1 |
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2 |
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3 |
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4 |
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5 |
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6 |
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7 |
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8 |
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9 |
10 |
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11 |
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12 |
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13 |
<unit bldFile="mds_plat/harvester_framework_api/tsrc/group" filter="test,api_test"/>
14 |
<!-- can only have one unit with the same filter, #include the following from the previous unit -->
15 |
<unit bldFile="mds_plat/harvester_framework_api/tsrc/composerplugintest/group" filter="test,api_test"/>
16 |
<unit bldFile="mds_plat/harvester_framework_api/tsrc/harvesterclienttest/group" filter="test,api_test"/>
17 |
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18 |
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19 |
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20 |
21 |
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22 |
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23 |
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24 |
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25 |
26 |
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27 |
<meta rel="Api" href="mds_plat/metadata_engine_api/metadata_engine_api.metaxml"/>
28 |
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29 |
<unit bldFile="mds_plat/metadata_engine_api/tsrc/group" filter="test,api_test"/>
30 |
31 |
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32 |
<meta rel="Api" href="mds_plat/content_listing_framework_collection_manager_api/content_listing_framework_collection_manager_api.metaxml"/>
33 |
<meta rel="config">
34 |
<defined condition="RD_MDS_2_5"/>
35 |
36 |
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37 |
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38 |
39 |
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40 |
<meta rel="Api" href="mds_plat/content_listing_framework_extended_api/content_listing_framework_extended_api.metaxml"/>
41 |
<meta rel="config">
42 |
<defined condition="RD_MDS_2_5"/>
43 |
44 |
<unit bldFile="mds_plat/content_listing_framework_extended_api/group"/>
45 |
46 |
47 |
<collection id="mds_pub" name="Metadata Services Public Interfaces" level="int">
48 |
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49 |
<meta rel="Api" href="mds_pub/content_listing_framework_api/content_listing_framework_api.metaxml"/>
50 |
<meta rel="config">
51 |
<defined condition="RD_MDS_2_5"/>
52 |
53 |
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54 |
<unit bldFile="mds_pub/content_listing_framework_api/tsrc/group" filter="test,api_test"/>
55 |
56 |
57 |
<collection id="metadataengine" name="Metadata Engine" level="eng">
58 |
<component id="metadataengine_build" filter="s60" name="Metadata Engine Build" introduced="^2">
59 |
<!--collection is really a component. Move down a directory -->
60 |
<unit bldFile="metadataengine/group"/>
61 |
62 |
63 |
<collection id="locationmanager" name="Location Manager" level="mgr">
64 |
<component id="geoconverter" filter="s60" name="Geoconverter" introduced="^4">
65 |
<meta rel="config">
66 |
<defined condition="_LOC_GEOTAGGING_CELLID"/>
67 |
68 |
<unit bldFile="locationmanager/geoconverter/group"/>
69 |
70 |
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71 |
<meta rel="config">
72 |
<defined condition="_LOC_REVERSEGEOCODE"/>
73 |
74 |
<unit bldFile="locationmanager/tagcreator/group"/>
75 |
76 |
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77 |
<meta rel="config">
78 |
<defined condition="_LOC_REVERSEGEOCODE"/>
79 |
80 |
<unit bldFile="locationmanager/ReverseGeocode/group"/>
81 |
82 |
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83 |
<meta rel="config">
84 |
<defined condition="_LOC_REVERSEGEOCODE"/>
85 |
86 |
<unit bldFile="locationmanager/ReverseGeoCoderPlugin/group"/>
87 |
88 |
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89 |
<meta rel="config">
90 |
<defined condition="_LOC_REVERSEGEOCODE"/>
91 |
92 |
<unit bldFile="locationmanager/geotagger/group"/>
93 |
94 |
<component id="locationtrail" filter="s60" name="Location Trail" introduced="^2">
95 |
<unit bldFile="locationmanager/locationtrail/group"/>
96 |
97 |
<component id="locationmanager_server" filter="s60" name="Location Manager Server" introduced="^2">
98 |
<unit bldFile="locationmanager/server/group"/>
99 |
100 |
<component id="locationmanager_client" filter="s60" name="Location Manager Client" introduced="^2">
101 |
<unit bldFile="locationmanager/client/group"/>
102 |
103 |
<component id="locationmanager_data" filter="s60" name="Location Manager Data" introduced="^2">
104 |
<unit bldFile="locationmanager/data"/>
105 |
106 |
107 |
<collection id="contextengine" name="Context Engine" level="eng">
108 |
<component id="contextengine_build" filter="s60" name="Context Engine Build" introduced="^2">
109 |
<!-- collection is really a component. Move down a directory -->
110 |
<unit bldFile="contextengine/group"/>
111 |
112 |
113 |
<collection id="harvester" name="Harvester" level="eng">
114 |
<component id="blacklistclient" filter="s60" name="Blacklist Client" introduced="^2">
115 |
<unit bldFile="harvester/blacklistclient/group"/>
116 |
117 |
<component id="blacklistserver" filter="s60" name="Blacklist Server" introduced="^2">
118 |
<unit bldFile="harvester/blacklistserver/group"/>
119 |
120 |
<component id="harvester_common" filter="s60" name="Harvester Common" introduced="^2">
121 |
<unit bldFile="harvester/common/group"/>
122 |
123 |
<component id="composerplugins" filter="s60" name="Composer Plugins" class="plugin" introduced="^2">
124 |
<unit bldFile="harvester/composerplugins/group"/>
125 |
126 |
<component id="harvesterplugins" filter="s60" name="Harvester Plugins" class="plugin" introduced="^2">
127 |
<unit bldFile="harvester/harvesterplugins/group"/>
128 |
129 |
<component id="monitorplugins" filter="s60" name="Monitor Plugins" class="plugin" introduced="^2">
130 |
<unit bldFile="harvester/monitorplugins/group"/>
131 |
132 |
<component id="harvester_server" filter="s60" name="Harvester Server" introduced="^2">
133 |
<unit bldFile="harvester/server/group"/>
134 |
135 |
<component id="harvester_client" filter="s60" name="Harvester Client" introduced="^2">
136 |
<unit bldFile="harvester/client/group"/>
137 |
138 |
<component id="harvester_data" filter="s60" name="Harvester Data" class="config" introduced="^2">
139 |
<!-- consider moving these exports into the other components -->
140 |
<unit bldFile="harvester/data"/>
141 |
142 |
143 |
<collection id="watchdog" name="Watchdog" level="server">
144 |
<!-- collection is really a component. Move down a directory -->
145 |
<component id="mdswatchdog" filter="s60" name="Metadata Watchdog" introduced="^2">
146 |
<unit bldFile="watchdog/group"/>
147 |
148 |
149 |
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150 |
<!-- collection is really a component. Move down a directory -->
151 |
<meta rel="config">
152 |
<defined condition="RD_MDS_2_5"/>
153 |
154 |
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155 |
<unit bldFile="clfwrapper/group"/>
156 |
157 |
158 |
<collection id="mds_info" name="Metadata Services Info" level="int">
159 |
<component id="mds_rom" filter="s60" name="Metadata Services ROM" class="config" introduced="^2">
160 |
<!-- consider moving these exports into the other collections -->
161 |
<unit bldFile="rom"/>
162 |
163 |
164 |
165 |