapInfo,
                                   const TPrefIAPNotifCaller aCaller );

        * Starts sending preferred IAP notification.
        * @since 3.2
        * @param aIapId IAP Id 
        void StartIAPNotificationL( const TUint32 aIapId );

        * Sends Stop IAP notification.
        * @param aIapId IAP Id 
        void StopIAPNotificationL( TInt aIapId = 0 );

        * Sends mobility error notification.
        * @since 5.2
        * @param aError Error code
        void MobilityErrorNotificationL( TInt aError );
        * Sends client error notification.
        * @since 5.2
        * @param aError Error code
        void ClientErrorNotificationL( TInt aError );

        * Checks if phone is in offline mode or not.
        * @since 3.1
        * @return ETrue if phone is in offline mode, otherwise EFalse.
        TBool IsPhoneOfflineL() const;

        * Returns the list of available IAPs, where the blacklisted IAPs 
        * have already been removed.
        * @since 3.2
        * @param aAvailableIAPs List of IAPs 
        * @param aConnId Connection Id
        void AvailableUnblacklistedIapsL( RAvailableIAPList&  aAvailableIAPs,
                                          const TConnectionId aConnId );

        * Completing sorting request.
        * @since 3.2
        void CompleteServerSortSNAP();

        * Completing process error call after WLAN scan.
        * @since 3.2
        void ProcessErrorWlanScanCompletedL();

        * Sort Snap functionality
        * @since 3.2
        * @param aSnapId Snap to be sorted
        * @param aSortedIaps Buffer which will be set to 
        * contain the sorted iaps
        void SortSnapL( const TUint32   aSnapId, 
                        TMpmSnapBuffer& aSortedIaps );

        * If session is displaying connection selection dialog
        * updated contents for it are written to publish& subscribe API.
        * @since 3.2
        void UpdateConnectionDialogL();

        * Returns a reference to iStoredIapInfo. 
        * @since 3.2
        * @return Reference to iStoredIapInfo
        inline TStoredIapInfo& StoredIapInfo();

        * Completes carrier rejected request. Attempts to select
        * new IAP to use and if successful sends a preferred iap
        * notification. If not successful, sends error notification. 
        * @since 3.2
        void CompleteCarrierRejected();

        * Handling of whether it is required to display 
        * a confirmation dialog or not.
        * @since 3.2
        * @param aIapId IAP Id of the connection.
        TBool IsConfirmFirstL( const TUint32 aIapId );

        * Completing choose iap request. Status and resulting
        * preferences (if preferences exist) are passed back to client.
        * @since 3.2
        * @param aError Message status
        * @param aPolicyPref Policy preference to be returned, NULL if no 
        * preference should be passed
        void ChooseIapComplete( TInt                aError,
                                const TMpmConnPref* aPolicyPref );

        * Completing process error request. Error value and needed action
        * are passed back to client.
        * @since 3.2
        * @param aError Message status
        * @param aErrorReturned Error value to be returned, NULL if no 
        * value should be passed
        * @param aNeededAction Needed action to be returned, NULL if no 
        * value should be passed
        void ProcessErrorComplete( TInt             aError, 
                                   TInt*            aErrorReturned,
                                   TBMNeededAction* aNeededAction );

        * Callback for handling migrate state transitions.
        * @param aError Error code
        void MigrateCallbackL( TInt aError );

        * Callback for roaming user confirmation.
        * @param aError Error code
        * @param aResponse User response
        * @param aReconnect True if confirmation was a reconnect dialog
        void RoamingConfirmationCompletedL( TInt aError, TMsgQueryLinkedResults aResponse, TBool aReconnect );
         * Set user connection flag
         * @since 5.1
        inline void SetUserConnection();
         * Set when this session has user connection flag set
         * @since 5.1
         * @return ETrue if user connection is active in this session.
        inline TBool UserConnection() const;
         * Clear user connection flag
         * @since 5.1
        inline void ClearUserConnection();

         * Use user connection preferences
         * @since 5.1
        TBool UseUserConnPref();
        * Returns id of the client.
        * @since 5.0
        * @return Id of the client
        inline TUint32 AppUid() const;

        * To determine whether choose best iap is called for this ession..
        * @since 5.2
        * @return True is choose best iap is called for this session
        inline TBool ChooseBestIapCalled() const;

#ifdef _DEBUG
         * Forces MPM to send StopIAPNotification in DEBUG MODE only
        void HandleDebugGenerateStopIAPNotification( const RMessage2& aMessage );
         * Forces MPM to filter connmon events
        void HandleDebugFilterConnMonEvents( const RMessage2& aMessage, const TBool aVal );       
         * Forces MPM to shutdown
        void HandleDebugShutdown( const RMessage2& aMessage, const TBool aVal );
#endif //_DEBUG

         * Stops connection
        TInt StopConnection();
        * Returns true if preferred iap notification is requested.
        * @since 5.2
        * @return Ture or false depending on state.
        inline TBool PreferredIapRequested() const;
        * To determine whether only WLAN is allowed in current network
        * @since 5.2
        * @param aNewWlansAllowed ETrue if new WLANs can be prompted to the user by MPM
        * @return ETrue if only WLAN is allowed 
        TBool IsWlanOnlyL( TBool& aNewWlansAllowed );
        * Returns custom preference's forced roaming value
        * @since 5.2
        * @return forced roaming state
        TBool ForcedRoaming();

         * Get available iaps
         * @since 5.2
         * @return Returns list of available iaps.
        TConnMonIapInfo GetAvailableIAPs();

         * Is bearer accepted
         * @since 5.2
         * @param aBearerType Bearer type to be checked (WLAN or packet data)
         * @return Returns true if given bearer is accepted by this session.
        TBool IsBearerAccepted( TMPMBearerType aBearerType );
        * To determine whether IAP is used for MMS
        * @since 5.2
        * @param aIap Iap to be checked
        * @return ETrue if Iap is used for MMS 
        TBool IsMMSIap( TUint32 aIap );
    public: // Functions from base classes

        * From CSession2. Service dispathcer.
        * @since 3.0
        * @param aMessage Message from the client
        void ServiceL(const RMessage2& aMessage);

        * From CSession2. Service error handling.
        * @since 3.2
        * @param aMessage Message from the client
        * @param aError Error code
        void ServiceError(const RMessage2& aMessage, TInt aError);

    private: // Constructors

        * C++ default constructor.
        CMPMServerSession(CMPMServer& aServer);

        * By default Symbian 2nd phase constructor is private.
        void ConstructL() ;

    private: // New methods

        * Handling of IAP selection.
        * @since 3.0
        * @param aMessage message from client
        void HandleServerChooseIapL(const RMessage2& aMessage);

        * Handling of request canceling.
        * @since 3.0
        * @param aMessage message from client
        void HandleServerCancelRequest(const RMessage2& aMessage);

        * Handling of BM application specific connection addition.
        * @since 3.2
        * @param aMessage message from client
        void HandleServerApplicationJoinsConnection( 
                const RMessage2& aMessage);

        * Handling of BM application specific connection removal.
        * @since 3.1
        * @param aMessage message from client
        void HandleServerApplicationLeavesConnection(
                const RMessage2& aMessage);

        * Handling of total BM IAP connection addition.
        * @since 3.2
        * @param aMessage message from client
        void HandleServerIapConnectionActivatedL(const RMessage2& aMessage);

        * Handling of total BM IAP connection addition.
        * @since 3.2
        * @param aMessage message from client
        void HandleServerIapConnectionStartedL(const RMessage2& aMessage);

        * Handling of total BM IAP connection removal.
        * @since 3.1
        * @param aMessage message from client
        void HandleServerIapConnectionStopped( const RMessage2& aMessage );

        * Handling of application connection ending.
        * @since 3.2
        * @param aMessage message from client
        void HandleServerApplicationConnectionEnds(
                                            const RMessage2& aMessage );
        * Handling of error processing.
        * @since 3.1
        * @param aMessage message from client
        void HandleServerProcessErrorL(const RMessage2& aMessage);

        * Handling of prefered IAP notification registration.
        * @since 3.1
        * @param aMessage message from client
        void HandleServerRegisterPrefIAPNotifL(const RMessage2& aMessage);

        * Handling of preferred IAP notification unregistration.
        * @since 3.1
        * @param aMessage message from client
        void HandleServerUnregisterPrefIAPNotif(const RMessage2& aMessage);

        * Handling of notification request.
        * @since 3.1
        * @param aMessage message from client
        void HandleServerWaitNotificationL(const RMessage2& aMessage);

        * Handling of sorting request.
        * @since 3.2
        * @param aMessage message from client
        void HandleServerSortSNAPL(const RMessage2& aMessage);

        * Handling of application migrating to carrier.
        * @since 3.2
        * @param aMessage message from client
        void HandleServerApplicationMigratesToCarrierL(
                                                const RMessage2& aMessage);

        * Handling of application ignoring the carrier.
        * @since 3.2
        * @param aMessage message from client
        void HandleServerApplicationIgnoredTheCarrier(
                                                const RMessage2& aMessage);

        * Handling of application accepting the carrier.
        * @since 3.2
        * @param aMessage message from client
        void HandleServerApplicationAcceptedTheCarrier(
                                                const RMessage2& aMessage);

        * Handling of application rejecting the carrier.
        * @since 3.2
        * @param aMessage message from client
        void HandleServerApplicationRejectedTheCarrierL(
                                                const RMessage2& aMessage);

        * Handling of ReselectBestIap call.
        * @since 9.1
        * @param aMessage message from client
        void HandleServerReselectIapL( const RMessage2& aMessage);

        * Extracts connection preferences into format suitable for MPM
        * and validates that connection preferences are valid.
        * All different type of connection preferences are mapped and
        * converted into TMpmConnPref.
        * Only a a single TMpmConnPref is extracted from the given TConnPref.
        * That is, only one connection attempt is tried and thus only the
        * first preferences are taken if TCommDbMultiConnPref is provided.
        * This function also sets connection type which MPM uses later to 
        * select correct IAP in the requested manner.
        * @since 3.0
        * @param aBasePref Connection preferences to be extracted.
        * @param aMpmConnPref Extracted connection preferences.
        * @return KErrNone if successful, otherwise one of the
        * system-wide error codes
        TInt ExtractConnPref(
            const TConnPref& aBasePref,
            TMpmConnPref& aMpmConnPref ) const;

        * Extracts TCommDBConnPref connection preferences into format suitable
        * for MPM and validates that connection preferences are valid.
        * @since 3.0
        * @param aBasePref TCommDBConnPref connection preferences.
        * @param aMpmConnPref Extracted connection preferences.
        * @return KErrNone if successful, otherwise KErrArgument.
        TInt ExtractConnPrefCommDb(
            const TConnPref& aBasePref,
            TMpmConnPref& aMpmConnPref ) const;

        * Extracts TCommDbMultiConnPref connection preferences into format
        * suitable for MPM and validates that connection preferences are
        * valid.
        * @since 3.0
        * @param aBasePref TCommDbMultiConnPref connection preferences.
        * @param aMpmConnPref Extracted connection preferences.
        * @return KErrNone if successful, otherwise KErrArgument.
        TInt ExtractConnPrefCommDbMulti(
            const TConnPref& aBasePref,
            TMpmConnPref& aMpmConnPref ) const;

        * Extracts TConnSnapPref connection preferences into format suitable
        * for MPM and validates that connection preferences are valid.
        * @since 3.0
        * @param aBasePref TConnSnapPref connection preferences.
        * @param aMpmConnPref Extracted connection preferences.
        * @return KErrNone if successful, otherwise one of the
        *         system-wide error codes.
        TInt ExtractConnPrefSnap(
            const TConnPref& aBasePref,
            TMpmConnPref& aMpmConnPref ) const;

        * Extracts TMpmConnPref connection preferences into format suitable
        * for MPM and validates that connection preferences are valid.
        * It's obvious that aBasePref is already in right format.
        * This function, however, fills in some of the extra field not
        * existing in TExtendedConnPref and validates preferences.
        * @since 5.2
        * @param aBasePref TMpmConnPref connection preferences.
        * @param aMpmConnPref MPM connection preferences.
        * @param KErrNone in success, otherwise one of the
        *         system-wide error codes.
        TInt ExtractConnPrefMpm(
            const TConnPref& aBasePref,
            TMpmConnPref& aMpmConnPref ) const;

        * Validates extended connection preferences.
        * Although the input for this function is TMpmConnPref,
        * the purpose of this function is to verify TExtendedConnPref
        * into which TMpmConnPref object's first fields match exactly.
        * @since 5.2
        * @param aMpmConnPref Custom preferences to be validated.
        * @return KErrNone if extended connection preferences are valid.
        *         Otherwise KErrArgument.
        TInt ValidateExtendedConnPref( TMpmConnPref& aMpmConnPref ) const;

        * Resolves connection type based on the other attributes
        * in MPM connection preferences.
        * @since 3.0
        * @param aMpmConnPref Extracted connection preferences.
        void ResolveConnType( TMpmConnPref& aMpmConnPref ) const;

        * Resolves original Service Id.
        * @since 5.2
        * @return The found service id. KErrNotFound if not ok.
        TInt GetServiceIdSettingL();

        * Returns the list of available IAPs, where the blacklisted IAPs 
        * have already been removed.
        * @since 3.2
        * @param aAvailableIAPs List of IAPs 
        * @param aIapInfo Info about available IAPs
        * @param aConnId Connection Id
        void AvailableUnblacklistedIapsL( RAvailableIAPList&        aAvailableIAPs,
                                          const TConnMonIapInfo&    aIapInfo, 
                                          const TConnectionId       aConnId );

        * Checks if the given Iap Id is an upgrade or downgrade.
        * @since 3.2
        * @param aIapId Given Iap Id 
        * @param aMigrateIapId Iap Id where application is roaming 
        * @param aAvailableIAPs List of IAPs 
        * return ETrue if upgrade, otherwise EFalse.
        TBool IsUpgrade( const TUint32            aIapId, 
                         const TUint32            aMigrateIapId,
                         const RAvailableIAPList& aAvailableIAPs ) const;

        * Checks if there is a need to send preferred IAP notification.
        * @since 3.2
        * @param aCurrentIap Current Iap Id of connection
        * @param aLastNotifiedIap Last notified Iap Id
        * @param aValidatedIap Iap validated by MPM for roaming
        * @return ETrue if necessary, otherwise EFalse.
        TBool CheckNotifNeed( const TUint32       aCurrentIap,
                              const TUint32       aLastNotifiedIap,
                              const TUint32       aValidatedIap );

        * Returns the list of unavailable IAPs.
        * @since 3.2
        * @param aAvailableIAPs Array of available IAPs
        * @param aUnavailableIAPs Array of unavailable IAPs
        void UnavailableIAPsL( const RAvailableIAPList aAvailableIAPs, 
                               RAvailableIAPList&      aUnavailableIAPs );

        * Removes unavailable IAP Id.
        * @since 3.2
        * @param aIapInfo Info about available IAPs 
        * @param aIapId IAP Id to be removed
        void RemoveUnavailableIap( TConnMonIapInfo& aIapInfo, 
                                   const TUint32    aIapId );

        * Determines whether the process uid belongs 
        * to a background application.
        * @since 3.2
        * @param aUid Application Uid
        TBool IsBackgroundApplication( TUint32 aUid ) const;

        * Checks if disconnect dialog should be displayed for this error
        * @since 3.2
        * @param aError Error code
        TBool DisconnectDlgErrorCode( TInt aError ) const;
        * Gets presumed Iap Id of this connection
        * @since 3.2
        * @return Presumed Iap Id
        TUint32 GetPresumedIap();

        * Finshing migration. If no error, updates BM pref iap structure 
        * and sends start iap notification.
        * @param aError KErrNone if migration was succesful
        void MigrateDoneL( TInt aError );
        * Sends error notification.
        * @since 5.2
        * @param aNotificationType Type of the notification
        * @param aError Error code
        void ErrorNotificationL( TInt aError,
                                 TMpmNotifications aNotificationType );
         * Removes iaps not according to bearer set
         * @since 5.2
         * @param aAvailableIAPs List of available iaps.
        void RemoveIapsAccordingToBearerSetL( TConnMonIapInfo& aAvailableIAPs );
         * Checks whether preferences allow using WLAN connection
         * @since 5.2
         * @return ETrue if preferences allow WLAN otherwise EFalse
        TBool PrefsAllowWlan();

    private: // Data
        // Server class reference
        CMPMServer& iMyServer;

        // Pointer to the disconnect dialog active object
        CMPMDisconnectDlg* iDisconnectDlg;

        // Pointer to the roaming confirmation dialog active object
        CMPMConfirmDlgRoaming* iConfirmDlgRoaming;

        // Connection Id
        TConnectionId iConnId;

        // Flag for notification request activity
        TBool iNotifRequested;
        // Flag for indicating mobility API support.
        TBool iPreferredIAPRequested;

        // Notification message
        RMessage2 iNotifMessage;

        // If offline feature is supported then this is ETrue
        TBool iOfflineFeatureSupported;

        // Iap Id of Easy WLAN
        TUint32 iEasyWlanIap;

        // Uid of the application
        TUint32 iAppUid;

        // Choose iap request message to be completed when 
        // once MPM has received the asyncronous services from 
        // other servers
        RMessage2 iChooseIapMessage;

        // Process error request message to be completed when 
        // MPM has received the asyncronous services from 
        // other servers
        // These messages are stored separately 
        RMessage2 iProcessErrorMessage;

        // ServerSortSNAPL() request message to be completed  
        // when MPM has received the asyncronous services 
        // from other servers
        RMessage2 iServerSortSNAPMessage;
        // Contains state info whether PrefIapnotifs can be sent 
        // and saved IAP info structure.
        TStoredIapInfo iStoredIapInfo;
        // Iap selection object
        CMPMIapSelection* iIapSelection;

		// Stored state of migrating to carrier
		TMigrateToCarrierState iMigrateState;

		// Last Iap notified using PreferredIap-notification
		TUint32 iLastNotifiedIap;
		// Iap to which connection is migrating
        TUint32 iMigrateIap;

        // Set when this session is user connection
        TBool iUserConnection;

#include "mpmserversession.inl"

// End of File