changeset 0 667063e416a2
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/landmarks/locationlandmarks/converter/src/epos_cposlmurlparser.cpp	Tue Feb 02 01:06:48 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,1571 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description: Class used for parsing a Landmarks URL & obtaining 
+*							 landmarks information from it.
+#include    <lbsposition.h>
+#include    <gulutil.h>
+#include    <uri8.h>
+#include    <escapeutils.h>
+#include    <EPos_LandmarksErrors.h>
+#include    "epos_cposlmurlparser.h"
+#include    "EPos_CPosLmCategoryManager.h"
+#include    "EPos_CPosLandmarkDatabase.h"
+#include    "epos_cposlmurlparseroperation.h"
+#include    "EPos_PosLmConverterUtils.h"
+#include    "EPos_PosLmImplExtension.h"
+#include    "EPos_CPosLandmarkCategory.h"
+// Constants for formatting the Real numbers
+const TInt KRealPoint = 46;
+const TInt KRealDecimalPlaces = 2;
+const TInt KCoordinateDecimalPlaces = 6;
+// constants for checking the range of the coordinates
+const TReal KMinLatitude = -90.0;
+const TReal KMaxLatitude = 90.0;
+const TReal KMinLongitude = -180.0;
+const TReal KMaxLongitude = 180.0;
+// constants that define the decode buffer length
+const TInt KDecodeBufferLength = 3;
+// constants defining the length for the date time buffers
+const TInt KMaxDateTimeBufferLength = 22;
+const TInt KMaxMicroSecondsLength = 6;
+const TInt KMaxDateFieldLength = 8;
+const TInt KMaxTimeFieldLength = 6;
+// constants defining the length of the delimeters
+const TInt KHostDelimeterLength = 3;
+const TInt KQueryStartDelimeterLength = 2;
+const TInt KLocationDelimeterLength = 2;
+const TInt KParameterDelimeterLength = 1;
+// constants defining length of chunk size
+const TInt KMaxChunkSize = 5012;
+// ============================ MEMBER FUNCTIONS ===============================
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CPosLmUrlParser::CPosLmUrlParser
+// Default Constructor
+    {
+    // initialize the TRealFormat variable for latitude & longitude formatting
+    iRealFormatCoordinates.iPoint = KRealPoint;
+    iRealFormatCoordinates.iType = KRealFormatFixed | KDoNotUseTriads;
+    iRealFormatCoordinates.iPlaces = KCoordinateDecimalPlaces;
+    iRealFormatCoordinates.iWidth = KRealWidth;
+    // initialize the TRealFormat variable for formatting other real32 numbers
+    iRealFormat.iPoint = KRealPoint;
+    iRealFormat.iType = KRealFormatFixed | KDoNotUseTriads;
+    iRealFormat.iPlaces = KRealDecimalPlaces;
+    iRealFormat.iWidth = KRealWidth;
+    ResetUrlParameters();
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CPosLmUrlParser::NewL
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CPosLmUrlParser* CPosLmUrlParser::NewL()
+    {
+    return  new (ELeave) CPosLmUrlParser;
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CPosLmUrlParser::~CPosLmUrlParser 
+// Destructor
+    {
+    ResetUrlParser();
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CPosLmUrlParser::SetInputBuffer 
+void CPosLmUrlParser::SetInputBuffer( const TDesC8&  aBuffer )
+    {
+    // Reset the parser first,so as to start parsing freshly
+    ResetUrlParser();
+    // Set the input buffer
+    iInputBuffer.Set( aBuffer );
+    // Set size of input buffer
+    iContentSize = iInputBuffer.Length();
+    // Change parser status to EStateInitialized
+    iParserStatus = EStateInitialized;
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CPosLmUrlParser::SetInputFileL 
+void CPosLmUrlParser::SetInputFileL( const TDesC&  aFile )
+    {
+    // Reset the parser first,so as to start parsing freshly
+    ResetUrlParser();
+    // Connect to the file server
+    User::LeaveIfError( iFs.Connect() );
+    // Open the file in the read only mode
+    User::LeaveIfError( iFile.Open( iFs, aFile,
+            EFileShareReadersOnly | EFileRead ) );
+    // Set the file handle
+    iFileHandle = &iFile;
+    // Set the file content size
+    User::LeaveIfError( iFileHandle->Size( iContentSize ) );
+    // Change parser status to EStateInitialized
+    iParserStatus = EStateInitialized;
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CPosLmUrlParser::SetInputFileHandleL 
+void CPosLmUrlParser::SetInputFileHandleL( RFile&  aFileHandle )
+    {
+    // Reset the parser first,so as to start parsing freshly
+    ResetUrlParser();
+    // set the file handle
+    iFileHandle = &aFileHandle;
+    // Set the file content size
+    User::LeaveIfError( iFileHandle->Size( iContentSize ) );
+    // Change parser status to EStateInitialized
+    iParserStatus = EStateInitialized;
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CPosLmUrlParser::ParseContentL 
+CPosLmOperation* CPosLmUrlParser::ParseContentL( TBool  aBuildIndex )
+    {
+    // Check that the parser status is EStateInitialized when this method is called,
+    // if not panic with EPosLmProtocolBreak
+    __ASSERT_ALWAYS( iParserStatus == EStateInitialized,
+            Panic( KPosLandmarksClientPanic, EPosLmProtocolBreak ) );
+    // Build index not supported ,hence leave with KErrNotSupported if specified
+    if( aBuildIndex )
+        {
+        User::Leave( KErrNotSupported );
+        }
+    // Reset the url parameters
+    ResetUrlParameters();
+    // Delete any previous operation
+    DisconnectUrlOperation();
+    // Create a new instance of the operation class to be returned
+    iUrlParserOp = CPosLmUrlParserOperation::NewL( *this );
+    // change the parser status to EStateOperationCreated
+    iParserStatus = EStateOperationCreated;
+    return iUrlParserOp;
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CPosLmUrlParser::NumOfParsedLandmarks 
+TUint32 CPosLmUrlParser::NumOfParsedLandmarks() const
+    {
+    return iNumOfParsedLandmarks;
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CPosLmUrlParser::FirstCollectionDataId 
+TPosLmCollectionDataId CPosLmUrlParser::FirstCollectionDataId() const
+    {
+    // Do nothing,as collection data is not supported in url parsing
+    return EPosLmCollDataNone;
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CPosLmUrlParser::NextCollectionDataId 
+TPosLmCollectionDataId CPosLmUrlParser::NextCollectionDataId( 
+                       TPosLmCollectionDataId  /*aCollectionDataId*/ ) const
+    {
+    // Do nothing,as collection data is not supported in url parsing
+    return EPosLmCollDataNone;                   
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CPosLmUrlParser::CollectionData 
+TPtrC CPosLmUrlParser::CollectionData( TPosLmCollectionDataId  /*aDataId*/ ) const
+    {
+    // Do nothing,as collection data is not supported in url parsing
+    TPtrC nullDescriptor( KNullDesC );
+    return nullDescriptor;
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CPosLmUrlParser::LandmarkLC 
+CPosLandmark* CPosLmUrlParser::LandmarkLC( TUint aLandmarkIndex ) const
+    {
+    // Check that index passed always equal to KPosLastParsedLandmark
+    // or less than the number of parsed landmarks but not negative
+            aLandmarkIndex < iNumOfParsedLandmarks ||aLandmarkIndex == KPosLastParsedLandmark,
+            Panic( KPosLandmarksClientPanic, EPosInvalidIndex ) );
+    // Check if there are any parsed landmarks before returning the landmark,
+    // else return KErrNotFound
+    if( !iNumOfParsedLandmarks )
+        {
+        User::Leave( KErrNotFound );
+        }
+    return CPosLandmark::NewLC( *iParsedLandmark );
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CPosLmUrlParser::LandmarkCategoryLC 
+CPosLandmarkCategory* CPosLmUrlParser::LandmarkCategoryLC( TPosLmItemId  
+                                                           aCategoryId  ) const
+    {
+    // indicates whether the category with the id specified is found or not
+    TBool found = EFalse;
+    TInt i = 0;
+    // check that there is a parsed landmark before getting any categories associated
+    // with it,else leave with KErrNotFound
+    if( !iNumOfParsedLandmarks )
+        {
+        User::Leave( KErrNotFound );
+        }
+    // check that categories exist for the parsed landmark,else leave with KErrNotFound
+    if( !iParsedCategories.Count() )
+        {
+        User::Leave( KErrNotFound );
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        // Find the category with the id provided ,from the parsed categories,if not found 
+        // leave with KErrNotFound
+        for(  i=0; i<iParsedCategories.Count();i++ )  
+            {
+            if( iParsedCategories[i]->CategoryId() ==  aCategoryId )
+                {
+                found = ETrue;
+                break;
+                }
+            }
+        if( !found )
+            {
+            User::Leave( KErrNotFound );
+            }
+        }
+    return CPosLandmarkCategory::NewLC( *iParsedCategories[i] );
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CPosLmUrlParser::ResetUrlParser 
+void CPosLmUrlParser::ResetUrlParser()
+    {
+    // set input buffer to NULL
+    iInputBuffer.Set( NULL, 0 );
+    // if any filehandle exists,close it 
+    if( iFileHandle )
+        {
+        iFileHandle = NULL;
+        iFile.Close();
+        iFs.Close();
+        // delete the file buffer
+        delete iFileReadBuffer;
+        iFileReadBuffer = NULL;
+        }
+    // delete the previously parsed landmark
+    if( iParsedLandmark )
+        {
+        delete iParsedLandmark;
+        iParsedLandmark = NULL;
+        }
+    // reset the number of parsed landmarks to 0
+    iNumOfParsedLandmarks = 0;
+    // reset the categories array
+    iParsedCategories.ResetAndDestroy();
+    // Reset the parser status to EStateUnitialized
+    iParserStatus = EStateUnitialized;
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CPosLmUrlParser::DisconnectUrlOperation 
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CPosLmUrlParser::DisconnectUrlOperation()
+    {
+    if ( iUrlParserOp )
+        {
+        iUrlParserOp->DisconnectUrlParser();
+        iUrlParserOp = NULL;
+        }
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CPosLmUrlParser::UrlOperationDestroyed
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CPosLmUrlParser::UrlOperationDestroyed()
+    {
+    iUrlParserOp = NULL;
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CPosLmUrlParser::ParseUrlL
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TInt CPosLmUrlParser::ParseUrlL()
+    {
+    TInt status = KPosLmOperationNotComplete;
+    // Set the chunk size to be read from the file
+    iChunkSize = iContentSize < KMaxChunkSize ? iContentSize : KMaxChunkSize;
+    // Create instance of CPosLandmark to hold the parsed info
+    iParsedLandmark = CPosLandmark::NewL();
+    // Check on the parser status,if the status is EStateParsingPending
+    // then continue with parsing the next location info
+    if( iParserStatus == EStateParsingPending )
+        {
+        // Parse the next location info
+        ParseUrlLocationL();
+        // Now check the parsing status to confirm if its complete,if 
+        // yes change the status to KErrNone
+        if( iParserStatus == EStateParsingComplete )
+            {
+            status = KErrNone;
+            }
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        // start parsing afresh by setting the input buffer/file
+        // Check if the input is through a buffer or file
+        if( iInputBuffer.Ptr() )
+            {
+            ParseBufferL( iInputBuffer );
+            }
+        else
+            {
+            // for file parsing read the file in parts & parse the chunks
+            while(iSeek < iContentSize)
+                {
+                iFileReadBuffer = HBufC8::NewL( iChunkSize );
+                TPtr8 fileReadBufferPtr = iFileReadBuffer->Des();
+                User::LeaveIfError( iFileHandle->Read( iSeek, fileReadBufferPtr, iChunkSize ) );
+                ParseBufferL( iFileReadBuffer->Des() );
+                }
+            }
+        // Check on the parser status to set the status 
+        if( iParserStatus == EStateParsingComplete )
+            {
+            status = KErrNone;
+            }
+        }
+    return status;
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CPosLmUrlParser::ParseBufferL
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CPosLmUrlParser::ParseBufferL( const TDesC8& aUrlBuffer )
+    {
+    // Check if the file parsing has already begun,if yes then parse
+    // only the location params since the URL host is already parsed
+    // in the beginning
+    if( iSeek > 0 && iFileHandle )
+        {
+        iUrlLocation.Set( aUrlBuffer );
+        // Parse & validate the URl location info
+        ParseUrlLocationL();
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        // parse the buffer to find the query start delimeter
+        TInt queryStartDelimeterPosition = aUrlBuffer.Find( KUrlQueryStartDelimeter );
+        if( queryStartDelimeterPosition != KErrNotFound )
+            {
+            // Extract the url host 
+            iUrlHost.Set( aUrlBuffer.Mid( 0, queryStartDelimeterPosition ) );
+            // Increment the file seek position until the query start delimeter
+            iSeek = iSeek + iUrlHost.Length()+ KQueryStartDelimeterLength;
+            // Parse & validate the url host
+            ParseUrlHostL();
+            // Extract the Url location parameters
+            iUrlLocation.Set( aUrlBuffer.Mid( queryStartDelimeterPosition+KQueryStartDelimeterLength, 
+                              ( aUrlBuffer.Length() - 
+                              ( queryStartDelimeterPosition+KQueryStartDelimeterLength ) ) ) );
+            // Parse & validate the URl location info
+            ParseUrlLocationL();
+            }
+        else
+            {
+            User::Leave( KErrPosLmUnknownFormat );
+            }
+        }
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CPosLmUrlParser::ParseUrlHostL
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CPosLmUrlParser::ParseUrlHostL()
+    {
+    // Holds the extracted scheme portion of the URl
+    TPtrC8 parsedUriScheme ;
+    // Holds the extracted host name portion of the URL
+    TPtrC8 parsedUriHost;
+    // Find the Url host delimeter position
+    TInt urlHostDelimeterPosition = iUrlHost.Find( KUrlHostDelimeter );
+    // Check if the delimeter is found,if yes then validate the scheme
+    // & host name with the allowed values,else only validate the hostname 
+    if( urlHostDelimeterPosition != KErrNotFound )
+        {
+        // Extract the scheme part of the Url
+        parsedUriScheme.Set( iUrlHost.Mid( 0, urlHostDelimeterPosition ) );
+        // Extract the host name
+        parsedUriHost.Set( iUrlHost.Mid( urlHostDelimeterPosition+KHostDelimeterLength,
+                           iUrlHost.Length() - 
+                           ( urlHostDelimeterPosition+KHostDelimeterLength ) ) );
+        // validate the uri scheme by Comparing with the allowed values for Url Scheme, 
+        // if it does not match then leave with KErrPosLmUnknownFormat
+        if( ( parsedUriScheme.CompareC( KUrlSchemeHttp ) ) &&
+            ( parsedUriScheme.CompareC( KUrlSchemeHttps ) ) )
+            {
+            User::Leave( KErrPosLmUnknownFormat );
+            }
+        // validate the uri host by Comparing with the allowed values for Url Host, 
+        // if it does not match then leave with KErrPosLmUnknownFormat
+        if( ( parsedUriHost.CompareC( KUrlHostFull ) ) &&
+            ( parsedUriHost.CompareC( KUrlHost ) ) )
+            {
+            User::Leave( KErrPosLmUnknownFormat );
+            }
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        // validate the uri host by Comparing with the allowed values for Url Host, 
+        // if it does not match then leave with KErrPosLmUnknownFormat
+        if( ( iUrlHost.CompareC( KUrlHostFull ) ) &&
+            ( iUrlHost.CompareC( KUrlHost ) ) )
+            {
+            User::Leave( KErrPosLmUnknownFormat );
+            }
+        }
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CPosLmUrlParser::ParseUrlLocationL
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CPosLmUrlParser::ParseUrlLocationL()
+    {
+    // Holds the extracted location info
+    TPtrC8 parsedUrlLocation;
+    // Get the location delimeter position
+    TInt locationDelimeterPosition = iUrlLocation.Find( KUrlLocationDelimeter );
+    // Continue parsing till the next delimeter is not found
+    if( locationDelimeterPosition != KErrNotFound )
+        {
+        // Reset the URL parameters
+        ResetUrlParameters();
+        // Extract the location information for a single landmark
+        parsedUrlLocation.Set( iUrlLocation.Mid( 0, locationDelimeterPosition ) );
+        // Remove the extracted location from iUrlLocation
+        iUrlLocation.Set( iUrlLocation.Mid( locationDelimeterPosition+KLocationDelimeterLength,  
+                       ( iUrlLocation.Length() -
+                       ( locationDelimeterPosition+KLocationDelimeterLength ) ) ) );
+        // parse the url parameters for the extracted location
+        ParseUrlParametersL( parsedUrlLocation );
+        // Set parser status to EStateParsingPending since there could 
+        // be more location info following the location delimeter
+        // iParserStatus = EStateParsingPending;
+        // Currently since multiple URL parsing is not supported,the rest
+        // of the location info is ignored. Therefore,
+        // set parser status to EStateParsingComplete so as to complete
+        // the parsing for the first location info found
+        SetParserStatusL( EStateParsingComplete );
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        // Check that there is another set of location info before parsing
+        if( iUrlLocation != KNullDesC8 )
+            {
+            // Parse the url parameters for the location information
+            ParseUrlParametersL( iUrlLocation );
+            }
+        else
+            {
+            iFileparsed = ETrue;
+            }
+        SetParserStatusL( EStateParsingComplete );
+        }
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CPosLmUrlParser::SetParserStatusL
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CPosLmUrlParser::SetParserStatusL( TInt aStatus )
+    {
+    // Check that there are no more chunks left before changing parser 
+    // status to EStateParsingComplete incase of file parsing
+    if( iFileHandle )
+        {
+        // 
+        if( iSeek+iChunkSize >= iContentSize && iFileparsed )
+            {
+            // Set parser status to EStateParsingComplete since no more
+            // location info present in the URL
+            iParserStatus = aStatus;
+            SetLocalityL();
+            }
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        // Set parser status to EStateParsingComplete since no more
+        // location info present in the URL
+        iParserStatus = aStatus;
+        SetLocalityL();
+        }
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CPosLmUrlParser::SetLocalityL
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CPosLmUrlParser::SetLocalityL()
+    {
+    // Set the coordinates for the parsed landmark.If the latitude & longitude 
+    // cannot be set then leave with KErrPosLmUnknownFormat
+    TLocality position( TCoordinate(iParsedLatitudeValue, iParsedLongitudeValue,iParsedAltitudeValue ),
+              iParsedPositionAccuracyValue,iParsedAltitudeAccuracyValue );
+    TRAPD( error, iParsedLandmark->SetPositionL( position ) );
+    if( error == KErrArgument )
+        {
+        User::Leave( KErrPosLmUnknownFormat );
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        // increment the number of landmarks parsed
+        ++iNumOfParsedLandmarks;
+        }    
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CPosLmUrlParser::ParseUrlParametersL
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CPosLmUrlParser::ParseUrlParametersL( const TDesC8& aUrlParameters )
+    {
+    // Holds the extracted parameter value pair
+    TPtrC parsedUrlParameters;
+    // Holds the next Url parameter value pairs
+    TPtrC urlParameters ;
+    TInt result = KErrNone;
+    TInt column = 0;
+    // Get the parameter delimeter position
+    TInt parameterDelimeterPosition = aUrlParameters.Find( KUrlParameterDelimeter );
+    // Holds the the url chunk in TDesC type
+    HBufC *sourceUrl = HBufC::NewLC( aUrlParameters.Length() );
+    sourceUrl->Des().Copy( aUrlParameters );
+    //Check if the Param Delimiter exists in the URL
+    if( parameterDelimeterPosition != KErrNotFound )
+        {
+        iParamDelimiterParsed= ETrue;
+        while( result != KErrNotFound )
+        	{
+        	//Extract the location parameter from the url
+        	result = TextUtils::ColumnText( parsedUrlParameters, column, sourceUrl, KParamSeperator );
+            //Check if the input is from the file
+            if( iFileHandle )
+                {
+                //Skip the last location parameter in the url, it should come with the next url chunk
+                if( TextUtils::ColumnText( urlParameters, (column+1), sourceUrl, KParamSeperator )!= KErrNotFound )
+                    {
+                    //increase the seek with the length of the parsed param and delimeter length
+                    iSeek = iSeek + parsedUrlParameters.Length()+ KParameterDelimeterLength;
+                    //check if the parsed parameter is a valid tag value pair
+                    if( parsedUrlParameters.Find( KUrlParameterValueDelimeter ) != KErrNotFound )
+                        {
+                        ParseParamValueL( parsedUrlParameters );
+                        }
+                    }
+                //Check if the last param is ending with &
+                else if( parameterDelimeterPosition == parsedUrlParameters.Length() )
+                    {
+                    ParseParamValueL( parsedUrlParameters );
+                    iSeek = iSeek + parsedUrlParameters.Length()+ KParameterDelimeterLength;
+                    // Check if it is the last chunk in the file
+                    if( iSeek+iChunkSize >= iContentSize && !iFileparsed )
+                        {
+                        iFileparsed = ETrue;
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+            //if input is from buffer
+            else
+                if ( parsedUrlParameters != KNullDesC )
+                    {
+                    ParseParamValueL( parsedUrlParameters );
+                    }
+        	column++;
+        	}
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        // Check if the parsing is from file,if yes then check if there
+        // are more chunks left
+        if( iFileHandle )
+            {
+            if( iSeek+iChunkSize >= iContentSize && !iFileparsed )
+                {
+                // Parse the param values if any
+                ParseParamValueL( *sourceUrl );
+                iSeek = iSeek + sourceUrl->Length();
+                iFileparsed = ETrue;
+                }
+            else
+            	{
+            	if( sourceUrl->Find( KUrlParameterValueDelimeter ) != KErrNotFound && 
+            			( sourceUrl->Length() == iChunkSize ) )
+					{
+					ParseParamValueL( *sourceUrl );
+					iSeek = iSeek + sourceUrl->Length()+ KParameterDelimeterLength; 
+					}
+            	else if( sourceUrl->Find( KUrlParameterValueDelimeter ) == KErrNotFound && ( iParamDelimiterParsed == EFalse ) )
+            	    {
+            	    iSeek = iSeek + sourceUrl->Length()+ KParameterDelimeterLength;
+            	    }
+            	}
+            }
+         }
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( sourceUrl );
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CPosLmUrlParser::ParseParamValueL
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CPosLmUrlParser::ParseParamValueL( const TDesC& aParamValue )
+    {
+    // holds the extracted  parameter name
+    TPtrC paramName;
+    // holds the extracted parameter value
+    TPtrC paramValue;
+    // Get the param value delimeter position
+    TInt paramValueDelimeterPosition = aParamValue.Find( KUrlParameterValueDelimeter );
+    // Check that the delimeter is found,else leave with KErrPosLmUnknownFormat
+    if( paramValueDelimeterPosition != KErrNotFound )
+        {
+        // Extract the param name
+        paramName.Set( aParamValue.Mid( 0, paramValueDelimeterPosition ) );
+        // Extract the param value
+        paramValue.Set( aParamValue.Mid( paramValueDelimeterPosition+KParameterDelimeterLength,
+                       ( aParamValue.Length() -
+                       ( paramValueDelimeterPosition+KParameterDelimeterLength ) ) ) );
+        //Coverting the paramname to TDesC8
+        HBufC8* paramName8 = HBufC8::NewLC( paramName.Length() );
+        paramName8->Des().Copy( paramName );
+        //Convering the paramValue to TDesC8
+        HBufC8* paramValue8 = HBufC8::NewLC( paramValue.Length() );
+        paramValue8->Des().Copy( paramValue );
+        // Compare the param values
+        CompareParamValueL( *paramName8,*paramValue8 );
+        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 2, paramName8 );
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        User::Leave( KErrPosLmUnknownFormat );
+        }
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CPosLmUrlParser::CompareParamValueL
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CPosLmUrlParser::CompareParamValueL( const TDesC8& aParam, const TDesC8& aValue )
+    {
+    iParamDelimiterParsed = EFalse;
+    // Compare the param name with the possible parameter values
+    if( !aParam.CompareC( KUrlLatitude ) )
+        {
+        // Check if the latitude param has already been parsed once,to avoid 
+        // setting the values again incase of repetition of params
+        if( !iLatitudeParsed )
+            {
+            // Indicates that the latitude has been parsed once
+            iLatitudeParsed = ETrue;
+            SetLatLongParamL( aValue, iParsedLatitudeValue, ELatitude );
+            }
+        }
+    else if( !aParam.CompareC( KUrlLongitude ) )
+            {
+            // Check if the longitude param has already been parsed once,to avoid 
+            // setting the values again incase of repetition of params
+            if( !iLongitudeParsed )
+                {
+                // Indicates that the longitude has been parsed once
+                iLongitudeParsed = ETrue;
+                SetLatLongParamL( aValue, iParsedLongitudeValue, ELongitude );
+                }
+            }
+    else if( !aParam.CompareC( KUrlAltitude ) )
+            {
+            // Check if the altitude param has already been parsed once,to avoid 
+            // setting the values again incase of repetition of params
+            if( !iAltitudeParsed )
+                {
+                // Indicates that the altitude has been parsed once
+                iAltitudeParsed = ETrue;
+                SetNumberParamL( aValue, iParsedAltitudeValue );
+                }
+            }
+    else if( !aParam.CompareC( KUrlPositionAccuracy ) )
+            {
+            // Check if the position accuracy param has already been parsed once,to avoid 
+            // setting the values again incase of repetition of params
+            if( !iPositionAccuracyParsed )
+                {
+                // Indicates that the position accuracy has been parsed once
+                iPositionAccuracyParsed = ETrue;
+                SetNumberParamL( aValue, iParsedPositionAccuracyValue );
+                }
+            }
+    else if( !aParam.CompareC( KUrlAltitudeAccuracy ) )
+            {
+            // Check if the altiude accuracy param has already been parsed once,to avoid 
+            // setting the values again incase of repetition of params
+            if( !iAltitudeAccuracyParsed )
+                {
+                // Indicates that the altitude accuracy has been parsed once
+                iAltitudeAccuracyParsed = ETrue;
+                SetNumberParamL( aValue, iParsedAltitudeAccuracyValue );
+                }
+            }
+    else if( !aParam.CompareC( KUrlSpeed ) )
+            {
+            // Check if the speed param has already been parsed once,to avoid 
+            // setting the values again incase of repetition of params
+            if( !iSpeedParsed )
+                {
+                // Indicates that the speed has been parsed once
+                iSpeedParsed = ETrue;
+                SetPositionFieldNumberParamL( aValue, ESpeed );
+                }
+            }
+    else if( !aParam.CompareC( KUrlHeading ) )
+            {
+            // Check if the heading param has already been parsed once,to avoid 
+            // setting the values again incase of repetition of params
+            if( !iHeadingParsed )
+                {
+                // Indicates that the heading has been parsed once
+                iHeadingParsed = ETrue;
+                SetPositionFieldNumberParamL( aValue, EHeading );
+                }
+            }
+    else if ( !aParam.CompareC( KUrlName ) )
+            {
+            // Check if the name param has already been parsed once,to avoid 
+            // setting the values again incase of repetition of params
+            if( !iNameParsed )
+                {
+                // Indicates that the name has been parsed once
+                iNameParsed = ETrue;
+                SetTextParamL( aValue, KPosLmMaxTextFieldLength, EName );
+                }
+            }
+    else if ( !aParam.CompareC( KUrlStreet ) )
+            {
+            // Check if the street param has already been parsed once,to avoid 
+            // setting the values again incase of repetition of params
+            if( !iStreetParsed )
+                {
+                // Indicates that the street has been parsed once
+                iStreetParsed = ETrue;
+                SetTextParamL( aValue, KPosLmMaxTextFieldLength, EStreet );
+                }
+            }
+    else if ( !aParam.CompareC( KUrlHouseNumber ) )
+            {
+            // Check if the housenumber param has already been parsed once,to avoid 
+            // setting the values again incase of repetition of params
+            if( !iHouseNumberParsed )
+                {
+                // Indicates that the housenumber has been parsed once
+                iHouseNumberParsed = ETrue;
+                SetTextParamL( aValue, KPosLmMaxTextFieldLength, EHouseNumber );
+                }
+            }
+    else if ( !aParam.CompareC( KUrlPostalCode ) )
+            {
+            // Check if the PostalCode param has already been parsed once,to avoid 
+            // setting the values again incase of repetition of params
+            if( !iPostalCodeParsed )
+                {
+                // Indicates that the PostalCode has been parsed once
+                iPostalCodeParsed = ETrue;
+                SetTextParamL( aValue, KPosLmMaxTextFieldLength, EPostalCode );
+                }
+            }
+    else if ( !aParam.CompareC( KUrlCity ) )
+            {
+            // Check if the city param has already been parsed once,to avoid 
+            // setting the values again incase of repetition of params
+            if( !iCityParsed )
+                {
+                // Indicates that the city has been parsed once
+                iCityParsed = ETrue;
+                SetTextParamL( aValue, KPosLmMaxTextFieldLength, ECity );
+                }
+            }
+    else if ( !aParam.CompareC( KUrlState ) )
+            {
+            // Check if the State param has already been parsed once,to avoid 
+            // setting the values again incase of repetition of params
+            if( !iStateParsed )
+                {
+                // Indicates that the State has been parsed once
+                iStateParsed = ETrue;
+                SetTextParamL( aValue, KPosLmMaxTextFieldLength, EState );
+                }
+            }
+    else if ( !aParam.CompareC( KUrlCountry ) )
+            {
+            // Check if the Country param has already been parsed once,to avoid 
+            // setting the values again incase of repetition of params
+            if( !iCountryParsed )
+                {
+                // Indicates that the Country has been parsed once
+                iCountryParsed = ETrue;
+                SetTextParamL( aValue, KPosLmMaxTextFieldLength, ECountry );
+                }
+            }
+    else if ( !aParam.CompareC( KUrlTelephone ) )
+            {
+            // Check if the Telephone param has already been parsed once,to avoid 
+            // setting the values again incase of repetition of params
+            if( !iTelephoneParsed )
+                {
+                // Indicates that the Telephone has been parsed once
+                iTelephoneParsed = ETrue;
+                SetTextParamL( aValue, KPosLmMaxTextFieldLength, ETelephone );
+                }
+            }
+    else if ( !aParam.CompareC( KUrlWebUrl ) )
+            {
+            // Check if the WebUrl param has already been parsed once,to avoid 
+            // setting the values again incase of repetition of params
+            if( !iWebUrlParsed )
+                {
+                // Indicates that the WebUrl has been parsed once
+                iWebUrlParsed = ETrue;
+                SetTextParamL( aValue, KPosLmMaxTextFieldLength, EWebUrl );
+                }
+            }
+    else if ( !aParam.CompareC( KUrlDescription ) )
+            {
+            // Check if the Description param has already been parsed once,to avoid 
+            // setting the values again incase of repetition of params
+            if( !iDescriptionParsed )
+                {
+                // Indicates that the Description has been parsed once
+                iDescriptionParsed = ETrue;
+                SetTextParamL( aValue, KPosLmMaxDescriptionLength, EDescription );
+                }
+            }
+    else if ( !aParam.CompareC( KUrlPlaceId ) )
+            {
+            // Check if the PlaceId param has already been parsed once,to avoid 
+            // setting the values again incase of repetition of params
+            if( !iPlaceIdParsed )
+                {
+                // Indicates that the PlaceId has been parsed once
+                iPlaceIdParsed = ETrue;
+                SetTextParamL( aValue, KPosLmMaxTextFieldLength, EPlaceId );
+                }
+            }
+    else if ( !aParam.CompareC( KUrlTimestamp ) )
+            {
+            SetTimestampParamL( aValue );
+            }
+    else if ( !aParam.CompareC( KUrlCategory ) )
+            {
+            SetCategoryParamL( aValue );
+            }
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CPosLmUrlParser::SetLatLongParamL
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CPosLmUrlParser::SetLatLongParamL( const TDesC8& aParsedValue, TReal64& aValue, 
+                                        TInt aField  )
+    {
+    // holds the parsed number in text form
+    TBuf<KRealWidth> parsedNumber;
+    // Check that value exists,else leave with KErrPosLmUnknownFormat since the
+    // latitude & longitude field is mandatory
+    if( aParsedValue == KNullDesC8 )
+        {
+        User::Leave( KErrPosLmUnknownFormat );
+        }
+    // Convert the descriptor obtained into real and check if the value is 
+    // indeed real.
+    TRAPD( error, PosLmConverterUtils::DesToRealL( aParsedValue, aValue ) );
+    if( error != KErrNone )
+        {
+        User::Leave( KErrPosLmUnknownFormat );
+        }
+    TInt length = parsedNumber.Num( aValue, iRealFormatCoordinates );
+    if( !length )
+        {
+        User::Leave( length );
+        }
+    TRAPD( err, PosLmConverterUtils::DesToRealL( parsedNumber, aValue ) );
+    // check the value with the allowed range for latitude & longitude
+    switch( aField )
+        {
+        case ELatitude :
+             {
+             if( err || !( aValue >= KMinLatitude 
+                 && aValue <= KMaxLatitude ) ) 
+                 {
+                 User::Leave( KErrPosLmUnknownFormat );
+                 }
+             break;
+             }
+        case ELongitude :
+             {
+             if( err || !( aValue >= KMinLongitude 
+                 && aValue <= KMaxLongitude ) ) 
+                 {
+                 User::Leave( KErrPosLmUnknownFormat );
+                 }
+             break;
+             }
+        default :
+            {
+            break;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CPosLmUrlParser::SetNumberParamL
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CPosLmUrlParser::SetNumberParamL( const TDesC8& aParsedValue, TReal32& aValue )
+    {
+    // holds the parsed number in text form
+    TBuf<KRealWidth> parsedValue;
+    // Check that value exists
+    if( aParsedValue != KNullDesC8 )
+        {
+        // Convert the descriptor obtained into real and check if the value is 
+        // indeed real.
+        TRAPD( error, PosLmConverterUtils::DesToRealL( aParsedValue, aValue ) );
+        if( !error )
+            {
+            TInt length = parsedValue.Num( aValue, iRealFormat );
+            if( length != KErrGeneral )
+                {
+                TRAPD( error, PosLmConverterUtils::DesToRealL( parsedValue, aValue ) );
+                if( error ) 
+                    {
+                    PosLmConverterUtils::SetNaN( aValue );
+                    }
+                 }
+            else
+                {
+                PosLmConverterUtils::SetNaN( aValue );
+                }  
+            }
+        else
+            {
+            PosLmConverterUtils::SetNaN( aValue );
+            }
+        }        
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CPosLmUrlParser::SetPositionFieldNumberParamL
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CPosLmUrlParser::SetPositionFieldNumberParamL( const TDesC8& aParsedValue, TInt aField  )
+    {
+    // holds the parsed number in text form
+    TBuf<KRealWidth> parsedValue;
+    // holds the number value in real32
+    TReal32 number;
+    // Check that value exists
+    if( aParsedValue != KNullDesC8 )
+        {
+        // Convert the descriptor obtained into real and check if the value is 
+        // indeed real.
+        TRAPD( error, PosLmConverterUtils::DesToRealL( aParsedValue, number ) );
+        if( !error )
+            {
+            TInt length = parsedValue.Num( number, iRealFormat );
+            if( length != KErrGeneral )
+                {
+                // set the position field for apped or heading depending 
+                // on the field value that is passed
+                switch( aField )
+                    {
+                    case ESpeed :
+                        {
+                        TInt error = KErrNone;
+                        TRAP( error, iParsedLandmark->SetPositionFieldL( 
+                               EPositionFieldHorizontalSpeed, parsedValue ) );
+                        break;
+                        }
+                    case EHeading :
+                        {
+                        TInt err = KErrNone;
+                        TRAP( err, iParsedLandmark->SetPositionFieldL( 
+                                EPositionFieldHeading, parsedValue ) );
+                        break;
+                        }
+                    default :
+                        {
+                        break;
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CPosLmUrlParser::SetTextParamL
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CPosLmUrlParser::SetTextParamL( const TDesC8& aParsedValue, const TInt aMaxParseValueLength,
+                                     TInt aField )
+    {
+    // parse the text value
+    HBufC* parsedText = ParseTextL( aParsedValue, aMaxParseValueLength );
+    CleanupStack::PushL( parsedText );
+    // switch on the field & set the corresponding field values
+    switch( aField )
+        {
+        case EName :
+            {
+            iParsedLandmark->SetLandmarkNameL( *parsedText );
+            break;
+            }
+        case EStreet :
+            {
+            iParsedLandmark->SetPositionFieldL( EPositionFieldStreet, *parsedText );
+            break;
+            }
+        case EHouseNumber :
+            {
+            iParsedLandmark->SetPositionFieldL( EPositionFieldStreetExtension, *parsedText );            
+            break;
+            }
+        case EPostalCode :
+            {
+            iParsedLandmark->SetPositionFieldL( EPositionFieldPostalCode, *parsedText );
+            break;
+            }
+        case ECity :
+            {
+            iParsedLandmark->SetPositionFieldL( EPositionFieldCity, *parsedText );
+            break;
+            }
+        case EState :
+            {
+            iParsedLandmark->SetPositionFieldL( EPositionFieldState, *parsedText );
+            break;
+            }
+        case ECountry :
+            {
+            iParsedLandmark->SetPositionFieldL( EPositionFieldCountry, *parsedText );
+            break;
+            }
+        case ETelephone :
+            {
+            iParsedLandmark->SetPositionFieldL( EPositionFieldBuildingTelephone, *parsedText );
+            break;
+            }
+        case EWebUrl :
+            {
+            iParsedLandmark->SetPositionFieldL( EPositionFieldMediaLinksStart, *parsedText );
+            break;
+            }
+        case EDescription :
+            {
+            iParsedLandmark->SetLandmarkDescriptionL( *parsedText );
+            break;
+            }
+        case EPlaceId :
+            {
+            iParsedLandmark->SetPlaceIdL( *parsedText );
+            break;
+            }
+        default :
+            {
+            break;
+            }
+        }
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( parsedText );
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CPosLmUrlParser::ParseTextL
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+HBufC* CPosLmUrlParser::ParseTextL( const TDesC8& aParseValue, const TInt aMaxParseValueLength )
+    {
+    // use a TLex instance to parse the text
+    TLex8 string( aParseValue );
+    // Holds the parsed text value that is returned
+    HBufC* parsedText = HBufC::NewL( aMaxParseValueLength );
+    CleanupStack::PushL( parsedText );
+    // Extract each character & validate to check if it is alphadigit,if not then
+    // check for the encoded triplet & decode it 
+    while( !string.Eos() )
+        {
+        // Check that the length of the parsed string is not beyond 
+        // the max allowed length,if yes then stop parsing.
+        if( parsedText->Length() == aMaxParseValueLength )
+            {
+            break;
+            }
+        TChar character = string.Get();
+        // Check if character is alpha digit
+        if( !character.IsAlphaDigit() )
+            {
+            // check for the url escape character
+            if(  character == '%' )
+                {
+                // Holds the string to be decoded
+                HBufC* decodeBuffer = HBufC::NewL( KDecodeBufferLength );
+                CleanupStack::PushL( decodeBuffer );
+                // holds the decoded data
+                HBufC* decodedBuffer =NULL;
+                // extract the next 2 characters that follows the escape character
+                decodeBuffer->Des().Append( character );
+                decodeBuffer->Des().Append( string.Get() );
+                decodeBuffer->Des().Append( string.Get() );
+                // decode the escaped sequence and append to parsed buufer if no errors
+                 TRAPD( error, decodedBuffer = 
+                       EscapeUtils::EscapeDecodeL( decodeBuffer->Des() );
+                        );
+                if( !error )
+                    {
+                    parsedText->Des().Append( decodedBuffer->Des() );
+                    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(  decodeBuffer );
+                    delete decodedBuffer;
+                    }
+                else
+                    {
+                    User::Leave( KErrPosLmUnknownFormat );
+                    }
+                }
+            else
+                {
+                // stop the parsing if any other special character 
+                // is encountered.
+                break;
+                }
+            }
+        else
+            {
+            // append the aplha digit character to parsed buffer
+            parsedText->Des().Append( character );
+            }
+        }
+    CleanupStack::Pop( parsedText );
+    return parsedText;
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CPosLmUrlParser::SetTimestampParamL
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CPosLmUrlParser::SetTimestampParamL( const TDesC8& aParsedValue )
+    {
+    // Check if the timeStamp param has already been parsed once,to avoid 
+    // setting the values again incase of repetition of params
+    if( !iTimeStampParsed )
+        {
+        // Indicates that the TimeStamp has been parsed once
+        iTimeStampParsed = ETrue;
+        // holds the extracted date
+        TPtrC8 parsedDate;
+        // holds the extracted full time including microseconds
+        TPtrC8 parsedFullTime;
+        // hold only the time part
+        TPtrC8 parsedTime;
+        // holds the extracted microseconds field
+        TPtrC8 parsedMicroseconds;
+        // Indicates if any error during parsing of date field
+        TInt dateError = KErrNone;
+        // Indicates if any error during parsing of time field
+        TInt timeError = KErrNone;
+        // Indicates if any error during parsing of microseconds field
+        TInt microsecondsError = KErrNone;
+        // holds the parsed date field
+        HBufC* parsedDateBuffer = HBufC::NewL( KMaxDateFieldLength );
+        CleanupStack::PushL( parsedDateBuffer );
+        // holds the parsed time field
+        HBufC* parsedTimeBuffer = HBufC::NewL( KMaxTimeFieldLength );
+        CleanupStack::PushL( parsedTimeBuffer );
+        // holds the parsed microseconds field
+        HBufC* parsedMicrosecondsBuffer = HBufC::NewL( KMaxMicroSecondsLength );
+        CleanupStack::PushL( parsedMicrosecondsBuffer );
+        // holds the parsed date time 
+        HBufC* parsedDateTime = HBufC::NewL( KMaxDateTimeBufferLength );
+        CleanupStack::PushL( parsedDateTime );
+        // Find the date time delimeter
+        TInt dateTimeDelimeterPosition = aParsedValue.Find( KUrlDateTimeDelimeter );
+        if( dateTimeDelimeterPosition != KErrNotFound )
+            {
+            parsedDate.Set( aParsedValue.Mid( 0, dateTimeDelimeterPosition ) );
+            parsedFullTime.Set( aParsedValue.Mid( dateTimeDelimeterPosition+1,
+                          ( aParsedValue.Length() -( dateTimeDelimeterPosition+1 ) ) ) );
+            // Parse the date Field
+            dateError = ParseDate( parsedDate, *parsedDateBuffer );
+            // Check that there is no error during date parsing
+            if( !dateError )
+                {
+                // Find the next time delimeter position
+                TInt timeDelimeterPosition = parsedFullTime.Find( KUrlTimeDelimeter );
+                if( timeDelimeterPosition != KErrNotFound )
+                    {
+                    // Extract the time & microseconds fields separately & parse them
+                    parsedTime.Set( parsedFullTime.Mid( 0, timeDelimeterPosition ) );
+                    parsedMicroseconds.Set( parsedFullTime.Mid( timeDelimeterPosition+1, 
+                            parsedFullTime.Length() - ( timeDelimeterPosition+1 ) ) );
+                    // parse the time field
+                    timeError = ParseTime( parsedTime, *parsedTimeBuffer );
+                    // Check that there is no error during time parsing
+                    if( !timeError )
+                        {
+                        // parse  the value of microseconds upto 6 digits
+                        TLex8 microsecondsString( parsedMicroseconds );
+                        while( !microsecondsString.Eos() && ( parsedMicrosecondsBuffer->Length() 
+                                                         <= KMaxMicroSecondsLength ) )
+                            {
+                            // get each character & check if it is a digit 
+                            TChar microsecondCharacter = microsecondsString.Get();
+                            if( microsecondCharacter.IsDigit() )
+                                 {
+                                 parsedMicrosecondsBuffer->Des().Append( microsecondCharacter );
+                                 }
+                             else
+                                 {
+                                 microsecondsError = KErrGeneral;
+                                 break;
+                                 }               
+                            }
+                        }
+                    }
+                else
+                    {
+                    timeError = ParseTime( parsedFullTime, *parsedTimeBuffer );
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        else
+            {
+            dateError = ParseDate( aParsedValue, *parsedDateBuffer );
+            }
+        // Check if there are any errors during the date parsing before appending
+        // to buffer and setting the timestamp
+        if( !dateError )
+            {
+            parsedDateTime->Des().Append( parsedDateBuffer->Des() );
+            // Check if there are any errors in time parsing before appending
+            if( !timeError )
+                {
+                // Check that the time field exists before appending to buffer
+                if( parsedTimeBuffer->Des() != KNullDesC16 )
+                    {
+                    parsedDateTime->Des().Append( KDateTimeSeparator );
+                    parsedDateTime->Des().Append( parsedTimeBuffer->Des() );
+                    // Check if there are no errors inmicroseconds parsing before
+                    // appending
+                    if( !microsecondsError )
+                        {
+                        // Check that the microseconds field exists before
+                        // appending to the buffer
+                        if( parsedMicrosecondsBuffer->Des() != KNullDesC16 )
+                            {
+                            parsedDateTime->Des().Append( KTimeMicroSecondSeparator );
+                            parsedDateTime->Des().Append( parsedMicrosecondsBuffer->Des() );
+                            }
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+            // convert the parsed date time buffer into a TTime object & set the timestamp 
+            // for the parsed landmark
+            TTime timestamp;
+            TInt error = timestamp.Set( parsedDateTime->Des() );
+            // Check that there is no error returned while setting the time
+            if ( !error )
+                {
+                TDateTime dateTime = timestamp.DateTime();
+                // Check that the year & day fields are not zero to avoid 
+                // SetTimeStampL from leaving with KErrArgument
+                if( dateTime.Year() && dateTime.Day() )
+                    {
+                    iParsedLandmark->SetTimeStampL( timestamp );
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        // delete all items on cleanupstack
+        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 4, parsedDateBuffer );
+        }
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CPosLmUrlParser::SetCategoryParamL
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CPosLmUrlParser::SetCategoryParamL( const TDesC8& aParsedValue )
+    {
+    TBool categoryPresent = EFalse;
+    // parse the category name
+    HBufC* parsedCategoryValue = ParseTextL( aParsedValue, KPosLmMaxCategoryNameLength );
+    CleanupStack::PushL( parsedCategoryValue );
+    // Check that the category name exists before creating a category instance
+    if( *parsedCategoryValue != KNullDesC )
+        {
+        // Check that there are categories present in the parsed category array
+        if ( !iParsedCategories.Count() )
+            {
+            categoryPresent = EFalse;
+            }
+        // Check that the parsed category name is not already present,create
+        // category only with unique names
+        for( TInt i=0;i<iParsedCategories.Count();i++ )
+            {
+            TPtrC existingCategoryName;
+            // Get category name of each of the parsed categories
+            if( !( iParsedCategories[i]->GetCategoryName( existingCategoryName ) ) )
+                {
+                // Compare the existing category name with the newly parsed category
+                // name
+                if( !parsedCategoryValue->Des().CompareC( existingCategoryName ) ) 
+                    {
+                    categoryPresent = ETrue;
+                    }
+                else
+                    {
+                    categoryPresent = EFalse;
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        // if the category is not present then create the category instance
+        if( !categoryPresent )
+            {
+            // Create a category instance
+            CPosLandmarkCategory* parsedCategory = CPosLandmarkCategory::NewL();
+            CleanupStack::PushL( parsedCategory );
+            // Check that category id is not equal to any of the reserved global
+            // category ids.If so then increment the id before setting it.
+            if( iParsedCategoryId%3000 == 0 )
+                {
+                iParsedCategoryId++;
+                }
+            // set the category id for the parsed categories
+            PosLmImplExtension::SetCategoryIdL( *parsedCategory, iParsedCategoryId++ );
+            // set the category name that has been parsed
+            TPtrC categoryName;
+            categoryName.Set( *parsedCategoryValue );
+            parsedCategory->SetCategoryNameL( categoryName );
+            // Add the category to the parsed landmark
+            iParsedLandmark->AddCategoryL( parsedCategory->CategoryId() );
+            User::LeaveIfError( iParsedCategories.Append( CPosLandmarkCategory::NewL(
+                                                          *parsedCategory ) ) );
+            CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( parsedCategory );
+            }
+        }
+   CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( parsedCategoryValue );
+   }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CPosLmUrlParser::ParseDate
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TInt CPosLmUrlParser::ParseDate( const TDesC8& aParsedDate , 
+                                 HBufC& aParsedDateBuffer )
+    {
+    TInt error = KErrNone;
+    // parse the date field
+    if( aParsedDate.Length() != KMaxDateFieldLength )
+        {
+        error = KErrGeneral;
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        TLex8 dateString( aParsedDate );
+        while ( !dateString.Eos() )
+            {
+            TChar character = dateString.Get();
+            if( character.IsDigit() )
+                {
+                aParsedDateBuffer.Des().Append( character );
+                }
+            else
+                {
+                error = KErrGeneral;
+                break;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    return error;    
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CPosLmUrlParser::ParseTime
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TInt CPosLmUrlParser::ParseTime( const TDesC8& aParsedTime , 
+                                 HBufC& aParsedTimeBuffer )
+    {
+    TInt error = KErrNone;
+    // parse the date field
+    if( aParsedTime.Length() != KMaxTimeFieldLength )
+        {
+        error = KErrGeneral;
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        TLex8 timeString( aParsedTime );
+        while ( !timeString.Eos() )
+            {
+            TChar character = timeString.Get();
+            if( character.IsDigit() )
+                {
+                aParsedTimeBuffer.Des().Append( character );
+                }
+            else
+                {
+                error = KErrGeneral;
+                break;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    return error;    
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CPosLmUrlParser::ResetUrlParameters
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CPosLmUrlParser::ResetUrlParameters()
+    {
+    // Initialize the coordinate values to NaN
+    PosLmConverterUtils::SetNaN( iParsedLatitudeValue );
+    PosLmConverterUtils::SetNaN( iParsedLongitudeValue );
+    PosLmConverterUtils::SetNaN( iParsedAltitudeValue );
+    PosLmConverterUtils::SetNaN( iParsedPositionAccuracyValue );
+    PosLmConverterUtils::SetNaN( iParsedAltitudeAccuracyValue );
+    // Initialize all the parameters parsed value to be EFalse
+    // during the start of parsing,indicating that the params have
+    // not been parsed yet.
+    iLatitudeParsed = EFalse;
+    iLongitudeParsed = EFalse;
+    iAltitudeParsed = EFalse;
+    iPositionAccuracyParsed = EFalse;
+    iAltitudeAccuracyParsed = EFalse;
+    iSpeedParsed = EFalse;
+    iHeadingParsed = EFalse;
+    iNameParsed = EFalse;
+    iStreetParsed = EFalse;
+    iHouseNumberParsed = EFalse;
+    iPostalCodeParsed = EFalse;
+    iCityParsed = EFalse;
+    iStateParsed = EFalse;
+    iCountryParsed = EFalse;
+    iTelephoneParsed = EFalse;
+    iWebUrlParsed = EFalse;
+    iDescriptionParsed = EFalse;
+    iPlaceIdParsed = EFalse;
+    iTimeStampParsed = EFalse;
+    // initializing the category id 
+    iParsedCategoryId = 1;
+    // Reset the parsed categories array
+    iParsedCategories.Reset();
+    iSeek = 0;
+    iFileparsed = EFalse;
+    iParamDelimiterParsed = ETrue;
+    }