* Copyright (c) 2005-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: Manages object search from database using SQL,*
#include <e32base.h>
#include "mdccommon.h"
#include "mdssqliteconnection.h"
class CMdSSqLiteConnection;
class CMdSFindSqlClause;
class CMdSFindSequence;
class CMdCSerializationBuffer;
class CDesC16Array;
class RRowData;
* Find operation class represents a single synchronous
* or asynchronous find.
class CMdSSqlFindOperation: public CBase
/** state of operation */
enum TOperationState
EStateIdle, // not working
EStateRunning, // active state
EStateStop, // stop instructed
EStateDead, // find stopped
* constructs a find operation
* @param aFind the master class that runs this operation
* @param aSetSize maximum size of a single result set
static CMdSSqlFindOperation* NewL(
CMdSFindSequence& aFind,
TUint aSetSize
* constructs a find operation, leaves in cleanup stack.
static CMdSSqlFindOperation* NewLC(
CMdSFindSequence& aFind,
TUint aSetSize
virtual ~CMdSSqlFindOperation();
* from MMdSFindOperation
TInt ExecuteL();
* from MMdSFindOperation
TInt ContinueL();
* from MMdSFindOperation
TInt State();
* from MMdSFindOperation
void Cancel();
* from MMdSFindOperation
CMdSFindSqlClause& FindCriteria();
* Moves ownership of the result buffer to caller
CMdCSerializationBuffer* Results();
void SetLimit(TUint32 aLimit);
void SetOffset(TUint32 aOffset);
* Returns query freetext array from CMdSFindSqlClause
* @return freetext array
RPointerArray<HBufC>& QueryFreeText();
private: // private construction for friends only
* Construction
CMdSFindSequence& aFind,
TUint aSetSize = KMaxTUint
/** 2nd phase constructor */
void ConstructL();
private: // Private functions
* iterates results from database,
* places them in results container
* @return error code, KErrNone or KSetReady
TInt FetchResultsL();
TInt EstimateBaseResultSize();
TInt EstimateResultRowSizeL( RRowData& aRow );
* Gets query results from the rowbuffer, creates
* corresponding object structure and adds into the
* results container.
* @param aDb database connection
* @param aRow database row to add into container
* @return true, if data was added to container
void AddToContainerL();
* Special treatment for Object, which is complicated
* because of heavy optimization
* @param aRow database row to add into container
* @param aFreespaceOffset offset to free space in buffer
TMdCOffset AddObjectToContainerL( RRowData& aRow, TMdCOffset aFreespaceOffset );
* Marks the current database rows consumed
void ConsumeRows();
* Add data to container
* @param aRow database row to add into container
* @param aFreespaceOffset offset to free space in buffer
TMdCOffset AddItemToContainerL( RRowData &aRow, TMdCOffset aFreespaceOffset );
* Add data to container
* @param aId item ID to add into container
void AddIdToContainerL( TItemId aId );
* Creates Item for serialization
void CreateItemL();
* Creates count for serialization
void CreateCountL();
* Creates Id for serialization
void CreateIdL();
* Creates distinct properties for serialization
void CreateDistinctL();
private: // Member data
/** Find type */
TQueryType iQueryType;
/** Result mode */
TQueryResultMode iResultMode;
* Data row in find.
* Note: RRowData constructor cannot leave, since it is initialized (aInStack==EFalse)
RRowData* iResultRow;
* Fetched result rows. Used when result mode is items or distinct.
* Note: RRowData constructor cannot leave, since it is initialized (aInStack==EFalse)
RPointerArray<RRowData> iResultRows;
* Fetched result IDs. Used when result mode is IDs.
RArray<TItemId> iResultIds;
* Fetched result count. Used when result mode is count.
TUint32 iResultCount;
/** container for result objects */
CMdCSerializationBuffer* iResults;
/** the object find back reference */
CMdSFindSequence& iFind;
/** the find SQL clause */
CMdSFindSqlClause* iFindClause;
/** asynchronous run state */
TOperationState iState;
/** the query ID */
RMdsStatement iQueryId;
/** maximum size of a single set */
const TUint32 iSetSize;
/** counter for results in this set */
TUint iSetCounter;
/** maximum size of the whole search */
TUint iLimit;
/** maximum size of the whole search */
TUint iLimitCounter;
/** offset from beginning of the sequence */
TUint iOffset;
/** used memory from set buffer */
TInt iMemoryLimit;
/** harvesting prioritization URI count */
TInt iHarvestingPrioritizationCount;