Got rid of some trivial warnings (nested comments and tokens after #endif).
* Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: MPM CommsDat Access class definitions
@file mpmcommsdataccess.h
Mobility Policy Manager CommsDat Access class definitions.
#include <commsdat_partner.h>
#include <e32base.h>
#include <commsdattypesv1_1.h>
#include <cmpluginwlandef.h>
#include <cmmanager.h>
#include "mpmserversession.h"
#include "mpmlogger.h"
class CCDWlanServiceRecord;
using namespace CommsDat;
using namespace CMManager;
const TInt KMpmDoubleLength = 2;
// Modem bearer names for WLAN Access Points
_LIT( KModemBearerWLAN, "WLANBearer" );
// Length for allocating space for commsdat text fields
const TInt KCommsDatTextBufferLength = KMaxTextLength + 1;
enum TWlanIapType
// Structure containing WLAN WEP key data
class TWepKeyData
inline TWepKeyData():
iWepFormat1( 0 ),
iWepFormat2( 0 ),
iWepFormat3( 0 ),
iWepFormat4( 0 ),
iDefaultWep( EWlanDefaultWepKey1 )
TWlanWepKey iWep1;
TWlanWepKey iWep2;
TWlanWepKey iWep3;
TWlanWepKey iWep4;
TUint iWepFormat1;
TUint iWepFormat2;
TUint iWepFormat3;
TUint iWepFormat4;
TWlanDefaultWepKey iDefaultWep;
* @lib MPMServer.exe
* @since
class CMPMCommsDatAccess : public CBase
public: // Constructors and destructor
* Two-phased constructor.
static CMPMCommsDatAccess* NewL();
* Destructor.
virtual ~CMPMCommsDatAccess();
public: // New methods
* Validates the given IAP.
* @since 3.1
* @param aConnId Connection Id
* @param aIapId IAP Id to be validated
* @param aNetId Network ID for the IAP
* @param aLanOrWlan IAP uses either LAN or WLAN bearer
* @param aSession Handle to session class
void ValidateIapL( const TConnectionId aConnId,
TUint32& aIapId,
TUint32& aNetId,
TBool& aLanOrWlan,
CMPMServerSession& aSession );
* Checks the bearer type of given IAP.
* @since 3.1
* @param aIapId IAP Id to be checked
* @param aLanOrWlan IAP uses either LAN or WLAN bearer
* @param aAvailableIAPList List of IAPs
void CheckBearerL( TUint32& aIapId,
TBool& aLanOrWlan,
const RAvailableIAPList& aAvailableIAPList,
CMPMServerSession& aSession );
* Checks if given IAP is Easy WLan.
* @since 3.1
* @param aIapId IAP Id to be checked
* @return ETrue if IAP Id is Easy WLan, otherwise EFalse.
TBool CheckEasyWLanL( TUint32 aIapId ) const;
* Find all snap ids
* @since 3.2
* @param aSnapIds Array which will be set to
* contain the snap ids
void FindAllSnapsL( RArray<TUint>& aSnapIds );
* Dump CommsDat IAPs to log in order to support testing.
* @since 3.0
void DumpIAPsL() const;
* Dump CommsDat Snaps to log in order to support
* testing.
* @since 3.1
void DumpSnapsL();
* Determine the priority for the Iap Id.
* @since 3.1
* @param aDNIaps List of found DN-IAP entries
* @param aAvailableIAPs List of IAPs
* @param aSession Handle to session class.
void DeterminePrioritiesL( RArray<TNetIap>& aDNIaps,
const RAvailableIAPList& aAvailableIAPs,
CMPMServerSession& aSession );
* Finds the service type for the IAP and returns the global
* bearer priority for that service type.
* @since 3.1
* @param aIapId Given Iap Id
* @param aPriority Global bearer priority for the service type
void GlobalBearerPriorityL( const TUint32 aIapId,
TUint32& aPriority);
* Checks if there is a WLAN IAP in CommsDat.
* @since 3.2
* @param Handle to session class.
void CheckWLANIapL(CMPMServerSession& aSession);
* Checks whether there is a wlan iap which matches the
* parameter settings.
* @since 3.2
* @param aSsid Wlan iap ssid
* @param aSecMode Wlan iap security mode
* @param aConnMode Wlan iap connection mode
TUint32 CheckWLANIapWithSsidL( TWlanSsid& aSsid,
TUint32 aSecMode,
TWlanNetMode aConnMode );
* Stores easy wlan settings into commsdat.
* @since 3.2
* @param aSsid Wlan iap ssid, stored in used ssid field
* @param aSecMode Wlan iap security mode
* @param aConnMode Wlan iap connection mode
* @param aWepData WEP key data
* @param aEnableWpaPsk Wlan iap enable psk mode
* @param aWpaPsk Wlan iap wpa psk
* @param aWpaKeyLen Wlan iap wpa key length
void SetEasyWlanDataL( const TWlanSsid& aSsid,
TUint aSecMode,
TWlanNetMode aConnMode,
TWepKeyData aWepData,
TUint aEnableWpaPsk,
const TDesC8& aWpaPsk,
TUint aWpaKeyLen );
* Returns Easy wlan service record id.
* @since 3.2
* @param aDb DB session
* return Easy wlan service record id
TUint32 FindEasyWlanServiceIdL( CMDBSession* aDb );
* Checks if the HiddenAgent metadata is set for this IAP.
* @since 3.2
* @param aIapId Given Iap Id
* return ETrue if HiddenAgent metadata is set, otherwise EFalse.
TBool CheckHiddenAgentL( const TUint32 aIapId ) const;
* Checks if the given IAP Id shares the same SSID
* as the active WLAN connection.
* @since 3.2
* @param aSSID the id of active wlan network.
* @param aIapId IAP Id to be checked.
* @param aMatchFound ETrue if the given IAP Id shares the same SSID
* as the active WLAN connection, otherwise EFalse.
* @param aSession Handle to session class.
void MatchSSIDL( const TWlanSsid& aSSID,
TUint32 aIapId,
TBool& aMatchFound,
CMPMServerSession& aSession );
* Determines whether the IAP is a virtual IAP.
* @since 3.2
* @param aVirtualIapId Given virtual Iap Id
TBool IsVirtualIapL( const TUint32 aVirtualIapId ) const;
* Determines whether the SNAP contains at least the
* specified number of WLAN IAPs.
* @since 3.2
* @param aSnapRecord Id of the SNAP record
* @param aIapPath Chain of Iaps traversed this far.
* @param aMinNrWlan Minimum number of WLAN IAPs to search for
* Used for detecting loops in configuration
TBool SnapContainsWlanL( TUint32 aSnapRecord,
RArray<TUint>& aIapPath,
TInt aMinNrWlan );
* Calls SearchDNEntries for SNAP and if the SNAP contains
* embedded SNAP also calls SearchDNEntries for that.
* @since 3.2
* @param aSnap SNAP id
* @param aDestNetIaps Iaps of original SNAP are store here
* @param aEmbeddedIaps Iaps of embedded SNAP are store here
void SearchDNEntriesWithEmbeddedL( TUint32 aSnap,
RArray<TNetIap>& aDestNetIaps,
RArray<TNetIap>& aEmbeddedIaps );
* Checks if given IAP is WLAN and whether it is EasyWLAN IAP.
* @since 3.2
* @param aIapId IAP Id to be checked
* @return One of TWlanIapType values depending on
* whether IAP is WLAN or Easy WLAN
TWlanIapType CheckWlanL( TUint32 aIapId ) const;
* Removes categorised IAPs from the list of available IAPs.
* @since 3.2
* @param aIAPList List of IAPs
void RemoveCategorisedIapsL( RAvailableIAPList& aIAPList );
* Get service id of an iap.
* @since 3.2
* @param aIapId Id of an Iap.
TUint32 GetIapServiceIdL( TUint32 aIapId );
* Returns ElementId of the record with attribute and flags bit
* removed.
* in order to clear possible attribute/flag bits.
* Otherwise Find may fail if incorrect element id is used.
* @since 3.2
* @param aRecord A record to get the element id from
* @return Element id value
static TUint32 GetRealElementId( CMDBRecordBase* aRecord );
* Check if the Wlan background scan is on.
* @return ETrue if set.
TBool WlanBackgroundScanIsOnL();
* Returns true if destination is internet or
* iap belongs to internet destination.
* @since 5.1
* @param aIapId IAP id
* @param aSnapId Snap id
* @return True or false depending on destination type.
TBool IsInternetSnapL( TUint32 aIapId, TUint32 aSnapId );
* Used to get bearer type of the iap.
* @since 5.0
* @param aIapId Iap id of the connection.
* @return Type of the bearer.
TMPMBearerType GetBearerTypeL( TUint32 aIapId );
* Check if all active connections are in same snap.
* @since 5.0
* @param aActiveBMConns Array of active connections.
* @param aSnapId Destination where connections are located is returned
* to this parameter.
* @return ETrue if all active connections are in same snap.
TBool AreActiveIapsInSameSnapL ( RArray<TActiveBMConn>& aActiveBMConns,
TUint32& aSnapId );
* Select active connection according to snap priorities.
* @since 5.0
* @param aSnapId Snap id of the connection.
* @param aActiveBMConns Array of active connections.
* @param aActiveIapId Iap id of the selected active connection.
* @param aActiveSnapId Snap id of the selected active connection.
* @param aActiveBearerType Bearer type of the selected active connection.
* @param aSession Handle to session class.
void SelectActiveConnectionL ( const TUint32 aSnapId,
RArray<TActiveBMConn>& aActiveBMConns,
TUint32& aActiveIapId,
TUint32& aActiveSnapId,
TMPMBearerType& aActiveBearerType,
CMPMServerSession& aSession );
* Check if snap is empty.
* @since 5.0
* @param aSnapId Snap id of the connection.
* @return ETrue if snap is empty.
TBool IsSnapEmptyL( TUint32 aSnapId );
* Verifies that Iap exists. Leaves with error code otherwise
* @since 9.1
* @param aIapId Iap
void VerifyIapExistsL( TUint32 aIapId );
* Gets SnapTierTagId
* @param aDbs commsdat session
* @param ElementId
* @return TagId
TInt TierLinktoTagIdL( CMDBSession* aDbs, TUint32 aElementId );
* Maps SNAP RecId to SNAP AP
* @since 9.1
* @param aApRecId netid
* @return SNAP AP
TInt MapAPRecIdtoSnapAPL( TInt aApRecId );
* Maps NetId to SNAP AP
* @since 9.1
* @param aNetId netid
* @return SNAP AP
TInt MapNetIdtoSnapAPL( TInt aNetId );
* Maps SNAP AP to NetId
* @since 9.1
* @param aAP APId
* @return NetId
TInt MapSnapAPtoNetIdL( TInt aAP );
* Finds DN-IAP entries based on given Snap Id.
* @since 3.1
* @param aSnapId Given Snap Id
* @param aDestNetIds List of found DN-IAP entries
void SearchDNEntriesL( const TUint32& aSnapId,
RArray<TNetIap>& aDestNetIds );
* Get current forced roam setting
* @since 5.2
* @return Current forced roam setting in commsdat.
TCmUsageOfWlan ForcedRoamingL() const;
* Read current general connection settings from CommsDat
* @since 5.2
* @return Current general connection settings from CommsDat.
TCmGenConnSettings ReadGenConnSettingsL() const;
* Write general connection settings to CommsDat
* @since 5.2
* @param aGenConnSettings General connection settings to written to CommsDat
void WriteGenConnSettingsL(TCmGenConnSettings& aGenConnSettings);
* Returns Snap id of destination requested in Snap purpose.
* @since 5.2
* @return Snap id.
TUint32 DestinationIdL( CMManager::TSnapPurpose aSnapPurpose );
* Finds the real IAP behind the virtual IAP.
* @since 3.1
* @param aVirtualIapId Given virtual Iap Id
* @param aRealIapId Real Iap Id
* @param aAvailableIAPList List of IAPs
* @param aSession Handle to session class
void FindRealIapL( const TUint32 aVirtualIapId,
TUint32& aRealIapId,
const RAvailableIAPList& aAvailableIAPList,
CMPMServerSession& aSession );
* Loads Iap record based on record id.
* @since 3.2
* @param aIapId Id of an Iap.
* @param aDb DB session.
* @return Iap record
CCDIAPRecord* LoadIapRecordLC( const TUint32 aIapId, CMDBSession* aDb ) const;
* Finds access network Id based on given IAP Id.
* @since 3.1
* @param aIapId Given IAP Id
* @param aNetId Found access network Id
void SearchAccessNetIdL( const TUint32& aIapId,
TUint32& aNetId );
* Checks if given virtual IAP may use underlying WLAN IAP.
* @since 3.2
* @param aVirtualIapId IAP Id to be checked
* @param aIapPath Chain of Iaps traversed this far.
* Used for detecting loops in configuration
* @return ETrue WLAN IAP exists under the virtual IAP,
* otherwise EFalse.
TBool WlanUnderVirtualL( const TUint32 aVirtualIapId, RArray<TUint>& aIapPath );
* loads linked record using element id.
* @since 3.2
* @param aSession DB Session to use
* @param aElementId Link element id
* @return Pointer to allocated record structure.
CCDRecordBase* LoadLinkedRecordL( CMDBSession& aSession,
TMDBElementId aElementId );
* Sets WEP key data for WLAN service record
* @since 9.1
* @param aFormatId Id of the field where WEP format is stored
* @param aKeyId Id of the field where WEP key is stored
* @param aWepData WEP key value
* @param aWepFormat WEP key format value
* @param aRecord WLAN service record where data is stored
void SetWepKeyL( TMDBElementId aFormatId,
TMDBElementId aKeyId,
TWlanWepKey aWepData,
TUint aWepFormat,
CMDBGenericRecord* aRecord );
* Converts ascii data to hex
* @since 3.2
* @param aSource Ascii data
* @param aDest hex data to be filled in
void ConvertAsciiToHex( const TDesC8& aSource,
HBufC8* aDest );
* Returns true if destination is internet.
* @since 5.1
* @param aDb Handle to database session.
* @param aSnapId Destination id
* @return True or false depending on destination type.
TBool IsInternetSnapL( CMDBSession& aDb, TUint32 aSnapId );
* Check whether bearer type is wlan
* @since 5.0
* @param aWlanArray Array of wlan bearers
* @param aBearerId Bearer id
* @return Returns ETrue in case of wlan bearer
TBool IsWlanBearer(RArray<TUint32>& aWlanArray, TInt aBearerId);
* Builds wlan bearer array
* @since 5.0
* @param aDb Handle to database session
* @param aWlanArray Array of wlan bearers
void BuildWlanArrayL(CMDBSession& aDb, RArray<TUint32>& aWlanArray);
* Get snap id for the iap
* @since 5.0
* @param aIapId Id of the iap
* @return Id of the snap
TUint32 GetSnapIdL( TUint32 aIapId );
* C++ default constructor.
* 2nd phase constructor.
void ConstructL();
// End of File