changeset 28 d9861ae9169c
parent 23 77cb48a03620
parent 26 04ca1926b01c
--- a/xdmprotocols/XdmXmlParser/src/XdmXmlParser.cpp	Thu Jul 01 14:09:06 2010 +0100
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,284 +0,0 @@
-* Copyright (c) 2005 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-* All rights reserved.
-* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
-* Initial Contributors:
-* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-* Contributors:
-* Description:   CXdmXmlParser
-#include <hal.h>
-#include <parser.h>
-#include <f32file.h>
-#include <flogger.h>
-#include <parserfeature.h>
-#include <XdmNodeAttribute.h>
-#include <XdmDocument.h>
-#include <xdmlogwriter.h>
-#include <XdmDocumentNode.h>
-#include "XdmXmlParser.h"
-#include "XmlFormatter.h"
-#include "XmlParserDefines.h"
-#include "XdmXmlContentHandler.h"
-// ----------------------------------------------------------
-// CXdmXmlParser::CXdmXmlParser
-// ----------------------------------------------------------
-CXdmXmlParser::CXdmXmlParser() : iDumpIndex( 1 ),
-                                 iXmlDocument( ( TText8* )"", 0, 0 )                                           
-    {
-    }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------
-// CXdmXmlParser::NewL
-// ----------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C CXdmXmlParser* CXdmXmlParser::NewL()
-    {
-    CXdmXmlParser* self = new ( ELeave ) CXdmXmlParser();
-    CleanupStack::PushL( self );
-    self->ConstructL();
-    CleanupStack::Pop();
-    return self;
-    }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------
-// CXdmXmlParser::ConstructL
-// ----------------------------------------------------------
-void CXdmXmlParser::ConstructL()
-    {
-    #ifdef _DEBUG
-        iLogWriter = CXdmLogWriter::NewL( KParserLogFile );
-        WriteToLog( _L8( "CXdmXmlParser::ConstructL()" ) );
-    #endif
-    iXmlFormatter = CXmlFormatter::NewL( *this );
-    iContentHandler = CXdmXmlContentHandler::NewL( *this );
-    iXmlParser = CParser::NewL( KDefaultMimeType, *iContentHandler );               
-    }
-// ----------------------------------------------------
-// CXdmXmlParser::~CXdmXmlParser
-// ----------------------------------------------------
-    {
-    #ifdef _DEBUG
-        WriteToLog( _L8( "CXdmXmlParser::~CXdmXmlParser()" ) );
-    #endif
-    delete iXmlParser;
-    delete iLogWriter;
-    delete iXmlFormatter;
-    delete iContentHandler;
-    }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------
-// CXdmXmlParser::ParseDocumentL
-// ----------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C void CXdmXmlParser::ParseDocumentL( CXdmDocument* aDocument,
-                                             const TDesC8& aXmlDocument )  
-    {
-    #ifdef _DEBUG
-        TInt start = CXdmXmlParser::TimeL();
-    #endif
-    CXdmDocumentNode* root = aDocument->DocumentRoot();
-    if( root == NULL )
-        aDocument->CreateRootL();
-    User::LeaveIfError( iXmlParser->EnableFeature( EReportNamespaceMapping ) );
-    iContentHandler->SetTarget( *aDocument );
-    Xml::ParseL( *iXmlParser, aXmlDocument );
-    iContentHandler->Reset();
-    //self->ParseL( aDocument, aXmlDocument );
-    #ifdef _DEBUG
-        TInt finish = CXdmXmlParser::TimeL();
-        WriteToLog( _L8( "CXdmXmlParser::ParseDocumentL() - Parsing took %d milliseconds" ), finish - start ); 
-    #endif
-    }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------
-// CXdmXmlParser::ParseDocumentL
-// ----------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C void CXdmXmlParser::ParseDocumentL( const TDesC8& aXmlDocument,
-                                             CXdmDocumentNode* aDocumentRoot )  
-    {
-    #ifdef _DEBUG
-        TInt start = CXdmXmlParser::TimeL();
-    #endif
-    User::LeaveIfError( iXmlParser->EnableFeature( EReportNamespaceMapping ) );
-    iContentHandler->SetTarget( *aDocumentRoot );
-    Xml::ParseL( *iXmlParser, aXmlDocument );
-    iContentHandler->Reset();
-    //self->ParseL( aXmlDocument, aDocumentRoot );
-    #ifdef _DEBUG
-        TInt finish = CXdmXmlParser::TimeL();
-        WriteToLog( _L8( "CXdmXmlParser::ParseDocumentL() - Parsing took %d milliseconds" ), finish - start ); 
-    #endif
-    }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------
-// CXdmXmlParser::ParseDocumentL
-// ----------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C void CXdmXmlParser::ParseDocumentL( CXdmDocument* aDocument,
-                                             const TDesC8& aXmlDocument,
-                                             CXdmDocumentNode* aDocumentSubset )  
-    {
-    #ifdef _DEBUG
-        TInt start = CXdmXmlParser::TimeL();
-    #endif
-    User::LeaveIfError( iXmlParser->EnableFeature( EReportNamespaces ) );
-    User::LeaveIfError( iXmlParser->EnableFeature( EReportNamespaceMapping ) );
-    User::LeaveIfError( iXmlParser->EnableFeature( EReportNamespacePrefixes ) );
-    iContentHandler->SetTargetL( *aDocument, *aDocumentSubset );
-    Xml::ParseL( *iXmlParser, aXmlDocument );
-    iContentHandler->Reset();
-    //self->ParseL( aDocument, aXmlDocument, aDocumentSubset );
-    #ifdef _DEBUG
-        TInt finish = CXdmXmlParser::TimeL();
-        CXdmXmlParser::WriteToLog( _L8(
-            "CXdmXmlParser::ParseDocumentL() - Parsing took %d milliseconds" ), finish - start ); 
-    #endif
-    }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------
-// CXdmXmlParser::FormatToXmlLC
-// ----------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C HBufC8* CXdmXmlParser::FormatToXmlLC( TBool aIsWholeDocument,
-                                               const CXdmDocument* aDocument, 
-                                               const CXdmDocumentNode* aRootNode )
-    {
-    #ifdef _DEBUG
-        TInt start = CXdmXmlParser::TimeL();
-    #endif
-    HBufC8* ret = iXmlFormatter->FormatLC( aIsWholeDocument, aDocument, aRootNode );
-    #ifdef _DEBUG
-        DumpDocumentL( ret );
-        TInt finish = CXdmXmlParser::TimeL();
-        CXdmXmlParser::WriteToLog( _L8(
-            "CXdmXmlParser::FormatToXmlLC() - Formatting took %d milliseconds" ), finish - start ); 
-    #endif
-    return ret;  
-    }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------
-// CXdmXmlParser::FormatToXmlLC
-// ----------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C HBufC8* CXdmXmlParser::FormatToXmlLC( const TDesC8& aXmlFragment,
-                                               const CXdmDocument* aDocument,
-                                               const CXdmDocumentNode* aTargetNode )
-    {
-    #ifdef _DEBUG
-        TInt start = CXdmXmlParser::TimeL();
-    #endif
-    //HBufC8* ret = self->FormatLC( aXmlFragment, aDocument, aTargetNode );
-    HBufC8* ret = iXmlFormatter->FormatLC( aXmlFragment, aDocument, aTargetNode );
-    #ifdef _DEBUG
-        DumpDocumentL( ret );
-        TInt finish = CXdmXmlParser::TimeL();
-        CXdmXmlParser::WriteToLog( _L8(
-            "CXdmXmlParser::FormatToXmlLC() - Formatting took %d milliseconds" ), finish - start ); 
-    #endif
-    return ret;  
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------
-// CXdmXmlParser::FinishParsing
-// ---------------------------------------------------------
-void CXdmXmlParser::FinishParsingL()
-    {
-    #ifdef _DEBUG
-        WriteToLog( _L8( "CXdmXmlParser::FinishParsing()" ) );
-    #endif
-    iXmlParser->ParseEndL();
-    }
-#ifdef _DEBUG 
-// ---------------------------------------------------------
-// CXcapPartDocOperation::DumpDocumentL
-// ---------------------------------------------------------
-void CXdmXmlParser::DumpDocumentL( HBufC8* aDocData ) 
-    {
-    if( aDocData )
-        {
-        RFile file;
-        RFs session;
-        TPtr8 pointer( aDocData->Des() );
-        _LIT( KXmlFileExtension, ".xml" );
-        TBuf<128> nameBuf( _L( "C:\\logs\\XDM\\request" ) );
-        nameBuf.AppendNum( iDumpIndex );
-        nameBuf.Append( KXmlFileExtension );
-        User::LeaveIfError( session.Connect() );
-        TInt error( file.Replace( session, nameBuf, EFileWrite ) );
-        if( error == KErrNone )
-            {
-            file.Write( pointer );
-            file.Close();
-            iDumpIndex++;
-            }
-        session.Close();
-        }
-    }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------
-// CXdmXmlParser::TimeL
-// ----------------------------------------------------------
-TInt CXdmXmlParser::TimeL()
-    {
-    TInt period = 0;
-    User::LeaveIfError( HAL::Get( HALData::ESystemTickPeriod, period ) );
-    TInt millisecsPerTick = period / 1000;
-    return User::TickCount() * millisecsPerTick;
-    }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------
-// CXdmXmlParser::WriteToLog
-// ----------------------------------------------------------
-void CXdmXmlParser::WriteToLog( TRefByValue<const TDesC8> aFmt,... ) const                                
-    {
-    VA_LIST list;
-    VA_START( list, aFmt );
-    TBuf8<KLogBufferMaxSize> buf;
-    buf.FormatList( aFmt, list );
-    iLogWriter->WriteToLog( buf );
-    }