Bug 1729 - Add braces around _FOFF macro.
* Copyright (c) 2002-2005 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: Helper class for handling out of disk space situations.
#include <e32base.h>
#include <f32file.h>
#include <EPos_CPosLandmark.h>
#include <EPos_CPosLandmarkCategory.h>
* Helper class for handling out of disk space situations.
class CPosLmDiskUtilities : public CBase
enum TLmOperation
/**< Add landmark operation. */
/**< Update landmark operation. */
/**< Remove landmark operation. */
/**< Remove landmarks operation. */
/**< Remove all landmarks operation. */
/**< Add landmark category operation. */
/**< Update landmark category operation. */
/**< Remove landmark category operation. */
/**< remove landmark categories operation. */
/**< Add landmark category to landmark operation. */
/**< Remove landmark category from landmark operation. */
/**< Create index in fields table on Lm ID field */
/**< Create index in categories table on Lm ID field */
public: // Constructors and destructor
* Two-phased constructor.
IMPORT_C static CPosLmDiskUtilities* NewL();
* Destructor.
virtual ~CPosLmDiskUtilities();
public: // New functions
* Method to check if free drive storage
* space is or will fall below Critical Level (CL).
* The CL is defined by this module.
* Method will leave with @p KErrDiskFull if disk size is/or will
* decrease below critical level.
* @param[in] aBytesToWrite Number of bytes the caller is about to add.
* The value 0 checks if the current space is already below the CL.
* @param[in] aDrive Character of the drive to be checked.
IMPORT_C void DiskSpaceBelowCriticalLevelL(
TInt aBytesToWrite,
TChar aDrive );
* Method to estimate disk size impact for a landmark operation.
* Method for operations, EAddLandmarkOp and EUpdateLandmarkOp.
* Otherwise method will raise a debug panic.
* @param[in] aOperation Type of landmark operation.
* @param[in] aLandmark Landmark to be estimated.
* @return Estimated number of bytes the operation will
* take on disk.
IMPORT_C TInt EstimatedDiskSizeOfLmOperation(
TLmOperation aOperation,
const CPosLandmark& aLandmark );
* Method to estimate disk size impact for a landmark operation.
* Method for operations, EAddLmCateogoryOp and EUpdateLmCategoryOp.
* Otherwise method a will raise a debug panic.
* @param[in] aOperation Type of landmark operation.
* @param[in] aLmCategory Landmark category to be estimated.
* @return Estimated number of bytes the operation will
* take on disk.
IMPORT_C TInt EstimatedDiskSizeOfLmOperation(
TLmOperation aOperation,
const CPosLandmarkCategory& aLmCategory );
* Method to estimate disk size impact for a landmark operation.
* Method for operations, ERemoveLandmarkOp and ERemoveLmCategoryOp.
* Otherwise method a will raise a debug panic.
* @param[in] aOperation Type of landmark operation.
* @param[in] aLandmarkId Landmark item id to be estimated.
* @return Estimated number of bytes the operation will
* take on disk.
IMPORT_C TInt EstimatedDiskSizeOfLmOperation(
TLmOperation aOperation,
const TPosLmItemId& aLandmarkId );
* Method to estimate disk size impact for a landmark operation.
* Method for operations, ERemoveLandmarksOp and ERemoveLmCategoriesOp.
* Otherwise method a will raise a debug panic.
* @param[in] aOperation Type of landmark operation.
* @param[in] aLandmarkIdArray Landmark item id's to be estimated.
* @return Estimated number of bytes the operation will
* take on disk.
IMPORT_C TInt EstimatedDiskSizeOfLmOperation(
TLmOperation aOperation,
const RArray<TPosLmItemId>& aLandmarkIdArray );
* Method to estimate disk size impact for a landmark operation.
* Method for operations, EAddLmCategoryToLmOp and
* ERemoveLmCategoryFromLmOp.
* Otherwise method a will raise a debug panic.
* @param[in] aOperation Type of landmark operation.
* @param[in] aLandmarkId Landmark item id's to be estimated.
* @param[in] aLandmarkIdArray Landmark item id's to be estimated.
* @return Estimated number of bytes the operation will
* take on disk.
IMPORT_C TInt EstimatedDiskSizeOfLmCatOperation(
TLmOperation aOperation,
TPosLmItemId& aLandmarkId,
const RArray<TPosLmItemId>& aLandmarkIdArray );
* Method to estimate disk size impact for an empty landmark database.
* @return Estimated number of bytes.
IMPORT_C TInt EstimatedDiskSizeOfEmptyDatabase();
* Method to estimate disk size impact for creating
* foreign index in a table.
* @return Estimated number of bytes.
IMPORT_C TInt EstimatedDiskSizeOfIndex(
TLmOperation aOperation,
TInt aCountOfRecords );
* C++ default constructor.
* By default Symbian 2nd phase constructor is private.
void ConstructL();
* Method for estimating disk size for a landmark.
* @param aLandmarkCategory Landmark category to estimate.
* @return Number of bytes the estimated landmark would take.
TInt CalculateLandmarkDisksize( const CPosLandmark& aLandmark );
* Method for estimating disk size for a landmark cagegory.
* @param aLandmarkCategory Landmark category to estimate.
* @return Number of bytes the estimated landmark category
* would take.
TInt CalculateLandmarkCategoryDisksize(
const CPosLandmarkCategory& aLandmarkCategory );
// By default, prohibit copy constructor
CPosLmDiskUtilities( const CPosLmDiskUtilities& );
// Prohibit assigment operator
CPosLmDiskUtilities& operator= ( const CPosLmDiskUtilities& );
// File session
RFs iFs;
// Level for critical disk space
TInt iCriticalDiskLevel;