changeset 36 aa5a574040a4
child 48 1389872e7c51
equal deleted inserted replaced
35:f727727520eb 36:aa5a574040a4
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description: Implementation of HTTP Client Engine.
    15 */
    17 //Symbian headers
    18 #include <http.h>
    19 #include <commdbconnpref.h>
    20 #include <connpref.h>
    21 #include <extendedconnpref.h>
    22 #include <commdb.h>
    23 #include <etel3rdparty.h>                // voice call notification
    24 #include <mmtsy_names.h>                 // kmmtsymodulename
    25 #include "locationmanagerdebug.h"
    26 #include "clientengine.h"
    28 // Used user agent for requests
    29 _LIT8(KUserAgent, "SimpleClient 1.0");
    31 // This client accepts all content types.
    32 _LIT8(KAccept, "*/*");
    34 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    35 // CClientEngine::NewL()
    36 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    37 CClientEngine* CClientEngine::NewL( MClientObserver& aObserver)
    38     {
    39     LOG("CClientEngine::NewL ,begin");
    40     CClientEngine* self = CClientEngine::NewLC( aObserver);
    41     CleanupStack::Pop( self );
    42     return self;
    43     }
    45 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    46 // CClientEngine::NewLC()
    47 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    48 CClientEngine* CClientEngine::NewLC(MClientObserver& aObserver)
    49     {
    50     LOG("CClientEngine::NewLC ,begin");
    51     CClientEngine* self = new ( ELeave ) CClientEngine( aObserver);
    52     CleanupStack::PushL( self );
    53     self->ConstructL();
    54     return self;
    55     }
    57 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    58 // CClientEngine::CClientEngine()
    59 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    60 CClientEngine::CClientEngine( MClientObserver& aObserver): 
    61                                 CActive( CActive::EPriorityStandard ),
    62                                 iObserver( aObserver ),
    63                                 iConnectionSetupDone( EFalse ),
    64                                 iPrevProfileId( -1 ),
    65                                 iMobility(NULL),
    66                                 iTransactionOpen( EFalse ),
    67                                 iUri(NULL)
    68     {
    69     }
    71 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    72 // CClientEngine::~CClientEngine()
    73 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    74 CClientEngine::~CClientEngine()
    75     {
    76     LOG("CClientEngine::~CClientEngine ,begin");
    77     Cancel();
    79     if ( iTransactionOpen )
    80         {
    81         iTransaction.Close();
    82         iTransactionOpen = EFalse;
    83         }
    85     if ( iMobility )
    86         {
    87         iMobility->Cancel();
    88         }
    89     delete iMobility;
    90     if(iConnectionSetupDone)
    91         {
    92         iSession.Close();
    93         iConnection.Close();
    94         iSocketServ.Close();
    95         }
    96     delete iUri;
    98 	iCmManager.Close();
   101     // DON'T cose RMobilePhone object
   103 	LOG("CClientEngine::~CClientEngine ,end");
   104     }
   106 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   107 // CClientEngine::ConstructL()
   108 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   109 void CClientEngine::ConstructL()
   110   {
   111   LOG("CClientEngine::ConstructL ,begin");
   112   CActiveScheduler::Add(this);
   113   iCmManager.OpenL();
   114   LOG("CClientEngine::ConstructL ,end");
   115   }
   117 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   118 // CClientEngine::CloseConnection()
   119 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   120 void CClientEngine::CloseConnection()
   121     {
   122     LOG("CClientEngine::CloseConnection ,begin" );
   123     if ( iTransactionOpen )
   124         {
   125         iTransaction.Close();
   126         iTransactionOpen = EFalse;
   127         }
   129     if ( iMobility )
   130         {
   131 		iMobility->Cancel();
   132 		delete iMobility;
   133 		iMobility = NULL;
   134         }
   136     if(iConnectionSetupDone)
   137         { 
   138         iSession.Close();
   139         iConnection.Close();
   140         iSocketServ.Close();  
   142         iConnectionSetupDone = EFalse;
   143         }
   144 	LOG("CClientEngine::CloseConnection ,end");
   145     }
   148 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   149 // CClientEngine::IsVisitorNetwork()
   150 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   151 TBool CClientEngine::IsVisitorNetwork(const TMobileRoamingStatus& aRegNetworkStatus) const
   152     {
   153     LOG1("CClientEngine::IsVisitorNetwork. reg network status - %d",
   154 			(TInt) aRegNetworkStatus);
   156     return (aRegNetworkStatus == EMobileNationalRoaming ||
   157         aRegNetworkStatus== EMobileInternationalRoaming);
   159     }
   161 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   162 // CClientEngine::IsWlanOnly()
   163 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   164 TBool CClientEngine::IsWlanOnly(const TMobileRoamingStatus& aRoamingStatus,
   165                                 const TCmGenConnSettings& aGenConnSettings) const
   166     {
   167     LOG1("CClientEngine::IsVisitorNetwork. reg network status - %d",(TInt) aRoamingStatus);
   168     TBool wlanOnlyFlag = EFalse;
   169     switch(aRoamingStatus)
   170         {
   171         case EMobileRegHomeNetwork:
   172             LOG("Home network");
   173             wlanOnlyFlag = (aGenConnSettings.iCellularDataUsageHome == ECmCellularDataUsageDisabled);
   174             break;
   175         case EMobileNationalRoaming:
   176         case EMobileInternationalRoaming:
   177             LOG("Visitor network");
   178             wlanOnlyFlag = (aGenConnSettings.iCellularDataUsageVisitor == ECmCellularDataUsageDisabled);
   179             break;
   180         default:
   181             break;
   182         } // end of switch
   183     LOG1("Wlan only flag - %d", wlanOnlyFlag ? 1 : 0);
   184     return wlanOnlyFlag;
   185     }
   188 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   189 // CClientEngine::UeRegNetworkStatus()
   190 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   191 TMobileRoamingStatus CClientEngine::UeRegNetworkStatus()
   192     {
   193     LOG("CClientEngine::UeRegNetworkStatus() ,begin");
   194     TMobileRoamingStatus roamingStatus = EMobileNotRegistered;
   195     if(iObserver.IsRegisteredAtHomeNetwork())
   196         {
   197         // home network.
   198         roamingStatus = EMobileRegHomeNetwork;
   199         LOG("UE registered in home network");
   200         }
   201     else
   202         {
   203         // roaming network
   204         TBool homeNwInfoAvailableFlag = EFalse;
   205         const RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneNetworkInfoV1& homeNwInfo = 
   206             iObserver.GetHomeNetworkInfo(homeNwInfoAvailableFlag);
   207         if(homeNwInfoAvailableFlag)
   208             {
   209             RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneNetworkCountryCode countryCode = 
   210                         iObserver.GetCurrentRegisterNw().iCountryCode;
   211             if(countryCode.Compare(homeNwInfo.iCountryCode) == 0)
   212                 {
   213                 // national roaming..
   214                 LOG("UE is in nation roaming");
   215                 roamingStatus = EMobileNationalRoaming;
   216                 }
   217             else
   218                 {
   219                 // international roaming.
   220                 LOG("UE is in international roaming");
   221                 roamingStatus = EMobileInternationalRoaming;
   222                 }
   223             }                
   224         }
   225     if(roamingStatus == EMobileNotRegistered)
   226         {
   227         LOG("UE is not registered with the network. Offline mode.");
   228         }
   229 	LOG("CClientEngine::UeRegNetworkStatus ,end");
   230     return roamingStatus;
   231     }
   233 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   234 // CClientEngine::IsDataConnectionAskAlwaysL()
   235 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   236 TBool CClientEngine::IsDataConnectionAskAlwaysL() 
   237     {
   238     LOG("CClientEngine::IsDataConnectionAskAlwaysL ,begin");
   239     TMobileRoamingStatus roamingStatus = UeRegNetworkStatus();
   241 	TCmGenConnSettings genConnSettings;
   242     TBool retVal = EFalse;
   243 	iCmManager.ReadGenConnSettingsL(genConnSettings);
   245     LOG1("wlan usage - %d", genConnSettings.iUsageOfWlan);
   246     LOG1("Home usage - %d", genConnSettings.iCellularDataUsageHome);
   247     LOG1("Visitor usage - %d", genConnSettings.iCellularDataUsageVisitor);
   249 	if((IsWlanOnly(roamingStatus, genConnSettings) && genConnSettings.iUsageOfWlan == ECmUsageOfWlanManual) // wlan
   250 		|| (roamingStatus == EMobileRegHomeNetwork &&  // home
   251         		genConnSettings.iCellularDataUsageHome == ECmCellularDataUsageConfirm)
   252 		|| (IsVisitorNetwork(roamingStatus) &&  // roaming
   253     		 genConnSettings.iCellularDataUsageVisitor == ECmCellularDataUsageConfirm)
   254 		)
   255 		{
   256 		retVal = ETrue;
   257 		}
   258 	LOG("CClientEngine::IsDataConnectionAskAlwaysL ,end");
   259 	return retVal;
   260 	}
   262 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   263 // CClientEngine::SetupConnectionL()
   264 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   265 void CClientEngine::SetupConnectionL( const TConnectionOption aOption )
   266     {
   267 	LOG("CClientEngine::SetupConnectionL ,begin");
   268 	if ( aOption == ESilent && IsDataConnectionAskAlwaysL())
   269 		{
   270 		LOG("Silent mode. connection setup is asked always.");
   271         if ( iConnectionSetupDone )
   272             {
   273             LOG("Already connected. Close the connection\n");
   274             CloseConnection();
   275             }
   276 		User::Leave(KErrNotSupported);
   277 		}
   278     if ( iConnectionSetupDone )
   279         {
   280         // Connection setup is done
   281         LOG("Already connected.\n");
   282         User::Leave(KErrAlreadyExists);
   283         }
   286     LOG1("SetupConnectionL: connection option: %d\n", aOption );
   288     // Open HTTP Session
   289     iSession.OpenL();
   290     User::LeaveIfError(iSocketServ.Connect());
   291     User::LeaveIfError(iConnection.Open(iSocketServ));
   293     if ( aOption == ESilent )
   294         {
   295         // Create overrides
   296         TConnPrefList prefList;
   297         TExtendedConnPref prefs;
   298         prefs.SetSnapPurpose( CMManager::ESnapPurposeInternet );
   299         prefs.SetNoteBehaviour( TExtendedConnPref::ENoteBehaviourConnSilent );
   300         prefList.AppendL( &prefs );
   302         iConnection.Start(prefList, iStatus);
   303         }
   304     else
   305         {
   306         iConnection.Start( iStatus );
   307         }
   310     SetActive();
   311 	LOG("CClientEngine::SetupConnectionL ,end");
   312     }
   314 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   315 // CClientEngine::SetHeaderL()
   316 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   317 void CClientEngine::SetHeaderL( RHTTPHeaders aHeaders, TInt aHdrField, const TDesC8& aHdrValue )
   318     {
   319     LOG("CClientEngine::SetHeaderL ,begin");
   320     RStringF valStr = iSession.StringPool().OpenFStringL( aHdrValue );
   321     CleanupClosePushL( valStr );
   322     THTTPHdrVal val(valStr);
   323     aHeaders.SetFieldL( iSession.StringPool().StringF( aHdrField, RHTTPSession::GetTable()), val);
   324     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy();  // valStr
   325     LOG("CClientEngine::SetHeaderL ,end");
   326     }
   328 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   329 // CClientEngine::IssueHTTPGetL()
   330 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   331 void CClientEngine::IssueHTTPGetL( const TDesC8& aUri, const TConnectionOption aOption )
   332     {
   333     LOG("CClientEngine::IssueHTTPGetL ,begin");
   334     if ( IsActive() )
   335         {
   336         // If there is some request in pending state
   337         // return with out further processing
   338         // Should we leave here !?
   339         LOG("Client engine is already active");
   340         return;
   341         }
   343     delete iUri;
   344     iUri = NULL;
   346     iUri = aUri.AllocL();
   348     // Create HTTP connection
   349     TRAPD( err, SetupConnectionL( aOption ) );
   350     //If the Err is KErrNone, It will lead to RunL and
   351     //hence jump to the DoHTTPGetL() from there.
   353     if( err == KErrAlreadyExists )
   354         {
   355         DoHTTPGetL();
   356         }
   357     else if( err != KErrNone )
   358         {
   359         LOG("Connection failure. Leaving.");
   360         iObserver.ClientEvent( EHttpConnectionFailure );
   361         User::Leave(err);
   362         }
   363     iEngineState = EGet;
   364  	LOG("CClientEngine::IssueHTTPGetL ,end");
   365     }
   367 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   368 // CClientEngine::DoHTTPGetL()
   369 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   370 void CClientEngine::DoHTTPGetL()
   371     {
   372     LOG("CClientEngine::DoHTTPGetL ,begin");
   373     // Parse string to URI (as defined in RFC2396)
   374     TUriParser8 uri;
   375     uri.Parse( *iUri );
   377     // Get request method string for HTTP GET
   378     RStringF method = iSession.StringPool().StringF( HTTP::EGET,RHTTPSession::GetTable() );
   380     // Open transaction with previous method and parsed uri. This class will
   381     // receive transaction events in MHFRunL and MHFRunError.
   382     iTransaction = iSession.OpenTransactionL( uri, *this, method );
   383     iTransactionOpen = ETrue;
   385     // Set headers for request; user agent and accepted content type
   386     RHTTPHeaders hdr = iTransaction.Request().GetHeaderCollection();
   387     SetHeaderL( hdr, HTTP::EUserAgent, KUserAgent );
   388     SetHeaderL( hdr, HTTP::EAccept, KAccept );
   390     // Submit the transaction. After this the framework will give transaction
   391     // events via MHFRunL and MHFRunError.
   392     iTransaction.SubmitL();
   394     iObserver.ClientEvent( EHttpConnecting );
   395 	LOG("CClientEngine::DoHTTPGetL ,end");
   396 }
   398 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   399 // CClientEngine::CancelTransaction()
   400 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   401 void CClientEngine::CancelTransaction()
   402     {
   403     LOG("CClientEngine::CancelTransaction ,begin");
   404     iEngineState = EIdle;
   405     delete iUri; 
   406     iUri = NULL;
   408     // Close() also cancels transaction (Cancel() can also be used but
   409     // resources allocated by transaction must be still freed with Close())
   410     if( iTransactionOpen )
   411         {
   412         iTransaction.Close();
   413         iTransactionOpen = EFalse;
   415         iObserver.ClientEvent( EHttpTxCancelled );
   416         }
   417 	LOG("CClientEngine::CancelTransaction ,end");
   418     }
   420 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   421 // CClientEngine::MHFRunL()
   422 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   423 void CClientEngine::MHFRunL( RHTTPTransaction aTransaction, const THTTPEvent& aEvent )
   424     {
   425     LOG("CClientEngine::MHFRunL ,begin");
   426     switch ( aEvent.iStatus )
   427         {
   428         case THTTPEvent::EGotResponseHeaders:
   429             {
   430             // HTTP response headers have been received. Use
   431             // aTransaction.Response() to get the response. However, it's not
   432             // necessary to do anything with the response when this event occurs.
   433             iObserver.ClientEvent( EHttpHdrReceived );
   434             break;
   435             }
   436         case THTTPEvent::EGotResponseBodyData:
   437             {
   438             // Part (or all) of response's body data received. Use
   439             // aTransaction.Response().Body()->GetNextDataPart() to get the actual
   440             // body data.
   442             // Get the body data supplier
   443             MHTTPDataSupplier* body = aTransaction.Response().Body();
   444             TPtrC8 dataChunk;
   446             // GetNextDataPart() returns ETrue, if the received part is the last
   447             // one.
   448             TBool isLast = body->GetNextDataPart(dataChunk);
   449             iObserver.ClientBodyReceived(dataChunk);
   451             iObserver.ClientEvent( EHttpBytesReceieved );
   453             // NOTE: isLast may not be ETrue even if last data part received.
   454             // (e.g. multipart response without content length field)
   455             // Use EResponseComplete to reliably determine when body is completely
   456             // received.
   457             if( isLast )
   458                 {
   459                 iObserver.ClientEvent( EHttpBodyReceieved );
   460                 }
   461             // Always remember to release the body data.
   462             body->ReleaseData();
   463             break;
   464             }
   465         case THTTPEvent::EResponseComplete:
   466             {
   467             // Indicates that header & body of response is completely received.
   468             // No further action here needed.
   470             iObserver.ClientEvent( EHttpTxCompleted );
   471             break;
   472             }
   473         case THTTPEvent::ESucceeded:
   474             {
   475             // Indicates that transaction succeeded.
   476             iObserver.ClientEvent( EHttpTxSuccess );
   477             // Transaction can be closed now. It's not needed anymore.
   478             aTransaction.Close();
   479             iTransactionOpen = EFalse;
   480             break;
   481             }
   482         case THTTPEvent::EFailed:
   483             {
   484             // Transaction completed with failure.
   485             iObserver.ClientEvent( EHttpTxFailed );
   486             aTransaction.Close();
   487             iTransactionOpen = EFalse;
   488             break;
   489             }
   490         default:
   491             // There are more events in THTTPEvent, but they are not usually
   492             // needed. However, event status smaller than zero should be handled
   493             // correctly since it's error.
   494             {
   495             if ( aEvent.iStatus < 0 )
   496                 {
   497                 iObserver.ClientEvent( EHttpConnectionFailure );
   498                 // Close the transaction on errors
   499                 aTransaction.Close();
   500                 iTransactionOpen = EFalse;
   501                 }
   502                 break;
   503             }
   504         }
   505 	LOG("CClientEngine::MHFRunL ,end");
   506     }
   508 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   509 // CClientEngine::MHFRunError()
   510 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   511 TInt CClientEngine::MHFRunError( TInt /*aError*/, RHTTPTransaction /*aTransaction*/, const THTTPEvent& /*aEvent*/ )
   512     {
   513     LOG("CClientEngine::MHFRunError ,begin");
   514     // Just notify about the error and return KErrNone.
   515     CloseConnection();
   516     iObserver.ClientEvent(EHttpMhfRunError);
   517     return KErrNone;
   518     }
   520 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   521 // CClientEngine::PreferredCarrierAvailable()
   522 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   523 void CClientEngine::PreferredCarrierAvailable( TAccessPointInfo /*aOldAPInfo*/,
   524                                                TAccessPointInfo /*aNewAPInfo*/,
   525                                                TBool /*aIsUpgrade*/,
   526                                                TBool aIsSeamless )
   527     {
   528     LOG("CClientEngine::PreferredCarrierAvailable ,begin");
   529     if( !aIsSeamless && iMobility)
   530         {
   531         iMobility->MigrateToPreferredCarrier();
   532         }
   533 	LOG("CClientEngine::PreferredCarrierAvailable ,end");
   534     }
   536 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   537 // CClientEngine::NewCarrierActive()
   538 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   539 void CClientEngine::NewCarrierActive( TAccessPointInfo /*aNewAPInfo*/,
   540                                       TBool aIsSeamless )
   541     {
   542     LOG("CClientEngine::NewCarrierActive ,begin");
   543     if( !aIsSeamless && iMobility)
   544         {
   545         iMobility->NewCarrierAccepted();
   546         }
   547 	LOG("CClientEngine::NewCarrierActive ,end");
   548     }
   550 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   551 // CClientEngine::Error()
   552 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   553 void CClientEngine::Error(TInt /*aError*/)
   554     {
   555     LOG("CClientEngine::Error");
   556     }
   558 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   559 // CClientEngine::DoCancel()
   560 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   561 void CClientEngine::DoCancel()
   562     {
   563     LOG("CClientEngine::DoCancel");
   564     iConnection.Stop();
   565     }
   567 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   568 // CClientEngine::DoCancel()
   569 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   570 TInt  CClientEngine::RunError(TInt /*aError*/)
   571     {
   572     LOG("CClientEngine::RunError");
   573     // Just notify about the error and return KErrNone.
   574     CloseConnection();
   575     iObserver.ClientEvent( EHttpTxFailed );
   576     return KErrNone;
   577     }
   578 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   579 // CClientEngine::RunL()
   580 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   581 void CClientEngine::RunL()
   582     {
   583     LOG1("CClientEngine::RunL: error is: %d\n", iStatus.Int() );
   584     TInt statusCode = iStatus.Int();
   585     if ( statusCode == KErrNone )
   586         {
   587         // Connection done ok
   588         iConnectionSetupDone = ETrue;
   590         RStringPool strPool = iSession.StringPool();
   592         // Remove first session properties just in case.
   593         RHTTPConnectionInfo connInfo = iSession.ConnectionInfo();
   595         // Clear RConnection and Socket Server instances
   596         connInfo.RemoveProperty(strPool.StringF(HTTP::EHttpSocketServ,RHTTPSession::GetTable()));
   597         connInfo.RemoveProperty(strPool.StringF(HTTP::EHttpSocketConnection,RHTTPSession::GetTable()));
   599         // Clear the proxy settings
   600         connInfo.RemoveProperty(strPool.StringF(HTTP::EProxyUsage,RHTTPSession::GetTable()));
   601         connInfo.RemoveProperty(strPool.StringF(HTTP::EProxyAddress,RHTTPSession::GetTable()));
   603         // RConnection and Socket Server
   604         connInfo.SetPropertyL ( strPool.StringF(HTTP::EHttpSocketServ, 
   605                                         RHTTPSession::GetTable()), 
   606                                 THTTPHdrVal (iSocketServ.Handle()) );
   608         TInt connPtr1 = REINTERPRET_CAST(TInt, &iConnection);
   609         connInfo.SetPropertyL ( strPool.StringF(HTTP::EHttpSocketConnection, 
   610                                 RHTTPSession::GetTable() ), THTTPHdrVal (connPtr1) );    
   612         // Register for mobility API
   613 		if(iMobility)
   614 			{
   615 	        delete iMobility;
   616 			iMobility = NULL ;
   617 			}
   618         iMobility = CActiveCommsMobilityApiExt::NewL( iConnection, *this );
   619         // Start selected HTTP action
   620         switch( iEngineState )
   621             {
   622             case EIdle:
   623                 {
   624                 //
   625                 CancelTransaction();
   626                 break;
   627                 }
   628             case EGet:
   629                {
   630                DoHTTPGetL();
   631                break;
   632                }
   633             };
   634         }
   635     else
   636         {
   637         //handle error
   638         if ( statusCode == KErrPermissionDenied )
   639             {
   640             iObserver.ClientEvent( EHttpAuthFailed );
   641             }
   642         else
   643             {
   644             //Throw some general Transaction falure error!
   645             iObserver.ClientEvent( EHttpTxFailed );
   646             }
   647         CloseConnection();
   648         }
   649 	LOG("CClientEngine::RunL ,end");
   650     }
   652 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   653 // CClientEngine::SilentConnectionAllowed()
   654 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   655 TBool CClientEngine::SilentConnectionAllowed()
   656     {
   657     LOG("CClientEngine::SilentConnectionAllowed ,begin");
   658     TBool retVal = EFalse;
   659 	TRAPD(err, retVal = IsDataConnectionAskAlwaysL());
   660 	if(err == KErrNone)
   661 		{
   662 		// data connection is always ask... Silent connection is not allowed
   663 		retVal = !retVal;
   664 		}
   665 	LOG1("CClientEngine::SilentConnectionAllowed ,end. Ret - %d", retVal);
   666     return retVal;
   667     }
   669 // End of file