Got rid of some trivial warnings (nested comments and tokens after #endif).
* Copyright (c) 2004-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: MPM server session implementation
@file mpmserversession.cpp
Mobility Policy Manager server session implementation.
#include <e32svr.h>
#include <gsmerror.h> // KErrPacketDataTsyMaxPdpContextsReached
#include <etelpckt.h> // KErrUmtsMaxNumOfContextExceededByNetwork
#include <bldvariant.hrh> // For feature flags
#include <featmgr.h> // FeatureManager
#include <centralrepository.h> // CRepository
#include <CoreApplicationUIsSDKCRKeys.h> // KCRUidCoreApplicationUIs,
// KCoreAppUIsNetworkConnectionAllowed
#include <es_sock.h>
#include <commdb.h>
#include <commdbconnpref.h>
#include <cmpluginbaseeng.h>
#include <cdblen.h>
#include <cmgenconnsettings.h>
#include "mpmcommsdataccess.h"
#include "mpmserversession.h"
#include "mpmconnmonevents.h"
#include "mpmdialog.h"
#include "mpmdisconnectdlg.h"
#include "mpmconfirmdlgstarting.h"
#include "mpmconfirmdlgroaming.h"
#include "mpmlogger.h"
#include "mpmpropertydef.h"
#include "mpmdefaultconnection.h"
#include "mpmiapselection.h"
#include "mpmcsidwatcher.h"
// ============================ MEMBER FUNCTIONS ===============================
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMPMServerSession::NewL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
CMPMServerSession* CMPMServerSession::NewL(CMPMServer& aServer)
CMPMServerSession* self = new ( ELeave ) CMPMServerSession(aServer);
return self;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMPMServerSession::CMPMServerSession
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
CMPMServerSession::CMPMServerSession(CMPMServer& aServer)
: CSession2(),
iMyServer( aServer ),
iDisconnectDlg( NULL ),
iConfirmDlgRoaming( NULL ),
iIapSelection( NULL ),
iMigrateState( EMigrateNone )
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMPMServerSession::ConstructL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CMPMServerSession::ConstructL()
MPMLOGSTRING( "CMPMServerSession::ConstructL" )
if ( !iMyServer.Events() )
*const_cast<CMPMServer*>( &iMyServer ), *this ));
iOfflineFeatureSupported = FeatureManager::FeatureSupported(
KFeatureIdOfflineMode );
// Append session pointer to server
iMyServer.AppendSessionL( this );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMPMServerSession::~CMPMServerSession
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
delete iDisconnectDlg;
delete iConfirmDlgRoaming;
delete iIapSelection;
// Remove serverside objects for notification session.
iMyServer.RemoveSession( this );
if (UserConnection())
// Set PS keys to zero
RProperty::Set( KMPMUserConnectionCategory,
0 );
RProperty::Set( KMPMUserConnectionCategory,
0 );
MPMLOGSTRING( "CMPMServerSession::HandleServerApplicationConnectionEnds -\
User connection deactivated" )
// Make sure the connection is removed from server's information array.
iMyServer.RemoveBMConnection( iConnId, *this );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMPMServerSession::ServiceL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CMPMServerSession::ServiceL( const RMessage2& aMessage )
switch ( aMessage.Function() )
case EMPMServerChooseIap:
HandleServerChooseIapL( aMessage );
case EMPMServerCancelRequest:
HandleServerCancelRequest( aMessage );
case EMPMServerApplicationLeavesConnection:
HandleServerApplicationLeavesConnection( aMessage );
case EMPMServerIapConnectionStopped:
HandleServerIapConnectionStopped( aMessage );
case EMPMServerProcessError:
HandleServerProcessErrorL( aMessage );
case EMPMServerRegisterPrefIAPNotif:
HandleServerRegisterPrefIAPNotifL( aMessage );
case EMPMServerUnregisterPrefIAPNotif:
HandleServerUnregisterPrefIAPNotif( aMessage );
case EMPMServerWaitNotification:
HandleServerWaitNotificationL( aMessage );
case EMPMServerSortSNAP:
HandleServerSortSNAPL( aMessage );
case EMPMServerApplicationJoinsConnection:
HandleServerApplicationJoinsConnection( aMessage );
case EMPMServerIapConnectionActivated:
HandleServerIapConnectionActivatedL( aMessage );
case EMPMServerIapConnectionStarted:
HandleServerIapConnectionStartedL( aMessage );
case EMPMServerApplicationConnectionEnds:
HandleServerApplicationConnectionEnds( aMessage );
case EMPMServerApplicationMigratesToCarrier:
HandleServerApplicationMigratesToCarrierL( aMessage );
case EMPMServerApplicationIgnoredTheCarrier:
HandleServerApplicationIgnoredTheCarrier( aMessage );
case EMPMServerApplicationAcceptedTheCarrier:
HandleServerApplicationAcceptedTheCarrier( aMessage );
case EMPMServerApplicationRejectedTheCarrier:
HandleServerApplicationRejectedTheCarrierL( aMessage );
case EMPMServerEasyWlanSsid:
// Easy WLAN SSID not used anymore as connecting
// notes have been removed
MPMLOGSTRING( "CMPMServerSession::ServiceL \
completing EMPMServerEasyWlanSsid" )
aMessage.Complete( KErrNone );
case EMPMServerReselectIap:
HandleServerReselectIapL( aMessage );
#ifdef _DEBUG
case EMPMDebugGenerateStopIAPNotification:
HandleDebugGenerateStopIAPNotification( aMessage );
case EMPMDebugSwitchConnMonEventsOn:
HandleDebugFilterConnMonEvents( aMessage, EFalse );
case EMPMDebugSwitchConnMonEventsOff:
HandleDebugFilterConnMonEvents( aMessage, ETrue );
case EMPMDebugShutdown:
HandleDebugShutdown( aMessage, ETrue );
#endif //_DEBUG
iMyServer.PanicClient( KErrNotSupported );
#ifdef _DEBUG
void CMPMServerSession::HandleDebugGenerateStopIAPNotification( const RMessage2& aMessage )
MPMLOGSTRING( "CMPMServerSession::HandleDebugGenerateStopIAPNotification" )
TInt iap = static_cast<TInt>( aMessage.Int0() );
MyServer().StopConnections( iap );
aMessage.Complete( KErrNone );
void CMPMServerSession::HandleDebugFilterConnMonEvents( const RMessage2& aMessage, const TBool aVal )
MPMLOGSTRING2( "CMPMServerSession::HandleDebugFilterConnMonEvents FilteringEnabled=%d", aVal )
TInt iap = static_cast<TInt>( aMessage.Int0() );
MyServer().Events()->FilterAvailableIAPEvents( aVal );
aMessage.Complete( KErrNone );
void CMPMServerSession::HandleDebugShutdown( const RMessage2& aMessage, const TBool /*aVal*/ )
MPMLOGSTRING( "CMPMServerSession::HandleDebugShutdown" )
aMessage.Complete( KErrNone );
TFindProcess processFinder( _L("*MPMServer*") );
TFullName name;
if ( processFinder.Next( name ) == KErrNone )
RProcess process;
TInt err = process.Open( name );
if ( err == KErrNone )
process.Kill( 0 );
#endif //_DEBUG
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMPMServerSession::ServiceError
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CMPMServerSession::ServiceError( const RMessage2& aMessage,
TInt aError )
// Handles the situation when a call to CSession2::ServiceL(),
// which services a client request, leaves.
// The default behaviour of this function is to complete the message,
// using the leave value, if it has not already been completed.
// Servers can re-implement this as appropriate.
"CMPMServerSession::ServiceError: Service %d failed with error: %d",
aError )
if( aMessage.Function() == EMPMServerChooseIap ||
aMessage.Function() == EMPMServerReselectIap )
// complete locally stored iChooseIapMessage
ChooseIapComplete( aError, NULL );
else if( aMessage.Function() == EMPMServerProcessError )
// complete locally stored iProcessErrorMessage
ProcessErrorComplete( aError, NULL, NULL );
else if( !aMessage.IsNull() )
// Complete message if it hasn't been
// already completed
aMessage.Complete( aError );
"CMPMServerSession::ServiceError: Message has already been completed" )
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMPMServerSession::HandleServerChooseIapL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CMPMServerSession::HandleServerChooseIapL( const RMessage2& aMessage )
MPMLOGSTRING2( "CMPMServerSession::HandleServerChooseIapL session <0x%x>", this )
// Read the Connection Id of the application
iConnId = aMessage.Int1();
MPMLOGSTRING2( "CMPMServerSession::HandleServerChooseIapL: \
Connection Id = 0x%x", iConnId )
// Sanity check that client only has one outstanding ChooseBestIAP() or ReselectBestIAP() -call.
if ( !iChooseIapMessage.IsNull() )
MPMLOGSTRING2( "CMPMServerSession::HandleServerChooseIapL: - Error \
ChooseBestIAP() or ReselectBestIAP() already exists %d", KErrServerBusy );
aMessage.Complete( KErrServerBusy );
// Sanity check that client doesn't call ChooseBestIAPL() twice for the same session.
if ( ChooseBestIapCalled() )
MPMLOGSTRING2( "CMPMServerSession::HandleServerChooseIapL: - Error \
ChooseBestIAP() already completed or in progress %d", KErrAlreadyExists )
aMessage.Complete( KErrAlreadyExists );
// We must save the RMessage in order to complete it later.
iChooseIapMessage = aMessage;
TConnPref connPref;
aMessage.ReadL( KFirstArgument, connPref );
// Extract connection preferences
TMpmConnPref mpmConnPref;
TInt error = ExtractConnPref( connPref, mpmConnPref );
if ( error != KErrNone )
// Connection preferences are not valid. Display
// an error note and complete with the error code.
if ( ! ( mpmConnPref.NoteBehaviour() &
TExtendedConnPref::ENoteBehaviourConnDisableNotes ) )
CConnectionUiUtilities* connUiUtils = NULL;
TRAP_IGNORE( connUiUtils = CConnectionUiUtilities::NewL() );
if ( connUiUtils )
connUiUtils->ConnectionErrorDiscreetPopup( error );
delete connUiUtils;
connUiUtils = NULL;
MPMLOGSTRING( "CMPMServerSession::HandleServerChooseIapL - Error \
while extracting TCommDbConnPref from TConnPref" )
aMessage.Complete( error );
// Store the Uid of the application to the member variable so
// that it can be used to avoid DisconnectDialog popping up when
// AlwaysOnline connection is being established.
iAppUid = aMessage.Int2();
if ( !iIapSelection )
iIapSelection = CMPMIapSelection::NewL( iMyServer.CommsDatAccess(),
this );
MPMLOGSTRING3( "CMPMServerSession::HandleServerChooseIapL - iap %d \
connType %d", mpmConnPref.IapId(), mpmConnPref.ConnType() )
iIapSelection->ChooseIapL( mpmConnPref );
if ( iAppUid == iMyServer.CsIdWatcher()->ConnectScreenId() )
MPMLOGSTRING( "CMPMServerSession::HandleServerChooseIapL -\
User connection activated" )
// This is user connection
iMyServer.SetUserConnPref( mpmConnPref );
// Set PS keys according to user connection
// Do not check return values. Can do nothing in case of failing.
RProperty::Set( KMPMUserConnectionCategory,
mpmConnPref.SnapId() );
RProperty::Set( KMPMUserConnectionCategory,
mpmConnPref.IapId() );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMPMServerSession::HandleServerCancelRequest
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CMPMServerSession::HandleServerCancelRequest( const RMessage2& aMessage )
TInt cancelcode = aMessage.Int0();
"CMPMServerSession::HandleServerCancelRequest - Request code = %i",
cancelcode )
switch ( cancelcode )
case EMPMReselectBestIAP:
case EMPMChooseBestIAP:
// Complete original request
ChooseIapComplete( KErrCancel, NULL );
// Complete cancel request
"CMPMServerSession::HandleServerCancelRequest - Complete with KErrNone" )
aMessage.Complete( KErrNone );
// Cancel WLAN scan request if one exists
TRAP_IGNORE( iMyServer.Events()->CancelScanL( *this ) )
if ( iIapSelection )
delete iIapSelection;
iIapSelection = NULL;
case EMPMProcessError:
ProcessErrorComplete( KErrCancel,
// Complete cancel request
"CMPMServerSession::HandleServerCancelRequest - Complete with KErrNone" )
aMessage.Complete( KErrNone );
// Cancel WLAN scan request if one exists
TRAP_IGNORE( iMyServer.Events()->CancelScanL( *this ) )
if ( iDisconnectDlg )
MPMLOGSTRING( "CMPMServerSession::HandleServerCancelRequest: \
removing dconn dlg" )
delete iDisconnectDlg;
iDisconnectDlg = NULL;
case EMPMWaitNotification:
if ( iNotifRequested )
iNotifRequested = EFalse;
iNotifMessage.Complete( KErrCancel );
case EMPMSortSNAP:
if ( !iServerSortSNAPMessage.IsNull() )
// TODO Change CancelScanL to non-leaving.
// Otherwise, nothing clever can be done here.
// And OOM may risk MPM stability.
TRAP_IGNORE( iMyServer.Events()->CancelScanL( *this ))
iServerSortSNAPMessage.Complete( KErrCancel );
MPMLOGSTRING( "CMPMServerSession::HandleServerCancelRequest - \
Unknown cancel request received" )
"CMPMServerSession::HandleServerCancelRequest - Complete with KErrNone" )
aMessage.Complete( KErrNone );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMPMServerSession::HandleServerApplicationJoinsConnection
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CMPMServerSession::HandleServerApplicationJoinsConnection(
const RMessage2& aMessage )
// Read Iap Id
TUint32 joinIap = static_cast<TUint32>( aMessage.Int0() );
// Read the Connection Id of the application
TConnectionId joinId = aMessage.Int1();
//-jl- Make sure id is known & assert it stays the same.
ASSERT(iConnId == joinId || iConnId == NULL);
iConnId = joinId;
"CMPMServerSession::HandleServerApplicationJoinsConnection \
- IAP Id = %i, Connection Id = 0x%x", joinIap, joinId )
// Get the current connection SNAP for this Connection Id
TUint32 snapId = iMyServer.GetBMSnap( joinId );
// Decides the correct state by the IAP status.
if ( iMyServer.StartedConnectionExists( joinIap ) == joinIap )
iMyServer.AppendBMConnection( joinId,
*this );
iMyServer.AppendBMConnection( joinId,
*this );
aMessage.Complete( KErrNone );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMPMServerSession::HandleServerApplicationLeavesConnection
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CMPMServerSession::HandleServerApplicationLeavesConnection(
const RMessage2& aMessage )
// Read Iap Id
TUint32 leaveIap = static_cast<TUint32>( aMessage.Int0() );
// Read the Connection Id of the application
TConnectionId leaveId = aMessage.Int1();
"CMPMServerSession::HandleServerApplicationLeavesConnectionL \
- IAP Id = %i, Connection Id = 0x%x", leaveIap, leaveId )
iMyServer.Events()->ResetConnInfo( leaveId );
iMyServer.ResetBMConnection( leaveId, leaveIap, *this );
aMessage.Complete( KErrNone );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMPMServerSession::HandleServerIapConnectionActivatedL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CMPMServerSession::HandleServerIapConnectionActivatedL(
const RMessage2& aMessage )
// Read Iap Id
TUint32 activatedIap = static_cast<TUint32>( aMessage.Int0() );
// Read the Connection Id of the application
TConnectionId activatedId = aMessage.Int1();
//-jl- Make sure id is known & assert it stays the same.
ASSERT(iConnId == activatedId || iConnId == NULL);
iConnId = activatedId;
"CMPMServerSession::HandleServerIapConnectionActivatedL \
- IAP Id = %i, Connection Id = 0x%x", activatedIap, activatedId )
"CMPMServerSession::HandleServerIapConnectionActivatedL \
- Complete IapConnectionActivated" )
aMessage.Complete( KErrNone );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMPMServerSession::HandleServerIapConnectionStarted
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CMPMServerSession::HandleServerIapConnectionStartedL(
const RMessage2& aMessage )
// Read Iap Id
TUint32 startedIap = static_cast<TUint32>( aMessage.Int0() );
// Read the Connection Id of the application
TConnectionId startedId = aMessage.Int1();
//-jl- Make sure id is known & assert it stays the same.
ASSERT(iConnId == startedId || iConnId == NULL);
iConnId = startedId;
MPMLOGSTRING3( "CMPMServerSession::HandleServerIapConnectionStarted\
- IAP Id = %i, Connection Id = 0x%x", startedIap, startedId )
iMyServer.AppendBMIAPConnectionL( startedIap, startedId, *this );
// Unblacklist all IAPs related to the connection error
// when connection has started.
iMyServer.HandleServerUnblackListIap( startedId, ETemporary );
// Complete the message as soon as possible to avoid latency in BM
aMessage.Complete( KErrNone );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMPMServerSession::HandleServerIapConnectionStopped
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CMPMServerSession::HandleServerIapConnectionStopped(
const RMessage2& aMessage )
// Read Iap Id
TUint32 stoppedIap = static_cast<TUint32>( aMessage.Int0() );
// Read the Connection Id of the application
TConnectionId stoppedId = aMessage.Int1();
MPMLOGSTRING3( "CMPMServerSession::HandleServerIapConnectionStopped\
- IAP Id = %i, Connection Id = 0x%x", stoppedIap, stoppedId )
iMyServer.RemoveBMIAPConnection( stoppedIap, stoppedId, *this );
// Complete the message as soon as possible to avoid latency in BM
aMessage.Complete( KErrNone );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMPMServerSession::HandleServerApplicationConnectionEnds
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CMPMServerSession::HandleServerApplicationConnectionEnds(
const RMessage2& aMessage )
// Read the Connection Id of the application
TConnectionId endId = aMessage.Int0();
if (UserConnection())
// Set PS keys to zero
RProperty::Set( KMPMUserConnectionCategory,
0 );
RProperty::Set( KMPMUserConnectionCategory,
0 );
MPMLOGSTRING( "CMPMServerSession::HandleServerApplicationConnectionEnds -\
User connection deactivated" )
MPMLOGSTRING2( "CMPMServerSession::HandleServerApplicationConnectionEnds\
- Connection Id = 0x%x", endId )
// Unblacklist all IAPs related to this connection
// when connection closes.
iMyServer.HandleServerUnblackListIap( endId, 0 );
// Remove info about this connection
iMyServer.Events()->RemoveConnInfo( endId );
// SNAP lifetime is determined by the two calls ChooseBestIAP
// and ApplicationConnectionEnds.
iMyServer.RemoveBMConnection( endId, *this );
// Clear notification registration if one exists for the connection
iPreferredIAPRequested = EFalse;
// Complete message before calling synchronous Cancel functions
aMessage.Complete( KErrNone );
delete iConfirmDlgRoaming;
iConfirmDlgRoaming = NULL;
if( iIapSelection )
delete iIapSelection;
iIapSelection = NULL;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMPMServerSession::IsConfirmFirstL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TBool CMPMServerSession::IsConfirmFirstL( const TUint32 aIapId )
TCmGenConnSettings genConnSettings;
TBool isConfirmFirst( EFalse );
MPMLOGSTRING3( "CMPMServerSession::IsConfirmFirstL - IAP Id = %i Connection Id = 0x%x",
iConnId )
// check whether a started connection exists which already
// uses this IAP. If so, it won't need to be confirmed again
if( iMyServer.CheckIfStarted( aIapId ) )
"CMPMServerSession::IsConfirmFirstL - IAP already started, \
confirm not necesary - False" )
return EFalse;
if ( IsBackgroundApplication( iAppUid ) || IsMMSIap( aIapId ) )
"CMPMServerSession::IsConfirmFirstL - background IAP, \
should not be confirmed - False" )
return EFalse;
// Read global cellular data usage values from CommsDat's DefConn table
genConnSettings = iMyServer.CommsDatAccess()->ReadGenConnSettingsL();
TUint32 currentDataUsage( genConnSettings.iCellularDataUsageHome );
if ( iMyServer.IsVisitorNetwork() )
currentDataUsage = genConnSettings.iCellularDataUsageVisitor;
if ( currentDataUsage == ECmCellularDataUsageConfirm )
MPMLOGSTRING( "CMPMServerSession::IsConfirmFirstL - True" )
isConfirmFirst = ETrue;
MPMLOGSTRING( "CMPMServerSession::IsConfirmFirstL - False" )
return isConfirmFirst;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMPMServerSession::HandleServerApplicationMigratesToCarrierL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CMPMServerSession::HandleServerApplicationMigratesToCarrierL(
const RMessage2& aMessage )
// Read Iap Id
iMigrateIap = static_cast<TUint32>( aMessage.Int0() );
// Complete the message ApplicationMigratesToCarrier already here,
// otherwise MPM would be hanging Esock thread when displaying the
// confirmation dialog while roaming.
aMessage.Complete( KErrNone );
- IAP Id = %i, Connection Id = 0x%x", iMigrateIap, iConnId )
delete iConfirmDlgRoaming;
iConfirmDlgRoaming = NULL;
// Get the current connection SNAP for this Connection Id
TUint32 snapId = iMyServer.GetBMSnap( iConnId );
// We have to find out the current IAP of connection in order
// to determine whether this is an upgrade or downgrade.
TUint32 currentIap = iMyServer.GetBMIap( iConnId );
iMyServer.AppendBMConnection( iConnId,
*this );
iMigrateState = EMigrateUserConfirmation;
// Confirm only if this IAP is not already in use
if ( ( currentIap != iMigrateIap ) &&
IsConfirmFirstL( iMigrateIap ) )
TBool nextBestExists( EFalse );
TMpmConnPref mpmConnPref;
RAvailableIAPList availableIAPList;
CleanupClosePushL( availableIAPList );
AvailableUnblacklistedIapsL( availableIAPList,
iConnId );
mpmConnPref.SetSnapId( snapId );
IapSelectionL()->ChooseBestIAPL( mpmConnPref, availableIAPList, nextBestExists );
TBool reconnect ( EFalse );
if ( !IsUpgrade( currentIap, iMigrateIap, availableIAPList ) )
reconnect = ETrue;
//Display confirm dialog only if we are moving to cellular IAP
if ( MyServer().CommsDatAccess()->CheckWlanL( iMigrateIap ) == ENotWlanIap )
if ( !( iIapSelection->MpmConnPref().NoteBehaviour() & TExtendedConnPref::ENoteBehaviourConnDisableQueries ) )
if ( MyServer().RoamingWatcher()->RoamingStatus() == EMPMInternationalRoaming )
//International roaming
iConfirmDlgRoaming = CMPMConfirmDlgRoaming::NewL(
reconnect );
//Home network
iConfirmDlgRoaming = CMPMConfirmDlgRoaming::NewL(
reconnect );
RoamingConfirmationCompletedL( KErrCancel, EMsgQueryCancelled, reconnect );
//Handle like user would have answered "Connect this time" to dialog
RoamingConfirmationCompletedL( KErrNone, EMsgQueryThisTime, reconnect );
// Release memory
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &availableIAPList );
// Handle next state in migration
MigrateCallbackL( KErrNone );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMPMServerSession::MigrateCallbackL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CMPMServerSession::MigrateCallbackL( TInt aError )
if( iMigrateState == EMigrateUserConfirmation )
MPMLOGSTRING2( "CMPMServerSession<0x%x>::MigrateCallbackL: State user confirmation",
iConnId )
if( aError == KErrNone )
iMigrateState = EMigrateOfflineConfirmation;
if( IapSelectionL()->StartWlanQueryIfNeededL( iMigrateIap, ETrue ) )
else if( iMigrateState == EMigrateOfflineConfirmation )
MPMLOGSTRING3( "CMPMServerSession<0x%x>::MigrateCallbackL: State offline confirmation error: %d",
aError )
if( aError != KErrNone )
ErrorNotificationL( aError, EMPMMobilityErrorNotification );
else // EMigrateNone
MPMLOGSTRING2( "CMPMServerSession<0x%x>::MigrateCallbackL: State none",
iConnId )
MigrateDoneL( aError );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMPMServerSession::RoamingConfirmationCompletedL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CMPMServerSession::RoamingConfirmationCompletedL( TInt aError,
TMsgQueryLinkedResults aResponse,
TBool aReconnect )
TInt error( KErrNone);
MPMLOGSTRING5( "CMPMServerSession<0x%x>::RoamingConfirmationCompleted: \
aError %d, aResponse %d, aReconnect %d",
aReconnect )
if( aError == KErrNone )
if( aResponse == EMsgQueryCancelled )
if( !aReconnect )
// Send a preferred IAP notification
TConnMonIapInfo availableIAPs;
availableIAPs = GetAvailableIAPs();
// Get the current and presumed IapId for this connId
TUint32 currentIap = iMyServer.GetBMIap( ConnectionId() );
TUint32 presumedIap = MyServer().Events()->PresumedIapId(
ConnectionId(), iMigrateIap );
MyServer().HandleServerBlackListIap( ConnectionId(),
EConnectionLifetime );
if ( ( presumedIap != 0 ) &&
( presumedIap != currentIap ) )
iMyServer.HandleServerBlackListIap( ConnectionId(),
EConnectionLifetime );
TRAPD( err, PrefIAPNotificationL( availableIAPs,
EConfirmDlgRoaming ) );
if ( err == KErrNotFound )
// We need to send a notification error to BearerMan
// if sending preferred IAP notifications failed.
ErrorNotificationL( KErrNotFound,
EMPMMobilityErrorNotification );
else // aReconnect
ErrorNotificationL( KErrCancel,
EMPMMobilityErrorNotification );
error = KErrCancel;
//User selected Connect automatically
else if ( aResponse == EMsgQueryAutomatically )
//Store selected value to commsdat if we are in home network
if ( MyServer().RoamingWatcher()->RoamingStatus() == EMPMHomenetwork )
TCmGenConnSettings genConnSettings;
TRAPD(errorCode,genConnSettings = MyServer().CommsDatAccess()->ReadGenConnSettingsL()); // call a function
//If reading of database failed we do not write back to the database to prevent random values
if (errorCode == KErrNone)
genConnSettings.iCellularDataUsageHome = ECmCellularDataUsageAutomatic;
TRAP_IGNORE(MyServer().CommsDatAccess()->WriteGenConnSettingsL( genConnSettings ));
//user selected connect this time
MPMLOGSTRING3( "CMPMServerSession<0x%x>::RoamingConfirmationCompleted: \
Unknown response: %d", iConnId, aResponse )
else // error occurred
ErrorNotificationL( aError, EMPMMobilityErrorNotification );
error = KErrCancel;
MigrateCallbackL( error );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMPMServerSession::StopConnection
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CMPMServerSession::StopConnection()
TInt ret = KErrNone;
MPMLOGSTRING( "CMPMServerSession::StopConnection" )
TConnectionState state( EIdle );
iMyServer.GetConnectionState( iConnId, state );
if ( state == EStarted || state == EStarting )
TRAP(ret, StopIAPNotificationL());
return ret;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMPMServerSession::HandleServerApplicationIgnoredTheCarrier
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CMPMServerSession::HandleServerApplicationIgnoredTheCarrier(
const RMessage2& aMessage )
TInt error( KErrNotFound );
// MPM has been waiting for the response to preferred.
// Release the possible new notifications.
// Read Iap Id
TUint32 ignoredIap = static_cast<TUint32>( aMessage.Int0() );
// Read the Connection Id of the application
TConnectionId ignoredId = aMessage.Int1();
"CMPMServerSession::HandleServerApplicationIgnoredTheCarrier \
- IAP Id = %i, Connection Id = 0x%x", ignoredIap, ignoredId )
// Blacklisting should be done before ResetConnInfo(),
// since iPresumedIapId is reset during ResetConnInfo().
iMyServer.HandleServerBlackListIap( ignoredId,
EConnectionLifetime );
iMyServer.Events()->ResetConnInfo( ignoredId );
TConnMonIapInfo availableIAPs;
availableIAPs = GetAvailableIAPs();
if ( availableIAPs.iCount > 0 )
TRAP( error, PrefIAPNotificationL( availableIAPs, EBearerMan ) );
if ( error == KErrNotFound )
TRAP( error, ErrorNotificationL( KErrNotFound,
EMPMMobilityErrorNotification ) );
"CMPMServerSession::HandleServerApplicationIgnoredTheCarrier - \
No IAPs available, send error notification" )
TRAP( error, ErrorNotificationL( KErrNotFound,
EMPMMobilityErrorNotification ) );
aMessage.Complete( error );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMPMServerSession::HandleServerApplicationAcceptedTheCarrier
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CMPMServerSession::HandleServerApplicationAcceptedTheCarrier(
const RMessage2& aMessage )
// Read Iap Id
TUint32 acceptedIap = static_cast<TUint32>( aMessage.Int0() );
// Read the Connection Id of the application
TConnectionId acceptedId = aMessage.Int1();
"CMPMServerSession::HandleServerApplicationAcceptedTheCarrier \
- IAP Id = %i, Connection Id = 0x%x", acceptedIap, acceptedId )
// Get the current connection SNAP for this Connection Id
TUint32 snapId = iMyServer.GetBMSnap( acceptedId );
iMyServer.AppendBMConnection( acceptedId,
*this );
aMessage.Complete( KErrNone );
// If there is saved IAP info, handle it now
TConnMonIapInfo iapInfo;
if( iStoredIapInfo.HandleIapInfoWaiting( iapInfo ) )
// Attempt to send the preferred IAP notification
// if notification has arrived during roaming.
TRAPD( error, PrefIAPNotificationL( iapInfo, EConnMon ) );
if( error != KErrNone )
"CMPMServerSession::HandleServerApplicationAcceptedTheCarrier \
PrefIAPNotification error = %i, ", error )
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMPMServerSession::HandleServerApplicationRejectedTheCarrierL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CMPMServerSession::HandleServerApplicationRejectedTheCarrierL(
const RMessage2& aMessage )
// PrefIAPNotif will be attempted with latest available IAPs
TInt error( KErrNone );
// Read Iap Id
TUint32 rejectedIap = static_cast<TUint32>( aMessage.Int0() );
// Read the Connection Id of the application
TConnectionId rejectedId = aMessage.Int1();
"CMPMServerSession::HandleServerApplicationRejectedTheCarrierL \
- IAP Id = %i, Connection Id = 0x%x", rejectedIap, rejectedId )
// Blacklisting should be done before ResetConnInfo(),
// since iPresumedIapId is reset during ResetConnInfo().
iMyServer.HandleServerBlackListIap( rejectedId,
EConnectionLifetime );
iMyServer.Events()->ResetConnInfo( rejectedId );
iMyServer.ResetBMConnection( rejectedId, rejectedIap, *this );
// If possible to roam from a WLAN IAP to another WLAN IAP
// perform WLAN scan first.
// Currently ConnMon can't send notifications during this time as it
// handles requests syncronously. So, that shouldn't cause problems now,
// but issue should be reviewed if that changes.
TUint32 snapId = iMyServer.GetBMSnap( rejectedId );
RArray<TUint> iapPath;
CleanupClosePushL( iapPath );
if( ( iMyServer.CommsDatAccess()->CheckWlanL( rejectedIap ) != ENotWlanIap ) &&
iMyServer.CommsDatAccess()->SnapContainsWlanL( snapId, iapPath, KMPMNrWlansTwo ) )
// perform WLAN scan
// message is completed in callback function
// CompleteCarrierRejected
iMyServer.Events()->ScanWLANNetworksL( this,
EWlanScanCallbackCarrierRejected );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &iapPath );
aMessage.Complete( error );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &iapPath );
aMessage.Complete( error );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMPMServerSession::GetServiceIdSettingL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CMPMServerSession::GetServiceIdSettingL()
TUint32 iap( 0 );
TInt id( KErrNotFound );
MPMLOGSTRING2( "CMPMServerSession::GetServiceIdSettingL - \
Setting name %S", &KIapProxyServiceSetting() )
iap = GetPresumedIap();
if( !iap )
MPMLOGSTRING( "CMPMServerSession::HandleServerGetIntSetting - \
Iap for the connection not found" )
id = KErrNotFound;
id = iMyServer.CommsDatAccess()->GetIapServiceIdL( iap );
// validate commsdat value.
id = id > 0 && id <= 256 ? id : KErrNotFound;
return id;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMPMServerSession::HandleServerReselectIapL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CMPMServerSession::HandleServerReselectIapL( const RMessage2& aMessage )
MPMLOGSTRING2( "CMPMServerSession::HandleServerReselectIapL session <0x%x>", this )
// Sanity check that client only has one outstanding ChooseBestIAP() or ReselectBestIAP() -call.
if ( !iChooseIapMessage.IsNull() )
MPMLOGSTRING2( "CMPMServerSession::HandleServerReselectIapL: - Error \
ChooseBestIAP() or ReselectBestIAP() already exists %d", KErrServerBusy )
aMessage.Complete( KErrServerBusy );
// We must save the RMessage in order to complete it later.
iChooseIapMessage = aMessage;
if ( !ChooseBestIapCalled() )
MPMLOGSTRING( "CMPMServerSession::HandleServerReselectIapL - Error: \
ChooseBestIap hasn't been called yet" )
aMessage.Complete( KErrNotReady );
MPMLOGSTRING3( "CMPMServerSession::HandleServerReselectIapL - iap %d \
connType %d", iIapSelection->MpmConnPref().IapId(), iIapSelection->MpmConnPref().ConnType() )
iIapSelection->ChooseIapL( iIapSelection->MpmConnPref() );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMPMServerSession::HandleServerProcessErrorL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CMPMServerSession::HandleServerProcessErrorL(
const RMessage2& aMessage )
// Store message. This is used to complete the message later
// if asynchronous services are needed first or in Service error
iProcessErrorMessage = aMessage;
if ( iIapSelection )
// Read Error code
TInt error( KErrNone );
TPtr8 errorPtr( reinterpret_cast< TUint8* >( NULL ), 0 );
errorPtr.Set( reinterpret_cast< TUint8* >( &error ),
sizeof( error ),
sizeof( error ) );
// Read the contents of the client pointer into a TPtr8.
TInt res = iProcessErrorMessage.Read( KFirstArgument, errorPtr );
if ( res != KErrNone )
iMyServer.PanicClient( KErrBadDescriptor );
if ( !ChooseBestIapCalled() )
MPMLOGSTRING( "CMPMServerSession::HandleServerProcessErrorL - \
Warning: ChooseBestIap has not been called yet" )
TBMNeededAction neededAction( EPropagateError );
ProcessErrorComplete( KErrNone, &error, &neededAction );
// Show error popup if it's allowed per client request
if ( !( iIapSelection->MpmConnPref().NoteBehaviour() &
TExtendedConnPref::ENoteBehaviourConnDisableNotes ) )
CConnectionUiUtilities* connUiUtils = NULL;
TRAPD( popupCreateError, connUiUtils = CConnectionUiUtilities::NewL() );
if ( popupCreateError == KErrNone && connUiUtils )
// Note: Below function shows the discreet popup only if the error code
// belongs to the set of errors that are shown to the user.
// Otherwise the popup is not shown.
connUiUtils->ConnectionErrorDiscreetPopup( error );
delete connUiUtils;
connUiUtils = NULL;
// Read the Connection Id of the application
TConnectionId connId = iProcessErrorMessage.Int1();
MPMLOGSTRING3( "CMPMServerSession::HandleServerProcessErrorL\
- error code = %i, Connection Id = 0x%x", error, connId )
// Get the current connection IapId for this connId
TUint32 currentIap = iMyServer.GetBMIap( connId );
// Get the current connection SNAP for this Connection Id
TUint32 snapId = iMyServer.GetBMSnap( connId );
TConnMonIapInfo availableIAPs;
availableIAPs = GetAvailableIAPs();
RemoveUnavailableIap( availableIAPs, currentIap );
TBMNeededAction neededAction( EIgnoreError );
// Get the state of the connection for this Iap Id.
TConnectionState state;
iMyServer.GetConnectionState( connId, state );
// We need to blacklist the presumed IAP too
TUint32 presumedIap = MyServer().Events()->PresumedIapId( connId,
currentIap );
// Reset connection info.
iMyServer.Events()->ResetIapConnInfo( currentIap );
// Check if IAP is reported by MMS
TBool isMMSIap = IsMMSIap( currentIap );
if ( isMMSIap )
MPMLOGSTRING( "CMPMServerSession::HandleServerProcessErrorL\
- DisconnectDialog is not started because of MMS reported IAP" )
TInt* returnError( NULL );
if ( ( state == EStarting ) || ( state == ERoaming ) )
// Process error according to the fact that the connection
// has not yet been started.
if ( DisconnectDlgErrorCode( error ) &&
!IsBackgroundApplication( iAppUid ) &&
!isMMSIap &&
iIapSelection->MpmConnPref().DisconnectDialog() &&
iMyServer.StartedConnectionExists() != KErrNotFound )
// Start the Disconnect dialog
MPMLOGSTRING( "CMPMServerSession::HandleServerProcessErrorL\
- Start Disconnect dialog" )
iDisconnectDlg = CMPMDisconnectDlg::NewL( *const_cast<CMPMServerSession*>(this),
*MyServer().DisconnectQueue() );
MPMLOGSTRING( "CMPMServerSession::HandleServerProcessErrorL - \
Error not handled with disconnect dialog" )
if ( state == EStarting )
if ( ( snapId == 0 ) || ( error == KErrCancel ) )
neededAction = EPropagateError;
"CMPMServerSession::HandleServerProcessErrorL - \
Tell BM to end the client connection with appropriate error code" )
neededAction = EDoReselection;
"CMPMServerSession::HandleServerProcessErrorL - \
Tell BM to ignore error and do reselection" )
iMyServer.HandleServerBlackListIap( connId,
ETemporary );
if ( ( presumedIap != 0 ) &&
( presumedIap != currentIap ) )
iMyServer.HandleServerBlackListIap( connId,
ETemporary );
else if ( state == ERoaming )
// ERoaming means commsfw stack is moving to new IAP and failed.
// Hence, MPM should mark to current iap as zero.
iMyServer.ResetBMConnection( iConnId, currentIap, *this );
// Notification will be sent with latest
// availability info
neededAction = EIgnoreError;
iMyServer.HandleServerBlackListIap( connId,
ETemporary );
if ( ( presumedIap != 0 ) &&
( presumedIap != currentIap ) )
iMyServer.HandleServerBlackListIap( connId,
ETemporary );
TRAP( error, PrefIAPNotificationL( availableIAPs,
EBearerMan ) );
if ( error == KErrNotFound )
neededAction = EPropagateError;
returnError = &error;
TRAP_IGNORE( ErrorNotificationL( KErrNotFound,
EMPMMobilityErrorNotification ) );
"CMPMServerSession::HandleServerProcessErrorL - \
Tell BM to end the client connection with appropriate error code" )
"CMPMServerSession::HandleServerProcessErrorL - \
Tell BM to ignore error and let MPM notify application about preferred IAP" )
"CMPMServerSession::HandleServerProcessErrorL - \
Unknown state %d", state )
// Error might be different from KErrNone if there
// is no preferred IAP among the available IAPs.
ProcessErrorComplete( KErrNone,
&neededAction );
else if ( state == EStarted )
// Process error according to the fact that the connection
// has already been started.
if ( ( error == KErrCancel ) || ( error == KErrTimedOut ) )
neededAction = EPropagateError;
"CMPMServerSession::HandleServerProcessErrorL - \
Tell BM to end the client connection with appropriate error code" )
// Send error notification.
// Not sent if connection not registered
TRAP_IGNORE( ErrorNotificationL( error,
EMPMMobilityErrorNotification ) )
else if ( iPreferredIAPRequested )
// IAP connection
if( snapId == 0 )
neededAction = EPropagateError;
"CMPMServerSession::HandleServerProcessErrorL - \
Tell BM to end the client connection with appropriate error code" )
TRAP_IGNORE( ErrorNotificationL( KErrNotFound,
EMPMMobilityErrorNotification ) )
// SNAP connection
// If this has been WLAN IAP and the SNAP contains
// other WLAN IAPs, we need to perform WLAN scan before
// knowing the availability of those
RArray<TUint> iapPath;
CleanupClosePushL( iapPath );
iMyServer.HandleServerBlackListIap( connId,
ETemporary );
if ( ( presumedIap != 0 ) &&
( presumedIap != currentIap ) )
iMyServer.HandleServerBlackListIap( connId,
ETemporary );
// current iap is either WLAN or EasyWlan
if( ( iMyServer.CommsDatAccess()->CheckWlanL( currentIap ) != ENotWlanIap ) &&
iMyServer.CommsDatAccess()->SnapContainsWlanL( snapId, iapPath, KMPMNrWlansTwo ) )
// perform WLAN scan
// message is completed in callback function
// ProcessErrorWlanScanCompletedL
iMyServer.Events()->ScanWLANNetworksL( this,
EWlanScanCallbackProcessErr );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &iapPath );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &iapPath );
neededAction = EIgnoreError;
TRAPD( err2, PrefIAPNotificationL( availableIAPs, EBearerMan ) );
if ( err2 == KErrNotFound )
error = err2;
neededAction = EPropagateError;
TRAP_IGNORE( ErrorNotificationL( KErrNotFound,
EMPMMobilityErrorNotification ) )
"CMPMServerSession::HandleServerProcessErrorL - \
Tell BM to end the client connection with appropriate error code" )
"CMPMServerSession::HandleServerProcessErrorL - \
Tell BM to ignore error and let MPM notify application about preferred IAP" )
neededAction = EPropagateError;
"CMPMServerSession::HandleServerProcessErrorL - \
Tell BM to end the client connection with appropriate error code" )
ProcessErrorComplete( KErrNone, &error, &neededAction );
"CMPMServerSession::HandleServerProcessErrorL Unknown state %d",
state )
ProcessErrorComplete( KErrCorrupt,
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMPMServerSession::HandleServerRegisterPrefIAPNotifL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CMPMServerSession::HandleServerRegisterPrefIAPNotifL(
const RMessage2& aMessage )
MPMLOGSTRING( "CMPMServerSession::HandleServerRegisterPrefIAPNotifL" )
// Read the Connection Id of the application
TConnectionId regId = aMessage.Int0();
MPMLOGSTRING2( "CMPMServerSession::HandleServerRegisterPrefIAPNotifL \
- regId = 0x%x", regId )
// Get the current connection SNAP for this Connection Id
TUint32 regNetId = iMyServer.GetBMSnap( regId );
// Get the current connection IapId for this Connection Id
TUint32 currentIap = iMyServer.GetBMIap( regId );
MPMLOGSTRING2( "CMPMServerSession::HandleServerRegisterPrefIAPNotifL \
- currentIap = %i", currentIap)
// Check that there is a connection using
// either IAP or SNAP
if ( regNetId == 0 && currentIap == 0 )
HandleServerRegisterPrefIAPNotifL - return KErrNotSupported" )
aMessage.Complete( KErrNotSupported );
// Append info about registration
iPreferredIAPRequested = ETrue;
TConnMonIapInfo availableIAPs;
availableIAPs = GetAvailableIAPs();
MPMLOGSTRING2( "CMPMServerSession::HandleServerRegisterPrefIAPNotifL \
- IAPs count: %d", availableIAPs.iCount)
#ifdef _DEBUG
for (TUint i = 0; i < availableIAPs.Count(); i++)
"CMPMServerSession::HandleServerRegisterPrefIAPNotifL \
- IAP: %d", availableIAPs.iIap[i].iIapId)
#endif // _DEBUG
// Call now the method that handles notifications for
// checking if notification is already triggered
// If SNAP is 0, don't try sending notifications
if ( availableIAPs.iCount > 0 && regNetId )
PrefIAPNotificationL( availableIAPs, EBearerMan );
// In case the mobility application register to preferred IAP notification
// we have to make sure we get availability every once in a while.
RArray<TUint> iapPath;
CleanupClosePushL( iapPath );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &iapPath );
aMessage.Complete( KErrNone );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMPMServerSession::HandleServerUnregisterPrefIAPNotif
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CMPMServerSession::HandleServerUnregisterPrefIAPNotif(
const RMessage2& aMessage )
// Read the Connection Id of the application
TConnectionId unregId = aMessage.Int0();
MPMLOGSTRING2( "CMPMServerSession::HandleServerUnregisterPrefIAPNotif\
- unregId = 0x%x", unregId )
// Currently will remove all registration for this Connection Id.
// If needed change BM-MPM API to support unregistration for certain SNAP
iPreferredIAPRequested = EFalse;
iLastNotifiedIap = 0;
// Unblacklist all IAPs related to this connection
// when unregistering from preferred IAP notification.
iMyServer.HandleServerUnblackListIap( unregId, 0 );
aMessage.Complete( KErrNone );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMPMServerSession::HandleServerWaitNotificationL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CMPMServerSession::HandleServerWaitNotificationL(
const RMessage2& aMessage )
MPMLOGSTRING2( "CMPMServerSession::HandleServerWaitNotification - \
iNotifRequested = %i", iNotifRequested )
if ( !iNotifRequested )
// Save message for later completion
iNotifMessage = aMessage;
// Set requested flag
iNotifRequested = ETrue;
aMessage.Complete( KErrServerBusy );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMPMServerSession::HandleServerSortSNAPL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CMPMServerSession::HandleServerSortSNAPL( const RMessage2& aMessage )
MPMLOGSTRING( "CMPMServerSession::HandleServerSortSNAPL()" )
if ( !iServerSortSNAPMessage.IsNull() )
"CMPMServerSession::HandleServerSortSNAPL: Failed with: %d",KErrNotReady )
// Error, only one request of each type per session.
aMessage.Complete( KErrNotReady );
// Store message for later usage.
iServerSortSNAPMessage = aMessage;
TUint32 aSeconds = static_cast<TUint32>( iServerSortSNAPMessage.Int2() );
// To display up to date information the WLAN scan should be done first
iMyServer.Events()->ScanWLANNetworksL( this,
aSeconds );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMPMServerSession::CompleteServerSortSNAPL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CMPMServerSession::CompleteServerSortSNAP()
if ( iServerSortSNAPMessage.IsNull() )
// Read SNAP
TUint32 snapId = static_cast<TUint32>( iServerSortSNAPMessage.Int0() );
MPMLOGSTRING2( "CMPMServerSession::CompleteServerSortSNAPL - SNAP = %i",
snapId )
TMpmSnapBuffer sortedIapList;
TRAPD( err, SortSnapL( snapId, sortedIapList ) )
if ( err != KErrNone )
"CMPMServerSession::CompleteServerSortSNAPL: Sorting failed with: %d", err )
iServerSortSNAPMessage.Complete( err );
// Write results to message
TPtrC8 e( reinterpret_cast< TUint8* >( &sortedIapList ),
sizeof( sortedIapList ) );
TRAP( err, iServerSortSNAPMessage.WriteL( KSecondArgument, e ) )
if ( err != KErrNone )
"CMPMServerSession::CompleteServerSortSNAPL: RMessage.WriteL() Failure: %d", err )
iServerSortSNAPMessage.Complete( err );
"CMPMServerSession::CompleteServerSortSNAPL: Sorting available uncategorised IAPs completed" )
iServerSortSNAPMessage.Complete( KErrNone );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMPMServerSession::ProcessErrorWlanScanCompletedL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CMPMServerSession::ProcessErrorWlanScanCompletedL()
MPMLOGSTRING( "CMPMServerSession::ProcessErrorWlanScanCompletedL" )
TBMNeededAction neededAction( EIgnoreError );
// Read the Connection Id of the application
TConnectionId connId = iProcessErrorMessage.Int1();
// Read Error code
TInt error( KErrNone);
TPtr8 errorPtr( reinterpret_cast< TUint8* >( NULL ), 0 );
errorPtr.Set( reinterpret_cast< TUint8* >( &error ),
sizeof( error ),
sizeof( error ) );
// Read the contents of the client pointer into a TPtr8.
TInt res = iProcessErrorMessage.Read( KFirstArgument, errorPtr );
if ( res != KErrNone )
iMyServer.PanicClient( KErrBadDescriptor );
// Get the current connection IapId for this connId
TUint32 currentIap = iMyServer.GetBMIap( connId );
// get available iaps
TConnMonIapInfo availableIAPs;
availableIAPs = GetAvailableIAPs();
RemoveUnavailableIap( availableIAPs, currentIap );
TRAPD( err2, PrefIAPNotificationL( availableIAPs, EBearerMan ) );
if ( err2 == KErrNotFound )
error = err2;
neededAction = EPropagateError;
TRAP_IGNORE( ErrorNotificationL( KErrNotFound,
EMPMMobilityErrorNotification ) )
MPMLOGSTRING( "CMPMServerSession::ProcessErrorWlanScanCompletedL - \
Tell BM to end the client connection with appropriate error code" )
MPMLOGSTRING( "CMPMServerSession::ProcessErrorWlanScanCompletedL - \
Tell BM to ignore error and let MPM notify application about preferred IAP" )
ProcessErrorComplete( KErrNone, &error, &neededAction );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMPMServerSession::SortSnapL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CMPMServerSession::SortSnapL( const TUint32 aSnapId,
TMpmSnapBuffer& aSortedIaps )
MPMLOGSTRING2( "CMPMServerSession::SortSnapL - SNAP = %i",
aSnapId )
TBool hideIap( EFalse );
// In case snapId is zero, return the
// list of available uncategorised IAPs
if ( aSnapId == KSortUncategorisedIaps )
RAvailableIAPList availableUncatIAPList;
CleanupClosePushL( availableUncatIAPList );
AvailableUnblacklistedIapsL( availableUncatIAPList, iConnId );
iMyServer.CommsDatAccess()->RemoveCategorisedIapsL( availableUncatIAPList );
for ( TInt i( 0 ); ( (i < availableUncatIAPList.Count()) ); i++ )
// Check first if metadata EMetaHiddenAgent is enabled.
hideIap = iMyServer.CommsDatAccess()->CheckHiddenAgentL( availableUncatIAPList[i] );
if ( hideIap )
// In that case IAP can't be shown in Connection Dialog.
"CMPMServerSession::SortSnapL: Remove HiddenAgent IAP = %i",
availableUncatIAPList[i] )
aSortedIaps.iIapId[aSortedIaps.iCount] = availableUncatIAPList[i];
#ifdef _DEBUG
// Print info into the log file
MPMLOGSTRING( "CMPMServerSession::SortSnapL: Sorted IAPs" )
for ( TInt p = 0; p < aSortedIaps.Count(); p++ )
"CMPMServerSession::SortSnapL: IapId = %i",
aSortedIaps.iIapId[p] )
#endif // _DEBUG
// Release memory
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &availableUncatIAPList );
RArray<TNetIap> destNetIaps, embeddedIaps;
CleanupClosePushL( destNetIaps );
CleanupClosePushL( embeddedIaps );
// Find the valid IAPs belonging to the Snap.
iMyServer.CommsDatAccess()->SearchDNEntriesWithEmbeddedL( aSnapId, destNetIaps, embeddedIaps );
RAvailableIAPList availableIAPList;
CleanupClosePushL( availableIAPList );
AvailableUnblacklistedIapsL( availableIAPList, iConnId );
// Remove any unavailable IAP from destNetIaps
TInt ret = KErrNotFound;
TInt destCount = destNetIaps.Count();
// Decrement by one, because count is n,
// but indexes in array are 0 .. n-1.
// This time we are browsing the array from the end to the beginning,
// because removing one element from array affects index numbering.
for ( TInt k = destCount; k >= 0; k-- )
ret = availableIAPList.Find( destNetIaps[k].iIapId );
if ( ret == KErrNotFound )
MPMLOGSTRING2( "CMPMServerSession::SortSnapL: \
Remove unavailable IAP = %i", destNetIaps[k].iIapId )
destNetIaps.Remove( k );
// Check first if metadata EMetaHiddenAgent is enabled.
hideIap = iMyServer.CommsDatAccess()->CheckHiddenAgentL( destNetIaps[k].iIapId );
if ( hideIap )
// In that case IAP can't be shown in Connection Dialog.
"CMPMServerSession::SortSnapL: Remove HiddenAgent IAP = %i",
destNetIaps[k].iIapId )
destNetIaps.Remove( k );
// Remove any unavailable IAP from embeddedIaps
if ( embeddedIaps.Count() > 0 )
TInt embedCount = embeddedIaps.Count();
for ( TInt m = embedCount; m >= 0; m-- )
ret = availableIAPList.Find( embeddedIaps[m].iIapId );
if ( ret == KErrNotFound )
MPMLOGSTRING2( "CMPMServerSession::SortSnapL: \
Remove unavailable IAP = %i", embeddedIaps[m].iIapId )
embeddedIaps.Remove( m );
// Check first if metadata EMetaHiddenAgent is enabled.
hideIap = iMyServer.CommsDatAccess()->CheckHiddenAgentL( embeddedIaps[m].iIapId );
if ( hideIap )
// In that case IAP can't be shown in Connection Dialog.
"CMPMServerSession::SortSnapL: Remove HiddenAgent IAP = %i",
embeddedIaps[m].iIapId )
embeddedIaps.Remove( m );
// Determine the actual priorities for virtual IAPs and embedded Snaps
iMyServer.CommsDatAccess()->DeterminePrioritiesL( destNetIaps, availableIAPList,
*this );
if ( embeddedIaps.Count() > 0 )
iMyServer.CommsDatAccess()->DeterminePrioritiesL( embeddedIaps,
*this );
// Start sorting destNetIaps and embeddedIaps.
for( TInt p = 0; ( destNetIaps.Count() > 0 ) ||
( embeddedIaps.Count() > 0 ); p++ )
// Go through the destNetIaps-array and check the global bearer
// priority for both destNetIaps and embeddedIaps until the best
// available IAP is found.
TUint32 destNetPriority( KLowestPriority );
TUint32 embeddedPriority( KLowestPriority );
if( destNetIaps.Count() > 0 )
iMyServer.CommsDatAccess()->GlobalBearerPriorityL( destNetIaps[0].iIapId,
destNetPriority );
if( embeddedIaps.Count() > 0 )
iMyServer.CommsDatAccess()->GlobalBearerPriorityL( embeddedIaps[0].iIapId,
embeddedPriority );
// Compare the global bearer priorities of the first IAPs and
// select the better.
// If the priorities are equal, prioritize the Snap
// over the embedded Snap.
// When comparing the priorities, smaller value is better.
// Finally, append IapId to sortedList.
if( destNetPriority <= embeddedPriority )
if( destNetIaps.Count() > 0 )
aSortedIaps.iIapId[p] = destNetIaps[0].iIapId;
"CMPMServerSession::SortSnapL: IapId = %i",
destNetIaps[0].iIapId )
"CMPMServerSession::SortSnapL: Snap = %i",
destNetIaps[0].iSnap )
destNetIaps.Remove( 0 );
if( embeddedIaps.Count() > 0 )
aSortedIaps.iIapId[p] = embeddedIaps[0].iIapId;
"CMPMServerSession::SortSnapL: IapId = %i",
embeddedIaps[0].iIapId )
"CMPMServerSession::SortSnapL: Snap = %i",
embeddedIaps[0].iSnap )
embeddedIaps.Remove( 0 );
// Release memory
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &availableIAPList );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &embeddedIaps );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &destNetIaps );
#ifdef _DEBUG
// Print info into the log file
MPMLOGSTRING( "CMPMServerSession::SortSnapL: Sorted IAPs" )
for ( TInt n = 0; n < aSortedIaps.Count(); n++ )
"CMPMServerSession::SortSnapL: IapId = %i",
aSortedIaps.iIapId[n] )
#endif // _DEBUG
"CMPMServerSession::SortSnapL: Sorting completed" )
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMPMServerSession::UpdateConnectionDialog
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CMPMServerSession::UpdateConnectionDialogL()
if( iIapSelection )
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMPMServerSession::CompleteCarrierRejected
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CMPMServerSession::CompleteCarrierRejected()
TInt error( KErrNotFound );
MPMLOGSTRING( "CMPMServerSession::CompleteCarrierRejected" )
TConnMonIapInfo availableIAPs;
availableIAPs = GetAvailableIAPs();
if ( availableIAPs.iCount > 0 )
TRAP( error, PrefIAPNotificationL( availableIAPs, EBearerMan ) );
if ( error == KErrNotFound )
TRAP( error, ErrorNotificationL( KErrNotFound,
EMPMMobilityErrorNotification ) );
"CMPMServerSession::CompleteCarrierRejected - \
No IAPs available, send error notification" )
TRAP( error, ErrorNotificationL( KErrNotFound,
EMPMMobilityErrorNotification ) );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMPMServerSession::ExtractConnPref
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CMPMServerSession::ExtractConnPref(
const TConnPref& aBasePref,
TMpmConnPref& aMpmConnPref ) const
TInt error( KErrNone );
// Extract connection preferences from TConnPref to TMpmConnPref
// based on the type of the connection preferences.
switch ( aBasePref.ExtensionId() )
case TConnPref::EConnPrefCommDb: // TCommDbConnPref
"CMPMServerSession::ExtractConnPref - EConnPrefCommDb" )
error = ExtractConnPrefCommDb( aBasePref, aMpmConnPref );
case TConnPref::EConnPrefCommDbMulti: // TCommDbMultiConnPref
"CMPMServerSession::ExtractConnPref - EConnPrefCommDbMulti" )
error = ExtractConnPrefCommDbMulti( aBasePref, aMpmConnPref );
case TConnPref::EConnPrefSnap: // TConnSnapPref
"CMPMServerSession::ExtractConnPref - EConnPrefSnap" )
error = ExtractConnPrefSnap( aBasePref, aMpmConnPref );
case TMpmConnPref::EConnPrefMpm: // TMpmConnPref
"CMPMServerSession::ExtractConnPref - EConnPrefMpm" )
error = ExtractConnPrefMpm( aBasePref, aMpmConnPref );
case TConnPref::EConnPrefUnknown: // Default connection
MPMLOGSTRING( "CMPMServerSession::ExtractConnPref - \
EConnPrefUnknown overriding to default conn" )
MPMLOGSTRING( "CMPMServerSession::ExtractConnPref - \
Unrecognised connection preference type" )
error = KErrArgument;
ResolveConnType( aMpmConnPref );
MPMLOGSTRING2( "CMPMServerSession::ExtractConnPref - \
Error code in the end: %d", error )
return error;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMPMServerSession::ExtractConnPrefCommDb
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CMPMServerSession::ExtractConnPrefCommDb(
const TConnPref& aBasePref,
TMpmConnPref& aMpmConnPref ) const
ASSERT( aBasePref.ExtensionId() == TConnPref::EConnPrefCommDb );
TInt error( KErrNone );
// Cast down to a TCommDbConnPref
TCommDbConnPref commDbPref;
commDbPref = TCommDbConnPref::Cast( aBasePref );
// This is an old sanity check which is not complete but we cannot
// expand it to keep backwards compatibility.
if ( commDbPref.IapId() == 0 && commDbPref.NetId() != 0 &&
commDbPref.DialogPreference() != ECommDbDialogPrefPrompt )
error = KErrArgument;
// Map dialog preference. Only request for connection selection
// dialog is needed as other values either match the default values of TMpmConnPref
// or are ignored (ECommDbDialogPrefWarn and
// ECommDbDialogPrefPromptIfWrongMode).
if ( commDbPref.DialogPreference() == ECommDbDialogPrefPrompt )
aMpmConnPref.SetConnSelectionDialog( ETrue );
// Map IAP id.
aMpmConnPref.SetIapId( commDbPref.IapId() );
// commDbPref.NetId() is ignored as it's retrieved by MPM based on
// final selection.
// commDbPref.Direction() is ignored as it's not used in MPM.
// Transfer bearerset from aCommDbPref to aMpmConnPref
// in case 'prompt from user' or 'explicit SNAP requested'.
// If only IAP is given, bearer set is ignored and not set.
// If bearer set is set for IAP connection here, implementation of
// "WLAN Only" setting feature will prevent cellular IAP connection
// from happening
if ( commDbPref.DialogPreference() != ECommDbDialogPrefUnknown &&
( commDbPref.IapId() == 0 ||
commDbPref.DialogPreference() == ECommDbDialogPrefPrompt ) )
if ( commDbPref.BearerSet() & ECommDbBearerWLAN )
aMpmConnPref.SetBearerSet( aMpmConnPref.BearerSet() |
TExtendedConnPref::EExtendedConnBearerWLAN );
if ( commDbPref.BearerSet() & ECommDbBearerWcdma ||
commDbPref.BearerSet() & DeprecatedCDMA2000 )
aMpmConnPref.SetBearerSet( aMpmConnPref.BearerSet() |
TExtendedConnPref::EExtendedConnBearerCellular );
return error;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMPMServerSession::ExtractConnPrefCommDbMulti
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CMPMServerSession::ExtractConnPrefCommDbMulti(
const TConnPref& aBasePref,
TMpmConnPref& aMpmConnPref ) const
ASSERT( aBasePref.ExtensionId() == TConnPref::EConnPrefCommDbMulti );
TInt error( KErrNone );
// Cast down to a TCommDbMultiConnPref
TCommDbMultiConnPref multiPrefs;
multiPrefs = TCommDbMultiConnPref::Cast( aBasePref );
// Try to retrieve the connection preference for the first attempt
TCommDbConnPref commDbPref;
error = multiPrefs.GetPreference( 1, commDbPref );
if ( error == KErrNone )
error = ExtractConnPrefCommDb( commDbPref, aMpmConnPref );
return error;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMPMServerSession::ExtractConnPrefSnap
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CMPMServerSession::ExtractConnPrefSnap(
const TConnPref& aBasePref,
TMpmConnPref& aMpmConnPref ) const
ASSERT( aBasePref.ExtensionId() == TConnPref::EConnPrefSnap );
// Cast down to a TConnSnapPref
TConnSnapPref snapPref;
snapPref = *reinterpret_cast<TCommSnapPref*>(
const_cast<TConnPref*>( &aBasePref ) );
// Check whether old net id, new snap id, or zero is given.
// If snap id equals to zero, doing nothing here implies default
// connection is used. We cannot give error in this case because it has
// worked as default connection request earlier.
TInt snapid(0);
TInt error( KErrNone );
if ( snapPref.Snap() > 0 &&
snapPref.Snap() <= 0x100 )
// Old Destination network id passed. Convert to SNAP id.
TRAP( error,
snapid = iMyServer.CommsDatAccess()->MapNetIdtoSnapAPL(
snapPref.Snap() ) );
else if ( snapPref.Snap() != 0 )
// Snap id passed.
snapid = snapPref.Snap();
aMpmConnPref.SetSnapId( snapid );
return error;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMPMServerSession::ExtractConnPrefMpm
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CMPMServerSession::ExtractConnPrefMpm(
const TConnPref& aBasePref,
TMpmConnPref& aMpmConnPref ) const
ASSERT( aBasePref.ExtensionId() == TMpmConnPref::EConnPrefMpm );
TInt error( KErrNone );
aMpmConnPref = *reinterpret_cast<TMpmConnPref*>(
const_cast<TConnPref*>( &aBasePref ) );
// Validate connection preferences and if they are valid, resolve needed
// information into more practical format for MPM.
error = ValidateExtendedConnPref( aMpmConnPref );
if ( error == KErrNone )
// Find the SNAP id based on SNAP purpose.
CMManager::TSnapPurpose aSnapPurpose = aMpmConnPref.SnapPurpose();
TInt error = KErrNone;
// MPM searches SnapId for requested purpose by going through all
// destinations in CommsDat.
if ( aSnapPurpose != CMManager::ESnapPurposeUnknown )
TUint32 snapId(0);
TRAP( error, snapId = iMyServer.CommsDatAccess()->DestinationIdL(
aSnapPurpose ) );
if ( error == KErrNone )
aMpmConnPref.SetSnapId( snapId );
// Mark IAP as mandated if IAP id is given.
if ( aMpmConnPref.IapId() != 0 )
aMpmConnPref.SetMandateIap( ETrue );
return error;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMPMServerSession::ValidateExtendedConnPref
// Makes a sanity check to the custom preferences and return KErrArgument
// if there are illegal combinations in the connection preferences
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CMPMServerSession::ValidateExtendedConnPref(
TMpmConnPref& aMpmConnPref ) const
// If iap id is set, neither snap nor bearer set can be defined
if ( aMpmConnPref.IapId() != 0 )
if ( ( aMpmConnPref.SnapId() != 0 ) ||
( aMpmConnPref.BearerSet() !=
TExtendedConnPref::EExtendedConnBearerUnknown ) )
return KErrArgument;
// If snap purpose is set, then neither iap nor snap id should be defined
if ( aMpmConnPref.SnapPurpose() != CMManager::ESnapPurposeUnknown )
if ( ( aMpmConnPref.IapId() != 0 ) ||
( aMpmConnPref.SnapId() != 0 ) )
return KErrArgument;
// If selection dialog is enabled, Snap id, iap id and snap purpose
// should not be set
if ( aMpmConnPref.ConnSelectionDialog() )
if ( ( aMpmConnPref.SnapId() != 0 ) ||
( aMpmConnPref.IapId() != 0 ) ||
( aMpmConnPref.SnapPurpose() != CMManager::ESnapPurposeUnknown ) )
return KErrArgument;
// Check that the given enumerations are within the enumeration ranges
if ( ( aMpmConnPref.SnapPurpose() < CMManager::ESnapPurposeUnknown ) ||
( aMpmConnPref.SnapPurpose() > CMManager::ESnapPurposeIntranet ) ||
( aMpmConnPref.NoteBehaviour() >
TExtendedConnPref::ENoteBehaviourConnSilent ) ||
( aMpmConnPref.BearerSet() >
( TExtendedConnPref::EExtendedConnBearerCellular +
TExtendedConnPref::EExtendedConnBearerWLAN ) ) )
return KErrArgument;
// Check that one of SNAP purpose, SNAP id, IAP id or Connection selection
// dialog is given
if ( ( aMpmConnPref.SnapPurpose() == CMManager::ESnapPurposeUnknown ) &&
( aMpmConnPref.SnapId() == 0 ) &&
( aMpmConnPref.IapId() == 0 ) &&
( aMpmConnPref.ConnSelectionDialog() == EFalse ) )
return KErrArgument;
return KErrNone;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMPMServerSession::ResolveConnType
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CMPMServerSession::ResolveConnType( TMpmConnPref& aMpmConnPref ) const
// Define the connection type based on the connection preferences.
if ( aMpmConnPref.ConnSelectionDialog() )
// Connection selection dialog was requested.
aMpmConnPref.SetConnType( TMpmConnPref::EConnTypeImplicit );
else if ( aMpmConnPref.IapId() != 0 ||
aMpmConnPref.SnapId() != 0 ||
aMpmConnPref.SnapPurpose() != CMManager::ESnapPurposeUnknown )
// Either IAP id, SNAP id or SNAP purpose was given.
aMpmConnPref.SetConnType( TMpmConnPref::EConnTypeExplicit );
// Otherwise this is handled as a request to default connection.
aMpmConnPref.SetConnType( TMpmConnPref::EConnTypeDefault );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMPMServerSession::IapSelectionL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
CMPMIapSelection* CMPMServerSession::IapSelectionL()
if( !iIapSelection )
MPMLOGSTRING( "CMPMServerSession::IapSelectionL error, no connection started" )
User::Leave( KErrNotFound );
return iIapSelection;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMPMServerSession::PrefIAPNotificationL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CMPMServerSession::PrefIAPNotificationL(
const TConnMonIapInfo& aIapInfo,
const TPrefIAPNotifCaller aCaller )
MPMLOGSTRING( "CMPMServerSession::PrefIAPNotificationL" )
if ( !iNotifRequested || !iPreferredIAPRequested )
MPMLOGSTRING( "CMPMServerSession::PrefIAPNotificationL - \
No notification requested" )
// Dig out the state of this connection.
TConnectionState state;
iMyServer.GetConnectionState( iConnId, state );
if( iMigrateState != EMigrateUserConfirmation )
// If session is roaming, notification must be delayed.
// But, only ConnMon initiated notifications need to be delayed.
// Required notifications must go through whenever MPM decides
// to initiate them.
if( ( iStoredIapInfo.HoldPrefIapNotif() && aCaller == EConnMon ) ||
( state == ERoaming && aCaller == EConnMon ) )
MPMLOGSTRING( "CMPMServerSession::PrefIAPNotificationL - \
Mobility ongoing, notification will be handled later" )
iStoredIapInfo.SetStoredIapInfo( aIapInfo );
TInt err(0);
TInt currentIap = MyServer().GetBMIap( iConnId );
MPMLOGSTRING4( "CMPMServerSession::PrefIAPNotificationL - \
current iap %d, last notified %d, err %d ", currentIap, iLastNotifiedIap, err )
if( err != KErrNone )
MPMLOGSTRING( "CMPMServerSession::PrefIAPNotificationL: Connection is not \
registered for notifications" )
TBool iapTypeLanOrWlan( EFalse );
RAvailableIAPList availableIAPList;
CleanupClosePushL( availableIAPList );
TUint32 validateIapId( 0 );
TUint32 oldIapId( 0 );
TMpmNotificationPrefIAPAvailable notifInfo;
notifInfo.iMPMNotificationType = EMPMPreferredIAPAvailable;
AvailableUnblacklistedIapsL( availableIAPList, aIapInfo, iConnId);
oldIapId = currentIap;
// If connection is using SNAP
TUint32 snap = iMyServer.GetBMSnap( iConnId );
if( snap != 0 )
TMpmConnPref tempMpmConnPref;
tempMpmConnPref.SetIapId( 0 );
tempMpmConnPref.SetSnapId( snap );
IapSelectionL()->ChooseBestIAPL( tempMpmConnPref, availableIAPList );
validateIapId = tempMpmConnPref.IapId();
if ( ( validateIapId == 0 ) && ( aCaller == EConnMon ) )
// Since Connection Monitor is the only component which
// is unaware of Connection Id and SNAP, it can't send
// the error notification in case ChooseBestIAPL could
// not find any available IAP for this SNAP.
// All the other components take responsibility of
// sending the error notification.
TRAP_IGNORE( ErrorNotificationL( KErrNotFound,
EMPMMobilityErrorNotification ) )
TUint32 retNetId = 0;
iMyServer.CommsDatAccess()->ValidateIapL( iConnId,
*this );
if ( CheckNotifNeed( currentIap,
validateIapId ) )
MPMLOGSTRING2( "CMPMServerSession::PrefIAPNotificationL: \
Sending pref iap notification connId: 0x%x", iConnId )
iLastNotifiedIap = validateIapId;
notifInfo.iIsUpgrade = IsUpgrade( oldIapId,
availableIAPList );
// Put real value of iIsSeamless here for NLR.
notifInfo.iIsSeamless = EFalse;
notifInfo.iConnId = iConnId;
MPMLOGSTRING3( "CMPMServerSession::PrefIAPNotificationL: \
Roaming from Iap %i to Iap %i", oldIapId, validateIapId )
notifInfo.iNewIapId = validateIapId;
notifInfo.iOldIapId = oldIapId;
if ( aCaller != EConfirmDlgRoaming )
delete iConfirmDlgRoaming;
iConfirmDlgRoaming = NULL;
// Reset migrate state
if ( iMigrateState == EMigrateUserConfirmation )
iMigrateState = EMigrateNone;
// Write buffer to BM
TPtrC8 d( reinterpret_cast< TUint8* >( ¬ifInfo ),
notifInfo.Length() );
iNotifMessage.WriteL( KFirstArgument, d );
// Reset flag
iNotifRequested = EFalse;
// Hold the preferred IAP already during the preferred IAP notification.
// In Freeway new PreferredCarrier can only be processed after the
// response for the previous one is received.
// Now complete WaitNotification to BM
MPMLOGSTRING( "CMPMServerSession::PrefIAPNotificationL - \
Send preferred IAP notification" )
iNotifMessage.Complete( KErrNone );
// Connection is using IAP
// In this case only check if the current IAP is found
// in available IAP list.
// If it's not, then notify error.
err = availableIAPList.Find( oldIapId );
if( err == KErrNotFound )
MPMLOGSTRING2( "CMPMServerSession::PrefIAPNotificationL: \
SNAP 0 and IAP %d not available, notifying error", oldIapId )
TRAP_IGNORE( ErrorNotificationL( KErrNotFound,
EMPMMobilityErrorNotification ) )
// Release memory
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &availableIAPList );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMPMServerSession::StartIAPNotificationL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CMPMServerSession::StartIAPNotificationL( const TUint32 aIapId )
MPMLOGSTRING3( "CMPMServerSession::StartIAPNotificationL: aConnId = 0x%x,\
aIapId = %i", iConnId, aIapId )
if ( !iNotifRequested )
MPMLOGSTRING( "CMPMServerSession::StartIAPNotificationL - \
No notification requested" )
// Show the connecting discreet popup to the user when migrating to another iap
if ( !( iIapSelection->MpmConnPref().NoteBehaviour() &
TExtendedConnPref::ENoteBehaviourConnDisableNotes) )
TBool connectionAlreadyActive = iMyServer.CheckIfStarted( aIapId );
CConnectionUiUtilities* connUiUtils = NULL;
if (!connectionAlreadyActive )
TRAPD( popupError,
connUiUtils = CConnectionUiUtilities::NewL();
aIapId );
delete connUiUtils; );
if ( popupError && connUiUtils )
delete connUiUtils;
TMpmNotificationStartIAP notifInfo;
notifInfo.iMPMNotificationType = EMPMStartIAPNotification;
notifInfo.iInfo.iIap = aIapId;
notifInfo.iInfo.iConnId = iConnId;
notifInfo.iInfo.iServiceId = GetServiceIdSettingL();
// Write buffer to BM
TPtrC8 d(reinterpret_cast< TUint8* >( ¬ifInfo ),
notifInfo.Length() );
iNotifMessage.WriteL( KFirstArgument, d );
// Reset flag
iNotifRequested = EFalse;
// Now complete WaitNotification to BM
MPMLOGSTRING( "CMPMServerSession::StartIAPNotificationL - \
Send start IAP notification" )
iNotifMessage.Complete( KErrNone );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMPMServerSession::StopIAPNotificationL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CMPMServerSession::StopIAPNotificationL( TInt aIapId )
MPMLOGSTRING2( "CMPMServerSession::StopIAPNotificationL: aConnId = 0x%x", iConnId)
if ( !iNotifRequested )
MPMLOGSTRING( "CMPMServerSession::StopIAPNotificationL - \
No notification requested" )
TMpmNotificationStopIAP notifInfo;
notifInfo.iMPMNotificationType = EMPMStopIAPNotification;
notifInfo.iInfo.iConnId = iConnId;
notifInfo.iInfo.iIap = aIapId;
// Write buffer to BM
TPtrC8 d(reinterpret_cast< TUint8* >( ¬ifInfo ),
notifInfo.Length() );
iNotifMessage.WriteL( KFirstArgument, d );
// Reset flag
iNotifRequested = EFalse;
// Now complete WaitNotification to BM
MPMLOGSTRING( "CMPMServerSession::StopIAPNotificationL - \
Send stop IAP notification" )
iNotifMessage.Complete( KErrNone );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMPMServerSession::ErrorMobilityNotificationL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CMPMServerSession::MobilityErrorNotificationL( TInt aError )
"CMPMServerSession::MobilityErrorNotificationL: aError = %i ",
aError )
ErrorNotificationL( aError, EMPMMobilityErrorNotification );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMPMServerSession::ErrorClientNotificationL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CMPMServerSession::ClientErrorNotificationL( TInt aError )
"CMPMServerSession::ClientErrorNotificationL: aError = %i ",
aError )
ErrorNotificationL( aError, EMPMClientErrorNotification );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMPMServerSession::ErrorNotificationL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CMPMServerSession::ErrorNotificationL( TInt aError,
TMpmNotifications aNotificationType )
"CMPMServerSession::ErrorNotificationL: aError = %i, aNotificationType = %i",
aError, aNotificationType )
if ( !iNotifRequested )
MPMLOGSTRING( "CMPMServerSession::ErrorNotificationL - \
No notification requested" )
TMpmNotificationError errorNotif;
errorNotif.iMPMNotificationType = aNotificationType;
errorNotif.iError = aError;
errorNotif.iConnId = iConnId;
// Write buffer to BM
TPtrC8 d(reinterpret_cast< TUint8* >( &errorNotif ),
errorNotif.Length() );
iNotifMessage.WriteL( KFirstArgument, d );
// Reset flag
iNotifRequested = EFalse;
// Now complete error notification to BM
MPMLOGSTRING("CMPMServerSession::ErrorNotificationL - Send error notification" )
iNotifMessage.Complete( KErrNone );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMPMServerSession::IsPhoneOfflineL
// Checks if phone is in offline mode or not.
// Return ETrue if phone is in offline mode.
// Return EFalse if phone is not in offline mode.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TBool CMPMServerSession::IsPhoneOfflineL() const
MPMLOGSTRING( "CMPMServerSession::IsPhoneOfflineL" )
if ( iOfflineFeatureSupported )
CRepository* repository = CRepository::NewLC(KCRUidCoreApplicationUIs);
TInt connAllowed = ECoreAppUIsNetworkConnectionAllowed;
repository->Get( KCoreAppUIsNetworkConnectionAllowed, connAllowed );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( repository );
if ( !connAllowed )
"CMPMServerSession::IsPhoneOfflineL Phone is in offline mode" )
return ETrue;
"CMPMServerSession::IsPhoneOfflineL Phone is not in offline mode" )
return EFalse;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMPMServerSession::AvailableUnblacklistedIapsL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CMPMServerSession::AvailableUnblacklistedIapsL(
RAvailableIAPList& aAvailableIAPs,
const TConnectionId aConnId )
MPMLOGSTRING( "CMPMServerSession::AvailableUnblacklistedIapsL" )
TConnMonIapInfo availableIAPList;
availableIAPList = GetAvailableIAPs();
AvailableUnblacklistedIapsL( aAvailableIAPs,
aConnId );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMPMServerSession::AvailableUnblacklistedIapsL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CMPMServerSession::AvailableUnblacklistedIapsL(
RAvailableIAPList& aAvailableIAPs,
const TConnMonIapInfo& aIapInfo,
const TConnectionId aConnId )
RArray<TUint32> blacklistiaps;
CleanupClosePushL( blacklistiaps );
TWlanSsid ssid;
TUint32 iapId( 0 );
for (TUint i = 0; i < aIapInfo.iCount; i++)
aAvailableIAPs.AppendL( aIapInfo.iIap[i].iIapId );
// Get list of blacklisted IAPs.
iMyServer.GetBlacklistedIAP( aConnId, blacklistiaps );
// If there is an active WLAN connection
if ( iMyServer.Events()->ActiveWlanConnection( ssid, iapId ) )
RAvailableIAPList unavailableIAPs;
CleanupClosePushL( unavailableIAPs );
TRAP_IGNORE( UnavailableIAPsL( aAvailableIAPs,
unavailableIAPs ) )
TBool activeAvailable( ETrue );
if (unavailableIAPs.Find(iapId) != KErrNotFound)
MPMLOGSTRING( "CMPMServerSession::AvailableUnblacklistedIapsL: Active IAP unavailable" )
activeAvailable = EFalse;
// If the active WLAN connection is blacklisted, then
// there is no need to check if any of the unavailable
// WLAN IAPs have same SSID as active WLAN connection.
// Same goes for unavailable active connection.
if ( activeAvailable &&
blacklistiaps.Find( iapId ) == KErrNotFound )
for ( TInt i( 0 ); ( (i < unavailableIAPs.Count()) ); i++ )
// Check if any of the unavailable WLAN IAPs have
// the same SSID as the active WLAN connection.
TBool usesSame( EFalse );
if ( !iMyServer.CommsDatAccess()->CheckEasyWLanL( unavailableIAPs[i] ) )
TRAP_IGNORE( iMyServer.CommsDatAccess()->MatchSSIDL( ssid,
*this ) )
if ( usesSame )
// Append unavailable IAP to list of available IAPs
// if it uses same SSID as active WLAN connection.
Append unavailable IapId = %i", unavailableIAPs[i] )
aAvailableIAPs.AppendL( unavailableIAPs[i] );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &unavailableIAPs );
TInt index( KErrNotFound );
// Remove any blacklisted IAP.
for (TInt i = 0; i < blacklistiaps.Count(); i++)
index = aAvailableIAPs.Find( blacklistiaps[i] );
if (( index != KErrNotFound ) && ( index < aAvailableIAPs.Count() ))
MPMLOGSTRING2( "CMPMServerSession::AvailableUnblacklistedIapsL: \
Remove blacklisted IapId = %i", aAvailableIAPs[index] )
aAvailableIAPs.Remove( index );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &blacklistiaps );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMPMServerSession::IsUpgrade
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TBool CMPMServerSession::IsUpgrade(
const TUint32 aIapId,
const TUint32 aMigrateIapId,
const RAvailableIAPList& aAvailableIAPs ) const
if ( aIapId == aMigrateIapId )
// If the current Iap Id and migrate Iap Id are identical,
// then it is considered that this a downgrade.
MPMLOGSTRING( "CMPMServerSession::IsUpgrade - Downgrade" )
return EFalse;
if ( aAvailableIAPs.Find( aIapId ) == KErrNotFound )
// If the registered Iap Id is not found in the list of
// available IAPs, then it is considered that the new
// validated IAP is a downgrade compared to previous.
MPMLOGSTRING( "CMPMServerSession::IsUpgrade - Downgrade" )
return EFalse;
// If the registered Iap Id is found in the list of
// available IAPs, then it is considered that the new
// validated IAP is an upgrade compared to previous.
MPMLOGSTRING( "CMPMServerSession::IsUpgrade - Upgrade" )
return ETrue;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMPMServerSession::CheckNotifNeed
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TBool CMPMServerSession::CheckNotifNeed( const TUint32 aCurrentIap,
const TUint32 aLastNotifiedIap,
const TUint32 aValidatedIap )
TBool retValue( EFalse );
// Get the state of the connection for this Connection Id
TConnectionState state;
iMyServer.GetConnectionState( iConnId,
state );
// New IAP to be notified is different from last
if ( aValidatedIap != aLastNotifiedIap )
if( aCurrentIap == aValidatedIap)
MPMLOGSTRING( "CMPMServerSession::CheckNotifNeed: current IAP is same preferred IAP, no need to send notification" )
retValue = EFalse;
MPMLOGSTRING( "CMPMServerSession::CheckNotifNeed: notif needed" )
retValue = ETrue;
MPMLOGSTRING( "CMPMServerSession::CheckNotifNeed: Last notified IAP is same as preferred IAP, no need to send notification" )
return retValue;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMPMServerSession::UnavailableIAPsL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CMPMServerSession::UnavailableIAPsL(
const RAvailableIAPList aAvailableIAPs,
RAvailableIAPList& aUnavailableIAPs )
TInt err( KErrNone );
CCommsDatabase* commsDatabase = CCommsDatabase::NewL();
// Make hidden records visible
// Iterate the IAP table from CommsDat
CCommsDbTableView* table = NULL;
table = commsDatabase->OpenTableLC( TPtrC( IAP ) );
err = table->GotoFirstRecord();
while ( !err )
TUint32 iapId( 0 );
// Read IAP's ID
table->ReadUintL( TPtrC( COMMDB_ID ), iapId );
if ( aAvailableIAPs.Find( iapId ) == KErrNotFound )
aUnavailableIAPs.AppendL( iapId );
err = table->GotoNextRecord();
// Release memory
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( table );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( commsDatabase );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMPMServerSession::RemoveUnavailableIap
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CMPMServerSession::RemoveUnavailableIap( TConnMonIapInfo& aIapInfo,
const TUint32 aIapId )
TConnMonIapInfo iapInfo = aIapInfo;
TBool found( EFalse );
for ( TUint i( 0 );( ( i < iapInfo.Count() ) && !found ); i++ )
if ( iapInfo.iIap[i].iIapId == aIapId )
found = ETrue;
MPMLOGSTRING2( "CMPMServerSession::RemoveUnavailableIap - IAP: %d",
iapInfo.iIap[i].iIapId )
// Since iapInfo.Remove( i ) is not supported
TUint k( 0 );
for ( k = i; ( ( k + 1 ) < iapInfo.Count() ); k++ )
iapInfo.iIap[k] = iapInfo.iIap[k+1];
iapInfo.iIap[k].iIapId = 0;
aIapInfo = iapInfo;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMPMServerSession::IsBackgroundApplication
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TBool CMPMServerSession::IsBackgroundApplication( TUint32 aUid ) const
if( aUid == KUidSimApplicationToolkit ||
aUid == KUidDVBH ||
aUid == KUidAlwaysOnlineStarter)
return ETrue;
return EFalse;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMPMServerSession::ChooseIapComplete
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CMPMServerSession::ChooseIapComplete(
TInt aError,
const TMpmConnPref* aPolicyPref )
MPMLOGSTRING2( "CMPMServerSession::ChooseIapComplete aError = %d", aError )
// Show error popup if it's allowed per client request
if ( ChooseBestIapCalled() && (!( iIapSelection->MpmConnPref().NoteBehaviour() &
TExtendedConnPref::ENoteBehaviourConnDisableNotes ))
&& ( aError != KErrNone ) )
CConnectionUiUtilities* connUiUtils = NULL;
TRAPD( error, connUiUtils = CConnectionUiUtilities::NewL() );
if ( error == KErrNone && connUiUtils )
// Note: Below function shows the discreet popup only if the error code
// belongs to the set of errors that are shown to the user.
// Otherwise the popup is not shown.
connUiUtils->ConnectionErrorDiscreetPopup( aError );
delete connUiUtils;
connUiUtils = NULL;
// Try to write back arguments and complete message.
if ( !iChooseIapMessage.IsNull() )
if ( aError == KErrNone && aPolicyPref )
MPMLOGSTRING4( "CMPMServerSession::ChooseIapComplete \
IAP Id = %d, SNAP Id = %d, Net Id = %d",
aPolicyPref->NetId() )
TPolicyConnPref pref;
pref.SetIapId( aPolicyPref->IapId() );
pref.SetNetId( aPolicyPref->NetId() );
TInt serviceid(0);
// Resolve the original serviceid for the application.
TRAPD( err, serviceid = GetServiceIdSettingL() )
if ( err != KErrNone )
MPMLOGSTRING2( "CMPMServerSession::ChooseIapComplete GetServiceIdSettingL Leaved %d", err )
pref.SetServiceId( 0 );
pref.SetServiceId( serviceid );
MPMLOGSTRING4( "CMPMServerSession::ChooseIapComplete writing policy pref \
iap %d net id %d service id %d", pref.IapId(), pref.NetId(), pref.ServiceId() )
switch ( iChooseIapMessage.Function() )
case EMPMServerChooseIap:
TRAP( aError, iChooseIapMessage.WriteL( KFourthArgument, pref ) )
case EMPMServerReselectIap:
TRAP( aError, iChooseIapMessage.WriteL( KSecondArgument, pref ) )
MPMLOGSTRING2( "CMPMServerSession::ChooseIapComplete - Error \
Inconsistent state %d", KErrGeneral )
aError = KErrGeneral;
MPMLOGSTRING( "CMPMServerSession::ChooseIapComplete Message completed" )
iChooseIapMessage.Complete( aError );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMPMServerSession::ProcessErrorComplete
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CMPMServerSession::ProcessErrorComplete( TInt aError,
TInt* aErrorReturned,
TBMNeededAction* aNeededAction )
MPMLOGSTRING2( "CMPMServerSession::ProcessErrorComplete aError = %d", aError )
delete iDisconnectDlg;
iDisconnectDlg = NULL;
if ( !iProcessErrorMessage.IsNull() )
// Try to write back arguments and complete message.
// Traps are not necesary here. If WriteL functions leave the
// message is still completed in ServiceError
if( aErrorReturned )
MPMLOGSTRING2( "CMPMServerSession::ProcessErrorComplete returned error = %d",
*aErrorReturned )
TPtrC8 d( reinterpret_cast< TUint8* >( aErrorReturned ),
sizeof( aErrorReturned ) );
TRAP_IGNORE( iProcessErrorMessage.WriteL( KFirstArgument, d ) )
if( aNeededAction )
MPMLOGSTRING2( "CMPMServerSession::ProcessErrorComplete needed action = %d",
*aNeededAction )
TPtrC8 c( reinterpret_cast< TUint8* >( aNeededAction ),
sizeof( aNeededAction ) );
TRAP_IGNORE( iProcessErrorMessage.WriteL( KThirdArgument, c ) )
MPMLOGSTRING( "CMPMServerSession::ProcessErrorComplete completing message" )
iProcessErrorMessage.Complete( aError );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMPMServerSession::DisconnectDlgErrorCode
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TBool CMPMServerSession::DisconnectDlgErrorCode( TInt aError ) const
if ( aError == KErrGprsInsufficientResources || // -4154
aError == KErrPacketDataTsyMaxPdpContextsReached || // -6000
aError == KErrUmtsMaxNumOfContextExceededByNetwork || // -4179
aError == KErrUmtsMaxNumOfContextExceededByPhone ) // -4178
MPMLOGSTRING2( "CMPMServerSession::DisconnectDlgErrorCode - \
Error %d, is disconnect dlg error code", aError )
return ETrue;
MPMLOGSTRING2( "CMPMServerSession::DisconnectDlgErrorCode - \
Error %d, is not disconnect dlg error code", aError )
return EFalse;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMPMServerSession::GetPresumedIap
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TUint32 CMPMServerSession::GetPresumedIap()
TUint32 presumedIap( 0 ), realIap = iMyServer.GetBMIap( iConnId );
if( realIap != 0 )
presumedIap = iMyServer.Events()->PresumedIapId( iConnId, realIap );
MPMLOGSTRING3( "CMPMServerSession::GetPresumedIap - \
Real IAP %d, presumed Iap %d", realIap, presumedIap )
return presumedIap;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMPMServerSession::MigrateDoneL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CMPMServerSession::MigrateDoneL( TInt aError )
MPMLOGSTRING3( "CMPMServerSession<0x%x>::MigrateCompleteL: error %d",
aError )
if( aError == KErrNone )
// Send a notification to BearerMan
// to start the Iap
TRAP_IGNORE( StartIAPNotificationL( iMigrateIap ) )
iMigrateState = EMigrateNone;
iMigrateIap = 0;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMPMServerSession::UseUserConnPref
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TBool CMPMServerSession::UseUserConnPref()
if ((iAppUid != iMyServer.CsIdWatcher()->ConnectScreenId()) &&
MPMLOGSTRING( "CMPMServerSession::UseUserConnPref - User connection active" );
// Check whether default connection will be used
if ( iIapSelection->MpmConnPref().ConnType() == TMpmConnPref::EConnTypeDefault )
return ETrue;
else if ( ( iIapSelection->MpmConnPref().ConnType() ==
TMpmConnPref::EConnTypeImplicit ) &&
PrefsAllowWlan() )
MPMLOGSTRING( "CMPMServerSession::UseUserConnPref -\
Prompt from the user" );
// Prompt from the user -> use user connection
return ETrue;
MPMLOGSTRING( "CMPMServerSession::UseUserConnPref -\
Application preferencies" );
TBool isInternetSnap = EFalse;
TInt error = KErrNone;
// Check whether iap belongs to internet snap
TRAP( error, isInternetSnap =
iIapSelection->MpmConnPref().SnapId() ) );
if ( ( error == KErrNone ) && ( isInternetSnap ) && PrefsAllowWlan() )
// Iap belongs to internet snap -> use user connection
return ETrue;
return EFalse;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMPMServerSession::IsWlanOnlyL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TBool CMPMServerSession::IsWlanOnlyL( TBool& aNewWlansAllowed )
TCmGenConnSettings genConnSettings;
MPMLOGSTRING( "CMPMServerSession::IsWlanOnlyL")
// Read global cellular data usage values from CommsDat's DefConn table
genConnSettings = iMyServer.CommsDatAccess()->ReadGenConnSettingsL();
// Find out if new wlans can be prompted
if ( genConnSettings.iUsageOfWlan == ECmUsageOfWlanKnownAndNew )
aNewWlansAllowed = ETrue;
MPMLOGSTRING( "CMPMServerSession::IsWlanOnlyL: aNewWlansAllowed: True" )
aNewWlansAllowed = EFalse;
MPMLOGSTRING( "CMPMServerSession::IsWlanOnlyL: aNewWlansAllowed: False" )
// Find out is only WLAN connection is allowed in current network
TUint32 currentCellularDataUsage( genConnSettings.iCellularDataUsageHome );
if ( iMyServer.IsVisitorNetwork() )
currentCellularDataUsage = genConnSettings.iCellularDataUsageVisitor;
if ( currentCellularDataUsage == ECmCellularDataUsageDisabled )
MPMLOGSTRING( "CMPMServerSession::IsWlanOnlyL: True" )
return ETrue;
MPMLOGSTRING( "CMPMServerSession::IsWlanOnlyL: False" )
return EFalse;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMPMServerSession::ForcedRoaming()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TBool CMPMServerSession::ForcedRoaming()
TBool forcedRoaming( EFalse );
if ( iIapSelection != NULL )
forcedRoaming = iIapSelection->MpmConnPref().ForcedRoaming();
return forcedRoaming;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMPMServerSession::RemoveIapsAccordingToBearerSetL()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CMPMServerSession::RemoveIapsAccordingToBearerSetL( TConnMonIapInfo& aIapInfo )
if (!iIapSelection)
// Iap selection hasn't done for this session -> just return
MPMLOGSTRING2( "CMPMServerSession::RemoveIapsAccordingToBearerSetL:\
bearerset=%d", iIapSelection->MpmConnPref().BearerSet() )
// Drop iaps not according to bearer set
if ( iIapSelection->MpmConnPref().BearerSet() !=
TExtendedConnPref::EExtendedConnBearerUnknown )
TInt index = 0;
// First filter away physical IAPs (WLAN, packet data...)
while ( index != aIapInfo.iCount )
// Get bearer type
TMPMBearerType bearerType = EMPMBearerTypeOther;
bearerType =
iMyServer.CommsDatAccess()->GetBearerTypeL ( aIapInfo.iIap[index].iIapId );
if ( (( bearerType == EMPMBearerTypePacketData ) &&
( iIapSelection->MpmConnPref().BearerSet() &
TExtendedConnPref::EExtendedConnBearerCellular )) )
// Don't remove this iap
else if ( (( bearerType == EMPMBearerTypeWlan ) &&
( iIapSelection->MpmConnPref().BearerSet() &
TExtendedConnPref::EExtendedConnBearerWLAN )) )
// Don't remove this iap
else if ( bearerType == EMPMBearerTypeVpn )
// Don't remove this VPN IAP on this round.
// VPN IAPs are filtered after this.
MPMLOGSTRING2( "CMPMServerSession::RemoveIapsAccordingToBearerSetL:\
Filtered IAP ID:%d", aIapInfo.iIap[index].iIapId );
// Remove this iap from the list
for ( TInt index2 = index; index2 < aIapInfo.iCount; index2++ )
aIapInfo.iIap[index2].iIapId = aIapInfo.iIap[index2 + 1].iIapId;
// Next filter away the VPN IAPs from the remaining IAPs.
// VPN IAP should survive this filter only if it has at least
// one unfiltered physical IAP still available. If it does not
// then it cannot be used to establish connection and should
// be filtered.
index = 0;
RAvailableIAPList availableIaps;
for ( TUint i = 0; i < aIapInfo.iCount; i++ )
availableIaps.AppendL( aIapInfo.iIap[i].iIapId );
MPMLOGSTRING2( "CMPMServerSession::RemoveIapsAccordingToBearerSetL:\
Starting VPN IAP filtering (iap count: %d)", aIapInfo.iCount );
while ( index != aIapInfo.iCount )
// Get bearer type
TMPMBearerType bearerType = EMPMBearerTypeOther;
TUint32 realIapId( 0 );
bearerType =
iMyServer.CommsDatAccess()->GetBearerTypeL ( aIapInfo.iIap[index].iIapId );
if ( bearerType == EMPMBearerTypeVpn )
iMyServer.CommsDatAccess()->FindRealIapL( aIapInfo.iIap[index].iIapId,
MPMLOGSTRING3( "CMPMServerSession::RemoveIapsAccordingToBearerSetL:\
VPN IAP id: %d, real IAP id: %d", aIapInfo.iIap[index].iIapId, realIapId );
if ( realIapId != 0 )
// Actual physical IAP was found for this VPN IAP. Do not filter.
MPMLOGSTRING2( "CMPMServerSession::RemoveIapsAccordingToBearerSetL:\
Filtered away VPN IAP: %d", aIapInfo.iIap[index].iIapId );
// Remove this iap from the list
for ( TInt index2 = index; index2 < aIapInfo.iCount; index2++ )
aIapInfo.iIap[index2].iIapId = aIapInfo.iIap[index2 + 1].iIapId;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMPMServerSession::GetAvailableIAPs()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TConnMonIapInfo CMPMServerSession::GetAvailableIAPs()
TConnMonIapInfo availableIAPs;
availableIAPs = MyServer().Events()->GetAvailableIAPs();
#ifndef __WINSCW__
// Remove iaps not according to bearer set
TRAP_IGNORE ( RemoveIapsAccordingToBearerSetL ( availableIAPs ) );
return availableIAPs;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMPMServerSession::IsBearerAccepted()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TBool CMPMServerSession::IsBearerAccepted( TMPMBearerType aBearerType )
TBool returnValue = EFalse;
if ( !iIapSelection ||
( iIapSelection->MpmConnPref().BearerSet() ==
TExtendedConnPref::EExtendedConnBearerUnknown ) )
// Iap selection hasn't been done for this session or all bearers
// are accepted -> just return true
returnValue = ETrue;
switch ( aBearerType )
case EMPMBearerTypeWlan:
if ( iIapSelection->MpmConnPref().BearerSet() &
TExtendedConnPref::EExtendedConnBearerWLAN )
returnValue = ETrue;
case EMPMBearerTypePacketData:
if ( iIapSelection->MpmConnPref().BearerSet() &
TExtendedConnPref::EExtendedConnBearerCellular )
returnValue = ETrue;
return returnValue;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMPMServerSession::IsMMSIap()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TBool CMPMServerSession::IsMMSIap( TUint32 aIap )
// Check if IAP is reported by MMS
TBool isMMSIap = EFalse;
if( aIap != 0 )
// get property if it's defined
TInt err( KErrNone );
TInt mmsIap( 0 );
err = RProperty::Get( KMPMCathegory, KMPMPropertyKeyMMS, mmsIap);
// If successful compare IAPs
if( err == KErrNone )
if( aIap == mmsIap )
isMMSIap = ETrue;
MPMLOGSTRING2( "CMPMServerSession::IsMmsIap: Returning bool value: %d",
isMMSIap )
return isMMSIap;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMPMServerSession::PrefsAllowWlan
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TBool CMPMServerSession::PrefsAllowWlan()
// WLAN connection can be used if application has not specified any bearerset
// or when bearerset has WLAN enabled.
if ( ( iIapSelection->MpmConnPref().BearerSet() ==
TExtendedConnPref::EExtendedConnBearerUnknown )
( iIapSelection->MpmConnPref().BearerSet() &
TExtendedConnPref::EExtendedConnBearerWLAN ) )
return ETrue;
return EFalse;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// TNetIap::TNetIap
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
: iSnap( 0 ),
iEmbeddedSnap( 0 ),
iIapId( 0 ),
iRanking( 0 ),
iGlobalPriority( 0 )
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// TNetIap::CompareRanking
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt TNetIap::CompareRanking( const TNetIap& aFirst,
const TNetIap& aSecond )
if ( aFirst.iRanking < aSecond.iRanking )
return KSmaller;
else if ( aFirst.iRanking > aSecond.iRanking )
return KBigger;
return KEqual;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// TNetIap::CompareGlobalAndLocalPriority
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt TNetIap::CompareGlobalAndLocalPriority( const TNetIap& aFirst,
const TNetIap& aSecond )
if ( aFirst.iGlobalPriority < aSecond.iGlobalPriority )
return KSmaller;
else if ( aFirst.iGlobalPriority > aSecond.iGlobalPriority )
return KBigger;
// If global priorities are equal,
// order based on ranking
return TNetIap::CompareRanking( aFirst, aSecond );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// TStoredIapInfo::TStoredIapInfo
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
: iHoldPrefIapNotif( EFalse ),
iIapInfoWaiting( EFalse ),
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// TStoredIapInfo::HoldPrefIapNotif
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TBool TStoredIapInfo::HoldPrefIapNotif() const
MPMLOGSTRING2( "TStoredIapInfo::HoldPrefIapNotif value %d", iHoldPrefIapNotif )
return iHoldPrefIapNotif;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// TStoredIapInfo::SetHoldPrefIapNotif
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void TStoredIapInfo::SetHoldPrefIapNotif()
MPMLOGSTRING( "TStoredIapInfo::SetHoldPrefIapNotif" )
iHoldPrefIapNotif = ETrue;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// TStoredIapInfo::HandleIapInfoWaiting
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TBool TStoredIapInfo::HandleIapInfoWaiting( TConnMonIapInfo& aStoredIapInfo )
if( iIapInfoWaiting )
iHoldPrefIapNotif = EFalse;
aStoredIapInfo = iStoredIapInfo;
MPMLOGSTRING2( "TStoredIapInfo::HandleIapInfoWaiting value %d", iIapInfoWaiting )
return iIapInfoWaiting;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// TStoredIapInfo::SetStoredIapInfo
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void TStoredIapInfo::SetStoredIapInfo( const TConnMonIapInfo& aStoredIapInfo )
MPMLOGSTRING( "TStoredIapInfo::SetStoredIapInfo" )
iIapInfoWaiting = ETrue;
iStoredIapInfo = aStoredIapInfo;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// TStoredIapInfo::ResetStoredIapInfo
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void TStoredIapInfo::ResetStoredIapInfo()
MPMLOGSTRING( "TStoredIapInfo::ResetStoredIapInfo" )
iHoldPrefIapNotif = EFalse;
iIapInfoWaiting = EFalse;
// End of File