Got rid of some trivial warnings (nested comments and tokens after #endif).
* Copyright (c) 2002 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: Declaration of enums and const for DbCreator
// Possible input files
enum TDbCreatorInputFile
EFileUnknown = 0x00000000, // Unrecognized
EFileXML = 0x00000001 // XML file
// Possible character sets of input file
enum TDbCreatorInputCharSet
ECharSetAscii = 0x00000000, // ASCII
ECharSetUnicode = 0x00000001, // Unicode
ECharSetUtf8 = 0x00000002, // UTF-8
ECharSetUnknown = 0x00000003 // Unknown
// Feaures DbCreator can recognize (from XML input)
enum TDbCreatorFeatures
EFeatureNone = 0x00000000, // No feature found
EFeaturePacketData = 0x00000001, // GPRS access point
EFeatureWLAN = 0x00000002, // WLAN access point
EFeatureLAN = 0x00000003, // LAN access point
EFeatureCSD = 0x00000004, // CSD access point
EFeatureHSCSD = 0x00000005, // HSCSD access point
EFeatureVPN = 0x00000006, // VPN access point
EFeatureDN = 0x00000007, // Destination Network
EFeatureGlobal = 0x00000008 // Global settings
// Global settings
enum TDbCreatorGlobalSettings
EGPRSAttachMode = 0x00000000,
EDefaultDnIcon = 0x00000001,
EPriorityLan = 0x00000002,
EPriorityWlan = 0x00000003,
EPriorityPan = 0x00000004,
EPriorityGprsIn = 0x00000005,
EPriorityGprsOut = 0x00000006,
EPriorityCdma2k = 0x00000007,
EPriorityDialOut = 0x00000009,
EPriorityDialIn = 0x0000000a,
EPriorityVpn = 0x0000000b,
EPriorityMip = 0x0000000c,
EUIPriorityLan = 0x0000000d,
EUIPriorityWlan = 0x0000000e,
EUIPriorityPan = 0x0000000f,
EUIPriorityGprsIn = 0x00000010,
EUIPriorityGprsOut = 0x00000011,
EUIPriorityCdma2k = 0x00000012,
EUIPriorityDialOut = 0x00000013,
EUIPriorityDialIn = 0x00000014,
EUIPriorityVpn = 0x00000015,
EUIPriorityMip = 0x00000016,
EDefaultConnectionType= 0x00000017,
EDefaultConnectionName= 0x00000018,
EGprsLastSocketActivityTimeout = 0x00000019,
EGprsLastSessionClosedTimeout = 0x0000001a,
EGprsLastSocketClosedTimeout = 0x0000001b,
ECsdLastSocketActivityTimeout = 0x0000001c,
ECsdLastSessionClosedTimeout = 0x0000001d,
ECsdLastSocketClosedTimeout = 0x0000001e,
EWlanLastSocketActivityTimeout = 0x0000001f,
EWlanLastSessionClosedTimeout = 0x00000020,
EWlanLastSocketClosedTimeout = 0x00000021,
EWlanBGScanInterval = 0x00000022,
EWlanUseDefSettings = 0x00000023,
EWlanLongRetry = 0x00000024,
EWlanShortRetry = 0x00000025,
EWlanRTS = 0x00000026,
EWlanTxPowerLevel = 0x00000027,
EWlanRadioMeasurements = 0x00000028,
EWlanPowerMode = 0x00000029,
EDefaultAP = 0x0000002a,
EUsageOfWlan = 0x0000002b,
ECellularDataUsageHome = 0x0000002c,
ECellularDataUsageVisitor = 0x0000002d,
EUnused = 0x00010000
// Destination Network parameters
enum TDbCreatorDNParams
EDN_Name = 0x00000000,
EDN_Icon = 0x00000001,
EDN_Metadata = 0x00000002,
EDN_Protection = 0x00000003,
EDN_Hidden = 0x00000004,
EDN_HiddenAgent = 0x00000005,
EDN_Highlighted = 0x00000006,
EDN_IAPName = 0x00000007,
EDN_EmbeddedDNName = 0x00000008,
EDN_Id = 0x00000009
// VPN parameters
enum TDbCreatorVpnParams
EVPN_IapName = 0x00000000
//WLAN Security settings
enum TDbCreatorSecurityMode
ESecurityModeOpen = 0x00000001, // open mode
ESecurityModeWEP = 0x00000002, // WEP security mode
ESecurityMode802 = 0x00000004, // 802.1X security mode
ESecurityModeWPA = 0x00000008, // Wpa security mode
ESecurityModeWPA2 = 0x00000010 // Wpa2 only security mode
//WEP related field ids
enum TDbCreatorWEPFields
EWEPKeyInUse = 0x00001000, // Key in use
EWEPAuthType = 0x00001001, // Authentication type
EWEPKey1Length = 0x00001002, // Key 1 length
EWEPKey1Format = 0x00001003, // Key 1 format
EWEPKey1Data = 0x00001004, // Key 1 data
EWEPKey2Length = 0x00001005, // Key 2 length
EWEPKey2Format = 0x00001006, // Key 2 format
EWEPKey2Data = 0x00001007, // Key 2 data
EWEPKey3Length = 0x00001008, // Key 3 length
EWEPKey3Format = 0x00001009, // Key 3 format
EWEPKey3Data = 0x0000100a, // Key 3 data
EWEPKey4Length = 0x0000100b, // Key 4 length
EWEPKey4Format = 0x0000100c, // Key 4 format
EWEPKey4Data = 0x0000100d, // Key 4 data
//number of WEP fields
const TInt KWEPKeyNumOfFields = 14;
//WPA related field ids
enum TDbCreatorWPAFields
EWPAPresharedKey = 0x00002000, // Preshared key
EWPAKeyLength = 0x00002001, // Key length
EWPAListOfEAPs = 0x00002002, // List of EA plugins
EWPAUseOfPresharedKey =0x00002003,// Use of preshared key
//number of WPA fields
const TInt KWPAKeyNumOfFields = 4;
// Enumeration of the possible keys in use
enum TWEPKeyInUse
EKeyNumber1, // Key number 1
EKeyNumber2, // Key number 2
EKeyNumber3, // Key number 3
EKeyNumber4 // Key number 4
// Enumeration of the possible authentication types
enum TWEPAuthentication
EAuthOpen, // Open authentication
EAuthShared // Shared authentication
// Possible lengths of the keys
enum TWEPKeyLength
E40Bits, // 40 bits
E104Bits, // 104 bits
E232Bits // 232 bits
// Possible formats of the keys
enum TWEPKeyFormat
EAscii, // Ascii format
EHexadecimal // Hex format
// Empty key
LOCAL_D const TUint KKeyDataLengthEmpty = 0;
// Number of characters for a 40 bits key
LOCAL_D const TUint KKeyDataLength40Bits = 10;
// Number of characters for a 104 bits key
LOCAL_D const TUint KKeyDataLength104Bits = 26;
// Number of characters for a 232 bits key
LOCAL_D const TUint KKeyDataLength232Bits = 58;
// The maximum length of key data
LOCAL_D const TUint KMaxLengthOfKeyData = KKeyDataLength232Bits;
// Number of keys
LOCAL_D const TUint KMaxNumberofKeys = 4;
//EAP related field ids
enum TDbCreatorEAPFields
EEapParameterFirst = 0x0002fff,
EEapGtcUsername = 0x00003000,
EEapGtcSessionValidityTime = 0x00003001,
EEapGtcEncapsulation = 0x00003002,
EEapTlsUsername = 0x00003053,
EEapTlsRealm = 0x00003003,
EEapTlsVerifyServerRealm = 0x00003004,
EEapTlsRequireClientAuth = 0x00003005,
EEapTlsSessionValidityTime = 0x00003006,
EEapTlsCipherSuites = 0x00003007,
EEapTlsUserCertSubjectKeyId = 0x00003008,
EEapTlsUserCertIssuerName = 0x00003009,
EEapTlsUserCertSerialNumber = 0x0000300a,
EEapTlsCaCertSubjectKeyId = 0x0000300b,
EEapTlsCaCertIssuerName = 0x0000300c,
EEapTlsCaCertSerialNumber = 0x0000300d,
EEapTlsEncapsulation = 0x0000300e,
EEapLeapUsername = 0x0000300f,
EEapLeapPassword = 0x00003010,
EEapLeapSessionValidityTime = 0x00003011,
EEapSimUsername = 0x00003012,
EEapSimRealm = 0x00003013,
EEapSimUsePseudonyms = 0x00003014,
EEapSimSessionValidityTime = 0x00003015,
EEapSimEncapsulation = 0x00003016,
EEapTtlsUsername = 0x00003017,
EEapTtlsRealm = 0x00003018,
EEapTtlsVerifyServerRealm = 0x00003019,
EEapTtlsRequireClientAuth = 0x0000301a,
EEapTtlsSessionValidityTime = 0x0000301b,
EEapTtlsCipherSuites = 0x0000301c,
EEapTtlsEncapsulatedTypes = 0x0000301d,
EEapTtlsUserCertSubjectKeyId = 0x0000301e,
EEapTtlsUserCertIssuerName = 0x0000301f,
EEapTtlsUserCertSerialNumber = 0x00003020,
EEapTtlsCaCertSubjectKeyId = 0x00003021,
EEapTtlsCaCertIssuerName = 0x00003022,
EEapTtlsCaCertSerialNumber = 0x00003023,
EEapAkaUsername = 0x00003024,
EEapAkaRealm = 0x00003025,
EEapAkaUsePseudonyms = 0x00003026,
EEapAkaSessionValidityTime = 0x00003027,
EEapAkaEncapsulation = 0x00003028,
EEapPeapUsername = 0x00003029,
EEapPeapRealm = 0x0000302a,
EEapPeapVerifyServerRealm = 0x0000302b,
EEapPeapRequireClientAuth = 0x0000302c,
EEapPeapSessionValidityTime = 0x0000302d,
EEapPeapCipherSuites = 0x0000302e,
EEapPeapV0Allowed = 0x0000302f,
EEapPeapV1Allowed = 0x00003030,
EEapPeapV2Allowed = 0x00003031,
EEapPeapEncapsulatedTypes = 0x00003032,
EEapPeapUserCertSubjectKeyId = 0x00003033,
EEapPeapUserCertIssuerName = 0x00003034,
EEapPeapUserCertSerialNumber = 0x00003035,
EEapPeapCaCertSubjectKeyId = 0x00003036,
EEapPeapCaCertIssuerName = 0x00003037,
EEapPeapCaCertSerialNumber = 0x00003038,
EEapMschapv2Username = 0x00003039,
EEapMschapv2Password = 0x0000303a,
EEapMschapv2SessionValidityTime = 0x0000303b,
EEapMschapv2Encapsulation = 0x0000303c,
EEapFastUsername = 0x0000303d,
EEapFastRealm = 0x0000303e,
EEapFastVerifyServerRealm = 0x0000303f,
EEapFastRequireClientAuth = 0x00003040,
EEapFastSessionValidityTime = 0x00003041,
EEapFastCipherSuites = 0x00003042,
EEapFastEncapsulatedTypes = 0x00003043,
EEapFastAuthProvModeAllowed = 0x00003044,
EEapFastUnauthProvModeAllowed = 0x00003045,
EEapFastWarnADHPNoPAC = 0x00003046,
EEapFastWarnADHPNoMatchingPAC = 0x00003047,
EEapFastWarnNotDefaultServer = 0x00003048,
EEapFastUserCertSubjectKeyId = 0x00003049,
EEapFastUserCertIssuerName = 0x0000304a,
EEapFastUserCertSerialNumber = 0x0000304b,
EEapFastCaCertSubjectKeyId = 0x0000304c,
EEapFastCaCertIssuerName = 0x0000304d,
EEapFastCaCertSerialNumber = 0x0000304e,
EMschapv2Username = 0x0000304f,
EMschapv2Password = 0x00003050,
EMschapv2SessionValidityTime = 0x00003051,
EMschapv2Encapsulation = 0x00003052,
EEapParameterLast = 0x0003100
// exceptional field ids that are missing from access point item definition
const TInt KFieldIgnored = -1; // Ignored field
const TInt KFieldApplicationName = -2; // Application name.
// maximum length of default GPRS name
const TInt KMaxLengthOfApName = 50;
// String constants for general connection method parameters
_LIT16( KStrYes, "Yes" );
_LIT16( KStrNo, "No" );
_LIT16( KStrOn, "On" );
_LIT16( KStrOff, "Off" );
_LIT16( KStrEmpty, "" );
// Metadata
_LIT16( KStrMMS, "MMS" );
_LIT16( KStrNotMMS, "NotMMS" );
// Seamlessness
_LIT16( KStrNotRoamedTo, "NotRoamedTo" );
_LIT16( KStrConfirmFirst, "ConfirmFirst" );
_LIT16( KStrShowProgress, "ShowProgress" );
_LIT16( KStrFullySeamless, "FullySeamless" );
// Default connection type
_LIT16( KStrAlwaysAsk, "Always ask" );
_LIT16( KStrAskOnce, "Ask once" );
_LIT16( KStrDestination, "Destination" );
_LIT16( KStrConnectionMethod,"Connection method" );
// General connection settings: Wlan usage: Known / Manual
_LIT16( KStrKnown, "Known" );
_LIT16( KStrManual, "Manual" );
// General connection settings: Seamlessness: Automatic / Confirm / Wlan only
_LIT16( KStrAutomatic, "Automatic" );
_LIT16( KStrConfirm, "Confirm" );
_LIT16( KStrWlanOnly, "Wlan only" );
// Packet Data Settings
enum TDbCreatorPacketDataSettings
EPacketDataLinger = 0x29041982
#endif //CDCCOMMON_H