changeset 0 667063e416a2
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:667063e416a2
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2005-2006 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:  Provides logging utility.
    15 *
    16 */
    22 #include <e32base.h>
    23 #include <e32des8.h>
    24 #include <epos_comasuplvelocity.h>
    25 #include "epos_comasuplpostestercategory.h"
    26 class CImplementationInformation;
    27 class CStifLogger;
    28 class TTime;
    29 class COMASuplReqAsstData;
    30 class TOMASuplNavigationModel;
    31 class COMASuplSETCapabilities;
    32 class TOMASuplPosTechnology;   
    33 class TOMASuplPrefMethod;
    34 class TOMASuplPosProtocol;
    35 class TOMASuplSatelliteInfoElement;
    36 class COMASuplPosition;
    37 class TOMASuplUtcTime;
    38 class TOMASuplPositionEstimate;
    39 class COMASuplVelocity;
    40 class COMASuplHorizAndVertVelocity;
    41 class COMASuplHorizUncertVelocity;
    42 class COMASuplHorizAndVertUncertVelocity;
    43 class COMASuplPosPayload;
    44 class COMASuplInfoRequestList;
    45 class TOMASuplUncertainty;
    46 class TOMASuplAltitudeInfo;
    48 /** Maximum length of the buffer holding date and time. */
    49 const TInt KDateTimeLength = 32;
    51 /** Maximum length of the buffer holding time difference. */
    52 const TInt KTimeDiffLength = 64;
    54 /** Maximum length of the buffer on stack. */
    55 const TInt KMaxBufLength = 512;
    57 /** Maximum length of the buffer holding class name. */
    58 const TInt KClassNameLength = 512;
    60 /** Maximum length of the buffer that can be used as extra buffer */
    61 const TInt KExtraBuffer = 32;
    63 /** Value user to initialize integers */
    64 const TUint16 KNoValue16 = 9999;
    65 const TInt KNoValue = -99999;
    66 const TUint8 KNoValue8 = 127;
    68 /** Maximum length of the buffer holding a hexadecimal value for an ASCII */
    69 const TInt KMaxHexSize = 6;
    71 /** Provides a buffer to hold class name. */
    72 typedef TBuf8<KClassNameLength> TClassName;
    74 /** Provides a buffer to hold list of all parent classes in the hierarchy. */
    75 typedef TBuf8<KMaxBufLength> TContainer;
    77 /** Provides a buffer to hold hexadecimal equivalent of an ASCII*/
    78 typedef TBuf8<KMaxHexSize> THexVal;
    80 /** Path for log file.*/
    81 _LIT(KLoggingDir, "c:\\logs\\postester\\");
    83 /** Path for log folder relative to c:\logs.*/
    84 _LIT(KDirName, "postester");
    86 /** Separator between two objects logged in the file. */
    87 _LIT8(KReqLogObjEnd, "+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++");
    89 /** End of request list logged in the file. */
    90 _LIT8(KReqLogEnd, "***************************************************");
    92 /** Constant used for logging*/
    93 _LIT8(KSendingPosMsg, "Info: Sending POS Message to Message plugin.");
    95 /** Constant used for logging*/
    96 _LIT8(KSessionInitialized, "Info: POS Session Initialized.");
    98 /** Constant used for logging*/
    99 _LIT8(KInitializingSession, "Info: Initializing POS Session.");
   101 /** Constant used for logging*/
   102 _LIT8(KInitializingHandler, "Info: Initializing POS Handler.");
   104 _LIT8(KInitializedHandler, "Info: PosHandler Initialized.");
   106 /** Constant used for logging*/
   107 _LIT8(KSessionInitializeFail, "Error: Could not initialize POS Session.");
   109 /** Constant used for logging*/
   110 _LIT8(KHandlerCreateFail, "Error: Could not create POS Handler.");
   112 /** Constant used for logging*/
   113 _LIT8(KHandlerInitFail, "Error: Could not initialize POS Handler.");
   115 /** Constant used for logging*/
   116 _LIT8(KSessionCreated, "Info: POS Session Created.");
   118 /** Constant used for logging*/
   119 _LIT8(KCreatingSession, "Info: Creating POS Session.");
   121 /** Constant used for logging*/
   122 _LIT8(KCreatingSessionFail,  "Error: Could not Create New Session." );
   124 /** Constant used for logging*/
   125 _LIT8(KSpace, " ");
   127 /** Constant used for logging*/
   128 _LIT8(KComma, ",");
   130 /** Constant used formatting ASCII to hexadecimal*/
   131 _LIT8(KHexFormat, "%03x");
   133 /** Constant used for logging*/
   134 _LIT8(KNotSet, " Not Set");
   136 /** Constant used for logging*/
   137 _LIT8(KErrCode, " Code = ");
   139 /** Constant used for logging*/
   140 _LIT8(KTrue, " True");
   142 /** Constant used for logging*/
   143 _LIT8(KFalse, " False");
   145 /** Constant used for logging*/
   146 _LIT8(KScope, "::");
   148 /** Constant used for logging*/
   149 _LIT8(KEquals, " = ");
   151 /** Constant used for logging*/
   152 _LIT8(KHour, " Hours, ");
   154 /** Constant used for logging*/
   155 _LIT8(KMins, " Mins, ");
   157 /** Constant used for logging*/
   158 _LIT8(KSecs, " Secs, ");
   160 /** Constant used for logging*/
   161 _LIT8(KMicroSecs, " MicroSecs ");
   163 /** Constant used for logging*/
   164 _LIT8(KNULL, "");
   166 /** Constant used for logging*/
   167 _LIT8(KExclamation, "!");
   169 /** Constant used for logging*/
   170 _LIT8(KUserCancelsTest, "Info: Testing canceled by user.");
   172 /** Constant used for logging*/
   173 _LIT8(KExecHandlerNewL, "Info: Execution Time of COMASuplPosHandlerBase::NewL()");
   175 /** Constant used for logging*/
   176 _LIT8(KExecCreateNewSessionL, "Info: Execution Time of COMASuplPosHandlerBase::CreateNewSessionL()");
   178 /** Constant used for logging*/
   179 _LIT8(KTestAbored, "Test Aborted.");
   181 /** Constant used for logging*/
   182 _LIT8(KSessionEnd, "Info: Ending POS Session.");
   184 /** Constant used for logging status of test*/
   185 _LIT8(KTestNotStarted, "Test Not Started");
   187 /** Constant used for logging information about test*/
   188 _LIT8(KInitializeErrStatus, "Error: COMASuplPosSessionBase::InitializeL completed with ");
   190 /** Constant used for logging status of test*/
   191 _LIT8(KTestComplete, "Testing Complete");
   193 /** Constant used for logging status of test*/
   194 _LIT8(KTestCanceled, "Testing Canceled");
   196 /** Constant used for logging status of test*/
   197 _LIT8(KTestAborted, "Error: Testing Aborted");
   199 /** Constant used for logging.*/
   200 _LIT8(KPosSessionInActive, "Warning: POS Session Inactive.");
   202 /** Constant used for logging.*/
   203 _LIT8(KMsgFileMsgExhausted, "Error: Messages in the Message file exhausted.");
   205 /** Constant used for logging.*/
   206 _LIT8(KEndingSession, "Info: Ending POS Session.");
   208 /** Constant used for logging.*/
   209 _LIT8(KCouldNotWrite, "Could not write data.");
   211 /** Constant used for logging.*/
   212 _LIT8(KLeaveInHandlerCreation,"Error: Leave occured in POS Handler creation.\
   213  Leave");
   215 /** Constant used for logging.*/
   216 _LIT8(KLeaveInHandlerInit,"Error: Leave occured in POS Handler Initialization\
   217 . Leave");
   219 /** Constant used for logging.*/
   220 _LIT8(KLeaveInCreateNewSession,"Error: Leave occured in POS Session creation\
   221 . Leave");
   223 /** Constant used for logging.*/
   224 _LIT8(KLeaveOccured,"Error: Leave occured. Leave");
   226 /** Constant used for logging.*/
   227 _LIT8(KLeaveRequestListCreation,"Error: Leave occured while creating request\
   228  list. Leave");
   230  /** Constant used for logging.*/
   231 _LIT8(KLeaveResettingPosition,"Error: Leave occured while resetting Position\
   232 . Leave");
   234 /** Constant used for logging.*/
   235 _LIT8(KLeaveInSessionInit,"Error: Leave occured in POS Session \
   236 Initialization. Leave");
   238 /** Constant used for logging.*/
   239 _LIT8(KLeaveInGetSuplInfo,"Error: Leave occured in GetSuplInfoL(). Leave");
   241 /** Constant used for logging.*/
   242 _LIT8(KLeaveInGetPosition,"Error: Leave occured in GetPositionL(). Leave");
   244 /** Constant used for logging.*/
   245 _LIT8(KReqCompWith,"Request completed with code: ");
   247 /** Constant used for logging.*/
   248 _LIT8(KSessionInitResult, "Session Initialization completed with ");
   250 /** Constant used for logging.*/
   251 _LIT8(KInfo,"Info: ");
   253 /** Constant used for logging.*/
   254 _LIT8(KWarning,"Warning: ");
   256 /** Constant used for logging.*/
   257 _LIT8(KError,"Error: ");
   259 /** Constant used for logging.*/
   260 _LIT8(KSessionId,"--SessionId: ");
   261 /**
   262  *  Provides logging facility.
   263  *
   264  *  Provides functionality to log parameters, messages and result.
   265  *
   266  *  @lib epos_comasuplpostestermodulecfg.lib
   267  *  @since S60 v3,1u
   268  */
   269 class COMASuplPosTesterLogger: public CBase
   270 	{
   271 	public:	// Constructors and destructor
   273 		 static COMASuplPosTesterLogger* NewL(const TDesC& aLogFile);
   274 		 virtual ~COMASuplPosTesterLogger();
   276 	public:		//New functions
   278 		/**
   279 	     * Converts 8 bit ASCII information to Hexadecimal.
   280 	     *
   281 	     * @since S60 v3.1u
   282 	     * @param aAscii Data in ASCII.
   283 	     * @param aHex Data in Hexadecimal.
   284 	     * @return TInt Error code.
   285 	     */
   287 		 TInt ConvertAsciiToHex(const TDesC8& aAscii, HBufC8*& aHex);
   289 		/**
   290 	     * Converts 8 bit ASCII character to Hexadecimal.
   291 	     *
   292 	     * @since S60 v3.1u
   293 	     * @param aAsciiChar Character in ASCII.
   294 	     * @param aHexVal  Hexadecimal value of aAsciiChar.
   295 	     * @return TInt Error code.
   296 	     */
   297          TInt ConvertCharToHex(TUint8 aAsciiChar, THexVal& aHexVal);
   299 		/**
   300 	     * Writes DisplayName, Uid & Version of implementation into the logfile.
   301 	     *
   302 	     * @since S60 v3.1u
   303 	     * @param aImplementationInfo An implementation to be logged.
   304 	     * @return void
   305 	     */
   306 		 void WriteImplementationInfoL(
   307 		 			const CImplementationInformation& aImplementationInfo);
   309 		/**	
   310 	     * Writes information in resource file into logfile .
   311 	     *
   312 	     * @since S60 v3.1u
   313 	     * @return void
   314 	     */
   315          void WritePosTesterParametersL();
   317 		/**
   318 	     * Writes summary of testing into the logfile.
   319 	     *
   320 	     * @since S60 v3.1u
   321 	     * @param aErrors Number of errors messages.
   322 	     * @param aWarnings Number of warnings messages.
   323 	     * @param aInfo Number of info messages.
   324 	     * @return void
   325 	     */
   326 		 void WriteSummaryL(TTestingStatus aTestStatus, TInt aInfo
   327 		 					, TInt aWarnings, TInt aErrors);
   329 		/**
   330 	     * Gets current date & time into the argument.
   331 	     *
   332 	     * @since S60 v3.1u
   333 	     * @param aDateAndTime Gets current date an time.
   334 	     * @return void
   335 	     */
   336          void GetCurrentDateAndTime(TDes8& aDateAndTime);
   338         /**
   339 	     * Converts TDateTime object into a descriptor.
   340 	     *
   341 	     * @since S60 v3.1u
   342 	     * @param aDateAndTime Gets aDateTime as a string.
   343 	     * @param aDateAndTime TDateTime object whose data is required as a string.
   344 	     * @return void
   345 	     */
   346          void PrepareDateAndTimeString(TDes8& aDateAndTime
   347  										, TDateTime& aDateTime);
   349 		/**
   350 	     * Gets LogFile logger.
   351 	     *
   352 	     * @since S60 v3.1u
   353 	     * @return CStifLogger& Reference to StifLogger.
   354 	     */
   355          CStifLogger& GetLogFileLogger();
   357 		/**
   358 	     * Writes a line to file. If enough spcce is provided, appends
   359 	     * aSessionId to aLine.
   360 	     *
   361 	     * @since S60 v3.1u
   362 	     * @param aLine Line to be written in the log file.
   363 	     * @param aSessionId Session number. Used for multiple session test.
   364 	     * @return void
   365 	     */
   366          void WriteLine(const TDesC8& aLine, TInt aSessionId = 0);
   368         /**
   369 	     * Writes a "aLine Error code = ErrCode" to file.
   370 	     *
   371 	     * @since S60 v3.1u
   372 	     * @param aLine Line to be written in the log file.
   373 	     * @param aErrCode Error code to be logged.
   374 	     * @return void
   375 	     */
   376          void WriteStatus(const TDesC8& aLine, TInt aErrCode
   377          							, TInt aSessionId = 0
   378          							, const TDesC8* aCode = &KErrCode());
   380         /**
   381 	     * Writes a "aContainer::aVar = aData" to file.
   382 	     *
   383 	     * @since S60 v3.1u
   384 	     * @param aContainer Descriptor to be written in the log file.
   385 	     * @param aVar Name of the variable to be written in the log file.
   386 	     * @param aData Integer value of the variable.
   387 	     * @return void
   388 	     */
   389          void LogData(const TDesC8& aContainer
   390          							, const TDesC8& aVar, TInt aData);
   392         /**
   393 	     * Writes a "aContainer::aVar = aData" to file.
   394 	     *
   395 	     * @since S60 v3.1u
   396 	     * @param aContainer Descriptor to be written in the log file.
   397 	     * @param aVar Name of the variable to be written in the log file.
   398 	     * @param aData Descriptor value to be written in the log file.
   399 	     * @return void
   400 	     */
   401 		 void LogData(const TDesC8& aContainer, const TDesC8& aVar
   402 					, const TDesC8& aData);
   404 		/**
   405 	     * Provides a descriptor containing "aContainer::aVar".
   406 	     *
   407 	     * @since S60 v3.1u
   408 	     * @param aContainer Descriptor to be written in the log file.
   409 	     * @param aVar Name of the variable to be written in the log file.
   410 	     * @param aString Descriptor containing "aContainer::aVar".
   411 	     * @return void
   412 	     */
   413 		 void CreateStringL(const TDesC8& aContainer
   414 									, const TDesC8& aVar, HBufC8*& aString);
   416 		/**
   417 	     * Provides a descriptor containing "aContainer::aVar".
   418 	     *
   419 	     * @since S60 v3.1u
   420 	     * @param aContainer Descriptor to be written in the log file.
   421 	     * @param aVar Name of the variable to be written in the log file.
   422 	     * @param aString Descriptor containing "aContainer::aVar". If the
   423 	     * length of the descriptor is less than length(aContainer + aVar + 4)
   424 	     * it only contains aVar.
   425 	     * @return void
   426 	     */
   427 		 void CreateString(const TDesC8& aContainer
   428 							, const TDesC8& aVar, TClassName& aString);
   430 		/**
   431 	     * Provides a descriptor containing "aParent::aClass".
   432 	     *
   433 	     * @since S60 v3.1u
   434 	     * @param aParent Descriptor to be written in the log file.
   435 	     * @param aClass Name of the variable to be written in the log file.
   436 	     * @param aContainer Descriptor containing "aParent::aClass".
   437 	     * @return void
   438 	     */
   439 		 void CreateContainer(const TDesC8& aParent
   440 							, const TDesC8& aClass, TContainer& aContainer);
   442          /**
   443 	     * Logs an object of COMASuplReqAsstData.
   444 	     *
   445 	     * @since S60 v3.1u
   446 	     * @param aData Object to be written in the log file.
   447 	     * @return void
   448 	     */
   449          void LogSuplReqAsstData(COMASuplReqAsstData* aData);
   451 		/**
   452 	     * Logs an object of TOMASuplNavigationModel.
   453 	     *
   454 	     * @since S60 v3.1u
   455 	     * @param aContainer Name of object containing aNavModel.
   456 	     * @param aNavModel Object to be written in the log file.
   457 	     * @return void
   458 	     */
   459          void LogSuplNavigationModel(const TDesC8& aContainer
   460          							, TOMASuplNavigationModel& aNavModel);
   462 		/**
   463 	     * Logs an object of TOMASuplSatelliteInfoElement.
   464 	     *
   465 	     * @since S60 v3.1u
   466 	     * @param aContainer Name of object containing aSatInfo.
   467 	     * @param aSatInfo Object to be written in the log file.
   468 	     * @return void
   469 	     */
   470          void LogSuplSatelliteInfoElement(const TDesC8& aContainer
   471          						, TOMASuplSatelliteInfoElement& aSatInfo);
   473         /**
   474 	     * Logs an object of COMASuplSETCapabilities.
   475 	     *
   476 	     * @since S60 v3.1u
   477 	     * @param aSetCap Object to be written in the log file.
   478 	     * @return void
   479 	     */
   480          void LogSuplSETCapabilities(COMASuplSETCapabilities* aSetCap);
   482 		/**
   483 	     * Logs an object of TOMASuplPosTechnology.
   484 	     *
   485 	     * @since S60 v3.1u
   486 	     * @param aContainer Name of object containing aPosTech.
   487 	     * @param aPosTech Object to be written in the log file.
   488 	     * @return void
   489 	     */
   490          void LogSuplPosTechnology(const TDesC8& aContainer
   491          							, TOMASuplPosTechnology& aPosTech);
   493 		/**
   494 	     * Logs enum COMASuplSETCapabilities::TOMASuplPrefMethod.
   495 	     *
   496 	     * @since S60 v3.1u
   497 	     * @param aContainer Name of object containing aPosTech.
   498 	     * @param aPrefMethod Enum value to be written in the log file.
   499 	     * @return void
   500 	     */
   501          void LogSuplPrefMethod(const TDesC8& aContainer
   502          		, TInt aPrefMethod);
   504 		/**
   505 	     * Logs an object of TOMASuplPosProtocol.
   506 	     *
   507 	     * @since S60 v3.1u
   508 	     * @param aContainer Name of object containing aProtocol.
   509 	     * @param aProtocol Object to be written in the log file.
   510 	     * @return void
   511 	     */
   512          void LogSuplPosProtocol(const TDesC8& aContainer
   513          						, TOMASuplPosProtocol& aProtocol);
   515         /**
   516 	     * Logs an object of COMASuplPosition.
   517 	     *
   518 	     * @since S60 v3.1u
   519 	     * @param aPosition Object to be written in the log file.
   520 	     * @return void
   521 	     */
   522          void LogSuplPosition(COMASuplPosition* aPosition);
   524         /**
   525 	     * Logs an object of TOMASuplUtcTime.
   526 	     *
   527 	     * @since S60 v3.1u
   528 	     * @param aContainer Name of object containing aUtcTime.
   529 	     * @param aUtcTime Object to be written in the log file.
   530 	     * @return void
   531 	     */
   532          void LogSuplUtcTime(const TDesC8& aContainer
   533          					, TOMASuplUtcTime& aUtcTime);
   535         /**
   536 	     * Logs an object of TOMASuplPositionEstimate.
   537 	     *
   538 	     * @since S60 v3.1u
   539 	     * @param aContainer Name of object containing aPosEstimate.
   540 	     * @param aPosEstimate Object to be written in the log file.
   541 	     * @return void
   542 	     */
   543          void LogSuplPositionEstimate(const TDesC8& aContainer
   544          				, TOMASuplPositionEstimate& aPosEstimate);
   546 		/**
   547 	     * Logs an object of TOMASuplUncertainty.
   548 	     *
   549 	     * @since S60 v3.1u
   550 	     * @param aContainer Name of object containing aUncertainty.
   551 	     * @param aUncertainty Object to be written in the log file.
   552 	     * @return void
   553 	     */
   554          void LogUncertainty(const TDesC8& aContainer
   555 								, TOMASuplUncertainty& aUncertainty);
   557 		/**
   558 	     * Logs an object of TOMASuplAltitudeInfo.
   559 	     *
   560 	     * @since S60 v3.1u
   561 	     * @param aContainer Name of object containing aAltInfo.
   562 	     * @param aAltInfo Object to be written in the log file.
   563 	     * @return void
   564 	     */
   565 		void LogAltitudeInfo(const TDesC8& aContainer
   566 								, TOMASuplAltitudeInfo& aAltInfo);
   568 		/**
   569 	     * Logs elements in an object of TOMASuplAltitudeInfo.
   570 	     *
   571 	     * @since S60 v3.1u
   572 	     * @param aContainer Name of object containing aAltInfo.
   573 	     * @param aLatitudeSign Value is either 0 or 1.
   574 	     * @param aLatitude Value of latitude.
   575 	     * @param aLongitude Value of longitude.
   576 	     * @return void
   577 	     */
   578 		void LogLatLongLatSign(const TDesC8& aContainer, TInt& aLatitudeSign
   579 									, TInt& aLatitude, TInt& aLongitude);
   581 		/**
   582 	     * Logs an object of COMASuplVelocity.
   583 	     *
   584 	     * @since S60 v3.1u
   585 	     * @param aContainer Name of object containing aVelocity.
   586 	     * @param aVelocity Object to be written in the log file.
   587 	     * @return void
   588 	     */
   589          void LogSuplVelocity(const TDesC8& aContainer
   590          							, COMASuplVelocity* aVelocity);
   592         /**
   593 	     * Logs an enum TOMASuplVelocityType.
   594 	     *
   595 	     * @since S60 v3.1u
   596 	     * @param aContainer Name of object containing aVelocityType.
   597 	     * @param aVelocityType Object to be written in the log file.
   598 	     * @return void
   599 	     */
   600          void LogSuplVelocityType(const TDesC8& aContainer
   601          				, TOMASuplVelocityType aVelocityType);
   603         /**
   604 	     * Logs an object of COMASuplHorizVelocity.
   605 	     *
   606 	     * @since S60 v3.1u
   607 	     * @param aContainer Name of object containing aVelocity.
   608 	     * @param aVelocity Object to be written in the log file.
   609 	     * @return void
   610 	     */ 				
   611          void LogHorizVelocity(const TDesC8& aContainer
   612 								, COMASuplHorizVelocity* aVelocity);
   614 		/**
   615 	     * Logs an object of COMASuplHorizAndVertVelocity.
   616 	     *
   617 	     * @since S60 v3.1u
   618 	     * @param aContainer Name of object containing aVelocity.
   619 	     * @param aVelocity Object to be written in the log file.
   620 	     * @return void
   621 	     */
   622          void LogSuplHorizAndVertVelocity(const TDesC8& aContainer
   623          		, COMASuplHorizAndVertVelocity* aVelocity);
   625 		/**
   626 	     * Logs an object of COMASuplHorizUncertVelocity.
   627 	     *
   628 	     * @since S60 v3.1u
   629 	     * @param aContainer Name of object containing aVelocity.
   630 	     * @param aVelocity Object to be written in the log file.
   631 	     * @return void
   632 	     */
   633          void LogSuplHorizUncertVelocity(const TDesC8& aContainer
   634          						, COMASuplHorizUncertVelocity* aVelocity);
   636 		/**
   637 	     * Logs an object of COMASuplHorizAndVertUncertVelocity.
   638 	     *
   639 	     * @since S60 v3.1u
   640 	     * @param aContainer Name of object containing aVelocity.
   641 	     * @param aVelocity Object to be written in the log file.
   642 	     * @return void
   643 	     */
   644          void LogSuplHorizAndVertUncertVelocity(const TDesC8& aContainer
   645          				, COMASuplHorizAndVertUncertVelocity* aVelocity);
   647         /**
   648 	     * Logs an object of COMASuplPosPayload, after converting 
   649 	     * it to Hexadecimal.
   650 	     *
   651 	     * @since S60 v3.1u
   652 	     * @param aPayload Object to be written in the log file.
   653 	     * @return void
   654 	     */
   655          void LogPayload(COMASuplPosPayload* aPayload);
   657         /**
   658 	     * Logs an object of COMASuplPosPayload.
   659 	     *
   660 	     * @since S60 v3.1u
   661 	     * @param aPayload Object to be written in the log file.
   662 	     * @return void
   663 	     */
   664          void LogPayloadSent(COMASuplPosPayload* aPayload);
   667         /**
   668 	     * Logs an object of COMASuplInfoRequestList.
   669 	     *
   670 	     * @since S60 v3.1u
   671 	     * @param aPayload Object to be written in the log file.
   672 	     * @return void
   673 	     */ 
   674          void LogRequestList(COMASuplInfoRequestList& aReqList);
   676         /**
   677 	     * Logs an object of COMASuplInfoRequest.
   678 	     *
   679 	     * @since S60 v3.1u
   680 	     * @param aPayload Object to be written in the log file.
   681 	     * @return void
   682 	     */ 
   683          void LogRequest(COMASuplInfoRequest* aReq);
   686 	private:
   688         COMASuplPosTesterLogger();
   689         void ConstructL(const TDesC& aLogFile);
   690     public:
   691     	/**
   692 	     * It should be called just before issuing a Synchronous request.
   693 	     * Initializes iRequestStartTime with the current time.
   694 	     *
   695 	     * @since S60 v3.1u
   696 	     * @return void
   697 	     */
   698         void GetRequestStartTime();
   700         /**
   701 	     * It should be called just after the Synchronous request.
   702 	     * Initializes iRequestEndTime with the current time.
   703 	     *
   704 	     * @since S60 v3.1u
   705 	     * @return void
   706 	     */
   707         void RequestExecuted();
   709         /**
   710 	     * Gets the difference between time obtained by GetRequestStartTime().
   711 	     * and RequestExecuted into aDiff.
   712 	     * @since S60 v3.1u
   713 	     * @param aLine Line to be written in the log file.
   714 	     * @return void
   715 	     */
   716         void GetTimeDifference(TTime& aDiff);
   718         /**
   719 	     * Logs aTime into the log file.
   720 	     *
   721 	     * @since S60 v3.1u
   722 	     * @param aLine Line to be written in the log file.
   723 	     * @return void
   724 	     */
   725         void LogTime(const TDesC8& aMsg, TTime& aTime);
   727         /**
   728 	     * Calculates time difference between iRequestStartTime and 
   729 	     * iRequestEndTime and logs the difference into a log file.
   730 	     *
   731 	     * @since S60 v3.1u
   732 	     * @param aLine Line to be written in the log file.
   733 	     * @return void
   734 	     */
   735         void LogExecutionTime(const TDesC8& aMsg);
   737         /**
   738 	     * Writes a test header into the log file.
   739 	     *
   740 	     * @since S60 v3.1u
   741 	     * @param aLine Line to be written in the log file.
   742 	     * @return void
   743 	     */
   744         void WriteTestHeader(const TDesC8& aTestHeader, TInt aSessionId = 0);
   746 	private:
   747 		/**
   748          * Object for Logfile operations.
   749          * Own.
   750          */
   751         CStifLogger* iLogFileLogger;
   753         /**
   754      	* ETrue if Start time is recorded.
   755      	*/
   756         TBool iSyncRequestGiven;
   758         /**
   759      	* Start time of request.
   760      	*/
   761         TTime iRequestStartTime;
   763         /**
   764      	* End time of request.
   765      	*/
   766         TTime iRequestEndTime;
   768 	};
   769 #endif