* Copyright (c) 2009-2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description:
* Common definitions and enumerations for connection method manager server
* (internal use).
#include <e32base.h>
static const TUid KCmmUid3 = { 0x20016A7A };
* CmManager server name.
_LIT( KCmmServer, "!CmmServer" );
* CmManager server filename.
_LIT( KCmmServerFile, "cmmserver" );
const TInt KBitsInOneByte = 8;
const TInt KBitsInTwoBytes = 16;
const TInt KBitsInThreeBytes = 24;
* Amount of time in microseconds that the server will wait before shutting
* down, after last client has gone.
#if defined(__WINSCW__)
const TUint KCmmShutdownDelay = 5000000; // 5 seconds, for testing purposes.
const TUint KCmmShutdownDelay = 70000000; // 70 seconds.
const TUint32 KCmDefaultDestinationAPTagId = 0x1000;
const TUint32 KCmMaxDestinationAPTagId = 0x1100;
const TUint32 KCmmConnMethodIdIntervalMin = 0;
const TUint32 KCmmConnMethodIdIntervalMax = 0x0100;
const TUint32 KCmmDestIdIntervalLegacyMin = 0;
const TUint32 KCmmDestIdIntervalLegacyMax = 0x0100;
const TUint32 KCmmDestIdIntervalMin = 0x1000;
const TUint32 KCmmDestIdIntervalMax = 0x1100;
const TInt KCmmStringLengthMax = 1024; //TODO, need to find out correct value here. 1024 is correct, but can that be received from commsdat?
const TUint32 KTemporaryIdCounterStart = 32768;
const TUint32 KDestProtectionLevelMask = 0xF0000000;
const TInt KBitsToShiftDestProtectionLevel = 28;
// Buffer size for initial connection method query.
const TInt KCmmConnMethodAmountNormal = 64; //TODO, Check value
// Maximum theoretical amount of connection methods.
const TInt KCmmConnMethodAmountMax = 256;
// Buffer size for initial destination query.
const TInt KCmmDestAmountNormal = 32;
// Maximum theoretical amount of connection methods.
const TInt KCmmDestAmountMax = 256;
// Buffer size for supported bearers query.
const TInt KCmmBearerAmountNormal = 10;
// Buffer size for bearer priority array query, first attempt.
const TInt KCmmDefaultBearerPriorityArraySize = 256;
// iPriority: 2 16-bit values,
// iUIPriority: 2 16-bit values,
// iServiceType length: 1 16-bit value.
const TInt KCmmBearerPriorityHeaderLength = 5;
// Name of the icon for the 'uncategorized' group. This group is a UI-construct
// that is used to group all uncategorized IAPs together.
_LIT( KCmmUncategorizedIconName, "qtg_small_favorite" );
// Minimum disk space required for writing operations.
const TInt KMinimumDiskSpace = 8192;
// Opcodes used in message passing between client and server.
enum TCmmRequests
ECmmGetBearerInfoInt = 0,
ECmmGetBearerInfoBool = 1,
ECmmGetBearerInfoString = 2,
ECmmGetBearerInfoString8 = 3,
ECmmGetConnMethodArray = 4,
ECmmGetAllDestinations = 5,
ECmmGetBearerPriorityArray = 6,
ECmmGetEasyWlanId = 7,
ECmmReadDefaultConnection = 8,
ECmmReadGeneralConnectionSettings = 9,
ECmmGetSupportedBearers = 10,
ECmmGetUncategorizedIcon = 11,
ECmmGetConnMethodInfoInt = 12,
ECmmGetConnMethodInfoBool = 13,
ECmmGetConnMethodInfoString = 14,
ECmmGetConnMethodInfoString8 = 15,
ECmmUpdateBearerPriorityArray = 16,
ECmmWriteDefaultConnection = 17,
ECmmWriteGeneralConnectionSettings = 18,
ECmmCopyConnMethod = 19,
ECmmMoveConnMethod = 20,
ECmmRemoveConnMethod = 21,
ECmmRemoveAllReferences = 22, // Connection method becomes uncategorized.
// RCmDestination starts from 100
EDestGetDestination = 100,
EDestRefresh = 101,
EDestCloseDestination = 102,
EDestGetConnMethodCount = 103,
EDestGetConnMethodPriority = 104,
EDestGetName = 105,
EDestGetId = 106,
EDestGetElementId = 107,
EDestMetadata = 108,
EDestGetProtectionLevel = 109,
EDestIsHidden = 110,
EDestIsEqual = 111,
EDestGetEmbeddedDestination = 112,
EDestGetIcon = 113,
EDestCreateDestinationWithName = 114,
EDestCreateDestinationWithNameAndId = 115,
EDestIsConnected = 116,
EDestAddConnMethod = 117,
EDestAddEmbeddedDestination = 118,
EDestDeleteConnMethod = 119,
EDestRemoveConnMethod = 120,
EDestModifyPriority = 121,
EDestSetName = 122,
EDestSetMetadata = 123,
EDestSetProtection = 124,
EDestSetHidden = 125,
EDestUpdate = 126,
EDestDelete = 127,
EDestSetIcon = 128,
//RCmConnectionMethod starts from 200
ECMGetConnMethodWithId = 200,
ECMRefresh = 201,
ECMGetConnMethodFromDestWithIndex = 202,
ECMGetConnMethodFromDestWithId = 203,
ECMCloseConnMethod = 204,
ECMIsEqual = 205,
ECMCreateConnMethod = 206,
ECMCreateConnMethodWithId = 207,
ECMCreateConnMethodToDest = 208,
ECMCreateConnMethodToDestWithId = 209,
ECMCreateCopyOfExisting = 210,
ECMGetIntAttribute = 211,
ECMGetBoolAttribute = 212,
ECMGetStringAttribute = 213,
ECMGetString8Attribute = 214,
ECMSetIntAttribute = 215,
ECMSetBoolAttribute = 216,
ECMSetStringAttribute = 217,
ECMSetString8Attribute = 218,
ECMDelete = 219,
ECMUpdate = 220
// Panic categories
_LIT( KCmmPanicCategoryApi, "CmManager API" );
// Panic codes
enum TCmmServerPanic
ECreateTrapCleanup = 1,
EDestNotConnectedToServer = 201
// Status flag values for database records.
enum TCmmRecordStatus
ECmmRecordStatusBlank = 0x0001,
ECmmRecordStatusLoaded = 0x0002, // Loaded and up-to-date.
ECmmRecordStatusExpired = 0x0004, // Loaded but out-of-date (Cache side only).
ECmmRecordStatusModified = 0x0008, // Loaded and modified (Session side only).
ECmmRecordStatusUnsaved = 0x0010 // Doesn't yet exist in database (Cache side only).
// Status flag values for connection method instances.
enum TCmmConnMethodStatus
ECmmConnMethodStatusNotSaved = 1, // Connection method doesn't yet exist in database (cache side only).
ECmmConnMethodStatusValid = 2, // Connection method exists in database and sessions can open handles to it.
ECmmConnMethodStatusChanged = 3, // Contents modified, but not saved (session side only).
ECmmConnMethodStatusToBeDeleted = 4 // Connection method will be deleted when reference count goes to 0 (cache side only).
// Status flag values for destination instances.
enum TCmmDestinationStatus
ECmmDestinationStatusNotSaved = 1, // Destination doesn't yet exist in database (Cache side only).
ECmmDestinationStatusValid = 2, // Destination exists in database and sessions can open handles to it.
ECmmDestinationStatusChanged = 3, // Contents modified, but not saved (Session side only).
ECmmDestinationStatusToBeDeleted = 4 // Destination will be deleted when reference count goes to 0 (cache side only).
// Identifiers for different destination related database records for internal use.
enum TCmmDbRecords
ECmmDestNetworkRecord = 1, //
ECmmDestApRecord, //
ECmmDestMetadataRecord, // CCDSNAPMetadataRecord
ECmmDbSnapRecord, // CCDDataMobilitySelectionPolicyRecord
ECmmDbBearerPriorityRecord, //
ECmmDbDefConnRecord //
NONSHARABLE_CLASS( TCmmIpcStructGetConnMethods )
TBool iCheckBearerType;
TBool iLegacyOnly;
TBool iEasyWlan;
NONSHARABLE_CLASS( TCmmIpcStructMoveConnMethod )
TInt iSourceDestHandle;
TInt iTargetDestHandle;
TInt iConnMethodHandle;
TInt iIndex;
// Prefix 'Cmm' used to avoid any future problems or name overlapping with
// other similar implementations.
template <class T>
class CmmCleanupResetAndDestroy
inline static void PushL( T& aRef );
static void ResetAndDestroy( TAny *aPtr );
template <class T>
inline void CmmCleanupResetAndDestroyPushL( T& aRef );
template <class T>
inline void CmmCleanupResetAndDestroy<T>::PushL( T& aRef )
CleanupStack::PushL( TCleanupItem( &ResetAndDestroy, &aRef ) );
template <class T>
void CmmCleanupResetAndDestroy<T>::ResetAndDestroy( TAny *aPtr )
template <class T>
inline void CmmCleanupResetAndDestroyPushL( T& aRef )
CmmCleanupResetAndDestroy<T>::PushL( aRef );
// End of file