changeset 44 2b4ea9893b66
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/landmarks/locationlandmarks/tsrc/LandmarkTestModule/src/FT_CPosTp23.cpp	Tue Aug 31 15:37:04 2010 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,778 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2005 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description: 
+*   ?description_line
+#include "FT_CPosTp23.h"
+#include <EPos_CPosLandmarkDatabase.h>
+#include <EPos_CPosLandmarkSearch.h>
+#include <EPos_CPosLmTextCriteria.h>
+#include <EPos_CPosLMItemIterator.h>
+#include <EPos_CPosLmDisplayData.h>
+#include <EPos_CPosLmDisplayItem.h>
+#include <EPos_TPosLMSortPref.h>
+#include "FT_CSearchResult.h"
+// ================= MEMBER FUNCTIONS =======================
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+// CPosTp23::CloseTest
+// (other items were commented in a header).
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+void CPosTp23::CloseTest()
+    {
+    //CHECK TR   Delete of landmarks search - ESLI-5WNG9N
+    delete iDatabase;
+    iDatabase = NULL;
+    delete iLandmarkSearch;
+    iLandmarkSearch = NULL;
+    iSearchResults.ResetAndDestroy();
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+// CPosTp23::StartL
+// (other items were commented in a header).
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+void CPosTp23::StartL()
+    {
+    _LIT(KEmptyTextCriteriaErr, "An empty string as text criteria should not be allowed");
+    iDatabase = UseGeneratedDbFileL();
+    if (iDatabase->IsInitializingNeeded())
+       {
+       ExecuteAndDeleteLD(iDatabase->InitializeL());
+       }
+    iLandmarkSearch = CPosLandmarkSearch::NewL(*iDatabase);
+    TestInvalidPositionFieldsL();
+    // Check iterator before search has started (in multidb search all iterators are empty thus NOT NULL)
+    CPosLmItemIterator* iter = iLandmarkSearch->MatchIteratorL();
+    if (iter)
+    	{
+    	CleanupStack::PushL(iter);
+    	AssertTrueSecL(iter->NumOfItemsL() == 0, _L("Iterator should be empty"));
+    	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(iter);
+    	}
+    else
+    	{
+    	iLog->Log(_L("Iterator should NOT be NULL"));
+    	User::Leave(-1);	
+    	}
+    TUint attr = CPosLandmark::ELandmarkName | CPosLandmark::EDescription;
+    CPosLmTextCriteria* textCriteria = CPosLmTextCriteria::NewLC();
+    textCriteria->SetAttributesToSearch(attr);
+    textCriteria->SetTextL(_L(""));
+    TRAPD(err, iLandmarkSearch->StartLandmarkSearchL(*textCriteria));
+    AssertTrueSecL(err == KErrArgument, KEmptyTextCriteriaErr);
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(textCriteria);
+    AppendSearchResultsL();
+    iLog->Log(_L("Testing search with criterias read from LmDbSearchResult.txt syncronously"));
+    SearchL(iSearchResults, ESynchronous);
+    iLog->Log(_L("Testing search with criterias read from LmDbSearchResult.txt asyncronously"));
+    SearchL(SearchResults(), EAsynchronous);
+    iLog->Log(_L("Testing search with criterias read from LmDbSearchResult.txt asyncronously using User::WaitForRequest"));
+    SearchL(SearchResults(), EWaitForRequest);
+    iLog->Log(_L("Testing search with a defined sortorder"));
+    SearchWithSortOrderL(iSearchResults);   
+    iLog->Log(_L("Testing search anc cancel"));
+    SearchAndCancelL();
+    iLog->Log(_L("Testing search and cancel in callback"));
+    SearchAndCancelL(ETrue);
+    iLog->Log(_L("Testing a redefined search after a landmark has been removed"));
+    SearchAndDeleteL(iSearchResults);
+    iLog->Log(_L("Testing a redefined search after landmarks have been renamed"));
+    SearchAndRenameL(iSearchResults);
+    iLog->Log(_L("Test max length for SetTextL"));
+    TestMaxLengthL();
+    // Verify error report "ESLI-62DBXR Landmarks - Sort order is not correctly implemented"
+    // Check that CPosLandmarkSearch::MatchIteratorL are CPosLandmarkDatabase::LandmarkIteratorL
+    // are sorted correctly (should be identically sorted)
+	VerifySortOrderL();
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+// CPosTp23::SearchL
+// (other items were commented in a header).
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+void CPosTp23::SearchL(
+    const RPointerArray<CSearchResult>& aSearchResults, 
+    TExecutionMode aExecutionMode)
+    {
+    _LIT(KNumOfMatchesErr, "No. of matches is incorrect when the search is performed");
+    _LIT(KNotFoundErr, "Id %d not found in parsed Lm search results when the search is performed syncronously");
+    // Set DisplayData
+	CPosLmDisplayData* displayData = CPosLmDisplayData::NewL();
+	CleanupStack::PushL(displayData);
+	iLandmarkSearch->SetDisplayData(*displayData);
+    for(TInt i=0; i<aSearchResults.Count(); i++)
+        {
+        CPosLmTextCriteria* textCriteria = CPosLmTextCriteria::NewLC();
+        textCriteria->SetTextL(aSearchResults[i]->TextCriteria());
+        textCriteria->SetAttributesToSearch(aSearchResults[i]->Attributes());
+        textCriteria->SetPositionFieldsToSearchL(aSearchResults[i]->PositionFields()); 
+        CPosLmOperation* operation = 
+            iLandmarkSearch->StartLandmarkSearchL(*textCriteria, aSearchResults[i]->Redefined());
+        CleanupStack::PushL(operation);
+         switch (aExecutionMode)
+            {
+            case ESynchronous:
+                ExecuteAndDeleteLD(operation);
+                CleanupStack::Pop(operation);
+                break;
+            case EAsynchronous:
+                RunAsyncOperationLD(operation);
+                CleanupStack::Pop(operation);
+                break;
+            case EWaitForRequest:
+                RunAsyncOperationByWaitForReqL(operation);
+                CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(operation);                
+                break;
+            }
+        CPosLmItemIterator* iter = iLandmarkSearch->MatchIteratorL();
+        CleanupStack::PushL(iter);
+        if ((TUint)(aSearchResults[i]->SearchResult()).Count() != iLandmarkSearch->NumOfMatches())
+            {
+            _LIT(KExpected, "Expected no. of matches: %d");
+            _LIT(KReturned, "Returned no. of matches: %d");
+            TBuf<100> info;
+            info.Format(KExpected, (aSearchResults[i]->SearchResult()).Count());
+            iLog->Log(info);
+            info.Format(KReturned, iLandmarkSearch->NumOfMatches());
+            iLog->Log(info);
+            iLog->Log(_L("Search criteria: "));
+            iLog->Log(textCriteria->Text());
+            iLog->Log(KNumOfMatchesErr);
+            User::Leave(-1);
+            }
+		//Check displaydata        
+        AssertTrueSecL(iter->NumOfItemsL() == displayData->Count(), _L("Wrong number of DisplayData matches"));
+       	TInt itemId = displayData->NewItemIndex();
+        while (itemId != KPosLmNoNewItems)
+            {
+            CPosLmDisplayItem& item = displayData->DisplayItem(itemId);
+            if (item.DisplayItemType() != CPosLmDisplayItem::ELandmarkItem)
+            	{
+            	iLog->Log(_L("ERROR :::::"));
+                iLog->Log(_L("Wrong item returned, only ELandmarkItem should be returned"));
+            	User::Leave(-1);
+            	}
+            if (item.DatabaseIndex() != 0)
+            	{
+            	// When single search, index should always be 0
+                iLog->Log(_L("Wrong DatabaseIndex, should be 0"));
+            	User::Leave(-1);
+            	}
+				TInt lmId = item.Landmark().LandmarkId();
+        	AssertTrueSecL(aSearchResults[i]->FindSearchResult(lmId), KNotFoundErr, lmId);
+            itemId = displayData->NewItemIndex();
+           	}
+        TPosLmItemId id = iter->NextL();
+        while (id != KPosLmNullItemId)
+            {
+            AssertTrueSecL(aSearchResults[i]->FindSearchResult(id), KNotFoundErr, id);
+            id = iter->NextL();
+            }
+        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(iter);
+        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(textCriteria);
+        }
+        iLandmarkSearch->UnsetDisplayData();
+        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(displayData);
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+// CPosTp23::VerifySortOrderL
+// (other items were commented in a header).
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+void CPosTp23::VerifySortOrderL()
+    {
+    iLog->Log(_L("VerifySortOrderL"));
+    _LIT(KNumOfMatchesErr, "No. of matches is incorrect");
+    _LIT(KNumOfMatchesErr2, "No. of matches in DisplayData is incorrect");
+    _LIT(KSortorderErr, "The sortorder is incorrect");
+    _LIT(KNameMatchError, "The landmark names does not match");
+    _LIT(KNameMatchError2, "The landmark name in DisplayData does not match");
+    // Just in case, add some landmarks
+    CPosLandmark* landmark = CPosLandmark::NewLC();
+    landmark->SetLandmarkNameL(_L("CategoryA")); 
+    TPosLmItemId id1 = iDatabase->AddLandmarkL(*landmark);
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(landmark);
+    landmark = CPosLandmark::NewLC();
+    landmark->SetLandmarkNameL(_L("Categorya")); 
+    TPosLmItemId id2 = iDatabase->AddLandmarkL(*landmark);
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(landmark);
+    landmark = CPosLandmark::NewLC();
+    landmark->SetLandmarkNameL(_L("AA")); 
+    TPosLmItemId id3 = iDatabase->AddLandmarkL(*landmark);
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(landmark);
+    landmark = CPosLandmark::NewLC();
+    landmark->SetLandmarkNameL(_L("aa")); 
+    TPosLmItemId id4 = iDatabase->AddLandmarkL(*landmark);
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(landmark);
+    TPosLmSortPref sortDesc(CPosLandmark::ELandmarkName, TPosLmSortPref::EDescending);
+    TPosLmSortPref sortAsc(CPosLandmark::ELandmarkName, TPosLmSortPref::EAscending);
+    CPosLmTextCriteria* textCriteria = CPosLmTextCriteria::NewLC();
+    // Search pattern "*" should match all existing landmarks -> it is possible to compare
+    // sort order of CPosLandmarkSearch::MatchIteratorL with CPosLandmarkDatabase::LandmarkIteratorL
+    textCriteria->SetTextL(_L("*"));
+    // Set DisplayData
+    CPosLmDisplayData* displayData = CPosLmDisplayData::NewL();
+	CleanupStack::PushL(displayData);
+    iLandmarkSearch->SetDisplayData(*displayData);
+    CPosLmItemIterator* lmDbIter = NULL;
+    for (TInt i=0; i<6; i++)
+        {
+        if(i==0)
+            {
+            // Sorted ascending
+            lmDbIter = iDatabase->LandmarkIteratorL(sortAsc);
+            CleanupStack::PushL(lmDbIter);
+            ExecuteAndDeleteLD(iLandmarkSearch->StartLandmarkSearchL(
+                *textCriteria, sortAsc, EFalse));
+            }
+        else if (i==1)
+            {
+            // Sorted descending
+            lmDbIter = iDatabase->LandmarkIteratorL(sortDesc);
+            CleanupStack::PushL(lmDbIter);
+            ExecuteAndDeleteLD(iLandmarkSearch->StartLandmarkSearchL(
+                *textCriteria, sortDesc, EFalse));
+            }
+        else if (i==2)
+            {
+            //**** Async search, sorted ascending
+            lmDbIter = iDatabase->LandmarkIteratorL(sortAsc);
+            CleanupStack::PushL(lmDbIter);
+            RunAsyncOperationLD(iLandmarkSearch->StartLandmarkSearchL(
+                *textCriteria, sortAsc, EFalse));
+            }
+        else if (i==3)
+            {
+            //**** Async search, sorted descending
+            lmDbIter = iDatabase->LandmarkIteratorL(sortDesc);
+            CleanupStack::PushL(lmDbIter);
+            RunAsyncOperationLD(iLandmarkSearch->StartLandmarkSearchL(
+                *textCriteria, sortDesc, EFalse));
+            }
+        else if (i==4)
+            {
+            //**** Async search with User::WaitForRequest(), sorted ascending
+            lmDbIter = iDatabase->LandmarkIteratorL(sortAsc);
+            CleanupStack::PushL(lmDbIter);
+            CPosLmOperation* op = iLandmarkSearch->StartLandmarkSearchL(
+                *textCriteria, sortAsc, EFalse);
+            CleanupStack::PushL(op);
+            RunAsyncOperationByWaitForReqL(op);
+            CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(op);
+            }
+        else if (i==5)
+            {
+            //**** Async search with User::WaitForRequest(), sorted descending
+            lmDbIter = iDatabase->LandmarkIteratorL(sortDesc);
+            CleanupStack::PushL(lmDbIter);
+            CPosLmOperation* op = iLandmarkSearch->StartLandmarkSearchL(
+                *textCriteria, sortDesc, EFalse);
+            CleanupStack::PushL(op);
+            RunAsyncOperationByWaitForReqL(op);
+            CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(op);
+            }
+        CPosLmItemIterator* iter = iLandmarkSearch->MatchIteratorL();
+        CleanupStack::PushL(iter);
+        AssertTrueSecL(iter->NumOfItemsL() == lmDbIter->NumOfItemsL(), KNumOfMatchesErr);
+        // Check correct displayData
+        AssertTrueSecL(iter->NumOfItemsL() == displayData->Count(), KNumOfMatchesErr2);
+		TInt itemId = displayData->NewItemIndex();
+        TPosLmItemId id = iter->NextL();
+        TPosLmItemId lmDbId = lmDbIter->NextL();
+        // check that the two iterators are sorted identically
+        while (id != KPosLmNullItemId)
+            {
+            CPosLandmark* source = iDatabase->ReadLandmarkLC(id);
+            CPosLandmark* target = iDatabase->ReadLandmarkLC(lmDbId);
+        	CPosLmDisplayItem& item = displayData->DisplayItem(itemId);
+			TPtrC lmName;
+			item.Landmark().GetLandmarkName(lmName);
+            TPtrC sourceName, targetName;
+            source->GetLandmarkName(sourceName);
+            target->GetLandmarkName(targetName);
+            // For debugging purposes
+            TBuf<150> buf;
+            buf.Append(_L("Name:"));
+            buf.Append(sourceName);
+            buf.Append(_L("<->"));
+            buf.Append(targetName);
+            buf.Append(_L("<->"));
+            buf.Append(lmName);
+            //iLog->Log(buf);
+            if (id != lmDbId) iLog->Log(_L("ids are not identical, therefore check name"));
+            // Should always be the same
+            AssertTrueSecL(sourceName.Compare(targetName) == KErrNone, KNameMatchError);
+            AssertTrueSecL(sourceName.Compare(lmName) == KErrNone, KNameMatchError2);
+            CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(target);
+            CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(source);
+            id = iter->NextL();
+            lmDbId = lmDbIter->NextL();
+            itemId = displayData->NewItemIndex();
+            }
+        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(iter);
+        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(lmDbIter);
+        }
+    // Unset displayData before deleting
+    iLandmarkSearch->UnsetDisplayData();
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(displayData);
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(textCriteria);
+    //Remove landmarks created in this part
+    iDatabase->RemoveLandmarkL(id1);
+    iDatabase->RemoveLandmarkL(id2);
+    iDatabase->RemoveLandmarkL(id3);
+    iDatabase->RemoveLandmarkL(id4);
+    iLog->Log(_L("VerifySortOrderL Done"));
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+// CPosTp23::SearchWithSortOrderL
+// (other items were commented in a header).
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+void CPosTp23::SearchWithSortOrderL(const RPointerArray<CSearchResult>& aSearchResults)
+    {
+    _LIT(KNumOfMatchesErr, "No. of matches is incorrect when the search is performed syncronously");
+    _LIT(KSortorderErr, "The sortorder is incorrect");
+    TPosLmSortPref sortPref(CPosLandmark::ELandmarkName, TPosLmSortPref::EAscending);  
+    CPosLmTextCriteria* textCriteria = CPosLmTextCriteria::NewLC();
+    for(TInt j=0; j<aSearchResults.Count(); j++)
+        {   
+        textCriteria->SetTextL(aSearchResults[j]->TextCriteria());
+        textCriteria->SetAttributesToSearch(aSearchResults[j]->Attributes());
+        textCriteria->SetPositionFieldsToSearchL(aSearchResults[j]->PositionFields()); 
+        //iLog->Log(aSearchResults[j]->TextCriteria());
+        for (TInt i=0; i<6; i++)
+            {
+            switch (i)
+                {
+                //**** sync
+                case 0:
+                    ExecuteAndDeleteLD(iLandmarkSearch->StartLandmarkSearchL(
+                        *textCriteria, 
+                        sortPref, 
+                        aSearchResults[j]->Redefined()));
+                    break;
+                case 1:
+                    sortPref.SetSortByLandmarkAttribute(CPosLandmark::ELandmarkName, TPosLmSortPref::EDescending);
+                    ExecuteAndDeleteLD(iLandmarkSearch->StartLandmarkSearchL(
+                        *textCriteria, 
+                        sortPref, 
+                        aSearchResults[j]->Redefined()));
+                    break;
+                case 2:
+                //**** async
+                    RunAsyncOperationLD(iLandmarkSearch->StartLandmarkSearchL(
+                        *textCriteria, 
+                        sortPref, 
+                        aSearchResults[j]->Redefined()));
+                    break;
+                case 3:
+                    sortPref.SetSortByLandmarkAttribute(CPosLandmark::ELandmarkName, TPosLmSortPref::EAscending);
+                    RunAsyncOperationLD(iLandmarkSearch->StartLandmarkSearchL(
+                        *textCriteria, 
+                        sortPref, 
+                        aSearchResults[j]->Redefined()));
+                    break;
+                //**** asych with User::WaitForRequest()
+                case 4:
+                    {
+                    CPosLmOperation* op = iLandmarkSearch->StartLandmarkSearchL(
+                        *textCriteria, 
+                        sortPref, 
+                        aSearchResults[j]->Redefined());
+                    CleanupStack::PushL(op);
+                    RunAsyncOperationByWaitForReqL(op);
+                    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(op);
+                    }
+                    break;
+                case 5:
+                    {
+                    sortPref.SetSortByLandmarkAttribute(CPosLandmark::ELandmarkName, TPosLmSortPref::EAscending);
+                    CPosLmOperation* op = iLandmarkSearch->StartLandmarkSearchL(
+                        *textCriteria, 
+                        sortPref, 
+                        aSearchResults[j]->Redefined());
+                    CleanupStack::PushL(op);
+                    RunAsyncOperationByWaitForReqL(op);
+                    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(op);
+                    }
+                    break;
+                }
+        CPosLmItemIterator* iter = iLandmarkSearch->MatchIteratorL();
+        CleanupStack::PushL(iter);
+        RArray<TPosLmItemId>* searchResults = &aSearchResults[j]->SearchResult();
+        if ((TUint)searchResults->Count() != iLandmarkSearch->NumOfMatches())
+            {
+            TBuf<50> buf;
+            buf.Append(_L("KNumOfMatchesError when searching for "));
+            buf.Append(aSearchResults[j]->TextCriteria());
+            iLog->Log(buf);
+            iLog->Log(KNumOfMatchesErr);
+            User::Leave(-1);
+            }
+        LandmarksSortL(*searchResults, sortPref);
+        TInt ii=0;
+        TPosLmItemId id = iter->NextL();
+        while (id != KPosLmNullItemId)
+            {  
+            if (id != (*searchResults)[ii])
+                {
+                //Check if same name then don't Leave
+                CPosLandmark* source = iDatabase->ReadLandmarkLC(id);
+                CPosLandmark* target = iDatabase->ReadLandmarkLC((*searchResults)[ii]);
+                TPtrC sourceName, targetName;
+                source->GetLandmarkName(sourceName);
+                target->GetLandmarkName(targetName);
+                AssertTrueSecL(!sourceName.CompareC(targetName),KSortorderErr, id);
+                CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2, source);
+                }
+            id = iter->NextL();
+            ++ii;
+            }
+        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(iter);
+        } // for (TInt i=0; i<6; i++)
+        } // for(TInt j=0; j<aSearchResults.Count(); j++)
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(textCriteria);
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+// CPosTp23::SearchAndDeleteL
+// (other items were commented in a header).
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+void CPosTp23::SearchAndDeleteL(const RPointerArray<CSearchResult>& aSearchResults)
+    {
+    _LIT(KNumOfMatchesErr, "No. of matches is incorrect when a redefined search is performed"); 
+    _LIT(KSortorderErr, "The sortorder is incorrect after a delete when a redefined search is performed");
+    TPosLmSortPref sortPref(CPosLandmark::ELandmarkName, TPosLmSortPref::EAscending);
+    CPosLmTextCriteria* textCriteria = CPosLmTextCriteria::NewLC();
+    textCriteria->SetTextL(aSearchResults[11]->TextCriteria());
+    textCriteria->SetAttributesToSearch(aSearchResults[11]->Attributes());
+    textCriteria->SetPositionFieldsToSearchL(aSearchResults[11]->PositionFields()); 
+    ExecuteAndDeleteLD(iLandmarkSearch->StartLandmarkSearchL(*textCriteria, sortPref));
+    RArray<TPosLmItemId>* searchResults = &aSearchResults[11]->SearchResult();
+    iDatabase->RemoveLandmarkL((*searchResults)[0]); 
+    searchResults->Remove(0);
+    searchResults->Compress();
+    ExecuteAndDeleteLD(iLandmarkSearch->StartLandmarkSearchL(*textCriteria, sortPref, ETrue));
+    CPosLmItemIterator* iter = iLandmarkSearch->MatchIteratorL();
+    CleanupStack::PushL(iter);
+    AssertTrueSecL((TUint)searchResults->Count() == iLandmarkSearch->NumOfMatches(), KNumOfMatchesErr);    
+    LandmarksSortL(*searchResults, sortPref);
+    TInt ii=0;
+    TPosLmItemId id = iter->NextL();
+    while (id != KPosLmNullItemId)
+        {  
+        AssertTrueSecL(id == (*searchResults)[ii], KSortorderErr, id);
+        id = iter->NextL();
+        ++ii;
+        }
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2, textCriteria);
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+// CPosTp23::SearchAndRenameL
+// (other items were commented in a header).
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+void CPosTp23::SearchAndRenameL(const RPointerArray<CSearchResult>& aSearchResults)
+    {
+    _LIT(KNumOfMatchesErr, "No. of matches is incorrect when a redefined search is performed"); 
+    const TInt KTestIndex=4;
+    TPosLmSortPref sortPref(CPosLandmark::ELandmarkName, TPosLmSortPref::EAscending);
+    CPosLmTextCriteria* textCriteria = CPosLmTextCriteria::NewLC();
+    textCriteria->SetTextL(aSearchResults[KTestIndex]->TextCriteria());
+    textCriteria->SetAttributesToSearch(aSearchResults[KTestIndex]->Attributes());
+    textCriteria->SetPositionFieldsToSearchL(aSearchResults[KTestIndex]->PositionFields()); 
+    ExecuteAndDeleteLD(iLandmarkSearch->StartLandmarkSearchL(*textCriteria, sortPref));
+    RArray<TPosLmItemId>* searchResults = &aSearchResults[KTestIndex]->SearchResult();
+    _LIT(KLmName, "LmTP23-%d");
+    for (TInt i=0; i<searchResults->Count(); i++)
+        {
+        CPosLandmark* lm =iDatabase->ReadLandmarkLC((*searchResults)[i]);
+        TBuf<100> lmName;
+        lmName.Format(KLmName,i);
+        lm->SetLandmarkNameL(lmName);
+        iDatabase->UpdateLandmarkL(*lm);
+        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(lm);   
+        }
+    ExecuteAndDeleteLD(iLandmarkSearch->StartLandmarkSearchL(*textCriteria, sortPref, ETrue));
+    CPosLmItemIterator* iter = iLandmarkSearch->MatchIteratorL();
+    CleanupStack::PushL(iter);
+    AssertTrueSecL(iLandmarkSearch->NumOfMatches()==0, KNumOfMatchesErr);    
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2, textCriteria);
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+// CPosTp23::SearchAndCancelL
+// (other items were commented in a header).
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+void CPosTp23::SearchAndCancelL(const TBool& aInCallback)
+    {
+    _LIT(KNumOfMatchesErr, "No. of matches is incorrect when the search is performed");
+    _LIT(KCancelErr, "The search is canceled after progress has increased but no search result is found");
+    // Test search with one criteria
+    const TInt KIndex=0;
+    CPosLmTextCriteria* textCriteria = CPosLmTextCriteria::NewLC();
+    textCriteria->SetTextL(iSearchResults[KIndex]->TextCriteria());
+    textCriteria->SetAttributesToSearch(iSearchResults[KIndex]->Attributes());
+    textCriteria->SetPositionFieldsToSearchL(iSearchResults[KIndex]->PositionFields()); 
+    if (aInCallback)
+        {
+        RunAsyncOperationAndCancelInCallbackLD(iLandmarkSearch->StartLandmarkSearchL(
+                *textCriteria, iSearchResults[KIndex]->Redefined()));
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        RunAsyncOperationAndCancelLD(iLandmarkSearch->StartLandmarkSearchL(
+                *textCriteria, iSearchResults[KIndex]->Redefined()));
+        }
+    CPosLmItemIterator* iter = iLandmarkSearch->MatchIteratorL();
+    CleanupStack::PushL(iter);
+    if (aInCallback)
+        {
+        if (iter->NumOfItemsL() != iLandmarkSearch->NumOfMatches())
+            {
+            iLog->Log(_L("Iterators no. of items is not equal to LandmarksSearch no. matches"));
+            _LIT(KExpected, "Iter. of matches: %d");
+            _LIT(KReturned, "LandmarksSearch no. of matches: %d");
+            TBuf<100> info;
+            info.Format(KExpected, iter->NumOfItemsL());
+            iLog->Log(info);
+            info.Format(KReturned, iLandmarkSearch->NumOfMatches());
+            iLog->Log(info);
+            iLog->Log(_L("Search criteria: "));
+            iLog->Log(textCriteria->Text());
+            iLog->Log(KNumOfMatchesErr);
+            User::Leave(-1);
+            }
+        TBuf<100> info2;
+        _LIT(KNof, "No. of matches found before cancel = %d");
+        info2.Format(KNof, iter->NumOfItemsL());
+        iLog->Log(info2);
+        AssertTrueSecL(iter->NumOfItemsL() != 0, KCancelErr);
+        }
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2, textCriteria);
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+// CPosTp23::TestMaxLengthL
+// (other items were commented in a header).
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+void CPosTp23::TestMaxLengthL()
+	{
+	CPosLmTextCriteria* textCriteria = CPosLmTextCriteria::NewLC();
+	_LIT(K255Error, "Exceeding limit should leave with KErrArgument");
+	textCriteria->SetTextL(K255CHAR);
+	TRAPD(err, textCriteria->SetTextL(K256CHAR););
+	AssertTrueSecL(err == KErrArgument, K255Error);
+    iOperation = iLandmarkSearch->StartLandmarkSearchL(*textCriteria);
+    ExecuteAndDeleteLD(iOperation);
+    TInt nr = iLandmarkSearch->NumOfMatches();
+    TBuf<100> buf;
+    buf.Format(_L("Found %d nr of matches"), nr);
+    iLog->Log(buf);
+	AssertTrueSecL(nr == 0, _L("We should not find any matches"));	
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(textCriteria);	    
+	}
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+// CPosTp23::TestInvalidPositionFieldsL
+// (other items were commented in a header).
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+void CPosTp23::TestInvalidPositionFieldsL()
+	{
+	CPosLmTextCriteria* textCriteria = CPosLmTextCriteria::NewLC();
+	RArray<TUint> arr;
+	CleanupClosePushL(arr);
+	textCriteria->SetTextL(_L("*"));
+	textCriteria->SetPositionFieldsToSearchL(arr);
+	// Search with empty positionfields list, should find all landmarks
+	iOperation = iLandmarkSearch->StartLandmarkSearchL(*textCriteria);
+    ExecuteAndDeleteLD(iOperation);
+    TInt nr = iLandmarkSearch->NumOfMatches();
+    TBuf<100> buf;
+    buf.Format(_L("Found %d nr of matches when searching in empty position fields list"), nr);
+    iLog->Log(buf);
+	User::LeaveIfError(arr.Append(0));
+	User::LeaveIfError(arr.Append(50));
+	User::LeaveIfError(arr.Append(500));
+	textCriteria->SetPositionFieldsToSearchL(arr);
+	// Search with invalid positionfields list, should NOT find any landmarks
+	iOperation = iLandmarkSearch->StartLandmarkSearchL(*textCriteria);
+    ExecuteAndDeleteLD(iOperation);
+    nr = iLandmarkSearch->NumOfMatches();
+    buf.Format(_L("Found %d nr of matches when searching in invalid position fields"), nr);
+    iLog->Log(buf);
+    AssertTrueSecL(nr == 0, _L("We should not find any matches"));
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&arr);
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(textCriteria);
+	}
+//  End of File