author hgs
Thu, 27 May 2010 11:12:59 +0300
changeset 33 d15c703eefa3
parent 32 5c4486441ae6
child 40 c5b848e6c7d1
permissions -rw-r--r--

* Copyright (c) 2004-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: MPM server implementation

@file mpmserver.cpp
Mobility Policy Manager server implementation.

#include <commdb.h>
#include <etel3rdparty.h>                // Voice call notification
#include <mmtsy_names.h>                 // KMmTsyModuleName
#include <centralrepository.h>
#include <es_sock_partner.h>
#include <CoreApplicationUIsSDKCRKeys.h>

#include "mpmserver.h"
#include "mpmserversession.h"
#include "mpmconnmonevents.h"
#include "mpmlogger.h"
#include "mpmdtmwatcher.h"
#include "mpmroamingwatcher.h"
#include "mpmdisconnectdlg.h"
#include "mpmconfirmdlgroaming.h"
#include "mpmconfirmdlgstarting.h"
#include "mpmcommsdataccess.h"
#include "mpmprivatecrkeys.h"
#include "mpmcsidwatcher.h"
#include "mpmdatausagewatcher.h"
#include "mpmpropertydef.h"
#include "mpmofflinewatcher.h"

// ============================= LOCAL FUNCTIONS ===============================

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// PanicServer 
// Panics the server in case of programming error.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void PanicServer( TInt aPanic )
    User::Panic( KMPMPanicCategory, aPanic );

// ============================ MEMBER FUNCTIONS ===============================

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMPMServer::NewL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
CMPMServer* CMPMServer::NewL()
    CMPMServer* self = new ( ELeave ) CMPMServer();
    CleanupStack::PushL( self );
    CleanupStack::Pop( self );
    return self;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMPMServer::CMPMServer
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    : CPolicyServer( CPolicyServer::EPriorityStandard, KMPMPolicy ),
      iEvents( NULL ), 
      iTSYLoaded( EFalse ),
      iPacketServLoaded( EFalse ), 
      iDtmWatcher( NULL ), 
      iWLANScanRequired( EFalse ), 
      iDisconnectQueue( NULL ), 
      iRoamingQueue( NULL ), 
      iStartingQueue( NULL ),
      iConnectionCounter( 0 ),
      iOfflineMode( ECoreAppUIsNetworkConnectionAllowed )

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMPMServer::ConstructL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CMPMServer::ConstructL()
    // identify ourselves and open for service
    MPMLOGSTRING( "MPMServer is starting" )
    StartL( KMPMServerName );

    // Connect to ETel server
    // The RTelServer::Connect() might not always work with the first trial,
    // because of a coding error related to using semaphores in the method.
    TInt err( KErrNotReady );
    err = iTelServer.Connect();
    TInt a = 0;
    while( a < KPhoneRetryCount && err != KErrNone )
        User::After( KPhoneRetryTimeout );
        err = iTelServer.Connect();
    User::LeaveIfError( err );
    // Try to load phone.tsy
    TBuf< KCommsDbSvrMaxColumnNameLength > tsyName;
    tsyName.Copy( KMmTsyModuleName );
    err = iTelServer.LoadPhoneModule( tsyName );

    if ( err == KErrNone )
        iTSYLoaded = ETrue;
        // Phone info can be retrieved with value 0 if there is only 1 phone
        RTelServer::TPhoneInfo info;
        User::LeaveIfError( iTelServer.GetPhoneInfo( 0, info ) );
        User::LeaveIfError( iMobilePhone.Open( iTelServer, info.iName ) );

        // Open packet service
        err = iPacketService.Open( iMobilePhone );
        if ( err == KErrNone )
            iPacketServLoaded = ETrue;
            iDtmWatcher = CMPMDtmWatcher::NewL( iPacketService );
#ifdef _DEBUG
                "CMPMServer::ConstructL iPacketService.Open error: %d", err )  
#endif // _DEBUG
    iRoamingWatcher = CMPMRoamingWatcher::NewL(iMobilePhone);

    iCommsDatAccess = CMPMCommsDatAccess::NewL( );
    iDisconnectQueue = new ( ELeave ) CArrayPtrFlat<CMPMDisconnectDlg>( KGranularity );

    iRoamingQueue = new ( ELeave ) CArrayPtrFlat<CMPMConfirmDlgRoaming>( KGranularity );

    iStartingQueue = new ( ELeave ) CArrayPtrFlat<CMPMConfirmDlgStarting>( KGranularity ); 

    // Create central repository watcher and start it
    iMpmCsIdWatcher = CMpmCsIdWatcher::NewL();

    // Create another central repository watcher and start it
    TRAPD( duwErr, iMpmDataUsageWatcher = CMpmDataUsageWatcher::NewL( this ) );
    if (duwErr == KErrNone)
        iMpmDataUsageWatcher = NULL;
        MPMLOGSTRING( "CMPMServer::ConstructL: CMpmDataUsageWatcher::NewL() failed!" )

    // Create another central repository watcher and start it
    TRAPD( owErr, iMpmOfflineWatcher = CMpmOfflineWatcher::NewL( this ) );
    if (owErr == KErrNone)
        iMpmOfflineWatcher = NULL;
        MPMLOGSTRING( "CMPMServer::ConstructL: CMpmOfflineWatcher::NewL() failed!" )

    // Read dedicated clients from the central repository
    CRepository* repository = CRepository::NewL( KCRUidMPM );
    CleanupStack::PushL( repository );
    TUint32 baseKey = KMpmDedicatedClientBase;
    TInt value;
    TInt ret = KErrNone;
    while ( ret == KErrNone )
        ret = repository->Get ( baseKey, value );

        if ( ret == KErrNone )
            iDedicatedClients.AppendL( value );
            MPMLOGSTRING2( "CMPMServer::ConstructL: Dedicated client id: %d", value)

    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy ( repository );
    iConnUiUtils = CConnectionUiUtilities::NewL();

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMPMServer::~CMPMServer
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
	if ( iRoamingToWlanPeriodic )
		delete iRoamingToWlanPeriodic;
    if ( iDisconnectQueue )
    delete iDisconnectQueue;

    if ( iRoamingQueue )
    delete iRoamingQueue;

    if ( iStartingQueue )
    delete iStartingQueue;

    delete iEvents;

    for ( TInt i = 0; i < iBlackListIdList.Count(); i++ )


    delete iDtmWatcher;
    delete iRoamingWatcher;

    // Close "global" ETEL objects
    if ( iPacketServLoaded )

    delete iMpmCsIdWatcher;    
    delete iMpmDataUsageWatcher;    

    delete iMpmOfflineWatcher;    


    delete iCommsDatAccess;
    delete iConnUiUtils;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMPMServer::NewSessionL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
CSession2* CMPMServer::NewSessionL(
    const TVersion& aVersion,
    const RMessage2& /*aMessage*/) const
    MPMLOGSTRING( "CMPMServer::NewSessionL" )
    // Check we're the right version
    if ( !User::QueryVersionSupported(TVersion(KMPMServerMajorVersionNumber,
                                               KMPMServerBuildVersionNumber ),
                                     aVersion ) )
        User::Leave( KErrNotSupported );

    CSession2* session = CMPMServerSession::NewL( 
                             *const_cast<CMPMServer*>( this ));
    return session;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMPMServer::PanicClient
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CMPMServer::PanicClient(
    const TInt aPanic) const
    // let's have a look before we panic the client
    // ok, go for it
    RThread clientThread;

    TInt err = Message().Client( clientThread );

    if ( err == KErrNone )
        clientThread.Panic( KMPMServerName, aPanic );

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMPMServer::AppendBMConnection
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CMPMServer::AppendBMConnection( const TConnectionId aConnId, 
                                     const TUint32       aSnap,
                                     const TUint32       aIapId, 
                                     TConnectionState    aState,
                                     CMPMServerSession&  aSession )
        "CMPMServer::AppendBMConnection - aConnId = 0x%x, aSnap = %i",
        aConnId, aSnap )

    // Set the Connection Id, SNAP, Iap Id and connection state
    TConnectionInfo connInfo;
    connInfo.iConnId = aConnId;
    connInfo.iSnap   = aSnap;
    connInfo.iIapId  = aIapId;
    connInfo.iState  = aState;
    connInfo.iAppUid = aSession.AppUid();

    // Package into TActiveBMConn //TODO Redundant.. remove the other one.
    TActiveBMConn conn;
    conn.iConnInfo          = connInfo;

    TInt index1 = iActiveBMConns.Find( conn, TActiveBMConn::MatchConnInfo );

    if ( index1 == KErrNotFound )
        // If this connInfo is not yet there, insert it at the end of array
        iActiveBMConns.Append( conn );
        // connInfo already active, check whether Connection Id is there
        if ( index1 < iActiveBMConns.Count() )
            // Set the Iap Id and connection state
            iActiveBMConns[index1].iConnInfo.iIapId = aIapId;
            iActiveBMConns[index1].iConnInfo.iState = aState;
            iActiveBMConns[index1].iConnInfo.iAppUid = aSession.AppUid();

#ifdef _DEBUG
    // Dump array of active connections to log in order to support testing.
#endif // _DEBUG

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMPMServer::ResetBMConnection
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CMPMServer::ResetBMConnection( const TConnectionId aConnId,
                                    const TUint32       aIapId,
                                    CMPMServerSession&  /*aSession*/ )
        "CMPMServer::ResetBMConnection - aConnId = 0x%x, aIapId = %i", 
        aConnId, aIapId )

    // Get the current connection SNAP for this Connection Id
    TUint32 snap = GetBMSnap( aConnId );

    // Set the Connection Id and SNAP
    TConnectionInfo connInfo;
    connInfo.iConnId = aConnId;
    connInfo.iSnap   = snap;

    // Set the Iap Id 
    TActiveBMConn conn;
    conn.iConnInfo          = connInfo;
    conn.iConnInfo.iIapId   = aIapId;

    TInt index1 = iActiveBMConns.Find( conn, TActiveBMConn::MatchConnInfo );

    if ( ( index1 != KErrNotFound ) && ( index1 < iActiveBMConns.Count() ) )
//       && ( aIapId == iActiveBMConns[index1].iConnInfo.iIapId ) )
        // If connInfo found, reset the Iap Id as zero and 
        // update connection state as EIdle.
        // It is expected that MPM keeps the Connection Id and SNAP 
        // relationship in a database entry and that this entry survives 
        // a roaming event (an ApplicationLeavesConnection call).
        iActiveBMConns[index1].iConnInfo.iIapId = 0;
        iActiveBMConns[index1].iConnInfo.iState = EIdle;
#ifdef _DEBUG
    // Dump array of active connections to log in order to support testing.
#endif // _DEBUG

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMPMServer::RemoveBMConnection
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CMPMServer::RemoveBMConnection( const TConnectionId aConnId,
                                     CMPMServerSession&  /*aSession*/ )
    MPMLOGSTRING2( "CMPMServer::RemoveBMConnection - aConnId = 0x%x", 
        aConnId )

    TInt count = iActiveBMConns.Count();
    // Decrement by one, because count is n, 
    // but indexes in array are 0 .. n-1.

    // This time we are browsing the array from the end to the beginning, 
    // because removing one element from array affects index numbering.
    for ( TInt i = count; i >= 0; i-- )
        if ( iActiveBMConns[i].iConnInfo.iConnId == aConnId )
            // If Connection Id found, remove it. 
            iActiveBMConns.Remove( i );

#ifdef _DEBUG
    // Dump array of active connections to log in order to support testing.
#endif // _DEBUG

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMPMServer::GetBMIap
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TUint32 CMPMServer::GetBMIap( const TConnectionId aConnId )
    MPMLOGSTRING2( "CMPMServer::GetBMIap - aConnId = 0x%x", aConnId )

    TUint32 connectionIapId( 0 );

    // Set the Connection Id and SNAP
    TConnectionInfo connInfo;
    connInfo.iConnId = aConnId;

    TActiveBMConn conn;
    conn.iConnInfo = connInfo;

    TInt index1 = iActiveBMConns.Find( conn, TActiveBMConn::MatchConnInfo );

    if ( ( index1 != KErrNotFound ) && ( index1 < iActiveBMConns.Count() ) )
        // If connInfo found, set the Iap Id as connectionIapId
        connectionIapId = iActiveBMConns[index1].iConnInfo.iIapId;

    MPMLOGSTRING2( "CMPMServer::GetBMIap - connectionIapId = %i", 
        connectionIapId )
    return connectionIapId;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMPMServer::GetBMSnap
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TUint32 CMPMServer::GetBMSnap( const TConnectionId aConnId )
    MPMLOGSTRING2( "CMPMServer::GetBMSnap - aConnId = 0x%x", aConnId )

    TUint32 snap( 0 );
    TBool   snapFound( EFalse );

    for ( TInt i = 0; ( ( i < iActiveBMConns.Count() ) && !snapFound ); i++ )
        if ( iActiveBMConns[i].iConnInfo.iConnId == aConnId )
            snap = iActiveBMConns[i].iConnInfo.iSnap;
            snapFound = ETrue;
    MPMLOGSTRING2( "CMPMServer::GetBMSnap - SNAP = %i", snap )
    return snap;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMPMServer::GetConnectionState
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CMPMServer::GetConnectionState( const TConnectionId    aConnId,
                                     TConnectionState&      aState )
    MPMLOGSTRING2( "CMPMServer::GetConnectionState - aConnId = 0x%x", 
        aConnId )

    TConnectionInfo connInfo;
    connInfo.iConnId = aConnId; 

    TActiveBMConn conn;
    conn.iConnInfo = connInfo;

    TInt index1 = iActiveBMConns.Find( conn, TActiveBMConn::MatchConnInfo );

    if ( ( index1 != KErrNotFound ) && ( index1 < iActiveBMConns.Count() ) )
        // If connInfo found
        aState = iActiveBMConns[index1].iConnInfo.iState;
        // Since connInfo has no entry in iActiveBMConns, then 
        // the state of connection must be EStarting.
        aState = EStarting;

#ifdef _DEBUG
    switch( aState )
        case EStarting:
            MPMLOGSTRING( "CMPMServer::GetConnectionState - Starting" )
        case EStarted:
            MPMLOGSTRING( "CMPMServer::GetConnectionState - Started" )
        case EIdle:
            MPMLOGSTRING( "CMPMServer::GetConnectionState - Idle" )
        case ERoaming:
            MPMLOGSTRING( "CMPMServer::GetConnectionState - Roaming" )
            MPMLOGSTRING( "CMPMServer::GetConnectionState - Unknown" )
#endif // _DEBUG

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMPMServer::CheckIfStarted
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TBool CMPMServer::CheckIfStarted( const TUint32 aIapId , 
                                  const TConnectionId aConnId )
    MPMLOGSTRING3( "CMPMServer::CheckIfStarted - aIapId = %i, aConnId = 0x%x", 
                  aIapId, aConnId )

    TConnectionState state( EIdle );
    TBool stopLoop( EFalse );

    // Loop all connections until EStarted is found or no more connections
    for ( TInt i = 0; ( ( i < iActiveBMConns.Count() ) && !stopLoop ); i++ )
        // Check if IAP Id matches; exclude matching with own connection
        if ( iActiveBMConns[i].iConnInfo.iIapId == aIapId && 
             iActiveBMConns[i].iConnInfo.iConnId != aConnId)
            state = iActiveBMConns[i].iConnInfo.iState;  

            // Stop looping if EStarted found
            if ( state == EStarted )
                stopLoop = ETrue;

#ifdef _DEBUG
    switch( state )
        case EStarting:
            MPMLOGSTRING( "CMPMServer::CheckIfStarted - Starting" )
        case EStarted:
            MPMLOGSTRING( "CMPMServer::CheckIfStarted - Started" )
        case EIdle:
            MPMLOGSTRING( "CMPMServer::CheckIfStarted - Idle" )
        case ERoaming:
            MPMLOGSTRING( "CMPMServer::CheckIfStarted - Roaming" )
            MPMLOGSTRING( "CMPMServer::CheckIfStarted - Unknown" )
#endif // _DEBUG
    //Return true incase the matching connection is in EStarting state also because
    //sometimes when connections are started simultaneously (for same iapID) 
    //the first connection may still be in EStarting state. 
    if ( state == EStarted || state == EStarting )
        return ETrue;
        return EFalse;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMPMServer::IsWlanConnectionStartedL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TUint32 CMPMServer::IsWlanConnectionStartedL( const CMPMCommsDatAccess* aCdbAccess )
    TUint32 iapId( 0 );
    MPMLOGSTRING( "CMPMServer::IsWlanConnectionStartedL" )

    TBool stopLoop( EFalse );

    // Loop all connections until EStarted is found or no more connections
    for ( TInt i = 0; ( ( i < iActiveBMConns.Count() ) && !stopLoop ); i++ )
        // Check if IAP Id matches
        if ( iActiveBMConns[i].iConnInfo.iState == EStarting ||
             iActiveBMConns[i].iConnInfo.iState == EStarted )
            if ( aCdbAccess->CheckWlanL( iActiveBMConns[i].iConnInfo.iIapId ) != ENotWlanIap )
                stopLoop = ETrue;
                iapId = iActiveBMConns[i].iConnInfo.iIapId;
                MPMLOGSTRING2( "CMPMServer::IsWlanConnectionStartedL, found wlan iap %d", iapId )

    return iapId;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMPMServer::AppendBMIAPConnectionL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CMPMServer::AppendBMIAPConnectionL( const TUint32       aIapId, 
                                         const TConnectionId aConnId,
                                         CMPMServerSession& aSession )
        "CMPMServer::AppendBMIAPConnectionL - aIapId = %i, aConnId = 0x%x", 
        aIapId, aConnId )

    TActiveBMConn conn;
    conn.iConnInfo.iIapId = aIapId;
    conn.iConnInfo.iState = EStarted;
    conn.iConnInfo.iAppUid = aSession.AppUid();
    TInt index1 = iActiveBMConns.Find( conn, TActiveBMConn::MatchIapId );

    if ( index1 == KErrNotFound )
        // If this Iap is not yet there, insert it at the end of array
        iActiveBMConns.AppendL( conn );
        // Iap already active, update connection state as started. 
        // This Iap could be shared by multiple applications, but 
        // update only the one with matching connection id.
        for ( TInt i = 0; i < iActiveBMConns.Count(); i++ )
            if ( iActiveBMConns[i].iConnInfo.iConnId == aConnId )
                iActiveBMConns[i].iConnInfo.iState = EStarted;
            else if ( iActiveBMConns[i].iConnInfo.iSnap == 0 &&
                    iActiveBMConns[i].iConnInfo.iIapId == aIapId )
                iActiveBMConns[i].iConnInfo.iState = EStarted;

#ifdef _DEBUG
    // Dump array of active connections to log in order to support testing.
#endif // _DEBUG

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMPMServer::RemoveBMIAPConnection
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CMPMServer::RemoveBMIAPConnection( const TUint32       aIapId, 
                                        const TConnectionId aConnId,
                                        CMPMServerSession&  /*aSession*/ )
        "CMPMServer::RemoveBMIAPConnection - aIapId = %i, aConnId = 0x%x", 
        aIapId, aConnId )

    TActiveBMConn conn;
    conn.iConnInfo.iIapId = aIapId;

    // The IAP connection lifetime is determined by the two calls 
    // IAPConnectionStarted and IAPConnectionStopped. 
    TInt count = iActiveBMConns.Count();

    // Decrement by one, because count is n, 
    // but indexes in array are 0 .. n-1.

    // This time we are browsing the array from the end to the beginning, 
    // because removing one element from array affects index numbering.
    for ( TInt i = count; i >= 0; i-- )
        if ( iActiveBMConns[i].iConnInfo.iIapId == aIapId )
            if ( iActiveBMConns[i].iConnInfo.iSnap == 0 )
                // If IAPConnectionStopped has been called and SNAP is zero,
                // then this entry can be removed from database.
                iActiveBMConns.Remove( i );
                // If IAP found, reset the Iap Id as zero and 
                // update connection state as idle.
                // This Iap could be shared by multiple applications, 
                // but update only the one with matching connection id.
                if ( iActiveBMConns[i].iConnInfo.iConnId == aConnId )
                    iActiveBMConns[i].iConnInfo.iIapId = 0;
                    iActiveBMConns[i].iConnInfo.iState = EIdle;

#ifdef _DEBUG
    // Dump array of active connections to log in order to support testing.
#endif // _DEBUG

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMPMServer::AppendSessionL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CMPMServer::AppendSessionL( const CMPMServerSession* aSession )
    MPMLOGSTRING( "CMPMServer::AppendSession" )
    iSessions.AppendL( aSession );

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMPMServer::RemoveSession
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CMPMServer::RemoveSession( const CMPMServerSession* aSession )
    MPMLOGSTRING( "CMPMServer::RemoveSession" )

    TInt index = iSessions.Find( aSession );
    if ( index != KErrNotFound )
        iSessions.Remove( index );

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMPMServer::NotifyBMPrefIapL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CMPMServer::NotifyBMPrefIapL( const TConnMonIapInfo& aIapInfo, 
                                   const TPrefIAPNotifCaller aCaller )
    MPMLOGSTRING2( "CMPMServer::NotifyBMPrefIapL - IAPs count: %d", 
    TConnMonIapInfo iapInfo = aIapInfo;
#ifdef _DEBUG
    for (TUint i = 0; i < iapInfo.Count(); i++)
        MPMLOGSTRING2( "CMPMServer::NotifyBMPrefIap - IAP: %d", 
#endif // _DEBUG

    // Start possible forced roaming
    TCmUsageOfWlan usageOfWlan = CommsDatAccess()->ForcedRoamingL();
    if ( usageOfWlan == ECmUsageOfWlanKnown || usageOfWlan == ECmUsageOfWlanKnownAndNew )
        if ( IsWlanConnectionStartedL( CommsDatAccess() ) )
            iConnMonIapInfo = aIapInfo;
            if ( iRoamingToWlanPeriodic )
                iRoamingToWlanPeriodic = CPeriodic::NewL( 
                                                   CActive::EPriorityStandard );
            // start periodic object that calls StartForcedRoamingToWlanL after 10s. 
            // this handles the case when new wlan connection is 
            // started from e.g. wlan sniffer but IAP is not yet in Internet SNAP 
                   TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds32( KRoamingToWlanUpdateInterval ), 
                   TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds32( KRoamingToWlanUpdateInterval ), 
                   TCallBack( StartForcedRoamingToConnectedWlanL, this ) );
            StartForcedRoamingToWlanL( iapInfo );

        StartForcedRoamingFromWlanL( iapInfo );
    "CMPMServer::NotifyBMPrefIapL - Send notifications for %d sessions", 
        iSessions.Count() )

    for ( TInt i = 0; i < iSessions.Count(); i++ )
        iapInfo = iSessions[i]->GetAvailableIAPs( );
        iSessions[i]->PrefIAPNotificationL( iapInfo, aCaller );

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMPMServer::HandleServerBlackListIap
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CMPMServer::HandleServerBlackListIap( const TConnectionId  aConnId,
                                           TUint32              aIapId, 
                                           TBlacklistCategory   aCategory )
        "CMPMServer::HandleServerBlackListIap - aConnId = 0x%x, iapId = %i",
        aConnId, aIapId )

        "CMPMServer::HandleServerBlackListIap - aCategory = %i", aCategory )

    BlackListIap( aConnId, aIapId, aCategory ); 

    TUint32 presumedIap = Events()->PresumedIapId( aConnId, 
                                                   aIapId );
    if ( ( presumedIap != 0 ) && 
         ( presumedIap != aIapId ) )
            "CMPMServer::HandleServerBlackListIap - presumedIap = %i",
            presumedIap )
        BlackListIap( aConnId, presumedIap, aCategory ); 

    return KErrNone;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMPMServer::BlackListIap
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CMPMServer::BlackListIap( const TConnectionId  aConnId,
                               TUint32              aIapId, 
                               TBlacklistCategory   aCategory )
    TInt i;
    TBool found = EFalse;

    found = FindBlacklistedConnIndex( aConnId, i );
    if ( found )
        TMPMBlackListConnId connIdInfo = iBlackListIdList[i];
        connIdInfo.Append( aIapId, aCategory );
        iBlackListIdList.Remove( i );
        iBlackListIdList.Insert( connIdInfo, 0 );
        TMPMBlackListConnId connIdInfo;
        connIdInfo.iConnId = aConnId;
        connIdInfo.Append( aIapId, aCategory );
        iBlackListIdList.Insert( connIdInfo, 0 );

    return KErrNone;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMPMServer::HandleServerUnblackListIap
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CMPMServer::HandleServerUnblackListIap( 
    const TConnectionId aConnId,
    TUint32             aIapId )
        "CMPMServer::HandleServerUnblackListIap - aConnId = 0x%x, iapId = %i"
        ,aConnId, aIapId )

    TInt i;
    TBool found = EFalse;

    found = FindBlacklistedConnIndex( aConnId, i );
    if ( found )
        // found blacklisted Connection Id
        TMPMBlackListConnId connIdInfo = iBlackListIdList[i];
        iBlackListIdList.Remove( i ); // remove from the list 
        MPMLOGSTRING2( "CMPMServer::HandleServerUnblackListIap - \
connIdInfo count: %d", connIdInfo.Count() )

        if ( aIapId == 0 )
            { // 0 will reset Connection Id blacklisted iap list 
            MPMLOGSTRING( "CMPMServer::HandleServerUnblackListIap - \
reset Connection Id blacklisted iap list" )

            return KErrNone;

        found = EFalse;
        for (TInt j = 0; j < connIdInfo.Count(); j++)
            if ( connIdInfo.Iap( j ) == aIapId )
                // found and remove blacklisted iap
                connIdInfo.Remove( j ); 
                MPMLOGSTRING2( "CMPMServer::HandleServerUnblackListIap - \
removed blacklisted iap in index = %d", j )
                if ( connIdInfo.Count() == 0 )
                    return KErrNone;

                // reinsert connIdInfo at the beginning to reflect activeness
                iBlackListIdList.Insert( connIdInfo, 0 ); 
                return KErrNone;
        // nothing found and reinsert at the beginning 
        // connIdInfo to reflect activeness
        iBlackListIdList.Insert( connIdInfo, 0 ); 
        return KErrNotFound;
        MPMLOGSTRING( "CMPMServer::HandleServerUnblackListIap - \
not found blacklisted Connection Id" )
        return KErrNotFound;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMPMServer::HandleServerUnblackListIap
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CMPMServer::HandleServerUnblackListIap( 
    TBlacklistCategory  aCategory )
    MPMLOGSTRING3( "CMPMServer::HandleServerUnblackListIap -\
aCategory = %i blacklisted Id count = %d", 
                   aCategory, iBlackListIdList.Count() )

    for( TInt i( 0 ); i < iBlackListIdList.Count(); i++ )
        // found blacklisted Connection Id
        TMPMBlackListConnId connIdInfo = iBlackListIdList[i];
        iBlackListIdList.Remove( i ); // remove from the list 

        MPMLOGSTRING3( "CMPMServer::HandleServerUnblackListIap - \
aConnId = 0x%x, blacklisted IapId count = %d", connIdInfo.iConnId, 
        connIdInfo.Count() )
        for (TInt j = 0; j < connIdInfo.Count(); j++)
            if ( connIdInfo.Category( j ) == aCategory ) 
                // found and remove blacklisted iap
                MPMLOGSTRING3( "CMPMServer::HandleServerUnblackListIap - \
removed blacklisted iap id %i in index: %d", connIdInfo.Iap( j ), j )
                connIdInfo.Remove( j ); 
        // If any blacklisted iaps remain reinsert at the 
        // beginning connIdInfo to reflect activeness
        if( connIdInfo.Count() > 0 )
            MPMLOGSTRING( "reinsert connIdInfo to reflect activeness" )
            iBlackListIdList.Insert( connIdInfo, 0 );             

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMPMServer::GetBlacklistedIAP
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CMPMServer::GetBlacklistedIAP( TConnectionId    aConnId, 
                                    RArray<TUint32> &aBlacklistedIAP )
    TInt  i;
    TBool found = EFalse;

    found = FindBlacklistedConnIndex( aConnId, i );
    if ( !found )
        return KErrNotFound;

    TMPMBlackListConnId connIdInfo = iBlackListIdList[i];
    iBlackListIdList.Remove( i );
    iBlackListIdList.Insert( connIdInfo, 0 );

    for (TInt j = 0; j < connIdInfo.Count(); j++)
        aBlacklistedIAP.Append( connIdInfo.Iap( j ) );

    return KErrNone;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMPMServer::GetBlacklistedIAP
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CMPMServer::GetBlacklistedIAP( RArray<TUint32> &aBlacklistedIAP )
    // Returns all blacklisted IAPs regardless of Connection Id 
    for ( TInt i( 0 ); i < iBlackListIdList.Count(); i++ )
        for ( TInt j( 0 ); j < iBlackListIdList[i].Count(); 
              j++ )
            // Inserts an object into the array in ascending unsigned 
            // key order. No duplicate entries are permitted. 
            // The array remains unchanged following an attempt to 
            // insert a duplicate entry.
                                    iBlackListIdList[i].Iap( j ) );
    return KErrNone;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMPMServer::FindId
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TBool CMPMServer::FindBlacklistedConnIndex( const TConnectionId aConnId, 
                                            TInt                &aIndex )
    TInt  i;
    TBool found = EFalse;

    for (i = 0;( (i < iBlackListIdList.Count()) && !found ); i++)
        if ( iBlackListIdList[i].iConnId == aConnId )
            found = ETrue;
    i--; // Since i is incremented after finding the correct iConnId
    aIndex = i;
    return found;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMPMServer::IsVoiceCallActiveL
// Checks if voice call is active or not.
// Return ETrue if voice call is active.
// Return EFalse if voice call is not active.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TBool CMPMServer::IsVoiceCallActiveL() const
    MPMLOGSTRING( "CMPMServer::IsVoiceCallActiveL" )

    CTelephony*                   telephony = CTelephony::NewLC();
    CTelephony::TCallStatusV1     callStatusV1;
    CTelephony::TCallStatusV1Pckg callStatusV1Pckg( callStatusV1 );
    CTelephony::TPhoneLine        line = CTelephony::EVoiceLine;

    telephony->GetLineStatus( line, callStatusV1Pckg );
    CTelephony::TCallStatus voiceLineStatus = callStatusV1.iStatus;

    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( telephony );

    if ( voiceLineStatus == CTelephony::EStatusDialling         ||
         voiceLineStatus == CTelephony::EStatusRinging          ||
         voiceLineStatus == CTelephony::EStatusAnswering        ||
         voiceLineStatus == CTelephony::EStatusConnecting       ||
         voiceLineStatus == CTelephony::EStatusConnected        ||
         voiceLineStatus == CTelephony::EStatusReconnectPending ||
         voiceLineStatus == CTelephony::EStatusDisconnecting    ||
         voiceLineStatus == CTelephony::EStatusHold             ||
         voiceLineStatus == CTelephony::EStatusTransferring     ||
         voiceLineStatus == CTelephony::EStatusTransferAlerting  )
            "CMPMServer::IsVoiceCallActiveL Voice call is active: %d", 
            voiceLineStatus )
        return ETrue;
    else if ( voiceLineStatus == CTelephony::EStatusIdle ||
              voiceLineStatus == CTelephony::EStatusUnknown )
            "CMPMServer::IsVoiceCallActiveL Voice call is not active: %d", 
            voiceLineStatus )
        return EFalse;
            "CMPMServer::IsVoiceCallActiveL Unknown voice line status: %d", 
            voiceLineStatus )
        return EFalse;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMPMServer::IsModeGSM
// Checks if mode is GSM or not.
// Return ETrue if mode is GSM.
// Return EFalse if mode is something else.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TBool CMPMServer::IsModeGSM() const

    if ( iTSYLoaded )
        RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneNetworkMode mode( 
            RMobilePhone::ENetworkModeUnknown );

        TInt ret = iMobilePhone.GetCurrentMode( mode );

        if ( ( ret == KErrNone ) && 
             ( mode == RMobilePhone::ENetworkModeGsm ) )
            MPMLOGSTRING( "CMPMServer::IsModeGSM Mode is GSM" )
            return ETrue;
            MPMLOGSTRING( "CMPMServer::IsModeGSM Mode is not GSM" )
            return EFalse;
    MPMLOGSTRING( "CMPMServer::IsModeGSM phone.tsy not loaded" )
    return EFalse;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMPMServer::IsDTMSupported
// Checks if phone supports Dual Transfer Mode or not.
// Return ETrue if phone supports DTM.
// Return EFalse if phone does not support DTM.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TBool CMPMServer::IsDTMSupported() const
    MPMLOGSTRING( "CMPMServer::IsDTMSupported" )

    if ( iPacketServLoaded )
        TBool rv = iDtmWatcher->IsInDualMode();
        if ( rv )
            MPMLOGSTRING( "CMPMServer::IsDTMSupported DTM is supported" )
            MPMLOGSTRING( "CMPMServer::IsDTMSupported DTM is not supported" )
        return rv;
    MPMLOGSTRING( "CMPMServer::IsDTMSupported Packet service not loaded" )
    return EFalse;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMPMServer::DumpActiveBMConns
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CMPMServer::DumpActiveBMConns()
#ifdef _DEBUG
    // Dump array of active connections to log in order to support testing.
    MPMLOGSTRING( "Display array of active connections - Start" )

    if ( iActiveBMConns.Count() == 0 )
        MPMLOGSTRING( "Array of active connections is empty" )
        MPMLOGSTRING( "" )

    for ( TInt i = 0; i < iActiveBMConns.Count(); i++ )
        MPMLOGSTRING3( "Connection Id = 0x%x Snap = %i", 
            iActiveBMConns[i].iConnInfo.iSnap )

        switch( iActiveBMConns[i].iConnInfo.iState )
            case EStarting:
                MPMLOGSTRING2( "IAP %i: Connection state = Starting", 
                    iActiveBMConns[i].iConnInfo.iIapId )
            case EStarted:
                MPMLOGSTRING2( "IAP %i: Connection state = Started", 
                    iActiveBMConns[i].iConnInfo.iIapId )
            case EIdle:
                MPMLOGSTRING2( "IAP %i: Connection state = Idle", 
                    iActiveBMConns[i].iConnInfo.iIapId )
            case ERoaming:
                MPMLOGSTRING2( "IAP %i: Connection state = Roaming", 
                    iActiveBMConns[i].iConnInfo.iIapId )
                MPMLOGSTRING2( "IAP %i: Unknown connection state", 
                    iActiveBMConns[i].iConnInfo.iIapId )

        MPMLOGSTRING( "" )

    MPMLOGSTRING( "Display array of active connections - End" )
#endif // _DEBUG

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMPMServer::StartedConnectionExists
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CMPMServer::StartedConnectionExists( TInt aIapId )
    MPMLOGSTRING( "CMPMServer::StartedConnectionExists" )

    // Loop all connections until EStarted is found or no more connections
    for ( TInt i = 0; ( i < iActiveBMConns.Count() ); i++ )
        if ( iActiveBMConns[i].iConnInfo.iState == EStarted &&
                ( aIapId == KErrNotFound || aIapId == iActiveBMConns[i].iConnInfo.iIapId ) )
            MPMLOGSTRING( "CMPMServer::StartedConnectionExists: True" )
            return iActiveBMConns[i].iConnInfo.iIapId;
    // Modem connection may exist, check from connection counter
    if ( ConnectionCounter() > 0 )
        MPMLOGSTRING( "CMPMServer::StartedConnectionExists: True (modem connection)" )
        return KMaxTInt; // arbitrary high number that is NOT from Iap range[0:255] 
        MPMLOGSTRING( "CMPMServer::StartedConnectionExists: False" )
        return KErrNotFound;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMPMServer::StopConnections
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CMPMServer::StopConnections( TInt aIapId )
    MPMLOGSTRING2( "CMPMServer::StopConnections aIapId = %d", aIapId )
    for (TInt index = 0; index < iSessions.Count(); index++)
        CMPMServerSession* session = iSessions[index];
        // Stop connection
        if ( aIapId == 0 )
        else if ( GetBMIap( session->ConnectionId() ) == aIapId )
            TRAP_IGNORE( session->StopIAPNotificationL( aIapId ));

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMPMServer::UserConnectionInInternet
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TBool CMPMServer::UserConnectionInInternet() const
    TBool isInternet = EFalse;
    TInt ret = KErrNone;
    TRAP( ret, isInternet = iCommsDatAccess->IsInternetSnapL(
          UserConnPref()->IapId(), UserConnPref()->SnapId() ) );

    if ( ret != KErrNone )
        isInternet = EFalse;
    return isInternet;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMPMServer::StartForcedRoamingToWlanL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CMPMServer::StartForcedRoamingToWlanL( const TConnMonIapInfo& aIapInfo )
    MPMLOGSTRING( "CMPMServer::StartForcedRoamingToWlan" )
    // cancel the periodic object
    if ( iRoamingToWlanPeriodic != NULL )

    // Copy all available wlan iap ids to own array
    RArray<TUint32> wlanIapIds;
    CleanupClosePushL( wlanIapIds );
    RAvailableIAPList iapList;
    CleanupClosePushL( iapList );

    for ( TUint index = 0; index < aIapInfo.iCount; index++ )
        if ( CommsDatAccess()->CheckWlanL( aIapInfo.iIap[index].iIapId ) != ENotWlanIap )
            // Accept only wlan iaps in internet snap
            if ( iCommsDatAccess->IsInternetSnapL( aIapInfo.iIap[index].iIapId, 0 ) )
                wlanIapIds.AppendL( aIapInfo.iIap[index].iIapId );
        // Fill iap list to be used later to check best iap
        iapList.AppendL( aIapInfo.iIap[index].iIapId );

    // No wlans available -> no reason to continue
    if ( !wlanIapIds.Count() )
        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &iapList );
        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &wlanIapIds );

    // Go through all active connections and start roaming for the ones connected
    // to snap containing wlan and not using mobility api
    for ( TInt index = 0; index < iActiveBMConns.Count(); index++ )
        // Check if snap is internet snap
        TBool internetSnap =
                iActiveBMConns[index].iConnInfo.iSnap );

        CMPMServerSession* serverSession = GetServerSession(
                iActiveBMConns[index].iConnInfo.iConnId );

        // Check that connection is started, established to snap and
        // choose best iap is called for the connection
        if ( ( iActiveBMConns[index].iConnInfo.iState == EStarted ) &&
             ( iActiveBMConns[index].iConnInfo.iSnap ) && 
             ( serverSession->ChooseBestIapCalled() ) &&
             ( internetSnap ) )
            // Notify client to disconnect
            NotifyDisconnectL( index, wlanIapIds, iapList, ETrue,
                EMPMBearerTypeWlan );
    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &iapList );
    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &wlanIapIds );

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMPMServer::StartForcedRoamingToConnectedWlanL
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CMPMServer::StartForcedRoamingToConnectedWlanL( TAny* aUpdater )
    MPMLOGSTRING( "CMPMServer::StartForcedRoamingToConnectedWlanL" );
    static_cast<CMPMServer*>( aUpdater )->StartForcedRoamingToWlanL( 
            static_cast<CMPMServer*>( aUpdater )->iConnMonIapInfo );
    return 0;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMPMServer::StartForcedRoamingFromWlanL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CMPMServer::StartForcedRoamingFromWlanL( const TConnMonIapInfo& aIapInfo )
    MPMLOGSTRING( "CMPMServer::StartForcedRoamingFromWlan" )

    // Copy all available packet data iap ids to own array
    RArray<TUint32> packetDataIapIds;
    CleanupClosePushL( packetDataIapIds );

    for ( TUint index = 0; index < aIapInfo.iCount; index++ )
        if ( CommsDatAccess()->GetBearerTypeL( aIapInfo.iIap[index].iIapId ) ==
            EMPMBearerTypePacketData )
            // Accept only packet data iaps in internet snap
            if ( iCommsDatAccess->IsInternetSnapL( aIapInfo.iIap[index].iIapId, 0 ) )
                packetDataIapIds.AppendL( aIapInfo.iIap[index].iIapId );

    // No packet data iaps available -> no reason to continue
    if ( !packetDataIapIds.Count() )
        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &packetDataIapIds );
    // Go through all active connections and start roaming for the ones connected
    // to a wlan not anymore listed in available iaps and not using mobility api
    for ( TInt index = 0; index < iActiveBMConns.Count(); index++ )
        if ( iCommsDatAccess->CheckWlanL( iActiveBMConns[index].iConnInfo.iIapId )
            == EWlanIap )
            // Check if used WLAN is still available
            TBool currentWlanIapAvailable = EFalse;
            for ( TUint iapIndex = 0; iapIndex < aIapInfo.iCount; iapIndex++ )
                if ( aIapInfo.iIap[iapIndex].iIapId ==
                    iActiveBMConns[index].iConnInfo.iIapId )
                    // Current WLAN IAP found from list of available IAPs
                    currentWlanIapAvailable = ETrue;
            if ( !currentWlanIapAvailable )
                // Current WLAN not available anymore
                // Check if snap is internet snap
                TBool internetSnap = iCommsDatAccess->IsInternetSnapL(
                    iActiveBMConns[index].iConnInfo.iSnap );
                CMPMServerSession* serverSession = GetServerSession(
                    iActiveBMConns[index].iConnInfo.iConnId );
                // Check that connection is started, established to snap,
                // choose best iap is called for the connection
                if ( ( iActiveBMConns[index].iConnInfo.iState == EStarted ) &&
                    ( iActiveBMConns[index].iConnInfo.iSnap ) && 
                    ( serverSession->ChooseBestIapCalled() ) &&
                    ( internetSnap ) )
                    // Notify client to disconnect, don't check if current
                    // WLAN IAP is the best because we want to disconnect
                    // it anyway (it was not included in available IAP
                    // list anymore)
                    RAvailableIAPList iapList;
                    CleanupClosePushL( iapList );
                    NotifyDisconnectL( index, packetDataIapIds, iapList, EFalse,
                        EMPMBearerTypePacketData );
                    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &iapList );
    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &packetDataIapIds );

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMPMServer::NotifyDisconnectL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CMPMServer::NotifyDisconnectL( TInt aConnIndex,
                                    RArray<TUint32>& aAvailIapIds,
                                    RAvailableIAPList& aIapList,
                                    TBool aCheckForBestIap,
                                    TMPMBearerType aDestinationBearerType )
    MPMLOGSTRING( "CMPMServer::NotifyDisconnectL" )
    // Get iaps in internet snap
    RArray<TNetIap> destNetIds;
    CleanupClosePushL( destNetIds );
    CommsDatAccess()->SearchDNEntriesL( iActiveBMConns[aConnIndex].iConnInfo.iSnap,
                                        destNetIds );

    // Save available iaps in internet snap
    RArray<TUint32> iapIdsInInternet;
    CleanupClosePushL( iapIdsInInternet );
    for ( TInt iIndex = 0; iIndex < destNetIds.Count(); iIndex++ )
        for ( TInt wIndex = 0; wIndex < aAvailIapIds.Count(); wIndex++ )
            if ( destNetIds[iIndex].iIapId == aAvailIapIds[wIndex] )
                iapIdsInInternet.AppendL( destNetIds[iIndex].iIapId );
        if ( iapIdsInInternet.Count() )
            // Leave loop when count is non-zero

    // Check if an iap in internet snap is available
    if ( iapIdsInInternet.Count() )
        // Find session and notify error
        for (TInt sIndex = 0; sIndex < iSessions.Count(); sIndex++ )
            // Check that CMPMIapSelection object exists for the session.
            TRAPD( error, iSessions[sIndex]->IapSelectionL() );
            if ( error == KErrNone )
                MPMLOGSTRING( "CMPMServer::NotifyDisconnectL: IapSelectionL() != NULL" )
                // Check the connection preferences for forced roaming
                if ( iSessions[sIndex]->ForcedRoaming() )
                    MPMLOGSTRING( "CMPMServer::NotifyDisconnectL: ForcedRoaming == ETrue" )
                    // Notify disconnect error for session,
                    // if mobility api is not used
                    if ( ( iSessions[sIndex]->ConnectionId() ==
                        iActiveBMConns[aConnIndex].iConnInfo.iConnId ) &&
                        !iSessions[sIndex]->PreferredIapRequested() &&
                        iSessions[sIndex]->IsBearerAccepted( aDestinationBearerType ) )
                        if ( aCheckForBestIap )
                            // Check whether current IAP and the best IAP are the same.
                            // Disconnection not done if IAPs are the same   
                            TMpmConnPref connPref;
                            connPref.SetIapId( 0 );
                                iActiveBMConns[aConnIndex].iConnInfo.iSnap );

                            iSessions[sIndex]->IapSelectionL()->ChooseBestIAPL( connPref, aIapList );

                            // if the best iap is the current iap, don't roam, move to next item
                            if ( ( aIapList.Count() > 0 ) && 
                                ( connPref.IapId() == iActiveBMConns[aConnIndex].iConnInfo.iIapId ) )
                                MPMLOGSTRING( "CMPMServer::NotifyDisconnectL: Same IAP selected. Disconnection not done." )
                        MPMLOGSTRING2( "CMPMServer::NotifyDisconnectL: \
Disconnected Connection Id = 0x%x", iSessions[sIndex]->ConnectionId() )
                        iSessions[sIndex]->ClientErrorNotificationL( KErrForceDisconnected );
    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &iapIdsInInternet );
    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &destNetIds );

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMPMServer::IsVisitorNetwork
// Checks if phone is in visitor network or in home network.
// Return ETrue if phone is in visitor network.
// Return EFalse if phone is not in visitor network.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TBool CMPMServer::IsVisitorNetwork() const
    MPMLOGSTRING( "CMPMServer::IsVisitorNetwork" )
    if ( iRoamingWatcher->RoamingStatus()== EMPMInternationalRoaming )
        MPMLOGSTRING( "CMPMServer::IsVisitorNetwork: TRUE" )
        return ETrue;
        MPMLOGSTRING( "CMPMServer::IsVisitorNetwork: FALSE" )
        return EFalse;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMPMServer::GetServerSession
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
CMPMServerSession* CMPMServer::GetServerSession( TConnectionId aConnId ) const
    MPMLOGSTRING2( "CMPMServer::GetServerSession: \
Connection Id = 0x%x", aConnId );

    CMPMServerSession* serverSession = NULL;
    for ( TInt sIndex = 0; sIndex < iSessions.Count(); sIndex++ )
        if ( iSessions[sIndex]->ConnectionId() == aConnId )
            serverSession = iSessions[sIndex];

    ASSERT( serverSession != NULL );

    return serverSession;

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMPMServer::StopCellularConns
// Stop all cellular connections except MMS
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CMPMServer::StopCellularConns()
    MPMLOGSTRING( "CMPMServer::StopCellularConns" )

    TUint32 iapId;
	TMPMBearerType bearerType = EMPMBearerTypeNone;

	// No cleanup stack used cause this function doesn't leave.
    RArray<TUint32> stoppedIaps;

    // Check through active connections
    for (TInt i = 0; i < iActiveBMConns.Count(); i++)
        iapId = iActiveBMConns[i].iConnInfo.iIapId;

        // Don't stop the same IAP twice.
        if (stoppedIaps.Find( iapId ) == KErrNotFound)
            TRAPD( err, bearerType = CommsDatAccess()->GetBearerTypeL( iapId ) );
            if (err == KErrNone &&
                    iapId != 0 &&
                    bearerType == EMPMBearerTypePacketData)
                TInt mmsIap( 0 );
                err = RProperty::Get( KMPMCathegory, KMPMPropertyKeyMMS, mmsIap );
                // Check that it's not MMS IAP.
                if (!(err == KErrNone && iapId == mmsIap))
                    // Stop the conn / IAP.
                    StopConnections( iapId );
                    stoppedIaps.Append( iapId );

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMPMServer::UpdateOfflineMode
// Offline watcher listens the offline mode and calls this when it's changed.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CMPMServer::UpdateOfflineMode( TInt aNewModeValue )
    MPMLOGSTRING2( "CMPMServer::UpdateOfflineMode: Value %d", aNewModeValue )

    iOfflineMode = aNewModeValue;

    if ( iOfflineMode == ECoreAppUIsNetworkConnectionAllowed )
        // Offline mode finished, reset the QueryResponse variable.
        iOfflineWlanQueryResponse = EOfflineResponseUndefined;

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMPMServer::IsPhoneOffline
// Returns the current offline mode.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TBool CMPMServer::IsPhoneOffline()
    MPMLOGSTRING( "CMPMServer::IsPhoneOffline" )

    TBool retval = EFalse;
    if ( iOfflineMode == ECoreAppUIsNetworkConnectionNotAllowed)
        retval = ETrue;
        MPMLOGSTRING( "CMPMServer::IsPhoneOffline: Yes." )
    return retval;

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMPMServer::OfflineWlanQueryResponse
// Tells the "Use WLAN in offline mode" query's response during the
// current offline mode session.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TOfflineWlanQueryResponse CMPMServer::OfflineWlanQueryResponse()
    MPMLOGSTRING( "CMPMServer::OfflineWlanQueryResponse" )

    MPMLOGSTRING2( "CMPMServer::IsOfflineWlanQueryAccepted: %d", iOfflineWlanQueryResponse )
    return iOfflineWlanQueryResponse;
    // Platsim simulates WLAN and offline-mode. To ease automated testing,
    // offline connection confirmation is not asked in Platsim-variant
    MPMLOGSTRING( "CMPMServer::OfflineWlanQueryResponse: yes for Platsim" )
    return EOfflineResponseYes;

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMPMServer::SetOfflineWlanQueryResponse
// Called when the "Use WLAN in offline mode" note has been responded.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CMPMServer::SetOfflineWlanQueryResponse( TOfflineWlanQueryResponse aResponse)
    MPMLOGSTRING( "CMPMServer::SetOfflineWlanQueryResponse" )

    iOfflineWlanQueryResponse = aResponse;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// TMPMBlackListConnId::Append
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void TMPMBlackListConnId::Append( TUint32 aIap, TBlacklistCategory aCategory )
    iBlackListIap.Append( aIap );
    iCategory.Append( aCategory );

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// TMPMBlackListConnId::Remove
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void TMPMBlackListConnId::Remove( TInt aIndex )
    iBlackListIap.Remove( aIndex );
    iCategory.Remove( aIndex );    

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// TMPMBlackListConnId::Close
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void TMPMBlackListConnId::Close()

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// TMPMBlackListConnId::Count
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt TMPMBlackListConnId::Count() const
    return iBlackListIap.Count();

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// TConnectionInfo::TConnectionInfo
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    : iConnId( 0 ),
      iSnap( 0 ),
      iIapId( 0 ), 
      iState( EIdle ),
      iAppUid( 0 )

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// TConnectionInfo::MatchId
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TBool TConnectionInfo::MatchId( const TConnectionInfo& aFirst,
                                       const TConnectionInfo& aSecond )
    if ( aFirst.iConnId == aSecond.iConnId )
        return ETrue;
        return EFalse;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// TConnectionInfo::MatchIdSnap
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TBool TConnectionInfo::MatchIdSnap( const TConnectionInfo& aFirst,
                                    const TConnectionInfo& aSecond )
    if ( ( aFirst.iConnId  == aSecond.iConnId ) &&
         ( aFirst.iSnap    == aSecond.iSnap ) )
        return ETrue;
        return EFalse;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// TActiveBMConn::TActiveBMConn
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    : iConnInfo()

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// TActiveBMConn::MatchIapId
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TBool TActiveBMConn::MatchIapId( const TActiveBMConn& aFirst,
                                 const TActiveBMConn& aSecond )
    if ( aFirst.iConnInfo.iIapId == aSecond.iConnInfo.iIapId )
        return ETrue;
        return EFalse;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// TActiveBMConn::MatchConnInfo
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TBool TActiveBMConn::MatchConnInfo( const TActiveBMConn& aFirst,
                                    const TActiveBMConn& aSecond )
    if ( TConnectionInfo::MatchId( aFirst.iConnInfo, aSecond.iConnInfo ) )
        return ETrue;
        return EFalse;

//  End of File