changeset 0 667063e416a2
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/locationsystemui/locationsysui/loc/locsuplsettings.loc	Tue Feb 02 01:06:48 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,383 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2005-2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:  Localization strings for Location SUPL Settings
+ *  Default (implementation English) Resource localisation file.
+ */
+//d: Caption text for SUPL settings
+//d: List box text in Location System UI plugin view.
+//l: list_setting_pane_t1
+//r: 3.1
+#define qtn_loc_settings_supl 				"Positioning server"
+//d: Title pane text for application's
+//d: supl settings view
+//l: title_pane_t2/opt9
+//r: 3.1
+#define qtn_loc_supl_title  				"Positioning server"
+//d: Prompt text for configuring SUPL settings
+//d: in a confirmation query
+//l: popup_note_window
+//r: 3.2
+#define qtn_loc_supl_iap_query "Network positioning server requires an access point. Define now?"
+//d: Settings Item for SUPL usage
+//d: This value denotes that SUPL would be used automatically and the User would not be prompted
+//d: with any confirmation queries.
+//l: list_set_graphic_pane_t1
+//r: 3.2
+#define qtn_loc_supl_automatic 				"Automatic"
+//d: Settings Item for SUPL usage
+//d: This value denotes that SUPL would be used automatically when the user is in his
+//d: home network. When the user is roaming he would be prompted with a query for using SUPL.
+//l: list_set_graphic_pane_t1
+//r: 3.2
+#define qtn_loc_supl_home_automatic 			"Automatic in home network"
+//d: Settings Item for SUPL usage
+//d: This value denotes that the user would always be prompted before using SUPL.
+//l: list_set_graphic_pane_t1
+//r: 3.2
+#define qtn_loc_supl_ask 				"Always ask"
+//d: Settings Item for SUPL usage
+//d: This value denotes that SUPL would not be used at all.
+//l: list_set_graphic_pane_t1
+//r: 3.2
+#define qtn_loc_supl_disabled 				"Disabled"
+//d: User enters access points list view and no connections exists.
+//d: User is informed about it and a 'solution' is offered with this info note.
+//d: This string is defined as a part of Networking UI Specification.
+//l: popup_note_window
+//r: 5.0
+#define qtn_netw_info_no_iap_defined 			"No access points defined. Define one via Connection settings."
+// ----------------------
+// Since S60 9.1TB
+// ----------------------
+//d: List item in the server view 
+//l: list_setting_pane_t1
+//r: 9.1tb
+#define qtn_loc_supl_server_use	             "Positioning server use"
+//d: Title text in the main setting pane
+//d: Used in the radio button selection dialog
+//l: main_pane_set_t1
+//r: 9.1tb
+#define qtn_loc_supl_lbl_server_use         "Positioning server use"
+//d: List item in the server view
+//l: list_setting_pane_t1
+//r: 9.1tb
+#define qtn_loc_supl_server_detail			"Server detail"
+//d: Item in the options menu to open the server detail view
+//l: list_single_pane_t1_cp2
+//r: 9.1tb
+#define qtn_loc_supl_options_open			"Open"
+//d: Title text for server detail
+//l: title_pane_t2/opt9
+//r: 9.1tb
+#define qtn_loc_server_detail_title			"Server detail"
+//d: Item in the options menu to enable a server
+//l: list_single_pane_t1_cp2
+//r: 9.1tb
+#define qtn_loc_detail_options_enable			"Enable"
+//d: Item in the options menu to disable a server
+//l: list_single_pane_t1_cp2
+//r: 9.1tb
+#define qtn_loc_detail_options_disable			"Disable"
+//d: Item in the options menu to delete a server
+//l: list_single_pane_t1_cp2
+//r: 9.1tb
+#define qtn_loc_detail_options_delete			"Delete"
+//d: Item in the options menu to create a new server
+//l: list_single_pane_t1_cp2
+//r: 9.1tb
+#define qtn_loc_detail_options_newserver 		"New server"
+//d: Item in the options menu to prioritize the server addresses
+//l: list_single_pane_t1_cp2
+//r: 9.1tb
+#define qtn_loc_detail_options_prioritize 		"Prioritize"
+//d: Confirmation query  is displayed to the user before deleting the selected servers from the list
+//l: popup_note_window/opt1
+//r: 9.1tb
+#define qtn_loc_detail_conf_delete_servers		"Delete %N servers"
+//d: Server editor form field heading for server address
+//l: list_double_pane_t1
+//r: 9.1tb
+#define qtn_loc_server_address_name			"Server address*"
+//d: Server editor form field heading for access point
+//l: list_double_pane_t1
+//r: 9.1tb
+#define qtn_loc_server_iap				"Access point"
+//d: Server editor form field heading for usage in home network
+//l: list_double_pane_t1
+//r: 9.1tb
+#define qtn_loc_server_usage				"Usage in home network only"
+//d: Value in the "usage in home network" form field
+//l: list_double_pane_t2
+//r: 9.1tb
+#define qtn_loc_server_usage_yes			"Yes"
+//d: Value in the "usage in home network" form field
+//l: list_double_pane_t2
+//r: 9.1tb
+#define qtn_loc_server_usage_no				"No"
+//d: Item in the options menu to edit  the server
+//l: list_single_pane_t1_cp2
+//r: 9.1tb
+#define qtn_loc_server_options_edit			"Edit"
+//d: Confirmation query  is displayed to the user before deleting the server
+//l: popup_note_window/opt1
+//r: 9.1tb
+#define qtn_loc_detail_conf_delete_server		"Delete server"
+//d: Title text for server editor
+//l: title_pane_t2/opt9
+//r: 9.1tb
+#define qtn_loc_server_editor_title			"New server"
+//d: Item in the options menu to change the setting of the focussed item
+//l: list_single_pane_t1_cp2
+//r: 9.1tb
+#define qtn_loc_server_options_change			"Change"
+//d: Item in the options menu to define the Access Point . Only visible whene the focus is on the Access point
+//l: list_single_pane_t1_cp2
+//r: 9.1tb
+#define qtn_loc_server_options_define			"Define"
+//d: MSK in the server editor to define the Access Point
+//l: control_pane_t3/opt7
+//r: 9.1tb
+#define qtn_msk_define					"Define"
+//d: Value in the "Access point" form field
+//l: list_double_pane_t2
+//r: 9.1tb
+#define qtn_loc_server_none				"None"
+//d: If the user presses the SK2 “Done” without the value in the mandatory field, this information note is displayed
+//l: popup_note_window/opt2
+//r: 9.1tb
+#define qtn_loc_server_info_note			"Enter the server address"
+//d: If the user presses the SK2 “Done” with server address which is already exists, this information note is displayed to rename the server address
+//l: popup_note_window/opt2
+//r: 9.1tb
+#define qtn_loc_server_rename_info_note		"Server address already exists. Please enter new server address"
+//d: List item in the server view for displaying number of services
+//l: list_setting_pane_t1
+//r: 9.2tb
+#define qtn_loc_supl_multiple_services			"%N Active services"
+//d: List item in the server view for displaying 1 active services
+//l: list_setting_pane_t1
+//r: 9.2tb
+#define qtn_loc_supl_single_service			"1 Active service"
+//d: List item in the server view for displaying no services
+//l: list_setting_pane_t1
+//r: 9.2tb
+#define qtn_loc_supl_no_service				"No active services"
+//d: Title text for Active Services View
+//l: title_pane_t2/opt9
+//r: 9.2tb
+#define qtn_loc_supl_services_title			"Active services"
+//d: Text to diplay for the unknown requester in Services view.
+//l: list_single_graphic_pane_t1
+//r: 9.2tb
+#define qtn_loc_supl_unknown_service			"Unknown requester"
+//d: Item in the options menu to clear active session
+//l: list_single_pane_t1_cp2
+//r: 9.2tb
+#define qtn_loc_supl_options_terminate           	"Terminate service"
+//d: Item in the options menu to clear active sessions
+//l: list_single_pane_t1_cp2
+//r: 9.2tb
+#define qtn_loc_supl_options_terminate_multiple   	"Terminate services"
+//d: Confirmation query is displayed to the user before deleting the sessions
+//l: popup_note_window/opt1
+//r: 9.2tb
+#define qtn_loc_supl_query_terminate_all		"Terminate all active services ?"
+//d: Confirmation query is displayed to the user before deleting the session
+//l: popup_note_window/opt1
+//r: 9.2tb
+#define qtn_loc_supl_query_terminate			"Terminate \n %U?"
+//d: Confirmation query is displayed to the user before deleting the sessions
+//l: popup_note_window/opt1
+//r: 9.2tb
+#define qtn_loc_supl_query_terminate_multiple		"Terminate %N services?"
+//d: Title text for Unnamed Session
+//l: title_pane_t2/opt9
+//r: 9.2tb
+#define qtn_loc_services_title_unknown			"Unknown requester"
+// d: Label for Notification Status in Session editor
+// l: list_double_pane_t1
+// r: 9.2tb 
+#define qtn_loc_supl_trigger_dialog 			"Trigger notification dialog"
+//d: Trigger notification status item in the session view
+//l: list_double_pane_t2
+//r: 9.2tb
+#define qtn_loc_supl_trigger_dialog_on			"On"
+//d: Trigger notification status item in the session view
+//l: list_double_pane_t2
+//r: 9.2tb
+#define qtn_loc_supl_trigger_dialog_off			"Off"
+// d: Label for Session type in Session editor
+// l: list_double_pane_t1
+// r: 9.2tb 
+#define qtn_loc_supl_trigger_type 			"Type"
+//d: Trigger type item in the session view
+//l: list_double_pane_t2
+//r: 9.2tb
+#define qtn_loc_supl_peridic_trigger			"Periodic"
+// d: Label for Session's Outstanding triggers in Session editor
+// l: list_double_pane_t1
+// r: 9.2tb 
+#define qtn_loc_supl_trigger_outstanding 		"Number of outstanding triggers"
+// d: Label for Session period in Session editor
+// l: list_double_pane_t1
+// r: 9.2tb 
+#define qtn_loc_supl_trigger_time_period 		"Time period"
+//d: Item in the session view to display the time in minutes unit(singular)
+//l: list_double_pane_t2
+//r: 9.2tb
+#define qtn_loc_supl_trigger_time_minutes		"%U minutes"
+//d: Item in the session view to display the time in hours unit(singular)
+//l: list_double_pane_t2
+//r: 9.2tb
+#define qtn_loc_supl_trigger_time_onehour		"1 hour"
+//d: Item in the session view to display the time in hours unit(plural)
+//l: list_double_pane_t2
+//r: 9.2tb
+#define qtn_loc_supl_trigger_time_hours			"%U hours"
+//d: Item in the session view to display the time in days unit(singular)
+//l: list_double_pane_t2
+//r: 9.2tb
+#define qtn_loc_supl_trigger_time_oneday		"1 day"
+//d: Item in the session view to display the time in days unit(plural)
+//l: list_double_pane_t2
+//r: 9.2tb
+#define qtn_loc_supl_trigger_time_days			"%U days"
+// d: Label for Session interval in Session editor
+// l: list_double_pane_t1
+// r: 9.2tb 
+#define qtn_loc_supl_trigger_interval 			"Time interval"
+// End of file