changeset 0 667063e416a2
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/locationmapnavfw/aiwprovider/inc/mnaiwcommandhandlerbase.h	Tue Feb 02 01:06:48 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,265 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2005-2006 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:  CMnAiwCommandHandlerBase class declaration
+#include <e32base.h>
+#include <AiwCommon.h>
+#include <AknServerApp.h>
+#include <EPos_Landmarks.h>
+#include "mnprovider.h"
+#include "mnaiwservices.h"
+class CMnAiwCommandHandlerBase;
+class CPosLandmark;
+/** \internal 
+ *  Callback for clients of @ref CMnAiwCommandHandlerBase.
+ *  Used by CMnAiwProvider to destroy asynchronous handlers.
+ */
+class MMnAsyncAiwCmdHandlerCallback
+    {
+    public:
+        /** Called by CMnAiwCommandHandlerBase-derived class, 
+         *  to notify completion of AIW command async handling.
+         *  @param aHandler pointer to completed command's handler
+         *  @param aResult result of the command execution
+         */
+        virtual void HandleAsyncAiwCmdCompletedL( 
+            CMnAiwCommandHandlerBase* aHandler, 
+            TInt aResult ) = 0;
+    };
+/** \internal 
+ *  Callback for clients of @ref CMnAiwCommandHandlerBase.
+ *  Used by CMnAiwProvider to destroy handlers, when provider is shutdown.
+ */
+class MMnProviderExitCallback
+    {
+    public:
+        /** Called by CMnAiwCommandHandlerBase-derived class, 
+         *  to notify provider's exit.
+         *  @param aHandler pointer to completed command's handler
+         */
+        virtual void HandleProviderExit( 
+            CMnAiwCommandHandlerBase* aHandler ) = 0;
+    };
+/** \internal 
+ *  Base class for AIW command handlers 
+ */
+class CMnAiwCommandHandlerBase : public CActive, public MAknServerAppExitObserver
+    {
+    public:
+        /** Holder for AIW parameters */
+        class TAiwParameters
+            {
+            public:
+                TAiwParameters();
+                TAiwParameters(
+                    const CAiwGenericParamList& aInParamList,
+                    CAiwGenericParamList& aOutParamList,
+                    const MAiwNotifyCallback* aCallback
+                    );
+                const CAiwGenericParamList&     InList() const;
+                CAiwGenericParamList&           OutList();
+                const MAiwNotifyCallback*       Callback() const;
+            protected:        
+                const CAiwGenericParamList*     iInParamList;
+                CAiwGenericParamList*           iOutParamList;
+                const MAiwNotifyCallback*       iCallback;
+            };
+        enum TRunMode
+            {
+            ERunModeDefault,
+            ERunModeChained,
+            ERunModeStandalone
+            };
+    public:
+        /** Returns information about what Provider Application's 
+         *  facilities are needed to execute a particular command
+         */
+        static void AppServiceAndFeatureNeeded(
+            TInt aAiwServiceCommand, 
+            CMnProvider::TService& aServiceNeeded,
+            TInt& aFeaturesNeeded );
+        /** Returns default execution mode for a command.
+         *  @param aAiwServiceCommand Command ID */    
+        static TRunMode DefaultRunMode( TInt aAiwServiceCommand );
+        /** Creates new command handler.
+         *  @param aAiwServiceCommand Command ID
+         *  @param[in] aAiwParams Initial AIW parameters. Needed to detect requested
+         *                        execution mode.
+         *  @return New instance of command handler
+         *  @leave KErrNotSupported If given command is not supported
+         */
+        static CMnAiwCommandHandlerBase* CreateHandlerL( 
+            TInt aAiwServiceCommand, 
+            CMnProvider& aProvider,
+            TRunMode aRunMode );
+        /** Analyzes TMnAiwCommonOptionsParam ( if present ) to see 
+         *  whether chained execution is needed.
+         *  @param aDefaultMode default value to return if parameter is not found in the list.
+         *  @return Execution mode requested in AIW parameters as defined in
+         *          TMnAiwCommonOptionsParam::iRunChained is ETrue.
+         */
+        static TRunMode RequestedRunModeL( const TAiwParameters& aAiwParams );
+        /** Analyzes TMnAiwCommonOptionsParamExtended ( if present ) to see 
+         *  whether provider application is specified.
+         *  @param[out] aProviderId provider application UID, if specified.
+         *  @return ETrue if provider application UID is specified, otherwise EFalse.
+         */
+        static TBool IsProviderSpecifiedL( 
+            const CMnAiwCommandHandlerBase::TAiwParameters& aAiwParams,
+            TInt& aProviderId );
+        /** Analyzes TMnAiwCommonOptionsParamExtended ( if present ) to see 
+         *  whether error messages are disabled.
+         *  @return ETrue if error messages are disables, otherwise EFalse.
+         */
+        static TBool IsErrorMessageDisabledL( 
+            const CMnAiwCommandHandlerBase::TAiwParameters& aAiwParams );
+    public:
+        /** Destructor */
+        virtual ~CMnAiwCommandHandlerBase();
+        /** Executes this command synchronously.
+         *  If provider exits, it is reported via MMnProviderExitCallback */
+        void StartL();
+        /** Starts asynchronous processing of this command. 
+         *  Completion of a command is reported via MMnAsyncAiwCmdHandlerCallback 
+         *  @param[in] aCallback Object to notify, when request is completed */
+        void Start( MMnAsyncAiwCmdHandlerCallback& aCallback );
+        /** AIW service command id implemented by the handler */
+        virtual TInt CommandId() = 0;
+        /** Returns whether this command is asynchronous
+         *  Async commands must be started by StartL, sync commands - by ExecuteL */
+        virtual TBool IsAsyncCommand() = 0;
+        /** Returns AIW command parameters */
+        TAiwParameters& AiwParameters();
+        /** Returns execution mode of the command */
+        TRunMode RunMode();
+        /** Sets parameters for this command. */
+        void SetParametersL( const TAiwParameters& aParams );
+        /** Called by before setting new parameters. Not called for the first time
+         *  this command is executed. */
+        virtual void ResetParametersL() = 0;
+        virtual void SetExitObserverL( MMnProviderExitCallback& aExitCallback );
+        /** Returns reference to provider used by this command handler */
+        CMnProvider& Provider();
+    protected:
+        /** C++ constructor 
+         *  @param aProvider Provider Application to use
+         *  @param aAiwParameters Parameters sent to AIW Provider class
+         *  @param aCallback Observer of this command's completion if command
+         *                   is asynchronously executed
+         */
+        CMnAiwCommandHandlerBase( CMnProvider& aProvider );
+        /** Symbian constructor. Must be called by derived classes */
+        void ConstructL();
+        /** Reports completion of the command, when executed asynchronously
+         *  It should be safe to delete this object after this method is called.
+         *  Used by derived classes */
+        void Done( TInt aResult );
+        /** Starts processing of input AIW parameters. Parameters found are reported
+         *  via HandleAiwParam... handlers.
+         */
+        void ProcessAiwParametersL();
+        /** Finds common options parameter in given parameter list */
+        static TBool FindCommonOptionsL( 
+            const TAiwParameters& aAiwParams, 
+            TMnAiwCommonOptionsParamExtended& aCommonOptions );
+        /** Finds i-th landmark data in input parameter list */
+        TBool FindLandmarkData( TInt aIndex, TAiwGenericParam& aParam );
+        /** Reads landmark data from given AIW parameter */
+        void ReadLandmarkDataL( const TAiwGenericParam& aParam, TPtrC8& aLandmarkPtr );
+        /** Reads landmark database URI from given AIW parameter */
+        void ReadDatabaseUriL( const TAiwGenericParam& aParam, TPtrC& aDbUri );
+        /** Reads landmark ID from given AIW parameter */
+        TPosLmItemId ReadLandmarkId( const TAiwGenericParam& aParam );
+        /** Reads landmark ID list from given AIW parameter */
+        void ReadLandmarkIdListL( 
+            const TAiwGenericParam& aParam,
+            const TPosLmItemId*& aListPtr,
+            TInt& aListSize );
+        /** Appends given landmark to AIW output parameters list */
+        void WriteLandmarkL( const CPosLandmark& aLandmark );
+        /** Appends given landmark to AIW output parameters list */
+        void WriteLandmarkL( TPosLmItemId aLandmarkId, const TDesC& aDatabaseUri );
+    protected: // Virtual callbacks for parameter list parsing
+        /** Called when ProcessAiwParametersL finds unknown AIW parameter */
+        virtual void HandleAiwParamL( const TAiwGenericParam& aParam );        
+        /** Called by ProcessAiwParametersL to report found landmarks */
+        virtual void HandleAiwParamLandmarksL( RArray<TPtrC8>& aLandmarkDataList );
+        /** Called by ProcessAiwParametersL to report found linked landmarks */
+        virtual void HandleAiwParamLandmarksListL( const TDesC& aDbUri, RArray<TPosLmItemId>& aLmIds );
+    public: // from CActive
+        virtual void RunL();
+        virtual TInt RunError( TInt aError );
+        virtual void DoCancel();
+	protected: // from MAknServerAppExitObserver
+        virtual void HandleServerAppExit( TInt aReason );
+        virtual void DoStartL() = 0;
+	protected:
+        TRunMode    						iRunMode;
+    private:
+        CMnProvider&                    	iProvider;
+        TAiwParameters                  	iAiwParameters;
+        MMnAsyncAiwCmdHandlerCallback*   	iCallback;
+        MMnProviderExitCallback* 	        iExitCallback;
+    };