* Copyright (c) 2007 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: Declaration of CPosLmNameIndex class
#include <e32base.h>
#include <EPos_Landmarks.h>
class CPosLandmark;
class CPosLmLocalDbAccess;
class RDbNamedDatabase;
class RDbTable;
class RWriteStream;
class CPosLmNameIndex : public CBase
class CItem : public CBase
virtual TPosLmItemId Id() const = 0;
virtual TPtrC Name() const = 0;
virtual TInt Size() const = 0;
virtual void ExternalizeL( RWriteStream& aOut ) const = 0;
class CIndexItem : public CItem
enum TState
EStateTemp = 0,
EStateValid = 1,
EStateInvalid = 2
CIndexItem( TPosLmItemId aId );
CIndexItem( TPosLmItemId aId, HBufC* aName );
static CIndexItem* NewLC( TPosLmItemId aId, const TDesC& aName );
static CIndexItem* NewLC( RReadStream& aIn );
public: // from CItem
inline TPosLmItemId Id() const;
TPtrC Name() const;
TInt Size() const;
void ExternalizeL( RWriteStream& aOut ) const;
static TInt CompareById( const CIndexItem& aLeft, const CIndexItem& aRight );
inline TUint32* IdPtr();
inline HBufC* NamePtr();
inline void SetId( TPosLmItemId aLmid );
inline TBool IsValid();
inline TBool IsTemp();
inline void SetValid();
inline void SetInvalid();
TPosLmItemId iId;
HBufC* iName;
TInt32 iState;
class TLmIndexNameKey : public TKeyArrayFix
TAny *At( TInt anIndex ) const;
class TLmIndexIdKey : public TKeyArrayFix
TAny *At( TInt anIndex ) const;
static CPosLmNameIndex* NewL( CPosLmLocalDbAccess& aDbAccess );
static CPosLmNameIndex* NewLC( CPosLmLocalDbAccess& aDbAccess );
/** Stores index data to database
* @param[in] aDrive The disk where database is located. This method
* will check if the drive has enough space to store the index.
* @leave KErrDiskFull if database drive cannot accomodate index data. */
void SaveL( TChar aDrive );
/** Performs one step of index evaluation and returns progress. */
TReal32 Evaluate();
/** Starts transaction on the index. From now on and until
* transaction is committed or rolled back, all inserted items
* are left in EStateTemp state and all removed items are
* only marked as EStateInvalid */
void StartTransaction();
/** Marks all temp items as valid and removes all invalid ones */
void CommitTransaction();
/** Removes all invalid and temp items */
void RollbackTransaction();
/** @return status of the index object:
* - KErrNone - ready
* - KErrNotReady - evaluating or in transaction
* - other - error. */
inline TInt Status() const;
/** @return timestamp of the index store */
inline TTime TimeStamp() const;
/** Inserts landmark to the correct place in the index.
* ID and name must be valid */
void InsertL( const CPosLandmark& aLandmark );
/** Inserts ID and name pair to the correct place in the index. */
void InsertL( TPosLmItemId aId, const TDesC& aName );
/** Inserts ID and name pair to the correct place in the index.
* This object takes ownership of the aName */
void InsertL( TPosLmItemId aLmid, HBufC* aName );
/** Updates name for the given ID and moves it to the correct place in the index. */
void UpdateL( TPosLmItemId aId, const TDesC& aName );
/** Updates name for the given ID and moves it to the correct place in the index.
* This object takes ownership of the aName */
void UpdateL( TPosLmItemId aLmid, HBufC* aName );
/** Removes an item from the index */
void Remove( TPosLmItemId aId );
/** Total amount of items in index */
TInt Count() const;
/** Access to a particular item in index */
const CItem& Item( TInt aIndex ) const;
/** Returns index of valid item with given ID, or KErrNotFound if not found */
TInt Find( TPosLmItemId aLmid ) const;
/** Returns list of all IDs sorted by landmark name */
CArrayFixSeg<TPosLmItemId>* GetSortedIdsLC() const;
/** Returns a part of the list of IDs sorted by landmark name */
CArrayFixSeg<TPosLmItemId>* GetSortedIdsLC( TInt aFirst, TInt aCount ) const;
/** Returns a part of the list of IDs sorted by landmark name
* @param[out] aTarget pointer to array of TPosLmItemId elements.
* It must be able to accomodate aCount items
* @param[out] aRemider on return contains amount of items left in the index
* (this is Count() - (aFirst + aCount) ) */
TInt GetSortedIds(
TInt aFirst, TInt aCount,
TPosLmItemId* aTarget, TInt& aReminder ) const;
/** @return size of this index if externalized */
TInt DataSize() const;
/** @return size of given item if externalized */
TInt DataSize( const CItem& aItem ) const;
/** Clears the index */
void Reset();
/** Writes single item onto given stream.
* Stream will contain ID, length of the name, name data */
void ExternalizeL( RWriteStream& aOut, const CItem& aItem ) const;
CPosLmNameIndex( CPosLmLocalDbAccess& aDbAccess );
void ConstructL();
void ExternalizeL( RWriteStream& aOut ) const;
void InternalizeL( RReadStream& aIn );
/** Inserts ID and name pair to the correct place in the index.
* Takes ownership of the aName */
CIndexItem* DoInsertL( TPosLmItemId aLmid, HBufC* aName );
void DoEvaluateL( TReal32& aProgress );
void StopEvaluation();
void LoadL();
void CreateByIdSortingL();
void RemoveInvalidItems();
CIndexItem* ItemById( TPosLmItemId aId ) const;
void AppendL( TPosLmItemId aLmid, HBufC* aName );
void AppendL( CIndexItem* aLandmark );
void DoRemove( TInt aIndex );
CArrayPtrSeg<CIndexItem>* iArray;
TInt iDataSize;
CPosLmLocalDbAccess& iDbAccess;
RDbNamedDatabase iDatabase;
RDbTable iTable;
TInt iTablePosition;
TBool iIsTableOpen;
TInt iStatus;
TTime iTimeStamp;
RPointerArray<CIndexItem> iIdSortedArray; // does not own items!
CIndexItem* iKeyItem;
TBool iInTransaction;
#include "epos_cposlmnameindex.inl"