* Copyright (c) 2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: Implementation of coordinate supervisor class
#include <e32math.h>
#include <e32const.h>
#include <lbttriggerconditionarea.h>
#include <lbtgeocircle.h>
#include "lbtcelliddatabase.h"
#include "lbtcellchangehandler.h"
#include "lbtlogger.h"
#include "lbtcoordinatesupervisor.h"
#include "lbtstrategyengineobserver.h"
#include "lbtpsychangelistner.h"
// ==================== CONSTANTS ===================================
* Constant used to adjust trigger radius to accomodate inaccuracy
* of position fixes
static const TReal32 KAccuracyMultiplier = 0.666667;
* The cut off value of the ratio of radius to position accuracy. Over this
* value the radius of a trigger will not be expanded.
static const TReal32 KCofftOfHighEdgeLimit = 1.5;
* Constant used in calculation of trigger hysteresis
static const TUint16 KTriggerRadiusCutoff = 500;
* Contant time use in calculation of speed
static const TReal32 constantTime = 20;
* Defines the number of historic speed values that will be stored
* and used for calculation of current speed
static const TUint16 maxObsValues = 10;
* Minimum calculated speed. If this calculated speed drops below this value
* then the below value is speed as the speed value
static const TReal KMinProjSpeed = 20.0;
static const TReal KMaxSpeedToUseMvmtDet = 5.0;
* If the estimated sleep interval goes below this value then location request
* will be issued immediately with the estimated interval as the time out value
* for the location rquest
static const TInt KMinSleepInterval = 2;
* Multiplier used for 10 power 3. Used for conversion of seconds to micro
* seconds
static const TUint KMicroMultiplier = 1000000;
* Number of seconds to sleep before making location request in cases where
* a location acquisition attempt fails to obtain a fix
static const TUint KSleepTimeOnLocAcqFailure = 10; // 10 seconds
* Safe range of HA obtained from NPP
//static const TUint KNppSafeHA = 1500; // 1500 meters
// ============================== MEMBER FUNCTIONS ============================================
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CLbtCoOrdinateSupervisor::NewL
// CLbtCoOrdinateSupervisor instantiation method
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
CLbtCoOrdinateSupervisor* CLbtCoOrdinateSupervisor::NewL( TAny* aConstructionParameters,
CLbtTriggerView* aView,
MLbtStrategyEngineObsrvr* aObserver,
CLbtCellChangeHandler* aCellChangeHandler )
CLbtCoOrdinateSupervisor* self = new ( ELeave ) CLbtCoOrdinateSupervisor();
CleanupStack::PushL( self );
self->ConstructL( aConstructionParameters, aView,aObserver,aCellChangeHandler );
return self;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CLbtCoOrdinateSupervisor::~CLbtCoOrdinateSupervisor
// Default destructor
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// This is just done as a precautionary measure!
delete iLocationRequestor;
delete iStatusManager;
delete iTimer;
delete iPsyChangeListner;
delete iCellIdDatabase;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CLbtCoOrdinateSupervisor::StartSupervision
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CLbtCoOrdinateSupervisor::StartSupervision()
iCellChangeHandler->SetObserver( this );
RequestTerminalPosition( iSettings.iLocationRequestTimeout );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CLbtCoOrdinateSupervisor::StopSupervision
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CLbtCoOrdinateSupervisor::StopSupervision()
iCellChangeHandler->Remove( this );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CLbtCoOrdinateSupervisor::SettingsChanged
// Handles notification of triggering settings change provided by server
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CLbtCoOrdinateSupervisor::SettingsChanged()
iEngObserver->RetrieveTriggeringSettings( iSettings );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CLbtCoOrdinateSupervisor::Resume
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CLbtCoOrdinateSupervisor::Resume()
TInt err = KErrNone;
iCellChangeHandler->SetObserver( this );
switch( iProjectedState )
case ELocationAcquisition:
iProjectedState = EIdle;
RequestTerminalPosition( iSettings.iLocationRequestTimeout );
case ETriggerEvaluation:
// Reset trigger iterator and start evaluation of all triggers in
// view
iProjectedState = EIdle;
err = ResetViewIterator();
if( KErrNone != err )
iState = ETriggerEvaluation;
case EUpdateIntervalEstimation:
// Evaluate triggers that have undergone changes during the state
// change. This is to determine any new nearest trigger
iProjectedState = EIdle;
iView->DetermineNearestTriggerChanges( &iNearestTriggers );
if( iNearestTriggers.Count() == 0 )
// This means all known nearest triggers have been modified.
// Reset iterator re-evaluate all triggers in the system.
TInt err = ResetViewIterator();
if( KErrNone != err )
iState = ETriggerEvaluation;
// Evaluate only the modified triggers
TBool makeLocReq = EFalse;
TRAP( err, makeLocReq = EvaluateModifiedTriggersL() );
if( KErrNone == err )
if( makeLocReq )
// Location request is needed based on evaluating
// modified triggers
RequestTerminalPosition( iSettings.iLocationRequestTimeout );
// Switch to estimation of update interval
iState = EUpdateIntervalEstimation;
case ESleep:
iProjectedState = EIdle;
iState = ESleep;
case EIdle:
if( EIdle == iState && EIdle == iProjectedState
&& iView->CoordTriggerCount() )
RequestTerminalPosition( iSettings.iLocationRequestTimeout );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CLbtCoOrdinateSupervisor::Suspend
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CLbtCoOrdinateSupervisor::Suspend()
iCellChangeHandler->Remove( this );
switch( iState )
case ELocationAcquisition:
if( iLastLocationFixType == EProperFix )
iProjectedState = iState;
iState = EIdle;
case ETriggerEvaluation:
iProjectedState = ETriggerEvaluation;
iState = EIdle;
case EUpdateIntervalEstimation:
iProjectedState = EUpdateIntervalEstimation;
iState = EIdle;
case ESleep:
iProjectedState = iState;
iState = EIdle;
case EIdle:
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CLbtCoOrdinateSupervisor::Reset
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CLbtCoOrdinateSupervisor::Reset()
iState = iProjectedState = EIdle;
iLocReqCount = 0;
TPositionInfo posInfo;
iPosInfo = posInfo;
iFixForFiringCloseTriggers = EFalse;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CLbtCoOrdinateSupervisor::GetPositionInfo
// Processes the location information obtained from location requestor
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CLbtCoOrdinateSupervisor::GetPositionInfoL()
// Update location acquisition status information
if( !( (KErrNone == iStatus.Int()) ||
(KPositionQualityLoss == iStatus.Int()) ) )
ERROR("Position Information with : %d",iStatus.Int());
iStatusManager->ReportLocationAcquisitionStatus( iStatus.Int() );
// The following check determines if there was a problem using the
// specified positioning technology to retrieve position information
if( KErrNotFound == iStatus.Int() &&
iLastLocationFixType == EProperFix )
LOG("Specified PSY not found");
iAcquisitionStatus = ELocationAcquisitionNoMethod;
if( iPsyChangeListner == NULL )
iPsyChangeListner = CLbtPsyChangeListner::NewL( *this );
iPsyChangeListner->StartToListen( iModuleId );
LOG1("Listen to PSY change:%x",iModuleId);
TUid defaultID = { 0XFFFFFFFF };
if( iLocationRequestor->GetPositionModuleId() != defaultID )
LOG("Use default proxy");
// switch to using default positioning technology
iModuleId = defaultID;
RequestTerminalPosition( iSettings.iLocationRequestTimeout,EProperFix );
LOG("Location acquisition failed");
if( iFixForFiringCloseTriggers &&
(KErrTimedOut == iStatus.Int())&&
iLastLocationFixType == EProperFix )
LOG("Firing Close triggers");
RequestTerminalPosition(iSettings.iLocationRequestTimeout, EProperFix);
if( iLastLocationFixType == EProperFix )
// Get fix from NPP PSY
LOG("Timed Out. Taking fix from NPP");
RequestTerminalPosition( iSettings.iLocationRequestTimeout, EFixFromNpp );
iState = ESleep;
iTimer->Set( iStatus, KSleepTimeOnLocAcqFailure, ETrue );
if( KErrAccessDenied == iStatus.Int() )
iAcquisitionStatus = ELocationAcquisitionPrivacyReject;
iAcquisitionStatus = ELocationAcquisitionFailure;
LOG("Npp psy failed to provide fix. Sleep now");
iState = ESleep;
iTimer->Set( iStatus, KSleepTimeOnLocAcqFailure, ETrue );
if( KErrAccessDenied == iStatus.Int() )
iAcquisitionStatus = ELocationAcquisitionPrivacyReject;
iAcquisitionStatus = ELocationAcquisitionFailure;
if( iFixForFiringCloseTriggers )
iFixForFiringCloseTriggers = EFalse;
// Update supervision dynamic info to the strategy class
TLbtStrategySupervisionDynamicInfo supervisionDynamicInfo;
supervisionDynamicInfo.iDistanceToNearestTrigger = 0.0;
supervisionDynamicInfo.iLatestAcquiredPosInfo = iPosInfo;
supervisionDynamicInfo.iLocationAcquisitionStatus = iAcquisitionStatus;
supervisionDynamicInfo.iNearestTriggerId = 0;
iEngObserver->ReportTriggeringSupervisionStatus( supervisionDynamicInfo );
if( iStatus.Int() == KPositionQualityLoss )
TPosition currentPosition;
iPosInfo.GetPosition( currentPosition );
LOG("Received KPositionQualityLoss");
iStatusManager->ReportLocationAcquisitionStatus( KErrNone );
// The fix was taken to fire nearest triggers then reset the flag
// to EFalse since the fix was successful and the nearest triggers will be
// evaluated and will be fired
iFixForFiringCloseTriggers = EFalse;
TPosition currentPosition, prevPosition;
iPosInfo.GetPosition( currentPosition );
iPrevPosInfo.GetPosition( prevPosition );
if( Math::IsNaN( currentPosition.Latitude() ) ||
Math::IsNaN( currentPosition.Longitude() ) )
LOG("ERROR:Lat/Long is Nan. Sleep now");
iState = ESleep;
iTimer->Set( iStatus, KSleepTimeOnLocAcqFailure, ETrue );
if( KErrAccessDenied == iStatus.Int() )
iAcquisitionStatus = ELocationAcquisitionPrivacyReject;
iAcquisitionStatus = ELocationAcquisitionFailure;
// Record the time at which we got the fix
// Take note of reference time that would be used during estimation of
// sleep interval
iAcquisitionStatus = ELocationAcquisitionActive;
iLocationRequestor->GetModuleInfo( iPosInfo.ModuleId() );
if( iLocArea.iCellId && iLastCellRequestStatus == KErrNone )
LOG("Writing position to DB");
LOG1("Cell Id = %d", iLocArea.iCellId );
LOG1("LAC = %d", iLocArea.iLocationAreaCode );
// Add current cell id position to cell-id database
TInt countryCode,networkCode;
TLex lex( iNwInfo.iCountryCode );
lex.Val( countryCode );
lex.Assign( iNwInfo.iNetworkId );
lex.Val( networkCode );
TPosition cellPosition;
iPosInfo.GetPosition( cellPosition );
if( iLastLocationFixType == EProperFix )
cellPosition.SetHorizontalAccuracy( 3000 );
iCellIdDatabase->InsertCidLocation( countryCode,
cellPosition );
// Check if there is no movement from last location fix. If true then
// re-evaluate sleep interval
TReal32 dist;
currentPosition.Distance( prevPosition, dist );
if( dist == 0 )
iState = EUpdateIntervalEstimation;
// Switch to idle state as refresh is an async operation. Set projected
// state to trigger evaluation which will commence once the refresh
// operation is complete
iState = ETriggerEvaluation;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CLbtCoOrdinateSupervisor::EvaluateTriggersL
// Evaluates triggers based on the location information obtained
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CLbtCoOrdinateSupervisor::EvaluateTriggersL()
// Reset nearest trigger array
// TODO: In case of updates to trigger information do not change state
// else change state to EUpdateIntervalEstimation
CLbtContainerTriggerEntry* conTrigger;
// ResetViewIterator will switch state to Idle if there are no triggers in
// the system
if( KErrNone != ResetViewIterator() )
while( iViewIterator.NextL( conTrigger ) )
if( conTrigger )
CLbtTriggerEntry* trigger = conTrigger->TriggerEntry();
if( CLbtTriggerConditionBase::ETriggerConditionArea ==
trigger->GetCondition()->Type() )
// Area type trigger
CLbtTriggerConditionArea* triggerConArea =
static_cast< CLbtTriggerConditionArea* >
( trigger->GetCondition() );
switch( triggerConArea->TriggerArea()->Type() )
// Circular area
case CLbtGeoAreaBase::ECircle:
if( iLastLocationFixType == EProperFix )
EvalCircularTriggerL( conTrigger );
else if( iLastLocationFixType == EFixFromDb || iLastLocationFixType == EFixFromNpp )
if( EvalCircularTriggerBasedOnCellPositionL( conTrigger ) )
if( iLastLocationFixType == EFixFromNpp )
// Fix is taken from NPP only when Proper Fix fails. Now we should
// sleep for location acquisition failure time our period since there is no point
// in attempting another proper fix
iState = ESleep;
iTimer->Set( iStatus, KSleepTimeOnLocAcqFailure, ETrue );
if( KErrAccessDenied == iStatus.Int() )
iAcquisitionStatus = ELocationAcquisitionPrivacyReject;
iAcquisitionStatus = ELocationAcquisitionFailure;
RequestTerminalPosition( iSettings.iLocationRequestTimeout,EProperFix );
// Update supervision dynamic info to the strategy class
TLbtStrategySupervisionDynamicInfo supervisionDynamicInfo;
if( iNearestTriggers.Count() )
supervisionDynamicInfo.iDistanceToNearestTrigger = iNearestTriggers[0].distance;
supervisionDynamicInfo.iNearestTriggerId = iNearestTriggers[0].id;
supervisionDynamicInfo.iLatestAcquiredPosInfo = iPosInfo;
supervisionDynamicInfo.iLocationAcquisitionStatus = iAcquisitionStatus;
iEngObserver->ReportTriggeringSupervisionStatus( supervisionDynamicInfo );
iState = EUpdateIntervalEstimation;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CLbtCoOrdinateSupervisor::EvaluateTriggers
// Evaluates triggers based on the location information obtained
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TBool CLbtCoOrdinateSupervisor::EvaluateModifiedTriggersL()
// Retrieve modified trigger list from trigger view to be supervised
RArray< TLbtTriggerId > modifiedTriggers;
iView->GetModifiedTriggers( modifiedTriggers );
CleanupClosePushL( modifiedTriggers );
if( modifiedTriggers.Count() )
// TODO: Need to check for the deletion of
// Create an iterator to parse through the modified trigger list
CLbtTriggerView::TTriggerViewIter iter = iView->Begin( &modifiedTriggers, CLbtGeoAreaBase::ECircle );
CLbtContainerTriggerEntry* conTrigger;
while( iter.NextL( conTrigger ) )
if( conTrigger )
CLbtTriggerEntry* trigger = conTrigger->TriggerEntry();
if( CLbtTriggerConditionBase::ETriggerConditionArea ==
trigger->GetCondition()->Type() )
// Area type trigger
CLbtTriggerConditionArea* triggerConArea =
static_cast< CLbtTriggerConditionArea* >
( trigger->GetCondition() );
switch( triggerConArea->TriggerArea()->Type() )
// Circular area
case CLbtGeoAreaBase::ECircle:
if( iLastLocationFixType == EProperFix )
EvalCircularTriggerL( conTrigger );
else if( iLastLocationFixType == EFixFromDb || iLastLocationFixType == EFixFromNpp )
if( EvalCircularTriggerBasedOnCellPositionL( conTrigger ) )
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // modifiedTriggers
return ETrue;
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // modifiedTriggers
return EFalse;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CLbtCoOrdinateSupervisor::EvalCircularTrigger
// Evaluates triggers with circular area definition
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CLbtCoOrdinateSupervisor::EvalCircularTriggerL(
CLbtContainerTriggerEntry* aTrigger )
// Extract strategy data
TStrategyData strategyData = aTrigger->StrategyData();
TInt remRearmTime = 0;
TReal distanceToLatestLocation = 0.0;
TBool hasRearmTimeExpired = ETrue;
LOGSTRING("Trigger: \"%S\" ", &(aTrigger->TriggerEntry()->Name()));
if( strategyData.iFireTime )
TTime triggerFiredTime( strategyData.iFireTime );
TTime currentTime;
TTimeIntervalSeconds interval;
currentTime.SecondsFrom( triggerFiredTime, interval );
remRearmTime = aTrigger->TriggerEntry()->TimeToRearm() - interval.Int();
if( remRearmTime <= 0 )
remRearmTime = 0;
strategyData.iFireTime = 0;
LOG("Rearm Time has not expired");
hasRearmTimeExpired = EFalse;
CLbtTriggerConditionArea* trgCondition =
static_cast< CLbtTriggerConditionArea* >
( ( aTrigger->TriggerEntry() )->GetCondition() );
CLbtGeoCircle* circularArea = static_cast< CLbtGeoCircle* >
( trgCondition->TriggerArea() );
// Calculate distance of trigger from current location
TReal32 distanceToCenter;
TPosition currentPosition;
iPosInfo.GetPosition( currentPosition );
TInt err = currentPosition.Distance( circularArea->Center(),
distanceToCenter );
if( KErrNone != err )
ERROR("Error in calculating distance:%d",err);
LOG1("Current Lat:%f",currentPosition.Latitude());
LOG1("Current Long:%f",currentPosition.Longitude());
LOG1("Trigger Lat:%f",circularArea->Center().Latitude());
LOG1("Trigger Long:%f",circularArea->Center().Longitude());
// Determine trigger radius and hysteresis radius to be used for supervision
// based on the accuracy of location fix
TTriggerArea triggerArea;
TReal positionAccuracy = currentPosition.HorizontalAccuracy();
triggerArea = EstimateTriggerRadii( circularArea->Radius(),
positionAccuracy );
// ENTRY Trigger
// Determine current position of terminal relative to the trigger area and
// set trigger fire status accordingly
if( CLbtTriggerConditionArea::EFireOnEnter == trgCondition->Direction() )
TLbtTriggerDataMask dataMask = 0;
TReal tolerableRadius = CalculateTolerableRadius( triggerArea.triggerRadius );
// Terminal is inside trigger area
if( ( distanceToCenter < tolerableRadius ) &&
( ( distanceToCenter + positionAccuracy ) <= triggerArea.hysteresisRadius ) )
LOG("Inside triggerin area");
// If trigger in active state then fire trigger and set state to
// inactive. If trigger is inactive nothing is to be done other
// than calculating its distance from the hysteresis boundary
if( EActive == strategyData.iActivityStatus )
LOG("Active trigger");
// Check FireOnCreation flag here. If EFalse then dont
// fire the trigger. Instead only change the activity
// status.
if( aTrigger->ExtendedTriggerInfo()->IsTriggerFireOnCreation() &&
hasRearmTimeExpired )
// Set trigger state to fired
aTrigger->ExtendedTriggerInfo()->SetTriggerFiredState( ETrue );
TLbtTriggerFireInfo triggerFireInfo;
TPositionInfo positionInfo;
triggerFireInfo.iTriggerId = aTrigger->TriggerEntry()->Id();
triggerFireInfo.iFiredPositionInfo = iPosInfo;
aTrigger->ExtendedTriggerInfo()->SetFiredInfo( triggerFireInfo );
// Time at which trigger fired
TTime triggerFiredTime;
strategyData.iFireTime = triggerFiredTime.Int64();
remRearmTime = aTrigger->TriggerEntry()->TimeToRearm();
dataMask |=
CLbtContainerTriggerEntry::EContainerAttributeIsFired |
CLbtContainerTriggerEntry::EContainerAttributeFireInfo ;
// Set trigger to inactive state
strategyData.iActivityStatus = EInactive;
// Calculate distance to current location and update trigger's
// dynamic info. This distance is (rH - D) where D is the distance
// between the two centers and rH is the radius of the hysteresis
// circle. Here the radius of hysteresis boundary is considered for
// distance calculation as this trigger would undergo a state
// change only when it crosses the hysteresis area
distanceToLatestLocation = Abs( triggerArea.hysteresisRadius - distanceToCenter );
// Terminal is outside hysteresis area
else if( distanceToCenter > ( triggerArea.hysteresisRadius + positionAccuracy ) )
if( EInactive == strategyData.iActivityStatus )
// Reset trigger state to valid
strategyData.iActivityStatus = EActive;
LOG("Trigger activated");
// Calculate distance of trigger to current location and update
// trigger's dynamic info. This distance is (D - rT) where D is
// the distance between two centers and rT is the radius of trigger.
// State change will occur only when the terminal moves beyond the
// boundary of the trigger
distanceToLatestLocation = Abs( distanceToCenter - triggerArea.triggerRadius );
// Terminal is inside hysteresis area.
// Trigger does not undergo any state change in this region. Theres
// only distance to be determined here
if( EActive == strategyData.iActivityStatus )
// Terminal was outside hysteresis area earlier. Distance is
// therefore (D - rT)
distanceToLatestLocation = Abs( distanceToCenter - triggerArea.triggerRadius );
// Terminal was inside trigger area earlier. Distance is
// therefore (rH - D)
distanceToLatestLocation = Abs( triggerArea.hysteresisRadius - distanceToCenter );
// Set FireOnCreation flag to ETrue here if its not already
// ETrue. This is done to ensure that the trigger is fired
// in the subsequent iterations if the triggering conditions
// are satisfied.
if( !aTrigger->ExtendedTriggerInfo()->IsTriggerFireOnCreation() )
aTrigger->ExtendedTriggerInfo()->SetTriggerFireOnCreation( ETrue );
dataMask |= CLbtContainerTriggerEntry::EContainerAttributeIsTriggerFireOnCreation;
if( dataMask )
iView->UpdateTriggerInfo( CLbtGeoAreaBase::ECircle,iPosInfo, aTrigger, dataMask );
// EXIT Trigger
TLbtTriggerDataMask dataMask = 0;
// Retrieve boundary information of trigger
TTriggerBoundary boundary = EUndefined;
// Retrieve boundary information of trigger
( strategyData.iBoundaryCondition >= 0 && strategyData.iBoundaryCondition <= 2 )?boundary =
TTriggerBoundary( strategyData.iBoundaryCondition ):boundary;
TReal tolerableRadius = CalculateTolerableRadius( triggerArea.triggerRadius );
// Terminal is inside trigger area
if( ( distanceToCenter < tolerableRadius ) &&
( ( distanceToCenter + positionAccuracy ) <= triggerArea.hysteresisRadius ) )
// Check boundary condition to determine if the terminal has moved
// inside the trigger area without having gone beyond the area of
// hysteresis. In this case the trigger shall not be set as active
if( EOutside != boundary &&
EInactive == strategyData.iActivityStatus )
// Set trigger state to active
strategyData.iActivityStatus = EActive;
// Set boundary as Outside
strategyData.iBoundaryCondition = TInt( EOutside );
if( EActive == strategyData.iActivityStatus )
// Set Distance to the border of trigger area. This distance is
// (rT - D).
distanceToLatestLocation = Abs( triggerArea.triggerRadius - distanceToCenter );
// Set distance to border of hysteresis area. This distance is
// (rH - D) where rH is the radius of hysteresis and D is the
// distance between the center of trigger and the center of
// location
distanceToLatestLocation = Abs( triggerArea.hysteresisRadius - distanceToCenter );
// Terminal is outside hysteresis area
else if( ( distanceToCenter > triggerArea.hysteresisRadius ) &&
( distanceToCenter > ( triggerArea.triggerRadius + positionAccuracy ) ) )
if( EActive == strategyData.iActivityStatus )
// Check FireOnCreation flag here. If EFalse then dont
// fire the trigger. Instead only change the activity
// status.
if( aTrigger->ExtendedTriggerInfo()->IsTriggerFireOnCreation() &&
hasRearmTimeExpired )
// Set trigger state to fired
aTrigger->ExtendedTriggerInfo()->SetTriggerFiredState( ETrue );
TLbtTriggerFireInfo triggerFireInfo;
TPositionInfo positionInfo;
triggerFireInfo.iTriggerId = aTrigger->TriggerEntry()->Id();
triggerFireInfo.iFiredPositionInfo = iPosInfo;
aTrigger->ExtendedTriggerInfo()->SetFiredInfo( triggerFireInfo );
// Time at which trigger fired
TTime triggerFiredTime;
strategyData.iFireTime = triggerFiredTime.Int64();
remRearmTime = aTrigger->TriggerEntry()->TimeToRearm();
dataMask |=
CLbtContainerTriggerEntry::EContainerAttributeIsFired |
// Set the trigger state to inactive
strategyData.iActivityStatus = EInactive;
// Set boundary as Inside
strategyData.iBoundaryCondition = TInt( EInside );
// Calculate distance to border of trigger area. This distance
// is (D - rT)
distanceToLatestLocation = Abs( distanceToCenter - triggerArea.triggerRadius );
// Terminal is inside hysteresis area
if( EOutside == boundary && EActive == strategyData.iActivityStatus )
// Check FireOnCreation flag here. If EFalse then dont
// fire the trigger. Instead only change the activity
// status.
if( aTrigger->ExtendedTriggerInfo()->IsTriggerFireOnCreation() )
// Set trigger state to fired
aTrigger->ExtendedTriggerInfo()->SetTriggerFiredState( ETrue );
TLbtTriggerFireInfo triggerFireInfo;
TPositionInfo positionInfo;
triggerFireInfo.iTriggerId = aTrigger->TriggerEntry()->Id();
triggerFireInfo.iFiredPositionInfo = iPosInfo;
aTrigger->ExtendedTriggerInfo()->SetFiredInfo( triggerFireInfo );
// Time at which trigger fired
TTime triggerFiredTime;
strategyData.iFireTime = triggerFiredTime.Int64();
strategyData.iBoundaryCondition = TInt( EOutside );
remRearmTime = aTrigger->TriggerEntry()->TimeToRearm();
dataMask |=
CLbtContainerTriggerEntry::EContainerAttributeIsFired |
// Set the trigger state to inactive
strategyData.iActivityStatus = EInactive;
if( EOutside != boundary )
// Set the trigger state to inactive. This is done here because
// if a trigger was newly created (state is active) and it is
// found to be within hysteresis area, then the activity status
// needs to be set to inactive to enable the trigger to be
// handled appropriately when terminal moves inside trigger
// area.
strategyData.iActivityStatus = EInactive;
// Calclulate distance to border of trigger area. This
// distance is (D - rT)
distanceToLatestLocation = Abs( distanceToCenter - triggerArea.triggerRadius );
// Calculate distance to the boundary of hysteresis. This
// distance is (rH - D)
distanceToLatestLocation =
Abs( triggerArea.hysteresisRadius - distanceToCenter );
// Set FireOnCreation flag to ETrue here if its not already
// ETrue. This is done to ensure that the trigger is fired
// in the subsequent iterations if the triggering conditions
// are satisfied.
if( !aTrigger->ExtendedTriggerInfo()->IsTriggerFireOnCreation() )
aTrigger->ExtendedTriggerInfo()->SetTriggerFireOnCreation( ETrue );
dataMask |= CLbtContainerTriggerEntry::EContainerAttributeIsTriggerFireOnCreation;
if( dataMask )
iView->UpdateTriggerInfo( CLbtGeoAreaBase::ECircle,iPosInfo, aTrigger, dataMask );
aTrigger->SetStrategyData( strategyData );
UpdateNearestTriggers( aTrigger->TriggerEntry()->Id(), distanceToLatestLocation , remRearmTime );
LOG1("DistToTrig:%f",distanceToLatestLocation );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CLbtCoOrdinateSupervisor::EvalCircularTriggerBasedOnCellPosition
// Evaluates triggers with circular area definition
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TBool CLbtCoOrdinateSupervisor::EvalCircularTriggerBasedOnCellPositionL(
CLbtContainerTriggerEntry* aTrigger )
TTime currentTime;
CLbtTriggerConditionArea* trgCondition =
static_cast< CLbtTriggerConditionArea* >
( ( aTrigger->TriggerEntry() )->GetCondition() );
// Extract strategy data
TStrategyData strategyData = aTrigger->StrategyData();
TInt remRearmTime = 0;
TReal distanceToLatestLocation = 0.0;
if( strategyData.iFireTime )
TTime triggerFiredTime( strategyData.iFireTime );
TTimeIntervalSeconds interval;
currentTime.SecondsFrom( triggerFiredTime, interval );
remRearmTime = aTrigger->TriggerEntry()->TimeToRearm() - interval.Int();
if( remRearmTime <= 0 )
remRearmTime = 0;
strategyData.iFireTime = 0;
aTrigger->SetStrategyData( strategyData );
TPosition currentPosition;
iPosInfo.GetPosition( currentPosition );
TReal positionAccuracy = currentPosition.HorizontalAccuracy();
CLbtGeoCircle* circularArea = static_cast< CLbtGeoCircle* >
( trgCondition->TriggerArea() );
TReal32 distanceToCenter;
TInt err = currentPosition.Distance( circularArea->Center(),
distanceToCenter );
if( err!=KErrNone )
return ETrue;
// If the trigger is entry type,we calculate distance to the hysterisis radius
if( CLbtTriggerConditionArea::EFireOnEnter == trgCondition->Direction() )
distanceToLatestLocation = distanceToCenter -
( positionAccuracy+aTrigger->ExtendedTriggerInfo()->HysteresisRadius());
if( distanceToLatestLocation < 0 && (remRearmTime == 0) )
// Request fix using any of the available psy
LOG("Request Proper Fix");
return ETrue;
// Activate the trigger if the trigger is outside Hysteresis area
if( EInactive == strategyData.iActivityStatus && distanceToLatestLocation > 0 )
// Activate the trigger
strategyData.iActivityStatus = EActive;
aTrigger->SetStrategyData( strategyData );
LOG("Trigger activated based on NPP fix");
UpdateNearestTriggers( aTrigger->TriggerEntry()->Id(), distanceToLatestLocation, remRearmTime );
// If the trigger is exit type,we calculate distance to the radius
else if( CLbtTriggerConditionArea::EFireOnExit == trgCondition->Direction() )
distanceToLatestLocation = distanceToCenter -
( positionAccuracy+circularArea->Radius() );
if( distanceToLatestLocation < 0 && (remRearmTime == 0) )
// Request fix using any of the available psy
LOG("Request Proper Fix");
return ETrue;
UpdateNearestTriggers( aTrigger->TriggerEntry()->Id(), distanceToLatestLocation,remRearmTime );
return EFalse;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CLbtCoOrdinateSupervisor::EstimateSleepInterval
// Calculates the sleep interval
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CLbtCoOrdinateSupervisor::EstimateSleepInterval()
TReal maxUserSpeed = iSettings.iMaximumUserSpeed;
TReal actualEstimatedSpeed = KMinProjSpeed;
// Flag to determine if the nearest trigger is an inactive trigger
TBool nearestTriggerInactive = EFalse;
// This is first time when there are no previously observed values
if( iLocReqCount == 1 )
// First iteration use the minimum update interval
if( iNearestTriggers.Count() )
iSleepInterval = iNearestTriggers[0].distance / maxUserSpeed;
iSleepInterval = iSettings.iMinimumLocationUpdateInterval;
iEstimatedUserSpeed = 0.0;
if( (iLastLocationFixType == EFixFromDb) ||
(iLastLocationFixType == EFixFromNpp) )
iEstimatedUserSpeed = (maxUserSpeed + KMinProjSpeed)/2;
else if( iLastLocationFixType == EProperFix )
// determine average speed from previous location request which is the
// observed speed
TPosition currentPosition, prevPosition;
iPosInfo.GetPosition( currentPosition );
iPrevPosInfo.GetPosition( prevPosition );
TReal32 avgSpeed = 0.0;
currentPosition.Speed( prevPosition, avgSpeed );
TObservedValues obsValue;
obsValue.speed = avgSpeed;
obsValue.time = currentPosition.Time();
if( iNObservedValues.Count() == maxObsValues )
iNObservedValues.Remove( 0 );
TInt error = iNObservedValues.Append( obsValue );
if( error != KErrNone )
LOG1("Failed to append obsValue:%d",error);
TReal num = 0.0;
TReal den = 0.0;
TReal obsSpeed = 0.0;
TReal obsTime = 0.0;
TTime currentTime;
// Determine average of previously obtained observed speed, time values.
// Use the current time value obtained from the approximation of speed.
for( TInt i = 0; i < iNObservedValues.Count(); i++ )
obsSpeed = maxUserSpeed - ( iNObservedValues[i] ).speed;
TTimeIntervalSeconds timediff;
currentTime.SecondsFrom( ( iNObservedValues[i] ).time, timediff );
obsTime = timediff.Int() / constantTime;
TReal timeExp = 0.0;
Math::Exp( timeExp, (-1 * obsTime ) );
num += obsSpeed * timeExp * timeExp;
den += timeExp;
iEstimatedUserSpeed = maxUserSpeed - ( num / den );
if( Math::IsNaN(iEstimatedUserSpeed) )
iEstimatedUserSpeed = maxUserSpeed;
actualEstimatedSpeed = iEstimatedUserSpeed;
LOG1("Actual estimated speed:%f",actualEstimatedSpeed);
if(iEstimatedUserSpeed < KMinProjSpeed)
iEstimatedUserSpeed = KMinProjSpeed;
// There are some cases estimate user speed goes to infinty.
else if( iEstimatedUserSpeed > maxUserSpeed )
iEstimatedUserSpeed = maxUserSpeed;
* Find the position of the nearest trigger which: -
* a) Is Active
* b) Its rearm time has expired
TInt position = -1;
for( TInt i=0;i<iNearestTriggers.Count();i++ )
iNearestTriggers[i].minTimeRequired = iNearestTriggers[i].distance / iEstimatedUserSpeed;
if( iNearestTriggers[i].remRearmTime == 0 )
// It is enough for us to know the approx time required to reach nearest trigger whose
// rearm time is not zero( nearest which is not fired )
position = i;
* Determine the sleep interval considering the rearm time of all the fired triggers.
* Sleep interval should be min[max[rearm time,minimum time to reach trigger]]. Flag needed
* for determining if movement detection is needed. Movement detector will be used if
* position acquisition should be made to re-activate the trigger.
iSleepInterval = 0;
TLbtTriggerId nearestTriggerId = 0;
// Sleep interval should be min[max[rearm time,minimum time to reach trigger]]
if( position >= 0 )
for( TInt i=0;i<=position;i++ )
// Sleep interval for a trigger is the maximum of time to trigger and rearm time
TInt maxSleepTimeForTrigger;
if( iNearestTriggers[i].remRearmTime < iNearestTriggers[i].minTimeRequired )
maxSleepTimeForTrigger = iNearestTriggers[i].minTimeRequired;
maxSleepTimeForTrigger = iNearestTriggers[i].remRearmTime;
// Sleep interval for system is minimum sleep interval of all triggers
if( ( !iSleepInterval.Int() && maxSleepTimeForTrigger ) ||
iSleepInterval.Int() > maxSleepTimeForTrigger )
iSleepInterval = maxSleepTimeForTrigger;
nearestTriggerId = iNearestTriggers[i].id;
// Case where all the triggers are waiting for rearm time to elapse
for( TInt i=0;i<iNearestTriggers.Count();i++ )
if( !iSleepInterval.Int() ||
( iSleepInterval.Int() > iNearestTriggers[i].remRearmTime ))
iSleepInterval = iNearestTriggers[i].remRearmTime;
LOG1("Estimated speed:%f",iEstimatedUserSpeed);
if( nearestTriggerId )
// Update the nearestTriggerInactive flag
CLbtContainerTriggerEntry* trigEntry = NULL;
TBool found = iView->GetTriggerByID( nearestTriggerId, trigEntry );
if( found && (trigEntry != NULL) )
TStrategyData strategyData = trigEntry->StrategyData();
if( strategyData.iActivityStatus == EInactive )
// Inside triggering area
nearestTriggerInactive = ETrue;
// Outside triggering area
nearestTriggerInactive = EFalse;
// Reduce the time taken from last position fix
if( iLastLocationFixType == EProperFix )
TTime currentTime;
TTimeIntervalSeconds seconds;
currentTime.SecondsFrom(iLastFixTime, seconds);
iProcessingInterval = seconds.Int();
iSleepInterval = iSleepInterval.Int() - iProcessingInterval;
// If sleep interval is less than KMinSleepInterval and the UE is travelling in
// high speed then request terminal position immediately
if( !nearestTriggerInactive &&
( iSleepInterval.Int() <= KMinSleepInterval ) &&
( iLastLocationFixType == EProperFix ) )
LOG1("Requesting time out %d", iSleepInterval.Int());
iFixForFiringCloseTriggers = ETrue;
// Here we need fix with in the estimated time to reach trigger.Hence setting timeout value to
// estimated sleep interval
RequestTerminalPosition( (KMinSleepInterval * KMicroMultiplier),EProperFix );
iState = ESleep;
TBool useMvmtDet = ETrue;
if( iLastLocationFixType != EProperFix )
useMvmtDet = ETrue;
else if( nearestTriggerInactive )
useMvmtDet = ETrue;
else if( iSleepInterval.Int() < 20 )
useMvmtDet = EFalse;
else if( actualEstimatedSpeed > KMaxSpeedToUseMvmtDet )
useMvmtDet = EFalse;
LOG1("useMvmtDet = %d", useMvmtDet);
iTimer->Set( iStatus, iSleepInterval, useMvmtDet );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CLbtCoOrdinateSupervisor::ProcessInterrupt
// Evaluates the cause of a timer interrupt and determines the necessary
// actions to be performed
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CLbtCoOrdinateSupervisor::ProcessInterrupt()
// This is when errors occur while acquiring terminal position
if( !iStatusManager->LocationAcqSuccess() )
// Check sleep interval and determine if sleep mode can continue else
// retry acquiring terminal position. This happens when there are
// changes to triggers in the sleep mode during which the sleep is
// cancelled and trigger view is refreshed. Once the refresh operation
// is completed, this method is invoked.
TTimeIntervalSeconds interval;
if( iTimer->RemainingSleepInterval( interval ) )
iState = ESleep;
if( interval.Int() < 5 )
iTimer->ResetInterval( iStatus, interval,EFalse );
iTimer->ResetInterval( iStatus, interval,ETrue );
// If the last location acqusition has failed and the location information for the current cell
// is unavailable then request location from NPP PSY else request from DB itself
if( (iLastCellRequestStatus == KErrNone) &&
iLocArea.iCellId )
// Cell information is available
if( !(KErrNone == GetCellIdPosition( iPosInfo ) ) )
RequestTerminalPosition( iSettings.iLocationRequestTimeout, EProperFix );
RequestTerminalPosition( iSettings.iLocationRequestTimeout, EFixFromDb );
// Current cell information un-available. Make proper fix
RequestTerminalPosition( iSettings.iLocationRequestTimeout, EProperFix );
// This is when sleep mode is interrupted due to notifications from
// container for addition/modification/deletion of triggers in the system
else if( iTimer->SleepIntervalInterrupted() )
TLbtTriggerId nearestTrigger = 0;
if( iNearestTriggers.Count() )
for( TInt i=0;i<iNearestTriggers.Count();i++ )
if( iNearestTriggers[i].remRearmTime == 0 )
nearestTrigger = iNearestTriggers[i].id;
iView->DetermineNearestTriggerChanges( &iNearestTriggers );
if( iNearestTriggers.Count() == 0 )
// This means the nearest 5 triggers have been changed. Reset
// iterator re-evaluate all triggers in the system.
if( KErrNone != ResetViewIterator() )
iState = ETriggerEvaluation;
TBool makeLocReq = EFalse;
TRAPD( err, makeLocReq = EvaluateModifiedTriggersL( ) );
if( KErrNone != err )
ERROR("EvaluateTriggersL leaving with %d", err);
if( makeLocReq )
// Location request is needed based on evaluating
// modified triggers
RequestTerminalPosition( iSettings.iLocationRequestTimeout );
// Check if nearest trigger has changed
TLbtTriggerId nearestTriggerAfterEvaluation = 0;
if( iNearestTriggers.Count() )
for( TInt i=0;i<iNearestTriggers.Count();i++ )
if( iNearestTriggers[i].remRearmTime == 0 )
nearestTriggerAfterEvaluation = iNearestTriggers[i].id;
// This is check is required when all triggers in the system has fired
// and new trigger has been added.
if( (nearestTriggerAfterEvaluation) &&
(nearestTrigger != nearestTriggerAfterEvaluation) )
RequestTerminalPosition( iSettings.iLocationRequestTimeout );
// Check if there be any remaining sleep interval. If true,
// then switch to sleep mode for the remaining time period.
// Else switch to acquiring location information.
TTimeIntervalSeconds remainingInterval;
if( iTimer->RemainingSleepInterval( remainingInterval ) )
iState = ESleep;
if( remainingInterval.Int() < 5 )
iTimer->ResetInterval( iStatus, remainingInterval,EFalse );
iTimer->ResetInterval( iStatus, remainingInterval,ETrue );
RequestTerminalPosition( iSettings.iLocationRequestTimeout );
else if( KErrNone == iStatus.Int() || KErrAbort == iStatus.Int() )
RequestTerminalPosition( iSettings.iLocationRequestTimeout );
LOG1("Error in timer:%d",iStatus.Int());
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CLbtCoOrdinateSupervisor::RequestTerminalPosition
// Issues an asynchronous request to determine terminal's position
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CLbtCoOrdinateSupervisor::RequestTerminalPosition( TInt aLocationRequestTimeout,
TLocationFixType aFixLocationFixType )
iPrevPosInfo = iPosInfo;
LOG1("aFixLocationFixType = %d", aFixLocationFixType);
LOG1("Cell Id = %d", iLocArea.iCellId);
if( (aFixLocationFixType == EFixFromDb) &&
(iLastCellRequestStatus == KErrNone) &&
iLocArea.iCellId )
LOG("Taking fix from DB");
TInt error = GetCellIdPosition( iPosInfo );
if( KErrNone == error)
LOG("Fix From DB");
TPosition position;
LOG1("Lat:%f", position.Latitude());
LOG1("Long:%f", position.Longitude());
LOG1("HA:%f", position.HorizontalAccuracy());
iLastLocationFixType = EFixFromDb;
iState = ETriggerEvaluation;
LOG1("Failed to get Fix From DB with %d", error);
else if( aFixLocationFixType == EFixFromNpp )
iLastLocationFixType = EFixFromNpp;
iLocationRequestor->CurrentLocationFromNpp( iPosInfo, iStatus,
TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds( aLocationRequestTimeout ) );
iState = ELocationAcquisition;
iLastLocationFixType = EProperFix;
iLocationRequestor->CurrentLocation( iPosInfo, iStatus,
TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds( aLocationRequestTimeout ) );
iState = ELocationAcquisition;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CLbtCoOrdinateSupervisor::GetCellIdPosition
// Get the position corresponding to current cell id
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CLbtCoOrdinateSupervisor::GetCellIdPosition( TPositionInfo& aPositionInfo )
TInt countryCode,networkCode;
TLex lex( iNwInfo.iCountryCode );
lex.Val( countryCode );
lex.Assign( iNwInfo.iNetworkId );
lex.Val( networkCode );
TPosition position;
TInt error = iCellIdDatabase->GetLocationForCid( countryCode,networkCode,iLocArea.iLocationAreaCode,
iLocArea.iCellId,position );
if( error == KErrNone )
aPositionInfo.SetPosition( position );
return error;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CLbtCoOrdinateSupervisor::UpdateNearestTriggers
// Updates the record of nearest triggers
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CLbtCoOrdinateSupervisor::UpdateNearestTriggers( TLbtTriggerId aID, TReal aDistance , TInt aRemRearmTime )
TNearestTrigger nTrigger;
nTrigger.distance = aDistance;
nTrigger.id = aID;
nTrigger.remRearmTime = aRemRearmTime;
TLinearOrder< TNearestTrigger > byDistance( CompareByDistance );
iNearestTriggers.InsertInOrderAllowRepeats( nTrigger, byDistance );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CLbtCoOrdinateSupervisor::EstimateTriggerRadii
// Calculcates the trigger radius and the radius of the hysteresis circle
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
CLbtCoOrdinateSupervisor::TTriggerArea CLbtCoOrdinateSupervisor::EstimateTriggerRadii(
TReal aTriggerRadius, TReal aHysteresisRadius,
TReal aPositionAccuracy )
TTriggerArea trgArea;
TReal ratioOfCircularAreas = aPositionAccuracy / aTriggerRadius;
if( ratioOfCircularAreas >= KCofftOfHighEdgeLimit )
trgArea.triggerRadius = aTriggerRadius;
trgArea.hysteresisRadius = aHysteresisRadius;
// Update radiusOfTrigger and radiusOfHysteresis accordingly
trgArea.triggerRadius = aTriggerRadius +( KAccuracyMultiplier * aPositionAccuracy );
trgArea.hysteresisRadius = Hysteresis( trgArea.triggerRadius );
return trgArea;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CLbtCoOrdinateSupervisor::Hysteresis
// Calculates the hysteresis radius
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TReal CLbtCoOrdinateSupervisor::Hysteresis( TReal aTriggerRadius )
TReal hysteresis;
if( aTriggerRadius > KTriggerRadiusCutoff )
TReal logRadius;
Math::Ln( logRadius, aTriggerRadius / 10 );
hysteresis = aTriggerRadius / logRadius;
hysteresis = aTriggerRadius / 4;
return hysteresis + aTriggerRadius;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CLbtCoOrdinateSupervisor::DetermineNearestDistances
// Algorithm to determine the shortest distance
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CLbtCoOrdinateSupervisor::CompareByDistance( const TNearestTrigger& src,
const TNearestTrigger& dst )
if( src.distance > dst.distance )
return 1;
else if( src.distance < dst.distance )
return -1;
return 0;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CLbtCoOrdinateSupervisor::CompareByID
// Determine equality of nearest triggers by id
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TBool CLbtCoOrdinateSupervisor::CompareByID( const TNearestTrigger& src,
const TNearestTrigger& dst )
if( src.id > dst.id )
return ETrue;
return EFalse;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CLbtCoOrdinateSupervisor::ResetViewIterator
// Resets trigger view iterator.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CLbtCoOrdinateSupervisor::ResetViewIterator()
TInt err = iViewIterator.Reset();
if( KErrNone != err )
if( KErrNotFound == err )
// determine update interval
iState = iProjectedState = EIdle;
// TODO: Report error to server. This can be done only after
// introducing new state to strategy dynamic info.
return err;
return KErrNone;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CLbtCoOrdinateSupervisor::RunL
// Inherited from CActive - called when the request issued is completed.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CLbtCoOrdinateSupervisor::RunL()
switch ( iState )
case ELocationAcquisition:
case ETriggerEvaluation:
case EUpdateIntervalEstimation:
case ESleep:
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CLbtCoOrdinateSupervisor::DoCancel
// Inherited from CActive - called to cancel outanding events.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CLbtCoOrdinateSupervisor::DoCancel()
iFixForFiringCloseTriggers = EFalse;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CLbtCoOrdinateSupervisor::RunError
// Handles the event of leave from the request completion event handler RunL()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CLbtCoOrdinateSupervisor::RunError( TInt /*aError*/ )
return KErrNone;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CLbtCoOrdinateSupervisor::CLbtCoOrdinateSupervisor
// C++ default constructor.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
CLbtCoOrdinateSupervisor::CLbtCoOrdinateSupervisor() :
CActive( EPriorityHigh )
CActiveScheduler::Add( this );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CLbtCoOrdinateSupervisor::ConstructL
// Symbian 2nd phase constructor.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CLbtCoOrdinateSupervisor::ConstructL( TAny* /*aConstructionParameters*/,
CLbtTriggerView* aView,
MLbtStrategyEngineObsrvr* aObserver,
CLbtCellChangeHandler* aCellChangeHandler )
iEngObserver = aObserver;
iState = iProjectedState = EIdle;
iEngObserver->RetrieveTriggeringSettings( iSettings );
iCellChangeHandler = aCellChangeHandler;
iModuleId = iSettings.iPositioningTechnology;
iLocationRequestor = CLbtLocationRequestor::NewL();
iStatusManager = CLbtStatusManager::NewL();
iTimer = CLbtStrategyTimer::NewL();
iView = aView;
iViewIterator = iView->BeginL( CLbtGeoAreaBase::ECircle );
iCellIdDatabase = CLbtCellIdDatabase::NewL();
iLastCellRequestStatus = KErrUnknown;
iLastLocationFixType = EFixUnknown;
iPsyChangeListner = NULL;
iFixForFiringCloseTriggers = EFalse;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CLbtCoOrdinateSupervisor::SetEvent
// Completes the iRequestStatus with KErrNone.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CLbtCoOrdinateSupervisor::SetEvent()
if ( !IsActive() )
TRequestStatus* lStatus = &iStatus;
User::RequestComplete( lStatus, KErrNone );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CLbtCoOrdinateSupervisor::Term
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CLbtCoOrdinateSupervisor::Term()
iSupervisionInitiated = EFalse;
switch( iState )
case ELocationAcquisition:
if( iLastLocationFixType == EProperFix )
case ESleep:
iState = iProjectedState = EIdle;
iLastLocationFixType = EFixUnknown;
iFixForFiringCloseTriggers = EFalse;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CLbtCoOrdinateSupervisor::FireClosestTriggers
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CLbtCoOrdinateSupervisor::FireClosestTriggers()
LOG1("NT Count = %d", iNearestTriggers.Count());
for( TInt i=0;i<iNearestTriggers.Count();i++ )
if(iNearestTriggers[i].remRearmTime != 0)
TInt timeToTrigger = (iNearestTriggers[i].distance / iEstimatedUserSpeed);
TInt estimatedInterval = timeToTrigger - iProcessingInterval;
LOG1("estimatedInterval = %d", estimatedInterval);
if( estimatedInterval <= KMinSleepInterval )
CLbtContainerTriggerEntry* trigger;
if( iView->GetTriggerByID( iNearestTriggers[i].id,trigger ) )
LOGSTRING("Trigger: \"%S\" ", &(trigger->TriggerEntry()->Name()));
// check the activity status
TStrategyData strategyData = trigger->StrategyData();
if( strategyData.iActivityStatus == EActive )
// Fire the trigger
TLbtTriggerDataMask dataMask = 0;
// Set trigger state to fired
trigger->ExtendedTriggerInfo()->SetTriggerFiredState( ETrue );
TLbtTriggerFireInfo triggerFireInfo;
TPositionInfo positionInfo;
triggerFireInfo.iTriggerId = trigger->TriggerEntry()->Id();
triggerFireInfo.iFiredPositionInfo = iPrevPosInfo;
trigger->ExtendedTriggerInfo()->SetFiredInfo( triggerFireInfo );
// Time at which trigger fired
TTime triggerFiredTime;
strategyData.iFireTime = triggerFiredTime.Int64();
// Set trigger to inactive state
strategyData.iActivityStatus = EInactive;
dataMask |=
CLbtContainerTriggerEntry::EContainerAttributeIsFired |
CLbtContainerTriggerEntry::EContainerAttributeFireInfo ;
iView->UpdateTriggerInfo( CLbtGeoAreaBase::ECircle,iPosInfo, trigger, dataMask );
trigger->SetStrategyData( strategyData );
// Since the array is in the ascending order of distance( which is directly proportional to time ),
// we can need not search rest of the array.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CLbtCoOrdinateSupervisor::CalculateTolerableRadius
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TReal CLbtCoOrdinateSupervisor::CalculateTolerableRadius( TReal aRadius )
// Tolerance can be calculated using the straight line equation. Slope of straight line is 0.07 and
// intercept is 22.2
TReal tolerableInaccuracy = ( 0.07 * aRadius ) + 22.2;
return ( tolerableInaccuracy + aRadius );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CLbtCoOrdinateSupervisor::HandleCellChangeEvent
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CLbtCoOrdinateSupervisor::HandleCellChangeEvent(
const TInt aStatus,
const RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneNetworkInfoV1& aNwInfo,
const RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneLocationAreaV1& aLocArea)
if( KErrNone == aStatus )
// validate network info
if (aNwInfo.iMode == RMobilePhone::ENetworkModeGsm ||
aNwInfo.iMode == RMobilePhone::ENetworkModeWcdma)
TLex lex( aNwInfo.iCountryCode );
TInt countryCode,networkCode;
lex.Val( countryCode );
if( countryCode )
lex.Assign( aNwInfo.iNetworkId );
lex.Val( networkCode );
if( networkCode )
if( aLocArea.iLocationAreaCode && aLocArea.iCellId )
iLastCellRequestStatus = KErrNone;
iNwInfo = aNwInfo;
iLocArea = aLocArea;
iLastCellRequestStatus = aStatus;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CLbtCoOrdinateSupervisor::HandlePsyChangeEvent
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CLbtCoOrdinateSupervisor::HandlePsyChangeEvent( TPositionModuleId aModuleId )
if( aModuleId == iSettings.iPositioningTechnology )
LOG("aModuleId == iSettings.iPositioningTechnology");
iModuleId = aModuleId;
delete iPsyChangeListner;
iPsyChangeListner = NULL;
LOG("aModuleId != iSettings.iPositioningTechnology");
// We will use defualt proxy
iModuleId = TUid::Uid(0xFFFFFFFF);
iPsyChangeListner->StartToListen( iSettings.iPositioningTechnology );
// If coordinate supervisor AO is not active,request terminal position
if( !IsActive() )
RequestTerminalPosition( iSettings.iLocationRequestTimeout,EProperFix );
// end of file