author hgs
Thu, 28 Oct 2010 13:13:30 +0300
changeset 73 70ee5458c95d
parent 40 c5b848e6c7d1
permissions -rw-r--r--

* Copyright (c) 2009-2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description:
* Keeps track of the general destination/connection method structure in
* database.


#include <e32base.h>

#include "cmmcache.h"
#include "cmmconnmethoditem.h"

NONSHARABLE_CLASS( CDestination ) : public CBase
    static CDestination* NewL();
    static CDestination* NewLC();

    void ConstructL();

    // The destination ID.
    TUint32 iId;

    // Array of connection methods inside this destination. Includes also
    // embedded destinations.
    RArray<TCmmConnMethodItem> iConnMethodItemArray;

    // IDs for unsupported connection methods inside this destination.
    RArray<TUint> iUnsupportedConnMethods;
    // The destination metadata.
    TUint32 iMetadata;

NONSHARABLE_CLASS( CCmmInstanceMapping ) : public CBase
     * NewL.
    static CCmmInstanceMapping* NewL( CCmmCache& aCache );

     * NewLC.
    static CCmmInstanceMapping* NewLC( CCmmCache& aCache );

     * Destructor.

     * Constructor.
     * @param aCache database cache object.
    CCmmInstanceMapping( CCmmCache& aCache );

     * Second phase constructor.
    void ConstructL();

public: //TODO, sort methods, they are currently in mixed order in .cpp file.
     * Update the connection method and destination structures to current state.
    void RefreshL();

     * Check if the given ID is a valid existing destination ID.
    TBool ValidDestinationId( const TUint32 aId ) const;

     * Check if the given ID is a valid existing connection method ID.
    TBool ValidConnMethodId( const TUint32 aId ) const;

     * Check if the given ID is a valid existing unsupported connection method
     * ID.
    TBool UnsupportedConnMethodId( const TUint32 aId ) const;

     * Check from database if the given destination is an embedded destination
     * in any other destination.
    TBool DestinationIsEmbedded( const TUint32 aDestinationId ) const;

     * Check from database if the given destination has an embedded destination.
    TBool DestinationHasEmbedded( const TUint32 aDestinationId ) const;

     * Check from database if the given destination is pointed to by any
     * virtual IAP.
    TBool DestinationPointedToByVirtualIap( const TUint32 aDestinationId ) const;

     * Check from database if the given connection method is pointed to by any
     * virtual IAP.
    TBool ConnMethodPointedToByVirtualIap( const TUint32 aConnMethodId ) const;

     * Check if the given connection method is the only connection method in
     * the given destination and if a virtual IAP points to that destination.
    TBool ConnMethodInDestinationButLocked(
            const TUint32 aConnMethodId,
            const TUint32 aDestinationId ) const;

     * Get bearer type of connection method matching given ID.
     * Return KErrNone if ID is found, KErrNotFound if not.
    TInt GetConnMethodBearerType( const TUint32 aConnMethodId, TUint32& bearerType ) const;

     * Returns the number of destinations the provided connection method
     * belongs to.
    TInt DestinationsContainingConnMethod( const TUint32 aConnMethodId ) const;

     * Returns the destination ids containing the connection method given as
     * parameter.
    void DestinationsContainingConnMethodL(
            const TUint32 aConnMethodId,
            RArray<TUint32>& aDestinationIds ) const;

     * Find and return a copy of a connection method item matching the given ID.
     * Returns KErrNotFound, if the connection method is not found.
    TInt GetConnMethodItem(
            const TUint32 aConnMethodId,
            TCmmConnMethodItem& aConnMethodItem ) const;

     * Returns all conenction method IDs. Unsupported connection methods are
     * included if aCheckBearerType is set to EFalse.
    void GetAllConnMethodsL(
            RArray<TUint32>& aConnMethodArray,
            TBool aCheckBearerType = ETrue ) const;

     * Returns the number of destinations.
    TInt GetDestinationCount() const;

     * Returns all the valid destinations.
    void GetDestinationsL( RArray<TUint32>& aDestinationArray ) const;

     * Inserts all the valid connection methods inside the given destination
     * into the provided connection method item array. The array is reset first.
    void GetConnMethodsFromDestinationL(
            const TUint32 aDestinationId,
            RArray<TCmmConnMethodItem>& aConnMethodArray ) const;

     * Returns ETrue if the provided connection method belongs to any other
     * destination than the one given.
    TBool ConnMethodInOtherDestination(
            const TUint32 aConnMethodId,
            const TUint32 aDestinationId );

     * Return the EasyWLAN IAP ID, zero if not found or WLAN not supported.
    TUint32 EasyWlanIdL();

     * Find out the internet destination ID. ID is set to 0 if not found.
    void InternetDestinationIdL( TUint& aInternetDestinationId );

     * Add a connection method ID to deleted list. Ignores any duplicates. Also
     * removes the connection method from destination/connection method
     * structures so Refresh()-call is not needed.
    void AddConnMethodToDeletedListL( const TUint aConnMethodId );

     * Remove a connection method ID from deleted list. Nothing happens if ID
     * is not found from the list.
    void RemoveConnMethodFromDeletedList( const TUint aConnMethodId );

     * Add a destination ID to deleted list. Ignores any duplicates. Also
     * removes the destination from destination/connection method structures
     * so Refresh()-call is not needed.
    void AddDestinationToDeletedListL( const TUint aDestinationId );

     * Remove a destination ID from deleted list. Nothing happens if ID is not
     * found from the list.
    void RemoveDestinationFromDeletedList( const TUint aDestinationId );

     * Remove the connection method from current destination/connection method
     * structures. This is a lot faster than calling Refresh().
    void RemoveConnMethod( const TUint32 aConnMethodId );

     * Remove the connection method from current destination/connection method
     * structures. This is a lot faster than calling Refresh(). The ID of any
     * changed destination is added to the aChangedDestinations-array.
     * Also adds the ID of any changed destinations to the provided array.
    void RemoveConnMethod(
            const TUint32 aConnMethodId,
            RArray<TUint32>& aChangedDestinations );

     * Remove the destination from current destination/connection method
     * structures. This is a lot faster than calling Refresh().
    void RemoveDestination( const TUint32 aDestinationId );

     * Remove the connection method from all destinations in the current
     * destination/connection method structures. This is a lot faster than
     * calling Refresh(). The ID of any changed destination is added to the
     * aChangedDestinations-array.
    void RemoveConnMethodFromDestinations(
            const TUint32 aConnMethodId,
            RArray<TUint32>& aChangedDestinations );
     * Get the metadata of the destination identified with given id.
    TUint32 DestinationMetadata( const TUint32 aDestinationId ) const;

     * Reads all connection methods from database.
    void ReadAndValidateConnMethodsL();

     * Reads all destinations and the connection methods inside them.
    void ReadAndValidateDestinationsL();

     * Goes through the internal IAP table, checking all virtual IAPs that link
     * to an IAP. If the linked IAP is not found, the virtual IAP is removed.
    void ValidateVirtualIapsLinkingToIaps();

     * Goes through the internal IAP table, checking all virtual IAPs that link
     * to a SNAP. If the linked SNAP is not found, the virtual IAP is removed.
    void ValidateVirtualIapsLinkingToSnaps();

     * Find the destination item matching the provided destination ID.
     * Returns a pointer to the internal destination item, NULL if not found.
    CDestination* GetDestination( const TUint32 aDestinationId ) const;

     * Returns the reference to shared CommsDat session handle.
    CommsDat::CMDBSession& Session() const;

    // The database cache object.
    CCmmCache& iCache;

    // All supported connection methods. Does not include any embedded destinations.
    RArray<TCmmConnMethodItem> iConnMethodItemArray;

    // IDs for all unsupported connection methods.
    RArray<TUint> iUnsupportedConnMethods;

    // All destinations.
    RPointerArray<CDestination> iDestinations;

    // Connection methods that are deleted, but not removed from database yet
    // because some handles are still open to them and ID needs to be kept
    // reserved. Kept in unsigned integer order.
    RArray<TUint> iDeletedConnMethods;

    // Destinations that are deleted, but not removed from database yet because
    // some handles are still open to them and ID needs to be kept reserved.
    // Kept in unsigned integer order.
    RArray<TUint> iDeletedDestinations;

    // EasyWLAN IAP ID, KMaxTUint32 if not known.
    TUint32 iEasyWlanId;


// End of file