* Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: Class used for encoding landmark content into an URL.
#include <lbsposition.h>
#include <uri8.h>
#include <EPos_LandmarksErrors.h>
#include "epos_cposlmurlencoder.h"
#include "EPos_CPosLmFileOutput.h"
#include "EPos_CPosLmBufferOutput.h"
#include "epos_cposlmurlencoderoperation.h"
#include "EPos_PosLmConverterUtils.h"
#include "EPos_CPosLmCategoryManager.h"
#include "EPos_CPosLandmarkDatabase.h"
const TInt KPosBufferExpandSize = 600;
const TInt KRealPoint = 46;
const TInt KRealDecimalPlaces = 2;
const TInt KCoordinateDecimalPlaces = 6;
const TInt KSpecialCharacterAsciiLowerLimit1 = 32;
const TInt KSpecialCharacterAsciiUpperLimit1 = 47;
const TInt KSpecialCharacterAsciiLowerLimit2 = 58;
const TInt KSpecialCharacterAsciiUpperLimit2 = 64;
const TInt KSpecialCharacterAsciiLowerLimit3 = 91;
const TInt KSpecialCharacterAsciiUpperLimit3 = 96;
const TInt KSpecialCharacterAsciiLowerLimit4 = 123;
const TInt KSpecialCharacterAsciiUpperLimit4 = 126;
// ============================ MEMBER FUNCTIONS ===============================
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CPosLmUrlEncoder::CPosLmUrlEncoder
// Default Constructor
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CPosLmUrlEncoder::NewL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
CPosLmUrlEncoder* CPosLmUrlEncoder::NewL()
return new (ELeave) CPosLmUrlEncoder;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CPosLmUrlEncoder::~CPosLmUrlEncoder
// Destructor
delete iOutput;
iOutput = NULL;
delete iLastLandmark;
iLastLandmark = NULL;
// CPosLmUrlEncoder::SetUseOutputBufferL
CBufBase* CPosLmUrlEncoder::SetUseOutputBufferL()
// The encoder is reset before starting a new encoding process
// create an instance of the CPosLmBufferOutput
CPosLmBufferOutput* output = CPosLmBufferOutput::NewL(KPosBufferExpandSize);
CleanupStack::PushL( output );
// Assign the buffer output instance to the member variable
iOutput = output;
// Create the buffer into which the encoded output will be written
CBufBase* buffer = output->BufferLC();
// Initialize the encoding by writing the Url scheme & host
CleanupStack::Pop( 2,output );
return buffer;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CPosLmUrlEncoder::SetOutputFileL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CPosLmUrlEncoder::SetOutputFileL(
const TDesC& aOutputFile)
// The encoder is reset before starting a new encoding process
// Create an instance of the CPosLmFileOutput
iOutput = CPosLmFileOutput::NewL(aOutputFile);
// Initialize the encoding by writing the Url scheme & host
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CPosLmUrlEncoder::AddCollectionDataL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CPosLmUrlEncoder::AddCollectionDataL(
TPosLmCollectionDataId /*aDataId*/,
const TDesC& /*aCollectionData*/)
// Do Nothing,as URl format does not support collection data
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CPosLmUrlEncoder::AddLandmarkL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CPosLmUrlEncoder::AddLandmarkL( const CPosLandmark& aLandmark )
// Check that the encoder status is EPosInitialized when this method is called,
// if not panic with EPosLmProtocolBreak
__ASSERT_ALWAYS( iEncoderStatus == EPosInitialized,
Panic( KPosLandmarksClientPanic, EPosLmProtocolBreak ) );
// Check if landmark already exists,if yes then return KErrNotSupported
// as multiple landmarks encoding is not supported.
if ( iLastLandmark )
User::Leave( KErrNotSupported );
iLastLandmark = CPosLandmark::NewL( aLandmark );
// Encode the landmark
// Set encoder status after landamrk is added
iEncoderStatus = EPosLmInfoAdded;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CPosLmUrlEncoder::AddCategoryForLatestLandmarkL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CPosLmUrlEncoder::AddCategoryForLatestLandmarkL( const CPosLandmarkCategory& aCategory )
// Check that landmark is already added before adding a category,if not panic
// with EPosLmProtocolBreak
iEncoderStatus == EPosLmInfoAdded,
Panic(KPosLandmarksClientPanic, EPosLmProtocolBreak));
// Append the category information to the category array associated
// with the landmark to be encoded
User::LeaveIfError( iCategories.Append( CPosLandmarkCategory::NewL( aCategory ) ) );
// Encode the category and write it to the encoded output
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CPosLmUrlEncoder::InitializeEncodingL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CPosLmUrlEncoder::InitializeEncodingL()
// Write the URL scheme
// Write the URL hostname
// Set encoder status to EPosInitialized
iEncoderStatus = EPosInitialized;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CPosLmUrlEncoder::FinalizeEncodingL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
CPosLmOperation* CPosLmUrlEncoder::FinalizeEncodingL()
// Check that the enocder status is EPosLmInfoAdded when this method is called,
// if not panic with EPosLmProtocolBreak
iEncoderStatus == EPosLmInfoAdded,
Panic(KPosLandmarksClientPanic, EPosLmProtocolBreak));
// Create an instance of the CPosLmUrlEncoderOperation,which will be returned
// to the client,using which the client can call ExecuteL or NextStep to execute
// and complete the encoding operation.
CPosLmUrlEncoderOperation* op = CPosLmUrlEncoderOperation::NewL( iOutput );
// Ownership of iOutput has been transferred to op.
iOutput = NULL;
// Change staus back to EPosUninitialized for next encoding process
iEncoderStatus = EPosUninitialized;
return op;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CPosLmUrlEncoder::ResetEncoderL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CPosLmUrlEncoder::ResetEncoderL()
// Delete all previous data
delete iOutput;
iOutput = NULL;
delete iLastLandmark;
iLastLandmark = NULL;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CPosLmUrlEncoder::WriteUrlSchemeL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CPosLmUrlEncoder::WriteUrlSchemeL()
CUri8* uri = CUri8::NewL();
// Setting URI scheme component
uri->SetComponentL(KUrlSchemeHttp, EUriScheme);
const TDesC8& uriBuffer = uri->Uri().UriDes();
// Convert retrieved uri descriptor to HBufC16
HBufC16* uriScheme = HBufC16::NewL( uriBuffer.Length() );
CleanupStack::PushL( uriScheme );
uriScheme->Des().Copy( uriBuffer );
// Write the URL scheme to encoded output
iOutput->WriteL( *uriScheme );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 2,uri );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CPosLmUrlEncoder::WriteUrlHostL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CPosLmUrlEncoder::WriteUrlHostL()
CUri8* uri = CUri8::NewL();
// Setting URI host component
uri->SetComponentL(KUrlHostFull, EUriHost);
const TDesC8& uriBuffer = uri->Uri().UriDes();
// Convert retrieved uri descriptor to HBufC16
HBufC16* uriHost = HBufC16::NewL( uriBuffer.Length() );
CleanupStack::PushL( uriHost );
uriHost->Des().Copy( uriBuffer );
// Write the URL host to encoded output
iOutput->WriteL( *uriHost );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 2,uri );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CPosLmUrlEncoder::EncodeLandmarkL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CPosLmUrlEncoder::EncodeLandmarkL()
// Holds value of extracted landmark text fields
TPtrC textField;
// Write the Url query start string
iOutput->WriteL( KUrlQueryStart );
// Get each of the landmark attributes and encode to Url
// Holds coordinate information
TLocality position;
// Get landmark coordinate and
// Write landmark coordinates to the buffer only if the latitude
// and longitude values are not NaN,else leave with KErrArgument
if ( iLastLandmark->GetPosition( position ))
User::Leave( KErrArgument );
WriteCoordinatesL( position );
// Get Place id
if( !( iLastLandmark->GetPlaceId( textField ) ) )
HBufC* encodedPid = EncodeTextL( textField,KUrlMaxTextEncodingLength);
CleanupStack::PushL( encodedPid );
WriteQueryParamValueL( KUrlPidParam, *encodedPid );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( encodedPid );
// Get Landmark name
if( !( iLastLandmark->GetLandmarkName( textField ) ) )
HBufC* encodedName = EncodeTextL( textField,KUrlMaxTextEncodingLength );
CleanupStack::PushL( encodedName );
WriteQueryParamValueL( KUrlNameParam,*encodedName );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( encodedName );
// Get Landmark Description
if( !( iLastLandmark->GetLandmarkDescription( textField ) ) )
HBufC* encodedDescription = EncodeTextL( textField,KUrlMaxDescriptionEncodingLength );
CleanupStack::PushL( encodedDescription );
WriteQueryParamValueL( KUrlDescriptionParam,*encodedDescription );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( encodedDescription );
// Get House Number
if( !( iLastLandmark->GetPositionField( EPositionFieldStreetExtension,textField ) ) )
HBufC* encodedHouseNumber = EncodeTextL( textField,KUrlMaxTextEncodingLength );
CleanupStack::PushL( encodedHouseNumber );
WriteQueryParamValueL( KUrlHouseNumberParam,*encodedHouseNumber );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( encodedHouseNumber );
// Get Street
if( !( iLastLandmark->GetPositionField( EPositionFieldStreet,textField ) ) )
HBufC* encodedStreet = EncodeTextL( textField,KUrlMaxTextEncodingLength );
CleanupStack::PushL( encodedStreet );
WriteQueryParamValueL( KUrlStreetParam,*encodedStreet );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( encodedStreet );
// Get City
if( !( iLastLandmark->GetPositionField( EPositionFieldCity,textField ) ) )
HBufC* encodedCity = EncodeTextL( textField,KUrlMaxTextEncodingLength );
CleanupStack::PushL( encodedCity );
WriteQueryParamValueL( KUrlCityParam,*encodedCity );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( encodedCity );
// Get State
if( !( iLastLandmark->GetPositionField( EPositionFieldState,textField ) ) )
HBufC* encodedState = EncodeTextL( textField,KUrlMaxTextEncodingLength );
CleanupStack::PushL( encodedState );
WriteQueryParamValueL( KUrlStateParam,*encodedState );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( encodedState );
// Get Country
if( !( iLastLandmark->GetPositionField( EPositionFieldCountry,textField ) ) )
HBufC* encodedCountry = EncodeTextL( textField,KUrlMaxTextEncodingLength );
CleanupStack::PushL( encodedCountry );
WriteQueryParamValueL( KUrlCountryParam,*encodedCountry );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( encodedCountry );
// Get Postal Code
if( !( iLastLandmark->GetPositionField( EPositionFieldPostalCode,textField ) ) )
HBufC* encodedPostalcode = EncodeTextL( textField,KUrlMaxTextEncodingLength );
CleanupStack::PushL( encodedPostalcode );
WriteQueryParamValueL( KUrlPostalCodeParam,*encodedPostalcode );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( encodedPostalcode );
// Get Telephone
if( !( iLastLandmark->GetPositionField( EPositionFieldBuildingTelephone,textField ) ) )
HBufC* encodedTelephone = EncodeTextL( textField,KUrlMaxTextEncodingLength );
CleanupStack::PushL( encodedTelephone );
WriteQueryParamValueL( KUrlTelephoneParam,*encodedTelephone );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( encodedTelephone );
// Use TRealFormat to format the real number obtained for speed & heading to display
// upto 2 decimal digits.
TRealFormat realFormat;
realFormat.iPoint = KRealPoint;
realFormat.iType = KRealFormatFixed | KDoNotUseTriads;
realFormat.iPlaces = KRealDecimalPlaces;
realFormat.iWidth = KRealWidth;
// Get Speed
if( !( iLastLandmark->GetPositionField( EPositionFieldHorizontalSpeed,textField ) ) )
TReal32 speed;
// Descriptor that holds the formatted speed value
TBuf<KRealWidth> speedValue;
// Convert the descriptor obtained into real and check if the value is
// indeed real.If yes then write to the encoded output.
TRAPD( error, PosLmConverterUtils::DesToRealL( textField, speed ) );
if( !error )
TInt speedLength = speedValue.Num( speed, realFormat );
if( speedLength != KErrGeneral )
WriteQueryParamValueL( KUrlSpeedParam,speedValue );
// Get Heading
if( !( iLastLandmark->GetPositionField( EPositionFieldHeading,textField ) ) )
TReal32 heading;
// Descriptor that holds the formatted heading value
TBuf<KRealWidth> headingValue;
// Convert the descriptor obtained into real and check if the value is
// indeed real.If yes then write to the encoded output.
TRAPD( error, PosLmConverterUtils::DesToRealL( textField, heading ) );
if( !error )
TInt headingLength = headingValue.Num( heading, realFormat );
if( headingLength!= KErrGeneral )
WriteQueryParamValueL( KUrlHeadingParam, headingValue );
// Get Categories that are associated with this landmark.
// In case of local category the category name information can only be obtained
// if the category is added to the landmark database.In cases of global category,
// the category name can still be obtained using the category id.
// Holds the category id array
RArray<TPosLmItemId> categoryIdArray;
TRAPD( error, iLastLandmark->GetCategoriesL( categoryIdArray ) );
// Check if there are categories added
if( !error && categoryIdArray.Count() != 0 )
// Open the default database from which the category is read by using the
// category id
CPosLandmarkDatabase* defaultDb = CPosLandmarkDatabase::OpenL();
CleanupStack::PushL( defaultDb );
ExecuteAndDeleteLD( defaultDb->InitializeL() );
// Create an instance of CPosLmCategoryManager which provides method to read
// the category from the database
CPosLmCategoryManager* categoryManager = CPosLmCategoryManager::NewL( *defaultDb );
CleanupStack::PushL( categoryManager );
// For each of the category id,get the category name and write it to
// the encoded output
for( TInt i=0;i<categoryIdArray.Count();i++ )
CPosLandmarkCategory* category = NULL;
// Read the category info from database
TRAPD( error, category =
categoryManager->ReadCategoryLC( categoryIdArray[i] );
// If the ReadCategoryLC does not leave then pop category so as
// to avoid the panic e32user::cbase71
if (category!=NULL) CleanupStack::Pop( category ) );
// Check that there is no error while reading the category info
if( !error )
// Push category onto the cleanupstack
CleanupStack::PushL( category );
// Check that the category has a name before encoding it to the output
if( category->GetCategoryName( textField ) == KErrNone )
// Encode the category name before writing it to the encoded output
HBufC* encodedCategoryName = EncodeTextL( textField,
KUrlMaxCategoryEncodingLength );
CleanupStack::PushL( encodedCategoryName );
WriteQueryParamValueL( KUrlCategoryParam, *encodedCategoryName );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( encodedCategoryName );
// Pop & destroy category which was left on cleanupstack
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( category );
// Pop & destroy items pushed onto the cleanup stack
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 2,defaultDb );
// Get Web Url field
// Check the position fields value within the range EPositionFieldMediaLinksStart
// and EPositionFieldMedaiLinksEnd.Consider the first field within this range that
// has a value specified for encoding.
TPositionFieldId id = EPositionFieldMediaLinksStart;
while ( id <= EPositionFieldMedaiLinksEnd )
// Get position field id value
if( iLastLandmark->GetPositionField( id, textField ) != KErrNone )
// Increment position field id
id++ ;
// Encode the Web url
HBufC* encodedWebUrl = EncodeTextL( textField, KUrlMaxTextEncodingLength );
CleanupStack::PushL( encodedWebUrl );
WriteQueryParamValueL( KUrlWebParam, *encodedWebUrl );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( encodedWebUrl );
// break the while loop after the first url is found & encoded
// Get the timestamp
TTime timeStamp;
if( !( iLastLandmark->GetTimeStamp( timeStamp ) ) )
// Encode time according to the format YYYYMMDD:HHMMSS.MMMMMM
HBufC* encodedTime = EncodeTimeL( timeStamp );
CleanupStack::PushL( encodedTime );
WriteQueryParamValueL( KUrlTimeStampParam, *encodedTime );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( encodedTime );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CPosLmUrlEncoder::WriteCoordinatesL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CPosLmUrlEncoder::WriteCoordinatesL( const TLocality& aPosition )
TBuf<KRealWidth> latitude;
TBuf<KRealWidth> longitude;
TBuf<KRealWidth> altitude;
TBuf<KRealWidth> positionAccuracy;
TBuf<KRealWidth> altitudeAccuracy;
// Use TRealFormat for formatting the real number while converting the latitude
// & longitude to descriptor to display upto 6 decimal digits.
TRealFormat realCoordinateFormat;
realCoordinateFormat.iPoint = KRealPoint;
realCoordinateFormat.iType = KRealFormatFixed | KDoNotUseTriads;
realCoordinateFormat.iPlaces = KCoordinateDecimalPlaces;
realCoordinateFormat.iWidth = KRealWidth;
// Use TRealFormat for formatting the real number while converting the altitude,
// altitudeaccuracy,position accuracy to descriptor to display upto 2 decimal
// digits.
TRealFormat realFormat;
realFormat.iPoint = KRealPoint;
realFormat.iType = KRealFormatFixed | KDoNotUseTriads;
realFormat.iPlaces = KRealDecimalPlaces;
realFormat.iWidth = KRealWidth;
// Check that latitude & longitude values are not NAN,if yes then leave
// with KErrArgument as these parameters are mandatory.
if( !Math::IsNaN( aPosition.Latitude() ) && !Math::IsNaN( aPosition.Longitude() ) )
// formatting the real number to display upto 6 decimal digits
TInt latitudeLength = latitude.Num( aPosition.Latitude(), realCoordinateFormat );
TInt longitudeLength = longitude.Num( aPosition.Longitude(), realCoordinateFormat );
if( latitudeLength != KErrGeneral && longitudeLength != KErrGeneral )
// Write latitude param
iOutput->WriteL( KUrlLatitudeParam );
iOutput->WriteL( latitude );
// Write longitude param
WriteQueryParamValueL( KUrlLongitudeParam,longitude );
User::Leave( KErrGeneral );
User::Leave( KErrArgument );
// Check that altitude value is not NaN before writing to encoded output
if( !Math::IsNaN( aPosition.Altitude() ) )
// formatting the real number to display upto 5 decimal digits
TInt altitudeLength = altitude.Num( aPosition.Altitude(), realFormat );
if( altitudeLength != KErrGeneral )
// Write altitude param
WriteQueryParamValueL( KUrlAltitudeParam,altitude );
// Get Horizontal accuracy which is considered as the position accuracy here
// Check that position accuracy is not NaN before writing to encoded output
if( !Math::IsNaN( aPosition.HorizontalAccuracy() ) )
// Convert horizontal accuracy to descriptor
TInt positionAccuracyLength = positionAccuracy.Num( aPosition.HorizontalAccuracy(),
realFormat );
if( positionAccuracyLength != KErrGeneral )
// Write the position accuracy param
WriteQueryParamValueL( KUrlPositionAccuracyParam,positionAccuracy );
// Get Vertical accuracy which is considered as altitude accuracy here
// Check that altitude accuracy is not NaN before writing to encoded output
if( !Math::IsNaN( aPosition.VerticalAccuracy() ) )
// Convert Vertical accuracy to descriptor
TInt altitudeAccuracyLength = altitudeAccuracy.Num( aPosition.VerticalAccuracy(),
realFormat );
if( altitudeAccuracyLength != KErrGeneral )
// Write the altitude accuracy param
WriteQueryParamValueL( KUrlAltitudeAccuracyParam,altitudeAccuracy );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CPosLmUrlEncoder::WriteQueryParamValueL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CPosLmUrlEncoder::WriteQueryParamValueL( const TDesC16& aParam,
const TDesC16& aValue )
// Write the URL query delimeter before writing the param,value pair
iOutput->WriteL( KUrlQueryDelimeter );
iOutput->WriteL( aParam );
iOutput->WriteL( aValue );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CPosLmUrlEncoder::EncodeTextL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
HBufC* CPosLmUrlEncoder::EncodeTextL( const TDesC16& aText, const TInt aMaxEncodingLength )
TLex string( aText );
HBufC* buffer = HBufC::NewL( aMaxEncodingLength );
// Parse through the string and check if each of the character
// is either a digit/alphabet.If not get the ascii value of
// character in hex and escape encode it.
while( !string.Eos() )
TChar character = string.Get();
// check if character is alpha digit
if( !character.IsAlphaDigit() )
// Get Ascii value of character
TInt ascii = character;
// Check that the ascii value of the non-alphadigit
// character is in the range that can be encoded according
// to the grammar definition of URL mentioned in api spec.
if( ( ascii >= KSpecialCharacterAsciiLowerLimit1
&& ascii <= KSpecialCharacterAsciiUpperLimit1 ) ||
( ascii >= KSpecialCharacterAsciiLowerLimit2
&& ascii <= KSpecialCharacterAsciiUpperLimit2 ) ||
( ascii >= KSpecialCharacterAsciiLowerLimit3
&& ascii <= KSpecialCharacterAsciiUpperLimit3 ) ||
( ascii >= KSpecialCharacterAsciiLowerLimit4
&& ascii <= KSpecialCharacterAsciiUpperLimit4 ) )
// Convert ascii in decimal to ascii in hex
TBuf<2> buf;
buf.Format(KUrlHex, character );
// Write the escaped character to buffer
buffer->Des().Append( KUrlEscapeCharacter ) ;
buffer->Des().Append( buf ) ;
// Write the character as it is to the buffer if alpha/digit
buffer->Des().Append( character );
// return the buffer containing the encoded text
return buffer;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CPosLmUrlEncoder::EncodeCategoryL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CPosLmUrlEncoder::EncodeCategoryL()
TPtrC categoryName;
// Get Categories associated with the landmark to be encoded
for( TInt i=0;i<iCategories.Count();i++ )
// Extract the category name for each of the categories
if( iCategories[i]->GetCategoryName( categoryName ) == KErrNone )
// Encode the category name before writing it to the encoded output
HBufC* encodedCategoryName = EncodeTextL( categoryName,
KUrlMaxCategoryEncodingLength );
CleanupStack::PushL( encodedCategoryName );
WriteQueryParamValueL( KUrlCategoryParam, *encodedCategoryName );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( encodedCategoryName );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CPosLmUrlEncoder::EncodeTimeL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
HBufC* CPosLmUrlEncoder::EncodeTimeL( const TTime& aTimeStamp )
// Buffer containing the encoded time field
HBufC* timeField = HBufC::NewL( KUrlMaxTextEncodingLength );
// Get the date time info from TTime
TDateTime dateTime = aTimeStamp.DateTime();
// Encode each of the date time fields into the timeField buffer
// Format the year field according to the number of digits
timeField->Des().AppendFormat( KYearFormat, dateTime.Year() );
// Format month field according to number of digits
timeField->Des().AppendFormat( KFormat, dateTime.Month() );
// Format month field according to number of digits
timeField->Des().AppendFormat( KFormat, dateTime.Day() );
// Append the date time separator
timeField->Des().Append( KDateTimeSeparator );
// Format month field according to number of digits
timeField->Des().AppendFormat( KFormat, dateTime.Hour() );
// Format month field according to number of digits
timeField->Des().AppendFormat( KFormat, dateTime.Minute() );
// Format month field according to number of digits
timeField->Des().AppendFormat( KFormat, dateTime.Second() );
// Append the time microseconds separator
timeField->Des().Append( KTimeMicroSecondSeparator );
// Format the microseconds field according to number of digits
timeField->Des().AppendFormat( KFormatMicroSeconds, dateTime.MicroSecond() );
return timeField;