changeset 33 834e27cad510
child 35 1a92308afc46
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/landmarks/locationlandmarks/tsrc/LandmarkTestModule/src/FT_CPosTp48.cpp	Tue Jul 06 14:44:11 2010 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,1442 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2005 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of the License "Symbian Foundation License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description: 
+*   ?description_line
+#include "FT_CPosTp48.h"
+#include <EPos_CPosLandmarkDatabase.h>
+#include <EPos_CPosLandmarkParser.h>
+#include <EPos_CPosLandmarkEncoder.h>
+#include <EPos_CPosLandmarkSearch.h>
+#include <EPos_CPosLmTextCriteria.h>
+#include <EPos_CPosLMItemIterator.h>
+#include <LbsPosition.h>
+#include <bautils.h>
+_LIT(KXMLFile, "c:\\documents\\Tp48.xml");
+// Filename with 260 characters
+_LIT(KLongFileName, "c:\\File123456File123456File123456File123456File123456File123456File123456File123456File123456File123456File123456File123456File123456File123456File123456File123456File123456File123456File123456File123456File123456File123456File123456File123456File123456File12");
+_LIT(KEmptyFileName1, "c:\\");
+_LIT(KEmptyFileName2, "");
+_LIT(KNonExistingFileName, "c:\\NonExistingFile.xml");
+_LIT(KNewGlobalCategory, "OutSight");
+const TInt KOrigGlobalCategoryId = 45000;// "Transport"
+//#define DEBUG EFalse
+#define DEBUG ETrue
+// ================= MEMBER FUNCTIONS =======================
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+// CPosTp48::CloseTest
+// (other items were commented in a header).
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+void CPosTp48::CloseTest()
+    {
+    iLog->Log(_L("CloseTest"));
+    delete iLandmarkSearch;
+    iLandmarkSearch = NULL;
+    iLandmarks.ResetAndDestroy();
+    iLandmarks.Close();
+    delete iLandmarkParser;
+    iLandmarkParser = NULL;
+    delete iLandmarkEncoder;
+    iLandmarkEncoder = NULL;
+    delete iOperation;
+    iOperation = NULL;
+    delete iDatabase;
+    iDatabase=NULL;
+    delete iEncoderBuffer;
+    iEncoderBuffer = NULL;
+    iLog->Log(_L("CloseTest Done"));
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+// CPosTp48::StartL
+// (other items were commented in a header).
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+void CPosTp48::StartL()
+    {
+    BaflUtils::EnsurePathExistsL( iFileSession, KXMLFile );
+    TInt lang = User::Language();
+    iLog->Log(_L("StartL"));
+    // Use file
+    DoTestL(ETrue, EFalse);
+    // Use buffer
+    DoTestL(EFalse, EFalse);
+    // Use file, parse XML content before import
+    DoTestL(ETrue, ETrue);
+    // Use buffer, parse XML content before import
+    DoTestL(EFalse, ETrue);
+    // Use file, cancel before complete
+    iLog->Log(_L("Use file, cancel before complete"));
+    DoTestL(ETrue, EFalse, EFalse, ETrue);
+    iLog->Log(_L("Use buffer, cancel before complete"));
+    // Use buffer, cancel before complete
+    DoTestL(EFalse, EFalse, EFalse, ETrue);
+    ResetLandmarksDbL();
+    DeleteFileL(KXMLFile);
+    iLandmarkEncoder = CPosLandmarkEncoder::NewL(KLmxMimeType);
+    // Use file for encoding, set output file
+    iLandmarkEncoder->SetOutputFileL(KXMLFile);
+    CreateXMLDataL();
+    delete iLandmarkEncoder;
+    iLandmarkEncoder = NULL;
+    // Remove one global category
+    iLog->Log(_L("TC_Step10 Delete one global category"));
+    CPosLmCategoryManager* categoryManager = CPosLmCategoryManager::NewL(*iDatabase);
+    CleanupStack::PushL(categoryManager);
+    // Remove global category "Hotel global id=4"
+    TPosLmItemId id = categoryManager->GetGlobalCategoryL(39000);
+    ExecuteAndDeleteLD(categoryManager->RemoveCategoryL(id));
+    //Verify removed
+    id = categoryManager->GetGlobalCategoryL(39000);
+    if (id != KPosLmNullItemId) 
+    {
+    	iLog->Log(_L("Global category has not been removed"));
+    	User::Leave(-1);
+    }
+    iLandmarkParser = CPosLandmarkParser::NewL(KLmxMimeType);
+    iLandmarkParser->SetInputFileL(KXMLFile);
+    iLog->Log(_L("TC_Step11 Import all landmarks"));    
+    ExecuteAndDeleteLD(iDatabase->ImportLandmarksL(*iLandmarkParser, CPosLandmarkDatabase::EIncludeCategories));
+    delete iLandmarkParser;
+    iLandmarkParser = NULL;
+    //Verify that global category has been added again, since it is predefined it should be 
+    // imported as a global category (otherwise it should be a local category)
+    id = categoryManager->GetGlobalCategoryL(39000);
+    if (id == KPosLmNullItemId) iLog->Log(_L("Global category has not been added"));
+	CPosLandmarkCategory* catte = categoryManager->ReadCategoryLC(id);
+    if (catte->GlobalCategory() == KPosLmNullGlobalCategory) iLog->Log(_L("  Not global category"));
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(catte);
+    ResetLandmarksDbL();
+    DeleteFileL(KXMLFile);
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(categoryManager);
+    categoryManager = CPosLmCategoryManager::NewL(*iDatabase);
+    CleanupStack::PushL(categoryManager);
+    iLandmarkEncoder = CPosLandmarkEncoder::NewL(KLmxMimeType);
+    // Use file for encoding, set output file
+    iLandmarkEncoder->SetOutputFileL(KXMLFile);
+    CreateXMLDataL();
+    delete iLandmarkEncoder;
+    iLandmarkEncoder = NULL;
+    // Rename one global category
+    // Rename global category "Shop global id=5" to Nisses BilAffär
+    iLog->Log(_L("TC_Step12 Rename one global category"));
+    id = categoryManager->GetGlobalCategoryL(15000);
+    catte = categoryManager->ReadCategoryLC(id);
+    catte->SetCategoryNameL(_L("Nisses BilAffär"));
+    categoryManager->UpdateCategoryL(*catte);
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(catte);
+    iLandmarkParser = CPosLandmarkParser::NewL(KLmxMimeType);
+    iLandmarkParser->SetInputFileL(KXMLFile);
+    iLog->Log(_L("TC_Step13 Import all landmarks"));
+    ExecuteAndDeleteLD(iDatabase->ImportLandmarksL(*iLandmarkParser, CPosLandmarkDatabase::EIncludeCategories));
+    delete iLandmarkParser;
+    iLandmarkParser = NULL;
+    //Verify that global category has been added again, since it is predefined it should be 
+    // imported as a global category (otherwise it should be a local category)
+    TPosLmItemId id1 = categoryManager->GetGlobalCategoryL(15000);
+    if (id1 == KPosLmNullItemId) iLog->Log(_L("Global category has not been added"));
+    TPosLmItemId id2 = categoryManager->GetCategoryL(_L("Nisses BilAffär"));
+    if (id2 == KPosLmNullItemId) iLog->Log(_L("Global category has not been added 2"));
+    if (id1 != id2) 
+    {
+    	iLog->Log(_L("Categories should have the same id"));
+    	User::Leave(-1);
+    }
+    catte = categoryManager->ReadCategoryLC(id1);
+    if (catte->GlobalCategory() == KPosLmNullGlobalCategory) iLog->Log(_L("Nisses Bilaffär is no global category"));
+    id = categoryManager->GetCategoryL(_L("Shop"));
+    if (id != KPosLmNullItemId) iLog->Log(_L("Shop should not exist"));
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(catte);
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(categoryManager);
+    iLog->Log(_L("TC_Step14 Test import with long file name"));
+    ImportFromFileWithLongFileNameL();
+    iLog->Log(_L("TC_Step15 Change "));
+    DoTestChangeInputMethodL();
+    if (iErrorsFound != KErrNone)
+        {
+       	iLog->Log(_L("Errors were found in TP48"));
+    	User::Leave(-1);
+        }
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+// CPosTp48::DoTestL
+// (other items were commented in a header).
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+void CPosTp48::DoTestL(TBool aFile, TBool aFullParse, TBool aDoParse, TBool aCancel)
+    {
+    iLog->Log(_L("DoTestL"));
+    // find localized name of needed category
+    HBufC* origGlobalCategory = GetGlobalCategoryFromResourceLC( KOrigGlobalCategoryId );
+    RArray<TUint> subset;
+    CleanupClosePushL(subset);
+    ResetLandmarksDbL();
+    DeleteFileL(KXMLFile);
+    HBufC8* bufferContent = NULL;
+    iLandmarkEncoder = CPosLandmarkEncoder::NewL(KLmxMimeType);
+    if (aFile)
+        {
+        // Use file for encoding, set output file
+        iLandmarkEncoder->SetOutputFileL(KXMLFile);
+        }
+    else 
+        {
+        // Use buffer for encoding
+        iEncoderBuffer = iLandmarkEncoder->SetUseOutputBufferL();
+        }
+    CreateXMLDataL();
+    delete iLandmarkEncoder;
+    iLandmarkEncoder = NULL;
+    iLandmarkParser = CPosLandmarkParser::NewL(KLmxMimeType);
+    if (aFile)
+        {
+        iLog->Log(_L("TC_Step2 Set input to be parsed from XML File"));
+        iLandmarkParser->SetInputFileL(KXMLFile);
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        iLog->Log(_L("TC_Step2 Set input to be parsed from buffer"));
+        bufferContent = HBufC8::NewLC(iEncoderBuffer->Size());
+        TPtr8 ptr = bufferContent->Des();
+        iEncoderBuffer->Read(0, ptr, iEncoderBuffer->Size());
+        iLandmarkParser->SetInputBuffer(*bufferContent);
+        }
+    iLog->Log(_L("TC_Step3 Import all landmarks Synchronously"));
+    ImportLandmarksL(ETrue, aFullParse, CPosLandmarkDatabase::EDefaultOptions, subset, aDoParse, aCancel);
+    delete iLandmarkParser;
+    iLandmarkParser = NULL;
+    if (!aFile) CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(bufferContent);
+    ResetLandmarksDbL();
+    DeleteFileL(KXMLFile);
+    iLandmarkEncoder = CPosLandmarkEncoder::NewL(KLmxMimeType);
+    // Use file for encoding, set output file
+    iLandmarkEncoder->SetOutputFileL(KXMLFile);
+    CreateXMLDataL();
+    delete iLandmarkEncoder;
+    iLandmarkEncoder = NULL;
+    iLandmarkParser = CPosLandmarkParser::NewL(KLmxMimeType);
+    if (aFile)
+        {
+        iLog->Log(_L("TC_Step3 Set input to be parsed from XML File"));
+        iLandmarkParser->SetInputFileL(KXMLFile);
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        iLog->Log(_L("TC_Step3 Set input to be parsed from buffer"));
+        bufferContent = HBufC8::NewLC(iEncoderBuffer->Size());
+        TPtr8 ptr = bufferContent->Des();
+        iEncoderBuffer->Read(0, ptr, iEncoderBuffer->Size());
+        iLandmarkParser->SetInputBuffer(*bufferContent);
+        }
+    iLog->Log(_L("TC_Step3 Import all landmarks Asynchronously"));
+    ImportLandmarksL(EFalse, aFullParse, CPosLandmarkDatabase::EDefaultOptions, subset, aDoParse, aCancel);
+    delete iLandmarkParser;
+    iLandmarkParser = NULL;
+    if (!aFile) CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(bufferContent);
+    ResetLandmarksDbL();
+    DeleteFileL(KXMLFile);
+    iLandmarkEncoder = CPosLandmarkEncoder::NewL(KLmxMimeType);
+    // Use file for encoding, set output file
+    iLandmarkEncoder->SetOutputFileL(KXMLFile);
+    CreateXMLDataL();
+    delete iLandmarkEncoder;
+    iLandmarkEncoder = NULL;
+    iLandmarkParser = CPosLandmarkParser::NewL(KLmxMimeType);
+    if (aFile)
+        {
+        iLog->Log(_L("TC_Step3 Set input to be parsed from XML File"));
+        iLandmarkParser->SetInputFileL(KXMLFile);
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        iLog->Log(_L("TC_Step3 Set input to be parsed from buffer"));
+        bufferContent = HBufC8::NewLC(iEncoderBuffer->Size());
+        TPtr8 ptr = bufferContent->Des();
+        iEncoderBuffer->Read(0, ptr, iEncoderBuffer->Size());
+        iLandmarkParser->SetInputBuffer(*bufferContent);
+        }
+    iLog->Log(_L("TC_Step3 Import all landmarks Synchronously"));
+    ImportLandmarksL(ETrue, aFullParse, CPosLandmarkDatabase::EDefaultOptions, subset, aDoParse, aCancel);
+    delete iLandmarkParser;
+    iLandmarkParser = NULL;
+    if (!aFile) CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(bufferContent);
+    // Only import a subset of landmarks
+    iLog->Log(_L("TC_Step4 Only import a subset of landmarks, Sync"));
+    ResetLandmarksDbL();
+    DeleteFileL(KXMLFile);
+    iLandmarkEncoder = CPosLandmarkEncoder::NewL(KLmxMimeType);
+    // Use file for encoding, set output file
+    iLandmarkEncoder->SetOutputFileL(KXMLFile);
+    CreateXMLDataL();
+    delete iLandmarkEncoder;
+    iLandmarkEncoder = NULL;
+    iLandmarkParser = CPosLandmarkParser::NewL(KLmxMimeType);
+    if (aFile)
+        {
+        iLog->Log(_L("TC_Step4 Set input to be parsed from XML File"));
+        iLandmarkParser->SetInputFileL(KXMLFile);
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        iLog->Log(_L("TC_Step4 Set input to be parsed from buffer"));
+        bufferContent = HBufC8::NewLC(iEncoderBuffer->Size());
+        TPtr8 ptr = bufferContent->Des();
+        iEncoderBuffer->Read(0, ptr, iEncoderBuffer->Size());
+        iLandmarkParser->SetInputBuffer(*bufferContent);
+        }
+    subset.Append(0);
+    subset.Append(1);
+    subset.Append(2);
+    subset.Append(3);
+    delete iLandmarks[7];
+    delete iLandmarks[6];
+    delete iLandmarks[5];
+    delete iLandmarks[4];
+    iLandmarks.Remove(7);
+    iLandmarks.Remove(6);
+    iLandmarks.Remove(5);
+    iLandmarks.Remove(4);
+    ImportLandmarksL(ETrue, aFullParse, CPosLandmarkDatabase::EDefaultOptions, subset, aDoParse, aCancel);
+    delete iLandmarkParser;
+    iLandmarkParser = NULL;
+    if (!aFile) CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(bufferContent);
+    subset.Reset();
+    // Only import a subset of landmarks
+    iLog->Log(_L("TC_Step4 Only import a subset of landmarks, Async"));
+    ResetLandmarksDbL();
+    DeleteFileL(KXMLFile);
+    iLandmarkEncoder = CPosLandmarkEncoder::NewL(KLmxMimeType);
+    // Use file for encoding, set output file
+    iLandmarkEncoder->SetOutputFileL(KXMLFile);
+    CreateXMLDataL();
+    delete iLandmarkEncoder;
+    iLandmarkEncoder = NULL;
+    iLandmarkParser = CPosLandmarkParser::NewL(KLmxMimeType);
+    if (aFile)
+        {
+        iLog->Log(_L("TC_Step4 Set input to be parsed from XML File"));
+        iLandmarkParser->SetInputFileL(KXMLFile);
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        iLog->Log(_L("TC_Step4 Set input to be parsed from buffer"));
+        bufferContent = HBufC8::NewLC(iEncoderBuffer->Size());
+        TPtr8 ptr = bufferContent->Des();
+        iEncoderBuffer->Read(0, ptr, iEncoderBuffer->Size());
+        iLandmarkParser->SetInputBuffer(*bufferContent);
+        }
+    subset.Append(0);
+    subset.Append(1);
+    subset.Append(2);
+    subset.Append(3);
+    delete iLandmarks[7];
+    delete iLandmarks[6];
+    delete iLandmarks[5];
+    delete iLandmarks[4];
+    iLandmarks.Remove(7);
+    iLandmarks.Remove(6);
+    iLandmarks.Remove(5);
+    iLandmarks.Remove(4);
+    ImportLandmarksL(EFalse, aFullParse, CPosLandmarkDatabase::EDefaultOptions, subset, aDoParse, aCancel);
+    delete iLandmarkParser;
+    iLandmarkParser = NULL;
+    if (!aFile) CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(bufferContent);
+    subset.Reset();
+    iLog->Log(_L("TC_Step5 Only import a subset of landmarks, use EIncludeCategories, ASync"));
+    ResetLandmarksDbL();
+    subset.Reset();
+    DeleteFileL(KXMLFile);
+    iLandmarkEncoder = CPosLandmarkEncoder::NewL(KLmxMimeType);
+    // Use file for encoding, set output file
+    iLandmarkEncoder->SetOutputFileL(KXMLFile);
+    CreateXMLDataL();
+    delete iLandmarkEncoder;
+    iLandmarkEncoder = NULL;
+    iLandmarkParser = CPosLandmarkParser::NewL(KLmxMimeType);
+    if (aFile)
+        {
+        iLog->Log(_L("TC_Step5 Set input to be parsed from XML File"));
+        iLandmarkParser->SetInputFileL(KXMLFile);
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        iLog->Log(_L("TC_Step5 Set input to be parsed from buffer"));
+        bufferContent = HBufC8::NewLC(iEncoderBuffer->Size());
+        TPtr8 ptr = bufferContent->Des();
+        iEncoderBuffer->Read(0, ptr, iEncoderBuffer->Size());
+        iLandmarkParser->SetInputBuffer(*bufferContent);
+        }
+    subset.Append(0);
+    subset.Append(1);
+    subset.Append(2);
+    subset.Append(3);
+    subset.Append(7);
+    delete iLandmarks[6];
+    delete iLandmarks[5];
+    delete iLandmarks[4];
+    iLandmarks.Remove(6);
+    iLandmarks.Remove(5);
+    iLandmarks.Remove(4);
+    ImportLandmarksL(EFalse, aFullParse, CPosLandmarkDatabase::EIncludeCategories, subset, aDoParse, aCancel);
+    delete iLandmarkParser;
+    iLandmarkParser = NULL;
+    if (!aFile) CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(bufferContent);
+    iLog->Log(_L("TC_Step5 Only import a subset of landmarks, use EIncludeCategories, Sync"));
+    ResetLandmarksDbL();
+    subset.Reset();
+    DeleteFileL(KXMLFile);
+    iLandmarkEncoder = CPosLandmarkEncoder::NewL(KLmxMimeType);
+    // Use file for encoding, set output file
+    iLandmarkEncoder->SetOutputFileL(KXMLFile);
+    CreateXMLDataL();
+    delete iLandmarkEncoder;
+    iLandmarkEncoder = NULL;
+    iLandmarkParser = CPosLandmarkParser::NewL(KLmxMimeType);
+    if (aFile)
+        {
+        iLog->Log(_L("TC_Step5 Set input to be parsed from XML File"));
+        iLandmarkParser->SetInputFileL(KXMLFile);
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        iLog->Log(_L("TC_Step5 Set input to be parsed from buffer"));
+        bufferContent = HBufC8::NewLC(iEncoderBuffer->Size());
+        TPtr8 ptr = bufferContent->Des();
+        iEncoderBuffer->Read(0, ptr, iEncoderBuffer->Size());
+        iLandmarkParser->SetInputBuffer(*bufferContent);
+        }
+    subset.Append(0);
+    subset.Append(1);
+    subset.Append(2);
+    subset.Append(3);
+    subset.Append(7);
+    delete iLandmarks[6];
+    delete iLandmarks[5];
+    delete iLandmarks[4];
+    iLandmarks.Remove(6);
+    iLandmarks.Remove(5);
+    iLandmarks.Remove(4);
+    ImportLandmarksL(ETrue, aFullParse, CPosLandmarkDatabase::EIncludeCategories, subset, aDoParse, aCancel);
+    delete iLandmarkParser;
+    iLandmarkParser = NULL;
+    if (!aFile) CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(bufferContent);
+    // Since only EIncludeCategories was used, the global category should not have been overwritten
+    CheckGlobalCategoryExistL(*origGlobalCategory, KNewGlobalCategory);
+    // Now use EIncludeCategories | EIncludeGlobalCategoryNames which should cause the global cateory name to 
+    // be overwritten
+    iLog->Log(_L("TC_Step5 Only import a subset of landmarks, use EIncludeCategories | EIncludeGlobalCategoryNames, Sync"));
+    subset.Reset();
+    ResetLandmarksDbL();
+    DeleteFileL(KXMLFile);
+    iLandmarkEncoder = CPosLandmarkEncoder::NewL(KLmxMimeType);
+    // Use file for encoding, set output file
+    iLandmarkEncoder->SetOutputFileL(KXMLFile);
+    CreateXMLDataL();
+    delete iLandmarkEncoder;
+    iLandmarkEncoder = NULL;
+    iLandmarkParser = CPosLandmarkParser::NewL(KLmxMimeType);
+    if (aFile)
+        {
+        iLog->Log(_L("TC_Step5 Set input to be parsed from XML File"));
+        iLandmarkParser->SetInputFileL(KXMLFile);
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        iLog->Log(_L("TC_Step5 Set input to be parsed from buffer"));
+        bufferContent = HBufC8::NewLC(iEncoderBuffer->Size());
+        TPtr8 ptr = bufferContent->Des();
+        iEncoderBuffer->Read(0, ptr, iEncoderBuffer->Size());
+        iLandmarkParser->SetInputBuffer(*bufferContent);
+        }    
+    subset.Append(0);
+    subset.Append(1);
+    subset.Append(2);
+    subset.Append(3);
+    subset.Append(4);
+    subset.Append(5);
+    subset.Append(6);
+    subset.Append(7);
+    ImportLandmarksL(ETrue, aFullParse, CPosLandmarkDatabase::EIncludeCategories | CPosLandmarkDatabase::EIncludeGlobalCategoryNames, subset, aDoParse, aCancel);
+    delete iLandmarkParser;
+    iLandmarkParser = NULL;
+    if (!aFile) CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(bufferContent);
+    // Since EIncludeCategories| EIncludeGlobalCategoryNames was used, the global category should have been overwritten
+    // Dont do check if cancel was performed
+    if (!aCancel) CheckGlobalCategoryExistL(KNewGlobalCategory, *origGlobalCategory);
+    iLog->Log(_L("TC_Step5 Only import a subset of landmarks, use EIncludeCategories | EIncludeGlobalCategoryNames, Async"));
+    ResetLandmarksDbL();
+    DeleteFileL(KXMLFile);
+    iLandmarkEncoder = CPosLandmarkEncoder::NewL(KLmxMimeType);
+    // Use file for encoding, set output file
+    iLandmarkEncoder->SetOutputFileL(KXMLFile);
+    CreateXMLDataL();
+    delete iLandmarkEncoder;
+    iLandmarkEncoder = NULL;
+    iLandmarkParser = CPosLandmarkParser::NewL(KLmxMimeType);
+    if (aFile)
+        {
+        iLog->Log(_L("TC_Step5 Set input to be parsed from XML File"));
+        iLandmarkParser->SetInputFileL(KXMLFile);
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        iLog->Log(_L("TC_Step5 Set input to be parsed from buffer"));
+        bufferContent = HBufC8::NewLC(iEncoderBuffer->Size());
+        TPtr8 ptr = bufferContent->Des();
+        iEncoderBuffer->Read(0, ptr, iEncoderBuffer->Size());
+        iLandmarkParser->SetInputBuffer(*bufferContent);
+        }
+    ImportLandmarksL(EFalse, aFullParse, CPosLandmarkDatabase::EIncludeCategories | CPosLandmarkDatabase::EIncludeGlobalCategoryNames, subset, aDoParse, aCancel);
+    delete iLandmarkParser;
+    iLandmarkParser = NULL;
+    if (!aFile) CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(bufferContent);
+    // Since EIncludeCategories| EIncludeGlobalCategoryNames was used, the global category should have been overwritten
+    // Dont do check if cancel was performed
+    if (!aCancel) CheckGlobalCategoryExistL(KNewGlobalCategory, *origGlobalCategory);
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&subset);
+    delete iEncoderBuffer;
+    iEncoderBuffer = NULL;
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( origGlobalCategory );
+	}
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+// CPosTp48::ImportLandmarksL
+// (other items were commented in a header).
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+void CPosTp48::ImportLandmarksL(TBool aSync, TBool aFullParse, TUint aTransferOption, const RArray<TUint>&  aLandmarkSubSet, TBool aDoParse, TBool aCancel)
+    {
+    iLog->Log(_L("ImportLandmarksL"));
+    TRequestStatus status = KPosLmOperationNotComplete;
+    TReal32 progress = 0;
+    if (aFullParse)
+        {
+        // ParseContent before importing
+        ExecuteAndDeleteLD(iLandmarkParser->ParseContentL());
+        iLog->Log(_L("After ExecuteAndDeleteLD(iLandmarkParser->ParseContentL());"));
+        }
+    if (aDoParse)
+        {
+        // Do an "almost full" parsecontent before import
+        iOperation = iLandmarkParser->ParseContentL();
+        while (progress <0.7)
+            {
+            iOperation->NextStep(status, progress);
+            // Wait for NextStep to complete
+            User::WaitForRequest(status);
+            }
+        iLog->Log(_L("After aDoParse"));
+        delete iOperation;
+        iOperation = NULL;
+        }
+    if (aLandmarkSubSet.Count() == 0)
+        {
+        iOperation = iDatabase->ImportLandmarksL(*iLandmarkParser, aTransferOption);
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        // Import only a subset of the landmarks in parser
+        iOperation = iDatabase->ImportLandmarksL(*iLandmarkParser, aLandmarkSubSet,  aTransferOption);
+        }
+    if (aSync)
+        {
+        // Synchronous
+        ExecuteAndDeleteLD(iOperation);
+        iOperation = NULL;
+        iLog->Log(_L("After aSync"));
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        // Asynchronous
+        // Progress us checked in test procedure base
+        if (aCancel)
+            {
+            // It is no more possible to do WaitForRequest after ImportLandmarksL
+            RunAsyncOperationAndCancelInCallbackLD(iOperation);
+            iOperation = NULL;
+            iLog->Log(_L("After aCancel"));
+            }
+        else
+            {
+            RunAsyncOperationLD(iOperation);
+            iOperation = NULL;
+            iLog->Log(_L("After RunAsyncOperationLD(iOperation);"));
+            }
+        }
+    if (!aCancel) CheckLandmarksDatabaseL(aTransferOption);
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+// CPosTp48::ResetLandmarksDbL
+// (other items were commented in a header).
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+void CPosTp48::ListLandmarksDbL()
+    {   
+    iLog->Log(_L("ListLandmarksDbL"));
+    CPosLmCategoryManager* categoryManager = CPosLmCategoryManager::NewL(*iDatabase);
+    CleanupStack::PushL(categoryManager);
+    CPosLmItemIterator* iter = iDatabase->LandmarkIteratorL();
+    CleanupStack::PushL(iter);
+    RArray<TPosLmItemId> categories;
+    CleanupClosePushL(categories);
+    iLog->Log(_L("Landmarks:"));
+    TPosLmItemId id = iter->NextL();
+    TBuf<255> buffe;
+    while (id != KPosLmNullItemId)
+        {
+        TPtrC name;
+        CPosLandmark* lm = iDatabase->ReadLandmarkLC(id);
+        lm->GetLandmarkName(name);
+        buffe.Zero();
+        buffe.Append(name);
+        lm->GetCategoriesL(categories);
+        buffe.Append(_L(" With Categories: "));
+        iLog->Log(buffe);
+        for (TInt i=0;i<categories.Count();i++)
+            {
+            CPosLandmarkCategory* cat = categoryManager->ReadCategoryLC(categories[i]);
+            cat->GetCategoryName(name);
+            buffe.Zero();
+            buffe.Append(name);
+            iLog->Log(buffe);
+            CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(cat);
+            }
+        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(lm);
+        id = iter->NextL();
+        }
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&categories);
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(iter);
+    iter = categoryManager->CategoryIteratorL();
+    CleanupStack::PushL(iter);
+    iLog->Log(_L("Categories:"));
+    id = iter->NextL();
+    while (id != KPosLmNullItemId)
+        {
+        TPtrC name;
+        TBuf<255> buffe;
+        CPosLandmarkCategory* cat = categoryManager->ReadCategoryLC(id);
+        cat->GetCategoryName(name);
+        buffe.Zero();
+        buffe.Append(name);
+        iLog->Log(buffe);
+        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(cat);
+        id = iter->NextL();
+        }
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(iter);
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(categoryManager);
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+// CPosTp48::ResetLandmarksDbL
+// (other items were commented in a header).
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+void CPosTp48::ResetLandmarksDbL()
+    {
+    iLog->Log(_L("ResetLandmarksDbL"));
+    delete iLandmarkSearch;
+    iLandmarkSearch = NULL;
+    iLandmarks.ResetAndDestroy();
+    iLandmarks.Close();
+    delete iLandmarkParser;
+    iLandmarkParser = NULL;
+    delete iLandmarkEncoder;
+    iLandmarkEncoder = NULL;
+    delete iDatabase;
+    iDatabase=NULL;
+    // Use same lm db as in composite search test
+    iDatabase = UseCompositeLandmarksDbFileL();
+    if (iDatabase->IsInitializingNeeded())
+        {
+        ExecuteAndDeleteLD(iDatabase->InitializeL());
+        }
+    delete iDatabase;
+    iDatabase = NULL;
+    iDatabase = CPosLandmarkDatabase::OpenL();
+    	if (iDatabase->IsInitializingNeeded())
+       {
+       ExecuteAndDeleteLD(iDatabase->InitializeL());
+       }
+    // Do reset so that global categories are included
+    CPosLmCategoryManager* categoryManager = CPosLmCategoryManager::NewL(*iDatabase);
+    CleanupStack::PushL(categoryManager);   
+    ExecuteAndDeleteLD(categoryManager->ResetGlobalCategoriesL());
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(categoryManager);
+    iLog->Log(_L("ResetLandmarksDbL Done"));
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+// CPosTp48::DoTestChangeInputMethodL
+// (other items were commented in a header).
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+void CPosTp48::DoTestChangeInputMethodL()
+    {
+    iLog->Log(_L("DoTestChangeInputMethodL"));
+    ResetLandmarksDbL();
+    HBufC8* bufferContent = NULL;
+    iLandmarkEncoder = CPosLandmarkEncoder::NewL(KLmxMimeType);
+    iEncoderBuffer = iLandmarkEncoder->SetUseOutputBufferL();
+    CreateXMLDataL();
+    delete iLandmarkEncoder;
+    iLandmarkEncoder = NULL;
+    iLandmarkParser = CPosLandmarkParser::NewL(KLmxMimeType);
+    bufferContent = HBufC8::NewLC(iEncoderBuffer->Size());
+    TPtr8 ptr = bufferContent->Des();
+    iEncoderBuffer->Read(0, ptr, iEncoderBuffer->Size());
+    iLandmarkParser->SetInputBuffer(*bufferContent);
+    TRequestStatus status = KPosLmOperationNotComplete;
+    TReal32 progress = 0;
+    // Do an "almost full" parsecontent
+    iOperation = iLandmarkParser->ParseContentL();
+    while (progress <0.5)
+        {
+        iOperation->NextStep(status, progress);
+        // Wait for NextStep to complete
+        User::WaitForRequest(status);
+        }
+    delete iOperation;
+    iOperation = NULL;
+    // Change input method
+    iLandmarkParser->SetInputFileL(KXMLFile);
+    // Now import all XML data from file
+    ExecuteAndDeleteLD(iDatabase->ImportLandmarksL(*iLandmarkParser, CPosLandmarkDatabase::EDefaultOptions));
+    CheckLandmarksDatabaseL(CPosLandmarkDatabase::EDefaultOptions);
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(bufferContent);
+    delete iLandmarkParser;
+    iLandmarkParser = NULL;
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+// CPosTp48::ImportFromFileWithLongFileNameL
+// (other items were commented in a header).
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+void CPosTp48::ImportFromFileWithLongFileNameL()
+    {
+    iLog->Log(_L("ImportFromFileWithLongFileNameL"));
+    delete iLandmarkParser;
+    iLandmarkParser = NULL;
+    iLandmarkParser = CPosLandmarkParser::NewL(KLmxMimeType);
+    TRAPD(err, iLandmarkParser->SetInputFileL(KLongFileName));
+    // Error differs between winscw and target
+    if ( err != KErrBadName ) 
+        {
+        TBuf<100> buf;    
+        buf.Format(_L("ERROR: SetInputFileL should leave with KErrBadName, instead err: %d"), err);  
+        iLog->Log(buf);
+        iErrorsFound++;        
+        }
+    // Also test empty filename here
+    TRAP(err, iLandmarkParser->SetInputFileL(KEmptyFileName1));
+    if (err != KErrBadName)
+        {
+        iLog->Log(_L("ERROR: SetInputFileL(KEmptyFileName1) should leave with KErrBadName"));
+        iErrorsFound++;
+        }
+    // Also test empty filename here
+    TRAP(err, iLandmarkParser->SetInputFileL(KEmptyFileName2));
+    if (err != KErrBadName)
+        {
+        TBuf<100> buf;
+        buf.Format(_L("ERROR: SetInputFileL(KEmptyFileName2) should leave with KErrBadName, instead err: %d"), err);
+        iLog->Log(buf);
+        iErrorsFound++;
+        }    
+    // Also test non existing filen here
+    TRAP(err, iLandmarkParser->SetInputFileL(KNonExistingFileName));
+    if (err != KErrNotFound)
+        {
+        iLog->Log(_L("ERROR: SetInputFileL(KNonExistingFileName) should leave with KErrNotFound"));
+        iErrorsFound++;
+        }    
+    delete iLandmarkParser;
+    iLandmarkParser = NULL;
+    iLog->Log(_L("ImportFromFileWithLongFileNameL Done"));
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+// CPosTp48::CheckLandmarksDatabaseL
+// (other items were commented in a header).
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+void CPosTp48::CheckLandmarksDatabaseL(TUint aTransferOption)
+    {
+    iLog->Log(_L("CheckLandmarksDatabaseL"));
+    iLandmarkSearch = CPosLandmarkSearch::NewL(*iDatabase);
+    TUint attr = CPosLandmark::ELandmarkName;
+    CPosLmTextCriteria* textCriteria = CPosLmTextCriteria::NewLC();
+    RArray<TPosLmItemId> sourceArray;
+    CleanupClosePushL(sourceArray);
+    RArray<TPosLmItemId> array;
+    CleanupClosePushL(array);
+    TInt nrOfLandmarks = iLandmarks.Count();
+    TPtrC lmName;
+    for (TInt i=0;i<nrOfLandmarks; i++)
+        {
+        iLandmarks[i]->GetLandmarkName(lmName);
+        textCriteria->SetAttributesToSearch(attr);
+        textCriteria->SetTextL(lmName);
+        ExecuteAndDeleteLD(iLandmarkSearch->StartLandmarkSearchL(*textCriteria));
+        CPosLmItemIterator* iter = iLandmarkSearch->MatchIteratorL();
+        CleanupStack::PushL(iter);
+        TUint nr = iLandmarkSearch->NumOfMatches();
+        iLog->Log(_L("****** Found %d nr of landmarks when looking for '%S'"),nr, &lmName);
+        TPosLmItemId id = iter->NextL();
+        if (nr > 1)
+            {
+            // The first landmark is the one existing in db before import,
+            // no need to check that one, only the one added from import (the second one)
+            id = iter->NextL();
+            }
+        while (id != KPosLmNullItemId)
+            {
+            CPosLandmark* source = iDatabase->ReadLandmarkLC(id);
+            TPtrC sourceName;
+            source->GetLandmarkName(sourceName);
+            iLog->Log(_L("Found landmark '%S'"), &sourceName);
+            TInt err = CompareXMLLandmarksL(*iLandmarks[i], *source, DEBUG);
+            if (err != KErrNone)
+                {
+                PrintLandmarkIdFieldsL(*iLandmarks[i]);
+                PrintLandmarkIdFieldsL(*source);
+                iLog->Log(_L("ERROR: CompareXMLLandmarksL returned error"));
+                iErrorsFound+=err;
+                }
+            source->GetCategoriesL(sourceArray);
+            iLandmarks[i]->GetCategoriesL(array);
+            CPosLmCategoryManager* categoryManager = CPosLmCategoryManager::NewL(*iDatabase);
+            CleanupStack::PushL(categoryManager);
+            if (aTransferOption == CPosLandmarkDatabase::EDefaultOptions)
+                {
+                // No categories imported
+                if (sourceArray.Count() != 0)
+                    {
+                    iLog->Log(_L("ERROR: No categories should have been imported, found %d "), sourceArray.Count());
+                    iErrorsFound++;
+                    }
+                }
+            else
+                {
+                if (sourceArray.Count() != array.Count())
+                    {
+                    for (TInt j=0;j<sourceArray.Count();j++)
+                        {
+                        CPosLandmarkCategory* sourceCat = categoryManager->ReadCategoryLC(sourceArray[j]);
+                        TPtrC sourceName;
+                        sourceCat->GetCategoryName( sourceName );
+                        iLog->Log(_L("Found category '%S'"), &sourceName);
+                        }
+                    iLog->Log(_L("ERROR: Nr of categories differ, was %d should be %d"), sourceArray.Count(), array.Count());
+					User::Leave(KErrNone);
+                    }
+                for (TInt j=0;j<sourceArray.Count();j++)
+                    {
+                    iLog->Log(_L("Src Id: %d Id: %d"), sourceArray[j], array[j]);
+                    CPosLandmarkCategory* sourceCat = categoryManager->ReadCategoryLC(sourceArray[j]);
+                    CPosLandmarkCategory* cat = categoryManager->ReadCategoryLC(array[j]);
+                    TPtrC sourceName, name;
+                    cat->GetCategoryName(name);
+                    sourceCat->GetCategoryName(sourceName);
+                    iLog->Log(_L("Found category, source cat '%S', cat '%S'"), &sourceName, &name);
+                    iErrorsFound += CompareXMLCategoriesL(*cat, *sourceCat, DEBUG);
+                    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(cat);
+                    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(sourceCat);
+                    }
+                }
+            CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(categoryManager);
+            CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(source);
+            id = iter->NextL();
+            }
+        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(iter);
+        }
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&array);
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&sourceArray);
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(textCriteria);
+    delete iLandmarkSearch;
+    iLandmarkSearch = NULL;
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+// CPosTp48::RemoveCategoriesFromLandmarkL
+// (other items were commented in a header).
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+void CPosTp48::RemoveCategoriesFromLandmarkL(CPosLandmark& aLandmark)
+    {
+    RArray<TPosLmItemId> array;
+    CleanupClosePushL(array);
+    aLandmark.GetCategoriesL(array);
+    for (TInt i=0;i<array.Count();i++)
+        {
+        aLandmark.RemoveCategory(array[i]);
+        }
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&array);
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+// CPosTp48::CreateXMLDataL
+// (other items were commented in a header).
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+void CPosTp48::CreateXMLDataL()
+    {
+    iLog->Log(_L("CreateXMLDataL"));
+    // 3 Add one landmark to be encoded (id7 name "Billigt" in categories 1-3,14-17)
+    CPosLandmark* lm1 = iDatabase->ReadLandmarkLC(7);
+    iLandmarkEncoder->AddLandmarkL(*lm1);
+    // Remove field 408 which is not exported
+    lm1->RemovePositionField(408);
+    RemoveCategoriesFromLandmarkL(*lm1);
+    iLandmarks.Append(lm1);
+    CleanupStack::Pop(lm1);
+    // 4 Add one more landmark to be encoded (id27 "LOG9" in categories 11-17)
+    CPosLandmark* lm2 = iDatabase->ReadLandmarkLC(27);
+    iLandmarkEncoder->AddLandmarkL(*lm2);
+    // Remove field 408 which is not exported
+    lm2->RemovePositionField(408);
+    // 5 Create a new category and add to the latest added landmark
+    CPosLmCategoryManager* categoryManager = CPosLmCategoryManager::NewL(*iDatabase);
+    CleanupStack::PushL(categoryManager);
+    CPosLandmarkCategory* landmarkCategory = categoryManager->ReadCategoryLC(37);
+    iLandmarkEncoder->AddCategoryForLatestLandmarkL(*landmarkCategory);
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(landmarkCategory);
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(categoryManager);
+    RemoveCategoriesFromLandmarkL(*lm2);
+    lm2->AddCategoryL(37);
+    iLandmarks.Append(lm2);
+    CleanupStack::Pop(lm2);
+    // 6 Add one more landmark to be encoded (id52 "Kalles Hundgård" in category 19)
+    lm2 = iDatabase->ReadLandmarkLC(52);
+    iLandmarkEncoder->AddLandmarkL(*lm2);
+    // Remove field 408 which is not exported
+    lm2->RemovePositionField(408);
+    // 7 Add several global and local categories to the latest added landmark
+    categoryManager = CPosLmCategoryManager::NewL(*iDatabase);
+    CleanupStack::PushL(categoryManager);
+    landmarkCategory = categoryManager->ReadCategoryLC(26);
+    iLandmarkEncoder->AddCategoryForLatestLandmarkL(*landmarkCategory);
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(landmarkCategory);
+    landmarkCategory = categoryManager->ReadCategoryLC(25);
+    iLandmarkEncoder->AddCategoryForLatestLandmarkL(*landmarkCategory);
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(landmarkCategory);
+    TPosLmItemId globalCategoryId = categoryManager->GetGlobalCategoryL(3000);
+    if (globalCategoryId != KPosLmNullItemId)
+        {
+        landmarkCategory = categoryManager->ReadCategoryLC(globalCategoryId);
+        iLandmarkEncoder->AddCategoryForLatestLandmarkL(*landmarkCategory);
+        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(landmarkCategory);
+    }
+    else 
+    {
+    	iLog->Log(_L("Global category was not found1"));
+    	User::Leave(-1);
+    }
+    globalCategoryId = categoryManager->GetGlobalCategoryL(15000);
+    if (globalCategoryId != KPosLmNullItemId)
+        {
+        landmarkCategory = categoryManager->ReadCategoryLC(globalCategoryId);
+        iLandmarkEncoder->AddCategoryForLatestLandmarkL(*landmarkCategory);
+        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(landmarkCategory);
+        }
+    else 
+    {
+    	iLog->Log(_L("Global category was not found2"));
+    	User::Leave(-1);	
+    }
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(categoryManager);
+    RemoveCategoriesFromLandmarkL(*lm2);
+    lm2->AddCategoryL(26);
+    lm2->AddCategoryL(25);
+    lm2->AddCategoryL(27);
+    lm2->AddCategoryL(31);
+    iLandmarks.Append(lm2);
+    CleanupStack::Pop(lm2);
+    // 8 Add one landmark (not containing any categories), id=11 "MLFW"
+    lm2 = iDatabase->ReadLandmarkLC(11);
+    iLandmarkEncoder->AddLandmarkL(*lm2);
+    // Remove field 408 which is not exported
+    lm2->RemovePositionField(408);
+    RemoveCategoriesFromLandmarkL(*lm2);
+    iLandmarks.Append(lm2);
+    CleanupStack::Pop(lm2);
+    // 9 Add one more landmark (not containing any categories), id=56 "TE, Lund"
+    lm2 = iDatabase->ReadLandmarkLC(56);
+    iLandmarkEncoder->AddLandmarkL(*lm2);
+    // Remove field 408 which is not exported
+    lm2->RemovePositionField(408);
+    // 10 Add one category to the latest added landmark
+    categoryManager = CPosLmCategoryManager::NewL(*iDatabase);
+    CleanupStack::PushL(categoryManager);
+    landmarkCategory = categoryManager->ReadCategoryLC(18);
+    iLandmarkEncoder->AddCategoryForLatestLandmarkL(*landmarkCategory);
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(landmarkCategory);
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(categoryManager);
+    RemoveCategoriesFromLandmarkL(*lm2);
+    lm2->AddCategoryL(18);
+    iLandmarks.Append(lm2);
+    CleanupStack::Pop(lm2);
+    // 11 Add one landmark (not containing any categories), id=43 "asdf"
+    categoryManager = CPosLmCategoryManager::NewL(*iDatabase);
+    CleanupStack::PushL(categoryManager);
+    lm2 = iDatabase->ReadLandmarkLC(43);
+    iLandmarkEncoder->AddLandmarkL(*lm2);
+    // Remove field 408 which is not exported
+    lm2->RemovePositionField(408);
+    // 12 Add several local and global categories to the latest added landmark
+    landmarkCategory = categoryManager->ReadCategoryLC(23);
+    iLandmarkEncoder->AddCategoryForLatestLandmarkL(*landmarkCategory);
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(landmarkCategory);
+    landmarkCategory = categoryManager->ReadCategoryLC(17);
+    iLandmarkEncoder->AddCategoryForLatestLandmarkL(*landmarkCategory);
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(landmarkCategory);
+    globalCategoryId = categoryManager->GetGlobalCategoryL(39000);
+    if (globalCategoryId != KPosLmNullItemId)
+        {
+        landmarkCategory = categoryManager->ReadCategoryLC(globalCategoryId);
+        iLandmarkEncoder->AddCategoryForLatestLandmarkL(*landmarkCategory);
+        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(landmarkCategory);
+        }
+    else 
+        {   
+		iLog->Log(_L("Global category was not found3"));
+    	User::Leave(-1);
+        }
+    globalCategoryId = categoryManager->GetGlobalCategoryL(27000);
+    if (globalCategoryId != KPosLmNullItemId)
+        {
+        landmarkCategory = categoryManager->ReadCategoryLC(globalCategoryId);
+        iLandmarkEncoder->AddCategoryForLatestLandmarkL(*landmarkCategory);
+        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(landmarkCategory);
+        }
+    else 
+        {
+    	iLog->Log(_L("Global category was not found4"));
+    	User::Leave(-1);
+        }
+    RemoveCategoriesFromLandmarkL(*lm2);
+    lm2->AddCategoryL(23);
+    lm2->AddCategoryL(17);
+    lm2->AddCategoryL(39);
+    lm2->AddCategoryL(35);
+    iLandmarks.Append(lm2);
+    CleanupStack::Pop(lm2);
+    // 13) Add a landmark with fields that are encoded to XML set
+    lm1 = CreateXMLLandmarkLC(_L("TP48LandmarkWithAllXMLFields"));
+    AddAllXMLFieldsL(lm1);
+    iLandmarkEncoder->AddLandmarkL(*lm1);
+    // 13) Add one global category  (Garage) to the latest added landmark
+    globalCategoryId = categoryManager->GetGlobalCategoryL(24000);
+    if (globalCategoryId != KPosLmNullItemId)
+        {
+        landmarkCategory = categoryManager->ReadCategoryLC(globalCategoryId);
+        iLandmarkEncoder->AddCategoryForLatestLandmarkL(*landmarkCategory);
+        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(landmarkCategory);
+        }
+    else 
+        {
+    	iLog->Log(_L("Global category was not found4"));
+    	User::Leave(-1);
+        }
+    // 14) Add one global category  (Bus stop) to the latest added landmark
+    globalCategoryId = categoryManager->GetGlobalCategoryL(42000);//30000
+    if (globalCategoryId != KPosLmNullItemId)
+        {
+        landmarkCategory = categoryManager->ReadCategoryLC(globalCategoryId);
+        iLandmarkEncoder->AddCategoryForLatestLandmarkL(*landmarkCategory);
+        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(landmarkCategory);
+        }
+    else 
+        {
+    	iLog->Log(_L("Global category was not found4"));
+    	User::Leave(-1);
+        }
+    // 15) Add one category (BurgerKing) to the latest added landmark
+    landmarkCategory = categoryManager->ReadCategoryLC(17);
+    iLandmarkEncoder->AddCategoryForLatestLandmarkL(*landmarkCategory);
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(landmarkCategory);
+    RemoveCategoriesFromLandmarkL(*lm1);
+    lm1->AddCategoryL(34);
+    lm1->AddCategoryL(40);
+    lm1->AddCategoryL(17);
+    iLandmarks.Append(lm1);
+    CleanupStack::Pop(lm1);
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(categoryManager);
+    // 16 Create new landmark with empty fields
+    lm1 = CreateXMLLandmarkLC(_L("TP48Landmark With Empty XML Fields"));
+    AddAllEmptyXMLFieldsL(lm1);
+    iLandmarkEncoder->AddLandmarkL(*lm1);
+    // 17 Create a new category and add to the latest added landmark
+    categoryManager = CPosLmCategoryManager::NewL(*iDatabase);
+    CleanupStack::PushL(categoryManager);
+    //landmarkCategory = CPosLandmarkCategory::NewLC();
+    landmarkCategory = categoryManager->ReadCategoryLC(38);
+    iLandmarkEncoder->AddCategoryForLatestLandmarkL(*landmarkCategory);
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(landmarkCategory);
+    // 18 Add global category "Outsight" which is "Sight" id=6 with changed name
+    // and add to the latest added landmark
+    globalCategoryId = categoryManager->GetGlobalCategoryL(KOrigGlobalCategoryId);
+    landmarkCategory = categoryManager->ReadCategoryLC(globalCategoryId);
+    landmarkCategory->SetCategoryNameL(KNewGlobalCategory);
+    categoryManager->UpdateCategoryL(*landmarkCategory);
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(landmarkCategory);
+    globalCategoryId = categoryManager->GetGlobalCategoryL(KOrigGlobalCategoryId);
+    if (globalCategoryId != KPosLmNullItemId)
+        {
+        landmarkCategory = categoryManager->ReadCategoryLC(globalCategoryId);
+        iLandmarkEncoder->AddCategoryForLatestLandmarkL(*landmarkCategory);
+        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(landmarkCategory);
+        }
+    else 
+        {
+    	iLog->Log(_L("Global category was not found4"));
+    	User::Leave(-1);
+        }
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(categoryManager);
+    RemoveCategoriesFromLandmarkL(*lm1);
+    // The new category will have id=38
+    lm1->AddCategoryL(38);
+    lm1->AddCategoryL(globalCategoryId);
+    // Remove field 402 which is not included
+    lm1->RemovePositionField(402);
+    iLandmarks.Append(lm1);
+    CleanupStack::Pop(lm1);
+    // 13 Finalize encoding
+    //iLog->Log(_L("FinalizeEncodingL"));
+    ExecuteAndDeleteLD(iLandmarkEncoder->FinalizeEncodingL());
+    //iLog->Log(_L("FinalizeEncodingL Done"));
+    categoryManager = CPosLmCategoryManager::NewL(*iDatabase);
+    CleanupStack::PushL(categoryManager);
+    //Change back name for this global category, needed to test use of TTransferOptions::EIncludeGlobalCategoryNames
+    // by resetting global categories
+    ExecuteAndDeleteLD(categoryManager->ResetGlobalCategoriesL());
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(categoryManager);
+    iLog->Log(_L("CreateXMLDataL Done"));
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+// CPosTp48::CheckGlobalCategoryExistL
+// (other items were commented in a header).
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+void CPosTp48::CheckGlobalCategoryExistL(const TDesC& aShouldExistName, const TDesC& aShouldNotExistName)
+    {
+    CPosLmCategoryManager* categoryManager = CPosLmCategoryManager::NewL(*iDatabase);
+    CleanupStack::PushL(categoryManager);
+    // Should be found
+    TPosLmItemId id1 = categoryManager->GetCategoryL(aShouldExistName);
+    // Should not be found
+    TPosLmItemId id2 = categoryManager->GetCategoryL(aShouldNotExistName);
+    if (id1 == KPosLmNullItemId)
+        {
+        iLog->Log(_L("ERROR: CheckGlobalCategoryExistL Global Category '%S' should be found"),
+            &aShouldExistName);
+        iErrorsFound++;
+        }
+    if (id2 != KPosLmNullItemId)
+        {
+        iLog->Log(_L("ERROR: CheckGlobalCategoryExistL Global Category '%S' should NOT be found"),
+            &aShouldNotExistName);
+        iErrorsFound++;
+        }
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(categoryManager);
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+// CPosTp48::PrintLandmarkIdFieldsL
+// (other items were commented in a header).
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+void CPosTp48::PrintLandmarkIdFieldsL(const CPosLandmark& aLandmark)
+    {
+    TPositionFieldId sourceFieldId = aLandmark.FirstPositionFieldId();
+    TLocality loc;
+    TBuf<150> buf;    
+    TInt err = aLandmark.GetPosition(loc);
+    if (err == KErrNone)
+        {
+        TReal vertAcc(loc.VerticalAccuracy());
+        TReal horAcc(loc.HorizontalAccuracy());
+        TReal alt(loc.Altitude());
+        TReal lon = loc.Longitude();
+        TReal lat = loc.Latitude();
+        TReal32 sourceR;
+        err = aLandmark.GetCoverageRadius(sourceR);
+        if (err == KErrNone )
+            {
+            buf.Format(_L("LM: Long %f Lat %f vertAcc %f horAcc %f alt %f srcRadius %f"), lon, lat, vertAcc, horAcc, alt, sourceR);
+            }
+        else
+            {
+            buf.Format(_L("LM: Long %f Lat %f vertAcc %f horAcc %f alt %f "), lon, lat, vertAcc, horAcc, alt);
+            }
+        iLog->Log(buf);
+        }
+    while (sourceFieldId != EPositionFieldNone)
+        {
+        TPtrC sourceValue;
+        aLandmark.GetPositionField(sourceFieldId, sourceValue);
+        buf.Format(_L("IdField Id: %d Value:"), sourceFieldId);
+        buf.Append(sourceValue);
+        iLog->Log(buf);
+        sourceFieldId = aLandmark.NextPositionFieldId(sourceFieldId);
+        }
+    }
+//  End of File