changeset 0 667063e416a2
child 39 3efc7a0e8755
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:667063e416a2
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:  Definition of CLbtCellIdMvmtDet class.
    15 *
    16 */
    20 #include <ecom.h>
    21 #include <e32math.h>
    22 #include <implementationproxy.h>
    23 #include "lbtcellidmvmtdet.h"
    24 #include "lbtlogger.h"
    27 // ECOM implementation specifics
    28 static const TImplementationProxy implTable[] =
    29 	{
    30     IMPLEMENTATION_PROXY_ENTRY(0x2002130D, CLbtCellIdMvmtDet::NewL)
    31 	}; 
    34 EXPORT_C const TImplementationProxy* ImplementationGroupProxy(TInt& aTableCount)
    35     {
    36     aTableCount = sizeof(implTable) / sizeof(TImplementationProxy);
    38     return implTable;
    39     }
    42 // Class methods
    44 //------------------------------------------------------------
    45 // CLbtCellIdMvmtDet::NewL
    46 // Symbian Two - phase constructor
    47 //------------------------------------------------------------
    48 //
    49 CLbtCellIdMvmtDet* CLbtCellIdMvmtDet::NewL()
    50 	{
    51 	FUNC_ENTER("CLbtCellIdMvmtDet::NewL");
    52 	CLbtCellIdMvmtDet* self = new (ELeave) CLbtCellIdMvmtDet();
    53 	CleanupStack::PushL(self);
    54 	self->ConstructL();
    55 	CleanupStack::Pop();
    56 	return self;
    57 	}
    60 //------------------------------------------------------------
    61 // CLbtCellIdMvmtDet::ConstructL
    62 //------------------------------------------------------------
    63 //
    64 void CLbtCellIdMvmtDet::ConstructL()
    65 	{
    66 	FUNC_ENTER("CLbtCellIdMvmtDet::ConstructL");
    67 	InitializeL();
    69 	iCellIdMvmtDetGetCellData=CLbtCellIdMvmtDetGetCellData::
    70 									NewL( *this ,iCApi );
    71 	iPreviousNetworkMode = RMmCustomAPI::TMmCellInfo::EUnknown;
    72 	iCurrentCellInfo = NULL;
    73 	iWcdmaCellInfo = NULL;	
    74 	iInitialCellInfo = NULL;
    75 	iPrevCellInfo = NULL;
    76 	}
    79 //------------------------------------------------------------
    80 // CLbtCellIdMvmtDet::CLbtCellIdMvmtDet
    81 // C++ Default constructor
    82 //------------------------------------------------------------
    83 //
    84 CLbtCellIdMvmtDet::CLbtCellIdMvmtDet()
    85 	{
    86 	}
    89 //------------------------------------------------------------
    90 // CLbtCellIdMvmtDet::~CLbtCellIdMvmtDet
    91 // Destructor
    92 //------------------------------------------------------------
    93 //
    94 CLbtCellIdMvmtDet::~CLbtCellIdMvmtDet()
    95 	{
    96 	FUNC_ENTER("CLbtCellIdMvmtDet::~CLbtCellIdMvmtDet");
    97 	delete iCellIdMvmtDetGetCellData;
    98     delete iPrevCellInfo;
    99     delete iCurrentCellInfo;
   100     delete iWcdmaCellInfo;
   101 	iCApi.Close();
   102     iMPhone.Close();
   103    	iTelServer.Close();
   104    	iVarianceOfED.Close();
   105    	iED.Close();
   106    	iSumOfSd.Close();
   107    	iVarianceOfRssi.Close();
   108 	}
   111 //------------------------------------------------------------
   112 // CLbtCellIdMvmtDet::RequestNotificationL
   113 //------------------------------------------------------------
   114 //	
   115 void CLbtCellIdMvmtDet::RequestNotificationL( MLbtMovementObserver* aObserver ,
   116                                                                 TInt aSleepDuration )
   117 	{
   118 	FUNC_ENTER("CLbtCellIdMvmtDet::RequestNotificationL");
   119 	iObserver = aObserver;
   120 	iSleepDuration = aSleepDuration;
   121 	iStartTime.UniversalTime();
   122 	GetCellInfo();	
   123 	}
   126 //------------------------------------------------------------
   127 // CLbtCellIdMvmtDet::GetCellInfo
   128 //------------------------------------------------------------
   129 //	
   130 void CLbtCellIdMvmtDet::GetCellInfo()
   131 	{
   132 	FUNC_ENTER("CLbtCellIdMvmtDet::GetCellInfo");
   133    	iCellIdMvmtDetGetCellData->Start();
   134 	}
   137 //------------------------------------------------------------
   138 // CLbtCellIdMvmtDet::HandleCellDataL
   139 //------------------------------------------------------------
   140 //	
   141 void CLbtCellIdMvmtDet::HandleCellDataL( RMmCustomAPI::TMmCellInfo& aCellInfo, TInt& aError )
   142 	{
   143 	FUNC_ENTER("CLbtCellIdMvmtDet::HandleCellDataL");
   144 	if( KErrNone == aError )
   145 	    {
   146 	    if( iPreviousNetworkMode != aCellInfo.iMode && 
   147 	        iPreviousNetworkMode != RMmCustomAPI::TMmCellInfo::EUnknown )
   148 	        {
   149 	        LOG("Network change movement");
   150 	        iObserver->HandleDetectorNotification( MLbtMovementObserver::EEventMovement ); 
   151 	        iPreviousNetworkMode = RMmCustomAPI::TMmCellInfo::EUnknown;
   152 	        if( iPreviousNetworkMode == RMmCustomAPI::TMmCellInfo::EWCDMA )
   153 	            {
   154 	            iVarianceOfRssi.Reset();
   155                 iSumOfSd.Reset();
   156                 }
   157 	        else if( iPreviousNetworkMode == RMmCustomAPI::TMmCellInfo::EGSM )
   158 	            {
   159 	            iVarianceOfED.Reset();
   160 	            iED.Reset();
   161 	            }
   162 	        return;
   163 	        }
   164 	    iPreviousNetworkMode = aCellInfo.iMode;    
   165 	    switch( aCellInfo.iMode )
   166 	        {
   167 	        case RMmCustomAPI::TMmCellInfo::EGSM:
   168 	            HandleGsmDataL( aCellInfo );
   169 	            break;
   171 	        case RMmCustomAPI::TMmCellInfo::EWCDMA:
   172 	            HandleWcmdaDataL( aCellInfo );
   173 	            break;
   175 	        default:
   176 	            break;    
   177 	        }
   178 	    }
   179 	else
   180 	    {
   181 	    iObserver->HandleDetectorNotification(MLbtMovementObserver::EEventDetectorFailed); 
   182 	    iVarianceOfED.Reset();
   183 	    iED.Reset();
   184         LBT_TRACE( KLbtLogCellIdMovementDetector|KLbtLogVerbose, __FILE__, __LINE__, "Movement detection failed" ); 
   185 	    }    
   186 	}
   188 //------------------------------------------------------------
   189 // CLbtCellIdMvmtDet::HandleGsmDataL
   190 //------------------------------------------------------------
   191 //	
   192 void CLbtCellIdMvmtDet::HandleGsmDataL( RMmCustomAPI::TMmCellInfo& aCellInfo )
   193 	{
   194 	FUNC_ENTER("CLbtCellIdMvmtDet::HandleGsmDataL");
   195 	CLbtCellInfo* cellInfo = CLbtCellInfo::NewL( aCellInfo );
   196     if( NULL != iPrevCellInfo )     // First iteration
   197         {
   198         // This part of algo detects short movement
   199         if( iSleepDuration < 20 )
   200             {
   201             if( iCurrentCellInfo )
   202                 {
   203                 delete iCurrentCellInfo;
   204                 iCurrentCellInfo = NULL;
   205                 }
   206             iCurrentCellInfo = cellInfo;
   207             DetectShortGsmMovement();
   208             return;
   209             }
   210         else
   211             {
   212             // Check whether sleep interval has expired
   213             TTime currentTime;
   214             currentTime.UniversalTime();
   215             TTimeIntervalSeconds interval;
   216             currentTime.SecondsFrom( iStartTime,interval );
   217             if( interval.Int() >= iSleepDuration )
   218                 {
   219                 // Clear all data
   220                 iVarianceOfED.Reset();
   221     	        iED.Reset();
   223                 delete iPrevCellInfo;
   224                 iPrevCellInfo = cellInfo;
   225                 CheckBsicVariation();
   226                 return;
   227                 }
   229             // if there are less than 3 visible BTSs then
   230             // discard the reading and try acquiring new 
   231             // info without timer.
   232             if( cellInfo->Count() < 3 )
   233                 {
   234                 delete cellInfo;
   235                 return;
   236                 }
   237             else
   238                 {
   239                 TReal ed = 0.0;
   240                 if( KErrNotFound != ComputeED( ed, cellInfo, iPrevCellInfo ) )
   241                     {
   242                     iED.Append( ed );
   243                     iSumOfED += ed;
   244                     if( iED.Count() == 5 )
   245                         {
   246                         ComputeVarianceOfED();
   247                         if( iAvgOfVariance > 5.0 )
   248                             {
   249                             LOG1("iAvgOfVariance:%f",iAvgOfVariance);
   250                             iAvgOfVariance = 0.0;   // reset variance
   251                             iObserver->HandleDetectorNotification( MLbtMovementObserver::EEventMovement ); 
   252                             iVarianceOfED.Reset();
   253     	                    iED.Reset();
   254                             LBT_TRACE( KLbtLogCellIdMovementDetector|KLbtLogVerbose, __FILE__, __LINE__, "Movement detected" );
   255                             delete cellInfo;
   256                             return;
   257                             }
   258                         }
   259                     }
   260                 else    // No matches found!!
   261                     {
   262                     iObserver->HandleDetectorNotification( MLbtMovementObserver::EEventMovement ); 
   263                     iVarianceOfED.Reset();
   264     	            iED.Reset();
   265                     LBT_TRACE( KLbtLogCellIdMovementDetector|KLbtLogVerbose, __FILE__, __LINE__, "Possible movement" );
   266                     delete cellInfo;
   267                     return;
   268                     }
   269                 }
   271             delete iPrevCellInfo;
   272             iPrevCellInfo = NULL;
   273             }    
   274         }
   275     else
   276         {
   277         iInitialCellInfo = CLbtCellInfo::NewL( aCellInfo );
   278         }
   279     iPrevCellInfo = cellInfo;
   280     }
   283 //------------------------------------------------------------
   284 // CLbtCellIdMvmtDet::HandleWcmdaDataL
   285 //------------------------------------------------------------
   286 //	
   287 void CLbtCellIdMvmtDet::HandleWcmdaDataL( RMmCustomAPI::TMmCellInfo& aCellInfo )
   288     {
   289     FUNC_ENTER("CLbtCellIdMvmtDet::HandleWcmdaDataL");
   290     if( !iWcdmaCellInfo )
   291         {
   292         iWcdmaCellInfo = CLbtCellInfo::NewL( aCellInfo );
   293         }
   294     else
   295         {
   296         iWcdmaCellInfo->AddNMRData( aCellInfo );
   297         if( iSleepDuration < 20 )
   298             {
   299             DetectShortWcdmaMovement();
   300             return;
   301             }
   303         // If the total number of cell change is greater than two,we predict movement 
   304         // irrespective of other NMR readings.
   305         if( iWcdmaCellInfo->CellChangeCount() == 2 )
   306             {
   307             LOG("Cell change movement");
   308             iObserver->HandleDetectorNotification( MLbtMovementObserver::EEventMovement ); 
   309             LBT_TRACE( KLbtLogCellIdMovementDetector|KLbtLogVerbose, __FILE__, __LINE__, "Movement detected" );
   310             iVarianceOfRssi.Reset();
   311             iSumOfSd.Reset();
   312             return;
   313             }
   314         // Check for movement based on calculation for every 10 readings
   315         else if( iWcdmaCellInfo->Count() == 10 )
   316             {
   317             TReal carrierRSSISD = 0.0;
   318         	TReal cpichEcN0SD= 0.0;
   319         	TReal cpichRscpSD= 0.0;
   320         	TReal pathlossSD= 0.0;
   321         	TInt cellChangeCount;
   322             CalculateSDForWcdmaNmr( carrierRSSISD,cpichEcN0SD,cpichRscpSD,pathlossSD,cellChangeCount );
   324             // Test log
   325             LOG1("carrierRSSISD:%f",carrierRSSISD);
   326             LOG1("cpichEcN0SD:%f",cpichEcN0SD);
   327             LOG1("cpichRscpSD:%f",cpichRscpSD);
   328             LOG1("pathlossSD:%f",pathlossSD);
   329             LOG1("cellChangeCount:%d",cellChangeCount);
   330             // Test logs
   332             // There is a possibility that network fails and it transmits stored values, it is 
   333             // not possible for movement detector to predict anything from the network information.Hence 
   334             // movement detection fails.
   335             if( !cpichEcN0SD || !cpichRscpSD || !pathlossSD)
   336                 {
   337                 iObserver->HandleDetectorNotification( MLbtMovementObserver::EEventDetectorFailed ); 
   338                 iVarianceOfRssi.Reset();
   339                 iSumOfSd.Reset();
   340                 return;
   341                 }
   343             if( MovementDetected( carrierRSSISD,cpichEcN0SD,cpichRscpSD,pathlossSD,cellChangeCount ) )
   344                 {
   345                 iObserver->HandleDetectorNotification( MLbtMovementObserver::EEventMovement ); 
   346                 iVarianceOfRssi.Reset();
   347                 iSumOfSd.Reset();
   348                 }
   349             }
   350         }    
   351     }
   353 //------------------------------------------------------------
   354 // CLbtCellIdMvmtDet::MovementDetected
   355 //------------------------------------------------------------
   356 //	
   357 TBool CLbtCellIdMvmtDet::MovementDetected( TReal& aCarrierRSSISD,TReal& aCpichEcN0SD,
   358                                            TReal& aCpichRscpSD,TReal& aPathlossSD,
   359                                            TInt& /*aCellChangeCount*/  )    
   360     {
   361     FUNC_ENTER("CLbtCellIdMvmtDet::MovementDetected");
   362     TReal sumOfSd = aCpichEcN0SD + aCpichRscpSD + aPathlossSD;
   364     if( // These 3 parameters vary for movement
   365         aCpichEcN0SD > 5 || 
   366         aCpichRscpSD > 5 ||
   367         aPathlossSD  > 5 ||
   368         aCarrierRSSISD > 3 || 
   369         sumOfSd > 10   ||
   370         ( aCarrierRSSISD > 2 && sumOfSd > 6 ) )
   371         {
   372         LOG("Reason:1");
   373         return ETrue;
   374         }
   376     iSumOfSd.Append( sumOfSd );
   377     iVarianceOfRssi.Append( aCarrierRSSISD );
   378     if( iSumOfSd.Count() == 3 )
   379         {
   380         TReal sumAvg = 0.0;
   381         TReal rssiAvg = 0.0;
   382         for( TInt i=0;i<iSumOfSd.Count();i++ )
   383             {
   384             sumAvg+= iSumOfSd[i];
   385             rssiAvg+= iVarianceOfRssi[i];  
   386             }
   387         sumAvg/= iSumOfSd.Count();
   388         rssiAvg/= iVarianceOfRssi.Count();  
   390         // Remove the old values
   391         iSumOfSd.Remove( 0 );
   392         iVarianceOfRssi.Remove( 0 );  
   394         if( ( sumAvg>6 && rssiAvg>2 ) ||
   395             ( sumAvg>8 && rssiAvg>1.75 ) )
   396             {
   397             LOG("Reason:2");
   398             return ETrue;
   399             }
   400         }
   401     return EFalse;    
   402     }
   404 //------------------------------------------------------------
   405 // CLbtCellIdMvmtDet::CalculateVariance
   406 //------------------------------------------------------------
   407 //	
   408 void CLbtCellIdMvmtDet::CalculateSDForWcdmaNmr(TReal& aCarrierRSSISD,TReal& aCpichEcN0SD,
   409                                                TReal& aCpichRscpSD,TReal& aPathlossSD,
   410                                                TInt& aCellChangeCount )
   411     {
   412     FUNC_ENTER("CLbtCellIdMvmtDet::CalculateSDForWcdmaNmr");
   413     TReal carrierRSSIMean = 0.0;
   414 	TReal cpichEcN0Mean= 0.0;
   415 	TReal cpichRscpMean= 0.0;
   416 	TReal pathlossMean= 0.0;
   418 	// Calculate the mean for NMR values. 
   419 	CLbtCellInfo::TCellInfoArrayIterator iter = iWcdmaCellInfo->Begin();
   420 	TWcdmaNMR wcdmaNMR;
   421 	while( iter.Next( wcdmaNMR ) )
   422 	    {
   423 	    carrierRSSIMean+= wcdmaNMR.iCarrierRSSI;
   424 	    cpichEcN0Mean+= wcdmaNMR.iCpichEcN0;
   425 	    cpichRscpMean+= wcdmaNMR.iCpichRscp;
   426 	    pathlossMean+= wcdmaNMR.iPathloss;
   427 	    }
   428 	carrierRSSIMean/= iWcdmaCellInfo->Count();
   429     cpichEcN0Mean/= iWcdmaCellInfo->Count();
   430     cpichRscpMean/= iWcdmaCellInfo->Count();
   431     pathlossMean/= iWcdmaCellInfo->Count();
   433     // Calculate the variance for NMR values. 
   435     iter.Reset();
   436 	while( iter.Next( wcdmaNMR ) )
   437         {
   438         aCarrierRSSISD+= ( carrierRSSIMean - wcdmaNMR.iCarrierRSSI ) * ( carrierRSSIMean - wcdmaNMR.iCarrierRSSI );
   439         aCpichEcN0SD+= ( cpichEcN0Mean - wcdmaNMR.iCpichEcN0 ) * ( cpichEcN0Mean - wcdmaNMR.iCpichEcN0 );
   440         aCpichRscpSD+= ( cpichRscpMean - wcdmaNMR.iCpichRscp ) * ( cpichRscpMean - wcdmaNMR.iCpichRscp );
   441         aPathlossSD+= ( pathlossMean - wcdmaNMR.iPathloss ) * ( pathlossMean - wcdmaNMR.iPathloss );
   442         }
   443     aCarrierRSSISD/= iWcdmaCellInfo->Count();
   444     aCpichEcN0SD/= iWcdmaCellInfo->Count();
   445     aCpichRscpSD/= iWcdmaCellInfo->Count();
   446     aPathlossSD/= iWcdmaCellInfo->Count();
   448     // Calculate the standard deviation for NMR values.    
   449     Math::Sqrt( aCarrierRSSISD,aCarrierRSSISD );
   450     Math::Sqrt( aCpichEcN0SD,aCpichEcN0SD );
   451     Math::Sqrt( aCpichRscpSD,aCpichRscpSD );
   452     Math::Sqrt( aPathlossSD,aPathlossSD );
   454     aCellChangeCount = iWcdmaCellInfo->CellChangeCount();
   455     iWcdmaCellInfo->Reset();
   456     }
   459 //------------------------------------------------------------
   460 // CLbtCellIdMvmtDet::ComputeED
   461 //------------------------------------------------------------
   462 //	
   463 TInt CLbtCellIdMvmtDet::ComputeED( TReal& aED, CLbtCellInfo* aCurrCellInfo, CLbtCellInfo* aPrevCellInfo )
   464     {
   465     FUNC_ENTER("CLbtCellIdMvmtDet::ComputeED");
   466     // Find matches and calculate ED
   467     // Compare cellinfo with the previous readings. If there are 
   468     // less than 3 and more than 1 matches substitute with the lower 
   469     // readings of RxLEV. If there is just 1 or no matches then notify 
   470     // movement.
   471     CLbtCellInfo::TCellInfoArrayIterator iter = aCurrCellInfo->Begin();
   472     TGsmNMR nmr;
   473     TInt pos = 0;
   474     TInt leastRxLEV = -1;
   475     TReal diffSqr;
   476     RArray< TUint > diffArray;
   477     RArray< TUint > posArray;
   478     while( iter.Next( nmr ) )
   479         {
   480         // Find least of RxLEVs in the recent measurement.
   481         if( -1 == leastRxLEV || nmr.RxLEV < leastRxLEV )
   482             {
   483             leastRxLEV = nmr.RxLEV;
   484             }
   486         if( aPrevCellInfo->Find( pos, nmr ) )
   487             {
   488             // Calculate difference in RxLEV and the corresponding square
   489             TInt diff = 
   490                 ( ( aPrevCellInfo->GetNMR() )[pos].RxLEV ) - ( nmr.RxLEV );
   491             Math::Pow( diffSqr, diff, 2 );
   492             diffArray.Append( diffSqr );
   493             posArray.Append( pos );
   494             }
   495         else
   496             {
   497             TInt diff = nmr.RxLEV - leastRxLEV;
   498             Math::Pow( diffSqr, diff, 2 );
   499             diffArray.Append( diffSqr );
   500             }
   501         }
   503     if( posArray.Count() > 1 )  // There was at least 1 match between the 2 readings
   504         {
   505         // Check for other lost entries in previously obtained
   506         // cellinfo
   507         RArray< TGsmNMR >& prevNMR = aPrevCellInfo->GetNMR();
   508         for( TInt index = 0; index < prevNMR.Count(); index++ )
   509             {
   510             if( KErrNotFound == posArray.Find( index ) )
   511                 {
   512                 TInt diff = prevNMR[index].RxLEV - leastRxLEV;
   513                 Math::Pow( diffSqr, diff, 2 );
   514                 diffArray.Append( diffSqr );
   515                 }
   516             }
   518         // Calculate ED
   519         TUint sum = 0;
   520         for( TInt index = 0; index < diffArray.Count(); index++ )
   521             {
   522             sum += diffArray[index];
   523             }
   525         Math::Sqrt( aED, sum );
   526         diffArray.Close();
   527         posArray.Close();
   528         return KErrNone;
   529         }
   531     return KErrNotFound;    // no matches found
   532     }
   535 //------------------------------------------------------------
   536 // CLbtCellIdMvmtDet::ComputeVarianceOfED
   537 //------------------------------------------------------------
   538 //	
   539 void CLbtCellIdMvmtDet::ComputeVarianceOfED()
   540     {
   541     FUNC_ENTER("CLbtCellIdMvmtDet::ComputeVarianceOfED");
   542     // Determine mean
   543     TReal mean = iSumOfED / 5;  // As the window size is set to 5
   544     iSumOfED = 0.0;
   546     // Calculate distance from mean
   547     TReal dist = 0.0;
   548     TReal sqr = 0.0;
   549     TReal sum = 0.0;
   550     for( TInt i = 0; i < iED.Count(); i++ )
   551         {
   552         dist = iED[i] - mean;
   553         Math::Pow( sqr, dist, 2 );
   554         sum += sqr;
   555         }
   557     iED.Reset();
   558     TReal variance = sum / 5;
   559     iVarianceOfED.Append( variance );
   561     // Check if variance is > 5. If true then check the next set of
   562     // 5 variances. If there are more than two variance readings > 5
   563     // then compute average of the 5 readings and check if this value
   564     // is > 5. If true then notify movement.
   565     if( iVarianceOfED.Count() == 3 )
   566         {
   567         // Find average of variances
   568         TInt8 varianceCount = 0;
   569         sum = 0.0;
   570         for( TInt i = 0; i < iVarianceOfED.Count(); i++ )
   571             {
   572             sum += iVarianceOfED[i];
   573             if( iVarianceOfED[i] > 5.0 )
   574                 {
   575                 ++varianceCount;
   576                 }
   577             }
   578         if( varianceCount >= 2 )
   579             {
   580             iAvgOfVariance = sum / 3;   // average of 5 variance readings
   581             }
   582         else
   583             {
   584             iAvgOfVariance = 0.0;
   585             }
   587         iVarianceOfED.Reset();
   588         }
   589     }
   592 //------------------------------------------------------------
   593 // CLbtCellIdMvmtDet::StopNotification
   594 //------------------------------------------------------------
   595 //		
   596 void CLbtCellIdMvmtDet::StopNotification()
   597 	{
   598 	FUNC_ENTER("CLbtCellIdMvmtDet::StopNotification");
   599 	iCellIdMvmtDetGetCellData->Stop();
   600 	delete iPrevCellInfo;
   601 	iPrevCellInfo = NULL;
   602     delete iCurrentCellInfo;
   603     iCurrentCellInfo = NULL;
   604     delete iInitialCellInfo;
   605     iInitialCellInfo = NULL;
   606     delete iWcdmaCellInfo;
   607     iWcdmaCellInfo = NULL;
   608 	}
   611 //------------------------------------------------------------
   612 // CLbtCellIdMvmtDet::DetectShortGsmMovement
   613 //------------------------------------------------------------
   614 //
   615 void CLbtCellIdMvmtDet::DetectShortGsmMovement()
   616     {    
   617     LOG("=>CLbtCellIdMvmtDet::DetectShortMovement");
   618     // Compare BSIC and ARFCN of current reading with the intial value.
   619     RArray< TGsmNMR >& intialData = iInitialCellInfo->GetNMR();
   620     RArray< TGsmNMR >& currentData = iCurrentCellInfo->GetNMR();
   621     // Test
   622     LOG1("Initialdata count:%d",intialData.Count() );
   623     LOG1("Current data count:%d",currentData.Count() );
   624     // Test
   626     TReal ratioOfBsicVisible = ( TReal ) currentData.Count() / ( TReal ) intialData.Count();
   627     if( ratioOfBsicVisible < 0.5 )
   628         {
   629         LOG1("ratioOfBsicVisible:%f",ratioOfBsicVisible);
   630         iObserver->HandleDetectorNotification( MLbtMovementObserver::EEventMovement ); 
   631         return;
   632         }
   634     TReal euclidianDist = 0.0;
   635     TInt currentMatch = 0;
   637     for( TInt i=0;i<currentData.Count();i++ )
   638         for( TInt j=0;j<intialData.Count();j++ )
   639         {
   640         if( currentData[i].BSIC == intialData[j].BSIC &&
   641             currentData[i].ARFCN == intialData[j].ARFCN )
   642             {
   643             currentMatch++;
   644             euclidianDist += ( currentData[i].RxLEV - intialData[j].RxLEV )*
   645 	    				        ( currentData[i].RxLEV - intialData[j].RxLEV );  
   646 	    	}
   647         }
   648     Math::Sqrt( euclidianDist,euclidianDist );    
   650     TReal ratio = ( TReal )currentMatch / ( TReal )intialData.Count();
   652     LOG1("Euclidian distance:%f",euclidianDist);
   653     LOG1("ratio:%f",ratio)
   654     if( ratio <= 0.8 && euclidianDist >= 15 )
   655         {
   656         iObserver->HandleDetectorNotification( MLbtMovementObserver::EEventMovement );
   657         LOG("Movement detected");
   658         }
   659     LOG("CLbtCellIdMvmtDet::DetectShortMovement=>");    
   660     }
   662 //------------------------------------------------------------
   663 // CLbtCellIdMvmtDet::DetectShortWcdmaMovement
   664 //------------------------------------------------------------
   665 //
   666 void CLbtCellIdMvmtDet::DetectShortWcdmaMovement()
   667     {
   668     FUNC_ENTER("CLbtCellIdMvmtDet::DetectShortWcdmaMovement");
   669     LOG("CLbtCellIdMvmtDet::DetectShortWcdmaMovement");
   670     // If cell change has happened, notify movement
   671     if( iWcdmaCellInfo->CellChangeCount() == 2 )
   672         {
   673         iObserver->HandleDetectorNotification( MLbtMovementObserver::EEventMovement ); 
   674         LOG("Small cell change movement");
   675         return;
   676         }
   678     // Compare initial NMR readings with the current readings
   679     RArray<TWcdmaNMR>& wcdmaNMR = iWcdmaCellInfo->GetWcdmaNMR();
   681     TInt count = wcdmaNMR.Count();
   682     if( count == 0 )
   683         {
   684         iObserver->HandleDetectorNotification( MLbtMovementObserver::EEventDetectorFailed ); 
   685         return;
   686         }
   688     TInt cRssiDiff = Abs( wcdmaNMR[0].iCarrierRSSI - wcdmaNMR[count-1].iCarrierRSSI );
   689     TInt cPRscpDiff = Abs( wcdmaNMR[0].iCpichRscp - wcdmaNMR[count-1].iCpichRscp );
   690     TInt pathLossDiff = Abs( wcdmaNMR[0].iPathloss - wcdmaNMR[count-1].iPathloss );
   692     //Test Logs
   693     LOG1("cRssiDiff:%d",cRssiDiff);
   694     LOG1("cPRscpDiff:%d",cPRscpDiff);
   695     LOG1("pathLossDiff:%d",pathLossDiff);
   696     //Test Logs
   698     if( cRssiDiff >= 2 || ( cPRscpDiff >= 5 && pathLossDiff >= 5 ) )
   699         {
   700         iObserver->HandleDetectorNotification( MLbtMovementObserver::EEventMovement );
   701         LOG("Short movement detected"); 
   702         }
   703     }
   704 //------------------------------------------------------------
   705 // CLbtCellIdMvmtDet::InitialiseL
   706 //------------------------------------------------------------
   707 //
   708 void CLbtCellIdMvmtDet::CheckBsicVariation()
   709     {
   710     FUNC_ENTER("CLbtCellIdMvmtDet::CheckBsicVariation");
   711     RArray< TGsmNMR >& intialData = iInitialCellInfo->GetNMR();
   712     RArray< TGsmNMR >& currentData = iPrevCellInfo->GetNMR();
   714     // Test
   715     LOG1("Initialdata count:%d",intialData.Count() );
   716     LOG1("Current data count:%d",currentData.Count() );
   717     // Test
   719     TInt totalMatch = 0;
   720     for( TInt i=0;i<currentData.Count();i++ )
   721         for( TInt j=0;j<intialData.Count();j++ )
   722         {
   723         if( currentData[i].BSIC == intialData[j].BSIC &&
   724             currentData[i].ARFCN == intialData[j].ARFCN )
   725             {
   726             totalMatch++;
   727             }
   728         }
   729     TReal ratio = ( TReal ) totalMatch / ( TReal ) intialData.Count();
   731     TReal comparisionFactor = CalculateComparisionFactor( iSleepDuration );
   732     LOG1("ratio:%f",ratio);
   733     LOG1("Comaparision factor:%f",comparisionFactor);
   734     if( ratio <= comparisionFactor )
   735         {
   736         iObserver->HandleDetectorNotification( MLbtMovementObserver::EEventMovement );
   737         LOG("Movement detected");
   738         }
   739     }
   742 //------------------------------------------------------------
   743 // CLbtCellIdMvmtDet::CalculateComparisionFactor
   744 //------------------------------------------------------------
   745 //
   746 TReal CLbtCellIdMvmtDet::CalculateComparisionFactor( TInt aSleepDuration )
   747     {
   748     if( aSleepDuration > 20 && aSleepDuration < 30 )
   749         {
   750         return 0.75;
   751         }
   752     else if( aSleepDuration > 30 && aSleepDuration < 40 )
   753         {
   754         return 0.65;
   755         }
   756     else if( aSleepDuration > 40 && aSleepDuration < 50 )
   757         {
   758         return 0.60;
   759         }
   760     else
   761         {
   762         return 0.50;
   763         }
   764     }
   766 //------------------------------------------------------------
   767 // CLbtCellIdMvmtDet::InitialiseL
   768 //------------------------------------------------------------
   769 //
   770 void CLbtCellIdMvmtDet::InitializeL()
   771     {
   772     FUNC_ENTER("CLbtCellIdMvmtDet::InitializeL");
   773     CCommsDatabase* const db = CCommsDatabase::NewL( ETrue );
   774     CleanupStack::PushL( db ); 
   776     TUint32 modemId = 0; 
   777     db->GetGlobalSettingL( TPtrC( MODEM_PHONE_SERVICES_SMS ), modemId ); 
   778     CCommsDbTableView* const view =
   779         db->OpenViewMatchingUintLC( TPtrC( MODEM ), TPtrC( COMMDB_ID ), modemId ); 
   781     TInt err = view->GotoFirstRecord();
   782     if( err != KErrNone )
   783         {
   784         User::Leave( err );
   785         }
   787     HBufC* nameBuf = NULL;
   788     nameBuf = view->ReadLongTextLC( TPtrC( MODEM_TSY_NAME ) );
   790     User::LeaveIfError( iTelServer.Connect() );
   791     err = iTelServer.LoadPhoneModule( *nameBuf );
   792     if( err != KErrNone )
   793         {
   794         User::Leave( err );
   795         }
   797     // For the phone information
   798     RTelServer::TPhoneInfo info;
   799     iTelServer.GetPhoneInfo( 0, info ); 
   800     err = iMPhone.Open( iTelServer, info.iName );
   801     if( err != KErrNone )
   802         {
   803         User::Leave( err );
   804         }
   806     // initialise etel multimode custom api
   807     err = iCApi.Open( iMPhone );
   808     if( err != KErrNone )
   809         {
   810         User::Leave( err );
   811         }
   813     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 3 ); // nameBuf, view and db    
   814     }