Got rid of some trivial warnings (nested comments and tokens after #endif).
* Copyright (c) 2004-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: This header defines the client API for MPM server
@file rmpm.h
Mobility Policy Manager server client interface definitions.
#ifndef RMPM_H
#define RMPM_H
#include <e32base.h>
#include <e32std.h>
#include <wlanmgmtcommon.h> // TWlanSsid
#include <e32property.h> //publish and subscribe
#include <cmmanagerdef.h>
#include <extendedconnpref.h>
// Number of pointers allocated for client-server inter-thread reads/writes
const TUint KNumPtrs = 8;
// Event buffer, adjust size to the proper value
const TUint KMpmMessageLength = 512;
const TUint KMpmMaxIAPCount = 25;
// Definitions for Reading/Writing sort snap data
// to publish and subscribe API
// UID of the category
const TUid KMPMSortSnapCategory = { 0x101f6d3a };
// Property type. Each key contains binary data in
// TMpmSnapPubSubFormat format
const TInt KMPMSortSnapType = RProperty::EByteArray;
// Maximum property key value. Key values start from 0.
// MPM will always write data at least for uncategorised
// entry (iap list may be empty).
const TInt KMPMSortSnapMaxKey = 25;
// Read policy, no capabilities required
// This format is used instead of _LIT_SECURITY_POLICY_PASS, which
// produces pclint warnings
_LIT_SECURITY_POLICY_C1( KMPMSortSnapReadPolicy, ECapability_None );
// Write policy
_LIT_SECURITY_POLICY_C1( KMPMSortSnapWritePolicy, ECapabilityNetworkControl );
// Definitions for Reading/Writing user connection data
// to publish and subscribe API
// UID of the category (note that uid is the same as sort snap category)
const TUid KMPMUserConnectionCategory = { 0x101f6d3a };
// Keys for this category
const TUint KMPMPSKeyUserConnectionSnap = 10001;
const TUint KMPMPSKeyUserConnectionIap = 10002;
// Property types
const TInt KMPMUserConnectionSnapType = RProperty::EInt;
const TInt KMPMUserConnectionIapType = RProperty::EInt;
// Read policy, no capabilities required
// This format is used instead of _LIT_SECURITY_POLICY_PASS, which
// produces pclint warnings
_LIT_SECURITY_POLICY_C1( KMPMUserConnectionReadPolicy, ECapability_None );
// Write policy
_LIT_SECURITY_POLICY_C1( KMPMUserConnectionWritePolicy, ECapabilityNetworkControl );
// Definitions for Reading/Writing active connection data
// to publish and subscribe API
// UID of the category
const TUid KMPMActiveConnectionCategory = { 0x101f6d3a };
// Property types
const TInt KMPMActiveConnectionIapType = RProperty::EInt;
const TInt KMPMActiveConnectionSnapType = RProperty::EInt;
const TInt KMPMActiveConnectionBearerType = RProperty::EInt;
// Keys for active connection category
* Iap Id of the active connection.
* If set to zero then no active connection
const TUint KMPMPSKeyActiveConnectionIap = 10003;
* Snap Id of the active connection.
* If set to zero then possible iap connection
const TUint KMPMPSKeyActiveConnectionSnap = 10004;
* Possible values:
* 0,
* KCommDbBearerVirtual,
* KCommDbBearerWLAN,
* KCommDbBearerWcdma,
* KCommDbBearerUnknown,
const TUint KMPMPSKeyActiveConnectionBearer = 10005;
// Read policy, no capabilities required
// This format is used instead of _LIT_SECURITY_POLICY_PASS, which
// produces pclint warnings
_LIT_SECURITY_POLICY_C1( KMPMActiveConnectionReadPolicy, ECapability_None );
// Write policy
_LIT_SECURITY_POLICY_C1( KMPMActiveConnectionWritePolicy, ECapabilityNetworkControl );
_LIT( KPanicCategory, "MPM Client" );
typedef RArray<TUint32> RAvailableIAPList;
typedef TBuf8<KMpmMessageLength> TMPMMessageBuffer;
typedef TUint32 TConnectionId;
// Notification codes
enum TMpmNotifications
EMPMNotificationNone = 0, // NOP
// Asynchronous codes
enum TMpmAsynchCodes
EMPMChooseBestIAP = 1,
#ifdef _DEBUG
EMPMDebugGenerateStopIAPNotification = 500,
EMPMDebugSwitchConnMonEventsOn = 501,
EMPMDebugSwitchConnMonEventsOff = 502,
EMPMDebugShutdown = 503,
enum TBMNeededAction
EIgnoreError = 0,
* Contains the sorted list of IAPs belonging to the specified SNAP.
* Used by method SortSNAP.
* @since 3.2
// Zero values
inline void Reset();
inline const TInt Count() const;
TUint iCount;
TUint32 iIapId[KMpmMaxIAPCount];
* Contains the sorted list of IAPs belonging to the specified SNAP.
* Used by method SortSNAP.
* @since 3.2
// Snap id. 0 is used for uncategorised
TUint32 iSnap;
// Iap ids
TMpmSnapBuffer iSortedIaps;
* Helper class.
* @since 3.2
// Zero values
inline void Reset();
TUint32 iIap;
TConnectionId iConnId; // useless
TUint32 iServiceId;
* Helper class.
* @since 3.2
// Zero values
inline void Reset();
TUint32 iIap;
TConnectionId iConnId;
* Helper class.
* @since 3.1
TMpmNotifications iMPMNotificationType;
virtual TInt Length() = 0;
* Helper class.
* @since 3.1
NONSHARABLE_CLASS( TMpmNotificationPrefIAPAvailable ) :
public TMpmNotification
inline TInt Length();
TUint32 iOldIapId;
TUint32 iNewIapId;
TBool iIsUpgrade;
TBool iIsSeamless;
TUint32 iConnId;
* Helper class.
* @since 3.2
NONSHARABLE_CLASS( TMpmNotificationError ) : public TMpmNotification
inline TInt Length();
TInt iError;
TUint32 iConnId;
* Helper class.
* @since 3.2
NONSHARABLE_CLASS( TMpmNotificationStartIAP ) : public TMpmNotification
inline TInt Length();
TStartIAPNotifInfo iInfo;
* Helper class.
* @since 3.2
NONSHARABLE_CLASS( TMpmNotificationStopIAP ) : public TMpmNotification
inline TInt Length();
TStopIAPNotifInfo iInfo;
* ChooseBestIAPPolicyResponse
* Identical in size with the TConnPref but contains different fields
* @since 5.2
struct SPolicyConnPref
TUint32 iIapId;
TUint32 iNetId;
TUint32 iSnapAPId;
TUint32 iServiceId; // Is the original IAP's Service ID
NONSHARABLE_CLASS( TPolicyConnPref ) : public TConnPref
inline SPolicyConnPref* PrefPtr() const {
return reinterpret_cast<SPolicyConnPref*>(UserPtr());
enum { EConnS60PolicyPref = 0x0f }; // TConnPref has defined up to 0x07.
inline TPolicyConnPref()
: TConnPref( TPolicyConnPref::EConnS60PolicyPref )
SetIapId( 0 );
SetNetId( 0 );
SetSnapAPId( 0 );
SetServiceId( 0 );
inline void SetIapId( TUint32 aIapId ) { PrefPtr()->iIapId = aIapId; };
inline TUint32 IapId() const { return PrefPtr()->iIapId; };
inline void SetNetId( TUint32 aNetId ) { PrefPtr()->iNetId = aNetId; };
inline TUint32 NetId() const { return PrefPtr()->iNetId; };
inline void SetSnapAPId( TUint32 aSnapAPId ) { PrefPtr()->iSnapAPId = aSnapAPId; };
inline TUint32 SnapAPId() const { return PrefPtr()->iSnapAPId; };
inline void SetServiceId( TUint32 aServiceId ) { PrefPtr()->iServiceId = aServiceId; };
inline TUint32 ServiceId() const { return PrefPtr()->iServiceId; };
* ChooseBestIAPPolicyResponse
* Identical in size with the TConnPref but contains different fields
* @since 5.2
struct SMpmConnPref
/** SNAP purpose. */
CMManager::TSnapPurpose iSnapPurpose;
/** SNAP id. */
TUint32 iSnapId;
/** IAP id. */
TUint32 iIapId;
/** Bearer set. */
TUint32 iBearerSet;
/** UI behaviour. */
TUint32 iNoteBehaviour;
/** Indicates whether UI disconnect dialog is shown. */
TBool iDisconnectDialog;
/** Indicates whether UI connection selection dialog is shown. */
TBool iConnSelectionDialog;
/** Indicates whether forced roaming is enabled. */
TBool iForcedRoaming;
// The following variables are used for internal functionality of the MPM.
// Client should not set these but leave it to MPM to fullfil them based
// on the above variables.
* Connection type that has been requested from the MPM. This is used
* internally by MPM to select correct IAP in the requested manner.
TUint32 iConnType;
* Indicates whether the given IAP is forced to be used or whether other
* IAPs can be used. IAP is set to "mandated" when IAP id is given
* through TMpmConnPref (meaning it was given as TExtendedConnPref
* to RConnection::Start()). Otherwise IAP is not mandated
* because in the old way existing connection was allowed to be
* taken into use whenever an IAP was given.
TBool iMandateIap;
* Access network id. Notice that this field always contains the access
* network id and this is not mixed with SNAP id into the same field as
* it used to be. SNAP id is in its own field.
TUint32 iNetId;
NONSHARABLE_CLASS( TMpmConnPref ) : public TConnPref
inline SMpmConnPref* PrefPtr() const {
return reinterpret_cast< SMpmConnPref* >( UserPtr() );
* Extension id for MPM connection preferences.
* All connection preferences derived from TConnPref has an extension id.
* TConnPref has defined up to 0x07 and TPolicyconnPref has 0x0f.
enum { EConnPrefMpm = 0x0e };
* Connection type that has been requested from the MPM.
* This is used internally by MPM to select correct IAP
* in the requested manner.
enum EConnType {
* Default connection is requested, that is, nobody requests
* specification connection.
EConnTypeDefault = 0,
* User selects the connection by utilizing Connection Selection
* Dialog.
* Client selects the connection by passing it via connection
* preferences.
inline TMpmConnPref()
: TConnPref( TMpmConnPref::EConnPrefMpm )
SetSnapPurpose( CMManager::ESnapPurposeUnknown );
SetSnapId( 0 );
SetIapId( 0 );
SetBearerSet( TExtendedConnPref::EExtendedConnBearerUnknown );
SetNoteBehaviour( TExtendedConnPref::ENoteBehaviourDefault );
SetDisconnectDialog( ETrue );
SetConnSelectionDialog( EFalse );
SetForcedRoaming( ETrue );
SetConnType( EConnTypeDefault );
SetMandateIap( EFalse );
SetNetId( 0 );
inline void SetSnapPurpose( CMManager::TSnapPurpose aSnapPurpose ) { PrefPtr()->iSnapPurpose = aSnapPurpose; };
inline CMManager::TSnapPurpose SnapPurpose() const { return PrefPtr()->iSnapPurpose; };
inline void SetSnapId( TUint32 aSnapId ) { PrefPtr()->iSnapId = aSnapId; };
inline TUint32 SnapId() const { return PrefPtr()->iSnapId; };
inline void SetIapId( TUint32 aIapId ) { PrefPtr()->iIapId = aIapId; };
inline TUint32 IapId() const { return PrefPtr()->iIapId; };
inline void SetBearerSet( TUint32 aBearerSet ) { PrefPtr()->iBearerSet = aBearerSet; };
inline TUint32 BearerSet() const { return PrefPtr()->iBearerSet; };
inline void SetNoteBehaviour( TUint32 aNoteBehaviour ) { PrefPtr()->iNoteBehaviour = aNoteBehaviour; };
inline TUint32 NoteBehaviour() const { return PrefPtr()->iNoteBehaviour; };
inline void SetDisconnectDialog( TBool aDisconnectDialog ) { PrefPtr()->iDisconnectDialog = aDisconnectDialog; };
inline TBool DisconnectDialog() const { return PrefPtr()->iDisconnectDialog; };
inline void SetConnSelectionDialog( TBool aConnSelectionDialog ) { PrefPtr()->iConnSelectionDialog = aConnSelectionDialog; };
inline TBool ConnSelectionDialog() const { return PrefPtr()->iConnSelectionDialog; };
inline void SetForcedRoaming( TBool aForcedRoaming ) { PrefPtr()->iForcedRoaming = aForcedRoaming; };
inline TBool ForcedRoaming() const { return PrefPtr()->iForcedRoaming; };
inline void SetConnType( TMpmConnPref::EConnType aConnType ) { PrefPtr()->iConnType = (TUint32)aConnType; };
inline TMpmConnPref::EConnType ConnType() const { return (TMpmConnPref::EConnType)PrefPtr()->iConnType; };
inline void SetMandateIap( TBool aMandateIap ) { PrefPtr()->iMandateIap = aMandateIap; };
inline TBool MandateIap() const { return PrefPtr()->iMandateIap; };
inline void SetNetId( TUint32 aNetId ) { PrefPtr()->iNetId = aNetId; };
inline TUint32 NetId() const { return PrefPtr()->iNetId; };
* Mobility Policy Manager server client interface.
* @lib RMPM.lib
* @since 3.0
class RMPM : public RSessionBase
public: // Constructor
inline RMPM() : RSessionBase(), iConnected( EFalse ),
iPtrArray(), iIndex( 0 ) {};
public: // New functions
* Deprecated, doesn't do anything
* @since 3.0
* @return KErrNone
IMPORT_C TInt LaunchServer();
* Connects client to a server session. It must be called
* before using other session specific methods.
* @since 3.0
* @return KErrNone if successful, otherwise one of the
* system-wide error codes
IMPORT_C TInt Connect();
* Queries whether MPM is connected.
* @since 5.2
* @return ETrue if connected
IMPORT_C TBool Connected();
* Connects client to a server session. It must be called
* before using other session specific methods.
* @since 5.2
* @return KErrNone if successful, otherwise one of the
* system-wide error codes
IMPORT_C void Connect( TRequestStatus& aStatus );
* Returns MPM server version.
* @since 3.0
* @return Version of the MPM server
IMPORT_C TVersion Version() const;
* Cancels asynchronous request. In the risk of deadlock use the SendCancelRequest()
* @since 3.1
* @param aReqToCancel request to be canceled
IMPORT_C void Cancel( TMpmAsynchCodes aReqToCancel ) const;
* Asynchronous cancellation
* @since 5.2
* @param aReqToCancel request to be canceled
* @return KErrNone if cancel message sending was successful, otherwise one of the
* system-wide error codes
IMPORT_C TInt SendCancelRequest( TMpmAsynchCodes aReqToCancel ) const;
* Closes MPM server session.
* @since 3.0
IMPORT_C void Close();
* Initial select of the most prefered IAP for the connection.
* @since 3.1
* @param aConnPref Connection preferences from application
* @param aConnId Connection Id
* @param aAppUid Application UId
* @param aPolicyPref Connection preferences chosen by MPM
* @param aStatus KErrNone if successful, otherwise one of the
* system-wide error codes
IMPORT_C void ChooseBestIAP( TConnPref& aConnPref,
const TConnectionId aConnId,
const TUid aAppUid,
TConnPref& aPolicyPref,
TRequestStatus& aStatus );
* Re-selectBestIAP. Same as ChooseBestIAP but can be called multiple times.
* resubmit of
* @since 5.2
* @param aConnId Connection Id
* @param aPolicyPref Connection preferences chosen by MPM
* @param aStatus KErrNone if successful, otherwise one of the
* system-wide error codes
IMPORT_C void ReselectBestIAP( const TConnectionId aConnId,
TConnPref& aPolicyPref,
TRequestStatus& aStatus );
* Error processing of connection initiation.
* @since 3.1
* @param aError Error code
* @param aConnId Connection Id
* @param aNeededAction Ignore error, propagate error or perform a reselection
* @param aStatus KErrNone if successful, otherwise one of the
* system-wide error codes
IMPORT_C void ProcessError( TInt& aError,
const TConnectionId aConnId,
TBMNeededAction& aNeededAction,
TRequestStatus& aStatus );
* Error processing of connection initiation.
* @deprecated In 5.2, aConnPref not required.
* @since 3.1
* @param aConnPref Connection preferences
* @param aError Error code
* @param aConnId Connection Id
* @param aNeededAction Ignore error, propagate error or perform a reselection
* @param aStatus KErrNone if successful, otherwise one of the
* system-wide error codes
IMPORT_C void ProcessError( TConnPref& aConnPref,
TInt& aError,
const TConnectionId aConnId,
TBMNeededAction& aNeededAction,
TRequestStatus& aStatus );
* Application leaves connection.
* @since 3.1
* @param aIapId IAP Id of the connection.
* @param aConnId Connection Id
* @return KErrNone if successful, otherwise one of the
* system-wide error codes
IMPORT_C TInt ApplicationLeavesConnection( const TUint32 aIapId,
const TConnectionId aConnId );
* The whole IAP connection is stopped.
* @since 3.1
* @param aIapId IAP Id of the connection.
* @param aConnId Connection Id
* @return KErrNone if successful, otherwise one of the
* system-wide error codes
IMPORT_C TInt IAPConnectionStopped( const TUint32 aIapId,
const TConnectionId aConnId );
* Bearer manager provides message buffer for MPM notifications,
* must be called before registering for notifications.
* @since 3.1
* @param aMpmNotification notification for BM
* @param aStatus KErrNone if successful, otherwise one of the
* system-wide error codes
IMPORT_C void WaitNotification( TMPMMessageBuffer& aMpmNotification,
TRequestStatus& aStatus );
* Register for getting preferred IAP notifications.
* @since 3.1
* @param aConnId Connection Id
* @return KErrNone if successful, otherwise one of the
* system-wide error codes
IMPORT_C TInt RegisterPrefIAPNotif( const TConnectionId aConnId );
* Register for getting preferred IAP notifications.
* @since 5.2
* @param aConnId Connection Id
* @param aStatus KErrNone if successful, otherwise one of the
* system-wide error codes
IMPORT_C void RegisterPrefIAPNotif( const TConnectionId aConnId,
TRequestStatus& aStatus );
* Register for getting preferred IAP notifications.
* @deprecated In 5.2, aConnPref not required.
* @since 3.1
* @param aConnPref Connection preferences
* @param aConnId Connection Id
* @return KErrNone if successful, otherwise one of the
* system-wide error codes
IMPORT_C TInt RegisterPrefIAPNotif( const TConnPref& aConnPref,
const TConnectionId aConnId );
* Unregister preferred IAP notifications.
* @since 3.1
* @param aConnId Connection Id
IMPORT_C void UnregisterPrefIAPNotif( const TConnectionId aConnId );
* Unregister preferred IAP notifications.
* @since 5.2
* @param aConnId Connection Id
IMPORT_C void UnregisterPrefIAPNotif( const TConnectionId aConnId,
TRequestStatus& aStatus );
* Sort available IAPs belonging to the specified SNAP.
* @since 3.2
* @param aSNAP Service Network Access Point
* @param aSortedList on return contains the sorted list of IAPs
* @return KErrNone if successful, otherwise one of the
* system-wide error codes
IMPORT_C TInt SortSNAP( const TUint32 aSNAP,
TMpmSnapBuffer& aSortedList );
* Application joins connection.
* @since 3.2
* @param aIapId IAP Id of the connection.
* @param aConnId Connection Id
* @return KErrNone if successful, otherwise one of the
* system-wide error codes
IMPORT_C TInt ApplicationJoinsConnection( const TUint32 aIapId,
const TConnectionId aConnId );
* The whole IAP connection is activated.
* @since 3.2
* @param aIapId IAP Id of the connection.
* @param aConnId Connection Id
* @return KErrNone if successful, otherwise one of the
* system-wide error codes
IMPORT_C TInt IAPConnectionActivated( const TUint32 aIapId,
const TConnectionId aConnId );
* The whole IAP connection is started.
* @since 3.2
* @param aIapId IAP Id of the connection.
* @param aConnId Connection Id
* @return KErrNone if successful, otherwise one of the
* system-wide error codes
IMPORT_C TInt IAPConnectionStarted( const TUint32 aIapId,
const TConnectionId aConnId );
* Application connection ends.
* @since 3.2
* @param aConnId Connection Id
* @return KErrNone if successful, otherwise one of the
* system-wide error codes
IMPORT_C TInt ApplicationConnectionEnds(
const TConnectionId aConnId );
* Application migrates to carrier.
* @since 3.2
* @param aIapId IAP Id of the new carrier.
* @param aConnId Connection Id
* @return KErrNone if successful, otherwise one of the
* system-wide error codes
IMPORT_C TInt ApplicationMigratesToCarrier( const TUint32 aIapId,
const TConnectionId aConnId );
* Application ignored the carrier.
* @since 3.2
* @param aIapId IAP Id of the new carrier.
* @param aConnId Connection Id
* @return KErrNone if successful, otherwise one of the
* system-wide error codes
IMPORT_C TInt ApplicationIgnoredTheCarrier( const TUint32 aIapId,
const TConnectionId aConnId );
* Application accepted the carrier.
* @since 3.2
* @param aIapId IAP Id of the new carrier.
* @param aConnId Connection Id
* @return KErrNone if successful, otherwise one of the
* system-wide error codes
IMPORT_C TInt ApplicationAcceptedTheCarrier( const TUint32 aIapId,
const TConnectionId aConnId );
* Application rejected the carrier.
* @since 3.2
* @param aIapId IAP Id of the new carrier.
* @param aConnId Connection Id
* @return KErrNone if successful, otherwise one of the
* system-wide error codes
IMPORT_C TInt ApplicationRejectedTheCarrier( const TUint32 aIapId,
const TConnectionId aConnId );
* Displays connecting wait note for Easy WLAN connection.
* @since 3.2
* @param aSSID the id of selected wlan network
IMPORT_C TInt EasyWlanSsid( const TWlanSsid& aSSID );
* The whole IAP connection is started.
* @since 5.2
* @param aIapId IAP Id of the connection.
* @param aConnId Connection Id
* @param aStatus KErrNone if successful, otherwise one of the
* system-wide error codes
IMPORT_C void IAPConnectionStarted( const TUint32 aIapId,
const TConnectionId aConnId,
TRequestStatus& aStatus );
* The whole IAP connection is stopped.
* @since 5.2
* @param aIapId IAP Id of the connection.
* @param aConnId Connection Id
* @param aStatus KErrNone if successful, otherwise one of the
* system-wide error codes
IMPORT_C void IAPConnectionStopped( const TUint32 aIapId,
const TConnectionId aConnId,
TRequestStatus& aStatus );
* Application joins connection.
* @since 5.2
* @param aIapId IAP Id of the connection.
* @param aConnId Connection Id
* @param aStatus KErrNone if successful, otherwise one of the
* system-wide error codes
IMPORT_C void ApplicationJoinsConnection( const TUint32 aIapId,
const TConnectionId aConnId,
TRequestStatus& aStatus );
* Application leaves connection.
* @since 5.2
* @param aIapId IAP Id of the connection.
* @param aConnId Connection Id
* @param aStatus KErrNone if successful, otherwise one of the
* system-wide error codes
IMPORT_C void ApplicationLeavesConnection( const TUint32 aIapId,
const TConnectionId aConnId,
TRequestStatus& aStatus );
* Application connection ends.
* @since 5.2
* @param aConnId Connection Id
* @param aStatus KErrNone if successful, otherwise one of the
* system-wide error codes
IMPORT_C void ApplicationConnectionEnds( const TConnectionId aConnId,
TRequestStatus& aStatus );
* Application migrates to carrier.
* @since 3.2
* @param aIapId IAP Id of the new carrier.
* @param aConnId Connection Id
* @param aStatus KErrNone if successful, otherwise one of the
* system-wide error codes
IMPORT_C void ApplicationMigratesToCarrier( const TUint32 aIapId,
const TConnectionId aConnId,
TRequestStatus& aStatus );
* Application ignored the carrier.
* @since 3.2
* @param aIapId IAP Id of the new carrier.
* @param aConnId Connection Id
* @param aStatus KErrNone if successful, otherwise one of the
* system-wide error codes
IMPORT_C void ApplicationIgnoredTheCarrier( const TUint32 aIapId,
const TConnectionId aConnId,
TRequestStatus& aStatus );
* Application rejected the carrier.
* @since 3.2
* @param aIapId IAP Id of the rejected carrier.
* @param aConnId Connection Id
* @param aStatus KErrNone if successful, otherwise one of the
* system-wide error codes
IMPORT_C void ApplicationRejectedTheCarrier( const TUint32 aIapId,
const TConnectionId aConnId,
TRequestStatus& aStatus );
* Application accpeted the carrier.
* @since 3.2
* @param aIapId IAP Id of the accepted carrier.
* @param aConnId Connection Id
* @param aStatus KErrNone if successful, otherwise one of the
* system-wide error codes
IMPORT_C void ApplicationAcceptedTheCarrier( const TUint32 aIapId,
const TConnectionId aConnId,
TRequestStatus& aStatus );
* Asynchronously sort available IAPs belonging to the specified SNAP.
* @since 5.2
* @param aSNAP Service Network Access Point
* @param aSortedList on return contains the sorted list of IAPs
* @param aStatus KErrNone if successful, otherwise one of the
* system-wide error codes
* @param aMaxAgeSeconds how many seconds old availability data MPM is
* allowed to use for priorization.
IMPORT_C void SortSNAP( const TUint32 aSNAP,
TMpmSnapBuffer& aSortedList,
TRequestStatus& aStatus,
const TUint32 aMaxAgeSeconds = 5 );
#ifdef _DEBUG
* Sends calls into MPM. Only for debugging purposes. Must not be compiled for UREL
inline void SendReq( TMpmAsynchCodes aReq, TInt aValue );
#endif //_DEBUG
private: // New functions
TPtr8& NextPtr();
private: // Data
// Is Client connected
TBool iConnected;
// Ptr array for IPC messaging
RArray< TPtr8 > iPtrArray;
// Used for indexing iPtrArray elements
TInt iIndex;
#include "rmpm.inl"
#endif // RMPM_H
// End of File