author William Roberts <>
Thu, 17 Jun 2010 22:32:02 +0100
changeset 39 f10336de0cd6
parent 20 9c97ad6591ae
child 27 489cf6208544
permissions -rw-r--r--
Mark TMeta vtable and typeinfo exports as ABSENT - Bug 3024

* Copyright (c) 2004-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: MPM server implementation

@file mpmserver.cpp
Mobility Policy Manager server implementation.

#include <commdb.h>
#include <etel3rdparty.h>                // Voice call notification
#include <mmtsy_names.h>                 // KMmTsyModuleName
#include <centralrepository.h>
#include <es_sock_partner.h>
#include <CoreApplicationUIsSDKCRKeys.h>

#include "mpmserver.h"
#include "mpmserversession.h"
#include "mpmconnmonevents.h"
#include "mpmlogger.h"
#include "mpmdtmwatcher.h"
#include "mpmroamingwatcher.h"
#include "mpmdisconnectdlg.h"
#include "mpmconfirmdlgroaming.h"
#include "mpmconfirmdlgstarting.h"
#include "mpmdefaultconnection.h"
#include "mpmcommsdataccess.h"
#include "mpmwlanquerydialog.h"
#include "mpmprivatecrkeys.h"
#include "mpmcsidwatcher.h"
#include "mpmdatausagewatcher.h"
#include "mpmpropertydef.h"
#include "mpmofflinewatcher.h"

// ============================= LOCAL FUNCTIONS ===============================

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// PanicServer 
// Panics the server in case of programming error.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void PanicServer( TInt aPanic )
    User::Panic( KMPMPanicCategory, aPanic );

// ============================ MEMBER FUNCTIONS ===============================

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMPMServer::NewL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
CMPMServer* CMPMServer::NewL()
    CMPMServer* self = new ( ELeave ) CMPMServer();
    CleanupStack::PushL( self );
    CleanupStack::Pop( self );
    return self;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMPMServer::CMPMServer
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    : CPolicyServer( CPolicyServer::EPriorityStandard, KMPMPolicy ),
      iEvents( NULL ), 
      iTSYLoaded( EFalse ),
      iPacketServLoaded( EFalse ), 
      iDtmWatcher( NULL ), 
      iWLANScanRequired( EFalse ), 
      iDisconnectQueue( NULL ), 
      iRoamingQueue( NULL ), 
      iStartingQueue( NULL ),
      iWlanQueryQueue( NULL ),
      iDefaultConnection( NULL ), 
      iConnectionCounter( 0 ),
      iOfflineMode( ECoreAppUIsNetworkConnectionAllowed )

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMPMServer::ConstructL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CMPMServer::ConstructL()
    // identify ourselves and open for service
    MPMLOGSTRING( "MPMServer is starting" )
    StartL( KMPMServerName );

    // Connect to ETel server
    // The RTelServer::Connect() might not always work with the first trial,
    // because of a coding error related to using semaphores in the method.
    TInt err( KErrNotReady );
    err = iTelServer.Connect();
    TInt a = 0;
    while( a < KPhoneRetryCount && err != KErrNone )
        User::After( KPhoneRetryTimeout );
        err = iTelServer.Connect();
    User::LeaveIfError( err );
    // Try to load phone.tsy
    TBuf< KCommsDbSvrMaxColumnNameLength > tsyName;
    tsyName.Copy( KMmTsyModuleName );
    err = iTelServer.LoadPhoneModule( tsyName );

    if ( err == KErrNone )
        iTSYLoaded = ETrue;
        // Phone info can be retrieved with value 0 if there is only 1 phone
        RTelServer::TPhoneInfo info;
        User::LeaveIfError( iTelServer.GetPhoneInfo( 0, info ) );
        User::LeaveIfError( iMobilePhone.Open( iTelServer, info.iName ) );

        // Open packet service
        err = iPacketService.Open( iMobilePhone );
        if ( err == KErrNone )
            iPacketServLoaded = ETrue;
            iDtmWatcher = CMPMDtmWatcher::NewL( iPacketService );
#ifdef _DEBUG
                "CMPMServer::ConstructL iPacketService.Open error: %d", err )  
#endif // _DEBUG
    iRoamingWatcher = CMPMRoamingWatcher::NewL(iMobilePhone);

    iCommsDatAccess = CMPMCommsDatAccess::NewL( );
    iDisconnectQueue = new ( ELeave ) CArrayPtrFlat<CMPMDisconnectDlg>( KGranularity );

    iRoamingQueue = new ( ELeave ) CArrayPtrFlat<CMPMConfirmDlgRoaming>( KGranularity );

    iStartingQueue = new ( ELeave ) CArrayPtrFlat<CMPMConfirmDlgStarting>( KGranularity ); 

    iWlanQueryQueue = new ( ELeave ) CArrayPtrFlat<CMPMWlanQueryDialog>( KGranularity );
    iDefaultConnection = CMPMDefaultConnection::NewL( this );    

    // Create central repository watcher and start it
    iMpmCsIdWatcher = CMpmCsIdWatcher::NewL();

    // Create another central repository watcher and start it
    TRAPD( duwErr, iMpmDataUsageWatcher = CMpmDataUsageWatcher::NewL( this ) );
    if (duwErr == KErrNone)
        iMpmDataUsageWatcher = NULL;
        MPMLOGSTRING( "CMPMServer::ConstructL: CMpmDataUsageWatcher::NewL() failed!" )

    // Create another central repository watcher and start it
    TRAPD( owErr, iMpmOfflineWatcher = CMpmOfflineWatcher::NewL( this ) );
    if (owErr == KErrNone)
        iMpmOfflineWatcher = NULL;
        MPMLOGSTRING( "CMPMServer::ConstructL: CMpmOfflineWatcher::NewL() failed!" )

    // Read dedicated clients from the central repository
    CRepository* repository = CRepository::NewL( KCRUidMPM );
    CleanupStack::PushL( repository );
    TUint32 baseKey = KMpmDedicatedClientBase;
    TInt value;
    TInt ret = KErrNone;
    while ( ret == KErrNone )
        ret = repository->Get ( baseKey, value );

        if ( ret == KErrNone )
            iDedicatedClients.AppendL( value );
            MPMLOGSTRING2( "CMPMServer::ConstructL: Dedicated client id: %d", value)

    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy ( repository );
    iConnUiUtils = CConnectionUiUtilities::NewL();

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMPMServer::~CMPMServer
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    if ( iDisconnectQueue )
    delete iDisconnectQueue;

    if ( iRoamingQueue )
    delete iRoamingQueue;

    if ( iStartingQueue )
    delete iStartingQueue;

    while ( iWlanQueryQueue && iWlanQueryQueue->Count() > 0 )
        iWlanQueryQueue->Delete( 0 );
    delete iWlanQueryQueue;

    delete iEvents;

    for ( TInt i = 0; i < iBlackListIdList.Count(); i++ )


    delete iDtmWatcher;
    delete iRoamingWatcher;

    // Close "global" ETEL objects
    if ( iPacketServLoaded )

    delete iDefaultConnection;
    delete iMpmCsIdWatcher;    
    delete iMpmDataUsageWatcher;    

    delete iMpmOfflineWatcher;    


    delete iCommsDatAccess;
    delete iConnUiUtils;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMPMServer::NewSessionL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
CSession2* CMPMServer::NewSessionL(
    const TVersion& aVersion,
    const RMessage2& /*aMessage*/) const
    MPMLOGSTRING( "CMPMServer::NewSessionL" )
    // Check we're the right version
    if ( !User::QueryVersionSupported(TVersion(KMPMServerMajorVersionNumber,
                                               KMPMServerBuildVersionNumber ),
                                     aVersion ) )
        User::Leave( KErrNotSupported );

    CSession2* session = CMPMServerSession::NewL( 
                             *const_cast<CMPMServer*>( this ));
    return session;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMPMServer::PanicClient
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CMPMServer::PanicClient(
    const TInt aPanic) const
    // let's have a look before we panic the client
    // ok, go for it
    RThread clientThread;

    TInt err = Message().Client( clientThread );

    if ( err == KErrNone )
        clientThread.Panic( KMPMServerName, aPanic );

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMPMServer::AppendBMConnection
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CMPMServer::AppendBMConnection( const TConnectionId aConnId, 
                                     const TUint32       aSnap,
                                     const TUint32       aIapId, 
                                     TConnectionState    aState,
                                     CMPMServerSession&  aSession )
        "CMPMServer::AppendBMConnection - aConnId = 0x%x, aSnap = %i",
        aConnId, aSnap )

    // Set the Connection Id, SNAP, Iap Id and connection state
    TConnectionInfo connInfo;
    connInfo.iConnId = aConnId;
    connInfo.iSnap   = aSnap;
    connInfo.iIapId  = aIapId;
    connInfo.iState  = aState;
    connInfo.iAppUid = aSession.AppUid();

    // Package into TActiveBMConn //TODO Redundant.. remove the other one.
    TActiveBMConn conn;
    conn.iConnInfo          = connInfo;

    TInt index1 = iActiveBMConns.Find( conn, TActiveBMConn::MatchConnInfo );

    if ( index1 == KErrNotFound )
        // If this connInfo is not yet there, insert it at the end of array
        iActiveBMConns.Append( conn );
        // connInfo already active, check whether Connection Id is there
        if ( index1 < iActiveBMConns.Count() )
            // Set the Iap Id and connection state
            iActiveBMConns[index1].iConnInfo.iIapId = aIapId;
            iActiveBMConns[index1].iConnInfo.iState = aState;
            iActiveBMConns[index1].iConnInfo.iAppUid = aSession.AppUid();

#ifdef _DEBUG
    // Dump array of active connections to log in order to support testing.
#endif // _DEBUG

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMPMServer::ResetBMConnection
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CMPMServer::ResetBMConnection( const TConnectionId aConnId,
                                    const TUint32       aIapId,
                                    CMPMServerSession&  /*aSession*/ )
        "CMPMServer::ResetBMConnection - aConnId = 0x%x, aIapId = %i", 
        aConnId, aIapId )

    // Get the current connection SNAP for this Connection Id
    TUint32 snap = GetBMSnap( aConnId );

    // Set the Connection Id and SNAP
    TConnectionInfo connInfo;
    connInfo.iConnId = aConnId;
    connInfo.iSnap   = snap;

    // Set the Iap Id 
    TActiveBMConn conn;
    conn.iConnInfo          = connInfo;
    conn.iConnInfo.iIapId   = aIapId;

    TInt index1 = iActiveBMConns.Find( conn, TActiveBMConn::MatchConnInfo );

    if ( ( index1 != KErrNotFound ) && ( index1 < iActiveBMConns.Count() ) )
//       && ( aIapId == iActiveBMConns[index1].iConnInfo.iIapId ) )
        // If connInfo found, reset the Iap Id as zero and 
        // update connection state as EIdle.
        // It is expected that MPM keeps the Connection Id and SNAP 
        // relationship in a database entry and that this entry survives 
        // a roaming event (an ApplicationLeavesConnection call).
        iActiveBMConns[index1].iConnInfo.iIapId = 0;
        iActiveBMConns[index1].iConnInfo.iState = EIdle;
#ifdef _DEBUG
    // Dump array of active connections to log in order to support testing.
#endif // _DEBUG

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMPMServer::RemoveBMConnection
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CMPMServer::RemoveBMConnection( const TConnectionId aConnId,
                                     CMPMServerSession&  /*aSession*/ )
    MPMLOGSTRING2( "CMPMServer::RemoveBMConnection - aConnId = 0x%x", 
        aConnId )

    TInt count = iActiveBMConns.Count();
    // Decrement by one, because count is n, 
    // but indexes in array are 0 .. n-1.

    // This time we are browsing the array from the end to the beginning, 
    // because removing one element from array affects index numbering.
    for ( TInt i = count; i >= 0; i-- )
        if ( iActiveBMConns[i].iConnInfo.iConnId == aConnId )
            // If Connection Id found, remove it. 
            iActiveBMConns.Remove( i );

#ifdef _DEBUG
    // Dump array of active connections to log in order to support testing.
#endif // _DEBUG

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMPMServer::GetBMIap
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TUint32 CMPMServer::GetBMIap( const TConnectionId aConnId )
    MPMLOGSTRING2( "CMPMServer::GetBMIap - aConnId = 0x%x", aConnId )

    TUint32 connectionIapId( 0 );

    // Set the Connection Id and SNAP
    TConnectionInfo connInfo;
    connInfo.iConnId = aConnId;

    TActiveBMConn conn;
    conn.iConnInfo = connInfo;

    TInt index1 = iActiveBMConns.Find( conn, TActiveBMConn::MatchConnInfo );

    if ( ( index1 != KErrNotFound ) && ( index1 < iActiveBMConns.Count() ) )
        // If connInfo found, set the Iap Id as connectionIapId
        connectionIapId = iActiveBMConns[index1].iConnInfo.iIapId;

    MPMLOGSTRING2( "CMPMServer::GetBMIap - connectionIapId = %i", 
        connectionIapId )
    return connectionIapId;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMPMServer::GetBMSnap
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TUint32 CMPMServer::GetBMSnap( const TConnectionId aConnId )
    MPMLOGSTRING2( "CMPMServer::GetBMSnap - aConnId = 0x%x", aConnId )

    TUint32 snap( 0 );
    TBool   snapFound( EFalse );

    for ( TInt i = 0; ( ( i < iActiveBMConns.Count() ) && !snapFound ); i++ )
        if ( iActiveBMConns[i].iConnInfo.iConnId == aConnId )
            snap = iActiveBMConns[i].iConnInfo.iSnap;
            snapFound = ETrue;
    MPMLOGSTRING2( "CMPMServer::GetBMSnap - SNAP = %i", snap )
    return snap;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMPMServer::GetConnectionState
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CMPMServer::GetConnectionState( const TConnectionId    aConnId,
                                     TConnectionState&      aState )
    MPMLOGSTRING2( "CMPMServer::GetConnectionState - aConnId = 0x%x", 
        aConnId )

    TConnectionInfo connInfo;
    connInfo.iConnId = aConnId; 

    TActiveBMConn conn;
    conn.iConnInfo = connInfo;

    TInt index1 = iActiveBMConns.Find( conn, TActiveBMConn::MatchConnInfo );

    if ( ( index1 != KErrNotFound ) && ( index1 < iActiveBMConns.Count() ) )
        // If connInfo found
        aState = iActiveBMConns[index1].iConnInfo.iState;
        // Since connInfo has no entry in iActiveBMConns, then 
        // the state of connection must be EStarting.
        aState = EStarting;

#ifdef _DEBUG
    switch( aState )
        case EStarting:
            MPMLOGSTRING( "CMPMServer::GetConnectionState - Starting" )
        case EStarted:
            MPMLOGSTRING( "CMPMServer::GetConnectionState - Started" )
        case EIdle:
            MPMLOGSTRING( "CMPMServer::GetConnectionState - Idle" )
        case ERoaming:
            MPMLOGSTRING( "CMPMServer::GetConnectionState - Roaming" )
            MPMLOGSTRING( "CMPMServer::GetConnectionState - Unknown" )
#endif // _DEBUG

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMPMServer::CheckIfStarted
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TBool CMPMServer::CheckIfStarted( const TUint32 aIapId , 
                                  const TConnectionId aConnId )
    MPMLOGSTRING3( "CMPMServer::CheckIfStarted - aIapId = %i, aConnId = 0x%x", 
                  aIapId, aConnId )

    TConnectionState state( EIdle );
    TBool stopLoop( EFalse );

    // Loop all connections until EStarted is found or no more connections
    for ( TInt i = 0; ( ( i < iActiveBMConns.Count() ) && !stopLoop ); i++ )
        // Check if IAP Id matches; exclude matching with own connection
        if ( iActiveBMConns[i].iConnInfo.iIapId == aIapId && 
             iActiveBMConns[i].iConnInfo.iConnId != aConnId)
            state = iActiveBMConns[i].iConnInfo.iState;  

            // Stop looping if EStarted found
            if ( state == EStarted )
                stopLoop = ETrue;

#ifdef _DEBUG
    switch( state )
        case EStarting:
            MPMLOGSTRING( "CMPMServer::CheckIfStarted - Starting" )
        case EStarted:
            MPMLOGSTRING( "CMPMServer::CheckIfStarted - Started" )
        case EIdle:
            MPMLOGSTRING( "CMPMServer::CheckIfStarted - Idle" )
        case ERoaming:
            MPMLOGSTRING( "CMPMServer::CheckIfStarted - Roaming" )
            MPMLOGSTRING( "CMPMServer::CheckIfStarted - Unknown" )
#endif // _DEBUG
    //Return true incase the matching connection is in EStarting state also because
    //sometimes when connections are started simultaneously (for same iapID) 
    //the first connection may still be in EStarting state. 
    if ( state == EStarted || state == EStarting )
        return ETrue;
        return EFalse;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMPMServer::IsWlanConnectionStartedL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TUint32 CMPMServer::IsWlanConnectionStartedL( const CMPMCommsDatAccess* aCdbAccess )
    TUint32 iapId( 0 );
    MPMLOGSTRING( "CMPMServer::IsWlanConnectionStartedL" )

    TBool stopLoop( EFalse );

    // Loop all connections until EStarted is found or no more connections
    for ( TInt i = 0; ( ( i < iActiveBMConns.Count() ) && !stopLoop ); i++ )
        // Check if IAP Id matches
        if ( iActiveBMConns[i].iConnInfo.iState == EStarting ||
             iActiveBMConns[i].iConnInfo.iState == EStarted )
            if ( aCdbAccess->CheckWlanL( iActiveBMConns[i].iConnInfo.iIapId ) != ENotWlanIap )
                stopLoop = ETrue;
                iapId = iActiveBMConns[i].iConnInfo.iIapId;
                MPMLOGSTRING2( "CMPMServer::IsWlanConnectionStartedL, found wlan iap %d", iapId )

    return iapId;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMPMServer::AppendBMIAPConnectionL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CMPMServer::AppendBMIAPConnectionL( const TUint32       aIapId, 
                                         const TConnectionId aConnId,
                                         CMPMServerSession& aSession )
        "CMPMServer::AppendBMIAPConnectionL - aIapId = %i, aConnId = 0x%x", 
        aIapId, aConnId )

    TActiveBMConn conn;
    conn.iConnInfo.iIapId = aIapId;
    conn.iConnInfo.iState = EStarted;
    conn.iConnInfo.iAppUid = aSession.AppUid();
    TInt index1 = iActiveBMConns.Find( conn, TActiveBMConn::MatchIapId );

    if ( index1 == KErrNotFound )
        // If this Iap is not yet there, insert it at the end of array
        iActiveBMConns.AppendL( conn );
        // Iap already active, update connection state as started. 
        // This Iap could be shared by multiple applications, but 
        // update only the one with matching connection id.
        for ( TInt i = 0; i < iActiveBMConns.Count(); i++ )
            if ( iActiveBMConns[i].iConnInfo.iConnId == aConnId )
                iActiveBMConns[i].iConnInfo.iState = EStarted;
            else if ( iActiveBMConns[i].iConnInfo.iSnap == 0 &&
                    iActiveBMConns[i].iConnInfo.iIapId == aIapId )
                iActiveBMConns[i].iConnInfo.iState = EStarted;

#ifdef _DEBUG
    // Dump array of active connections to log in order to support testing.
#endif // _DEBUG

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMPMServer::RemoveBMIAPConnection
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CMPMServer::RemoveBMIAPConnection( const TUint32       aIapId, 
                                        const TConnectionId aConnId,
                                        CMPMServerSession&  /*aSession*/ )
        "CMPMServer::RemoveBMIAPConnection - aIapId = %i, aConnId = 0x%x", 
        aIapId, aConnId )

    TActiveBMConn conn;
    conn.iConnInfo.iIapId = aIapId;

    // The IAP connection lifetime is determined by the two calls 
    // IAPConnectionStarted and IAPConnectionStopped. 
    TInt count = iActiveBMConns.Count();

    // Decrement by one, because count is n, 
    // but indexes in array are 0 .. n-1.

    // This time we are browsing the array from the end to the beginning, 
    // because removing one element from array affects index numbering.
    for ( TInt i = count; i >= 0; i-- )
        if ( iActiveBMConns[i].iConnInfo.iIapId == aIapId )
            if ( iActiveBMConns[i].iConnInfo.iSnap == 0 )
                // If IAPConnectionStopped has been called and SNAP is zero,
                // then this entry can be removed from database.
                iActiveBMConns.Remove( i );
                // If IAP found, reset the Iap Id as zero and 
                // update connection state as idle.
                // This Iap could be shared by multiple applications, 
                // but update only the one with matching connection id.
                if ( iActiveBMConns[i].iConnInfo.iConnId == aConnId )
                    iActiveBMConns[i].iConnInfo.iIapId = 0;
                    iActiveBMConns[i].iConnInfo.iState = EIdle;

#ifdef _DEBUG
    // Dump array of active connections to log in order to support testing.
#endif // _DEBUG

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMPMServer::AppendSessionL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CMPMServer::AppendSessionL( const CMPMServerSession* aSession )
    MPMLOGSTRING( "CMPMServer::AppendSession" )
    iSessions.AppendL( aSession );

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMPMServer::RemoveSession
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CMPMServer::RemoveSession( const CMPMServerSession* aSession )
    MPMLOGSTRING( "CMPMServer::RemoveSession" )

    TInt index = iSessions.Find( aSession );
    if ( index != KErrNotFound )
        iSessions.Remove( index );

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMPMServer::NotifyBMPrefIapL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CMPMServer::NotifyBMPrefIapL( const TConnMonIapInfo& aIapInfo, 
                                   const TPrefIAPNotifCaller aCaller )
    MPMLOGSTRING2( "CMPMServer::NotifyBMPrefIapL - IAPs count: %d", 
    TConnMonIapInfo iapInfo = aIapInfo;
#ifdef _DEBUG
    for (TUint i = 0; i < iapInfo.Count(); i++)
        MPMLOGSTRING2( "CMPMServer::NotifyBMPrefIap - IAP: %d", 
#endif // _DEBUG

    // Start possible forced roaming
    TCmUsageOfWlan usageOfWlan = CommsDatAccess()->ForcedRoamingL();
    if ( usageOfWlan == ECmUsageOfWlanKnown || usageOfWlan == ECmUsageOfWlanKnownAndNew )
        StartForcedRoamingToWlanL( iapInfo );
        StartForcedRoamingFromWlanL( iapInfo );
    "CMPMServer::NotifyBMPrefIapL - Send notifications for %d sessions", 
        iSessions.Count() )

    for ( TInt i = 0; i < iSessions.Count(); i++ )
        iapInfo = iSessions[i]->GetAvailableIAPs( );
        iSessions[i]->PrefIAPNotificationL( iapInfo, aCaller );

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMPMServer::HandleServerBlackListIap
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CMPMServer::HandleServerBlackListIap( const TConnectionId  aConnId,
                                           TUint32              aIapId, 
                                           TBlacklistCategory   aCategory )
        "CMPMServer::HandleServerBlackListIap - aConnId = 0x%x, iapId = %i",
        aConnId, aIapId )

        "CMPMServer::HandleServerBlackListIap - aCategory = %i", aCategory )

    BlackListIap( aConnId, aIapId, aCategory ); 

    TUint32 presumedIap = Events()->PresumedIapId( aConnId, 
                                                   aIapId );
    if ( ( presumedIap != 0 ) && 
         ( presumedIap != aIapId ) )
            "CMPMServer::HandleServerBlackListIap - presumedIap = %i",
            presumedIap )
        BlackListIap( aConnId, presumedIap, aCategory ); 

    return KErrNone;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMPMServer::BlackListIap
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CMPMServer::BlackListIap( const TConnectionId  aConnId,
                               TUint32              aIapId, 
                               TBlacklistCategory   aCategory )
    TInt i;
    TBool found = EFalse;

    found = FindBlacklistedConnIndex( aConnId, i );
    if ( found )
        TMPMBlackListConnId connIdInfo = iBlackListIdList[i];
        connIdInfo.Append( aIapId, aCategory );
        iBlackListIdList.Remove( i );
        iBlackListIdList.Insert( connIdInfo, 0 );
        TMPMBlackListConnId connIdInfo;
        connIdInfo.iConnId = aConnId;
        connIdInfo.Append( aIapId, aCategory );
        iBlackListIdList.Insert( connIdInfo, 0 );

    return KErrNone;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMPMServer::HandleServerUnblackListIap
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CMPMServer::HandleServerUnblackListIap( 
    const TConnectionId aConnId,
    TUint32             aIapId )
        "CMPMServer::HandleServerUnblackListIap - aConnId = 0x%x, iapId = %i"
        ,aConnId, aIapId )

    TInt i;
    TBool found = EFalse;

    found = FindBlacklistedConnIndex( aConnId, i );
    if ( found )
        // found blacklisted Connection Id
        TMPMBlackListConnId connIdInfo = iBlackListIdList[i];
        iBlackListIdList.Remove( i ); // remove from the list 
        MPMLOGSTRING2( "CMPMServer::HandleServerUnblackListIap - \
connIdInfo count: %d", connIdInfo.Count() )

        if ( aIapId == 0 )
            { // 0 will reset Connection Id blacklisted iap list 
            MPMLOGSTRING( "CMPMServer::HandleServerUnblackListIap - \
reset Connection Id blacklisted iap list" )

            return KErrNone;

        found = EFalse;
        for (TInt j = 0; j < connIdInfo.Count(); j++)
            if ( connIdInfo.Iap( j ) == aIapId )
                // found and remove blacklisted iap
                connIdInfo.Remove( j ); 
                MPMLOGSTRING2( "CMPMServer::HandleServerUnblackListIap - \
removed blacklisted iap in index = %d", j )
                if ( connIdInfo.Count() == 0 )
                    return KErrNone;

                // reinsert connIdInfo at the beginning to reflect activeness
                iBlackListIdList.Insert( connIdInfo, 0 ); 
                return KErrNone;
        // nothing found and reinsert at the beginning 
        // connIdInfo to reflect activeness
        iBlackListIdList.Insert( connIdInfo, 0 ); 
        return KErrNotFound;
        MPMLOGSTRING( "CMPMServer::HandleServerUnblackListIap - \
not found blacklisted Connection Id" )
        return KErrNotFound;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMPMServer::HandleServerUnblackListIap
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CMPMServer::HandleServerUnblackListIap( 
    TBlacklistCategory  aCategory )
    MPMLOGSTRING3( "CMPMServer::HandleServerUnblackListIap -\
aCategory = %i blacklisted Id count = %d", 
                   aCategory, iBlackListIdList.Count() )

    for( TInt i( 0 ); i < iBlackListIdList.Count(); i++ )
        // found blacklisted Connection Id
        TMPMBlackListConnId connIdInfo = iBlackListIdList[i];
        iBlackListIdList.Remove( i ); // remove from the list 

        MPMLOGSTRING3( "CMPMServer::HandleServerUnblackListIap - \
aConnId = 0x%x, blacklisted IapId count = %d", connIdInfo.iConnId, 
        connIdInfo.Count() )
        for (TInt j = 0; j < connIdInfo.Count(); j++)
            if ( connIdInfo.Category( j ) == aCategory ) 
                // found and remove blacklisted iap
                MPMLOGSTRING3( "CMPMServer::HandleServerUnblackListIap - \
removed blacklisted iap id %i in index: %d", connIdInfo.Iap( j ), j )
                connIdInfo.Remove( j ); 
        // If any blacklisted iaps remain reinsert at the 
        // beginning connIdInfo to reflect activeness
        if( connIdInfo.Count() > 0 )
            MPMLOGSTRING( "reinsert connIdInfo to reflect activeness" )
            iBlackListIdList.Insert( connIdInfo, 0 );             

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMPMServer::GetBlacklistedIAP
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CMPMServer::GetBlacklistedIAP( TConnectionId    aConnId, 
                                    RArray<TUint32> &aBlacklistedIAP )
    TInt  i;
    TBool found = EFalse;

    found = FindBlacklistedConnIndex( aConnId, i );
    if ( !found )
        return KErrNotFound;

    TMPMBlackListConnId connIdInfo = iBlackListIdList[i];
    iBlackListIdList.Remove( i );
    iBlackListIdList.Insert( connIdInfo, 0 );

    for (TInt j = 0; j < connIdInfo.Count(); j++)
        aBlacklistedIAP.Append( connIdInfo.Iap( j ) );

    return KErrNone;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMPMServer::GetBlacklistedIAP
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CMPMServer::GetBlacklistedIAP( RArray<TUint32> &aBlacklistedIAP )
    // Returns all blacklisted IAPs regardless of Connection Id 
    for ( TInt i( 0 ); i < iBlackListIdList.Count(); i++ )
        for ( TInt j( 0 ); j < iBlackListIdList[i].Count(); 
              j++ )
            // Inserts an object into the array in ascending unsigned 
            // key order. No duplicate entries are permitted. 
            // The array remains unchanged following an attempt to 
            // insert a duplicate entry.
                                    iBlackListIdList[i].Iap( j ) );
    return KErrNone;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMPMServer::FindId
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TBool CMPMServer::FindBlacklistedConnIndex( const TConnectionId aConnId, 
                                            TInt                &aIndex )
    TInt  i;
    TBool found = EFalse;

    for (i = 0;( (i < iBlackListIdList.Count()) && !found ); i++)
        if ( iBlackListIdList[i].iConnId == aConnId )
            found = ETrue;
    i--; // Since i is incremented after finding the correct iConnId
    aIndex = i;
    return found;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMPMServer::IsVoiceCallActiveL
// Checks if voice call is active or not.
// Return ETrue if voice call is active.
// Return EFalse if voice call is not active.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TBool CMPMServer::IsVoiceCallActiveL() const
    MPMLOGSTRING( "CMPMServer::IsVoiceCallActiveL" )

    CTelephony*                   telephony = CTelephony::NewLC();
    CTelephony::TCallStatusV1     callStatusV1;
    CTelephony::TCallStatusV1Pckg callStatusV1Pckg( callStatusV1 );
    CTelephony::TPhoneLine        line = CTelephony::EVoiceLine;

    telephony->GetLineStatus( line, callStatusV1Pckg );
    CTelephony::TCallStatus voiceLineStatus = callStatusV1.iStatus;

    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( telephony );

    if ( voiceLineStatus == CTelephony::EStatusDialling         ||
         voiceLineStatus == CTelephony::EStatusRinging          ||
         voiceLineStatus == CTelephony::EStatusAnswering        ||
         voiceLineStatus == CTelephony::EStatusConnecting       ||
         voiceLineStatus == CTelephony::EStatusConnected        ||
         voiceLineStatus == CTelephony::EStatusReconnectPending ||
         voiceLineStatus == CTelephony::EStatusDisconnecting    ||
         voiceLineStatus == CTelephony::EStatusHold             ||
         voiceLineStatus == CTelephony::EStatusTransferring     ||
         voiceLineStatus == CTelephony::EStatusTransferAlerting  )
            "CMPMServer::IsVoiceCallActiveL Voice call is active: %d", 
            voiceLineStatus )
        return ETrue;
    else if ( voiceLineStatus == CTelephony::EStatusIdle ||
              voiceLineStatus == CTelephony::EStatusUnknown )
            "CMPMServer::IsVoiceCallActiveL Voice call is not active: %d", 
            voiceLineStatus )
        return EFalse;
            "CMPMServer::IsVoiceCallActiveL Unknown voice line status: %d", 
            voiceLineStatus )
        return EFalse;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMPMServer::IsModeGSM
// Checks if mode is GSM or not.
// Return ETrue if mode is GSM.
// Return EFalse if mode is something else.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TBool CMPMServer::IsModeGSM() const

    if ( iTSYLoaded )
        RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneNetworkMode mode( 
            RMobilePhone::ENetworkModeUnknown );

        TInt ret = iMobilePhone.GetCurrentMode( mode );

        if ( ( ret == KErrNone ) && 
             ( mode == RMobilePhone::ENetworkModeGsm ) )
            MPMLOGSTRING( "CMPMServer::IsModeGSM Mode is GSM" )
            return ETrue;
            MPMLOGSTRING( "CMPMServer::IsModeGSM Mode is not GSM" )
            return EFalse;
    MPMLOGSTRING( "CMPMServer::IsModeGSM phone.tsy not loaded" )
    return EFalse;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMPMServer::IsDTMSupported
// Checks if phone supports Dual Transfer Mode or not.
// Return ETrue if phone supports DTM.
// Return EFalse if phone does not support DTM.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TBool CMPMServer::IsDTMSupported() const
    MPMLOGSTRING( "CMPMServer::IsDTMSupported" )

    if ( iPacketServLoaded )
        TBool rv = iDtmWatcher->IsInDualMode();
        if ( rv )
            MPMLOGSTRING( "CMPMServer::IsDTMSupported DTM is supported" )
            MPMLOGSTRING( "CMPMServer::IsDTMSupported DTM is not supported" )
        return rv;
    MPMLOGSTRING( "CMPMServer::IsDTMSupported Packet service not loaded" )
    return EFalse;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMPMServer::DumpActiveBMConns
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CMPMServer::DumpActiveBMConns()
#ifdef _DEBUG
    // Dump array of active connections to log in order to support testing.
    MPMLOGSTRING( "Display array of active connections - Start" )

    if ( iActiveBMConns.Count() == 0 )
        MPMLOGSTRING( "Array of active connections is empty" )
        MPMLOGSTRING( "" )

    for ( TInt i = 0; i < iActiveBMConns.Count(); i++ )
        MPMLOGSTRING3( "Connection Id = 0x%x Snap = %i", 
            iActiveBMConns[i].iConnInfo.iSnap )

        switch( iActiveBMConns[i].iConnInfo.iState )
            case EStarting:
                MPMLOGSTRING2( "IAP %i: Connection state = Starting", 
                    iActiveBMConns[i].iConnInfo.iIapId )
            case EStarted:
                MPMLOGSTRING2( "IAP %i: Connection state = Started", 
                    iActiveBMConns[i].iConnInfo.iIapId )
            case EIdle:
                MPMLOGSTRING2( "IAP %i: Connection state = Idle", 
                    iActiveBMConns[i].iConnInfo.iIapId )
            case ERoaming:
                MPMLOGSTRING2( "IAP %i: Connection state = Roaming", 
                    iActiveBMConns[i].iConnInfo.iIapId )
                MPMLOGSTRING2( "IAP %i: Unknown connection state", 
                    iActiveBMConns[i].iConnInfo.iIapId )

        MPMLOGSTRING( "" )

    MPMLOGSTRING( "Display array of active connections - End" )
#endif // _DEBUG

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMPMServer::DefaultConnection
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
CMPMDefaultConnection* CMPMServer::DefaultConnection()
    MPMLOGSTRING( "CMPMServer::DefaultConnection:\
 Default Connection" )
    return iDefaultConnection;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMPMServer::StartedConnectionExists
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CMPMServer::StartedConnectionExists( TInt aIapId )
    MPMLOGSTRING( "CMPMServer::StartedConnectionExists" )

    // Loop all connections until EStarted is found or no more connections
    for ( TInt i = 0; ( i < iActiveBMConns.Count() ); i++ )
        if ( iActiveBMConns[i].iConnInfo.iState == EStarted &&
                ( aIapId == KErrNotFound || aIapId == iActiveBMConns[i].iConnInfo.iIapId ) )
            MPMLOGSTRING( "CMPMServer::StartedConnectionExists: True" )
            return iActiveBMConns[i].iConnInfo.iIapId;
    // Modem connection may exist, check from connection counter
    if ( ConnectionCounter() > 0 )
        MPMLOGSTRING( "CMPMServer::StartedConnectionExists: True (modem connection)" )
        return KMaxTInt; // arbitrary high number that is NOT from Iap range[0:255] 
        MPMLOGSTRING( "CMPMServer::StartedConnectionExists: False" )
        return KErrNotFound;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMPMServer::AppendWlanQueryQueueL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CMPMServer::AppendWlanQueryQueueL( CMPMWlanQueryDialog* aDlg )
    if( aDlg )
        iWlanQueryQueue->AppendL( aDlg );
        MPMLOGSTRING( "CMPMServer::AppendWlanQueryQueueL argument NULL, Error" )

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMPMServer::StopConnections
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CMPMServer::StopConnections( TInt aIapId )
    MPMLOGSTRING2( "CMPMServer::StopConnections aIapId = %d", aIapId )
    for (TInt index = 0; index < iSessions.Count(); index++)
        CMPMServerSession* session = iSessions[index];
        // Stop connection
        if ( aIapId == 0 )
        else if ( GetBMIap( session->ConnectionId() ) == aIapId )
            TRAP_IGNORE( session->StopIAPNotificationL( aIapId ));

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMPMServer::UserConnectionInInternet
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TBool CMPMServer::UserConnectionInInternet() const
    TBool isInternet = EFalse;
    TInt ret = KErrNone;
    TRAP( ret, isInternet = iCommsDatAccess->IsInternetSnapL(
          UserConnPref()->IapId(), UserConnPref()->SnapId() ) );

    if ( ret != KErrNone )
        isInternet = EFalse;
    return isInternet;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMPMServer::StartForcedRoamingToWlanL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CMPMServer::StartForcedRoamingToWlanL( const TConnMonIapInfo& aIapInfo )
    MPMLOGSTRING( "CMPMServer::StartForcedRoamingToWlan" )

    // First check that there is no active wlan connection
    if ( IsWlanConnectionStartedL( CommsDatAccess() ) )
        // Wlan already active can't roam to it

    // Copy all available wlan iap ids to own array
    RArray<TUint32> wlanIapIds;
    CleanupClosePushL( wlanIapIds );
    RAvailableIAPList iapList;
    CleanupClosePushL( iapList );

    for ( TUint index = 0; index < aIapInfo.iCount; index++ )
        if ( CommsDatAccess()->CheckWlanL( aIapInfo.iIap[index].iIapId ) != ENotWlanIap )
            // Accept only wlan iaps in internet snap
            if ( iCommsDatAccess->IsInternetSnapL( aIapInfo.iIap[index].iIapId, 0 ) )
                wlanIapIds.AppendL( aIapInfo.iIap[index].iIapId );
        // Fill iap list to be used later to check best iap
        iapList.AppendL( aIapInfo.iIap[index].iIapId );

    // No wlans available -> no reason to continue
    if ( !wlanIapIds.Count() )
        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &iapList );
        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &wlanIapIds );

    // Go through all active connections and start roaming for the ones connected
    // to snap containing wlan and not using mobility api
    for ( TInt index = 0; index < iActiveBMConns.Count(); index++ )
        // Check if snap is internet snap
        TBool internetSnap =
                iActiveBMConns[index].iConnInfo.iSnap );

        CMPMServerSession* serverSession = GetServerSession(
                iActiveBMConns[index].iConnInfo.iConnId );

        // Check that connection is started, established to snap and
        // choose best iap is called for the connection
        if ( ( iActiveBMConns[index].iConnInfo.iState == EStarted ) &&
             ( iActiveBMConns[index].iConnInfo.iSnap ) && 
             ( serverSession->ChooseBestIapCalled() ) &&
             ( internetSnap ) )
            // Notify client to disconnect
            NotifyDisconnectL( index, wlanIapIds, iapList, ETrue,
                EMPMBearerTypeWlan );
    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &iapList );
    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &wlanIapIds );

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMPMServer::StartForcedRoamingFromWlanL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CMPMServer::StartForcedRoamingFromWlanL( const TConnMonIapInfo& aIapInfo )
    MPMLOGSTRING( "CMPMServer::StartForcedRoamingFromWlan" )

    // Copy all available packet data iap ids to own array
    RArray<TUint32> packetDataIapIds;
    CleanupClosePushL( packetDataIapIds );

    for ( TUint index = 0; index < aIapInfo.iCount; index++ )
        if ( CommsDatAccess()->GetBearerTypeL( aIapInfo.iIap[index].iIapId ) ==
            EMPMBearerTypePacketData )
            // Accept only packet data iaps in internet snap
            if ( iCommsDatAccess->IsInternetSnapL( aIapInfo.iIap[index].iIapId, 0 ) )
                packetDataIapIds.AppendL( aIapInfo.iIap[index].iIapId );

    // No packet data iaps available -> no reason to continue
    if ( !packetDataIapIds.Count() )
        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &packetDataIapIds );
    // Go through all active connections and start roaming for the ones connected
    // to a wlan not anymore listed in available iaps and not using mobility api
    for ( TInt index = 0; index < iActiveBMConns.Count(); index++ )
        if ( iCommsDatAccess->CheckWlanL( iActiveBMConns[index].iConnInfo.iIapId )
            == EWlanIap )
            // Check if used WLAN is still available
            TBool currentWlanIapAvailable = EFalse;
            for ( TUint iapIndex = 0; iapIndex < aIapInfo.iCount; iapIndex++ )
                if ( aIapInfo.iIap[iapIndex].iIapId ==
                    iActiveBMConns[index].iConnInfo.iIapId )
                    // Current WLAN IAP found from list of available IAPs
                    currentWlanIapAvailable = ETrue;
            if ( !currentWlanIapAvailable )
                // Current WLAN not available anymore
                // Check if snap is internet snap
                TBool internetSnap = iCommsDatAccess->IsInternetSnapL(
                    iActiveBMConns[index].iConnInfo.iSnap );
                CMPMServerSession* serverSession = GetServerSession(
                    iActiveBMConns[index].iConnInfo.iConnId );
                // Check that connection is started, established to snap,
                // choose best iap is called for the connection
                if ( ( iActiveBMConns[index].iConnInfo.iState == EStarted ) &&
                    ( iActiveBMConns[index].iConnInfo.iSnap ) && 
                    ( serverSession->ChooseBestIapCalled() ) &&
                    ( internetSnap ) )
                    // Notify client to disconnect, don't check if current
                    // WLAN IAP is the best because we want to disconnect
                    // it anyway (it was not included in available IAP
                    // list anymore)
                    RAvailableIAPList iapList;
                    CleanupClosePushL( iapList );
                    NotifyDisconnectL( index, packetDataIapIds, iapList, EFalse,
                        EMPMBearerTypePacketData );
                    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &iapList );
    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &packetDataIapIds );

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMPMServer::NotifyDisconnectL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CMPMServer::NotifyDisconnectL( TInt aConnIndex,
                                    RArray<TUint32>& aAvailIapIds,
                                    RAvailableIAPList& aIapList,
                                    TBool aCheckForBestIap,
                                    TMPMBearerType aDestinationBearerType )
    MPMLOGSTRING( "CMPMServer::NotifyDisconnectL" )
    // Get iaps in internet snap
    RArray<TNetIap> destNetIds;
    CleanupClosePushL( destNetIds );
    CommsDatAccess()->SearchDNEntriesL( iActiveBMConns[aConnIndex].iConnInfo.iSnap,
                                        destNetIds );

    // Save available iaps in internet snap
    RArray<TUint32> iapIdsInInternet;
    CleanupClosePushL( iapIdsInInternet );
    for ( TInt iIndex = 0; iIndex < destNetIds.Count(); iIndex++ )
        for ( TInt wIndex = 0; wIndex < aAvailIapIds.Count(); wIndex++ )
            if ( destNetIds[iIndex].iIapId == aAvailIapIds[wIndex] )
                iapIdsInInternet.AppendL( destNetIds[iIndex].iIapId );
        if ( iapIdsInInternet.Count() )
            // Leave loop when count is non-zero

    // Check if an iap in internet snap is available
    if ( iapIdsInInternet.Count() )
        // Find session and notify error
        for (TInt sIndex = 0; sIndex < iSessions.Count(); sIndex++ )
            // Check that CMPMIapSelection object exists for the session.
            TRAPD( error, iSessions[sIndex]->IapSelectionL() );
            if ( error == KErrNone )
                MPMLOGSTRING( "CMPMServer::NotifyDisconnectL: IapSelectionL() != NULL" )
                // Check the connection preferences for forced roaming
                if ( iSessions[sIndex]->ForcedRoaming() )
                    MPMLOGSTRING( "CMPMServer::NotifyDisconnectL: ForcedRoaming == ETrue" )
                    // Notify disconnect error for session,
                    // if mobility api is not used
                    if ( ( iSessions[sIndex]->ConnectionId() ==
                        iActiveBMConns[aConnIndex].iConnInfo.iConnId ) &&
                        !iSessions[sIndex]->PreferredIapRequested() &&
                        iSessions[sIndex]->IsBearerAccepted( aDestinationBearerType ) )
                        if ( aCheckForBestIap )
                            // Check whether current IAP and the best IAP are the same.
                            // Disconnection not done if IAPs are the same   
                            TMpmConnPref connPref;
                            connPref.SetIapId( 0 );
                                iActiveBMConns[aConnIndex].iConnInfo.iSnap );

                            iSessions[sIndex]->IapSelectionL()->ChooseBestIAPL( connPref, aIapList );

                            // if the best iap is the current iap, don't roam, move to next item
                            if ( ( aIapList.Count() > 0 ) && 
                                ( connPref.IapId() == iActiveBMConns[aConnIndex].iConnInfo.iIapId ) )
                                MPMLOGSTRING( "CMPMServer::NotifyDisconnectL: Same IAP selected. Disconnection not done." )
                        MPMLOGSTRING2( "CMPMServer::NotifyDisconnectL: \
Disconnected Connection Id = 0x%x", iSessions[sIndex]->ConnectionId() )
                        iSessions[sIndex]->ClientErrorNotificationL( KErrForceDisconnected );
    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &iapIdsInInternet );
    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &destNetIds );

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMPMServer::IsVisitorNetwork
// Checks if phone is in visitor network or in home network.
// Return ETrue if phone is in visitor network.
// Return EFalse if phone is not in visitor network.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TBool CMPMServer::IsVisitorNetwork() const
    MPMLOGSTRING( "CMPMServer::IsVisitorNetwork" )
    if ( iRoamingWatcher->RoamingStatus()== EMPMInternationalRoaming )
        MPMLOGSTRING( "CMPMServer::IsVisitorNetwork: TRUE" )
        return ETrue;
        MPMLOGSTRING( "CMPMServer::IsVisitorNetwork: FALSE" )
        return EFalse;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMPMServer::GetServerSession
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
CMPMServerSession* CMPMServer::GetServerSession( TConnectionId aConnId ) const
    MPMLOGSTRING2( "CMPMServer::GetServerSession: \
Connection Id = 0x%x", aConnId );

    CMPMServerSession* serverSession = NULL;
    for ( TInt sIndex = 0; sIndex < iSessions.Count(); sIndex++ )
        if ( iSessions[sIndex]->ConnectionId() == aConnId )
            serverSession = iSessions[sIndex];

    ASSERT( serverSession != NULL );

    return serverSession;

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMPMServer::StopCellularConns
// Stop all cellular connections except MMS
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CMPMServer::StopCellularConns()
    MPMLOGSTRING( "CMPMServer::StopCellularConns" )

    TUint32 iapId;
	TMPMBearerType bearerType = EMPMBearerTypeNone;

	// No cleanup stack used cause this function doesn't leave.
    RArray<TUint32> stoppedIaps;

    // Check through active connections
    for (TInt i = 0; i < iActiveBMConns.Count(); i++)
        iapId = iActiveBMConns[i].iConnInfo.iIapId;

        // Don't stop the same IAP twice.
        if (stoppedIaps.Find( iapId ) == KErrNotFound)
            TRAPD( err, bearerType = CommsDatAccess()->GetBearerTypeL( iapId ) );
            if (err == KErrNone &&
                    iapId != 0 &&
                    bearerType == EMPMBearerTypePacketData)
                TInt mmsIap( 0 );
                err = RProperty::Get( KMPMCathegory, KMPMPropertyKeyMMS, mmsIap );
                // Check that it's not MMS IAP.
                if (!(err == KErrNone && iapId == mmsIap))
                    // Stop the conn / IAP.
                    StopConnections( iapId );
                    stoppedIaps.Append( iapId );

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMPMServer::UpdateOfflineMode
// Offline watcher listens the offline mode and calls this when it's changed.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CMPMServer::UpdateOfflineMode( TInt aNewModeValue )
    MPMLOGSTRING2( "CMPMServer::UpdateOfflineMode: Value %d", aNewModeValue )

    iOfflineMode = aNewModeValue;

    if ( iOfflineMode == ECoreAppUIsNetworkConnectionAllowed )
        // Offline mode finished, reset the QueryResponse variable.
        iOfflineWlanQueryResponse = EOfflineResponseUndefined;

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMPMServer::IsPhoneOffline
// Returns the current offline mode.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TBool CMPMServer::IsPhoneOffline()
    MPMLOGSTRING( "CMPMServer::IsPhoneOffline" )

    TBool retval = EFalse;
    if ( iOfflineMode == ECoreAppUIsNetworkConnectionNotAllowed)
        retval = ETrue;
        MPMLOGSTRING( "CMPMServer::IsPhoneOffline: Yes." )
    return retval;

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMPMServer::OfflineWlanQueryResponse
// Tells the "Use WLAN in offline mode" query's response during the
// current offline mode session.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TOfflineWlanQueryResponse CMPMServer::OfflineWlanQueryResponse()
    MPMLOGSTRING( "CMPMServer::OfflineWlanQueryResponse" )

    MPMLOGSTRING2( "CMPMServer::IsOfflineWlanQueryAccepted: %d", iOfflineWlanQueryResponse )
    return iOfflineWlanQueryResponse;
    // Platsim simulates WLAN and offline-mode. To ease automated testing,
    // offline connection confirmation is not asked in Platsim-variant
    MPMLOGSTRING( "CMPMServer::OfflineWlanQueryResponse: yes for Platsim" )
    return EOfflineResponseYes;

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMPMServer::SetOfflineWlanQueryResponse
// Called when the "Use WLAN in offline mode" note has been responded.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CMPMServer::SetOfflineWlanQueryResponse( TOfflineWlanQueryResponse aResponse)
    MPMLOGSTRING( "CMPMServer::SetOfflineWlanQueryResponse" )

    iOfflineWlanQueryResponse = aResponse;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// TMPMBlackListConnId::Append
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void TMPMBlackListConnId::Append( TUint32 aIap, TBlacklistCategory aCategory )
    iBlackListIap.Append( aIap );
    iCategory.Append( aCategory );

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// TMPMBlackListConnId::Remove
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void TMPMBlackListConnId::Remove( TInt aIndex )
    iBlackListIap.Remove( aIndex );
    iCategory.Remove( aIndex );    

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// TMPMBlackListConnId::Close
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void TMPMBlackListConnId::Close()

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// TMPMBlackListConnId::Count
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt TMPMBlackListConnId::Count() const
    return iBlackListIap.Count();

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// TConnectionInfo::TConnectionInfo
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    : iConnId( 0 ),
      iSnap( 0 ),
      iIapId( 0 ), 
      iState( EIdle ),
      iAppUid( 0 )

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// TConnectionInfo::MatchId
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TBool TConnectionInfo::MatchId( const TConnectionInfo& aFirst,
                                       const TConnectionInfo& aSecond )
    if ( aFirst.iConnId == aSecond.iConnId )
        return ETrue;
        return EFalse;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// TConnectionInfo::MatchIdSnap
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TBool TConnectionInfo::MatchIdSnap( const TConnectionInfo& aFirst,
                                    const TConnectionInfo& aSecond )
    if ( ( aFirst.iConnId  == aSecond.iConnId ) &&
         ( aFirst.iSnap    == aSecond.iSnap ) )
        return ETrue;
        return EFalse;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// TActiveBMConn::TActiveBMConn
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    : iConnInfo()

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// TActiveBMConn::MatchIapId
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TBool TActiveBMConn::MatchIapId( const TActiveBMConn& aFirst,
                                 const TActiveBMConn& aSecond )
    if ( aFirst.iConnInfo.iIapId == aSecond.iConnInfo.iIapId )
        return ETrue;
        return EFalse;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// TActiveBMConn::MatchConnInfo
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TBool TActiveBMConn::MatchConnInfo( const TActiveBMConn& aFirst,
                                    const TActiveBMConn& aSecond )
    if ( TConnectionInfo::MatchId( aFirst.iConnInfo, aSecond.iConnInfo ) )
        return ETrue;
        return EFalse;

//  End of File