* Copyright (c) 2005 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: XcapAppUsage enumerations
// Supported data types
enum TDataType
EDataTypeUndefined = 0,
// AUIDs
_LIT8( KXdmResourceListsUsageAUID, "/resource-lists/" );
_LIT8( KXdmCapabilityUsageAUID, "/xcap-caps/" );
_LIT8( KXdmDirectoryUsageAUID, "/org.openmobilealliance.xcap-directory/" );
_LIT8( KXdmIetfCommonPolicyUsageAUID, "/policy-capabilities/" );
_LIT8( KXdmOmaCommonPolicyUsageAUID, "/org.openmobilealliance.policy-capabilities/" );
_LIT8( KXdmPocUserAccessUsageAUID, "/org.openmobilealliance.poc-rules/" );
_LIT8( KXdmIetfPresRulesUsageAUID, "/pres-rules/" );
_LIT8( KXdmRlsServicesUsageAUID, "/rls-services/" );
_LIT8( KXdmSharedXDMUsageAUID, "/resource-lists/" );
_LIT8( KXdmOmaPresRulesUsageAUID, "/org.openmobilealliance.pres-rules/" );
_LIT8( KXdmPocGroupUsageAUID, "/org.openmobilealliance.poc-groups/" );
// add new AUID definitions here
//_LIT8( KXdmTestAppUsageAUID, "/org.foo.bar/" );
// PRES-CONTENT starts
_LIT8( KXdmPresContentAUID, "/org.openmobilealliance.pres-content/" );
// ContentTypes
_LIT8( KXdmResourceListsUsageContType, "application/resource-lists+xml" );
_LIT8( KXdmCapabilityUsageContType, "application/xcap-caps+xml" );
_LIT8( KXdmDirectoryUsageContType, "application/oma-directory+xml" );
_LIT8( KXdmIetfCommonPolicyUsageContType, "application/policy-caps+xml" );
_LIT8( KXdmOmaCommonPolicyUsageContType, "application/policy-caps+xml" );
_LIT8( KXdmSharedXDMUsageContType, "application/resource-lists+xml" );
_LIT8( KXdmIetfPresRulesUsageContType, "application/auth-policy+xml" );
_LIT8( KXdmPocUserAccessUsageContType, "application/auth-policy+xml" );
_LIT8( KXdmOmaPresRulesUsageContType, "application/auth-policy+xml" );
_LIT8( KXdmRlsServicesUsageContType, "application/rls-services+xml" );
_LIT8( KXdmPocGroupUsageContType, "application/vnd.oma.poc.groups+xml" );
// add new content types here
//_LIT8( KXdmTestAppUsageContType, "application/test-type+xml" );
// PRES-CONTENT starts
_LIT8( KXdmPresContentContType, "application/vnd.oma.pres-content+xml" );
_LIT8( KXdmPresContentContTypeOld, "application/vnd.oma.content+xml" );
// Namespaces
_LIT8( KXdmResourceListsNamespace, "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:resource-lists" );
_LIT8( KXdmCapabilityNamespace, "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xcap-caps" );
_LIT8( KXdmDirectoryNamespace, "urn:oma:params:xml:ns:xcap-directory" );
_LIT8( KXdmIetfCommonPolicyNamespace, "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:common-policy" );
_LIT8( KXdmOmaCommonPolicyNamespace, "urn:oma:xml:xdm:common-policy" );
_LIT8( KXdmOmaPresRulesNamespace, "urn:oma:xml:prs:pres-rules" );
_LIT8( KXdmIetfPresRulesNamespace, "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:pres-rules" );
_LIT8( KXdmRlsServicesNamespace, "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:rls-services" );
_LIT8( KXdmSharedXDMUriUsageNamespace, "urn:oma:params:xml:ns:resource-list:oma-uriusage" );
_LIT8( KXdmPocUserAccessNamespace, "urn:oma:xml:poc:poc-rules" );
_LIT8( KXdmPocGroupNamespace, "urn:oma:xml:poc:list-service" );
// add new namespace definitions here
// PRES-CONTENT starts
_LIT8( KXdmPresContentNamespace, "urn:oma:xml:prs:pres-content" );
// Namespace prefixes
_LIT8( KXdmSharedXDMUriUsageNsPrefix, "ou" );
_LIT8( KXdmResourceListsNsPrefix, "rl" );
_LIT8( KXdmIetfCommonPolicyNsPrefix, "cr" );
_LIT8( KXdmOmaCommonPolicyNsPrefix, "ocp" );
_LIT8( KXdmIetfPresRulesNsPrefix, "pr" );
_LIT8( KXdmTestAppUsageDefaultNamespace, "ta" );
_LIT8( KXdmPocUserAccessNsPrefix, "poc" );
_LIT8( KXdmOmaPresRulesNsPrefix, "opr" );
_LIT8( KXdmRlsServicesNsPrefix, "rls" );
_LIT8( KXdmPocGroupNsPrefix, "ls" );
// add new namespace prefix definitions here
// Common literals
_LIT( KXdmAuid, "auid" );
_LIT( KXdmUri, "uri" );
_LIT( KXdmEtag, "etag" );
_LIT( KXdmName, "name" );
_LIT( KXdmRef, "ref" );
_LIT( KXdmUse, "use" );
_LIT( KXdmRuleset, "ruleset" );
_LIT( KXdmEntry, "entry" );
_LIT( KXdmEntity, "entity" );
_LIT( KXdmId, "id" );
_LIT( KXdmAnyIdentity, "any-identity" );
_LIT( KXdmIdentity, "identity" );
_LIT( KXdmDomain, "domain" );
_LIT( KXdmAnc, "anc" );
_LIT( KXdmDisplayName, "display-name" );
_LIT( KXdmAnchor, "anchor" );
_LIT( KXdmExternal, "external" );
_LIT( KXdmList, "list" );
_LIT( KXdmServiceId, "service-id" );
_LIT8( KXdmZero, "0" );
_LIT8( KXdmOneNbr, "1" );
_LIT8( KXdmTrue, "true" );
_LIT8( KXdmFalse, "false");
_LIT8( KXdmFull, "full" );
_LIT8( KXdmAllow, "allow" );
_LIT8( KXdmBlock, "block" );
// Literals for capability
_LIT( KXdmExtensions, "extensions" );
_LIT( KXdmExtension, "extension" );
_LIT( KXdmAuids, "auids" );
_LIT( KXdmNamespaces, "namespaces" );
_LIT( KXdmNamespace, "namespace");
// Literals for directory
_LIT( KXdmXcapDirectory, "xcap-directory" );
_LIT( KXdmFolder, "folder" );
_LIT( KXdmErrorCode, "error-code" );
_LIT( KXdmLastModified, "last-modified" );
_LIT( KXdmSize, "size" );
// Literals for presence
_LIT( KXdmServiceUriScheme, "service-uri-scheme" );
_LIT( KXdmClass, "class" );
_LIT( KXdmOccurenceId, "occurence-id" );
_LIT( KXdmServiceUri, "service-uri" );
_LIT( KXdmAllServices, "all-services" );
_LIT( KXdmProvideServices, "provide-services" );
// pres-rules-03
_LIT( KXdmDeviceId, "device-id" );
// pres-rules-05
_LIT( KXdmDeviceID, "deviceID" );
_LIT( KXdmAllDevices, "all-devices" );
_LIT( KXdmProvideDevices, "provide-devices" );
_LIT( KXdmAllPersons, "all-persons" );
_LIT( KXdmProvidePersons, "provide-persons" );
_LIT( KXdmProvideActivities, "provide-activities" );
_LIT( KXdmProvideClass, "provide-class" );
_LIT( KXdmProvideDeviceId, "provide-device-id" );
_LIT( KXdmProvideMood, "provide-mood" );
_LIT( KXdmProvidePlaceIs, "provide-place-is" );
_LIT( KXdmProvidePlaceType, "provide-place-type" );
_LIT( KXdmProvidePrivacy, "provide-privacy" );
_LIT( KXdmProvideRelationship, "provide-relationship" );
_LIT( KXdmProvideStatusIcon, "provide-status-icon" );
_LIT( KXdmProvideSphere, "provide-sphere" );
_LIT( KXdmProvideTimeOffset, "provide-time-offset" );
_LIT( KXdmProvideUserInput, "provide-user-input" );
_LIT( KXdmProvideNote, "provide-note" );
_LIT( KXdmProvideUnknownAttribute, "provide-unknown-attribute" );
_LIT( KXdmProvideAllAttributes, "provide-all-attributes" );
_LIT( KXdmSubHandling, "sub-handling" );
_LIT( KXdmProvideWillingness, "provide-willingness" );
_LIT( KXdmProvideNetworkAvailability, "provide-network-availability" );
_LIT( KXdmProvideSessionParticipation, "provide-session-participation" );
_LIT( KXdmProvideGeopriv, "provide-geopriv" );
_LIT( KXdmProvideRegistrationState, "provide-registration-state" );
_LIT( KXdmProvideBarringState, "provide-barring-state" );
_LIT8( KXdmBare, "bare" );
_LIT8( KXdmThresholds, "thresholds" );
_LIT8( KXdmRandomize, "randomize" );
_LIT8( KXdmObfuscate, "obfuscate" );
_LIT8( KXdmConfirm, "confirm" );
_LIT8( KXdmPoliteBlock, "polite-block" );
// Literals for commonpolicy
_LIT( KXdmOtherIdentity, "other-identity" );
_LIT( KXdmExternalList, "external-list" );
_LIT( KXdmAnonymousRequest, "anonymous-request" );
_LIT( KXdmRule, "rule" );
_LIT( KXdmExceptDomain, "except-domain" );
_LIT( KXdmExcept, "except" );
_LIT( KXdmFrom, "from" );
_LIT( KXdmTo, "to" );
_LIT( KXdmValue, "value" );
_LIT( KXdmSphere, "sphere" );
_LIT( KXdmValidity, "validity" );
_LIT( KXdmConditions, "conditions" );
_LIT( KXdmActions, "actions" );
_LIT( KXdmTransformations, "transformations" );
_LIT( KXdmMany, "many" );
_LIT( KXdmUntil, "until" );
_LIT( KXdmOne, "one" );
_LIT( KXdmScheme, "scheme" );
// Literals for poc
_LIT( KXdmGroup, "group");
_LIT( KXdmListService, "list-service" );
_LIT( KXdmInviteMembers, "invite-members" );
_LIT( KXdmMaxParticipantCount, "max-participant-count" );
_LIT( KXdmIsListMember, "is-list-member" );
_LIT( KXdmAllowConfState, "allow-conference-state" );
_LIT( KXdmAllowInvUsersDyn, "allow-invite-users-dynamically" );
_LIT( KXdmJoinHandling, "join-handling" );
_LIT( KXdmAllowInitiateConf, "allow-initiate-conference" );
_LIT( KXdmAllowAnonymity, "allow-anonymity");
_LIT( KXdmIsKeyParticipant, "list-service" );
_LIT( KXdmAllowInvite, "allow-invite" );
_LIT8( KXdmReject, "reject" );
_LIT8( KXdmAccept, "accept" );
_LIT8( KXdmPass, "pass" );
// Literals for resource list
_LIT( KXdmEntryRef, "entry-ref");
_LIT( KXdmResourceLists, "resource-lists");
// Literals for shared
_LIT( KXdmUriUsages, "uriusages");
_LIT( KXdmUriUsage, "uriusage");
// Literals for rls
_LIT( KXdmRlsServices, "rls-services" );
_LIT( KXdmService, "service");
_LIT( KXdmResourceList, "resource-list" );
_LIT( KXdmPackages, "packages" );
_LIT( KXdmPackage, "package" );
_LIT8( KXdmPresence, "presence" );
// PRES-CONTENT starts
_LIT( KXdmMimeType, "mime-type");
_LIT( KXdmEncoding, "encoding");
_LIT( KXdmDescription, "description");
_LIT( KXdmData, "data");
_LIT( KXdmSvg, "svg");
_LIT( KXdmRect, "rect");
// End of File