Mark TMeta vtable and typeinfo exports as ABSENT - Bug 3024
#### Purpose of this file is to provide default configuration options for the new,## access point aware code for all legacy configuration files which do not have## it on their own.## According to its purpose this file is being used only(!) ever (!) with legacy,## non access point aware (or as it is also called in CommsDat: non mesh compatible)## configurations.## This means that for these configurations the only preferences used for selection## are the link layer ones (IAP + connection preference ranking on implicit).## None of the new preferences will ever make any sense on any system that does not## provide the new configuration and will always be rejected!################################################################ GlobalSettings#### A new setting has been added to indicate the default Tier that should be referred to ## whenever a Tier setting is required but has not been specified.## The deprecated global settings "DefaultSnap" and "PromptForSnap" are now held in the ## default tier record not in the global settings table itself ####[GlobalSettings]ADD_TEMPLATE DefaultTier=Link.TierTable.2048 FIELD_COUNT=1END_TEMPLATE############################################################## AccessPointTable#### Generally all of our (Symbian's) network layer providers (tier id == 2048)## interpret their selection policy ids as records in the APPrioritySelectionPolicyTable.## However, in this particular case below (and when using this file) we are always## dealing with a legacy, link layer preferences and selection (please also see## the comment above).## Since none of the link preferences can ever be understood by the network layer## selector, they always override the provider's own selection policy (as specified## in the network layer access point, i.e. in the "NetworkDefault" record below this text).## This is why the default network layer access point below does not need to have## a APPrioritySelectionPolicyTable entry orresponding to its selection poincy id## (this really is only an excepti on from the rule, it can never happen on a system## configured to be access point aware!!!).##[AccessPointTable]ADD_SECTION# COMMDB_ID = 254 Id=10000 Name=NetworkDefault Tier=Link.TierTable.2048 MCpr=MCprTable.1 AccessPointSelectionPolicy=Link.APPrioritySelectionPolicyTable.20000 Cpr=CprTable.1 SCpr=SCprTable.7 Protocol=ProtocolTable.1 FIELD_COUNT=8END_ADD##This record here is the default record for the IPProto level APs generated by ##CommsDat. This record used as it is if the config file, which is processed## after this config file, doesn't contain any ConnectionPreferences or ##IAPPrioritySelectionPolicy tables.ADD_SECTION# COMMDB_ID = 253 Id=10001 Name=IPProtoDefault Tier=Link.TierTable.271064560 MCpr=MCprTable.2 AccessPointSelectionPolicy=0 Cpr=CprTable.2 SCpr=SCprTable.2 Protocol=ProtocolTable.2 ##this field value here is an indication that the config file doesn't have ##any generated IPProto APs which means that there is no ConnPref or ##IAPPrioritySelPol records. CustomSelectionPolicy=-1 FIELD_COUNT=9END_ADDADD_SECTION# COMMDB_ID = 252 Id=10002 Name=SIPDefault Tier=Link.TierTable.536887799 MCpr=MCprTable.11 AccessPointSelectionPolicy=0 Cpr=CprTable.5 SCpr=SCprTable.8 Protocol=ProtocolTable.2 FIELD_COUNT=8END_ADD############################################################## APPrioritySelectionPolicyTable## [APPrioritySelectionPolicyTable]ADD_SECTION# COMMDB_ID = 254 Id=20000 Name=APSelPolNetworkDefault ##This will be modified by CommsDat to point to the correct IPProto level APs ##in the ranking order of IAPs in the ConnectionPreferences table, if there ##is any. AP1=Link.AccessPointTable.10001 APCOUNT=1 FIELD_COUNT=4END_ADD############################################################## TierTable##[TierTable]## Id=0x10281DD8 == 271064536ADD_SECTION# COMMDB_ID = 1 Id=2048 TierImplUid=0x101F6D4A Name=Tier1 TierThreadName= ESock_IP TierManagerName= NetworkTierManager DefaultAccessPoint=Link.AccessPointTable.10000 PromptUser=0 FIELD_COUNT=7END_ADD## Id=0x10281DF0 == 271064560ADD_SECTION# COMMDB_ID = 2 Id=271064560 TierImplUid=271064560 Name=Tier2 TierThreadName= ESock_IP TierManagerName= ProtoTierManager ##By default this is linked to the default AP on the IPProto layer DefaultAccessPoint=Link.AccessPointTable.10001 PromptUser=0 FIELD_COUNT=7END_ADD## Id=0x10281DF5 == 271064565ADD_SECTION# COMMDB_ID = 3 Id=271064565 TierImplUid=271064565 Name=Tier3 TierThreadName= ESock_IP TierManagerName= LinkTierManager ##NB defaultAccessPoint not present in this layer. This is only needed here to satisfy the check ##on the link layer. However important that once this field has a value it has to be linked to a ##correct accesspoint record in the accesspoint table because this will be checked either. DefaultAccessPoint=Link.AccessPointTable.10000 PromptUser=0 FIELD_COUNT=7END_ADDADD_SECTION# COMMDB_ID = 4 Id=536887799 TierImplUid=536887799 Name=Tier4 TierThreadName= ESock_SIP TierManagerName= SIPTierManager DefaultAccessPoint=Link.AccessPointTable.10002 PromptUser= 0 FIELD_COUNT=7END_ADD############################################################## MCprTable## [MCprTable]ADD_SECTION# COMMDB_ID = 1 Name=netmcpr MCprUid=0x101F6D4B FIELD_COUNT=2END_ADDADD_SECTION# COMMDB_ID = 2 Name=ipprotomcpr MCprUid=0x10281DEE FIELD_COUNT=2END_ADDADD_SECTION# COMMDB_ID = 3 Name=pppmcpr MCprUid=0x10281DEC FIELD_COUNT=2END_ADDADD_SECTION# COMMDB_ID = 4 Name=ethmcpr MCprUid=0x10281DFC FIELD_COUNT=2END_ADDADD_SECTION# COMMDB_ID = 5 Name=rawipmcpr MCprUid=0x10281E00 FIELD_COUNT=2END_ADDADD_SECTION# COMMDB_ID = 6 Name=tunnelmcpr MCprUid=0x10281E02 FIELD_COUNT=2END_ADDADD_SECTION# COMMDB_ID = 7 Name=qospppmcpr MCprUid=0x10281DEC FIELD_COUNT=2END_ADDADD_SECTION# COMMDB_ID = 8 Name=dummynifmcpr MCprUid=0x10281E04 FIELD_COUNT=2END_ADDADD_SECTION# COMMDB_ID = 9 Name=hungrynifmcpr MCprUid=0x10281E04 FIELD_COUNT=2END_ADDADD_SECTION# COMMDB_ID = 10 Name=pdpmcpr MCprUid=0x102822F0 FIELD_COUNT=2END_ADDADD_SECTION# COMMDB_ID = 11 Name=sipmcpr MCprUid=0x200041F9 FIELD_COUNT=2END_ADDADD_SECTION# COMMDB_ID = 12 Name=wlanmcpr MCprUid=0x2001B2D2 FIELD_COUNT=2END_ADD## PAN Ether MCpr Uid = 271070626 (0x102835A2)ADD_SECTION# COMMDB_ID = 13 Name=panethermcpr MCprUid=271070626 FIELD_COUNT=2END_ADD############################################################## CprTable## [CprTable]ADD_SECTION# COMMDB_ID = 1 Name=ipcpr CprUid=0x102070EF FIELD_COUNT=2END_ADDADD_SECTION# COMMDB_ID = 2 Name=ipprotocpr CprUid=0x10281DD3 FIELD_COUNT=2END_ADDADD_SECTION# COMMDB_ID = 3 Name=agentcpr CprUid=0x10281DE8 FIELD_COUNT=2END_ADDADD_SECTION# COMMDB_ID = 4 Name=vanillacpr CprUid=0x102822F3 FIELD_COUNT=2END_ADDADD_SECTION# COMMDB_ID = 5 Name=sipcpr CprUid=0x10274C38 FIELD_COUNT=2END_ADDADD_SECTION# COMMDB_ID = 6 Name=tunnelagentcpr CprUid=271080968 FIELD_COUNT=2END_ADD############################################################## SCprTable## [SCprTable]ADD_SECTION# COMMDB_ID = 1 Name=ipscpr SCprUid=0x10204308 FIELD_COUNT=2END_ADDADD_SECTION# COMMDB_ID = 2 Name=ipprotoscpr SCprUid=0x10281DD1 FIELD_COUNT=2END_ADDADD_SECTION# COMMDB_ID = 3 Name=agentscpr SCprUid=0x10281DEA FIELD_COUNT=2END_ADDADD_SECTION# COMMDB_ID = 4 Name=pdpscpr SCprUid=0x102822E0 FIELD_COUNT=2END_ADDADD_SECTION# COMMDB_ID = 5 Name=pppscpr SCprUid=0x102822FC FIELD_COUNT=2END_ADDADD_SECTION# COMMDB_ID = 6 Name=vanillascpr SCprUid=0x102822F4 FIELD_COUNT=2END_ADDADD_SECTION# COMMDB_ID = 7 Name=qosscpr SCprUid=0x102822D3 FIELD_COUNT=2END_ADDADD_SECTION# COMMDB_ID = 8 Name=sipscpr SCprUid=0x10274C17 FIELD_COUNT=2END_ADD############################################################## ProtocolTable## [ProtocolTable]ADD_SECTION# COMMDB_ID = 1 Name=sapshim ProtocolUid=0x101F7482 FIELD_COUNT=2END_ADDADD_SECTION# COMMDB_ID = 2 Name=ipshim4 ProtocolUid=0x10281C36 FIELD_COUNT=2END_ADDADD_SECTION# COMMDB_ID = 3 Name=ppp ProtocolUid=0x10281C4F FIELD_COUNT=2END_ADDADD_SECTION# COMMDB_ID = 4 Name=ethernet ProtocolUid=0x10281DDB FIELD_COUNT=2END_ADDADD_SECTION# COMMDB_ID = 5 Name=rawip ProtocolUid=0x10281DF2 FIELD_COUNT=2END_ADDADD_SECTION# COMMDB_ID = 6 Name=tunnel ProtocolUid=0x10281DF7 FIELD_COUNT=2END_ADDADD_SECTION# COMMDB_ID = 7 Name=qosppp ProtocolUid=0x10281C54 FIELD_COUNT=2END_ADDADD_SECTION# COMMDB_ID = 8 Name=dummynif ProtocolUid=0x10281C3B FIELD_COUNT=2END_ADDADD_SECTION# COMMDB_ID = 9 Name=hungrynif ProtocolUid=0x10281C3D FIELD_COUNT=2END_ADDADD_SECTION# COMMDB_ID = 10 Name=panether ProtocolUid=271070627 FIELD_COUNT=2END_ADDADD_SECTION# COMMDB_ID = 11 Name=wlan ProtocolUid=0x2001B2D3 FIELD_COUNT=2END_ADD############################################################## BearerTypeTable## [BearerTypeTable]ADD_SECTION# COMMDB_ID = 1 Name=ppp Tier=Link.TierTable.271064565 MCpr=MCprTable.3 Cpr=CprTable.3 SCpr=SCprTable.5 Protocol=ProtocolTable.3 FIELD_COUNT=6END_ADDADD_SECTION# COMMDB_ID = 2 Name=ethint Tier=Link.TierTable.271064565 MCpr=MCprTable.4 Cpr=CprTable.3 SCpr=SCprTable.3 Protocol=ProtocolTable.4 FIELD_COUNT=6END_ADDADD_SECTION# COMMDB_ID = 3 Name=rawip Tier=Link.TierTable.271064565 MCpr=MCprTable.5 Cpr=CprTable.3 SCpr=SCprTable.3 Protocol=ProtocolTable.5 FIELD_COUNT=6END_ADDADD_SECTION# COMMDB_ID = 4 Name=tunnelnif Tier=Link.TierTable.271064565 MCpr=MCprTable.6 Cpr=CprTable.6 SCpr=SCprTable.3 Protocol=ProtocolTable.6 FIELD_COUNT=6END_ADDADD_SECTION# COMMDB_ID = 5 Name=qosppp Tier=Link.TierTable.271064565 MCpr=MCprTable.7 Cpr=CprTable.3 SCpr=SCprTable.5 Protocol=ProtocolTable.7 FIELD_COUNT=6END_ADDADD_SECTION# COMMDB_ID = 6 Name=dummynif Tier=Link.TierTable.271064565 MCpr=MCprTable.8 Cpr=CprTable.3 SCpr=SCprTable.3 Protocol=ProtocolTable.8 FIELD_COUNT=6END_ADDADD_SECTION# COMMDB_ID = 7 Name=hungrynif Tier=Link.TierTable.271064565 MCpr=MCprTable.9 Cpr=CprTable.3 SCpr=SCprTable.3 Protocol=ProtocolTable.9 FIELD_COUNT=6END_ADDADD_SECTION# COMMDB_ID = 8 Name=spud-ppp Tier=Link.TierTable.271064565 MCpr=MCprTable.10 Cpr=CprTable.3 SCpr=SCprTable.4 Protocol=ProtocolTable.3 FIELD_COUNT=6END_ADDADD_SECTION# COMMDB_ID = 9 Name=spud-rawip Tier=Link.TierTable.271064565 MCpr=MCprTable.10 Cpr=CprTable.3 SCpr=SCprTable.4 Protocol=ProtocolTable.5 FIELD_COUNT=6END_ADD##This record here is the template record for the IPProto level APs generated by CommsDat.ADD_SECTION# COMMDB_ID = 10 ##This name is a predefined name for the template for the IPProto APs. ##Please don't change it! Name=IPProtoDefaultTemplate Tier=Link.TierTable.271064560 MCpr=MCprTable.2 Cpr=CprTable.2 SCpr=SCprTable.2 Protocol=ProtocolTable.2 FIELD_COUNT=6END_ADD##This record here is the template record for the Network level AP generated by CommsDat.##It's used when processing SNAP config filesADD_SECTION# COMMDB_ID = 11 ##This name is a predefined name for the template for the Network APs. ##Please don't change it! Name=NetworkDefaultTemplate Tier=Link.TierTable.2048 MCpr=MCprTable.1 Cpr=CprTable.1 SCpr=SCprTable.1 Protocol=ProtocolTable.1 FIELD_COUNT=6END_ADDADD_SECTION# COMMDB_ID = 12 Name=wlannif Tier=Link.TierTable.271064565 MCpr=MCprTable.12 Cpr=CprTable.3 SCpr=SCprTable.3 Protocol=ProtocolTable.11 FIELD_COUNT=6END_ADD