Got rid of some trivial warnings (nested comments and tokens after #endif).
* Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: MPM CommsDat access functions
@file mpmcommsdataccess.cpp
Mobility Policy Manager CommsDat access functions.
#include <e32base.h>
#include <commdb.h>
#include <metadatabase.h>
#include <commsdattypeinfov1_1.h>
#include <commsdattypesv1_1.h>
#include <datamobilitycommsdattypes.h>
#include <cmpluginbaseeng.h>
#include <WlanCdbCols.h>
#include <cmmanagerdef.h>
#include <cmconnectionmethoddef.h>
#include <wlancontainer.h>
#include <utf.h>
#include <cmpluginwlandef.h>
#include <commsdattypeinfov1_1_internal.h>
#include <commsdattypesv1_1_partner.h>
#include <in_sock.h>
#include <cmgenconnsettings.h>
#include <cmdestination.h>
#include "mpmcommsdataccess.h"
#include "mpmserversession.h"
#include "mpmconnmonevents.h"
#include "mpmiapselection.h"
// ============================ MEMBER FUNCTIONS ===============================
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMPMCommsDatAccess::NewL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
CMPMCommsDatAccess* CMPMCommsDatAccess::NewL()
CMPMCommsDatAccess* self = new ( ELeave ) CMPMCommsDatAccess();
return self;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMPMCommsDatAccess::CMPMCommsDatAccess
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMPMCommsDatAccess::ConstructL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CMPMCommsDatAccess::ConstructL()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMPMCommsDatAccess::~CMPMCommsDatAccess
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMPMCommsDatAccess::FindAllSnapsL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CMPMCommsDatAccess::FindAllSnapsL( RArray<TUint>& aSnapIds )
MPMLOGSTRING( "CMPMCommsDatAccess::FindAllSnapsL " )
CMDBSession* db = CMDBSession::NewLC( KCDVersion1_1 );
// Get the table id from generic
CMDBGenericRecord* generic = static_cast<CMDBGenericRecord*>
( CCDRecordBase::RecordFactoryL( 0 ) );
CleanupStack::PushL( generic );
generic->InitializeL( TPtrC( KCDTypeNameDataMobilitySelectionPolicy ),
generic->LoadL( *db );
// Create the DN-IAP record set
CMDBRecordSet<CCDDataMobilitySelectionPolicyRecord>* dnIAPRecordSet =
new ( ELeave ) CMDBRecordSet<CCDDataMobilitySelectionPolicyRecord>(
generic->TableId() );
CleanupStack::PushL( dnIAPRecordSet );
dnIAPRecordSet->LoadL( *db );
for ( TInt i = 0; i < dnIAPRecordSet->iRecords.Count(); i++ )
CCDDataMobilitySelectionPolicyRecord* dnRecord = new ( ELeave )
CCDDataMobilitySelectionPolicyRecord( generic->TableId() );
dnRecord->SetElementId( GetRealElementId( dnIAPRecordSet->iRecords[i] ) );
dnRecord->LoadL( *db );
TUint snapId = dnRecord->iSNAP;
MPMLOGSTRING2( "CMPMCommsDatAccess::FindAllSnapsL snap %d", snapId )
// Insert unique ids to array
aSnapIds.InsertInOrder( snapId );
delete dnRecord;
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( dnIAPRecordSet );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( generic );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( db );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMPMCommsDatAccess::ValidateIapL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CMPMCommsDatAccess::ValidateIapL(
const TConnectionId aConnId,
TUint32& aIapId,
TUint32& aNetId,
TBool& aLanOrWlan,
CMPMServerSession& aSession )
"CMPMCommsDatAccess::ValidateIapL: Validating chosen IAP Id = %i",
aIapId )
aLanOrWlan = EFalse;
SearchAccessNetIdL( aIapId, aNetId );
CCommsDatabase* commsDatabase = CCommsDatabase::NewL();
CleanupStack::PushL( commsDatabase );
// Make hidden records visible
CCommsDbTableView* commsDbIapTableView =
commsDatabase->OpenViewMatchingUintLC( TPtrC( IAP ),
aIapId );
User::LeaveIfError( commsDbIapTableView->GotoFirstRecord() );
TInt length1( 0 );
commsDbIapTableView->ReadColumnLengthL( TPtrC( IAP_SERVICE_TYPE ),
length1 );
HBufC* buf1 = HBufC::NewLC( length1 );
TPtr ptr1( buf1->Des() );
// Read IAP's service type
commsDbIapTableView->ReadTextL(TPtrC( IAP_SERVICE_TYPE ), ptr1 );
"CMPMCommsDatAccess::ValidateIapL: IAP service type = %S",
// In case offline mode is enabled, we need to find out what type
// of bearer is used. Only LAN or WLAN is allowed in offline mode.
if ( ptr1.Compare( TPtrC( LAN_SERVICE ) ) == KErrNone )
aLanOrWlan = ETrue;
TUint32 service( 0 );
commsDbIapTableView->ReadUintL( TPtrC( IAP_SERVICE ), service );
// Now open a view to LAN_SERVICE table
CCommsDbTableView* commsDbLanTableView =
commsDatabase->OpenViewMatchingUintLC( TPtrC( LAN_SERVICE ),
service );
User::LeaveIfError( commsDbLanTableView->GotoFirstRecord() );
TUint32 commDbId( 0 );
commsDbLanTableView->ReadUintL( TPtrC( COMMDB_ID ), commDbId );
// Now open a view to WLAN_SERVICE table
// If non wlan product, wlan tables won't exist and this will
// leave. In that case do not check WLAN related issues
CCommsDbTableView* commsDbWlanTableView( NULL );
TRAPD( err2, commsDbWlanTableView =
commsDatabase->OpenViewMatchingUintLC( TPtrC( WLAN_SERVICE ),
commDbId );
CleanupStack::Pop( commsDbWlanTableView ) );
if( err2 == KErrNone )
// Push back to cleanup stack. Object must be popped within
// TRAP, to avoid unbalance in cleanup stack and panic 71
CleanupStack::PushL( commsDbWlanTableView );
TInt err = commsDbWlanTableView->GotoFirstRecord();
if ( err == KErrNone )
TWlanSsid ssid;
commsDbWlanTableView->ReadTextL( TPtrC( NU_WLAN_SSID ), ssid );
MPMLOGSSID( "CMPMCommsDatAccess<0x%x>::ValidateIapL: SSID = %S",
aSession.ConnectionId(), &ssid )
TUint32 presumedIapId = aIapId;
// Find and change Iap and Net Id if SSID exist
if ( !CheckEasyWLanL( aIapId ) )
aSession.MyServer().Events()->FindSSID( ssid, aIapId, aNetId );
// Store Iap Id, Net Id and empty APN to TConnInfo,
// so that FindAPN can utilise the information
// during the validation of next IAP to support
// using existing WLAN connection SSID.
aSession.MyServer().Events()->AppendConnInfo( aConnId );
aSession.MyServer().Events()->SetConnInfo( aConnId,
ssid );
MPMLOGSTRING2( "CMPMCommsDatAccess::ValidateIapL\
GotoFirstRecord returned %d", err )
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( commsDbWlanTableView );
"CMPMCommsDatAccess::ValidateIapL: WLAN table view failed, err %d", err2 )
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( commsDbLanTableView );
// If this IAP needs PDP Context management, we'll do it here
else if ( ptr1.Compare(TPtrC(OUTGOING_WCDMA)) == KErrNone )
TUint32 service;
commsDbIapTableView->ReadUintL( TPtrC( IAP_SERVICE ), service );
// Now open a view to OUTGOING_WCDMA table
CCommsDbTableView* commsDbPsdTableView =
commsDatabase->OpenViewMatchingUintLC( TPtrC( OUTGOING_WCDMA ),
service );
User::LeaveIfError( commsDbPsdTableView->GotoFirstRecord() );
TInt length2( 0 );
commsDbPsdTableView->ReadColumnLengthL( TPtrC( GPRS_APN ), length2 );
HBufC* buf2 = HBufC::NewLC( length2 );
TPtr ptr2( buf2->Des() );
// Read APN
commsDbPsdTableView->ReadTextL( TPtrC( GPRS_APN ), ptr2 );
"CMPMCommsDatAccess::ValidateIapL: APN = %S", &ptr2)
TUint32 presumedIapId = aIapId;
// Find and change Iap and Net Id if APN exist
aSession.MyServer().Events()->FindAPN( ptr2, aIapId, aNetId );
// Store Iap Id, Net Id and APN to TConnInfo,
// so that FindAPN can utilise the information
// during the validation of next IAP to support
// using existing PDP context per APN.
aSession.MyServer().Events()->AppendConnInfo( aConnId );
aSession.MyServer().Events()->SetConnInfo( aConnId,
ptr2 );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( buf2 );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( commsDbPsdTableView );
else if ( ptr1.Compare(TPtrC( VPN_SERVICE )) == KErrNone )
"CMPMCommsDatAccess::ValidateIapL: Enable VPN in offline mode" )
aLanOrWlan = ETrue;
"CMPMCommsDatAccess::ValidateIapL: Service Type out of range" )
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( buf1 );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( commsDbIapTableView );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( commsDatabase );
"CMPMCommsDatAccess::ValidateIapL: Validated IAP Id = %i", aIapId )
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMPMCommsDatAccess::CheckBearerL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CMPMCommsDatAccess::CheckBearerL(
TUint32& aIapId,
TBool& aLanOrWlan,
const RAvailableIAPList& aAvailableIAPList,
CMPMServerSession& aSession )
MPMLOGSTRING2( "CMPMCommsDatAccess::CheckBearerL: IAP Id = %i", aIapId )
aLanOrWlan = EFalse;
// Use FindRealIapL to find the real IAP behind the virtual IAP.
TUint32 realIapId( 0 );
FindRealIapL( aIapId,
aSession );
if ( ( realIapId != 0 ) && ( aIapId != realIapId ) )
aIapId = realIapId;
"CMPMCommsDatAccess::CheckBearerL: Found real IAP Id = %i",
aIapId )
CCommsDatabase* commsDatabase = CCommsDatabase::NewL();
// Make hidden records visible
CCommsDbTableView* commsDbIapTableView =
commsDatabase->OpenViewMatchingUintLC( TPtrC(IAP),
User::LeaveIfError( commsDbIapTableView->GotoFirstRecord() );
TInt length1( 0 );
commsDbIapTableView->ReadColumnLengthL(TPtrC(IAP_SERVICE_TYPE), length1);
HBufC* buf1 = HBufC::NewLC(length1);
TPtr ptr1( buf1->Des() );
// Read IAP's service type
commsDbIapTableView->ReadTextL(TPtrC(IAP_SERVICE_TYPE), ptr1);
"CMPMCommsDatAccess::CheckBearerL: IAP_SERVICE_TYPE from CommsDat = %S",
&ptr1 )
// In case offline mode is enabled, we need to find out what type
// of bearer is used. Only LAN or WLAN is allowed in offline mode.
if ( ptr1.Compare(TPtrC(LAN_SERVICE)) == KErrNone )
aLanOrWlan = ETrue;
MPMLOGSTRING( "CMPMCommsDatAccess::CheckBearerL: Bearer type LAN/WLAN" )
aLanOrWlan = EFalse;
MPMLOGSTRING( "CMPMCommsDatAccess::CheckBearerL: Bearer type GSM/UMTS" )
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMPMCommsDatAccess::CheckEasyWLanL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TBool CMPMCommsDatAccess::CheckEasyWLanL( TUint32 aIapId ) const
MPMLOGSTRING2( "CMPMCommsDatAccess::CheckEasyWLanL: IAP Id = %i", aIapId)
TBool easyWlan = EFalse;
CCommsDatabase* commsDatabase = CCommsDatabase::NewL();
CleanupStack::PushL( commsDatabase );
// Make hidden records visible
CCommsDbTableView* commsDbIapTableView =
commsDatabase->OpenViewMatchingUintLC( TPtrC( IAP ),
aIapId );
User::LeaveIfError( commsDbIapTableView->GotoFirstRecord() );
TInt length1( 0 );
commsDbIapTableView->ReadColumnLengthL( TPtrC( IAP_SERVICE_TYPE ),
length1 );
HBufC* buf1 = HBufC::NewLC( length1 );
TPtr ptr1( buf1->Des() );
// Read IAP's service type
commsDbIapTableView->ReadTextL(TPtrC( IAP_SERVICE_TYPE ), ptr1 );
"CMPMCommsDatAccess::CheckEasyWLanL: IAP service type = %S", &ptr1 )
if ( ptr1.Compare( TPtrC( LAN_SERVICE ) ) == KErrNone )
TUint32 service( 0 );
commsDbIapTableView->ReadUintL( TPtrC( IAP_SERVICE ), service );
// Now open a view to LAN_SERVICE table
CCommsDbTableView* commsDbLanTableView =
commsDatabase->OpenViewMatchingUintLC( TPtrC( LAN_SERVICE ),
service );
User::LeaveIfError( commsDbLanTableView->GotoFirstRecord() );
TUint32 commDbId( 0 );
commsDbLanTableView->ReadUintL( TPtrC( COMMDB_ID ), commDbId );
// Now open a view to WLAN_SERVICE table
// If non wlan product, wlan tables won't exist and this will
// leave. In that case do not check WLAN related issues
CCommsDbTableView* commsDbWlanTableView( NULL );
TRAPD( err2, commsDbWlanTableView =
commsDatabase->OpenViewMatchingUintLC( TPtrC( WLAN_SERVICE ),
commDbId );
CleanupStack::Pop( commsDbWlanTableView ) );
if ( err2 == KErrNone )
// Push back to cleanup stack. Object must be popped within
// TRAP, to avoid unbalance in cleanup stack and panic 71
CleanupStack::PushL( commsDbWlanTableView );
TInt err = commsDbWlanTableView->GotoFirstRecord();
if ( err == KErrNone )
TInt ssidLength( 0 );
commsDbWlanTableView->ReadColumnLengthL( TPtrC( NU_WLAN_SSID ),
ssidLength );
if ( ssidLength == 0 )
"CMPMCommsDatAccess::CheckEasyWLanL: IAP is Easy WLAN" )
easyWlan = ETrue;
"CMPMCommsDatAccess::CheckEasyWLanL: IAP isn't Easy WLAN" )
easyWlan = EFalse;
MPMLOGSTRING2( "CMPMCommsDatAccess::CheckEasyWLanL\
GotoFirstRecord returned %d", err )
// Release memory
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( commsDbWlanTableView );
"CMPMCommsDatAccess::CheckEasyWLanL: WLAN table view failed, err %d", err2 )
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( commsDbLanTableView );
// Release memory
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( buf1 );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( commsDbIapTableView );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( commsDatabase );
return easyWlan;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMPMCommsDatAccess::DumpIAPsL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CMPMCommsDatAccess::DumpIAPsL() const
#ifdef _DEBUG
// Dump CommsDat IAPs to log in order to support testing
TInt err( KErrNone );
MPMLOGSTRING( "Display CommsDat IAPs - Start" )
CCommsDatabase* commsDatabase = CCommsDatabase::NewL();
// Make hidden records visible
// Iterate the IAP table from CommsDat
CCommsDbTableView* table = NULL;
table = commsDatabase->OpenTableLC( TPtrC( IAP ) );
err = table->GotoFirstRecord();
while ( !err )
TUint32 iapId( 0 );
TInt length1( 0 );
TInt length2( 0 );
// Read IAP's ID
table->ReadUintL( TPtrC( COMMDB_ID ), iapId );
// Read IAP's connection name
table->ReadColumnLengthL( TPtrC( COMMDB_NAME ), length1 );
HBufC* buf1 = HBufC::NewLC( length1 );
TPtr ptr1( buf1->Des() );
table->ReadTextL( TPtrC( COMMDB_NAME ), ptr1 );
// Read IAP's service type
table->ReadColumnLengthL(TPtrC( IAP_SERVICE_TYPE ), length2 );
HBufC* buf2 = HBufC::NewLC( length2 );
TPtr ptr2( buf2->Des() );
table->ReadTextL(TPtrC( IAP_SERVICE_TYPE ), ptr2 );
// Dump information to log
MPMLOGSTRING3( "IAP %i: Name = %S", iapId, &ptr1 )
MPMLOGSTRING2( "Service type = %S", &ptr2 )
err = table->GotoNextRecord();
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( buf2 );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( buf1 );
MPMLOGSTRING( "Display CommsDat IAPs - End" )
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( table );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( commsDatabase );
#endif // _DEBUG
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMPMCommsDatAccess::DumpSnapsL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CMPMCommsDatAccess::DumpSnapsL()
#ifdef _DEBUG
// Dump CommsDat Snaps to log in order to support testing
MPMLOGSTRING( "Display CommsDat Snaps - Start" )
// Creating a session with the latest version
CMDBSession* db = CMDBSession::NewLC( KCDVersion1_1 );
db->SetAttributeMask( ECDHidden | ECDProtectedWrite );
// Create the generic record set
CMDBGenericRecord* generic = static_cast<CMDBGenericRecord*>
( CCDRecordBase::RecordFactoryL( 0 ) );
CleanupStack::PushL( generic );
generic->InitializeL( TPtrC( KCDTypeNameDataMobilitySelectionPolicy ),
generic->LoadL( *db );
// Create the DN-IAP record set
CMDBRecordSet<CCDDataMobilitySelectionPolicyRecord>* dnIAPRecordSet =
new ( ELeave ) CMDBRecordSet<CCDDataMobilitySelectionPolicyRecord>(
generic->TableId() );
CleanupStack::PushL( dnIAPRecordSet );
CCDDataMobilitySelectionPolicyRecord* dnIAPRecord = new ( ELeave )
CCDDataMobilitySelectionPolicyRecord( generic->TableId() );
CleanupStack::PushL( dnIAPRecord );
// Find all the DN-IAP records
dnIAPRecordSet->LoadL( *db );
CCDIAPRecord* linkedIAP;
//CCDNetworkRecord* linkedDN;
//CCDNetworkRecord* linkedDN2;
CCDAccessPointRecord* linkedAP;
CCDAccessPointRecord* linkedAP2;
RArray<TInt> prevRecordIds;
CleanupClosePushL( prevRecordIds );
for ( TInt i = 0; i < dnIAPRecordSet->iRecords.Count(); i++ )
// Load each DN-IAP entry based on the elementId in the record set
dnIAPRecord->SetElementId( GetRealElementId( dnIAPRecordSet->iRecords[i] ) );
dnIAPRecord->LoadL( *db );
linkedAP = static_cast<CCDAccessPointRecord*>( CCDAccessPointRecord::RecordFactoryL( KCDTIdAccessPointRecord ) );
CleanupStack::PushL( linkedAP );
// Find the SNAP AP pointed by DN-IAP entry
linkedAP->iRecordTag = (TInt)dnIAPRecord->iSNAP;
TBool found = linkedAP->FindL( *db );
// Don't print duplicates
if ( found && KErrNotFound == prevRecordIds.Find( linkedAP->RecordId() ) )
prevRecordIds.Append( linkedAP->RecordId() );
// Print the DN and host name pointed by DN-IAP entry.
// HostName is EText field.
TBuf<KCommsDatTextBufferLength> dn = linkedAP->iRecordName.GetL();
MPMLOGSTRING3( "Snap: %d Snap Name = %s", (TInt)linkedAP->iRecordTag, dn.PtrZ() )
// Related DN-IAP records
// Get the table id from generic record
CMDBGenericRecord* generic2 = static_cast<CMDBGenericRecord*>
( CCDRecordBase::RecordFactoryL( 0 ) );
CleanupStack::PushL( generic2 );
generic2->InitializeL( TPtrC(
KCDTypeNameDataMobilitySelectionPolicy ), NULL );
generic2->LoadL( *db );
// Doesn't quite work with generic records
dnIAPRecordSet2 = new ( ELeave )
generic2->TableId() );
CleanupStack::PushL( dnIAPRecordSet2 );
// Prime one record with DN
CCDDataMobilitySelectionPolicyRecord* dnIAPRecord2 =
new ( ELeave ) CCDDataMobilitySelectionPolicyRecord(
generic2->TableId() );
CleanupStack::PushL( dnIAPRecord2 );
dnIAPRecord2->iSNAP = (TInt)linkedAP->iRecordTag;
dnIAPRecordSet2->iRecords.Append( dnIAPRecord2 );
CleanupStack::Pop( dnIAPRecord2 );
if ( dnIAPRecordSet2->FindL( *db ) )
for (TInt j = 0; j < dnIAPRecordSet2->iRecords.Count(); j++)
dnIAPRecord2->SetElementId( GetRealElementId( dnIAPRecordSet2->iRecords[j] ) );
dnIAPRecord2->LoadL( *db );
if ( dnIAPRecord2->iIAP != 0 )
linkedIAP = static_cast<CCDIAPRecord*>
( LoadLinkedRecordL( *db, dnIAPRecord2->iIAP ) );
MPMLOGSTRING3( "IAP = %d Priority = %d",
static_cast<TUint32>( dnIAPRecord2->iPriority ) )
delete linkedIAP;
dnIAPRecord2->iIAP = 0;
else if( dnIAPRecord2->iEmbeddedSNAP != 0 )
linkedAP2 = static_cast<CCDAccessPointRecord*>(
CCDAccessPointRecord::RecordFactoryL( KCDTIdAccessPointRecord ) );
CleanupStack::PushL( linkedAP2 );
TInt esnap = dnIAPRecord2->iEmbeddedSNAP;
linkedAP2->iRecordTag = esnap;
if ( !linkedAP->FindL( *db ))
User::Leave( KErrNotFound );
MPMLOGSTRING3( "Embedded Snap = %d Priority = %d",
static_cast<TUint32>( dnIAPRecord2->iPriority ) )
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( linkedAP2 );
dnIAPRecord2->iEmbeddedSNAP = 0;
// Each Snap has an initial entry in this table,
// where both the IAP and EmbeddedSNAP links
// have null value.
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( dnIAPRecordSet2 );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( generic2 );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( linkedAP );
MPMLOGSTRING( "Display CommsDat Snaps - End" )
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &prevRecordIds );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( dnIAPRecord );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( dnIAPRecordSet );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( generic );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( db );
#endif // _DEBUG
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMPMCommsDatAccess::DeterminePrioritiesL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CMPMCommsDatAccess::DeterminePrioritiesL(
RArray<TNetIap>& aDNIaps,
const RAvailableIAPList& aAvailableIAPList,
CMPMServerSession& aSession )
MPMLOGSTRING( "CMPMCommsDatAccess::DeterminePrioritiesL" )
TBool useGlobalPriorities( EFalse );
for( TInt i( 0 ); ( i < aDNIaps.Count() ) && !useGlobalPriorities; i++ )
if( aDNIaps[i].iRanking ==
CMManager::KDataMobilitySelectionPolicyPriorityWildCard )
// If any of the IAPs in the array has wildcard priority,
// then global bearer priorities should be used.
useGlobalPriorities = ETrue;
if( !useGlobalPriorities )
// If not a single IAP in the array had wildcard priority,
// then local priorities defined by user should be used.
for( TInt i( 0 ); i < aDNIaps.Count() ; i++ )
"CMPMCommsDatAccess::DeterminePrioritiesL: IapId = %i \
has wildcard priority", aDNIaps[i].iIapId )
// Find out the real IAP Id and check
// the global bearer priority for that.
TUint32 priority( KLowestPriority );
TUint32 iapId;
FindRealIapL( aDNIaps[i].iIapId,
aSession );
GlobalBearerPriorityL( iapId,
priority );
aDNIaps[i].iGlobalPriority = priority;
"CMPMCommsDatAccess::DeterminePrioritiesL: IapId = %i \
has global priority: %i", aDNIaps[i].iIapId, priority )
// Finally, sort the array according to global bearer priorities.
aDNIaps.Sort( TNetIap::CompareGlobalAndLocalPriority );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMPMCommsDatAccess::GlobalBearerPriorityL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CMPMCommsDatAccess::GlobalBearerPriorityL( const TUint32 aIapId,
TUint32& aPriority )
MPMLOGSTRING2( "CMPMCommsDatAccess::GlobalBearerPriorityL: IapId: %i",
aIapId )
CMDBSession* db = CMDBSession::NewLC( KCDVersion1_1 );
db->SetAttributeMask( ECDHidden | ECDProtectedWrite );
// Get the IAP record
CCDIAPRecord* iap = LoadIapRecordLC( aIapId, db );
// Get the service type of aIapId
TBuf<KMaxTextLength + 1> service;
service = iap->iServiceType.GetL();
"CMPMCommsDatAccess::GlobalBearerPriorityL: Service type = %s",
service.PtrZ() )
// Get the table id from generic
CMDBGenericRecord* record = static_cast<CMDBGenericRecord*>
( CCDRecordBase::RecordFactoryL( 0 ) );
CleanupStack::PushL( record );
record->InitializeL( TPtrC( KCDTypeNameGlobalService ), NULL );
record->SetRecordId( KCDInitialRecordId );
record->LoadL( *db );
// Create Global Bearer Type Priorization Record
CCDGlobalBearerTypePriorizationRecord* globalBearer = new ( ELeave )
CCDGlobalBearerTypePriorizationRecord( record->TableId() );
CleanupStack::PushL( globalBearer );
// Set the service type of aIapId to Global
// Bearer Type Priorization Record
globalBearer->iServiceType.SetL( service );
if( globalBearer->FindL( *db ) )
// Get the priority of specified service type
aPriority = ( TUint32 )globalBearer->iPriority;
"CMPMCommsDatAccess::GlobalBearerPriorityL: Priority = %i",
aPriority )
// Release memory
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( globalBearer );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( record );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( iap );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( db );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMPMCommsDatAccess::CheckWLANIapL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CMPMCommsDatAccess::CheckWLANIapL(CMPMServerSession& aSession)
TInt err( KErrNone );
TBool found( EFalse );
CCommsDatabase* commsDatabase = CCommsDatabase::NewL();
CleanupStack::PushL( commsDatabase );
// Make hidden records visible
// Iterate the IAP table from CommsDat
CCommsDbTableView* table = NULL;
table = commsDatabase->OpenTableLC( TPtrC( IAP ) );
err = table->GotoFirstRecord();
while ( !err && !found )
TUint32 iapId( 0 );
TInt length( 0 );
// Read IAP's ID
table->ReadUintL( TPtrC( COMMDB_ID ), iapId );
// Read IAP's service type
table->ReadColumnLengthL(TPtrC( IAP_SERVICE_TYPE ), length );
HBufC* buf = HBufC::NewLC( length );
TPtr ptr( buf->Des() );
table->ReadTextL(TPtrC( IAP_SERVICE_TYPE ), ptr );
if ( ptr.Compare( TPtrC( LAN_SERVICE ) ) == KErrNone )
TUint32 service( 0 );
table->ReadUintL( TPtrC( IAP_SERVICE ), service );
// Now open a view to LAN_SERVICE table
CCommsDbTableView* commsDbLanTableView =
commsDatabase->OpenViewMatchingUintLC( TPtrC( LAN_SERVICE ),
service );
User::LeaveIfError( commsDbLanTableView->GotoFirstRecord() );
TUint32 commDbId( 0 );
commsDbLanTableView->ReadUintL( TPtrC( COMMDB_ID ), commDbId );
// Now open a view to WLAN_SERVICE table
// If non wlan product, wlan tables won't exist and this will
// leave. In that case do not check WLAN related issues
CCommsDbTableView* commsDbWlanTableView( NULL );
TRAP( err, commsDbWlanTableView =
commDbId );
CleanupStack::Pop( commsDbWlanTableView ); );
if ( err == KErrNone )
// Push back to cleanup stack. Object must be popped within
// TRAP, to avoid unbalance in cleanup stack and panic 71
CleanupStack::PushL( commsDbWlanTableView );
TInt error = commsDbWlanTableView->GotoFirstRecord();
if ( error == KErrNone )
// Easy WLAN is not considered to be "real" WLAN IAP
TInt ssidLength( 0 );
ssidLength );
if ( ssidLength != 0 )
found = ETrue;
Found WLAN IAP" )
// If a single WLAN IAP was found in CommsDat,
// then set the need to scan WLAN networks as true.
aSession.MyServer().SetWLANScanRequired( ETrue );
// Release memory
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( commsDbWlanTableView );
"CMPMCommsDatAccess::CheckWLANIapL: WLAN table view failed, err %d", err )
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( commsDbLanTableView );
err = table->GotoNextRecord();
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( buf );
// If not a single WLAN IAP was found in CommsDat,
// then set the need to scan WLAN networks as false.
if ( !found )
MPMLOGSTRING( "CMPMCommsDatAccess::CheckWLANIapL: Not found WLAN IAP" )
aSession.MyServer().SetWLANScanRequired( EFalse );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( table );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( commsDatabase );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMPMCommsDatAccess::CheckWLANIapWithSsidL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TUint32 CMPMCommsDatAccess::CheckWLANIapWithSsidL( TWlanSsid& aSsid,
TUint32 aSecMode,
TWlanNetMode aConnMode )
MPMLOGSTRING( "CMPMCommsDatAccess::CheckWLANIapWithSsidL" )
TUint iapId( 0 );
// Creating a session with the latest version
CMDBSession* db = CMDBSession::NewLC( KCDVersion1_1 );
db->SetAttributeMask( ECDHidden | ECDProtectedWrite );
// Find Wlan service record
TBuf<KWlanMaxSsidLength> ssid16;
CnvUtfConverter::ConvertToUnicodeFromUtf8( ssid16, aSsid );
MPMLOGSTRING4( "CMPMCommsDatAccess::CheckWLANIapWithSsidL sec:%d, conn:%d ssid %S",
&ssid16 )
CMDBRecordSet<CCDWlanServiceRecord>* wlanSet =
new ( ELeave ) CMDBRecordSet<CCDWlanServiceRecord>(
CCDWlanServiceRecord::TableIdL( *db ) );
CleanupStack::PushL( wlanSet );
CCDWlanServiceRecord* wlanRecord = new ( ELeave )
CCDWlanServiceRecord( CCDWlanServiceRecord::TableIdL( *db ) );
CleanupStack::PushL( wlanRecord );
wlanSet->LoadL( *db );
MPMLOGSTRING2( "CMPMCommsDatAccess::CheckWLANIapWithSsidL, record count:%d",
wlanSet->iRecords.Count() )
TBool matchFound( EFalse );
for (TInt i = 0; ( i < wlanSet->iRecords.Count() ) && !matchFound; i++ )
wlanRecord->SetElementId( GetRealElementId( wlanSet->iRecords[i] ) );
wlanRecord->LoadL( *db );
TBuf<KWlanMaxSsidLength> ssid;
ssid = wlanRecord->iWLanSSID;
//if not easywlan, continue
if( ssid.Compare( KNullDesC() ) )
ssid = wlanRecord->iWLanSSID.GetL();
TUint32 secMode = wlanRecord->iWlanSecMode;
TUint32 connMode = wlanRecord->iWlanConnMode;
if ( connMode )
connMode = 1;
MPMLOGSTRING3( "CMPMCommsDatAccess::CheckWLANIapWithSsidL CommsDat secmode:%d, connmode:%d ",
connMode )
if ( !ssid.Compare( ssid16 ) && ( aConnMode == connMode ) )
//compare sec mode
if ( aSecMode == EWlanSecModeOpen || aSecMode == EWlanSecModeWep )
if ( aSecMode == secMode )
MPMLOGSTRING( "CMPMCommsDatAccess::CheckWLANIapWithSsidL match found, open/wep " )
matchFound = ETrue;
//WPA PSK case
else if ( aSecMode == EWlanSecModeWpa2 )
if ( ( secMode > EWlanSecModeWep ) && (wlanRecord->iWlanEnableWpaPsk) )
MPMLOGSTRING( "CMPMCommsDatAccess::CheckWLANIapWithSsidL match found, wpa psk " )
matchFound = ETrue;
//aSecMode = EWlanSecModeWpa
if ( secMode > EWlanSecModeWep )
MPMLOGSTRING( "CMPMCommsDatAccess::CheckWLANIapWithSsidL match found, wpa " )
matchFound = ETrue;
if ( matchFound )
// load Iap record
CCDIAPRecord* iapRecord = static_cast<CCDIAPRecord*> (
CCDRecordBase::RecordFactoryL( KCDTIdIAPRecord ) );
CleanupStack::PushL( iapRecord );
CCDLANServiceRecord* lanRecord = static_cast<CCDLANServiceRecord*> (
CCDRecordBase::RecordFactoryL( KCDTIdLANServiceRecord ));
CleanupStack::PushL( lanRecord );
iapRecord->iServiceType.SetL( TPtrC( KCDTypeNameLANService ) );
lanRecord->SetRecordId( wlanRecord->iWlanServiceId );
lanRecord->LoadL( *db );
iapRecord->iService = lanRecord->ElementId();
/* iapRecord->iServiceType.SetL( TPtrC( KCDTypeNameLANService ) );
iapRecord->iService = wlanRecord->iWlanServiceId;
if( iapRecord->FindL( *db ) )
MPMLOGSTRING( "CMPMCommsDatAccess::CheckWLANIapWithSsidL iap found" )
// Iap record found
iapId = iapRecord->RecordId();
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( lanRecord );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( iapRecord );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( wlanRecord );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( wlanSet );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( db );
return iapId;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMPMCommsDatAccess::SetEasyWlanDataL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CMPMCommsDatAccess::SetEasyWlanDataL( const TWlanSsid& aSsid,
TUint aSecMode,
TWlanNetMode aConnMode,
TWepKeyData aWepData,
TUint aEnableWpaPsk,
const TDesC8& aWpaPsk,
TUint aWpaKeyLen )
MPMLOGSTRING( "CMPMCommsDatAccess::SetEasyWlanDataL" )
CMDBSession* dbSession = CMDBSession::NewL( KCDVersion1_1 );
// Try to open a transaction to obtain write lock
TUint32 wlanId = FindEasyWlanServiceIdL( dbSession );
if( !wlanId )
MPMLOGSTRING( "CMPMCommsDatAccess::SetEasyWlanDataL unable to store \
easy wlan settings" )
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( dbSession );
CMDBGenericRecord* record = static_cast<CMDBGenericRecord*>
( CCDRecordBase::RecordFactoryL( 0));
CleanupStack::PushL( record );
record->InitializeL( TPtrC( WLAN_SERVICE ),NULL );
record->SetRecordId( wlanId );
record->LoadL( *dbSession );
TBuf<KWlanMaxSsidLength> ssid16;
CnvUtfConverter::ConvertToUnicodeFromUtf8( ssid16, aSsid );
CMDBField<TDesC>* textField = (CMDBField<TDesC>*)record->GetFieldByIdL(KCDTIdWlanUsedSSID);
textField->SetMaxLengthL( ssid16.Length());
textField->SetL( ssid16 );
*((CMDBField<TUint32>*)record->GetFieldByIdL(KCDTIdWlanSecMode)) = aSecMode;
*((CMDBField<TUint32>*)record->GetFieldByIdL(KCDTIdWlanConnMode)) = aConnMode;
if (aEnableWpaPsk)
MPMLOGSTRING( "CMPMCommsDatAccess::SetEasyWlanDataL wpa psk" )
CMDBField<TDesC8>* binField = (CMDBField<TDesC8>*)
binField->SetMaxLengthL( aWpaKeyLen );
binField->SetL( aWpaPsk );
*((CMDBField<TUint32>*)record->GetFieldByIdL(KCDTIdWlanWpaKeyLength)) = aWpaKeyLen;
*((CMDBField<TUint32>*)record->GetFieldByIdL(KCDTIdWlanEnableWpaPsk)) = aEnableWpaPsk;
else if (aSecMode == EWlanSecModeWep)
MPMLOGSTRING( "CMPMCommsDatAccess::SetEasyWlanDataL wep psk" )
*((CMDBField<TUint32>*)record->GetFieldByIdL( KCDTIdWlanWepIndex )) =
SetWepKeyL( KCDTIdWlanFormatKey1, KCDTIdWlanWepKey1,
aWepData.iWep1, aWepData.iWepFormat1, record );
SetWepKeyL( KCDTIdWlanFormatKey2, KCDTIdWlanWepKey2,
aWepData.iWep2, aWepData.iWepFormat2, record );
SetWepKeyL( KCDTIdWlanFormatKey3, KCDTIdWlanWepKey3,
aWepData.iWep3, aWepData.iWepFormat3, record );
SetWepKeyL( KCDTIdWlanFormatKey4, KCDTIdWlanWepKey4,
aWepData.iWep4, aWepData.iWepFormat4, record );
MPMLOGSTRING2( "CMPMCommsDatAccess::SetEasyWlanDataL sec mode %d, no key data written",
aSecMode )
//Finally save all to commsdat.
record->ModifyL( *dbSession );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( record );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( dbSession );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMPMCommsDatAccess::SetWepKeyL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CMPMCommsDatAccess::SetWepKeyL( TMDBElementId aFormatId,
TMDBElementId aKeyId,
TWlanWepKey aWepKey,
TUint aWepFormat,
CMDBGenericRecord* aRecord )
CMDBField<TUint32>* formatField = static_cast<CMDBField<TUint32>*>
( aRecord->GetFieldByIdL( aFormatId ) );
formatField->SetL( aWepFormat );
CMDBField<TDesC8>* wepKey = static_cast<CMDBField<TDesC8>*>
( aRecord->GetFieldByIdL( aKeyId ) );
if ( aWepFormat )
wepKey->SetL( aWepKey );
//Convert Ascii to Hex format, as only Hex value to be stored in CommsDat
HBufC8* buf8Conv = HBufC8::NewLC( aWepKey.Length() * KMpmDoubleLength );
ConvertAsciiToHex( aWepKey, buf8Conv );
wepKey->SetL( buf8Conv->Des() );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( buf8Conv );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMPMCommsDatAccess::ConvertAsciiToHex
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CMPMCommsDatAccess::ConvertAsciiToHex( const TDesC8& aSource,
HBufC8* aDest )
MPMLOGSTRING( "CMPMCommsDatAccess::ConvertAsciiToHex" )
_LIT( hex, "0123456789ABCDEF" );
TInt size = aSource.Size();
TPtr8 ptr = aDest->Des();
for ( TInt ii = 0; ii < size; ii++ )
TText8 ch = aSource[ii];
ptr.Append( hex()[(ch/16)&0x0f] );
ptr.Append( hex()[ch&0x0f] );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMPMCommsDatAccess::FindEasyWlanServiceIdL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TUint32 CMPMCommsDatAccess::FindEasyWlanServiceIdL( CMDBSession* aDb )
// if the method returns the record container there is for
// some reason garbage data in the key values
TUint32 wlanId( 0 );
MPMLOGSTRING( "CMPMCommsDatAccess::FindEasyWlanServiceIdL" )
CMDBRecordSet<CCDWlanServiceRecord>* wlanSet =
new ( ELeave ) CMDBRecordSet<CCDWlanServiceRecord>(
CCDWlanServiceRecord::TableIdL( *aDb ) );
CleanupStack::PushL( wlanSet );
wlanSet->LoadL( *aDb );
TBool found( EFalse );
for ( TInt i = 0; i < wlanSet->iRecords.Count() && !found; i++ )
CCDWlanServiceRecord* wlanRecord = new ( ELeave )
CCDWlanServiceRecord( CCDWlanServiceRecord::TableIdL( *aDb ) );
CleanupStack::PushL( wlanRecord );
wlanRecord->SetElementId( GetRealElementId( wlanSet->iRecords[i] ) );
wlanRecord->LoadL( *aDb );
TDesC ssid = wlanRecord->iWLanSSID;
if( !ssid.Compare( KNullDesC() ) )
MPMLOGSTRING2( "CMPMCommsDatAccess::FindEasyWlanServiceIdL: \
found service entry %i", wlanRecord->RecordId() )
wlanId = wlanRecord->RecordId();
found = ETrue;
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( wlanRecord );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( wlanSet );
return wlanId;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMPMCommsDatAccess::CheckHiddenAgentL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TBool CMPMCommsDatAccess::CheckHiddenAgentL( const TUint32 aIapId ) const
MPMLOGSTRING2( "CMPMCommsDatAccess::CheckHiddenAgentL: IapId: %i", aIapId )
TBool retValue( EFalse );
CMDBSession* db = CMDBSession::NewLC( KCDVersion1_1 );
db->SetAttributeMask( ECDHidden | ECDProtectedWrite );
// First check that IAP exists
CCDIAPRecord* iap = LoadIapRecordLC( aIapId, db );
// Initialize generic record
CMDBGenericRecord* generic = static_cast<CMDBGenericRecord*> (
CCDRecordBase::RecordFactoryL( 0 ) );
CleanupStack::PushL( generic );
generic->InitializeL( TPtrC( KCDTypeNameIAPMetadata ), NULL );
generic->LoadL( *db );
CCDIAPMetadataRecord* record = new( ELeave ) CCDIAPMetadataRecord(
generic->TableId() );
CleanupStack::PushL( record );
// Check if the metadata entry exists
record->iIAP.SetL( GetRealElementId( iap ) );
if ( record->FindL( *db ) )
// Metadata is specified, check is it true or false.
if ( record->iMetadata & EMetaHiddenAgent )
MPMLOGSTRING( "CMPMCommsDatAccess::CheckHiddenAgentL: True" )
retValue = ETrue;
MPMLOGSTRING( "CMPMCommsDatAccess::CheckHiddenAgentL: False" )
retValue = EFalse;
// Metadata unspecified, use default value.
MPMLOGSTRING( "CMPMCommsDatAccess::CheckHiddenAgentL: False" )
retValue = EFalse;
// Release memory
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( record );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( generic );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( iap );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( db );
return retValue;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMPMCommsDatAccess::MatchSSIDL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CMPMCommsDatAccess::MatchSSIDL( const TWlanSsid& aSSID,
TUint32 aIapId,
TBool& aMatchFound,
CMPMServerSession& aSession )
#ifdef __WINS__
// To suppress compilation warning in WINSCW UREL build. aSession is used only for logging.
MPMLOGSSID( "CMPMCommsDatAccess<0x%x>::MatchSSIDL: aSSID = %S",
aSession.ConnectionId(), &aSSID )
MPMLOGSTRING3( "CMPMCommsDatAccess<0x%x>::MatchSSIDL: aIapId = %d",
aSession.ConnectionId(), aIapId )
aMatchFound = EFalse;
CCommsDatabase* commsDatabase = CCommsDatabase::NewL();
CleanupStack::PushL( commsDatabase );
// Make hidden records visible
CCommsDbTableView* commsDbIapTableView =
commsDatabase->OpenViewMatchingUintLC( TPtrC( IAP ),
aIapId );
User::LeaveIfError( commsDbIapTableView->GotoFirstRecord() );
TInt length1( 0 );
commsDbIapTableView->ReadColumnLengthL( TPtrC( IAP_SERVICE_TYPE ),
length1 );
HBufC* buf1 = HBufC::NewLC( length1 );
TPtr ptr1( buf1->Des() );
// Read IAP's service type
commsDbIapTableView->ReadTextL(TPtrC( IAP_SERVICE_TYPE ), ptr1 );
"CMPMCommsDatAccess<0x%x>::MatchSSIDL: IAP service type = %S",
aSession.ConnectionId(), &ptr1 )
// In case offline mode is enabled, we need to find out what type
// of bearer is used. Only LAN or WLAN is allowed in offline mode.
if ( ptr1.Compare( TPtrC( LAN_SERVICE ) ) == KErrNone )
TUint32 service( 0 );
commsDbIapTableView->ReadUintL( TPtrC( IAP_SERVICE ), service );
// Now open a view to LAN_SERVICE table
CCommsDbTableView* commsDbLanTableView =
commsDatabase->OpenViewMatchingUintLC( TPtrC( LAN_SERVICE ),
service );
User::LeaveIfError( commsDbLanTableView->GotoFirstRecord() );
TUint32 commDbId( 0 );
commsDbLanTableView->ReadUintL( TPtrC( COMMDB_ID ), commDbId );
// Now open a view to WLAN_SERVICE table
CCommsDbTableView* commsDbWlanTableView =
commsDatabase->OpenViewMatchingUintLC( TPtrC( WLAN_SERVICE ),
commDbId );
TInt err = commsDbWlanTableView->GotoFirstRecord();
if ( err == KErrNone )
TWlanSsid ssid;
commsDbWlanTableView->ReadTextL( TPtrC( NU_WLAN_SSID ), ssid );
if ( aSSID.Compare( ssid ) == KErrNone )
aMatchFound = ETrue;
"CMPMCommsDatAccess<0x%x>::MatchSSIDL Found matching SSID",
aSession.ConnectionId() )
MPMLOGSTRING3( "CMPMCommsDatAccess<0x%x>::MatchSSID\
GotoFirstRecord returned %d", aSession.ConnectionId(), err )
// Release memory
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( commsDbWlanTableView );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( commsDbLanTableView );
// Release memory
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( buf1 );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( commsDbIapTableView );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( commsDatabase );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMPMCommsDatAccess::IsVirtualIapL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TBool CMPMCommsDatAccess::IsVirtualIapL( const TUint32 aVirtualIapId ) const
MPMLOGSTRING2( "CMPMCommsDatAccess::IsVirtualIapL: VirtualIapId: %i",
aVirtualIapId )
TBool isVirtual( EFalse );
// Open transaction
CMDBSession* db = CMDBSession::NewLC( KCDVersion1_1 );
db->SetAttributeMask( ECDHidden | ECDProtectedWrite );
// Get IAP
CCDIAPRecord* iap = LoadIapRecordLC( aVirtualIapId, db );
TDesC& type = iap->iBearerType.GetL();
if( type.Compare( TPtrC ( KCDTypeNameVirtualBearer ) ) == 0 )
isVirtual = ETrue;
MPMLOGSTRING( "CMPMCommsDatAccess::IsVirtualIapL: \
is virtual" )
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( iap );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( db );
return isVirtual;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMPMCommsDatAccess::SnapContainsWlanL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TBool CMPMCommsDatAccess::SnapContainsWlanL( TUint32 aSnapRecord,
RArray<TUint>& aIapPath,
TInt aMinNrWlan )
MPMLOGSTRING3( "CMPMCommsDatAccess::SnapContainsWlanL: snap %d, nr Wlans %d",
aSnapRecord, aMinNrWlan )
TInt wlanFound(0);
RArray<TNetIap> destNetIaps;
CleanupClosePushL( destNetIaps );
// Find the valid IAPs belonging to the Snap
// and possible embedded SNAP. Store both in same array.
SearchDNEntriesWithEmbeddedL( aSnapRecord, destNetIaps, destNetIaps );
// Check type of each IAP
// Stop when specified number of WLAN IAPs has been found
for( TInt j( 0 ); ( j < destNetIaps.Count() ) &&
( wlanFound < aMinNrWlan ); j++ )
// If entry is for embedded SNAP there are more than two chained
// embedded snaps. This is illegal configuration. Skip this entry.
if ( destNetIaps[j].iEmbeddedSnap != 0 )
MPMLOGSTRING( "CMPMCommsDatAccess::SnapContainsWlanL: \
Illegal configuration, more than one chained SNAP" )
if( CheckWlanL( destNetIaps[j].iIapId ) != ENotWlanIap )
"CMPMCommsDatAccess::SnapContainsWlanL: WLAN IAP found" )
// If virtual IAP, check whether it may be using WLAN
if( wlanFound < aMinNrWlan && IsVirtualIapL( destNetIaps[j].iIapId ) )
if ( WlanUnderVirtualL( destNetIaps[j].iIapId,
aIapPath ) )
MPMLOGSTRING( "CMPMCommsDatAccess::SnapContainsWlanL: \
WLAN IAP under virtual IAP found" )
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &destNetIaps );
if( wlanFound < aMinNrWlan )
MPMLOGSTRING( "CMPMCommsDatAccess::SnapContainsWlanL: result false" )
return EFalse;
MPMLOGSTRING( "CMPMCommsDatAccess::SnapContainsWlanL: result true" )
return ETrue;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMPMCommsDatAccess::SearchDNEntriesWithEmbeddedL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CMPMCommsDatAccess::SearchDNEntriesWithEmbeddedL( TUint32 aSnap,
RArray<TNetIap>& aDestNetIaps,
RArray<TNetIap>& aEmbeddedIaps )
// Find the valid IAPs belonging to the Snap.
SearchDNEntriesL( aSnap, aDestNetIaps );
TBool embeddedFound( EFalse );
// Find the valid IAPs belonging to the embedded Snaps.
for( TInt j = 0;( ( j < aDestNetIaps.Count() ) && !embeddedFound ); j++ )
// Go through the destNetIaps-array looking for EmbeddedId.
if( aDestNetIaps[j].iEmbeddedSnap != 0 )
MPMLOGSTRING2( "CMPMCommsDatAccess::SearchDNEntriesWithEmbeddedL: \
Search Embedded SNAP: %i", aDestNetIaps[j].iEmbeddedSnap )
TUint32 embedded = aDestNetIaps[j].iEmbeddedSnap;
// Exclude embedded Snap from destNetIaps, since
// the IAPs it contains are listed in embeddedIaps.
aDestNetIaps.Remove( j );
// If found, then search the IAPs belonging
// to that embedded Snap.
SearchDNEntriesL( embedded, aEmbeddedIaps );
embeddedFound = ETrue;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMPMCommsDatAccess::CheckWLanL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TWlanIapType CMPMCommsDatAccess::CheckWlanL( TUint32 aIapId ) const
MPMLOGSTRING2( "CMPMCommsDatAccess::CheckWlanL: IAP Id = %i", aIapId)
TWlanIapType wlan( ENotWlanIap );
CCommsDatabase* commsDatabase = CCommsDatabase::NewL();
CleanupStack::PushL( commsDatabase );
// Make hidden records visible
CCommsDbTableView* commsDbIapTableView =
commsDatabase->OpenViewMatchingUintLC( TPtrC( IAP ),
aIapId );
User::LeaveIfError( commsDbIapTableView->GotoFirstRecord() );
TInt length1( 0 );
commsDbIapTableView->ReadColumnLengthL( TPtrC( IAP_SERVICE_TYPE ),
length1 );
HBufC* buf1 = HBufC::NewLC( length1 );
TPtr ptr1( buf1->Des() );
// Read IAP's service type
commsDbIapTableView->ReadTextL(TPtrC( IAP_SERVICE_TYPE ), ptr1 );
"CMPMCommsDatAccess::CheckWlanL: IAP service type = %S", &ptr1 )
if ( ptr1.Compare( TPtrC( LAN_SERVICE ) ) == KErrNone )
TUint32 service( 0 );
commsDbIapTableView->ReadUintL( TPtrC( IAP_SERVICE ), service );
// Now open a view to LAN_SERVICE table
CCommsDbTableView* commsDbLanTableView =
commsDatabase->OpenViewMatchingUintLC( TPtrC( LAN_SERVICE ),
service );
User::LeaveIfError( commsDbLanTableView->GotoFirstRecord() );
TUint32 commDbId( 0 );
commsDbLanTableView->ReadUintL( TPtrC( COMMDB_ID ), commDbId );
// Now open a view to WLAN_SERVICE table
// If non wlan product, wlan tables won't exist and this will
// leave. In that case do not check WLAN related issues
CCommsDbTableView* commsDbWlanTableView( NULL );
TRAPD( err2, commsDbWlanTableView =
commsDatabase->OpenViewMatchingUintLC( TPtrC( WLAN_SERVICE ),
commDbId );
CleanupStack::Pop( commsDbWlanTableView ) );
if ( err2 == KErrNone )
// Push back to cleanup stack. Object must be popped within
// TRAP, to avoid unbalance in cleanup stack and panic 71
CleanupStack::PushL( commsDbWlanTableView );
TInt err = commsDbWlanTableView->GotoFirstRecord();
if ( err == KErrNone )
MPMLOGSTRING( "CMPMCommsDatAccess::CheckWlanL: IAP is WLAN" )
wlan = EWlanIap;
TInt ssidLength( 0 );
commsDbWlanTableView->ReadColumnLengthL( TPtrC( NU_WLAN_SSID ),
ssidLength );
if ( ssidLength == 0 )
"CMPMCommsDatAccess::CheckWlanL: IAP is Easy WLAN" )
wlan = EEasyWlanIap;
MPMLOGSTRING2( "CMPMCommsDatAccess::CheckWlanL\
GotoFirstRecord returned %d", err )
// Release memory
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( commsDbWlanTableView );
"CMPMCommsDatAccess::CheckWlanL: WLAN table view failed, err %d", err2 )
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( commsDbLanTableView );
// Release memory
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( buf1 );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( commsDbIapTableView );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( commsDatabase );
return wlan;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMPMCommsDatAccess::RemoveCategorisedIapsL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CMPMCommsDatAccess::RemoveCategorisedIapsL( RAvailableIAPList& aIAPList )
MPMLOGSTRING( "CMPMCommsDatAccess::RemoveCategorisedIapsL" )
// Creating a session with the latest version
CMDBSession* db = CMDBSession::NewLC( KCDVersion1_1 );
db->SetAttributeMask( ECDHidden | ECDProtectedWrite );
// Create the generic record set
CMDBGenericRecord* generic = static_cast<CMDBGenericRecord*>
( CCDRecordBase::RecordFactoryL( 0 ) );
CleanupStack::PushL( generic );
generic->InitializeL( TPtrC( KCDTypeNameDataMobilitySelectionPolicy ),
generic->LoadL( *db );
// Create the DN-IAP record set
CMDBRecordSet<CCDDataMobilitySelectionPolicyRecord>* dnIAPRecordSet =
new ( ELeave ) CMDBRecordSet<CCDDataMobilitySelectionPolicyRecord>(
generic->TableId() );
CleanupStack::PushL( dnIAPRecordSet );
CCDDataMobilitySelectionPolicyRecord* dnIAPRecord = new ( ELeave )
CCDDataMobilitySelectionPolicyRecord( generic->TableId() );
CleanupStack::PushL( dnIAPRecord );
// Find all the DN-IAP records
// Trap leave in case no records exist
TRAPD( err, dnIAPRecordSet->LoadL( *db ) )
if( err != KErrNone )
// print error code to log
MPMLOGSTRING2( "CMPMCommsDatAccess::RemoveCategorisedIapsL, \
loading DM selection policy records failed with %d", err )
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( dnIAPRecord );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( dnIAPRecordSet );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( generic );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( db );
CCDIAPRecord* linkedIAP;
CCDAccessPointRecord* linkedAP;
RArray<TInt> prevRecordIds;
CleanupClosePushL( prevRecordIds );
// prepare for searching APs.
for ( TInt i = 0; i < dnIAPRecordSet->iRecords.Count(); i++ )
linkedAP = static_cast<CCDAccessPointRecord*>( CCDAccessPointRecord::RecordFactoryL( KCDTIdAccessPointRecord ) );
CleanupStack::PushL( linkedAP );
// Load each DN-IAP entry based on the elementId in the record set
dnIAPRecord->SetElementId( GetRealElementId( dnIAPRecordSet->iRecords[i] ) );
dnIAPRecord->LoadL( *db );
// Find the SNAP AP pointed by DN-IAP entry
linkedAP->iRecordTag = (TInt)dnIAPRecord->iSNAP;
TBool found = linkedAP->FindL( *db );
if ( found && KErrNotFound == prevRecordIds.Find( linkedAP->RecordId() ) )
prevRecordIds.Append( linkedAP->RecordId() );
// Print the DN and host name pointed by DN-IAP entry.
// HostName is EText field.
TBuf<KMaxTextLength + 1> dn = linkedAP->iRecordName.GetL();
MPMLOGSTRING3( " Snap: %d Snap Name = %s", (TInt)linkedAP->iRecordTag, dn.PtrZ() )
// Related DN-IAP records
// Get the table id from generic record
CMDBGenericRecord* generic2 = static_cast<CMDBGenericRecord*>
( CCDRecordBase::RecordFactoryL( 0 ) );
CleanupStack::PushL( generic2 );
generic2->InitializeL( TPtrC(
KCDTypeNameDataMobilitySelectionPolicy ), NULL );
generic2->LoadL( *db );
// Doesn't quite work with generic records
dnIAPRecordSet2 = new ( ELeave )
generic2->TableId() );
CleanupStack::PushL( dnIAPRecordSet2 );
// Prime one record with DN
CCDDataMobilitySelectionPolicyRecord* dnIAPRecord2 =
new ( ELeave ) CCDDataMobilitySelectionPolicyRecord( generic2->TableId() );
CleanupStack::PushL( dnIAPRecord2 );
dnIAPRecord2->iSNAP = (TInt)linkedAP->iRecordTag;
dnIAPRecordSet2->iRecords.Append( dnIAPRecord2 );
CleanupStack::Pop( dnIAPRecord2 );
if ( dnIAPRecordSet2->FindL( *db ) )
for (TInt j = 0; j < dnIAPRecordSet2->iRecords.Count(); j++)
dnIAPRecord2->SetElementId( GetRealElementId( dnIAPRecordSet2->iRecords[j] ) );
dnIAPRecord2->LoadL( *db );
if ( dnIAPRecord2->iIAP != 0 )
linkedIAP = static_cast<CCDIAPRecord*>
( LoadLinkedRecordL( *db, dnIAPRecord2->iIAP ) );
// Remove categorised IAP from aIAPList
TInt index = KErrNotFound;
index = aIAPList.Find( linkedIAP->RecordId() );
if ( index != KErrNotFound )
" Remove categorised IAP = %i",
linkedIAP->RecordId() )
aIAPList.Remove( index );
delete linkedIAP;
dnIAPRecord2->iIAP = 0;
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( dnIAPRecordSet2 );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( generic2 );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( linkedAP );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &prevRecordIds );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( dnIAPRecord );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( dnIAPRecordSet );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( generic );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( db );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMPMCommsDatAccess::GetIapServiceIdL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TUint32 CMPMCommsDatAccess::GetIapServiceIdL( TUint32 aIapId )
TUint32 serviceId( 0 );
CMDBSession* db = CMDBSession::NewLC( KCDVersion1_1 );
db->SetAttributeMask( ECDHidden | ECDProtectedWrite );
// First check that IAP exists
CCDIAPRecord* iap = LoadIapRecordLC( aIapId, db );
serviceId = iap->iService;
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( iap );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( db );
MPMLOGSTRING3( "CMPMCommsDatAccess::GetiapServiceIdL - IAP Id: %d, service id: %d",
aIapId, serviceId )
return serviceId;
// ============================= LOCAL FUNCTIONS ===============================
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMPMCommsDatAccess::LoadIapRecordLC
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
CCDIAPRecord* CMPMCommsDatAccess::LoadIapRecordLC( const TUint32 aIapId, CMDBSession* aDb ) const
CCDIAPRecord* iap = static_cast<CCDIAPRecord*> (
CCDRecordBase::RecordFactoryL( KCDTIdIAPRecord ) );
CleanupStack::PushL( iap );
iap->SetRecordId( aIapId );
iap->LoadL( *aDb );
return iap;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMPMCommsDatAccess::SearchAccessNetIdL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CMPMCommsDatAccess::SearchAccessNetIdL( const TUint32& aIapId,
TUint32& aNetId )
MPMLOGSTRING2( "CMPMCommsDatAccess::SearchAccessNetIdL - IAP Id: %d",
aIapId )
CCommsDatabase* commsDatabase = CCommsDatabase::NewL();
// Make hidden records visible
// Open IAP table view by matching IAP Id
CCommsDbTableView* commsDbTableView =
commsDatabase->OpenViewMatchingUintLC( TPtrC( IAP ),
aIapId );
User::LeaveIfError( commsDbTableView->GotoFirstRecord() );
commsDbTableView->ReadUintL(TPtrC( IAP_NETWORK ), aNetId );
"CMPMCommsDatAccess::SearchAccessNetIdL - Found Access NetId: %d",
aNetId )
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMPMCommsDatAccess::WlanUnderVirtualL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TBool CMPMCommsDatAccess::WlanUnderVirtualL( const TUint32 aVirtualIapId,
RArray<TUint>& aIapPath )
MPMLOGSTRING2( "CMPMCommsDatAccess::WlanUnderVirtualL: VirtualIapId: %i",
aVirtualIapId )
// Check that this Iap has not already traversed
if( aIapPath.Find( aVirtualIapId ) == KErrNotFound )
// append this Iap to path
aIapPath.Append( aVirtualIapId );
MPMLOGSTRING( "CMPMCommsDatAccess::WlanUnderVirtualL: Error, loop\
detected in configuration. Iap handling not continued" )
return EFalse;
TBool wlan( EFalse );
// Open session
CMDBSession* db = CMDBSession::NewLC( KCDVersion1_1 );
db->SetAttributeMask( ECDHidden | ECDProtectedWrite );
CMDBGenericRecord * generic = static_cast<CMDBGenericRecord*>
( CCDRecordBase::RecordFactoryL( 0 ) );
CleanupStack::PushL( generic );
generic->InitializeL( TPtrC( KCDTypeNameVirtualIAPNextLayer ),
generic->LoadL( *db );
CCDVirtualIAPNextLayerRecord* virtualNext = new ( ELeave )
CCDVirtualIAPNextLayerRecord( generic->TableId() );
CleanupStack::PushL( virtualNext );
virtualNext->iIAP = aVirtualIapId;
if ( virtualNext->FindL( *db ) )
if ( virtualNext->iNextLayerSNAP != 0 )
TInt snap = virtualNext->iNextLayerSNAP;
"CMPMCommsDatAccess::WlanUnderVirtualL: SNAP: %i", snap )
// Check if SNAP contains WLAN
wlan = SnapContainsWlanL( snap, aIapPath, KMPMNrWlansOne );
else if ( virtualNext->iNextLayerIAP != 0 )
// IAP
TInt iap = virtualNext->iNextLayerIAP;
"CMPMCommsDatAccess::WlanUnderVirtualL: IAP: %i", iap )
if( CheckWlanL( iap ) != ENotWlanIap )
wlan = ETrue;
// If virtual IAP, check whether it may be using WLAN
if( !wlan && IsVirtualIapL( iap ) )
wlan = WlanUnderVirtualL( iap, aIapPath );
MPMLOGSTRING( "CMPMCommsDatAccess::WlanUnderVirtualL: No underlying IAP\
defined for virtual IapId" )
// Remove this Iap from path
MPMLOGSTRING2( "CMPMCommsDatAccess::WlanUnderVirtualL: removing %d from iap path",
aIapPath.Count() - 1 )
aIapPath.Remove( aIapPath.Count() - 1 );
// Release memory
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( virtualNext );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( generic );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( db );
"CMPMCommsDatAccess::WlanUnderVirtualL: found: %i", wlan )
return wlan;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMPMCommsDatAccess::SearchDNEntriesL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CMPMCommsDatAccess::SearchDNEntriesL( const TUint32& aSnapId,
RArray<TNetIap>& aDestNetIds )
MPMLOGSTRING2( "CMPMCommsDatAccess::SearchDNEntriesL: SNAP: %d",
aSnapId )
CCDAccessPointRecord* snapAPr = static_cast<CCDAccessPointRecord*>(
CCDAccessPointRecord::RecordFactoryL( KCDTIdAccessPointRecord ) );
snapAPr->iRecordTag = aSnapId;
CleanupStack::PushL( snapAPr );
// CCDNetworkRecord* dnRecord = static_cast<CCDNetworkRecord*>
// ( CCDRecordBase::RecordFactoryL( KCDTIdNetworkRecord ) );
// dnRecord->SetRecordId( aSnapId );
CMDBSession* db = CMDBSession::NewLC( KCDVersion1_1 );
db->SetAttributeMask( ECDHidden | ECDProtectedWrite );
// TRAPD( err, snapAPr->LoadL( *db ) );
// if ( err != KErrNone )
if ( !snapAPr->FindL( *db ) )
MPMLOGSTRING("CMPMCommsDatAccess::SearchDNEntriesL: SNAP not found")
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( db );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( snapAPr );
// Get the table id from generic
CMDBGenericRecord* generic = static_cast<CMDBGenericRecord*>
( CCDRecordBase::RecordFactoryL( 0 ) );
CleanupStack::PushL( generic );
generic->InitializeL( TPtrC( KCDTypeNameDataMobilitySelectionPolicy ),
generic->LoadL( *db );
// Create the DN-IAP record set
CMDBRecordSet<CCDDataMobilitySelectionPolicyRecord>* dnIAPRecordSet =
new ( ELeave ) CMDBRecordSet<CCDDataMobilitySelectionPolicyRecord>( generic->TableId() );
CleanupStack::PushL( dnIAPRecordSet );
CCDDataMobilitySelectionPolicyRecord* dnIAPRecord = new ( ELeave )
CCDDataMobilitySelectionPolicyRecord( generic->TableId() );
CleanupStack::PushL( dnIAPRecord );
dnIAPRecord->iSNAP = (TInt)snapAPr->iRecordTag;
dnIAPRecordSet->iRecords.Append( dnIAPRecord );
CleanupStack::Pop( dnIAPRecord );
if ( dnIAPRecordSet->FindL( *db ) )
for ( TInt i = 0; i < dnIAPRecordSet->iRecords.Count(); i++ )
TNetIap elem;
dnIAPRecord->SetElementId( GetRealElementId( dnIAPRecordSet->iRecords[i] ) );
dnIAPRecord->LoadL( *db );
if ( dnIAPRecord->iIAP != 0 )
// Add values to elem
TUint32 iapElementId( dnIAPRecord->iIAP );
elem.iSnap = aSnapId;
elem.iIapId = ( iapElementId &
KCDMaskShowRecordId ) >> KShift8;
elem.iRanking = static_cast<TUint32>( dnIAPRecord->iPriority );
dnIAPRecord->iIAP = 0;
else if( dnIAPRecord->iEmbeddedSNAP != 0 )
// Add values to elem
elem.iSnap = aSnapId;
elem.iEmbeddedSnap = dnIAPRecord->iEmbeddedSNAP;
elem.iRanking = static_cast<TUint32>( dnIAPRecord->iPriority );
dnIAPRecord->iEmbeddedSNAP = 0;
// Each Snap has an initial entry in this table,
// where both the IAP and EmbeddedSNAP links
// have null value.
// MPM should treat IAPs with Network Weight zero as the deleted
// ones. If an IAP seems to belong to a group but it has weight
// zero, it means that the IAP is not actually added to the group
// but an IAP from that group is deleted and a new one is created
// and this new IAP has got the same access network id that used
// to belong to the deleted IAP.
if ( elem.iRanking > 0 )
// Insert elem into RArray
aDestNetIds.InsertInOrderAllowRepeats(elem, TNetIap::CompareRanking);
if ( elem.iIapId != 0 )
MPMLOGSTRING2( "CMPMCommsDatAccess::SearchDNEntriesL: \
IapId %i removed because ranking is zero", elem.iIapId )
if ( elem.iEmbeddedSnap != 0 )
MPMLOGSTRING2( "CMPMCommsDatAccess::SearchDNEntriesL: \
EmbeddedSnap %i removed because ranking is zero", elem.iEmbeddedSnap )
// Release memory
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( dnIAPRecordSet );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( generic );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( db );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( snapAPr );
#ifdef _DEBUG
// Print info into the log file
for ( TInt j = 0; j < aDestNetIds.Count(); j++ )
"CMPMCommsDatAccess::SearchDNEntriesL: SNAP to array = %i",
aDestNetIds[j].iSnap )
"CMPMCommsDatAccess::SearchDNEntriesL: Embedded to array = %i",
aDestNetIds[j].iEmbeddedSnap )
"CMPMCommsDatAccess::SearchDNEntriesL: IapId to array = %i",
aDestNetIds[j].iIapId )
"CMPMCommsDatAccess::SearchDNEntriesL: Ranking to array = %i",
aDestNetIds[j].iRanking )
#endif // _DEBUG
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMPMCommsDatAccess::FindRealIapL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CMPMCommsDatAccess::FindRealIapL(
const TUint32 aVirtualIapId,
TUint32& aRealIapId,
const RAvailableIAPList& aAvailableIAPList,
CMPMServerSession& aSession )
MPMLOGSTRING2( "CMPMCommsDatAccess::FindRealIapL: VirtualIapId: %i",
aVirtualIapId )
// Open transaction
CMDBSession* db = CMDBSession::NewLC( KCDVersion1_1 );
db->SetAttributeMask( ECDHidden | ECDProtectedWrite );
// Get IAP
CCDIAPRecord* iap = LoadIapRecordLC( aVirtualIapId, db );
TDesC& type = iap->iBearerType.GetL();
if( type.Compare( TPtrC ( KCDTypeNameVirtualBearer ) ) != 0 )
MPMLOGSTRING( "CMPMCommsDatAccess::FindRealIapL: \
aVirtualIapId is not virtual, return as aRealIapId" )
aRealIapId = aVirtualIapId;
// Release memory
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( iap );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( db );
CMDBGenericRecord * generic = static_cast<CMDBGenericRecord*>
( CCDRecordBase::RecordFactoryL( 0 ) );
CleanupStack::PushL( generic );
generic->InitializeL( TPtrC( KCDTypeNameVirtualIAPNextLayer ),
generic->LoadL( *db );
CCDVirtualIAPNextLayerRecord* virtualNext = new ( ELeave )
CCDVirtualIAPNextLayerRecord( generic->TableId() );
CleanupStack::PushL( virtualNext );
virtualNext->iIAP = iap->RecordId();
if ( virtualNext->FindL( *db ) )
if ( virtualNext->iNextLayerSNAP != 0 )
TInt snap = virtualNext->iNextLayerSNAP;
"CMPMCommsDatAccess::FindRealIapL: SNAP: %i", snap )
"CMPMCommsDatAccess::FindRealIapL: Call ChooseBestIAPL" )
TMpmConnPref tempMpmConnPref;
tempMpmConnPref.SetSnapId( snap );
aSession.IapSelectionL()->ChooseBestIAPL( tempMpmConnPref, aAvailableIAPList );
aRealIapId = tempMpmConnPref.IapId();
else if ( virtualNext->iNextLayerIAP != 0 )
// IAP
CCDIAPRecord* iap2 = LoadIapRecordLC( virtualNext->iNextLayerIAP, db );
TDesC& type2 = iap2->iBearerType.GetL();
if( type2.Compare( TPtrC ( KCDTypeNameVirtualBearer ) ) == 0 )
// Virtual IAP
"CMPMCommsDatAccess::FindRealIapL: Virtual IAP: %i",
iap2->RecordId() )
"CMPMCommsDatAccess::FindRealIapL: Call FindRealIapL" )
FindRealIapL( iap2->RecordId(),
aSession );
aRealIapId = iap2->RecordId();
"CMPMCommsDatAccess::FindRealIapL: NextLayerIAP: %i",
aRealIapId )
// Release memory
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( iap2 );
MPMLOGSTRING( "CMPMCommsDatAccess::FindRealIapL: No underlying IAP\
defined for virtual IapId" )
// Release memory
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( virtualNext );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( generic );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( iap );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( db );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMPMCommsDatAccess::LoadLinkedRecordL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
CCDRecordBase* CMPMCommsDatAccess::LoadLinkedRecordL( CMDBSession& aSession,
TMDBElementId aElementId )
// This is copied from commsdatSnapTests.cpp.
// Loading linked records does not work currently.
CCDRecordBase *record = static_cast<CCDRecordBase*>(
CCDRecordBase::RecordFactoryL( aElementId ) );
CleanupStack::PushL( record );
record->LoadL( aSession );
CleanupStack::Pop( record );
return record;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMPMCommsDatAccess::GetRealElementId
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TUint32 CMPMCommsDatAccess::GetRealElementId( CMDBRecordBase* aRecord )
return aRecord->ElementId() & KCDMaskShowField;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMPMCommsDatAccess::WlanBackgroundScanIsOnL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TBool CMPMCommsDatAccess::WlanBackgroundScanIsOnL()
CCommsDatabase* commDB = NULL;
CCommsDbTableView* table = NULL;
// Open commDB
commDB = CCommsDatabase::NewL();
CleanupStack::PushL( commDB );
// from connmondef.h
_LIT( KCmWlanDeviceSettings, "WLANDeviceTable" );
_LIT( KCmWlanDeviceSettingsType, "WlanDeviceSettingsType" );
_LIT( KCmBgScanInterval, "WlanBgScanInterval" );
const TUint32 KCmWlanUserSettings = 1;
table = commDB->OpenViewMatchingUintLC( KCmWlanDeviceSettings,
KCmWlanUserSettings );
TInt err = table->GotoFirstRecord();
if ( err )
User::Leave( err );
TUint32 scanInterval;
table->ReadUintL( KCmBgScanInterval, scanInterval );
// cleanup
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( table );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( commDB );
return scanInterval != 0 ? ETrue : EFalse;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// IsInternetSnapL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TBool CMPMCommsDatAccess::IsInternetSnapL( TUint32 aIapId, TUint32 aSnapId )
"CMPMCommsDatAccess::IsInternetSnapL - aIapId = %d, aSnapId = %d",
aIapId, aSnapId )
TBool ret = EFalse;
// Open transaction
CMDBSession* db = CMDBSession::NewLC( KCDVersion1_1 );
if ( aSnapId )
// Check that snap purpose is internet
ret = IsInternetSnapL( *db, aSnapId );
else if ( aIapId )
RArray<TUint> snapIds;
// Get destinations
FindAllSnapsL( snapIds );
CleanupClosePushL( snapIds );
for (TInt index = 0; index < snapIds.Count(); index++)
RArray<TNetIap> ids;
// Get iaps belonging to this destination
SearchDNEntriesL( snapIds[index], ids );
CleanupClosePushL( ids );
for (TInt index2 = 0; index2 < ids.Count(); index2++)
// Check if iap belongs to this destination
if (ids[index2].iIapId == aIapId)
ret = IsInternetSnapL( *db, snapIds[index] );
if (ret)
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &ids );
if (ret)
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &snapIds );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( db );
return ret;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// IsInternetSnapL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TBool CMPMCommsDatAccess::IsInternetSnapL(CMDBSession& db, TUint32 aSnapId)
MPMLOGSTRING( "CMPMCommsDatAccess::IsInternetSnapL" )
TBool ret = EFalse;
CCDAccessPointRecord* snapAPr = static_cast<CCDAccessPointRecord*>(
CCDAccessPointRecord::RecordFactoryL( KCDTIdAccessPointRecord ) );
snapAPr->iRecordTag = aSnapId;
CleanupStack::PushL( snapAPr );
if ( !snapAPr->FindL( db ) )
MPMLOGSTRING("CMPMCommsDatAccess::IsInternetSnapL: SNAP not found")
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( snapAPr );
return ret;
// Create snap metadata record
CMDBRecordSet<CCDSNAPMetadataRecord>* metaSet =
new ( ELeave ) CMDBRecordSet<CCDSNAPMetadataRecord>(
CCDSNAPMetadataRecord::TableIdL( db ) );
CleanupStack::PushL( metaSet );
// Load snap metedata record
metaSet->LoadL( db );
for ( TInt i = 0; i < metaSet->iRecords.Count(); ++i )
// Get value
TInt meta = QUERY_INT_FIELD( metaSet->iRecords[i],
KCDTIdSNAPMetadataMetadata );
TInt snap = QUERY_INT_FIELD( metaSet->iRecords[i],
// Check whether internet
if( meta & ESnapMetadataInternet )
MPMLOGSTRING("CMPMCommsDatAccess::IsInternetSnapL: Internet snap found")
if ( snap == aSnapId )
MPMLOGSTRING2("CMPMCommsDatAccess::IsInternetSnapL: This is internet snap: %d",
ret = ETrue;
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( metaSet );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( snapAPr );
return ret;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMPMCommsDatAccess::GetBearerTypeL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TMPMBearerType CMPMCommsDatAccess::GetBearerTypeL( TUint32 aIapId )
MPMLOGSTRING( "CMPMCommsDatAccess::GetBearerTypeL" )
TMPMBearerType bearerType = EMPMBearerTypeOther;
RArray<TUint32> wlanArray;
CMDBSession* db = CMDBSession::NewLC( KCDVersion1_1 );
CleanupClosePushL( wlanArray );
BuildWlanArrayL(*db, wlanArray);
CCDIAPRecord* record = LoadIapRecordLC( aIapId, db );
TBuf<KMaxTextLength> bearerTypeName( record->iBearerType.GetL() );
TBuf<KMaxTextLength> serviceTypeName( record->iServiceType.GetL() );
if ( ( serviceTypeName == TPtrC( KCDTypeNameOutgoingWCDMA ) ) ||
( serviceTypeName == TPtrC( KCDTypeNameIncomingWCDMA ) ) )
// Packet data
bearerType = EMPMBearerTypePacketData;
else if ( serviceTypeName == TPtrC( KCDTypeNameLANService ) )
// LAN or WLAN
TUint32 bearerId( record->iBearer );
if ( ( bearerTypeName == TPtrC( KCDTypeNameLANBearer ) ) &&
( IsWlanBearer( wlanArray, record->iBearer ) ) )
bearerType = EMPMBearerTypeWlan;
else if ( ( bearerTypeName == TPtrC( KCDTypeNameVirtualBearer ) ) &&
( serviceTypeName == TPtrC ( KCDTypeNameVPNService ) ) )
// VPN
bearerType = EMPMBearerTypeVpn;
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( record );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &wlanArray );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( db );
return bearerType;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMPMCommsDatAccess::IsWlanBearerL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TBool CMPMCommsDatAccess::IsWlanBearer(RArray<TUint32>& aWlanArray, TInt aBearerId)
MPMLOGSTRING( "CMPMCommsDatAccess::IsWlanBearer" )
TInt index = aWlanArray.Find( aBearerId );
if ( index != KErrNotFound )
return ETrue;
return EFalse;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMPMCommsDatAccess::BuildWlanArrayL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CMPMCommsDatAccess::BuildWlanArrayL(CMDBSession& aDb,
RArray<TUint32>& aWlanArray)
MPMLOGSTRING( "CMPMCommsDatAccess::BuildWlanArrayL" )
CMDBRecordSet<CCDLANBearerRecord>* ptrLanBearerRecordSet = new( ELeave )
CMDBRecordSet<CCDLANBearerRecord>( KCDTIdLANBearerRecord );
CleanupStack::PushL( ptrLanBearerRecordSet );
ptrLanBearerRecordSet->LoadL( aDb );
for ( TInt i = 0; i < ptrLanBearerRecordSet->iRecords.Count(); i++ )
TBuf<KMaxTextLength> bearerRecordName(
( (CCDLANBearerRecord*)ptrLanBearerRecordSet->iRecords[i] )->iRecordName.GetL() );
// Check if bearer is WLAN
if ( bearerRecordName == TPtrC( KModemBearerWLAN ) )
aWlanArray.AppendL( ptrLanBearerRecordSet->iRecords[i]->RecordId() );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( ptrLanBearerRecordSet );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMPMCommsDatAccess::AreActiveIapsInSameSnapL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TBool CMPMCommsDatAccess::AreActiveIapsInSameSnapL ( RArray<TActiveBMConn>& aActiveBMConns,
TUint32& aSnapId )
MPMLOGSTRING( "CMPMCommsDatAccess::AreActiveIapsInSameSnapL" )
TBool same = ETrue;
TUint32 snapId = 0;
TUint32 prevSnapId = 0;
// Go through all active connections
for (TInt index = 0; index < aActiveBMConns.Count(); index++ )
// Do check only for active connections
if ( aActiveBMConns[index].iConnInfo.iState != EStarted )
// Iap id must be nonzero
if ( aActiveBMConns[index].iConnInfo.iIapId )
prevSnapId = snapId;
// Get destination id for the iap
snapId = GetSnapIdL( aActiveBMConns[index].iConnInfo.iIapId );
// Check if previous iap's destination is different
if ( ( ( prevSnapId != snapId ) && prevSnapId && snapId ) ||
!snapId )
// Set return value to false and leave loop
same = EFalse;
// Return destId for later use
aSnapId = snapId;
return same;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMPMCommsDatAccess::SelectActiveConnectionL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CMPMCommsDatAccess::SelectActiveConnectionL ( const TUint32 aSnapId,
RArray<TActiveBMConn>& aActiveBMConns,
TUint32& aActiveIapId,
TUint32& aActiveSnapId,
TMPMBearerType& aActiveBearerType,
CMPMServerSession& aSession )
MPMLOGSTRING( "CMPMCommsDatAccess::SelectActiveConnectionL" )
RArray<TUint32> activeIaps;
RArray<TNetIap> iapIds;
// Reset output parameters
aActiveIapId = 0;
aActiveSnapId = 0;
aActiveBearerType = EMPMBearerTypeNone;
CleanupClosePushL( activeIaps );
for (TInt index = 0; index < aActiveBMConns.Count(); index++ )
CMPMServerSession* serverSession =
aActiveBMConns[index].iConnInfo.iConnId );
// Add only started iaps to array
if ( aActiveBMConns[index].iConnInfo.iState == EStarted &&
serverSession->ChooseBestIapCalled() )
activeIaps.AppendL ( aActiveBMConns[index].iConnInfo.iIapId );
CleanupClosePushL( iapIds );
SearchDNEntriesL( aSnapId, iapIds );
// Remove any deactived IAP from iapIds
TInt ret = KErrNotFound;
TInt destCount = iapIds.Count();
// Decrement by one, because count is n,
// but indexes in array are 0 .. n-1.
// This time we are browsing the array from the end to the beginning,
// because removing one element from array affects index numbering.
for ( TInt k = destCount; k >= 0; k-- )
ret = activeIaps.Find( iapIds[k].iIapId );
if ( ret == KErrNotFound )
MPMLOGSTRING2( "CMPMCommsDatAccess::SelectActiveConnectionL: \
Remove deactived IAP = %i", iapIds[k].iIapId )
iapIds.Remove( k );
// Determine the actual priorities for IAPs
DeterminePrioritiesL( iapIds, activeIaps, aSession );
// Check if a matching available IAP is found.
if( iapIds.Count() )
// Go through all iaps
for ( TInt index = 0; index < iapIds.Count(); index++ )
// Get bearer type
TMPMBearerType bearerType = GetBearerTypeL( iapIds[index].iIapId );
// If iap is not vpn, wlan or packet then skip it
if ( bearerType == EMPMBearerTypeOther )
// Set bearer type, iap id and snap id
for (TInt index2 = 0; index2 < aActiveBMConns.Count(); index2++ )
if ( ( aActiveBMConns[index2].iConnInfo.iIapId ==
iapIds[index].iIapId ) )
if ( aSession.MyServer().DedicatedClients().Find(
aActiveBMConns[index2].iConnInfo.iAppUid ) != KErrNone )
aActiveSnapId = aActiveBMConns[index2].iConnInfo.iSnap;
aActiveIapId = aActiveBMConns[index2].iConnInfo.iIapId;
aActiveBearerType = bearerType;
"CMPMCommsDatAccess::SelectActiveConnectionL: Iap id = %i, Snap id = %i, \
Bearer type = %i",
aActiveIapId, aActiveSnapId, aActiveBearerType )
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &iapIds );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &activeIaps );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMPMCommsDatAccess::GetSnapIdL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TUint32 CMPMCommsDatAccess::GetSnapIdL( TUint32 aIapId )
MPMLOGSTRING( "CMPMCommsDatAccess::GetSnapIdL" )
TUint32 snapId = 0;
RArray<TUint> snapIds;
CleanupClosePushL( snapIds );
// Get destinations
FindAllSnapsL( snapIds );
for (TInt index = 0; index < snapIds.Count(); index++)
RArray<TNetIap> ids;
// Get iaps belonging to this snap
CleanupClosePushL( ids );
SearchDNEntriesL( snapIds[index], ids );
for (TInt index2 = 0; index2 < ids.Count(); index2++)
// Check if iap belongs to this destination
if (ids[index2].iIapId == aIapId)
snapId = snapIds[index];
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &ids );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &snapIds );
return snapId;
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &ids );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &snapIds );
return snapId;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMPMCommsDatAccess::IsSnapEmptyL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TBool CMPMCommsDatAccess::IsSnapEmptyL( TUint32 aSnapId )
MPMLOGSTRING( "CMPMCommsDatAccess::IsSnapEmptyL" )
TBool empty = ETrue;
RArray<TNetIap> ids;
// Get iaps belonging to this snap
CleanupClosePushL( ids );
SearchDNEntriesL( aSnapId, ids );
if ( ids.Count() )
empty = EFalse;
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &ids );
return empty;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// VerifyIapExistsL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CMPMCommsDatAccess::VerifyIapExistsL( TUint32 aIapId )
MPMLOGSTRING2( "CMPMCommsDatAccess::VerifyIapExistsL: aIapId %d", aIapId )
CMDBSession* db = CMDBSession::NewLC( KCDVersion1_1 );
db->SetAttributeMask( ECDProtectedWrite );
CCDIAPRecord* iapRecord = LoadIapRecordLC( aIapId, db );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( iapRecord );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( db );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ForcedRoamingL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TCmUsageOfWlan CMPMCommsDatAccess::ForcedRoamingL() const
TCmGenConnSettings cmGenConnSettings;
RCmManager rCmManager;
CleanupClosePushL( rCmManager );
rCmManager.ReadGenConnSettingsL( cmGenConnSettings );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &rCmManager );
return cmGenConnSettings.iUsageOfWlan;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// MapAPRecIdtoSnapAPL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CMPMCommsDatAccess::TierLinktoTagIdL( CMDBSession* aDbs, TUint32 aElementId )
// declare tier record
CCDTierRecord* tier = static_cast<CCDTierRecord*>(
CCDTierRecord::RecordFactoryL( KCDTIdTierRecord ) );
CleanupStack::PushL( tier );
tier->SetElementId( aElementId );
tier->LoadL( *aDbs );
TInt tag = tier->iRecordTag;
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( tier );
return tag;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// MapAPRecIdtoSnapAPL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CMPMCommsDatAccess::MapAPRecIdtoSnapAPL( TInt aApRecId )
CMDBSession* dbs = CMDBSession::NewLC( KCDVersion1_1 );
CCDAccessPointRecord* ipt = static_cast<CCDAccessPointRecord*>(
CCDAccessPointRecord::RecordFactoryL( KCDTIdAccessPointRecord ) );
CleanupStack::PushL( ipt );
ipt->SetElementId( aApRecId );
TBool found = ipt->FindL( *dbs );
if ( !found )
User::Leave( KErrNotFound );
if ( TierLinktoTagIdL( dbs, ipt->iTier ) == KAfInet ) // ipprototm = 271064560 , iptm = 271064536
User::Leave( KErrArgument );
TInt ap = ipt->iRecordTag;
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( ipt );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( dbs );
return ap;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// MapNetIdtoSnapAPL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CMPMCommsDatAccess::MapNetIdtoSnapAPL( TInt aNetId )
CMDBSession* dbs = CMDBSession::NewLC( KCDVersion1_1 );
CCDAccessPointRecord* ipt = static_cast<CCDAccessPointRecord*>(
CCDAccessPointRecord::RecordFactoryL( KCDTIdAccessPointRecord ) );
CleanupStack::PushL( ipt );
ipt->iCustomSelectionPolicy = aNetId;
TBool found = ipt->FindL( *dbs );
if ( !found )
User::Leave( KErrNotFound );
if ( TierLinktoTagIdL( dbs, ipt->iTier ) == KAfInet ) // ipprototm = 271064560 , iptm = 271064536
User::Leave( KErrArgument );
TInt ap = ipt->iRecordTag;
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( ipt );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( dbs );
return ap;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// MapSnapAPtoNetIdL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CMPMCommsDatAccess::MapSnapAPtoNetIdL( TInt aAP )
CMDBSession* dbs = CMDBSession::NewLC( KCDVersion1_1 );
CCDAccessPointRecord* ipt = static_cast<CCDAccessPointRecord*>(
CCDAccessPointRecord::RecordFactoryL( KCDTIdAccessPointRecord ) );
CleanupStack::PushL( ipt );
ipt->iRecordTag = aAP;
TBool found = ipt->FindL( *dbs );
if ( !found )
User::Leave( KErrNotFound );
if ( TierLinktoTagIdL( dbs, ipt->iTier ) == KAfInet ) // ipprototm = 271064560 , iptm = 271064536
User::Leave( KErrArgument );
TInt netid = ipt->iSelectionPolicy;
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( ipt );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( dbs );
return netid;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMPMCommsDatAccess::ReadGenConnSettings
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TCmGenConnSettings CMPMCommsDatAccess::ReadGenConnSettingsL() const
TCmGenConnSettings cmGenConnSettings;
RCmManager rCmManager;
CleanupClosePushL( rCmManager );
rCmManager.ReadGenConnSettingsL( cmGenConnSettings );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &rCmManager );
return cmGenConnSettings;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMPMCommsDatAccess::WriteGenConnSettings
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CMPMCommsDatAccess::WriteGenConnSettingsL(TCmGenConnSettings& aGenConnSettings )
RCmManager rCmManager;
CleanupClosePushL( rCmManager );
rCmManager.WriteGenConnSettingsL( aGenConnSettings );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &rCmManager );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMPMCommsDatAccess::DestinationIdL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TUint32 CMPMCommsDatAccess::DestinationIdL( CMManager::TSnapPurpose aSnapPurpose )
MPMLOGSTRING( "CMPMCommsDatAccess::DestinationIdL" )
TUint32 destinationId = 0;
TInt snapMetadata = 0;
RArray<TUint32> snapIds;
CleanupClosePushL( snapIds );
RCmManager rCmManager;
CleanupClosePushL( rCmManager );
rCmManager.AllDestinationsL( snapIds );
for ( TInt index = 0; index < snapIds.Count(); index++ )
RCmDestination dest;
CleanupClosePushL( dest );
dest = rCmManager.DestinationL( snapIds[index] );
snapMetadata = dest.MetadataL( CMManager::ESnapMetadataPurpose );
if ( snapMetadata == aSnapPurpose )
destinationId = snapIds[index];
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &dest );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &dest );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &rCmManager );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &snapIds );
if (!destinationId)
return destinationId;
// End of File