--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/supl/locationomasuplprotocolhandler/protocolhandlerver1/src/epos_comasuplsession.cpp Tue Feb 02 01:06:48 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,4651 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2002-2005 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description: Implementation of Session Object in the OMA SUPL Protocol Handler
+#include <barsc2.h>
+#include <barsread2.h>
+#include <bautils.h>
+#include <networking/dnd_err.h>
+#include <e32def.h>
+#include <etelmm.h>
+#include <centralrepository.h>
+#include <CoreApplicationUIsSDKCRKeys.h> // for network mode (offline)
+#include <lbspositioninfo.h>
+#include <lbsfieldids.h>
+#include "epos_suplterminal.h"
+#include "epos_suplterminalconstants.h"
+#include "epos_suplterminalqop.h"
+#include "epos_comasuplnotification.h"
+#include "epos_csuplprotocolmanagerbase.h"
+#include "epos_csuplcommunicationmanager.h"
+#include "epos_csuplconnection.h"
+#include "lbs/epos_comasuplpossessionbase.h"
+#include "lbs/epos_comasuplposhandlerbase.h"
+#include "lbs/epos_comasuplinforequestlist.h"
+#include "epos_comasupllocationid.h"
+#include "epos_comasuplsessionid.h"
+#include "epos_comasuplresponse.h"
+#include "epos_comasuplpos.h"
+#include "epos_comasuplstart.h"
+#include "epos_comasuplposinit.h"
+#include "epos_comasuplauthresponse.h"
+#include "epos_comasuplauthrequest.h"
+#include "lbs/epos_comasuplposition.h"
+#include "lbs/epos_comasuplvelocity.h"
+#include "lbs/epos_comasuplsetcapabilities.h"
+#include "lbs/epos_eomasuplposerrors.h"
+#include "epos_comasuplinit.h"
+#include "epos_csuplsettings.h"
+#include "epos_csuplsettingsinternal.h"
+#include "epos_comasuplprotocolmanager1.h"
+#include "epos_comasuplsettings.h"
+#include "epos_comasupletelnotifier.h"
+#include "epos_comasuplsession.h"
+#include "epos_comasuplconnrequestor.h"
+#include "epos_comasuplstate.h"
+#include "epos_comasuplstartstate.h"
+#include "epos_comasuplposinitstate.h"
+#include "epos_comasuplresponsestate.h"
+#include "epos_comasuplendstate.h"
+#include "epos_comasuplposstate.h"
+#include "epos_comasuplinitstate.h"
+#include "epos_comasuplposrequestor.h"
+#include "epos_omasuplconstants.h"
+#include "epos_comasupltrace.h"
+#include "epos_resourceutils.h"
+#include "epos_comasupltimeouttimer.h"
+#include "epos_comasupldialogtimer.h"
+#include "epos_tomasuplposmethod.h"
+#include "epos_omasuplconfigurationkeys.h"
+#include "epos_csuplsettingparams.h"
+#include "epos_comasuplasnbase.h"
+//Multiplying factor for conversion of ellipsoid to circle
+//formula used sqrt(-2*natural log(1-Confidence))
+// actual value = 1.0107676525947896431381113653917
+//const TReal MultiplyFactorOneSigma = 1.01076765;
+// ============================ MEMBER FUNCTIONS ===============================
+COMASuplSession::COMASuplSession(RMobilePhone& aMobilePhone ,
+ TOMASuplReqType aRequestType,
+ COMASuplPosHandlerBase *aPosHandler,
+ MOMASuplSessionObserver& aSessionObserver,
+ COMASuplSettings*& aSettings,
+ COMASUPLProtocolManager1 &aProtoMgr,
+ TInt aIpcSessionId,
+ COMASuplAsnHandlerBase* aOMASuplAsnHandlerBase):
+ iMobilePhone(aMobilePhone),
+ iRequestType(aRequestType),
+ iPosHandler(aPosHandler),
+ iHSLPAddress(aSettings->SLPAddress()),
+ iEncodedSuplInit(NULL),
+ iSessionObserver(aSessionObserver),
+ iSuplSettings(aSettings),
+ iProtocolManager(aProtoMgr),
+ iUIFlag(EFalse),
+ iSessionIDFlag(EFalse),
+ iRoaming(EFalse),
+ iChanged(EFalse),
+ iIpcSessionId(aIpcSessionId),
+ iNwInitError(EFalse),
+ iPersistFail(EFalse),
+ iCapsFail(EFalse),
+ iUsageDialog(EFalse),
+ iUsageHomeNW(EFalse),
+ iEtelNotify(EFalse),
+ iEtelRoamingCheck(EFalse),
+ iIapDialogShown(EFalse),
+ iIapDlgTimerExpired(EFalse),
+ iOMASuplAsnHandlerBaseImpl(aOMASuplAsnHandlerBase)
+ {
+ }
+//2 nd Phase construction
+ void COMASuplSession::ConstructL(CSuplCommunicationManager &aCommManager,
+ CSuplSettingsInternal* aSettingsStorage,
+ TDes& aIMSI)
+ {
+ iTrace = COMASuplTrace::NewL();
+ iTrace->Trace(_L("COMASuplSession::ConstructL"), KTraceFileName, __LINE__);
+ iConnRequestor = COMASuplConnRequestor::NewL(aCommManager,iProtocolManager,KOMASuplHSLPPort,*this);
+ TBuf<64> msg;
+ msg.Copy(_L("Port Number is :"));
+ msg.AppendNum(KOMASuplHSLPPort);
+ iTrace->Trace(msg, KTraceFileName, __LINE__);
+ iSuplStorageSettings = aSettingsStorage;
+ iSuplSessionId = COMASuplSessionID::NewL();
+ iCompleteSelfRequestor = COMASuplCompleteSelfRequestor::NewL(*this);
+ iSETCapabilities = COMASuplSETCapabilities::NewL();
+ //All caps are on...for NET initiated case
+ iAllowedCapabilities = KGpsSETAssisted | KGpsSETBased | KAutonomousGps| KAFLT | KECID | KEOTD | KOTDOA | KCID;
+ //Ownership transfer to iSuplSessionId
+ COMASuplSETSessionID* SETSessionId = COMASuplSETSessionID::NewL();
+ iSuplSessionId->SetSETSessionID(SETSessionId);
+ //Ownership transfer to iSuplSessionId
+ iSuplSessionId->SetSLPSessionID(NULL);
+ iSuplVersion.SetSuplVersion(KSuplMajorVersion,KSuplMinorVersion,KSuplRevision);
+ if( aIMSI.Length() )
+ {
+ iIMSI.Create( aIMSI );
+ }
+ if(iPosHandler)
+ {
+ iTrace->Trace(_L("Creating POSSession..."), KTraceFileName, __LINE__);
+ iPOSSession = iPosHandler->CreateNewSessionL(this);
+ //Don't move this statement else where
+ iOMASuplPOSRequestor = COMASuplPOSRequestor::NewL(this,iPOSSession);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ iTrace->Trace(_L("No POS plugin exists..."), KTraceFileName, __LINE__);
+ }
+ iTimer = COMASuplTimeoutTimer::NewL(*this);
+ iIapNotifier = COMASuplIapNotifier::NewL(*this);
+ iDialogTimer = COMASuplDialogTimer::NewL(*this);
+ iIsQoPPresent = EFalse;
+ iIsFirstPOSMessage = ETrue;
+ isTimeoutDialogTimerStarted = EFalse;
+ iDiffTime = 0;
+ iSessionCompletionCode = KErrCompletion;
+ iNetworkPrivacy = CPosNetworkPrivacy::NewL();
+ iTrace->Trace(_L("End of COMASuplSession::ConstructL"), KTraceFileName, __LINE__);
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// COMASuplSession::NewL
+// Creates new instance of COMASuplSession
+// (other items were commented in a header).
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ COMASuplSession* COMASuplSession::NewL(CSuplCommunicationManager& aCommManager,
+ RMobilePhone& aMobilePhone,
+ COMASuplSettings*& aSettings,
+ CSuplSettingsInternal* aSettingsStorage,
+ TOMASuplReqType aRequestType,
+ MOMASuplSessionObserver& aSessionObserver,
+ COMASuplPosHandlerBase *aPosHandler,
+ TDes& aIMSI,
+ COMASUPLProtocolManager1 &aProtoMgr,
+ TInt aIpcSessionId,
+ COMASuplAsnHandlerBase* aOMASuplAsnHandlerBase)
+ {
+ COMASuplSession* self = new( ELeave )
+ COMASuplSession( aMobilePhone,aRequestType, aPosHandler,
+ aSessionObserver, aSettings, aProtoMgr, aIpcSessionId,aOMASuplAsnHandlerBase);
+ CleanupStack::PushL( self );
+ self->ConstructL( aCommManager, aSettingsStorage, aIMSI );
+ CleanupStack::Pop(self);
+ return self;
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// COMASuplSession::DestroySession
+// This method will delete this session..since only protocol manager will delete session object
+// (other items were commented in a header).
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ void COMASuplSession::DestroySession()
+ {
+ iTrace->Trace(_L("COMASuplSession::DestroySession"), KTraceFileName, __LINE__);
+ //This is for sending SUPL_END if session is destroed while RunSession is going on.
+ if(iRequestType == ESUPL_TERMINAL && iSuplSessionState!= ESUPL_TERMINATED)
+ {
+ CancelRunSession();
+ SessionEnd();
+ CompleteSession(KErrCancel);
+ }
+ delete this;
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// COMASuplSession::PosPlugInUnloaded
+// Handles Pos handler unload
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void COMASuplSession::PosPlugInUnloaded()
+ {
+ iTrace->Trace(_L("COMASuplSession::PosPlugInUnloaded"), KTraceFileName, __LINE__);
+ // Cancel the Session
+ CancelSession();
+ // Delete the POS Requestor
+ delete iOMASuplPOSRequestor;
+ iOMASuplPOSRequestor = NULL;
+ // Delete the POS Session
+ delete iPOSSession;
+ iPOSSession = NULL;
+ if(iSuplSessionState == ESUPL_SEND)
+ {
+ CompleteSession(KErrCompletion);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ //Close Connection : bug Fix.
+ iConnRequestor->CloseConnection();
+ iPortNum = 0;
+ iSessionObserver.TerminateSession(this, KErrCompletion);
+ }
+ }
+ COMASuplSession::~COMASuplSession()
+ {
+ if(iTrace)
+ iTrace->Trace(_L("Start ~COMASuplSession::COMASuplSession"), KTraceFileName, __LINE__);
+ CleanUp();
+ delete iEncodedBuffer;
+ delete iSuplState;
+ delete iOMASuplPOSRequestor;
+ delete iConnRequestor;
+ delete iSuplSessionId;
+ delete iCompleteSelfRequestor;
+ delete iDecodedAsnMessage;
+ delete iSETCapabilities;
+ delete iPosition;
+ delete iEncodedSuplInit;
+ delete iPOSSession;
+ iPOSSession = NULL;
+ delete iTimer;
+ delete iIapNotifier;
+ iIMSI.Close();
+ delete iDialogTimer;
+ delete iNetworkPrivacy;
+ if(iTrace)
+ iTrace->Trace(_L("End of ~COMASuplSession::COMASuplSession"), KTraceFileName, __LINE__);
+ delete iTrace;
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// COMASuplSession::Initialize
+// This method initializes the OMA SUPL Session Object
+// (other items were commented in a header).
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ void COMASuplSession::InitializeL(TInt /*aRequestID*/)
+ {
+ iSuplSessionState = ESUPL_INITIALIZED;
+ if(iPOSSession)
+ {
+ iTrace->Trace(_L("COMASuplSession::InitializeL of POS"), KTraceFileName, __LINE__);
+ iOMASuplPOSRequestor->SetObserver(this);
+ TInt err = iOMASuplPOSRequestor->InitilizePOSSessionL(iRequestID);
+ if(err != KErrNone)
+ {
+ iTrace->Trace(_L("Initilization Failed ..."), KTraceFileName, __LINE__);
+ CompleteSession(KErrNotReady);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ OperationCompleteL(KErrNone);
+ }
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// COMASuplSession::CleanUp
+// Perfomrs clean up operations on the OMA SUPL Session Object
+// This releases any resource held by the object
+// (other items were commented in a header).
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ void COMASuplSession::CleanUp()
+ {
+ if(iTrace)
+ iTrace->Trace(_L("COMASuplSession::CleanUp"), KTraceFileName, __LINE__);
+ if(iSuplState)
+ {
+ if(iSuplSessionState != ESUPL_SESSION_ERROR)
+ {
+ iSuplState->CancelOperation();
+ }
+ }
+ iConnRequestor->Cancel();
+ delete iEncodedBuffer;
+ iEncodedBuffer = NULL;
+ delete iDecodedAsnMessage;
+ iDecodedAsnMessage = NULL;
+ if(iTrace)
+ iTrace->Trace(_L("End of COMASuplSession::CleanUp"), KTraceFileName, __LINE__);
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// COMASuplSession::RequestType
+// Returns the type of request associated with the session
+// (other items were commented in a header).
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+COMASuplSession::TOMASuplReqType COMASuplSession::RequestType()
+ {
+ return iRequestType; //SET OR NET
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// COMASuplSession::SessionEnd
+// Cleans up the session and completes
+// (other items were commented in a header).
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ void COMASuplSession::SessionEnd()
+ {
+ iSuplSessionState = ESUPL_TERMINATED;
+ // Invoke SessionEnd on the POS Session
+ iTrace->Trace(_L("COMASuplSession::SessionEnd"), KTraceFileName, __LINE__);
+ // CleanUp
+ CleanUp();
+ if(iPOSSession)
+ {
+ iPOSSession->SessionEnd();
+ iTrace->Trace(_L("POS Session...COMASuplSession::SessionEnd."), KTraceFileName, __LINE__);
+ }
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// COMASuplSession::RunSuplSession
+// Starts the SUPL Sesssion for Terminal Initiated Location Request
+// The call to this method will result in the generation of SUPL START
+// and sending of the SUPL START packet to the SLP.
+// (other items were commented in a header).
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ void COMASuplSession::RunSuplSessionL(TRequestStatus& aStatus, TBool aFirstReq, const TDesC& aHslpAddress,
+ TBool aFallBack, TInt aAllowedCapabilities,
+ TInt aSessionIdSeed,TInt aRequestID)
+ {
+ iRunRequestStatus = & aStatus;
+ *iRunRequestStatus = KRequestPending;
+ iRequestID = aRequestID;
+ iTrace->Trace(_L("Start COMASuplSession::RunSuplSession"), KTraceFileName, __LINE__);
+ // Log Session Id
+ TBuf<64> id;
+ id.Append(_L("Session Id is "));
+ id.AppendNum(aSessionIdSeed);
+ iTrace->Trace(id,KTraceFileName, __LINE__);
+ // Log Capability from client
+ id.Copy(_L("Received Capability is "));
+ id.AppendNum(aAllowedCapabilities);
+ iTrace->Trace(id,KTraceFileName, __LINE__);
+ iSETSessionUniqueId = aSessionIdSeed;
+ TInt networkMode = 1;
+ networkMode = GetNetworkModeL();
+ if ( networkMode == ECoreAppUIsNetworkConnectionNotAllowed )
+ {
+ id.Copy(_L("The device is in OFFLINE mode."));
+ iTrace->Trace(id,KTraceFileName, __LINE__);
+ iSessionObserver.TerminateSession(this, KErrGeneral);
+ return;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ id.Copy(_L("The device is in ON LINE mode."));
+ iTrace->Trace(id,KTraceFileName, __LINE__);
+ }
+ if(aAllowedCapabilities == 0)
+ {
+ iAllowedCapabilities = KGpsSETAssisted | KGpsSETBased | KAutonomousGps| KAFLT | KECID | KEOTD | KOTDOA | KCID;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ iAllowedCapabilities = aAllowedCapabilities;
+ }
+ //Ownership transfer to iSuplSessionId
+ iSuplSessionId->SetSLPSessionID(NULL);
+ iConnRequestor->SetDefaultParametersL(aHslpAddress,aFallBack);
+ if (aFirstReq)
+ CheckForSuplUsageL();
+ else
+ CheckForPreviousResultL();
+ // Clear Position....
+ delete iPosition;
+ iPosition = NULL;
+ iTrace->Trace(_L("End of COMASuplSession::RunSuplSession"), KTraceFileName, __LINE__);
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// COMASuplSession::RunSuplSession
+// Starts the SUPL Sesssion for Terminal Initiated Location Request, with QoP
+// The call to this method will result in the generation of SUPL START
+// and sending of the SUPL START packet to the SLP.
+// (other items were commented in a header).
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ void COMASuplSession::RunSuplSessionL(TRequestStatus& aStatus, TBool aFirstReq,
+ const TDesC& aHslpAddress, TBool aFallBack,
+ TInt aAllowedCapabilities,TInt aSessionIdSeed,
+ TSuplTerminalQop& aQop, TInt aRequestID)
+ {
+ iClientQop = aQop;
+ TInt delay;
+ if(iClientQop.GetDelay(delay) != KErrNotFound)
+ {
+ iSessionStartTime.HomeTime();
+ }
+ iIsQoPPresent = ETrue;
+ RunSuplSessionL(aStatus,aFirstReq, aHslpAddress, aFallBack, aAllowedCapabilities,aSessionIdSeed,aRequestID);
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSuplSession::RunInvalidSessionL
+// Starts the SUPL Sesssion for Invalid Session ID
+// Completes Self so that protocol Manager can process other stuff
+// (other items were commented in a header).
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void COMASuplSession::RunInvalidSessionL(COMASuplAsnMessageBase* aDecodedMsg)
+ {
+ // Check if the message type is SUPL END
+ COMASuplAsnMessageBase::TSuplMessageType messageType = aDecodedMsg->MessageType();
+ if(messageType == COMASuplAsnMessageBase::ESUPL_END)
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ COMASuplSessionID* retrivedSessionID = NULL;
+ aDecodedMsg->SessionId(retrivedSessionID);
+ // Set the SessionId.
+ UpdateSLPSessionIDL(retrivedSessionID);
+ UpdateSETSessionIDL(retrivedSessionID);
+ //Set default slp to Conn Requestor...
+ iConnRequestor->UseDefaultServerL();
+ // Complete Self
+ iCompleteSelfRequestor->CompleteInvalidSession();
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSuplSession::StartInvalidSessionL
+// Starts the SUPL Sesssion for Invalid Session ID
+// Generate SUPL End with error state set ti Invalid Session
+// (other items were commented in a header).
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void COMASuplSession::StartInvalidSessionL()
+ {
+ iTrace->Trace(_L("Start COMASuplSession::StartInvalidSessionL"), KTraceFileName, __LINE__);
+ iErrorStatusCode = COMASuplEnd::EInvalidSessionId;
+ GenerateSuplEndL();
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSuplSession::GenerateSuplMessage
+// This method generates an appropriate SUPL Message based on the state
+// of the SUPL object
+// (other items were commented in a header).
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void COMASuplSession::GenerateSuplMessageL()
+ {
+ switch(iSuplSessionState)
+ {
+ {
+ if(iRequestType == ESUPL_TERMINAL )
+ {
+ //SMP Changes - GenerateSuplStartL() is asynchronous and hence state must be set before calling
+ iSuplSessionState = ESUPL_GENERATE;
+ GenerateSuplStartL();
+ }
+ if(iRequestType == ESUPL_NETWORK )
+ {
+ //SMP Changes - GenerateSuplPosInitL() is asynchronous and hence state must be set before calling
+ iSuplSessionState = ESUPL_GENERATE;
+ GenerateSuplPosInitL();
+ }
+ if(iRequestType == ESUPL_INVALID_SESSION )
+ {
+ //SMP Changes - iSuplSessionState = ESUPL_GENERATE is not required here as SUPL END Generation is synchronous
+ //and iSuplSessionState is set inside GenerateSuplEndL itself
+ GenerateSuplEndL();
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ {
+ switch(iSuplMsgType)
+ {
+ case ESUPL_INIT:
+ {
+ //SMP Changes - GenerateSuplPosInitL() is asynchronous and hence state must be set before calling
+ iSuplSessionState = ESUPL_ENCODE;
+ GenerateSuplPosInitL();
+ }
+ break;
+ case ESUPL_END:
+ GenerateSuplEndL();
+ break;
+ case ESUPL_POS:
+ {
+ //SMP Changes - GenerateSuplPosL() is asynchronous and hence state must be set before calling
+ iSuplSessionState = ESUPL_ENCODE;
+ GenerateSuplPosL();
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ // Error
+ break;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// COMASuplSession::GenerateSuplStart
+// Generate SUPL START from session
+// (other items were commented in a header).
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void COMASuplSession::GenerateSuplStartL()
+ {
+ iTrace->Trace(_L("Start of COMASuplSession::GenerateSuplStartL"), KTraceFileName, __LINE__);
+ // Free the existing state if any
+ delete iSuplState;
+ iSuplState = NULL;
+ iSuplState = COMASuplStartState::NewL(iMobilePhone, iUT1_StartTimer,iOMASuplPOSRequestor,iOMASuplAsnHandlerBaseImpl,iAllowedCapabilities);
+ iSuplState->SetMsgStateObserver(this);
+ if(iIsQoPPresent)
+ {
+ COMASuplStartState* startSuplState = static_cast <COMASuplPosInitState *>(iSuplState);
+ startSuplState->SetQop(iClientQop);
+ }
+ //SMP Changes
+ iSuplMsgType = ESUPL_START;
+ SetPOSMsgPluginState(COMASuplPosSessionBase::EOMASuplCreating);
+ TInt err = iSuplState->GenerateMessageL();
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// COMASuplSession::GenerateSuplPosInitL
+// Generate SUPL POS INIT from session
+// (other items were commented in a header).
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void COMASuplSession::GenerateSuplPosInitL()
+ {
+ iTrace->Trace(_L("Start of COMASuplSession::GenerateSuplPosInitL"), KTraceFileName, __LINE__);
+ // Free the existing state if any
+ iTrace->Trace(_L("Deleting SUPL State"), KTraceFileName, __LINE__);
+ delete iSuplState;
+ iSuplState = NULL;
+ iTrace->Trace(_L("Setting SUPL State to NULL - successful "), KTraceFileName, __LINE__);
+ if(iRequestType == ESUPL_NETWORK)
+ {
+ iTrace->Trace(_L("iRequestType == ESUPL_NETWORK is true"), KTraceFileName, __LINE__);
+ TBuf<256> serverAddress;
+ HBufC8 *hslpAdress = HBufC8::NewL(256);
+ iConnRequestor->GetUsedServerAddress(serverAddress);
+ hslpAdress->Des().Copy(serverAddress);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(hslpAdress);
+ iSuplState = COMASuplPosInitState::NewL(iSETCapabilities, iMobilePhone, iUT2_PosInitTimer,
+ iOMASuplPOSRequestor,iAllowedCapabilities, iRequestType, iPosMethod, iOMASuplAsnHandlerBaseImpl,iEncodedSuplInit, hslpAdress);
+ if(hslpAdress)
+ {
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(hslpAdress);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ TBuf<128> msg(_L("COMASuplSession::GenerateSuplPosInitL() without last 2 params : "));
+ msg.AppendNum(iPosMethod);
+ iTrace->Trace(msg, KTraceFileName, __LINE__);
+ iSuplState = COMASuplPosInitState::NewL(iSETCapabilities, iMobilePhone, iUT2_PosInitTimer,
+ iOMASuplPOSRequestor,iAllowedCapabilities,iRequestType, iPosMethod,iOMASuplAsnHandlerBaseImpl);
+ }
+ iSuplState->SetMsgStateObserver(this);
+ //SMP Changes
+ iSuplMsgType = ESUPL_POSINIT;
+ SetPOSMsgPluginState(COMASuplPosSessionBase::EOMASuplCreating);
+ iSuplState->GenerateMessageL();
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// COMASuplSession::GenerateSuplPosL
+// Generate SUPL POS from session
+// (other items were commented in a header).
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void COMASuplSession::GenerateSuplPosL()
+ {
+ iTrace->Trace(_L("Start of COMASuplSession::GenerateSuplPosL"), KTraceFileName, __LINE__);
+ if(COMASuplState::ESUPL_POS != iSuplState->GetSuplState()) // Check if existing is of POS type.
+ {
+ COMASuplPosPayload* remainingPosPayload = GetRemainingPosPayloadL();
+ delete iSuplState;
+ iSuplState = NULL;
+ iSuplState = COMASuplPosState::NewL(iPOSSession,iUT3_PosTimer,iSETCapabilities,iOMASuplAsnHandlerBaseImpl);
+ COMASuplPosState* state = static_cast <COMASuplPosState *>(iSuplState);
+ state->SetRemainingPosPayloadFromSuplPosInitL(remainingPosPayload);//ownership transfered to POS state class
+ }
+ iSuplState->SetMsgStateObserver(this);
+ iSuplMsgType = ESUPL_POS;
+ SetPOSMsgPluginState(COMASuplPosSessionBase::EOMASuplCreating);
+ COMASuplPosState* posState = static_cast <COMASuplPosState*>(iSuplState);
+ if(!(posState->IsGenerationInProgress()))
+ {
+ iSuplSessionState = ESUPL_ENCODE;
+ TInt err = iSuplState->GenerateMessageL();
+ if(err != KErrNone)
+ {
+ iTrace->Trace(_L("COMASuplSession::GenerateSuplPosL Failed..."), KTraceFileName, __LINE__);
+ OperationCompleteL(err);//Error handling.
+ }
+ }
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// COMASuplSession::GenerateSuplEndL
+// Generate SUPL END from session
+// (other items were commented in a header).
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void COMASuplSession::GenerateSuplEndL()
+ {
+ iTrace->Trace(_L("Start of COMASuplSession::GenerateSuplEnd..."), KTraceFileName, __LINE__);
+ // Free the existing state if any
+ delete iSuplState;
+ iSuplState = NULL;
+ if(iRequestType == ESUPL_INVALID_SESSION )
+ {
+ iSuplSessionState = ESUPL_INITIALIZED;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ iSuplSessionState = ESUPL_ENCODE; //Normal End
+ }
+ iSuplState = COMASuplEndState::NewL(iErrorStatusCode,iOMASuplAsnHandlerBaseImpl);
+ iSuplState->SetMsgStateObserver(this);
+ iSuplMsgType = ESUPL_END;
+ SetPOSMsgPluginState(COMASuplPosSessionBase::EOMASuplCreating);
+ iSuplState->GenerateMessageL();
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+//Informs to client about completion of location request, thro' active object
+ void COMASuplSession::CompleteSession(TInt aCompletionCode)
+ {
+ if(iRunRequestStatus)
+ {
+ TTime currentTime;
+ currentTime.HomeTime();
+ iSessionCompletionCode = aCompletionCode;
+ TBuf<64> errorCode;
+ errorCode.Append(_L("Completing Session with error code : "));
+ errorCode.AppendNum(aCompletionCode);
+ iTrace->Trace(errorCode, KTraceFileName, __LINE__);
+ iConnRequestor->UpdateNetInfo(currentTime,iCurrentCellId.iMCC,iCurrentCellId.iMNC,iCurrentCellId.iCid,iCurrentCellId.iLac,iNetworkType,aCompletionCode);
+ User::RequestComplete(iRunRequestStatus,aCompletionCode);
+ }
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// COMASuplSession::OperationComplete
+// Gets control when any of the asynchronous requests are completed
+// This is a very important method and drives the OMS SUPL
+// State Machine
+// (other items were commented in a header).
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void COMASuplSession::OperationCompleteL(TInt aErrorCode)
+ {
+ TBuf<256> msg;
+ if(KErrNone != aErrorCode)
+ {
+ msg.Copy(_L("Actual Error Code : "));
+ msg.AppendNum(aErrorCode);
+ iTrace->Trace(msg, KTraceFileName, __LINE__);
+ if (iSuplSessionState == ESUPL_CONNECTING)
+ CheckForPersistentFailure(aErrorCode);
+ HandleSuplErrorL(aErrorCode);
+ return;
+ }
+ TInt err = KErrNone;
+ switch(iSuplSessionState)
+ {
+ {
+ if (iRequestType == ESUPL_NETWORK)
+ {
+ iIapDialogShown = ETrue;
+ TInt delay ;
+ iTrace->Trace(_L("Dialog timer not started earlier and request is NI, starting now"), KTraceFileName, __LINE__);
+ if (iDiffTime.Int() == 0)
+ {
+ COMASuplInit* suplInit = static_cast <COMASuplInit*> (iDecodedAsnMessage);
+ TOMASuplQop qop;
+ TInt retVal = suplInit->Qop(qop);
+ qop.Delay(delay);
+ //if delay is > 7, it is not valid
+ if (delay > 7)
+ delay = 0;
+ if(retVal == KErrNone && delay > 0)
+ {
+ TReal delayReal;
+ Math::Pow(delayReal, 2, (TReal)delay);
+ delay = (TInt) delayReal;
+ msg.Copy(_L("Delay present in message, value is = "));
+ msg.AppendNum(delay);
+ iTrace->Trace(msg, KTraceFileName, __LINE__);
+ isTimeoutDialogTimerStarted = ETrue;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (iSuplInitTimeOut > 0)
+ {
+ iTrace->Trace(_L("Delay not present in message"), KTraceFileName, __LINE__);
+ msg.Copy(_L("Delay value in CR is"));
+ msg.AppendNum(iSuplInitTimeOut);
+ iTrace->Trace(msg, KTraceFileName, __LINE__);
+ isTimeoutDialogTimerStarted = ETrue;
+ delay = iSuplInitTimeOut * KSecond;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ iTrace->Trace(_L("Timeout is <= 0"), KTraceFileName, __LINE__);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ msg.Copy(_L("Time diff used, diff = "));
+ msg.AppendNum(iDiffTime.Int());
+ iTrace->Trace(msg, KTraceFileName, __LINE__);
+ isTimeoutDialogTimerStarted = ETrue;
+ delay = iDiffTime.Int();
+ }
+ TRAP( err, iConnRequestor->CreateConnectionL(delay) );
+ }
+ else //terminal initiated case
+ {
+ TRAP( err, iConnRequestor->CreateConnectionL() );
+ }
+ if(KErrNone != err)
+ {
+ HandleSuplErrorL(err);
+ break;
+ }
+ iSuplSessionState = ESUPL_CONNECTING;
+ break;
+ }
+ //Retrieve the portnumber being used
+ iPortNum = iConnRequestor->GetPortNumber();
+ if(iRequestType == ESUPL_INVALID_SESSION)
+ {
+ iTrace->Trace(_L("Handling Invalid Session..."), KTraceFileName, __LINE__);
+ // ::POS::
+ delete iEncodedBuffer;
+ iEncodedBuffer = NULL;
+ iSuplSessionState = ESUPL_ENCODE;
+ iEncodedBuffer = iSuplState->EncodeMessageL(iSuplVersion, iSuplSessionId, err);
+ if(KErrNone == err)
+ {
+ //SMP Changes
+ iSuplSessionState = ESUPL_SEND;
+ iConnRequestor->SendPacket(*iEncodedBuffer);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ GenerateSuplMessageL();
+ //iSuplSessionState = ESUPL_GENERATE; //SMP Changes
+ }
+ break;
+ case ESUPL_SEND:
+ // Clean up Encoding buffer before filling it up
+ delete iEncodedBuffer;
+ iEncodedBuffer = NULL;
+ if(IsWholeMessageSentL())
+ {
+ SetPOSMsgPluginState(COMASuplPosSessionBase::EOMASuplSent);
+ }
+ if( (iSuplMsgType == ESUPL_START || iSuplMsgType == ESUPL_POSINIT) && iRequestType == ESUPL_TERMINAL) // Manish : Added this to support Cell filtering...
+ {
+ COMASuplStartState* SuplStartState = static_cast <COMASuplStartState *>(iSuplState);
+ SuplStartState->GetCurrentCellID(iCurrentCellId,iNetworkType);
+ msg.Copy(_L("After receiving from SUPL START/SUPL POS INIT"));
+ iTrace->Trace(msg,KTraceFileName, __LINE__);
+ msg.Copy(_L("cid="));
+ msg.AppendNum(iCurrentCellId.iCid);
+ iTrace->Trace(msg,KTraceFileName, __LINE__);
+ msg.Copy(_L("Lac="));
+ msg.AppendNum(iCurrentCellId.iLac);
+ iTrace->Trace(msg,KTraceFileName, __LINE__);
+ msg.Copy(_L("MCC="));
+ msg.AppendNum(iCurrentCellId.iMCC);
+ iTrace->Trace(msg,KTraceFileName, __LINE__);
+ msg.Copy(_L("MNC="));
+ msg.AppendNum(iCurrentCellId.iMNC);
+ iTrace->Trace(msg,KTraceFileName, __LINE__);
+ #endif
+ }
+ if(iPOSSession && iSuplMsgType == ESUPL_POSINIT) //Added while doing confirmance testing...
+ {
+ COMASuplPosInitState* SuplPosInitState = static_cast <COMASuplPosInitState *>(iSuplState);
+ if(!(SuplPosInitState->IsPosPayloadPresent()))
+ {
+ iTrace->Trace(_L("StartTimer for SUPL_POSINIT..."), KTraceFileName, __LINE__);
+ iTimer->StartTimer(iUT2_PosInitTimer * KSecond);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ iTrace->Trace(_L("Timer for SUPL_POSINIT not started ..since POS payload is present..."), KTraceFileName, __LINE__);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ iSuplState->StartTimer();
+ }
+ if(iSuplMsgType == ESUPL_END)
+ {
+ iTrace->Trace(_L("COMASuplSession::OperationCompleted...SUPL_END send for Error/cancellation..."), KTraceFileName, __LINE__);
+ //Close Connection : bug Fix.
+ iConnRequestor->CloseConnection();
+ iPortNum = 0;
+ // Invoke Terminate Session
+ iSessionObserver.TerminateSession(this, KErrCompletion);
+ break;
+ }
+ if( iPOSSession &&
+ (iSuplMsgType == ESUPL_POSINIT || (iSuplMsgType == ESUPL_POS && (!IsLastPOSMessage() || IsSegmentationDone()) ) ))
+ {
+ iTrace->Trace(_L("Generating POS ..."), KTraceFileName, __LINE__);
+ iSuplMsgType = ESUPL_POS;
+ iSuplSessionState = ESUPL_GENERATE;
+ GenerateSuplMessageL();
+ }
+ break;
+ // Set the appropriate state
+ if(iRequestType == ESUPL_INVALID_SESSION)
+ {
+ iTrace->Trace(_L("Handling Invalid Session..."), KTraceFileName, __LINE__);
+ // ::POS::
+ delete iEncodedBuffer;
+ iEncodedBuffer = NULL;
+ iSuplSessionState = ESUPL_ENCODE;
+ iEncodedBuffer = iSuplState->EncodeMessageL(iSuplVersion, iSuplSessionId, err);
+ if(KErrNone == err)
+ {
+ iSuplSessionState = ESUPL_SEND;
+ iConnRequestor->SendPacket(*iEncodedBuffer);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ delete iEncodedBuffer;
+ iEncodedBuffer = NULL;
+ if(ConnectionRequired())
+ {
+ err = SetApproriateSETSessionId();
+ iSuplSessionState = ESUPL_ENCODE;
+ CopySETCapabilities();//Copy this before and then & with Allowed Capabilities
+ iEncodedBuffer = iSuplState->EncodeMessageL(iSuplVersion, iSuplSessionId, err);
+ //SMP Changes
+ iSuplSessionState = ESUPL_SEND;
+ iConnRequestor->SendPacket(*iEncodedBuffer);
+ iConnRequestor->ListenToMessages();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ //SMP Changes
+ GenerateSuplMessageL();
+ //iSuplSessionState = ESUPL_ENCODE;
+ }
+ }
+ if(KErrNone != err )
+ {
+ HandleSuplErrorL(err);
+ }
+ break;
+ // Clean up Encoding buffer before filling it up
+ delete iEncodedBuffer;
+ iEncodedBuffer = NULL;
+ iEncodedBuffer = iSuplState->EncodeMessageL(iSuplVersion, iSuplSessionId, err);
+ if(KErrNone == err)
+ {
+ //SMP Changes
+ iSuplSessionState = ESUPL_SEND;
+ iConnRequestor->SendPacket(*iEncodedBuffer);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ HandleSuplErrorL(err);
+ }
+ break;
+ case ESUPL_RECEIVED: break;
+ default:
+ HandleSuplErrorL(KErrOMAUnknownState);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// COMASuplSession::ConnectionRequired
+// Determines of connection should be created
+// (other items were commented in a header).
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TBool COMASuplSession::ConnectionRequired()
+ {
+ if(iRequestType == ESUPL_INVALID_SESSION )
+ {
+ return ETrue;
+ }
+ if(iRequestType == ESUPL_TERMINAL && iSuplMsgType == ESUPL_START)
+ {
+ return ETrue;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if(iRequestType == ESUPL_NETWORK)
+ {
+ if(iSuplMsgType == ESUPL_POSINIT || iSuplMsgType == ESUPL_END)
+ {
+ return ETrue;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return EFalse;
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// COMASuplSession::ValidatePosition
+// Validates position estimate
+// (other items were commented in a header).
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TInt COMASuplSession::ValidatePosition(COMASuplPosition *aPosition)
+ {
+ TOMASuplUtcTime utcTime;
+ TOMASuplPositionEstimate pos;
+ aPosition->GetPosition(utcTime, pos);
+ TOMASuplPositionEstimate::TOMASuplLatitudeSign latSign;
+ TInt latitude;
+ TInt longitude;
+ pos.GetPositionEstimate(latSign,latitude,longitude);
+ // Set Position Estimate
+ if(latitude < KLatitudeMin || latitude > KLatitudeMax)
+ {
+ return KErrArgument;
+ }
+ if(longitude < KLongitudeMin || longitude > KLongitudeMax)
+ {
+ return KErrArgument;
+ }
+ // Retrieve optional parametrs of Position Estimate
+ // Retrieve Uncertainity
+ TOMASuplUncertainty uncertainty;
+ TInt error = pos.GetUncertainty(uncertainty);
+ if(!error)
+ {
+ TInt uncertSemiMajor;
+ TInt uncertSemiMinor;
+ TInt orientMajorAxis;
+ uncertainty.GetUncertainty(uncertSemiMajor,uncertSemiMinor,orientMajorAxis);
+ if(uncertSemiMajor < KUncertSemiMajorMin || uncertSemiMajor > KUncertSemiMajorMax)
+ {
+ return KErrArgument;
+ }
+ if (uncertSemiMinor < KUncertSemiMinorMin || uncertSemiMinor > KUncertSemiMinorMax)
+ {
+ return KErrArgument;
+ }
+ if (orientMajorAxis < KOrientMajorAxisMin || orientMajorAxis > KOrientMajorAxisMax)
+ {
+ return KErrArgument;
+ }
+ }
+ TInt confidence;
+ error = pos.GetConfidence(confidence);
+ if(!error)
+ {
+ if(confidence < KConfidenceMin || confidence > KConfidenceMax)
+ {
+ return KErrArgument;
+ }
+ }
+ // Retrieve AltitudeInfo
+ TOMASuplAltitudeInfo altitudeInfo;
+ error = pos.GetAltitudeInfo(altitudeInfo);
+ if(!error)
+ {
+ TOMASuplAltitudeInfo::TOMASuplAltitudeDirection altDirection;
+ TInt altitude;
+ TInt altUncert;
+ altitudeInfo.GetAltitudeInfo(altDirection,altitude,altUncert);
+ if (altitude < KAltitudeMin || altitude > KAltitudeMax)
+ {
+ return KErrArgument;
+ }
+ if (altUncert < KAltitudeUncertMin || altUncert > KAltitudeUncertMax)
+ {
+ return KErrArgument;
+ }
+ }
+ return KErrNone;
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// COMASuplSession::GetPositionComplete
+// Handles any errors that may occur during protocol processing
+// (other items were commented in a header).
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void COMASuplSession::GetPositionComplete(TInt aError)
+ {
+ //Close Connection : bug Fix.
+ iConnRequestor->CloseConnection();
+ iPortNum = 0;
+ if(aError || iPosition->Status())
+ {
+ delete iPosition;
+ iPosition = NULL;
+ // Invoke SessionTerminate
+ iTrace->Trace(_L("Could not get position from POS Msg Plugin..."), KTraceFileName, __LINE__);
+ iSessionObserver.TerminateSession(this, KErrNone);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ TInt err;
+ err = ValidatePosition(iPosition);
+ if (err != KErrNone)
+ {
+ delete iPosition;
+ iPosition = NULL;
+ iSessionObserver.TerminateSession(this, KErrCompletion);
+ }
+ else
+ iSessionObserver.TerminateSession(this, KErrNone);
+ }
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// COMASuplSession::HandleSuplErrorL
+// Handles any errors that may occur during protocol processing
+// (other items were commented in a header).
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void COMASuplSession::HandleSuplErrorL(TInt aErr)
+ {
+ // All Possible errors -
+ // 1. Packet generation failure
+ // SUPL START - Complete the session with aErr
+ // SUPL POS INIT - Send SUPL END with appropriate Error code
+ // SUPL END - Complete Session with aErr and terminate the session
+ // SUPL POS - Will be handled later
+ // 2. Secure Socket Connection failure
+ // Complete the Session with aErr. Terminate the supl session
+ // 3. Local IP Address retrieval failure
+ // Complete the session with aErr. Terminate the supl session
+ // 4. Packet Encoding error
+ // SUPL START - Complete Session with aErr
+ // SUPL POS INIT - Generate SUPL END and send to SLP
+ // SUPL POS - Will be handled later
+ // SUPL END - Complete session with aErr and terminate the session
+ // 5. Packet Send Error
+ // Complete the session with aErr and terminate the session
+ // 6. Unknown State Error
+ // SUPL START - Complete Session with invalid state
+ // SUPL RESPONSE - Send SUPL END with appropriate error
+ // SUPL POS INIT - Send SUPL END with appropriate error
+ // SUPL POS - Will be handled later
+ // SUPL END - Complete session with invalid state and terminate the session
+ // SUPL INTI - Will be handled later
+ // 7. Message Processing error
+ // SUPL RESPONSE - Send SUPL END with appropriate error code
+ // SUPL POS - Will be handled later
+ // SUPL END - Complete session with aErr and terminate the session
+ // 8. Time out Handling
+ // SUPL START - Send SUPL END with appropriate error code
+ // SUPL POS INIT - Send SUPL END with appropriate error code
+ // SUPL END - There should be no timer started in the first place
+ SetPOSMsgPluginState(COMASuplPosSessionBase::EOMASuplError);
+ switch(iSuplSessionState)
+ {
+ case ESUPL_INITIALIZED: //Initilization error
+ {
+ aErr = KErrNotReady;
+ iTrace->Trace(_L("HandleInitilizationError..."), KTraceFileName, __LINE__);
+ HandleInitilizationErrorL(aErr);
+ break;
+ }
+ case ESUPL_CONNECTING: //Error while retriving Local IP address
+ {
+ aErr = KErrGeneral;
+ iTrace->Trace(_L("HandleConnectionError..."), KTraceFileName, __LINE__);
+ HandleConnectionErrorL(aErr);
+ break;
+ }
+ case ESUPL_ENCODE: //Encoding failure error
+ {
+ iTrace->Trace(_L("HandleEncodingError..."), KTraceFileName, __LINE__);
+ HandleEncodingErrorL(aErr);
+ break;
+ }
+ case ESUPL_GENERATE : //Generation error
+ {
+ aErr = KErrGeneral;
+ iTrace->Trace(_L("HandleGenerationError..."), KTraceFileName, __LINE__);
+ HandleGenerationErrorL(aErr);
+ break;
+ }
+ case ESUPL_SEND: //Timeout & packet send error
+ {
+ iTrace->Trace(_L("HandleSendError..."), KTraceFileName, __LINE__);
+ HandleSendErrorL(aErr);
+ break;
+ }
+ case ESUPL_RECEIVED: //Error while getting wrong message from SLP
+ {
+ iTrace->Trace(_L("HandlePacketsError..."), KTraceFileName, __LINE__);
+ HandlePacketsErrorL(aErr);
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ {
+ TBuf<64> msg(_L("Unknown ERROR occured..."));
+ msg.AppendNum(aErr);
+ iTrace->Trace(msg, KTraceFileName, __LINE__);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ReverseString
+// Reverse the string
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void ReverseString(TDes8& aLocalIPAddress,TInt aLength)
+ TBuf8<1> temp1;
+ TBuf8<1> temp2;
+ for(TInt i =0 ;i < aLength / 2; ++i)
+ {
+ temp1.Zero();
+ temp2.Zero();
+ temp1.Append(aLocalIPAddress[i]);
+ temp2.Append(aLocalIPAddress[aLength - 1 - i]);
+ aLocalIPAddress.Replace(i,1,temp2);
+ aLocalIPAddress.Replace(aLength - 1 - i,1,temp1);
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// COMASuplSession::GetLocalIPAddress
+// Gets Local IP address of SET
+// (other items were commented in a header).
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TInt COMASuplSession::GetLocalIPAddress()
+ {
+ iTrace->Trace(_L("COMASuplSession::GetLocalIPAddress"), KTraceFileName, __LINE__);
+ if (iSessionIDFlag)
+ {
+ return KErrNone;
+ }
+ TInetAddr address;
+ TInt err = iConnRequestor->GetLocalIPAddress(address);
+ if (err != KErrNone)
+ {
+ return err;
+ }
+ if ( address.Family() == KAfInet) //This routine will convert IPV4 address in TBuf8<4>
+ {
+ TUint32 ipAddress = address.Address();
+ TPtr8 ptrIPAddress(reinterpret_cast<TUint8*>(&ipAddress),
+ sizeof(ipAddress), sizeof(ipAddress));
+ TBuf8<KIP4AddressLength> localIPAddress;
+ localIPAddress.Append(ptrIPAddress);
+ COMASuplSETSessionID* suplSETSessionId = NULL;
+ iSuplSessionId->SETSessionID(suplSETSessionId);
+ ReverseString(localIPAddress,KIP4AddressLength);
+ suplSETSessionId->SetSuplSETSessionIDIPv4(iSETSessionUniqueId,
+ localIPAddress);
+ //#if _DEBUG
+ TBuf<64> msg;
+ TBuf<16> ipaddress;
+ address.Output(ipaddress);
+ msg.Copy(_L("Its IP4 Address. Local IP Address is "));
+ msg.Append(ipaddress);
+ iTrace->Trace(msg,KTraceFileName, __LINE__);
+ //#endif
+ }
+ if ( address.Family() == KAfInet6 ) // This routine will convert IPV6 address in TBuf8<16>
+ {
+ TBuf8<KIP6AddressLength> localIP6Address;
+ const TIp6Addr &ip6Addr = address.Ip6Address();
+ for(TInt i = 0;i < 4; ++i )
+ {
+ TUint32 ipAddress = ip6Addr.u.iAddr32[i];
+ TPtr8 ptrIPAddress(reinterpret_cast<TUint8*>(&ipAddress),
+ sizeof(ipAddress), sizeof(ipAddress));
+ TBuf8<KIP4AddressLength> localIPAddress;
+ localIPAddress.Append(ptrIPAddress);
+ localIP6Address.Append(localIPAddress);
+ }
+ COMASuplSETSessionID* suplSETSessionId = NULL;
+ iSuplSessionId->SETSessionID(suplSETSessionId);
+ ReverseString(localIP6Address,KIP6AddressLength);
+ suplSETSessionId->SetSuplSETSessionIDIPv6(iSETSessionUniqueId,
+ localIP6Address);
+ //#if _DEBUG
+ TBuf<64> msg;
+ TBuf<16> ipaddress;
+ address.Output(ipaddress);
+ msg.Copy(_L("Its IP6 Address. Local IP Address is "));
+ msg.Append(ipaddress);
+ iTrace->Trace(msg,KTraceFileName, __LINE__);
+ //#endif
+ }
+ return KErrNone;
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// COMASuplSession::SetEncodedSuplInitL
+// Sets the Encoded SUPL INIT. This is required
+// to compute the VER in SUPL POS INIT
+// (other items were commented in a header).
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void COMASuplSession::SetEncodedSuplInitL(HBufC8 *aEncodedSuplInit)
+ {
+ TInt len = aEncodedSuplInit->Length();
+ if(iEncodedSuplInit)
+ {
+ delete iEncodedSuplInit;
+ iEncodedSuplInit = NULL;
+ }
+ iEncodedSuplInit = HBufC8::NewL(len);
+ *iEncodedSuplInit = *aEncodedSuplInit;
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// COMASuplSession::SuplSessionID
+// Returns SessionID of Session
+// (other items were commented in a header).
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+COMASuplSessionID* COMASuplSession::SuplSessionID() const
+ {
+ return iSuplSessionId;
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// COMASuplSession::GetServerAddressL
+// Gets the Server Name and returns it back to the client
+// (other items were commented in a header).
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+EXPORT_C TInt COMASuplSession::GetServerAddressL(TDes& ahslpAddress)
+ {
+ if(iSessionCompletionCode == KErrNone)
+ {
+ iConnRequestor->GetUsedServerAddress(ahslpAddress);
+ iTrace->Trace(_L("Session has suceeded...returning address"), KTraceFileName, __LINE__);
+ iTrace->Trace(ahslpAddress, KTraceFileName, __LINE__);
+ return KErrNone;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ iTrace->Trace(_L("Session has failed...returning Error"), KTraceFileName, __LINE__);
+ return KErrNotFound;
+ }
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// COMASuplSession::GetPosition
+// Gets the Position from the SUPL framework and returns it back to the client
+// (other items were commented in a header).
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+EXPORT_C TInt COMASuplSession::GetPosition(TPositionInfo& aSuplPosInfo)
+ {
+ TBool aPositionQualityError=TRUE;
+ iTrace->Trace(_L("COMASuplSession::GetPosition(TPositionInfo)"), KTraceFileName, __LINE__);
+ if(!iPosition)
+ {
+ iTrace->Trace(_L("COMASuplSession::GetPosition ... Position is Empty"), KTraceFileName, __LINE__);
+ return KErrNotFound;
+ }
+ TPosition posInfo;
+ TOMASuplUtcTime UtcTime;
+ TOMASuplPositionEstimate PosEstimate;
+ TDateTime TimeStamp;
+ TInt ZoneCode,Zone,altitude,AltitudeUncertainty, HorizontalAccuracy;
+ TOMASuplAltitudeInfo AltitudeInfo;
+ TInt latitude,longitude;
+ TOMASuplPositionEstimate::TOMASuplLatitudeSign LatSign;
+ TOMASuplAltitudeInfo::TOMASuplAltitudeDirection altitudeDirection;
+ TOMASuplUncertainty Uncertainty;
+ TInt UncertaintySemiMajor, UncertaintySemiMinor, OrientationMajorAxis;
+ TReal UncertaintySemiMajorReal, UncertaintySemiMinorReal, AltitudeUncertaintyReal;
+ TInt confidence;
+ iPosition->GetPosition(UtcTime,PosEstimate);
+ UtcTime.GetUtcTime(TimeStamp,ZoneCode,Zone);
+ TInt altErr = PosEstimate.GetAltitudeInfo(AltitudeInfo);
+ PosEstimate.GetPositionEstimate(LatSign,latitude,longitude);
+ TInt err = PosEstimate.GetConfidence(confidence);
+ altitude = 0;
+ if (altErr == KErrNone)
+ AltitudeInfo.GetAltitudeInfo(altitudeDirection,altitude,AltitudeUncertainty);
+ TTime time(TimeStamp);
+ posInfo.SetTime(time);
+ if(LatSign == TOMASuplPositionEstimate::ESouth )
+ {
+ latitude = latitude * -1;
+ }
+ // Conversion of latitude and longitude
+ TReal64 newLat, newLong;
+ newLat = latitude;
+ newLong = longitude;
+ //Conversion as per GAD and OMA Spec
+ newLat = (newLat/8388608)*90;
+ newLong = (newLong/16777216)*360;
+ if (altErr == KErrOMASuplParamNotSet)
+ posInfo.SetCoordinate((TReal64)newLat,(TReal64)newLong);
+ else
+ posInfo.SetCoordinate((TReal64)newLat,(TReal64)newLong,(float)altitude);
+ PosEstimate.GetUncertainty(Uncertainty);
+ Uncertainty.GetUncertainty(UncertaintySemiMajor,UncertaintySemiMinor,
+ OrientationMajorAxis);
+ TBuf<64> msg;
+ msg.Copy(_L("Uncertainty Semi major"));
+ msg.AppendNum(UncertaintySemiMajor);
+ iTrace->Trace(msg,KTraceFileName, __LINE__);
+ msg.Copy(_L("Uncertainty Semi Minor"));
+ msg.AppendNum(UncertaintySemiMinor);
+ iTrace->Trace(msg,KTraceFileName, __LINE__);
+ msg.Copy(_L("Orientation to Major axis "));
+ msg.AppendNum(OrientationMajorAxis);
+ iTrace->Trace(msg,KTraceFileName, __LINE__);
+ msg.Copy(_L("Altitude "));
+ msg.AppendNum(altitude);
+ iTrace->Trace(msg,KTraceFileName, __LINE__);
+ msg.Copy(_L("Altitude uncertainty "));
+ msg.AppendNum(AltitudeUncertainty);
+ iTrace->Trace(msg,KTraceFileName, __LINE__);
+ // Convert uncertainty to meters
+ TReal pwrMjr, pwrMnr, pwrAlt;
+ Math::Pow(pwrMjr, 1.1, UncertaintySemiMajor);
+ Math::Pow(pwrMnr, 1.1, UncertaintySemiMinor);
+ Math::Pow(pwrAlt, 1.070000, AltitudeUncertainty);
+ UncertaintySemiMajorReal = 10 * (pwrMjr -1);
+ UncertaintySemiMinorReal = 10 * (pwrMnr -1);
+ AltitudeUncertaintyReal = 10 * (pwrAlt -1);
+ TReal MultiplyFactor;
+ // Default set accuracy values to NaN
+ TRealX nan;
+ nan.SetNaN();
+ posInfo.SetHorizontalAccuracy(nan);
+ posInfo.SetVerticalAccuracy(nan);
+ if (err == KErrOMASuplParamNotSet||confidence<=0 || confidence>=100)
+ {
+ TReal32 horizAccr;
+ horizAccr = KUncertaintyConversionFactor * ( KCEP68ConversionFactor * (UncertaintySemiMajorReal + UncertaintySemiMinorReal ) );
+ posInfo.SetHorizontalAccuracy(horizAccr);
+ if (AltitudeUncertaintyReal > 0)
+ posInfo.SetVerticalAccuracy(AltitudeUncertaintyReal);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ TReal lnResult,a_Sigma,b_Sigma;
+ Math::Ln(lnResult,(1-confidence/100.0));
+ Math::Sqrt(MultiplyFactor,(-2*lnResult));
+ a_Sigma=UncertaintySemiMajorReal/MultiplyFactor;
+ b_Sigma=UncertaintySemiMinorReal/MultiplyFactor;
+ HorizontalAccuracy=0.7542*(a_Sigma+b_Sigma);
+ posInfo.SetHorizontalAccuracy(HorizontalAccuracy);
+ TReal32 clientHorAcc;
+ if(iClientQop.GetHorizontalAccuracy(clientHorAcc)!=KErrNotFound)
+ {
+ if(HorizontalAccuracy<clientHorAcc)
+ {
+ aPositionQualityError=FALSE;
+ }
+ }
+ /* Calculation for vertical accuracy */
+ /* If confidence is 68, then vertical accuracy = altitude uncertainty */
+ if (altitude > 0 && altErr == KErrNone)
+ {
+ if (confidence == 68 && AltitudeUncertaintyReal > 0)
+ posInfo.SetVerticalAccuracy(AltitudeUncertaintyReal);
+ else
+ {
+ TReal32 chiValue=0, verticalAccuracy=0;
+ if (confidence < 6)
+ {
+ chiValue = chisquare[1];
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ chiValue = chisquare[confidence/5];
+ }
+ verticalAccuracy = AltitudeUncertaintyReal/chiValue;
+ if (verticalAccuracy > 0)
+ {
+ posInfo.SetVerticalAccuracy(verticalAccuracy);
+ TReal32 clientVerAcc;
+ if(iClientQop.GetVerticalAccuracy(clientVerAcc)!=KErrNotFound)
+ {
+ if(verticalAccuracy<clientVerAcc)
+ {
+ aPositionQualityError=FALSE;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ TInt aClientTime;
+ if(iClientQop.GetDelay(aClientTime)!=KErrNotFound)
+ {
+ TTimeIntervalSeconds aDelay;
+ iSessionEndTime.SecondsFrom(iSessionStartTime,aDelay);
+ if(aClientTime< aDelay.Int())
+ aPositionQualityError=FALSE;
+ }
+ /*Set the position to TPositionInfo*/
+ aSuplPosInfo.SetPosition(posInfo);
+ if(aPositionQualityError!=TRUE)
+ return KSuplPositionQualityLoss;
+ return KErrNone;
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// COMASuplSession::GetPosition
+// Gets the Position from the SUPL framework and returns it back to the client
+// (other items were commented in a header).
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+EXPORT_C TInt COMASuplSession::GetPosition(HPositionGenericInfo& aSuplPosInfo )
+ {
+ TBool aPositionQualityError=TRUE;
+ iTrace->Trace(_L("COMASuplSession::GetPosition(HPositionGenericInfo)"), KTraceFileName, __LINE__);
+ if(!iPosition)
+ {
+ iTrace->Trace(_L("COMASuplSession::GetPosition ... Position is Empty"), KTraceFileName, __LINE__);
+ return KErrNotFound;
+ }
+ TRAP_IGNORE(StoreCurrentCellIDL(aSuplPosInfo));
+ TPosition posInfo;
+ TOMASuplUtcTime UtcTime;
+ TOMASuplPositionEstimate PosEstimate;
+ TDateTime TimeStamp;
+ TInt ZoneCode,Zone,altitude,AltitudeUncertainty, HorizontalAccuracy;
+ TOMASuplAltitudeInfo AltitudeInfo;
+ TInt latitude,longitude;
+ TOMASuplPositionEstimate::TOMASuplLatitudeSign LatSign;
+ TOMASuplAltitudeInfo::TOMASuplAltitudeDirection AltitudeDirection;
+ TOMASuplUncertainty Uncertainty;
+ TInt UncertaintySemiMajor, UncertaintySemiMinor, OrientationMajorAxis;
+ TReal UncertaintySemiMajorReal, UncertaintySemiMinorReal, AltitudeUncertaintyReal;
+ TInt confidence;
+ iPosition->GetPosition(UtcTime,PosEstimate);
+ UtcTime.GetUtcTime(TimeStamp,ZoneCode,Zone);
+ TInt altErr = PosEstimate.GetAltitudeInfo(AltitudeInfo);
+ PosEstimate.GetPositionEstimate(LatSign,latitude,longitude);
+ TInt err = PosEstimate.GetConfidence(confidence);
+ altitude = 0;
+ if (altErr == KErrNone)
+ AltitudeInfo.GetAltitudeInfo(AltitudeDirection,altitude,AltitudeUncertainty);
+ PosEstimate.GetUncertainty(Uncertainty);
+ Uncertainty.GetUncertainty(UncertaintySemiMajor,UncertaintySemiMinor,
+ OrientationMajorAxis);
+ // Convert uncertainty to meters
+ TReal pwrMjr, pwrMnr, pwrAlt;
+ Math::Pow(pwrMjr, 1.1, UncertaintySemiMajor);
+ Math::Pow(pwrMnr, 1.1, UncertaintySemiMinor);
+ Math::Pow(pwrAlt, 1.070000, AltitudeUncertainty);
+ UncertaintySemiMajorReal = 10 * (pwrMjr -1);
+ UncertaintySemiMinorReal = 10 * (pwrMnr -1);
+ AltitudeUncertaintyReal = 10 * (pwrAlt -1);
+ TReal MultiplyFactor;
+ TBuf<64> msg;
+ msg.Copy(_L("Uncertainty Semi major"));
+ msg.AppendNum(UncertaintySemiMajor);
+ iTrace->Trace(msg,KTraceFileName, __LINE__);
+ msg.Copy(_L("Uncertainty Semi Minor"));
+ msg.AppendNum(UncertaintySemiMinor);
+ iTrace->Trace(msg,KTraceFileName, __LINE__);
+ msg.Copy(_L("Orientation to Major axis "));
+ msg.AppendNum(OrientationMajorAxis);
+ iTrace->Trace(msg,KTraceFileName, __LINE__);
+ msg.Copy(_L("Altitude "));
+ msg.AppendNum(altitude);
+ iTrace->Trace(msg,KTraceFileName, __LINE__);
+ msg.Copy(_L("Altitude uncertainty "));
+ msg.AppendNum(AltitudeUncertainty);
+ iTrace->Trace(msg,KTraceFileName, __LINE__);
+ // Default set accuracy values to NaN
+ TRealX nan;
+ nan.SetNaN();
+ posInfo.SetHorizontalAccuracy(nan);
+ posInfo.SetVerticalAccuracy(nan);
+ if (err == KErrOMASuplParamNotSet||confidence<=0 || confidence>=100)
+ {
+ iTrace->Trace(_L("Confidance Not Set"), KTraceFileName, __LINE__);
+ TReal32 horizAccr;
+ horizAccr = KUncertaintyConversionFactor * ( KCEP68ConversionFactor * (UncertaintySemiMajorReal + UncertaintySemiMinorReal ) );
+ posInfo.SetHorizontalAccuracy(horizAccr);
+ if (AltitudeUncertaintyReal > 0)
+ posInfo.SetVerticalAccuracy(AltitudeUncertaintyReal);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ iTrace->Trace(_L("Confidance is Set"), KTraceFileName, __LINE__);
+ TReal lnResult,a_Sigma,b_Sigma;
+ Math::Ln(lnResult,(1-confidence/100.0));
+ Math::Sqrt(MultiplyFactor,(-2*lnResult));
+ a_Sigma=UncertaintySemiMajorReal/MultiplyFactor;
+ b_Sigma=UncertaintySemiMinorReal/MultiplyFactor;
+ HorizontalAccuracy=0.7542*(a_Sigma+b_Sigma);
+ posInfo.SetHorizontalAccuracy(HorizontalAccuracy);
+ TReal32 clientHorAcc;
+ if(iClientQop.GetHorizontalAccuracy(clientHorAcc)!=KErrNotFound)
+ {
+ if(HorizontalAccuracy<clientHorAcc)
+ {
+ aPositionQualityError=FALSE;
+ }
+ }
+ // }
+ /* To calculate vertical accuracy */
+ //posInfo.SetVerticalAccuracy(AltitudeUncertainty);
+ /* If confidence is 68, then vertical accuracy = altitude uncertainty */
+ if (altitude > 0 && altErr == KErrNone)
+ {
+ if (confidence == 68 && AltitudeUncertaintyReal > 0)
+ posInfo.SetVerticalAccuracy(AltitudeUncertaintyReal);
+ else
+ {
+ TReal32 chiValue=0, verticalAccuracy=0;
+ if (confidence < 6)
+ {
+ chiValue = chisquare[1];
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ chiValue = chisquare[confidence/5];
+ }
+ verticalAccuracy = AltitudeUncertaintyReal/chiValue;
+ if (verticalAccuracy > 0)
+ {
+ posInfo.SetVerticalAccuracy(verticalAccuracy);
+ TReal32 clientVerAcc;
+ if(iClientQop.GetVerticalAccuracy(clientVerAcc)!=KErrNotFound)
+ {
+ if(verticalAccuracy<clientVerAcc)
+ {
+ aPositionQualityError=FALSE;
+ }
+ else
+ aPositionQualityError=FALSE;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ TTime time(TimeStamp);
+ posInfo.SetTime(time);
+ if(LatSign == TOMASuplPositionEstimate::ESouth )
+ {
+ latitude = latitude * -1;
+ }
+ // Conversion of latitude and longitude
+ TReal64 newLat, newLong;
+ newLat = latitude;
+ newLong = longitude;
+ newLat = (newLat/8388608)*90;
+ newLong = (newLong/16777216)*360;
+ if (altErr == KErrOMASuplParamNotSet)
+ posInfo.SetCoordinate((TReal64)newLat,(TReal64)newLong);
+ else
+ posInfo.SetCoordinate((TReal64)newLat,(TReal64)newLong,(float)altitude);
+ /*Set the position to TPositionInfo*/
+ aSuplPosInfo.SetPosition(posInfo);
+ /* Set GenInfo related fields */
+ TOMASuplVelocityType VelType;
+ COMASuplHorizVelocity* HorizVel;
+ COMASuplVelocity* SuplVel;
+ TUint16 HorSpeed;
+ TUint16 Bearing;
+ TUint8 VertDirection;
+ TUint8 VertSpeed;
+ TUint8 UncertSpeed;
+ TUint8 HorUncertSpeed,VerUncertSpeed;
+ iTrace->Trace(_L("Before iPosition->GetVelocity"), KTraceFileName, __LINE__);
+ TInt ret = iPosition->GetVelocity(SuplVel);
+ iTrace->Trace(_L("After iPosition->GetVelocity"), KTraceFileName, __LINE__);
+ if (ret == KErrNone)
+ {
+ VelType = SuplVel->VelType();
+ HorizVel = SuplVel->Velocity();
+ switch(VelType)
+ {
+ case EHorizVelocity:
+ {
+ iTrace->Trace(_L("Start of COMASuplSession::GetPosition(HPositionGenericInfo) velType = EHorizVelocity"), KTraceFileName, __LINE__);
+ aSuplPosInfo.SetRequestedField(EPositionFieldHorizontalSpeed);
+ HorizVel->GetHorizVel(Bearing, HorSpeed);
+ aSuplPosInfo.SetValue(EPositionFieldHorizontalSpeed, (TReal32)HorSpeed);
+ iTrace->Trace(_L("End of COMASuplSession::GetPosition(HPositionGenericInfo) velType = EHorizVelocity"), KTraceFileName, __LINE__);
+ break;
+ }
+ case EHorizAndVertVelocity:
+ {
+ iTrace->Trace(_L("Start of COMASuplSession::GetPosition(HPositionGenericInfo) velType = EHorizAndVertVelocity"), KTraceFileName, __LINE__);
+ COMASuplHorizAndVertVelocity* horizVertVel = (COMASuplHorizAndVertVelocity*)HorizVel;
+ horizVertVel->GetHorizAndVertVel(Bearing, HorSpeed, VertDirection,
+ VertSpeed);
+ aSuplPosInfo.SetRequestedField(EPositionFieldHorizontalSpeed);
+ aSuplPosInfo.SetValue(EPositionFieldHorizontalSpeed, (TReal32)HorSpeed);
+ aSuplPosInfo.SetRequestedField(EPositionFieldVerticalSpeed);
+ aSuplPosInfo.SetValue(EPositionFieldVerticalSpeed, (TReal32)VertSpeed);
+ iTrace->Trace(_L("End of COMASuplSession::GetPosition(HPositionGenericInfo) velType = EHorizAndVertVelocity"), KTraceFileName, __LINE__);
+ break;
+ }
+ case EHorizUncertVelocity:
+ {
+ iTrace->Trace(_L("Start of COMASuplSession::GetPosition(HPositionGenericInfo) velType = EHorizUncertVelocity"), KTraceFileName, __LINE__);
+ COMASuplHorizUncertVelocity* horizUncertVel = (COMASuplHorizUncertVelocity*)HorizVel;
+ aSuplPosInfo.SetRequestedField(EPositionFieldHorizontalSpeed);
+ horizUncertVel->GetHorizUncertVel(Bearing, HorSpeed, UncertSpeed);
+ aSuplPosInfo.SetValue(EPositionFieldHorizontalSpeed, (TReal32)HorSpeed);
+ aSuplPosInfo.SetRequestedField(EPositionFieldHorizontalSpeedError);
+ aSuplPosInfo.SetValue(EPositionFieldHorizontalSpeedError, (TReal32)UncertSpeed);
+ iTrace->Trace(_L("End of COMASuplSession::GetPosition(HPositionGenericInfo) velType = EHorizUncertVelocity"), KTraceFileName, __LINE__);
+ break;
+ }
+ case EHorizAndVertUncertVelocity:
+ {
+ iTrace->Trace(_L("Start of COMASuplSession::GetPosition(HPositionGenericInfo) velType = EHorizAndVertUncertVelocity"), KTraceFileName, __LINE__);
+ COMASuplHorizAndVertUncertVelocity* horizVertUncertVel = (COMASuplHorizAndVertUncertVelocity*)HorizVel;
+ aSuplPosInfo.SetRequestedField(EPositionFieldHorizontalSpeed);
+ horizVertUncertVel->GetHorizVertUncertVel(Bearing, HorSpeed,
+ VertDirection,
+ VertSpeed,HorUncertSpeed,VerUncertSpeed);
+ aSuplPosInfo.SetValue(EPositionFieldHorizontalSpeed, (TReal32)HorSpeed);
+ aSuplPosInfo.SetRequestedField(EPositionFieldHorizontalSpeedError);
+ aSuplPosInfo.SetValue(EPositionFieldHorizontalSpeedError, (TReal32)HorUncertSpeed);
+ aSuplPosInfo.SetRequestedField(EPositionFieldVerticalSpeed);
+ aSuplPosInfo.SetValue(EPositionFieldVerticalSpeed, (TReal32)VertSpeed);
+ aSuplPosInfo.SetRequestedField(EPositionFieldVerticalSpeedError);
+ aSuplPosInfo.SetValue(EPositionFieldVerticalSpeedError, (TReal32)VerUncertSpeed);
+ iTrace->Trace(_L("End of COMASuplSession::GetPosition(HPositionGenericInfo) velType = EHorizAndVertUncertVelocity"), KTraceFileName, __LINE__);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ TInt aClientTime;
+ if(iClientQop.GetDelay(aClientTime)!=KErrNotFound)
+ {
+ TTimeIntervalSeconds aDelay;
+ iSessionEndTime.SecondsFrom(iSessionStartTime,aDelay);
+ if(aClientTime< aDelay.Int())
+ aPositionQualityError=FALSE;
+ }
+ if(aPositionQualityError==FALSE)
+ return KSuplPositionQualityLoss;
+ return KErrNone;
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// COMASuplSession::HandleOMASuplMessage
+// Handles OMA Supl messages & starts processing according to state of session.
+// (other items were commented in a header).
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void COMASuplSession::HandleOMASuplMessageL(COMASuplAsnMessageBase* aDecodedAsnMessage,TRequestStatus& aStatus,TInt aSessionIdSeed,TInt aErrorCode)
+ {
+ delete iSuplState;
+ iSuplState = NULL;
+ iSETSessionUniqueId = aSessionIdSeed;
+ iRunRequestStatus = & aStatus;
+ *iRunRequestStatus = KRequestPending;
+ TInt networkMode = 1;
+ networkMode = GetNetworkModeL();
+ TBuf<64> msg;
+ if ( networkMode == ECoreAppUIsNetworkConnectionNotAllowed )
+ {
+ msg.Copy(_L("The device is in OFFLINE mode."));
+ iTrace->Trace(msg,KTraceFileName, __LINE__);
+ iSessionObserver.TerminateSession(this, KErrGeneral);
+ return;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ msg.Copy(_L("The device is in ON LINE mode."));
+ iTrace->Trace(msg,KTraceFileName, __LINE__);
+ }
+ CSuplSettings::TSuplSettingsUsage usage = iSuplSettings->SUPLUsage();
+ if (usage == CSuplSettings::ESuplUsageDisabled)
+ {
+ msg.Copy(_L("SUPL Usage is disabled"));
+ iTrace->Trace(msg,KTraceFileName, __LINE__);
+ iSessionObserver.TerminateSession(this, KErrGeneral);
+ return;
+ }
+ COMASuplAsnMessageBase::TSuplMessageType messageType = aDecodedAsnMessage->MessageType();
+ if(messageType == COMASuplAsnMessageBase::ESUPL_INIT && aErrorCode == KErrNone)
+ {
+ HandleOMASuplMessageL(aDecodedAsnMessage);
+ }
+ else //Other messages than SUPL_INIT.... Send End
+ {
+ CreateCloneMessageL(aDecodedAsnMessage);
+ UpdateSuplSessionIDL();
+ iSuplSessionState = ESUPL_INITIALIZED;
+ iSuplMsgType = ESUPL_END;
+ if((aErrorCode == KErrCompletion && messageType == COMASuplAsnMessageBase::ESUPL_INIT) ||
+ (aErrorCode == KErrOMASuplOutOfRangeParameter && messageType == COMASuplAsnMessageBase::ESUPL_INIT) ||
+ (aErrorCode == KErrOMASuplMessageLengthMismatch && messageType == COMASuplAsnMessageBase::ESUPL_INIT) ||
+ (aErrorCode == KErrOMASuplShortFrame && messageType == COMASuplAsnMessageBase::ESUPL_INIT))
+ {
+ iErrorStatusCode = COMASuplEnd::EUnexpectedDataValue;
+ if(aErrorCode == KErrOMASuplMessageLengthMismatch)
+ {
+ iErrorStatusCode = COMASuplEnd::EProtocolError;
+ }
+ if(aErrorCode == KErrOMASuplShortFrame)
+ {
+ iErrorStatusCode = COMASuplEnd::EDataMissing;
+ }
+ TInt len = iHSLPAddress.Length();
+ HBufC8 *hslpAdress = NULL;
+ if(len > 0)
+ {
+ hslpAdress = HBufC8::NewL(iHSLPAddress.Length());
+ hslpAdress->Des().Copy(iHSLPAddress);
+ }
+ else if(len ==0)
+ {
+ iTrace->Trace(_L("Length of HSLP Address is = 0, passing the HSLP generated frm IMSI"), KTraceFileName, __LINE__);
+ hslpAdress = HBufC8::NewL(iSuplSettings->SLPAddressfromImsi().Length());
+ CleanupStack::PushL(hslpAdress);
+ hslpAdress->Des().Copy(iSuplSettings->SLPAddressfromImsi());
+ CleanupStack::Pop(hslpAdress);
+ }
+ CleanupStack::PushL(hslpAdress);
+ iSuplState = COMASuplEndState::NewL(iErrorStatusCode,iOMASuplAsnHandlerBaseImpl,iEncodedSuplInit,hslpAdress);
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(hslpAdress);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ iErrorStatusCode = COMASuplEnd::EUnexpectedMessage;
+ iSuplState = COMASuplEndState::NewL(iErrorStatusCode,iOMASuplAsnHandlerBaseImpl);
+ }
+ SetPOSMsgPluginState(COMASuplPosSessionBase::EOMASuplCreating);
+ iSuplState->SetMsgStateObserver(this);
+ //SMP Changes
+ iSuplSessionState = ESUPL_GENERATE;
+ iSuplState->GenerateMessageL();
+ }
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// COMASuplSession::HandleOMASuplMessage
+// Handles OMA Supl messages & starts processing according to state of session.
+// (other items were commented in a header).
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void COMASuplSession::HandleOMASuplMessageL(COMASuplAsnMessageBase* aDecodedAsnMessage)
+ {
+ if(CheckProtocolVersionL(aDecodedAsnMessage)) //Checks version with supported version
+ {
+ COMASuplAsnMessageBase::TSuplMessageType messageType = aDecodedAsnMessage->MessageType();
+ CreateCloneMessageL(aDecodedAsnMessage);
+ if(messageType != COMASuplAsnMessageBase::ESUPL_POS)
+ {
+ iCompleteSelfRequestor->CompleteSelf(); //This will result in call of RequestCompleted()
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ RequestCompletedL();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// COMASuplSession::RequestCompleted
+// (other items were commented in a header).
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void COMASuplSession::RequestCompletedL()
+ {
+ //Start Next Processing......
+ iTrace->Trace(_L("COMASuplSession::RequestCompleted...Retriving message type"), KTraceFileName, __LINE__);
+ COMASuplAsnMessageBase::TSuplMessageType messageType = iDecodedAsnMessage->MessageType();
+ switch(messageType)
+ {
+ case COMASuplAsnMessageBase::ESUPL_RESPONSE:
+ {
+ iSuplSessionState = ESUPL_RECEIVED;
+ iTrace->Trace(_L("Received Message is of SUPL_RESPONSE type..."), KTraceFileName, __LINE__);
+ CancelAllOperations();
+ if(iSuplMsgType == ESUPL_START)
+ {
+ iSuplMsgType = ESUPL_RESPONSE;
+ ProcessSuplResponseL();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ iTrace->Trace(_L("COMASuplSession::RequestCompletedL...Protocol Error..."), KTraceFileName, __LINE__);
+ // Send SUPL End with Protocol Error
+ HandleSuplErrorL(KErrOMASuplProtocolError);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case COMASuplAsnMessageBase::ESUPL_POS:
+ {
+ iTrace->Trace(_L("Received Message is of SUPL_POS type..."), KTraceFileName, __LINE__);
+ if(iOMASuplPOSRequestor) //
+ {
+ //if(((iSuplMsgType == ESUPL_POS || iSuplMsgType == ESUPL_POSINIT)) && !IsLastPOSMessage())
+ if(((iSuplMsgType == ESUPL_POS || iSuplMsgType == ESUPL_POSINIT))) //Changed for SUPL_POS after UT3
+ {
+ iSuplMsgType = ESUPL_POS;
+ iTimer->StopTimer(); // Added by Manish
+ iSuplState->StopTimer();
+ ProcessSuplPosL();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ iSuplSessionState = ESUPL_RECEIVED;
+ CancelAllOperations();
+ iTrace->Trace(_L("COMASuplSession::RequestCompletedL...Protocol Error..."), KTraceFileName, __LINE__);
+ // Send SUPL End with Protocol Error
+ HandleSuplErrorL(KErrOMASuplProtocolError);
+ }
+ }
+ else // POS is not there
+ {
+ iSuplSessionState = ESUPL_RECEIVED;
+ CancelAllOperations();
+ iTrace->Trace(_L("COMASuplSession::RequestCompletedL...Protocol Error..."), KTraceFileName, __LINE__);
+ // Send SUPL End with Protocol Error
+ HandleSuplErrorL(KErrOMASuplProtocolError);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case COMASuplAsnMessageBase::ESUPL_END:
+ {
+ iSuplSessionState = ESUPL_RECEIVED;
+ iTrace->Trace(_L("Received Message is of SUPL_END type..."), KTraceFileName, __LINE__);
+ CancelAllOperations();
+ //Close Connection--- Bug fix
+ iConnRequestor->CloseConnection();
+ iPortNum = 0;
+ if(IsGenerationInProgress()) //Check is generation going on
+ {
+ // Invoke SessionTerminate
+ iSessionObserver.TerminateSession(this, KErrCompletion);
+ break;
+ }
+ if(iSuplMsgType != ESUPL_END)
+ {
+ iSuplMsgType = ESUPL_END; //::POS::
+ ProcessSuplEndL();
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case COMASuplAsnMessageBase::ESUPL_INIT: //::POS::
+ {
+ iTrace->Trace(_L("Received Message is of ESUPL_INIT type..."), KTraceFileName, __LINE__);
+ iSuplSessionState = ESUPL_RECEIVED;
+ CancelAllOperations();
+ iSuplMsgType = ESUPL_INIT; //::POS::
+ ProcessSuplInitL();
+ break;
+ }
+ case COMASuplAsnMessageBase::ESUPL_AUTH_REQ:
+ case COMASuplAsnMessageBase::ESUPL_AUTH_RESP:
+ {
+ iTrace->Trace(_L("Received Message is of ESUPL_AUTH_RESPONCE/ESUPL_AUTH_REQ type..."), KTraceFileName, __LINE__);
+ iSuplSessionState = ESUPL_RECEIVED;
+ CancelAllOperations();
+ iSuplMsgType = ESUPL_AUTH_RESP;
+ ProcessSuplAuthResponceL();
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ {
+ iSuplSessionState = ESUPL_RECEIVED;
+ iTrace->Trace(_L("Received Message is of UNKNOWN type..."), KTraceFileName, __LINE__);
+ CancelAllOperations();
+ HandleSuplErrorL(KErrOMASuplProtocolError);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// COMASuplSession::CancelAllOperations
+// (other items were commented in a header).
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void COMASuplSession::CancelAllOperations()
+ {
+ if(iSuplState)
+ {
+ iSuplState->CancelOperation();
+ }
+ iConnRequestor->Cancel();
+ iCompleteSelfRequestor->Cancel();
+ if(iOMASuplPOSRequestor)
+ iOMASuplPOSRequestor->Cancel();
+ iTimer->StopTimer();
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// COMASuplSession::ProcessSuplResponse
+// (other items were commented in a header).
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void COMASuplSession::ProcessSuplResponseL()
+ {
+ iTrace->Trace(_L("Processing SUPL Response..."), KTraceFileName, __LINE__);
+ // Recreate SUPL STATE
+ delete iSuplState;
+ iSuplState = NULL;
+ iSuplState = COMASuplResponseState::NewL();
+ iSuplState->SetVersion(iSuplVersion);
+ TInt err = iSuplState->ProcessMessageL(iDecodedAsnMessage);
+ SetPOSMsgPluginState(COMASuplPosSessionBase::EOMASuplReceived);
+ iSuplMsgType = ESUPL_RESPONSE;
+ iPosMethod = static_cast<COMASuplResponseState *>(iSuplState)->GetPosMethod();
+ TBuf<128> msg(_L("ProcessSuplResponseL() got iPosMethod: "));
+ msg.AppendNum(iPosMethod);
+ iTrace->Trace(msg, KTraceFileName, __LINE__);
+ if(KErrNone == err)
+ {
+ iSuplSessionState = ESUPL_GENERATE;
+ UpdateSuplSessionIDL();
+ OperationCompleteL(KErrNone);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ HandleSuplErrorL(err);
+ }
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// COMASuplSession::ProcessSuplPosL
+// Process SUPL POS
+// (other items were commented in a header).
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void COMASuplSession::ProcessSuplPosL()
+ {
+ iTrace->Trace(_L("Processing SUPL Pos..."), KTraceFileName, __LINE__);
+ TInt error = KErrNone;
+ // Recreate SUPL STATE if the previous state was not ESUPL_POS
+ if(iSuplState)
+ {
+ if(COMASuplState::ESUPL_POS != iSuplState->GetSuplState())
+ {
+ delete iSuplState;
+ iSuplState = NULL;
+ iSuplState = COMASuplPosState::NewL(iPOSSession,iUT3_PosTimer,iSETCapabilities,iOMASuplAsnHandlerBaseImpl);
+ }
+ iSuplState->SetVersion(iSuplVersion);
+ error = iSuplState->ProcessMessageL(iDecodedAsnMessage);
+ //This is for generating SUPL_POS, after UT3 timer started & received SUPL_POS.
+ //!iIsFirstPOSMessage this is for putting new request if we
+ //gets SUPL_POS even if first POS message from SET failed to generate data
+ if( KErrNone == error && ( IsLastPOSMessage() || !iIsFirstPOSMessage ))
+ {
+ iTrace->Trace(_L("Generating POS ... After starting UT3 OR After failing of Generation of first POS message..."), KTraceFileName, __LINE__);
+ iSuplMsgType = ESUPL_POS;
+ iSuplSessionState = ESUPL_GENERATE;
+ GenerateSuplMessageL();
+ iSuplSessionState = ESUPL_ENCODE;
+ }
+ }
+ if(KErrNone != error)
+ {
+ TBuf<64> msg(_L("Error while Processing SUPL Pos is : "));
+ msg.AppendNum(error);
+ iTrace->Trace(msg, KTraceFileName, __LINE__);
+ HandleSuplErrorL(error);
+ }
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// COMASuplSession::ProcessSuplEndL
+// (other items were commented in a header).
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void COMASuplSession::ProcessSuplEndL()
+ {
+ iTrace->Trace(_L("COMASuplSession::ProcessSuplEndL..."), KTraceFileName, __LINE__);
+ // Recreate SUPL STATE
+ delete iSuplState;
+ iSuplState = NULL;
+ iSuplState = COMASuplEndState::NewL(COMASuplEnd::EUnspecified,iOMASuplAsnHandlerBaseImpl);
+ iSuplState->SetVersion(iSuplVersion);
+ TInt err = iSuplState->ProcessMessageL(iDecodedAsnMessage);
+ SetPOSMsgPluginState(COMASuplPosSessionBase::EOMASuplReceived);
+ LogEndTime(); //Log end time if QoP & delay in Qop is present.
+ if(KErrOMASuplVersionNotMatching != err) //KErrNone == err)..changed for new requirement...
+ // Even if there is status code in SUPL_END ... still process SUPL_END
+ {
+ if(iRequestType == COMASuplSession::ESUPL_TERMINAL)
+ {
+ // Delete Position
+ delete iPosition;
+ iPosition = NULL;
+ COMASuplEndState *currState = static_cast <COMASuplEndState *>(iSuplState);
+ COMASuplEnd::TOMASuplStatusCode statusCode = currState->GetStatusCode();
+ if (statusCode == COMASuplEnd::EPosMethodMismatch)
+ {
+ iFailedCaps = iAllowedCapabilities;
+ iCapsFail = ETrue;
+ }
+ // Retrieve Position
+ COMASuplPosition *currPosition = currState->GetPosition();
+ if(currPosition) //Position is in SUPL_END
+ {
+ iPosition =static_cast <COMASuplPosition *>(currPosition->CloneL());
+ if(KErrNone == err)
+ {
+ iTrace->Trace(_L("Received SUPL_END Without Status Code"), KTraceFileName, __LINE__);
+ // Invoke SessionTerminate
+ iSessionObserver.TerminateSession(this,KErrNone);
+ }
+ else // Position & status code is present...thats why completing with KErrCompletion.
+ {
+ iTrace->Trace(_L("Received SUPL_END With Status Code"), KTraceFileName, __LINE__);
+ // Invoke SessionTerminate
+ // Changed error code as location Fw uses position if it completes with +ve value. //KErrCompletion
+ iSessionObserver.TerminateSession(this,KSuplPositionPresent);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if(iOMASuplPOSRequestor)
+ {
+ iPosition = COMASuplPosition::NewL();
+ iOMASuplPOSRequestor->SetObserver(this);
+ err = iOMASuplPOSRequestor->GetPositionL(iPosition);
+ if(err != KErrNone)
+ {
+ delete iPosition;
+ iPosition = NULL;
+ // Invoke SessionTerminate
+ iSessionObserver.TerminateSession(this, err);
+ }
+ }
+ else //Position && iOMASuplPOSRequestor are not there
+ {
+ // Invoke SessionTerminate
+ iSessionObserver.TerminateSession(this, KErrNone);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Invoke SessionTerminate //Close session
+ iSessionObserver.TerminateSession(this, KErrNone);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Handle Error
+ HandleSuplErrorL(err);
+ }
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// COMASuplSession::ProcessSuplInitL
+// Process SUPL INIT
+// (other items were commented in a header).
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void COMASuplSession::ProcessSuplInitL()
+ {
+ iTrace->Trace(_L("COMASuplSession::ProcessSuplInitL..."), KTraceFileName, __LINE__);
+ TInt ret = ServerAddressCheckForSuplInitL();
+ if(ret != KErrNone)
+ {
+ HandleSuplErrorL(KErrGeneral);
+ return;
+ }
+ // Recreate SUPL STATE
+ delete iSuplState;
+ iSuplState = NULL;
+ UpdateSuplSessionIDL();
+ iSuplState = COMASuplInitState::NewL(iPrivacyTimer,iHSLPAddress,*this,iSETMode,iNetworkPrivacy);
+ iSuplState->SetVersion(iSuplVersion);
+ TInt err = iSuplState->ProcessMessageL(iDecodedAsnMessage);//will result in PrivacyCheckCompleteL
+ SetPOSMsgPluginState(COMASuplPosSessionBase::EOMASuplReceived);
+ iPosMethod = static_cast<COMASuplInitState*>(iSuplState)->GetPosMethod();
+ TBuf<128> msg(_L("COMASuplSession::ProcessSuplInitL() got iPosMethod : "));
+ msg.AppendNum(iPosMethod);
+ iTrace->Trace(msg, KTraceFileName, __LINE__);
+ if(KErrOMASuplNoPosition == err)
+ {
+ HandleSuplInitErrorL(KErrOMASuplNoPosition);
+ return;
+ }
+ if(KErrNone != err)
+ {
+ HandleSuplErrorL(err);
+ }
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// COMASuplSession::ProcessSuplAuthResponceL
+// (other items were commented in a header).
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void COMASuplSession::ProcessSuplAuthResponceL()
+ {
+ // No need to create state class object for now....
+ // if needed in future ... we can write it...since it will add more code which is
+ //equivalent to current implementation.
+ delete iSuplState;
+ iSuplState = NULL;
+ SetPOSMsgPluginState(COMASuplPosSessionBase::EOMASuplReceived); // inform to POS
+ HandleSuplErrorL(KErrOMASuplProtocolError);
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// COMASuplSession::UpdateSuplSessionIDL
+// Update SLP Sesssion ID with rececived slp id.
+// (other items were commented in a header).
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void COMASuplSession::UpdateSuplSessionIDL()
+ iTrace->Trace(_L("COMASuplSession::UpdateSuplSessionIDL"), KTraceFileName, __LINE__);
+ COMASuplSessionID* retrivedSessionID = NULL;
+ if(!iDecodedAsnMessage)
+ return;
+ iDecodedAsnMessage->SessionId(retrivedSessionID);
+ UpdateSLPSessionIDL(retrivedSessionID);
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// COMASuplSession::UpdateSessionID
+// Update SLP Sesssion ID with received session ID.
+// (other items were commented in a header).
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void COMASuplSession::UpdateSLPSessionIDL(COMASuplSessionID *aSessionID)
+ {
+ iTrace->Trace(_L("Start of COMASuplSession::UpdateSLPSessionIDL"), KTraceFileName, __LINE__);
+ if(aSessionID)
+ {
+ COMASuplSLPSessionID* suplSLPID = NULL;
+ aSessionID->SLPSessionID(suplSLPID);
+ if(suplSLPID)
+ {
+ TBuf8<KSLPSessionID> sessionId;
+ COMASuplSLPSessionID* slpNewSessionId = COMASuplSLPSessionID::NewL();
+ CleanupStack::PushL(slpNewSessionId);
+ COMASuplSLPAddress* slpNewIPAddress = COMASuplSLPAddress::NewL();
+ CleanupStack::Pop(slpNewSessionId);
+ COMASuplSLPAddress* slpIPAddress = NULL;
+ suplSLPID->SuplSLPSessionID(sessionId,slpIPAddress);
+ slpNewSessionId->SetSuplSLPSessionID(sessionId,slpNewIPAddress);
+ if(slpIPAddress)
+ {
+ COMASuplSLPAddress::TSuplSLPAddressType addressType = slpIPAddress->SLPAddressType();
+ if(addressType == COMASuplSLPAddress::EFqdn)
+ {
+ HBufC8* fqdn = NULL;
+ TInt err = slpIPAddress->Fqdn(fqdn);
+ if(err == KErrNone)
+ {
+ //Ownership transfer towords COMASuplSLPAddress
+ HBufC8* newFqdn = fqdn->AllocL();
+ slpNewIPAddress->SetFqdn(newFqdn);
+ }
+ }
+ if( addressType == COMASuplSLPAddress::EIPv4Address )
+ {
+ TBuf8<KIPv4Address> ipAddress;
+ TInt err = slpIPAddress->IPvAddress(ipAddress);
+ if(err == KErrNone)
+ slpNewIPAddress->SetIPv4Address(ipAddress);
+ }
+ if(addressType == COMASuplSLPAddress::EIPv6Address )
+ {
+ TBuf8<KIPv6Address> ipAddress;
+ TInt err = slpIPAddress->IPvAddress(ipAddress);
+ if(err == KErrNone)
+ slpNewIPAddress->SetIPv6Address(ipAddress);
+ }
+ }
+ iSuplSessionId->SetSLPSessionID(slpNewSessionId);
+ }
+ ///////////log //////////////////
+ #if defined(_DEBUG) //This is only for logging purpose.
+ iTrace->Trace(_L("After UpdateSuplSessionIDL"), KTraceFileName, __LINE__);
+ TBuf<128> msg;
+ COMASuplSETSessionID* suplSETID = NULL;
+ iSuplSessionId->SETSessionID(suplSETID);
+ COMASuplSLPSessionID* suplSlpID = NULL;
+ iSuplSessionId->SLPSessionID(suplSlpID);
+ //SET Part
+ if(suplSETID)
+ {
+ msg.Copy(_L("SET Session ID : "));
+ TBuf<4> id;
+ TInt SETSessionID;
+ TBuf8<32> IPvAddress8;
+ TBuf<32> ipAddress;
+ suplSETID->SuplSETSessionID(SETSessionID,IPvAddress8);
+ TLex8 lex(IPvAddress8);
+ TChar chr;
+ chr = lex.Get();
+ TUint i = chr;
+ ipAddress.AppendNum(i);
+ ipAddress.Append(_L("."));
+ chr = lex.Get();
+ i = chr;
+ ipAddress.AppendNum(i);
+ ipAddress.Append(_L("."));
+ chr = lex.Get();
+ i = chr;
+ ipAddress.AppendNum(i);
+ ipAddress.Append(_L("."));
+ chr = lex.Get();
+ i = chr;
+ ipAddress.AppendNum(i);
+ id.AppendNum(SETSessionID);
+ msg.Append(id);
+ msg.Append(_L(" IPAddress/IMSI :"));
+ msg.Append(ipAddress);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ msg.Copy(_L("SET Session Id is not set."));
+ }
+ iTrace->Trace(msg,KTraceFileName, __LINE__);
+ //SLP Part
+ if(suplSlpID)
+ {
+ msg.Copy(_L("SLP Session ID : "));
+ TBuf8<4> sessionId8;
+ TBuf<32> sessionId;
+ TBuf8<64> ipAddress8(_L8("No Address field in SLP Session ID"));
+ TBuf<64> ipAddress;
+ COMASuplSLPAddress* slpIPAddress = NULL;
+ suplSlpID->SuplSLPSessionID(sessionId8,slpIPAddress);
+ if(slpIPAddress)
+ {
+ TInt err = slpIPAddress->IPvAddress(ipAddress8);
+ if(err != KErrNone)
+ {
+ msg.Copy(_L("SLP Address is not set."));
+ iTrace->Trace(msg,KTraceFileName, __LINE__);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ TLex8 lex(ipAddress8);
+ TChar chr;
+ chr = lex.Get();
+ TUint i = chr;
+ ipAddress.AppendNum(i);
+ ipAddress.Append(_L("."));
+ chr = lex.Get();
+ i = chr;
+ ipAddress.AppendNum(i);
+ ipAddress.Append(_L("."));
+ chr = lex.Get();
+ i = chr;
+ ipAddress.AppendNum(i);
+ ipAddress.Append(_L("."));
+ chr = lex.Get();
+ i = chr;
+ ipAddress.AppendNum(i);
+ TLex8 lex1(sessionId8);
+ for(i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
+ {
+ chr = lex1.Get();
+ TUint num = chr;
+ sessionId.Append(chr);
+ }
+ msg.Append(sessionId);
+ msg.Append(_L(" IPAddress : "));
+ msg.Append(ipAddress);
+ iTrace->Trace(msg,KTraceFileName, __LINE__);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ msg.Copy(_L("SLP Session Id is not set."));
+ iTrace->Trace(msg,KTraceFileName, __LINE__);
+ }
+ #endif
+ ////////////////////////////////
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// COMASuplSession::UpdateSETSessionID
+// Update SET Sesssion ID with received session ID.
+// (other items were commented in a header).
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void COMASuplSession::UpdateSETSessionIDL(COMASuplSessionID *aSessionID)
+ {
+ iTrace->Trace(_L("Start of COMASuplSession::UpdateSETSessionIDL"), KTraceFileName, __LINE__);
+ if(aSessionID)
+ {
+ COMASuplSETSessionID* retrivedSETSessionId = NULL;
+ aSessionID->SETSessionID(retrivedSETSessionId);
+ if(retrivedSETSessionId)
+ {
+ COMASuplSETSessionID::TSuplSETIDType addressType = retrivedSETSessionId->SuplSETIDType();
+ if(addressType == COMASuplSETSessionID::EIPv4Address)
+ {
+ TInt sessionUniqueNo;
+ TBuf8<KIP4AddressLength> IPvAddress;
+ retrivedSETSessionId->SuplSETSessionID(sessionUniqueNo,IPvAddress);
+ COMASuplSETSessionID* suplSETSessionId = NULL;
+ iSuplSessionId->SETSessionID(suplSETSessionId);
+ suplSETSessionId->SetSuplSETSessionIDIPv4(sessionUniqueNo,IPvAddress);
+ iSessionIDFlag = ETrue;
+ }
+ else if(addressType == COMASuplSETSessionID::EIPv6Address)
+ {
+ TInt sessionUniqueNo;
+ TBuf8<KIP6AddressLength> IPvAddress;
+ retrivedSETSessionId->SuplSETSessionID(sessionUniqueNo,IPvAddress);
+ COMASuplSETSessionID* suplSETSessionId = NULL;
+ iSuplSessionId->SETSessionID(suplSETSessionId);
+ suplSETSessionId->SetSuplSETSessionIDIPv6(sessionUniqueNo,IPvAddress);
+ iSessionIDFlag = ETrue;
+ }
+ else // IMSI
+ {
+ TInt sessionUniqueNo;
+ TBuf8<KIMSILength> IMSI;
+ retrivedSETSessionId->SuplSETSessionID(sessionUniqueNo, IMSI);
+ COMASuplSETSessionID* suplSETSessionId = NULL;
+ iSuplSessionId->SETSessionID(suplSETSessionId);
+ suplSETSessionId->SetSuplSETSessionIDIMSI(sessionUniqueNo, IMSI);
+ iSessionIDFlag = ETrue;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ iTrace->Trace(_L("End of COMASuplSession::UpdateSETSessionIDL"), KTraceFileName, __LINE__);
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// COMASuplSession::CreateCloneMessageL
+// Creates Clone of COMASuplAsnMessageBase
+// (other items were commented in a header).
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void COMASuplSession::CreateCloneMessageL(COMASuplAsnMessageBase* aDecodedAsnMessage)
+ {
+ iTrace->Trace(_L("COMASuplSession::CreateCloneMessageL"), KTraceFileName, __LINE__);
+ delete iDecodedAsnMessage;
+ iDecodedAsnMessage = NULL;
+ COMASuplAsnMessageBase::TSuplMessageType messageType = aDecodedAsnMessage->MessageType();
+ TInt error;
+ switch(messageType)
+ {
+ case COMASuplAsnMessageBase::ESUPL_START:
+ iTrace->Trace(_L("COMASuplSession::CreateCloneMessageL : ESUPL_START"), KTraceFileName, __LINE__);
+ iDecodedAsnMessage = COMASuplStart::NewL();
+ iDecodedAsnMessage->Clone(aDecodedAsnMessage,error);
+ break;
+ case COMASuplAsnMessageBase::ESUPL_RESPONSE:
+ iTrace->Trace(_L("COMASuplSession::CreateCloneMessageL : ESUPL_RESPONSE"), KTraceFileName, __LINE__);
+ iDecodedAsnMessage = COMASuplResponse::NewL();
+ iDecodedAsnMessage->Clone(aDecodedAsnMessage,error);
+ break;
+ case COMASuplAsnMessageBase::ESUPL_POSINIT:
+ iTrace->Trace(_L("COMASuplSession::CreateCloneMessageL : ESUPL_POSINIT"), KTraceFileName, __LINE__);
+ iDecodedAsnMessage = COMASuplPosInit::NewL();
+ iDecodedAsnMessage->Clone(aDecodedAsnMessage,error);
+ break;
+ case COMASuplAsnMessageBase::ESUPL_POS:
+ iTrace->Trace(_L("COMASuplSession::CreateCloneMessageL : SUPL_POS"), KTraceFileName, __LINE__);
+ iDecodedAsnMessage = COMASuplPos::NewL();
+ iDecodedAsnMessage->Clone(aDecodedAsnMessage,error);
+ break;
+ case COMASuplAsnMessageBase::ESUPL_END:
+ iTrace->Trace(_L("COMASuplSession::CreateCloneMessageL : ESUPL_END"), KTraceFileName, __LINE__);
+ iDecodedAsnMessage = COMASuplEnd::NewL();
+ iDecodedAsnMessage->Clone(aDecodedAsnMessage,error);
+ break;
+ case COMASuplAsnMessageBase::ESUPL_INIT:
+ iTrace->Trace(_L("COMASuplSession::CreateCloneMessageL : ESUPL_INIT"), KTraceFileName, __LINE__);
+ iDecodedAsnMessage = COMASuplInit::NewL();
+ iDecodedAsnMessage->Clone(aDecodedAsnMessage,error);
+ break;
+ case COMASuplAsnMessageBase::ESUPL_AUTH_RESP:
+ iTrace->Trace(_L("COMASuplSession::CreateCloneMessageL : ESUPL_AUTH_RESP"), KTraceFileName, __LINE__);
+ iDecodedAsnMessage = COMASuplAuthResponse::NewL();
+ iDecodedAsnMessage->Clone(aDecodedAsnMessage,error);
+ break;
+ case COMASuplAsnMessageBase::ESUPL_AUTH_REQ:
+ iTrace->Trace(_L("COMASuplSession::CreateCloneMessageL : ESUPL_AUTH_RESP"), KTraceFileName, __LINE__);
+ iDecodedAsnMessage = COMASuplAuthRequest::NewL();
+ iDecodedAsnMessage->Clone(aDecodedAsnMessage,error);
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// COMASuplSession::CancelSession
+// Cancels an in-progress RunSession on the Session
+// What action to be taken for cancelRunSession will be depend on State of session.
+// (other items were commented in a header).
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void COMASuplSession::CancelSession()
+ iTrace->Trace(_L("COMASuplSession::CancelRunSession"), KTraceFileName, __LINE__);
+ CancelAllOperations();
+ iConnRequestor->CancelReadOperation();
+ switch(iSuplSessionState)
+ {
+ {
+ iSuplSessionState = ESUPL_SESSION_ERROR;
+ break;
+ }
+ {
+ iSuplSessionState = ESUPL_SESSION_ERROR;
+ if(iSuplMsgType == ESUPL_END)
+ {
+ if(iOMASuplPOSRequestor)
+ iOMASuplPOSRequestor->Cancel();
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ {
+ if(iSuplMsgType == ESUPL_START) //No need to send SUPL_END to SLP
+ {
+ iSuplSessionState = ESUPL_SESSION_ERROR;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ case ESUPL_SEND:
+ {
+ iErrorStatusCode = COMASuplEnd::EUnspecified;
+ iSuplSessionState = ESUPL_GENERATE;
+ iSuplMsgType = ESUPL_END;
+ if(iOMASuplPOSRequestor) //Reset observer
+ {
+ iOMASuplPOSRequestor->SetObserver(NULL);
+ }
+ TRAP_IGNORE(GenerateSuplMessageL());
+ //iSuplSessionState = ESUPL_SESSION_ERROR; Cancel Bug
+ break;
+ }
+ default: break;
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// COMASuplSession::CancelRunSession
+// Cancels an in-progress RunSession on the Session
+// What action to be taken for cancelRunSession will be depend on State of session.
+// (other items were commented in a header).
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void COMASuplSession::CancelRunSession()
+ CancelSession();
+ if(iSuplSessionState == ESUPL_SEND)
+ {
+ CompleteSession(KErrCancel);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ //Close Connection : bug Fix.
+ iConnRequestor->CloseConnection();
+ iPortNum = 0;
+ iSessionObserver.TerminateSession(this, KErrCancel);
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// COMASuplSession::CancelRunSession
+// Cancels an in-progress RunSession on the Session
+// What action to be taken for cancelRunSession will be depend on State of session.
+// (other items were commented in a header).
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void COMASuplSession::HandleGenerationErrorL(TInt aErr)
+ {
+ TBool cancelSendRequestor = ETrue;
+ if(iSuplState)
+ {
+ switch(iSuplState->GetSuplState())
+ {
+ case COMASuplState::ESUPL_START:
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ case COMASuplState::ESUPL_POS:
+ case COMASuplState::ESUPL_POS_INIT:
+ {
+ iErrorStatusCode = COMASuplEnd::EUnspecified;
+ if(aErr == KErrSuplposMethodMismatch)
+ iErrorStatusCode = COMASuplEnd::EPosProtocolMismatch;//COMASuplEnd::EPosMethodMismatch;
+ cancelSendRequestor = EFalse;
+ iSuplSessionState = ESUPL_GENERATE;
+ iSuplMsgType = ESUPL_END;
+ GenerateSuplMessageL();
+ break;
+ }
+ case COMASuplState::ESUPL_END:
+ {
+ //Close Connection : bug Fix.
+ iConnRequestor->CloseConnection();
+ iPortNum = 0;
+ iSessionObserver.TerminateSession(this, aErr);
+ cancelSendRequestor = EFalse;
+ break;
+ }
+ default: break;
+ }
+ }
+ if(cancelSendRequestor)
+ {
+ CancelAllOperations();
+ CleanUp();
+ CompleteSession(aErr);
+ }
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// COMASuplSession::CancelRunSession
+// Cancels an in-progress RunSession on the Session
+// What action to be taken for cancelRunSession will be depend on State of session.
+// (other items were commented in a header).
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void COMASuplSession::HandleInitilizationErrorL(TInt aErr)
+ {
+ CancelAllOperations();
+ CleanUp();
+ CompleteSession(aErr);
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// COMASuplSession::CancelRunSession
+// Cancels an in-progress RunSession on the Session
+// What action to be taken for cancelRunSession will be depend on State of session.
+// (other items were commented in a header).
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void COMASuplSession::HandleConnectionErrorL(TInt aErr)
+ {
+ CancelAllOperations();
+ //Close Connection
+ iConnRequestor->CloseConnection();
+ iPortNum = 0;
+ iSessionObserver.TerminateSession(this, aErr);
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// COMASuplSession::CancelRunSession
+// Cancels an in-progress RunSession on the Session
+// What action to be taken for cancelRunSession will be depend on State of session.
+// (other items were commented in a header).
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void COMASuplSession::HandleEncodingErrorL(TInt aErr)
+ TBool cancelSendRequestor = ETrue;
+ if(iSuplState)
+ {
+ iErrorStatusCode = COMASuplEnd::EUnspecified;
+ if(aErr == KErrOMASETCapMisMatch )
+ {
+ iErrorStatusCode = COMASuplEnd::EPosMethodMismatch;
+ iFailedCaps = iAllowedCapabilities;
+ iCapsFail = ETrue;
+ }
+ if(aErr == KErrSuplposMethodMismatch)
+ {
+ iErrorStatusCode = COMASuplEnd::EPosProtocolMismatch;
+ }
+ if(aErr == KErrOMAManParamMissing)
+ {
+ iErrorStatusCode = COMASuplEnd::EDataMissing;
+ }
+ if(aErr == KErrArgument)
+ {
+ iErrorStatusCode = COMASuplEnd::EUnexpectedDataValue;
+ }
+ if(aErr == KErrOMASuplPosInfo || aErr == KErrOMASuplPosInActive || aErr == KErrOMASuplDataMissing)
+ {
+ iErrorStatusCode = COMASuplEnd::EDataMissing;
+ }
+ switch(iSuplState->GetSuplState())
+ {
+ case COMASuplState::ESUPL_START:break;
+ case COMASuplState::ESUPL_POS:
+ {
+ //This is for,even though we gets error(no pos payload data) for first POS message from plugin
+ // Just ignore it ... Don't put new pending request for POS message plugin.
+ if(iIsFirstPOSMessage && ( aErr == KErrOMAManParamMissing || aErr == KErrOMASuplParamNotSet || aErr == KErrOMASuplPosInfo))
+ {
+ iTrace->Trace(_L("Failed to Generate First messsage from POS...still continueing.."), KTraceFileName, __LINE__);
+ iIsFirstPOSMessage = EFalse;
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ case COMASuplState::ESUPL_POS_INIT:
+ {
+ cancelSendRequestor = EFalse;
+ iSuplSessionState = ESUPL_GENERATE;
+ iSuplMsgType = ESUPL_END;
+ GenerateSuplMessageL();
+ break;
+ }
+ case COMASuplState::ESUPL_END:
+ {
+ iConnRequestor->CloseConnection();
+ iPortNum = 0;
+ iSessionObserver.TerminateSession(this, KErrGeneral);
+ return;
+ }
+ default: break;
+ }
+ }
+ if(cancelSendRequestor)
+ {
+ CancelAllOperations();
+ CleanUp();
+ CompleteSession(KErrGeneral);
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// COMASuplSession::CancelRunSession
+// Cancels an in-progress RunSession on the Session
+// What action to be taken for cancelRunSession will be depend on State of session.
+// (other items were commented in a header).
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void COMASuplSession::HandleSendErrorL(TInt aErr)
+ {
+ // if error code is KErrDisconnected, then close connection
+ // and set the state accordingly
+ if (aErr == KErrDisconnected)
+ {
+ //Close Connection
+ iConnRequestor->CloseConnection();
+ iSessionObserver.TerminateSession(this, aErr);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ TBool cancelSendRequestor = ETrue;
+ if(aErr == KErrTimedOut)
+ {
+ iErrorStatusCode = COMASuplEnd::EUnspecified;
+ cancelSendRequestor = EFalse;
+ iSuplSessionState = ESUPL_GENERATE;
+ iSuplMsgType = ESUPL_END;
+ GenerateSuplMessageL();
+ }
+ if(aErr == KErrSuplposMethodMismatch)
+ {
+ iErrorStatusCode = COMASuplEnd::EPosProtocolMismatch;
+ cancelSendRequestor = EFalse;
+ iSuplSessionState = ESUPL_GENERATE;
+ iSuplMsgType = ESUPL_END;
+ GenerateSuplMessageL();
+ }
+ aErr = KErrCompletion;
+ if(cancelSendRequestor)
+ {
+ CancelAllOperations();
+ CleanUp();
+ CompleteSession(aErr);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// COMASuplSession::HandlePacketsErrorL
+// HandlePacketsErrorL
+// (other items were commented in a header).
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void COMASuplSession::HandlePacketsErrorL(TInt aErr)
+ TBool cancelSendRequestor = ETrue;
+ if(iSuplMsgType == ESUPL_INIT)
+ {
+ HandleSuplInitErrorL(aErr);
+ return;
+ }
+ if(aErr == KErrSuplEndProtocolError )
+ {
+ aErr = KErrCompletion;
+ switch(iSuplMsgType)
+ {
+ case ESUPL_END:
+ {
+ //Close Connection
+ iConnRequestor->CloseConnection();
+ iPortNum = 0;
+ iSessionObserver.TerminateSession(this, aErr);
+ break;
+ }
+ default: break;
+ }
+ }
+ if(aErr == KErrOMASuplProtocolError )
+ {
+ aErr = KErrCompletion;
+ switch(iSuplMsgType)
+ {
+ case ESUPL_INIT:
+ case ESUPL_POS:
+ {
+ iErrorStatusCode = COMASuplEnd::EUnexpectedMessage;
+ cancelSendRequestor = EFalse;
+ iSuplSessionState = ESUPL_GENERATE;
+ iSuplMsgType = ESUPL_END;
+ GenerateSuplMessageL();
+ break;
+ }
+ case ESUPL_END:
+ {
+ //Close Connection
+ iConnRequestor->CloseConnection();
+ iPortNum = 0;
+ iSessionObserver.TerminateSession(this, aErr);
+ break;
+ }
+ default: break;
+ }
+ }
+ if( aErr == KErrOMANonProxyModeNotSupported) //aErr == KErrOMASuplVersionNotMatching ||
+ {
+ iErrorStatusCode = COMASuplEnd::ENonProxyModeNotSupported;
+ aErr = KErrCompletion;
+ if(iSuplState)
+ {
+ switch(iSuplState->GetSuplState())
+ {
+ {
+ cancelSendRequestor = EFalse;
+ iSuplSessionState = ESUPL_GENERATE;
+ iSuplMsgType = ESUPL_END;
+ GenerateSuplMessageL();
+ break;
+ }
+ default: break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if(cancelSendRequestor)
+ {
+ CancelAllOperations();
+ CleanUp();
+ CompleteSession(aErr);
+ }
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// COMASuplSession::HandleSuplInitErrorL
+// Handle Init related error
+// (other items were commented in a header).
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void COMASuplSession::HandleSuplInitErrorL(TInt aErr)
+ {
+ iTrace->Trace(_L("Start COMASuplSession::HandleSuplInitError"), KTraceFileName, __LINE__);
+ if(aErr == KErrOMAInvalidHSLPAddress)
+ {
+ iTrace->Trace(_L("COMASuplSession::HandleSuplInitError HSLP Address is not matching..."), KTraceFileName, __LINE__);
+ //Close Connection : bug Fix.
+ iConnRequestor->CloseConnection();
+ iPortNum = 0;
+ iSessionObserver.TerminateSession(this, KErrCompletion);
+ return;
+ }
+ TBool setStatusCode = ETrue;
+ if(aErr == KErrSuplInvalidSessionID)
+ {
+ iTrace->Trace(_L("COMASuplSession::HandleSuplInitError Received SET Session ID"), KTraceFileName, __LINE__);
+ iErrorStatusCode = COMASuplEnd::EInvalidSessionId;
+ COMASuplSessionID* retrivedSessionID = NULL;
+ iDecodedAsnMessage->SessionId(retrivedSessionID);
+ // Set the SessionId.
+ iTrace->Trace(_L("COMASuplSession::HandleSuplInitError Update SET Session ID"), KTraceFileName, __LINE__);
+ UpdateSETSessionIDL(retrivedSessionID);
+ }
+ if(aErr == KErrOMANonProxyModeNotSupported)
+ {
+ iTrace->Trace(_L("COMASuplSession::HandleSuplInitError Received Nonproxymode data"), KTraceFileName, __LINE__);
+ iErrorStatusCode = COMASuplEnd::ENonProxyModeNotSupported;
+ }
+ if(KErrAccessDenied == aErr || KErrOMASuplDenied == aErr)
+ {
+ iTrace->Trace(_L("COMASuplSession::HandleSuplInitError KErrAccessDenied|| KErrOMASuplDenied"), KTraceFileName, __LINE__);
+ iErrorStatusCode = COMASuplEnd::EConsentDeniedByUser;
+ }
+ if(aErr == KErrOMASuplNoPosition || KErrOMASuplInformationOnly == aErr)
+ {
+ //Supl End with No Position
+ iTrace->Trace(_L("COMASuplSession::HandleSuplInitError KErrOMASuplNoPosition || KErrOMASuplInformationOnly"), KTraceFileName, __LINE__);
+ setStatusCode = EFalse;
+ }
+ if(KErrOMASuplAccepted == aErr)
+ {
+ iTrace->Trace(_L("COMASuplSession::HandleSuplInitError EConsentGrantedByUser"), KTraceFileName, __LINE__);
+ iErrorStatusCode = COMASuplEnd::EConsentGrantedByUser;
+ }
+ TInt len = iHSLPAddress.Length();
+ HBufC8 *hslpAdress = NULL;
+ if(len > 0)
+ {
+ hslpAdress = HBufC8::NewL(iHSLPAddress.Length());
+ hslpAdress->Des().Copy(iHSLPAddress);
+ }
+ else if(len ==0)
+ {
+ iTrace->Trace(_L("HSLP generated frm IMSI"), KTraceFileName, __LINE__);
+ hslpAdress = HBufC8::NewL(iSuplSettings->SLPAddressfromImsi().Length());
+ CleanupStack::PushL(hslpAdress);
+ hslpAdress->Des().Copy(iSuplSettings->SLPAddressfromImsi());
+ CleanupStack::Pop(hslpAdress);
+ }
+ CleanupStack::PushL(hslpAdress);
+ delete iSuplState;
+ iSuplState = NULL;
+ if(setStatusCode)
+ {
+ iSuplState = COMASuplEndState::NewL(iErrorStatusCode,iOMASuplAsnHandlerBaseImpl,iEncodedSuplInit,hslpAdress);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ iSuplState = COMASuplEndState::NewL(iOMASuplAsnHandlerBaseImpl,iEncodedSuplInit,hslpAdress );
+ }
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(hslpAdress);
+ iTrace->Trace(_L("COMASuplSession::HandleSuplInitError Send SUPL_END for SUPL_INIT"), KTraceFileName, __LINE__);
+ //iSuplSessionState = ESUPL_GENERATE;
+ iSuplSessionState = ESUPL_INITIALIZED;
+ iSuplState->SetMsgStateObserver(this);
+ iSuplMsgType = ESUPL_END;
+ SetPOSMsgPluginState(COMASuplPosSessionBase::EOMASuplCreating);
+ //SMP Changes
+ iSuplSessionState = ESUPL_GENERATE;
+ iSuplState->GenerateMessageL();
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// COMASuplSession::HandleInvalidParameterErrorL
+// Handles error occured related invalid parameter.
+// (other items were commented in a header).
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void COMASuplSession::HandleInvalidParameterErrorL(COMASuplAsnMessageBase* aDecodedAsnMessage)
+ if(CheckProtocolVersionL(aDecodedAsnMessage)) //Checks version with supported version
+ {
+ COMASuplAsnMessageBase::TSuplMessageType messageType = aDecodedAsnMessage->MessageType();
+ CancelAllOperations();
+ if(messageType == COMASuplAsnMessageBase::ESUPL_END)
+ {
+ //Close Connection : bug Fix.
+ iConnRequestor->CloseConnection();
+ iPortNum = 0;
+ iSessionObserver.TerminateSession(this, KErrCompletion);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ iErrorStatusCode = COMASuplEnd::EUnexpectedDataValue;
+ if((messageType == COMASuplAsnMessageBase::ESUPL_POSINIT ||
+ messageType == COMASuplAsnMessageBase::ESUPL_START ||
+ messageType == COMASuplAsnMessageBase::ESUPL_RESPONSE)
+ && (iRequestType == ESUPL_NETWORK))
+ {
+ iErrorStatusCode = COMASuplEnd::EUnexpectedMessage;
+ }
+ if(iRequestType == ESUPL_TERMINAL ) //Protocol errors
+ {
+ if( ! (iSuplMsgType == ESUPL_START && messageType == COMASuplAsnMessageBase::ESUPL_RESPONSE)
+ ||
+ (iSuplMsgType == ESUPL_POSINIT && messageType == COMASuplAsnMessageBase::ESUPL_POS)
+ )
+ {
+ iErrorStatusCode = COMASuplEnd::EUnexpectedMessage;
+ }
+ }
+ iSuplSessionState = ESUPL_GENERATE;
+ iSuplMsgType = ESUPL_END;
+ GenerateSuplMessageL();
+ }
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// COMASuplSession::TerminateSession
+// Terminates session
+// (other items were commented in a header).
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void COMASuplSession::TerminateSession()
+ iTrace->Trace(_L("COMASuplSession::TerminateSession"), KTraceFileName, __LINE__);
+ if(iSuplSessionState != ESUPL_SESSION_ERROR)
+ {
+ CancelRunSession();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ SessionEnd();
+ CompleteSession(KErrCancel);
+ }
+ return;
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// COMASuplSession::SuplVersion
+// returns SUPL Version
+// (other items were commented in a header).
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TReal COMASuplSession::SuplVersion()
+ return KSuplPOSPluginVersion;
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// COMASuplSession::SetPOSMsgPluginState
+// Informs Protocol state to POS if present
+// (other items were commented in a header).
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void COMASuplSession::SetPOSMsgPluginState(COMASuplPosSessionBase::TOMASuplMsgState aSuplMsgState)
+ if(iPOSSession != NULL)
+ {
+ iTrace->Trace(_L("Setting State of POS Msg Plugin"), KTraceFileName, __LINE__);
+ COMASuplPosSessionBase::TOMASuplMsg SuplMsg = COMASuplPosSessionBase::EOMASuplStart;
+ switch(iSuplMsgType)
+ {
+ SuplMsg = COMASuplPosSessionBase::EOMASuplStart;
+ break;
+ SuplMsg = COMASuplPosSessionBase::EOMASuplResponse;
+ break;
+ case ESUPL_INIT:
+ SuplMsg = COMASuplPosSessionBase::EOMASuplInit;
+ break;
+ SuplMsg = COMASuplPosSessionBase::EOMASuplPosInit;
+ break;
+ case ESUPL_POS:
+ SuplMsg = COMASuplPosSessionBase::EOMASuplPos;
+ break;
+ case ESUPL_END:
+ SuplMsg = COMASuplPosSessionBase::EOMASuplEnd;
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ iPOSSession->SetSuplState(SuplMsg,aSuplMsgState);
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// COMASuplSession::IsLastPOSMessage
+// Checks about last POS message with POS handler
+// (other items were commented in a header).
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TBool COMASuplSession::IsLastPOSMessage()
+ if( iPOSSession && iSuplState)
+ {
+ COMASuplPosState* state = static_cast <COMASuplPosState *>(iSuplState);
+ TBool ret = state->IsLastMessage();
+ return ret;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return EFalse;
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// COMASuplSession::IsSegmentedDone()
+// Checks about segmentation of pospayload
+// (other items were commented in a header).
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TBool COMASuplSession::IsSegmentationDone()
+ if( iPOSSession && iSuplState)
+ {
+ COMASuplPosState* state = static_cast <COMASuplPosState *>(iSuplState);
+ TBool ret = state->IsSegmentationDone();
+ return ret;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return EFalse;
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// COMASuplSession::CopySETCapabilities
+// (other items were commented in a header).
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void COMASuplSession::CopySETCapabilities()
+ {
+ if(iSuplMsgType == ESUPL_START)
+ {
+ COMASuplStartState *startState = static_cast <COMASuplStartState *>(iSuplState);
+ COMASuplSETCapabilities *setCaps = startState->Capabilities();
+ TOMASuplPosTechnology posTech;
+ COMASuplSETCapabilities::TOMASuplPrefMethod prefMethod;
+ TOMASuplPosProtocol posProtocol;
+ setCaps->GetSETCapabilities(posTech,prefMethod,posProtocol);
+ iSETCapabilities->SetSETCapabilities(posTech,prefMethod, posProtocol);
+ }
+ if(iSuplMsgType == ESUPL_POSINIT && iRequestType == ESUPL_NETWORK)
+ {
+ TOMASuplPosTechnology posTechnology;
+ COMASuplSETCapabilities::TOMASuplPrefMethod prefMethod;
+ TOMASuplPosProtocol posProtocol;
+ TBool GpsSETAssisted = EFalse;
+ TBool GpsSETBased = EFalse;
+ TBool AutonomousGps = EFalse;
+ TBool FLT = EFalse;
+ TBool eOTD = EFalse;
+ TBool oTDOA = EFalse;
+ TBool TIA801 = EFalse;
+ TBool RRLP = EFalse;
+ TBool RRC = EFalse;
+ posTechnology.SetPosTechnology(GpsSETAssisted,GpsSETBased,AutonomousGps,FLT,
+ eOTD,oTDOA);
+ posProtocol.SetPosProtocol(TIA801,RRLP,RRC);
+ prefMethod = COMASuplSETCapabilities::EOMANoPreferred;
+ iSETCapabilities->SetSETCapabilities(posTechnology,prefMethod,posProtocol);
+ }
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// COMASuplSession::PrivacyCheckCompleteL
+// (other items were commented in a header).
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void COMASuplSession::PrivacyCheckCompleteL(TInt aCompletionCode)
+ {
+ if(aCompletionCode == KErrNone)
+ {
+ iTrace->Trace(_L("COMASuplSession::PrivacyCheckCompleteL No Error"), KTraceFileName, __LINE__);
+ static_cast<COMASuplInitState*>(iSuplState)->GetRequestorID(iRequestID); //APE Centric
+ iSuplSessionState = ESUPL_INITIALIZED;
+ iSuplMsgType = ESUPL_POSINIT;
+ if (iSuplUsage >= 2)
+ {
+ COMASuplInit* suplInit = static_cast <COMASuplInit *>(iDecodedAsnMessage);
+ COMASuplNotification* notif;
+ TInt error = suplInit->Notification(notif);
+ COMASuplNotification::TOMASuplNotificationType notifType = notif->SuplNotification();
+ if (notifType == COMASuplNotification::ENotificationOnly)
+ {
+ InitializeL(iRequestID);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // iRequestID = 0; //APE Centric
+ CheckForSuplUsageL();
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ InitializeL(iRequestID); //APE Centric
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ iTrace->Trace(_L("COMASuplSession::PrivacyCheckCompleteL with Error "), KTraceFileName, __LINE__);
+ if (iSuplUsage >= 2)
+ {
+ iNwInitError = ETrue;
+ iNwInitCompletionCode = aCompletionCode;
+ CheckForSuplUsageL();
+ }
+ else
+ HandleSuplInitErrorL(aCompletionCode);
+ }
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// COMASuplSession::SetConfigurationParameters...sets configuration parameters
+// (other items were commented in a header).
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void COMASuplSession::SetConfigurationParameters(TInt& aUT1_StartTimer,TInt& aUT2_PosInitTimer,
+ TInt& aUT3_PosTimer,TInt& aPrivacyTimer,
+ TInt& aSETMode,
+ TInt& aSuplUsage,
+ TInt& aPersistFailTimer,
+ TInt& aSuplInitTimeOut)
+ {
+ iUT1_StartTimer = aUT1_StartTimer;
+ iUT2_PosInitTimer = aUT2_PosInitTimer;
+ iUT3_PosTimer = aUT3_PosTimer;
+ iPrivacyTimer = aPrivacyTimer;
+ iSETMode = aSETMode;
+ iSuplUsage = aSuplUsage;
+ iPersistFailTimer = aPersistFailTimer;
+ iSuplInitTimeOut = aSuplInitTimeOut;
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// COMASuplSession::IsGenerationInProgress...check about status of generation of message
+// (other items were commented in a header).
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TBool COMASuplSession::IsGenerationInProgress()
+ {
+ if( iSuplMsgType == ESUPL_POSINIT && iSuplState)
+ {
+ COMASuplPosInitState* state = static_cast <COMASuplPosInitState *>(iSuplState);
+ TBool ret = state->IsGenerationInProgress();
+ return ret;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return EFalse;
+ }
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// COMASuplSession::LogEndTime...log the end time if delay is present in QoP
+// (other items were commented in a header).
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void COMASuplSession::LogEndTime()
+ {
+ if(!iIsQoPPresent)
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ TInt delay;
+ if(iClientQop.GetDelay(delay) != KErrNotFound)
+ {
+ iSessionEndTime.HomeTime();
+ }
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// COMASuplSession::SetIMSIL
+// Updates IMSI value in SET Session ID
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void COMASuplSession::SetIMSI()
+ {
+ //if( IsIMSIVariant() )
+ {
+ iTrace->Trace(_L("COMASuplSession::SetIMSIL Start"), KTraceFileName, __LINE__);
+ TInt length = iIMSI.Length();
+ TBuf8<KIMSILength> imsi;
+ TUint8 val;
+ TInt index = 0;
+ while ( index <= length )
+ {
+ val = 0;
+ if (index == length)
+ {
+ val = 15 << 4;
+ val |= 15;
+ imsi.Append(val);
+ break;
+ }
+ const TUint16& t = iIMSI[index];
+ TInt8 i = t - 48;
+ if ( ++index != length )
+ {
+ const TUint16& h = iIMSI[index];
+ TInt8 j = h - 48;
+ val = j << 4;
+ val |= i;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ val = 15 << 4;
+ val |= i;
+ }
+ imsi.Append(val);
+ index++;
+ }
+ if (!iSessionIDFlag)
+ {
+ COMASuplSETSessionID* suplSETSessionId = NULL;
+ iSuplSessionId->SETSessionID( suplSETSessionId );
+ suplSETSessionId->SetSuplSETSessionIDIMSI( iSETSessionUniqueId, imsi );
+ }
+ iTrace->Trace(_L("COMASuplSession::SetIMSI End"), KTraceFileName, __LINE__);
+ }
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// COMASuplSession::IsIMSIVariant
+// Checks to determine if IMSI needs to be included in the SUPL message
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TBool COMASuplSession::IsIMSIVariant()
+ {
+ if(iIMSI.Length() &&
+ (
+ (iRequestType == ESUPL_TERMINAL && iSuplMsgType == ESUPL_START) ||
+ (iRequestType == ESUPL_NETWORK && iSuplMsgType == ESUPL_POSINIT) ||
+ (iRequestType == ESUPL_NETWORK && iSuplMsgType == ESUPL_END)
+ ))
+ {
+ return ETrue;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return EFalse;
+ }
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// COMASuplSession::SettingsUICompleted
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void COMASuplSession::SettingsUICompletedL(TInt /*aError*/)
+ {
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// COMASuplSession::HandleInvalidMessageL
+// Sends SUPL_END with status code with wrong message
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void COMASuplSession::HandleInvalidMessageL(COMASuplAsnMessageBase* aDecodedAsnMessage)
+ {
+ if(CheckProtocolVersionL(aDecodedAsnMessage)) //Checks version with supported version
+ {
+ iTrace->Trace(_L("COMASuplSession::HandleInvalidMessageL...Sending SUPL_END for invalid message"), KTraceFileName, __LINE__);
+ iErrorStatusCode = COMASuplEnd::EUnexpectedMessage;
+ iSuplSessionState = ESUPL_GENERATE;
+ iSuplMsgType = ESUPL_END;
+ GenerateSuplMessageL();
+ }
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// COMASuplSession::HandleInvalidMessageLengthL
+// Sends SUPL_END with status code with protocol error
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void COMASuplSession::HandleInvalidMessageLengthL()
+ {
+ iTrace->Trace(_L("COMASuplSession::HandleInvalidMessageLengthL...Sending SUPL_END for invalid message length"), KTraceFileName, __LINE__);
+ iErrorStatusCode = COMASuplEnd::EProtocolError;
+ iSuplSessionState = ESUPL_GENERATE;
+ iSuplMsgType = ESUPL_END;
+ GenerateSuplMessageL();
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// COMASuplSession::CheckProtocolVersion
+// Returns true if its matching else false
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TBool COMASuplSession::CheckProtocolVersionL(COMASuplAsnMessageBase* aDecodedAsn)
+ {
+ TOMASuplVersion version;
+ COMASuplSessionID* SessionID = NULL;
+ aDecodedAsn->MessageBase(version,SessionID);
+ TInt recMajor,recMinor,recServInd;
+ version.SuplVersion(recMajor,recMinor,recServInd);
+ if(recMajor == KSuplMajorVersion )
+ {
+ return ETrue;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ COMASuplAsnMessageBase::TSuplMessageType messageType = aDecodedAsn->MessageType();
+ if(messageType == COMASuplAsnMessageBase::ESUPL_END)
+ {
+ iTrace->Trace(_L("Received message is SUPL_END...with wrong Version.Terminating session"), KTraceFileName, __LINE__);
+ iSessionObserver.TerminateSession(this, KErrCompletion);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ iTrace->Trace(_L("Received message with wrong version."), KTraceFileName, __LINE__);
+ delete iSuplState;
+ iSuplMsgType = ESUPL_END;
+ iErrorStatusCode = COMASuplEnd::EVersionNotSupported;
+ SetPOSMsgPluginState(COMASuplPosSessionBase::EOMASuplCreating);
+ if(iRequestType == ESUPL_NETWORK )
+ {
+ iSuplSessionState = ESUPL_INITIALIZED;
+ TInt len = iHSLPAddress.Length();
+ HBufC8 *hslpAdress = NULL;
+ if(len > 0)
+ {
+ hslpAdress = HBufC8::NewL(iHSLPAddress.Length());
+ hslpAdress->Des().Copy(iHSLPAddress);
+ }
+ else if(len ==0)
+ {
+ iTrace->Trace(_L("Length of HSLP Address is = 0, passing the HSLP generated frm IMSI"), KTraceFileName, __LINE__);
+ hslpAdress = HBufC8::NewL(iSuplSettings->SLPAddressfromImsi().Length());
+ CleanupStack::PushL(hslpAdress);
+ hslpAdress->Des().Copy(iSuplSettings->SLPAddressfromImsi());
+ CleanupStack::Pop(hslpAdress);
+ }
+ CleanupStack::PushL(hslpAdress);
+ iSuplState = COMASuplEndState::NewL(iErrorStatusCode,iOMASuplAsnHandlerBaseImpl,iEncodedSuplInit,hslpAdress);
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(hslpAdress);
+ // Set the SessionId.
+ iTrace->Trace(_L("COMASuplSession::CheckProtocolVersionL Update SLP Session ID"), KTraceFileName, __LINE__);
+ UpdateSLPSessionIDL(SessionID);
+ iTrace->Trace(_L("COMASuplSession::CheckProtocolVersionL Update SET Session ID"), KTraceFileName, __LINE__);
+ UpdateSETSessionIDL(SessionID);
+ iSuplState->SetMsgStateObserver(this);
+ iSuplState->GenerateMessageL();
+ iSuplSessionState = ESUPL_GENERATE;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ iSuplState = COMASuplEndState::NewL(iErrorStatusCode,iOMASuplAsnHandlerBaseImpl);
+ iSuplSessionState = ESUPL_ENCODE;
+ iSuplState->SetMsgStateObserver(this);
+ iSuplState->GenerateMessageL();
+ }
+ }
+ return EFalse;
+ }
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// COMASuplSession::GetRemainingPosPayloadL
+// Returns remaining pos payload
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+COMASuplPosPayload* COMASuplSession::GetRemainingPosPayloadL()
+ {
+ if( iSuplState && COMASuplState::ESUPL_POS_INIT == iSuplState->GetSuplState())
+ {
+ COMASuplPosInitState* state = static_cast <COMASuplPosInitState *>(iSuplState);
+ return state->GetRemainingPospayLoadL();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// COMASuplSession::IsWholeMessageSent
+// Is whole message get sent
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TBool COMASuplSession::IsWholeMessageSentL()
+ {
+ COMASuplState::TSuplMessageType msgType = iSuplState->GetSuplState();
+ switch(msgType)
+ {
+ case COMASuplState::ESUPL_POS_INIT:
+ {
+ COMASuplPosPayload* remainingPosPayload = GetRemainingPosPayloadL();
+ if(remainingPosPayload )
+ return EFalse;
+ else
+ return ETrue;
+ }
+ case COMASuplState::ESUPL_POS:
+ {
+ return !IsSegmentationDone();
+ }
+ default : //For Start , End
+ {
+ return ETrue;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// COMASuplSession::GetNetworkModeL()
+// Checks wheather phone is online or Offline mode...
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TInt COMASuplSession::GetNetworkModeL()
+ {
+ TInt networkMode;
+ // get network mode
+ CRepository* centralRepository = CRepository::NewLC(KCRUidCoreApplicationUIs);
+ User::LeaveIfError(centralRepository->Get(KCoreAppUIsNetworkConnectionAllowed, networkMode));
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(centralRepository);
+ return networkMode;
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// COMASuplSession::SetSessionUIFlag
+// Sets/Resets the Session UI flag
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void COMASuplSession::SetSessionUIFlag(TBool aValue)
+ {
+ iUIFlag = aValue;
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// COMASuplSession::GetSessionUIFlag
+// Returns Session UI flag
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TBool COMASuplSession::GetSessionUIFlag()
+ {
+ return iUIFlag;
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// COMASuplSession::CloseAllOperations
+// Close all operations...from here we will stop all processing releated with session and will
+// not send SUPL_END
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void COMASuplSession::CloseAllOperations()
+ {
+ iCompleteSelfRequestor->CompleteInvalidSLPSession();
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// COMASuplSession::HandleInvalidSLPSessionL
+// Relinquish control to Communication manager....
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void COMASuplSession::HandleInvalidSLPSession()
+ {
+ iTrace->Trace(_L("Cancelling All operations..since received invalid SLP session..."), KTraceFileName, __LINE__);
+ iConnRequestor->CancelReadOperation();
+ CancelAllOperations();
+ iConnRequestor->CloseConnection();
+ iPortNum = 0;
+ iSessionObserver.TerminateSession(this, KErrCompletion);//// Invoke Terminate Session
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// COMASuplSession::IsUIDisplayedL
+// Checks whether UI is displayed or not previously
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TBool COMASuplSession::IsUIDisplayedL()
+ {
+ return EFalse;
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// COMASuplSession::SetSETSessionIdL
+// Sets the proper SET Session id depending on the type of Varient.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TInt COMASuplSession::SetApproriateSETSessionId()
+ {
+ TInt err = KErrNone;
+ if( IsIMSIVariant() )
+ {
+ SetIMSI();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ err = GetLocalIPAddress();
+ }
+ return err;
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// COMASuplSession::TimerExpiredL
+// Checks whether UI is displayed or not previously
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void COMASuplSession::TimerExpiredL()
+ iTrace->Trace(_L("Timer Expired for SUPL_POSINIT"), KTraceFileName, __LINE__);
+ OperationCompleteL(KErrTimedOut);
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// COMASuplSession::SettingsUsageUICompletedL
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void COMASuplSession::SettingsUsageUICompletedL(TInt aError)
+ {
+ iUIFlag = EFalse;
+ TBuf<64> msg;
+ msg.Copy(_L("SUPL Usage UI completed with ... "));
+ msg.AppendNum(aError);
+ iTrace->Trace(msg,KTraceFileName, __LINE__);
+ iPrevUsageResult = aError;
+ if (aError == KErrNone)
+ {
+ iProtocolManager.UpdateAllSubSessnsInSameSession(iIpcSessionId);
+ if (isTimeoutDialogTimerStarted)
+ {
+ iTrace->Trace(_L("COMASuplSession::SettingsUsageUICompletedL, stopping timer "), KTraceFileName, __LINE__);
+ isTimeoutDialogTimerStarted = EFalse;
+ iDialogTimer->StopTimer();
+ //Compute how log the dialog was on
+ TTime nowTime;
+ nowTime.HomeTime();
+ nowTime.SecondsFrom(iDlgStartTime, iDiffTime);
+ }
+ if (iNwInitError)
+ {
+ iNwInitError = EFalse;
+ HandleSuplInitErrorL(iNwInitCompletionCode);
+ }
+ else
+ InitializeL(iRequestID);
+ }
+ else if (aError == KErrCompletion)
+ CheckForSuplUsageL();
+ else
+ {
+ TBuf<64> msg;
+ msg.Copy(_L("Error after SUPL Usage Popup... "));
+ msg.AppendNum(aError);
+ iTrace->Trace(msg,KTraceFileName, __LINE__);
+ iSessionObserver.TerminateSession(this, KErrGeneral);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// COMASuplSession::CheckForSuplUsageL
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void COMASuplSession::CheckForSuplUsageL()
+ {
+ if (iSuplUsage >= 1)
+ {
+ CSuplSettings::TSuplSettingsUsage usage = iSuplSettings->SUPLUsage();
+ if (usage == CSuplSettings::ESuplUsageDisabled)
+ {
+ iSessionObserver.TerminateSession(this, KErrGeneral);
+ }
+ else if (usage == CSuplSettings::ESuplUsageAutomatic)
+ {
+ if (iNwInitError)
+ {
+ iNwInitError = EFalse;
+ HandleSuplInitErrorL(iNwInitCompletionCode);
+ }
+ else
+ InitializeL(iRequestID);
+ }
+ else if (usage == CSuplSettings::ESuplUsageHomeAutomatic || usage == CSuplSettings::ESuplUsageAlwaysAsk)
+ {
+ if (iRoaming)
+ HandleRoamingCheckCompleteL(KErrNone, EFalse);
+ else
+ {
+ iEtelRoamingCheck = ETrue;
+ iProtocolManager.CheckForRoaming();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ InitializeL(iRequestID);
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// COMASuplSession::CheckForTimerExpiry
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void COMASuplSession::CheckForTimerExpiry()
+ {
+ if (iPersistFail)
+ {
+ TTime nowTime;
+ nowTime.HomeTime();
+ TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds diff = nowTime.MicroSecondsFrom(iFailTime);
+ if (diff > (iPersistFailTimer * KSecond) )
+ iChanged = ETrue;
+ }
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// COMASuplSession::CheckForPreviousResultL
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void COMASuplSession::CheckForPreviousResultL()
+ {
+ CheckForTimerExpiry();
+ if (iChanged)
+ {
+ iProtocolManager.CancelNotify();
+ iEtelNotify = EFalse;
+ iPersistFail = EFalse;
+ iCapsFail = EFalse;
+ iChanged = EFalse;
+ CheckForSuplUsageL();
+ return;
+ }
+ // Check for previous request result
+ if (iPrevUsageResult == KErrNone && !iPersistFail && !iCapsFail)
+ {
+ InitializeL(iRequestID);
+ }
+ else if (iCapsFail && iAllowedCapabilities != iFailedCaps)
+ {
+ InitializeL(iRequestID);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ //iSessionObserver.TerminateSession(this, iPrevUsageResult);
+ if (iPrevUsageResult != KErrNone)
+ iSessionObserver.TerminateSession(this, iPrevUsageResult);
+ else if (iPersistFail)
+ iSessionObserver.TerminateSession(this, iPrevReqResult);
+ else if (iCapsFail)
+ iSessionObserver.TerminateSession(this, KErrGeneral);
+ }
+ }
+void COMASuplSession::HandleCurrentNetworkChangeL(TInt aErrorCode, TBool aHomeNw)
+ {
+ iTrace->Trace(_L("COMASuplSession::HandleCurrentNetworkChangeL"), KTraceFileName, __LINE__);
+ iEtelNotify = EFalse;
+ if (aErrorCode == KErrNone)
+ {
+ iChanged = ETrue;
+ if (!aHomeNw)
+ {
+ iRoaming = ETrue;
+ }
+ else
+ iRoaming = EFalse;
+ }
+ }
+void COMASuplSession::HandleRoamingCheckCompleteL(TInt aErrorCode, TBool aHomeNw)
+ {
+ iTrace->Trace(_L("COMASuplSession::HandleRoamingCheckCompleteL"), KTraceFileName, __LINE__);
+ iEtelRoamingCheck = EFalse;
+ if (aErrorCode == KErrNone)
+ {
+ iUsageHomeNW = aHomeNw;
+ iConnRequestor->UpdateSLPListForHomeUsage(iUsageHomeNW);
+ CSuplSettings::TSuplSettingsUsage usage = iSuplSettings->SUPLUsage();
+ if (usage == CSuplSettings::ESuplUsageAlwaysAsk)
+ {
+ TInt err;
+ if (!aHomeNw)
+ {
+ iTrace->Trace(_L("Invoking LaunchSuplUsageSettingsUI, user is roaming"), KTraceFileName, __LINE__);
+ err = iProtocolManager.LaunchSuplUsageSettingsUI(this, ETrue);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ iTrace->Trace(_L("Invoking LaunchSuplUsageSettingsUI, user is not roaming"), KTraceFileName, __LINE__);
+ err = iProtocolManager.LaunchSuplUsageSettingsUI(this, EFalse);
+ }
+ if(KErrNone != err && KErrInUse == err)
+ {
+ iTrace->Trace(_L("Dialog in use, setting flag"), KTraceFileName, __LINE__);
+ SetSuplUsageFlag();
+ }
+ if( KErrNone == err && iRequestType == ESUPL_NETWORK )
+ {
+ iTrace->Trace(_L("Network Session , starting timer"), KTraceFileName, __LINE__);
+ COMASuplInit* suplInit = static_cast <COMASuplInit*> (iDecodedAsnMessage);
+ TOMASuplQop qop;
+ TInt retVal = suplInit->Qop(qop);
+ TInt delay;
+ qop.Delay(delay);
+ //if delay is > 7, it is not valid
+ if (delay > 7)
+ delay = 0;
+ if(retVal == KErrNone && delay > 0)
+ {
+ TReal delayReal;
+ Math::Pow(delayReal, 2, (TReal)delay);
+ delay = (TInt) delayReal;
+ TBuf<128> msg(_L("Delay present in message, value is = "));
+ msg.AppendNum(delay);
+ iTrace->Trace(msg, KTraceFileName, __LINE__);
+ isTimeoutDialogTimerStarted = ETrue;
+ iDialogTimer->StartTimer(delay);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (iSuplInitTimeOut > 0)
+ {
+ TBuf<256> msg(_L("Delay value in CR is"));
+ msg.AppendNum(iSuplInitTimeOut);
+ iTrace->Trace(msg, KTraceFileName, __LINE__);
+ iDialogTimer->StartTimer(iSuplInitTimeOut * KSecond);
+ isTimeoutDialogTimerStarted = ETrue;
+ }
+ else
+ iTrace->Trace(_L("Timeout is <= 0"), KTraceFileName, __LINE__);
+ }
+ iDlgStartTime.HomeTime();
+ }
+ else if (KErrNone != err)
+ {
+ iTrace->Trace(_L("Invoking HandleSuplErrorL"), KTraceFileName, __LINE__);
+ HandleSuplErrorL(err);
+ }
+ }
+ else if (usage == CSuplSettings::ESuplUsageHomeAutomatic)
+ {
+ if (!aHomeNw)
+ {
+ TInt err;
+ //if (!iSuplSettings->IsUIActive() )
+ {
+ iTrace->Trace(_L("Invoking LaunchSuplUsageSettingsUI, user is roaming"), KTraceFileName, __LINE__);
+ err = iProtocolManager.LaunchSuplUsageSettingsUI(this, ETrue);
+ if(iSuplMsgType == ESUPL_INIT)
+ {
+ iTrace->Trace(_L("Dialog timer started"), KTraceFileName, __LINE__);
+ COMASuplInit* suplInit = static_cast <COMASuplInit*> (iDecodedAsnMessage);
+ TOMASuplQop qop;
+ TInt retVal = suplInit->Qop(qop);
+ TInt delay;
+ qop.Delay(delay);
+ //if delay is > 7, it is not valid
+ if (delay > 7)
+ delay = 0;
+ if(retVal == KErrNone && delay > 0)
+ {
+ TReal delayReal;
+ Math::Pow(delayReal, 2, (TReal)delay);
+ delay = (TInt) delayReal;
+ TBuf<128> msg(_L("Delay present in message, value is = "));
+ msg.AppendNum(delay);
+ iTrace->Trace(msg, KTraceFileName, __LINE__);
+ isTimeoutDialogTimerStarted = ETrue;
+ iDialogTimer->StartTimer(delay);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (iSuplInitTimeOut > 0)
+ {
+ isTimeoutDialogTimerStarted = ETrue;
+ iDialogTimer->StartTimer(iSuplInitTimeOut * KSecond);
+ }
+ else
+ iTrace->Trace(_L("Timeout is <= 0"), KTraceFileName, __LINE__);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if(!iSuplSettings->IsUIActive() && KErrNone != err)
+ {
+ SetSuplUsageFlag();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ iTrace->Trace(_L("Invoking HandleSuplErrorL"), KTraceFileName, __LINE__);
+ HandleSuplErrorL(err);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (iNwInitError)
+ {
+ iNwInitError = EFalse;
+ HandleSuplInitErrorL(iNwInitCompletionCode);
+ }
+ else
+ InitializeL(iRequestID);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ iSessionObserver.TerminateSession(this, KErrGeneral);
+ }
+ }
+TInt COMASuplSession::SuplIpcSessionID()
+ {
+ return iIpcSessionId;
+ }
+void COMASuplSession::UpdateSuplUsage()
+ {
+ iPrevUsageResult = KErrNone;
+ }
+void COMASuplSession::SettingsChanged()
+ {
+ iChanged = ETrue;
+ }
+void COMASuplSession::HandleIapSettingsChangeL(TInt aErrorCode)
+ {
+ iTrace->Trace(_L("COMASuplSession::HandleIapSettingsChangeL"), KTraceFileName, __LINE__);
+ if (aErrorCode >= 0)
+ iChanged = ETrue;
+ }
+void COMASuplSession::CheckForPersistentFailure(TInt aErrorCode)
+ {
+ if (iRequestType == ESUPL_TERMINAL)
+ {
+ if (
+ (aErrorCode <= KErrDndNameNotFound && aErrorCode >= KErrDndServerUnusable) || // DNS errors
+ (aErrorCode <= KErrGprsAndNonGprsServicesNotAllowed && aErrorCode >= KErrGprsFeatureNotSupported) || // GPRS errors
+ (aErrorCode <= KErrSSLNoSharedCipher && aErrorCode >= KErrSSLDllLeave) || // TLS errors
+ (aErrorCode == KErrCouldNotConnect) // Server does not exist
+ )
+ {
+ iPersistFail = ETrue;
+ iPrevReqResult = KErrGeneral;
+ iFailTime.HomeTime();
+ iTrace->Trace(_L("COMASuplSession::CheckForPersistentFailure, listening to network change"), KTraceFileName, __LINE__);
+ iEtelNotify = ETrue;
+ iProtocolManager.NotifyCurrentNetworkChange();
+ iTrace->Trace(_L("COMASuplSession::CheckForPersistentFailure, listening to IAP change"), KTraceFileName, __LINE__);
+ if (!iIapNotifier->IsActive())
+ iIapNotifier->NotifyIapSettingsChange();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void COMASuplSession::SetSuplUsageFlag()
+ {
+ iUsageDialog = ETrue;
+ }
+void COMASuplSession::ReSetSuplUsageFlag()
+ {
+ iUsageDialog = EFalse;
+ }
+TBool COMASuplSession::GetSuplUsageFlag()
+ {
+ return iUsageDialog;
+ }
+void COMASuplSession::StartUsageDialogLaunchL()
+ {
+ iTrace->Trace(_L("COMASuplSession::StartUsageDialogLaunchL"), KTraceFileName, __LINE__);
+ ReSetSuplUsageFlag();
+ iTrace->Trace(_L("COMASuplSession::StartUsageDialogLaunchL, flag reset done"), KTraceFileName, __LINE__);
+ CSuplSettings::TSuplSettingsUsage usage = iSuplSettings->SUPLUsage();
+ if (usage == CSuplSettings::ESuplUsageAlwaysAsk)
+ {
+ TInt err;
+ if (!iUsageHomeNW)
+ {
+ iTrace->Trace(_L("Invoking LaunchSuplUsageSettingsUI, user is roaming"), KTraceFileName, __LINE__);
+ err = iProtocolManager.LaunchSuplUsageSettingsUI(this, ETrue);
+ if(iRequestType == ESUPL_NETWORK && err == KErrNone)
+ {
+ iTrace->Trace(_L("starting Dialog timer "), KTraceFileName, __LINE__);
+ COMASuplInit* suplInit = static_cast <COMASuplInit*> (iDecodedAsnMessage);
+ TOMASuplQop qop;
+ TInt retVal = suplInit->Qop(qop);
+ TInt delay;
+ qop.Delay(delay);
+ //if delay is > 7, it is not valid
+ if (delay > 7)
+ delay = 0;
+ if(retVal == KErrNone && delay > 0)
+ {
+ TReal delayReal;
+ Math::Pow(delayReal, 2, (TReal)delay);
+ delay = (TInt) delayReal;
+ TBuf<128> msg(_L("Delay present in message, value is = "));
+ msg.AppendNum(delay);
+ iTrace->Trace(msg, KTraceFileName, __LINE__);
+ isTimeoutDialogTimerStarted = ETrue;
+ iDialogTimer->StartTimer(delay);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (iSuplInitTimeOut > 0)
+ {
+ iTrace->Trace(_L("Delay not present in message"), KTraceFileName, __LINE__);
+ TBuf<256> msg(_L("Delay value in CR is "));
+ msg.AppendNum(iSuplInitTimeOut);
+ iDialogTimer->StartTimer(iSuplInitTimeOut * KSecond);
+ isTimeoutDialogTimerStarted = ETrue;
+ }
+ else
+ iTrace->Trace(_L("Timeout is <= 0"), KTraceFileName, __LINE__);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ iTrace->Trace(_L("Invoking LaunchSuplUsageSettingsUI, user is not roaming"), KTraceFileName, __LINE__);
+ err = iProtocolManager.LaunchSuplUsageSettingsUI(this, EFalse);
+ if( iRequestType == ESUPL_NETWORK && err == KErrNone)
+ {
+ iTrace->Trace(_L("starting Dialog timer "), KTraceFileName, __LINE__);
+ COMASuplInit* suplInit = static_cast <COMASuplInit*> (iDecodedAsnMessage);
+ TOMASuplQop qop;
+ TInt retVal = suplInit->Qop(qop);
+ TInt delay;
+ qop.Delay(delay);
+ //if delay is > 7, it is not valid
+ if (delay > 7)
+ delay = 0;
+ if(retVal == KErrNone && delay > 0)
+ {
+ TReal delayReal;
+ Math::Pow(delayReal, 2, (TReal)delay);
+ delay = (TInt) delayReal;
+ TBuf<128> msg(_L("Delay present in message, value is = "));
+ msg.AppendNum(delay);
+ iTrace->Trace(msg, KTraceFileName, __LINE__);
+ isTimeoutDialogTimerStarted = ETrue;
+ iDialogTimer->StartTimer(delay);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (iSuplInitTimeOut > 0)
+ {
+ iTrace->Trace(_L("Delay not present in message"), KTraceFileName, __LINE__);
+ TBuf<256> msg(_L("Delay value in CR is"));
+ msg.AppendNum(iSuplInitTimeOut);
+ iDialogTimer->StartTimer(iSuplInitTimeOut * KSecond);
+ isTimeoutDialogTimerStarted = ETrue;
+ }
+ else
+ iTrace->Trace(_L("Timeout is <= 0"), KTraceFileName, __LINE__);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if(KErrNone != err)
+ {
+ iTrace->Trace(_L("Invoking HandleSuplErrorL"), KTraceFileName, __LINE__);
+ HandleSuplErrorL(err);
+ }
+ }
+ else if (usage == CSuplSettings::ESuplUsageHomeAutomatic)
+ {
+ if (!iUsageHomeNW)
+ {
+ TInt err;
+ iTrace->Trace(_L("Invoking LaunchSuplUsageSettingsUI, user is roaming"), KTraceFileName, __LINE__);
+ err = iProtocolManager.LaunchSuplUsageSettingsUI(this, ETrue);
+ if(KErrNone != err)
+ {
+ iTrace->Trace(_L("Invoking HandleSuplErrorL"), KTraceFileName, __LINE__);
+ HandleSuplErrorL(err);
+ }
+ if(iRequestType == ESUPL_NETWORK && err == KErrNone)
+ {
+ iTrace->Trace(_L("starting Dialog timer "), KTraceFileName, __LINE__);
+ COMASuplInit* suplInit = static_cast <COMASuplInit*> (iDecodedAsnMessage);
+ TOMASuplQop qop;
+ TInt retVal = suplInit->Qop(qop);
+ TInt delay;
+ qop.Delay(delay);
+ //if delay is > 7, it is not valid
+ if (delay > 7)
+ delay = 0;
+ if(retVal == KErrNone && delay > 0)
+ {
+ TReal delayReal;
+ Math::Pow(delayReal, 2, (TReal)delay);
+ delay = (TInt) delayReal;
+ TBuf<128> msg(_L("Delay present in message, value is = "));
+ msg.AppendNum(delay);
+ iTrace->Trace(msg, KTraceFileName, __LINE__);
+ isTimeoutDialogTimerStarted = ETrue;
+ iDialogTimer->StartTimer(delay);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (iSuplInitTimeOut > 0)
+ {
+ iTrace->Trace(_L("Delay not present in message"), KTraceFileName, __LINE__);
+ TBuf<256> msg(_L("Delay value in CR is"));
+ msg.AppendNum(iSuplInitTimeOut);
+ iDialogTimer->StartTimer(iSuplInitTimeOut * KSecond);
+ isTimeoutDialogTimerStarted = ETrue;
+ }
+ else
+ iTrace->Trace(_L("Timeout is <= 0"), KTraceFileName, __LINE__);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (iNwInitError)
+ {
+ iNwInitError = EFalse;
+ HandleSuplInitErrorL(iNwInitCompletionCode);
+ }
+ else
+ InitializeL(iRequestID);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+TBool COMASuplSession::IsEtelNotifySet()
+ {
+ iTrace->Trace(_L("COMASuplSession::IsEtelNotifySet"), KTraceFileName, __LINE__);
+ return iEtelNotify;
+ }
+TBool COMASuplSession::IsEtelRoamingSet()
+ {
+ iTrace->Trace(_L("COMASuplSession::IsEtelRoamingSet"), KTraceFileName, __LINE__);
+ return iEtelRoamingCheck;
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// COMASuplSession::DialogTimerExpiredL
+// Checks whether UI is displayed or not previously
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void COMASuplSession::DialogTimerExpiredL()
+ iTrace->Trace(_L("Timer Expired for SUPL Dialog"), KTraceFileName, __LINE__);
+ if (!iIapDialogShown)
+ iProtocolManager.LaunchSuplDialogTimeoutUI(this);
+ else
+ iIapDlgTimerExpired = ETrue;
+ return;
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// COMASuplSession::SettingsTimeOutUICompletedL
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void COMASuplSession::SettingsTimeOutUICompletedL(TInt aError)
+ {
+ TBuf<64> msg;
+ msg.Copy(_L("SUPL Timeout UI completed with ... "));
+ msg.AppendNum(aError);
+ iTrace->Trace(msg,KTraceFileName, __LINE__);
+ iSessionObserver.TerminateSession(this, KErrGeneral);
+ return;
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// COMASuplSession::StoreCurrentCellIDL
+// Stores current cell id in CR
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void COMASuplSession::StoreCurrentCellIDL(HPositionGenericInfo& /*aSuplPosInfo*/)
+ {
+ iTrace->Trace(_L("Calling StoreCurrentCellIDL"),KTraceFileName, __LINE__);
+ TPckg<TCellIdInfo> cellPkg(iCurrentCellId);
+ TBuf<64> msg;
+ msg.Copy(_L("cid=:"));
+ msg.AppendNum(iCurrentCellId.iCid);
+ iTrace->Trace(msg,KTraceFileName, __LINE__);
+ msg.Copy(_L("Lac=:"));
+ msg.AppendNum(iCurrentCellId.iLac);
+ iTrace->Trace(msg,KTraceFileName, __LINE__);
+ msg.Copy(_L("MCC=:"));
+ msg.AppendNum(iCurrentCellId.iMCC);
+ iTrace->Trace(msg,KTraceFileName, __LINE__);
+ msg.Copy(_L("MNC=:"));
+ msg.AppendNum(iCurrentCellId.iMNC);
+ iTrace->Trace(msg,KTraceFileName, __LINE__);
+ #endif
+ CRepository* ConfigurationCenRepSession = CRepository::NewL(KCRUidOMASuplConfiguration);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(ConfigurationCenRepSession);
+ User::LeaveIfError(ConfigurationCenRepSession->Set(KOMASuplCurrentCellid, cellPkg));
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(ConfigurationCenRepSession);
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// COMASuplSession::ServerAddressCheckForSuplInitL()
+// Stores current cell id in CR
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TInt COMASuplSession::ServerAddressCheckForSuplInitL()
+ {
+ TBuf<256> serverName;
+ TBuf<64> msg;
+ COMASuplSLPAddress* slpAddress = NULL;
+ COMASuplInit* SuplInit = static_cast <COMASuplInit *>(iDecodedAsnMessage);
+ TInt err = SuplInit->SLPAddress(slpAddress);
+ if(err == KErrOMASuplParamNotSet)
+ {
+ msg.Copy(_L("SLP address is NOT PRESENT in SUPL_INIT."));
+ iTrace->Trace(msg,KTraceFileName, __LINE__);
+ //Set default slp to Conn Requestor...
+ iConnRequestor->UseDefaultServerL();
+ return KErrNone;
+ }
+ COMASuplSLPAddress::TSuplSLPAddressType addressType = slpAddress->SLPAddressType();
+ if(addressType == COMASuplSLPAddress::EFqdn)
+ {
+ HBufC8* fqdn;
+ TInt err = slpAddress->Fqdn(fqdn);
+ serverName.Copy(fqdn->Des());
+ msg.Copy(_L("SLP address as FQDN is PRESENT in SUPL_INIT:"));
+ msg.Append(serverName);
+ iTrace->Trace(msg,KTraceFileName, __LINE__);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ TBuf8<256> IPslpaddress;
+ slpAddress->IPvAddress(IPslpaddress);
+ serverName.Copy(IPslpaddress);
+ msg.Copy(_L("SLP address as IP is PRESENT in SUPL_INIT:"));
+ msg.Append(serverName);
+ iTrace->Trace(msg,KTraceFileName, __LINE__);
+ }
+ TBool isExist = iSuplStorageSettings->IsSlpExists(serverName);
+ if(isExist)
+ {
+ //Set to Conn Requestor...
+ iConnRequestor->UseServerL(serverName);
+ return KErrNone;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ msg.Copy(_L("Dropping Packet.SLP absent in server List:"));
+ msg.Append(serverName);
+ iTrace->Trace(msg,KTraceFileName, __LINE__);
+ return KErrNotFound;
+ }
+ }
+void COMASuplSession::CancelTriggerSession()
+ {
+ }
+TUint COMASuplSession::GetPortNumUsed()
+ return iPortNum;