changeset 35 fbd2e7cec7ef
parent 0 c8caa15ef882
child 12 e6a66db4e9d0
equal deleted inserted replaced
34:2669f8761a99 35:fbd2e7cec7ef
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2005 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:   CXcapRetrieval
    15 *
    16 */
    21 // INCLUDES
    22 #include "XcapCache.h"
    23 #include "XcapAppUsage.h"
    24 #include "XcapDocument.h"
    25 #include "XcapProtocol.h"
    26 #include "XcapRetrieval.h"
    27 #include "XcapUriParser.h"
    28 #include "XdmXmlParser.h"
    29 #include "XcapHttpReqGet.h"
    30 #include "XcapHttpTransport.h"
    31 #include "XcapOperationFactory.h"
    33 // ================= MEMBER FUNCTIONS =======================
    35 // ---------------------------------------------------------
    36 // C++ constructor can NOT contain any code, that
    37 // might leave.
    38 // ---------------------------------------------------------
    39 //
    40 CXcapRetrieval::CXcapRetrieval( CXcapDocument& aParentDoc,
    41                                 CXcapDocumentNode* aTargetNode,
    42                                 CXcapOperationFactory& aOperationFactory ) :
    43                                 CXcapHttpOperation( aParentDoc, aTargetNode, aOperationFactory ),
    44                                 iCacheOperation( EFalse ),
    45                                 iOperationType( aTargetNode == NULL ?
    46                                 EXdmDocument : EXdmPartialDocument )                                  
    47     {
    48     }
    50 // ---------------------------------------------------------
    51 // CXcapRetrieval::NewL
    52 //
    53 // ---------------------------------------------------------
    54 //
    55 CXcapRetrieval* CXcapRetrieval::NewL( CXcapDocument& aParentDoc,
    56                                       CXcapDocumentNode* aTargetNode,
    57                                       CXcapOperationFactory& aOperationFactory )
    58     {
    59     CXcapRetrieval* self = new ( ELeave ) CXcapRetrieval( aParentDoc, aTargetNode, aOperationFactory );
    60     CleanupStack::PushL( self );
    61     self->BaseConstructL();
    62     self->ConstructL();
    63     CleanupStack::Pop();
    64     return self;
    65     }
    67 // ---------------------------------------------------------
    68 // CXcapRetrieval::ConstructL
    69 //
    70 // ---------------------------------------------------------
    71 //
    72 void CXcapRetrieval::ConstructL()
    73     {
    74 #ifdef _DEBUG
    75     iOperationFactory.WriteToLog( _L8( "-> CXcapRetrieval::ConstructL" ) );  
    76 #endif
    77     CXcapHttpReqGet* request = Transport().GetL( iTargetDoc.Name() );
    78     CleanupStack::PushL( request );
    79     User::LeaveIfError( iRequestQueue.Append( request ) );
    80     request->SetExpiryTimeL( NULL, KDefaultHttpRequestTimeout * 1000000 );
    81     CleanupStack::Pop();  //request
    82     if( iOperationType != EXdmDocument && iDocumentSubset != NULL )
    83         {
    84         iUriParser->SetDocumentSubset( iDocumentSubset );
    85         //Add namespace mappings
    86         User::LeaveIfError( iTargetDoc.ApplicationUsage().Validate(
    87                             *iDocumentSubset, iUriParser, ETrue ) );
    88         }
    89 #ifdef _DEBUG
    90     iOperationFactory.WriteToLog( _L8( "<- CXcapRetrieval::ConstructL" ) );  
    91 #endif
    92     }
    94 // ---------------------------------------------------------
    95 // CXcapRetrieval::ExecuteL
    96 //
    97 // ---------------------------------------------------------
    98 //
    99 void CXcapRetrieval::ExecuteL()
   100     {
   101     #ifdef _DEBUG
   102         iOperationFactory.WriteToLog( _L8( "CXcapRetrieval::ExecuteL()" ) );  
   103     #endif
   104     TPtrC8 eTag = iTargetDoc.ETag();
   105     if( eTag.Length() > 0 )
   106         {
   107         #ifdef _DEBUG
   108             iOperationFactory.WriteToLog( _L8( " Using ETag \"%S\" - Length: %d" ),
   109                                                &eTag, eTag.Length() );  
   110         #endif
   111         //iActiveRequest->SetHeaderL( KHttpHeaderIfNoneMatch, eTag );
   112         }
   113     TRAPD( error, iUriParser->ParseL( iActiveRequest->RequestUriL() ) );
   114     if( error == KErrNone )
   115         {
   116         TPtrC8 uri = iUriParser->DesC8();
   117         HBufC8* escape = CXcapHttpOperation::EscapeLC( uri );
   118         iActiveRequest->UpdateRequestUriL( escape->Des() );
   119         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy();  //escape
   120         #ifdef _DEBUG
   121             iOperationFactory.WriteToLog( _L8( " New URI: %S" ), &uri );  
   122         #endif
   123         }
   124     }
   126 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   127 // CXcapRetrieval::OperationCompleteL
   128 //
   129 /* const TDesC8& aETag, 
   130    const TDesC& aDocumentName,
   131    const TDesC8& aRootLocation,
   132    const TDesC8& aResponseData*/
   133 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   134 //
   135 void CXcapRetrieval::OperationCompleteL()
   136     {
   137     #ifdef _DEBUG
   138         iOperationFactory.WriteToLog( _L8( "CXcapRetrieval::OperationCompleteL()" ) );  
   139     #endif
   140     TInt generalErr = ReinterpretStatus( iRequestData->iHttpStatus );
   141     if( generalErr == KErrNone )
   142         {
   143         #ifdef _DEBUG
   144             iOperationFactory.WriteToLog( _L8( " No general errors found" ) );  
   145         #endif
   146         iCacheOperation ? HandleCacheOperationL() : HandleNetworkOperationL();
   147         }
   148     else
   149         {
   150         #ifdef _DEBUG
   151             iOperationFactory.WriteToLog( _L8( " General errors found - Status: %d  Error: %d" ),
   152                                                    iRequestData->iHttpStatus, generalErr );  
   153         #endif
   154         iCompleted = ETrue;
   155         iResult = generalErr;
   156         }
   157     }
   159 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   160 // CXcapRetrieval::HandleCacheOperationL
   161 //
   162 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   163 //
   164 void CXcapRetrieval::HandleCacheOperationL()
   165     {
   166     #ifdef _DEBUG
   167         iOperationFactory.WriteToLog( _L8( "CXcapRetrieval::HandleCacheOperationL() - Operation type: %d  Target node: %x" ),
   168                                            iOperationType, iDocumentSubset );  
   169     #endif
   170     TPtrC8 responseData = Descriptor( iRequestData->iResponseData );
   171     iOperationType == EXdmDocument && iDocumentSubset == NULL ? 
   172         iXmlParser->ParseDocumentL( &iTargetDoc, responseData ) :
   173         iXmlParser->ParseDocumentL( &iTargetDoc, responseData, iDocumentSubset );
   174     iCompleted = ETrue;
   175     }
   177 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   178 // CXcapRetrieval::HandleNetworkOperationL
   179 //
   180 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   181 //
   182 void CXcapRetrieval::HandleNetworkOperationL()
   183     {
   184     #ifdef _DEBUG
   185         iOperationFactory.WriteToLog( _L8( "CXcapRetrieval::HandleNetworkOperationL()" ) );  
   186     #endif
   187     TPtrC name = iTargetDoc.Name();
   188     TPtrC8 root = Transport().RootUri();
   189     switch( iRequestData->iHttpStatus )
   190         {
   191         case 200:           //ETag was stale
   192             {
   193             #ifdef _DEBUG
   194                 iOperationFactory.WriteToLog( _L8( " Status 200 - ETag was stale" ) );  
   195             #endif
   196             TPtrC8 responseData = Descriptor( iRequestData->iResponseData );
   197             if( responseData.Length() <= 0 )
   198                 break;
   199             if( iOperationType == EXdmDocument )
   200                 {
   201                 TPtrC8 eTag = Descriptor( iRequestData->iETag );
   202                 //If the ETag has not changed, server should return
   203                 //304 (Not modified), but just in case, let's check the 
   204                 //ETag value, anyway.
   205                 if( eTag.Length() > 0 && eTag.Compare( iTargetDoc.ETag() ) != 0 )
   206                     {
   207                     iTargetDoc.SetETag( eTag );
   208                     RXcapCache* cache = iTargetDoc.Protocol().Cache();
   209                     if( cache && !( iOptionFlags & KNoCache ) )
   210                         cache->Store( iTargetDoc.ETag(), name, root, responseData  );
   211                     }
   212                 else
   213                     {
   214                     #ifdef _DEBUG
   215                         iOperationFactory.WriteToLog( _L8( " ETag values match, do not update cache" ) );  
   216                     #endif
   217                     }
   218                 iXmlParser->ParseDocumentL( &iTargetDoc, responseData );
   219                 }
   220             else if( iOperationType == EXdmPartialDocument )
   221                 {
   222                 #ifdef _DEBUG  
   223                     iOperationFactory.WriteToLog( _L8( " Parse a partial document" ) );  
   224                 #endif
   225                 //The target node must be emptied before inserting new content
   226                 iDocumentSubset->SetEmptyNode( ETrue );
   227                 iDocumentSubset->SetEmptyNode( EFalse );
   228                 iXmlParser->ParseDocumentL( responseData, iDocumentSubset );
   229                	}
   230             iCompleted = ETrue;
   231             }
   232             break;
   233         case 304:
   234             {
   235             RXcapCache* cache = iTargetDoc.Protocol().Cache();
   236             if( cache )
   237                 {
   238                 #ifdef _DEBUG   //ETag is up to date - cache still valid
   239                     iOperationFactory.WriteToLog( _L8( " Status 304 - Cached version is valid" ) );  
   240                 #endif
   241                 TInt length = iTargetDoc.DataLength();
   242                 __ASSERT_DEBUG( length > 0, User::Panic( _L( "CXcapRetrieval" ), 1 ) );
   243                 delete iRequestData->iResponseData;
   244                 iRequestData->iResponseData = NULL;
   245                 iRequestData->iResponseData = HBufC8::NewL( length );
   246                 TPtr8 desc( iRequestData->iResponseData->Des() );
   247                 cache->FetchDocumentContent( desc, name, root );
   248                 if( iOperationType == EXdmDocument && !iTargetDoc.DocumentRoot() )
   249                 	{
   250                 	#ifdef _DEBUG  
   251                     	iOperationFactory.WriteToLog( _L8( " No content => parse cached document" ) );  
   252                 	#endif
   253 					iXmlParser->ParseDocumentL( &iTargetDoc, desc );
   254                 	}
   255                	else if( iOperationType == EXdmPartialDocument )
   256                		{
   257                		#ifdef _DEBUG  
   258                     	iOperationFactory.WriteToLog( _L8( " Parse a partial document" ) );  
   259                 	#endif
   260 					iXmlParser->ParseDocumentL( &iTargetDoc, desc, iDocumentSubset );
   261                		}
   262                 }
   263             iCompleted = ETrue;
   264             }
   265             break;
   266         default:
   267             #ifdef _DEBUG
   268                 iOperationFactory.WriteToLog( _L8( " Default case - Status: %d" ),
   269                                                    iRequestData->iHttpStatus );  
   270             #endif
   271             iCompleted = ETrue;
   272             break;
   273         }
   274     }
   276 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   277 // CXcapRetrieval::OperationFailedL
   278 //
   279 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   280 //
   281 void CXcapRetrieval::OperationFailedL()
   282     {
   283     #ifdef _DEBUG
   284         iOperationFactory.WriteToLog( _L8( "CXcapRetrieval::OperationFailedL() - Error: %d" ),
   285                                         iStatus.Int() );  
   286     #endif
   287     if( iStatus.Int() >= KErrNone )
   288         {
   289         TInt status = iActiveRequest->ResponseData()->iHttpStatus;
   290         TInt completion = iActiveRequest->ResponseData()->iCompletion;
   291         iResult = status < KErrNone || completion < KErrNone ? status : ReinterpretStatus( status );
   292         }
   293     else iResult = iStatus.Int();
   294     iCompleted = ETrue;
   295     }
   297 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   298 // CXcapRetrieval::Result
   299 //
   300 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   301 //
   302 TInt CXcapRetrieval::Result() const
   303     {
   304     return iRequestData->iCompletion;
   305     }
   307 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   308 // CXcapRetrieval::~CXcapRetrieval
   309 //
   310 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   311 //
   312 CXcapRetrieval::~CXcapRetrieval()
   313     {
   314     #ifdef _DEBUG
   315         iOperationFactory.WriteToLog( _L8( "CXcapRetrieval::~CXcapRetrieval()" ) );  
   316     #endif
   317     }
   319 //  End of File  