* Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: Common message definitions and utilities for MDS internal use
#include <mdccommon.h>
// X:[<UID>]<database-name>.db
_LIT( KMdsSqlDbDefaultName, "C:[200009f3]metadata.sq" );
_LIT( KMdsSqlDbDefaultPath, "C:\\private\\10281E17\\[200009f3]metadata.sq" );
_LIT( KMdsSqlDbBackupPath, "C:\\private\\200009F5\\[200009f3]metadata.sq" );
// default import metadata file
_LIT( KMdsDefaultImportFile, "C:\\private\\200009f3\\defaultimportfile.mde" );
_LIT( KMdsDefaultRomImportFile, "Z:\\private\\200009f3\\defaultimportfile.mde" );
// Universal image folder
_LIT( KDCIMFolder, ":\\DCIM");
// schema file version
const TInt KSchemaFileMajorVersion = 3;
const TDefId KDefaultNamespaceDefId = 1;
const TDefId KBaseObjectDefId = 1;
const TUint32 KBaseObjectBasicValueColumnOffset = 8;
const TItemId KSystemFavouritesAlbumId = 1;
const TInt KMaxUintValueLength = 10;
const TInt KMaxUint64ValueLength = 20;
const TInt KMaxTitleFieldLength = 255;
const TInt KTriggerDbMaintenanceTreasholdValue( 2500 );
_LIT( KMdSServerName,"!MdSServer" ); // Server name
_LIT( KMdSServerProcessString,"!MdSServer*" );
_LIT( KSchemaChunkName, "MdSSchema" );
_LIT( KCMediaIdKey, "CDriveMediaId" );
_LIT( KMassStorageMediaIdKey, "MassStorageMediaId" );
const TInt KMmcEntryBufferSize = 100;
// The server version. A version must be specified when
// creating a session with the server.
const TUint KMdSServMajorVersionNumber=2;
const TUint KMdSServMinorVersionNumber=5;
const TUint KMdSServBuildVersionNumber=0;
const TUint32 KNokiaVendorId = 52487775;
const TInt64 KDiskFullThreshold = 1024*50; // 50 kB
// P&S stuff
static _LIT_SECURITY_POLICY_PASS(KAllowAllPolicy);
static _LIT_SECURITY_POLICY_C1(KPowerMgmtPolicy,ECapabilityPowerMgmt);
const TUid KMdSPSShutdown = { 0x20022E94 };
const TUid KHarvesterPSShutdown = { 0x200009F5 };
const TUid KWatchdogPSShutdown = { 0x20022E93 };
const TInt KShutdown = 0x00000002;
//Locktype for query
enum TMdCQueryLockType
// Common enumerations in client/server messages
// Server requests
enum TMdEServRqst
EShutdown = 0, // shut down the session
EAdd, // add items
ERemove, // remove items
EFind, // finds in sync
EAsyncFind, // finds asynchronously
EContinueAsyncFind, // continues existing asynchronous find, fetches next set
ECancelFind, // cancels asynchronous find
ECancelObject, // cancels opened object
ECheckObject, // get object's "base" values
EUpdate, // update items
ERegister, // registers an object to be notified
EListen, // listens for events for a registered profile
EUnregister, // unregisters for no more notifications
EGetData, // (transfers data server->client)
EImportMetadata, // starts metadata importing
EAsyncImportMetadata, // starts asynchronous metadata importing
EExportMetadata, // starts metadata exporting
EAsyncExportMetadata, // starts asynchronous metadata exporting
EImportSchema, // starts schema importing
EAddRelationDef, // Add new relation
EAddEventDef, // Add new event
EAddMemoryCard, // Add new memory card's media ID
EGetMemoryCard, // Get latest memory card's media ID
ECheckMemoryCard, // Check if there is already memory card with given media ID
ESetMedia, // Set media's media ID, drive and present state to DB
EGetMedia, // Get media's drive and present state from DB
EGetPresentMedias, // Get present medias' media IDs, drives and present states from DB
ESetFileToPresent, // Set file to present state
ESetFilesToPresent, // Set files to present state
ESetFilesToNotPresent, // Set all files, which media ID is given, to not present state
ERemoveFilesNotPresent, // Remove all objects, which are in not present state, with given media ID
EGetSchemaVersion, // Get schema version's major and minor version
ESetObjectToPresentByGuid, // Set object to "present" state by GUID
ESetHarvestingPrioritizationChunk, // Set global harvester prioritization chunk
EAddHarvestingPrioritizationObserver, // Add harvester prioritization observer
ECancelHarvestingPrioritizationObserver, // Cancel harvester prioritization observer
EChangePath, // Change path of objects
ESetPending, // Set pending flag to objects
EResetPending, // Reset pending flag to objects
EGetPendingCount, // Get count of objects with pending flag
EGetPending, // Get objects with pending flag
EResetDB, // Reset database (works only in DEBUG build)
EChangeMediaId, // Change C-drive media id and update objects
EChangeMassStorageMediaId, // Change internal mass storage media id and update objects
EUnknownMdEServRqst // handle for unknown requests
// Server request arguments for
// EAddRelationDef and EAddEventDef
enum TMdEServRqstArgsAddDef
EAddDefArgNamespaceId = 0,
EAddDefArgDefName = 1
// Server request arguments for
// EFind, EAsyncFind, EContinueAsyncFind and ECancelFind
enum TMdEServRqstArgsFind
EFindArgQueryId = 0,
EFindArgConditions = 1,
EFindArgResulBufferSize = 2,
EFindArgNotifyCount = 3
enum TMdEServRqstArgsCheckObject
ECheckObjectArgType = 0,
ECheckObjectArgTypeValue = 1,
ECheckObjectArgNamespaceDefId = 2,
ECheckObjectArgObject = 3
enum TMdECheckObjectType
// Server request arguments for
// ESetObjectToPresentByGuid
enum TMdEServRqstArgsSetObjectToPresentByGuid
ESetObjectToPresentByGuidArgGuidHigh = 0,
ESetObjectToPresentByGuidArgGuidLow = 1
// Server request responses
enum TMdEServRqstComplete
EAsyncFindSetReady = 1000, // set complete
EAsyncFindComplete, // whole find complete
ELoadSchema, // fetches schema to client
/*ENotifyAdded, // notification: item added
ENotifyRemoved, // notification: item removed
ENotifyModified, // notification: item modified
ENotifyObjectPresent, // notification: object set to present
ENotifyObjectNotPresent, // notification: object set to not present
ENotifyRelationPresent, // notification: relation set to present
ENotifyRelationNotPresent, // notification: relation set to not present
ENotifySchemaAdded, // notification: schema added
// MdE user levels
enum TUserLevel
enum TMdEObjectFlags
EMdEObjectFlagNone = 0x00000000, // no flags set
EMdEObjectFlagNotPresent = 0x00000001, // object is marked as not present
EMdEObjectFlagRemoved = 0x00000002, // object is marked as removed
EMdEObjectFlagFreetexts = 0x00000004, // object has freetext(s)
EMdEObjectFlagConfidential = 0x00000008, // object is confidential
EMdEObjectFlagPlaceholder = 0x00000010, // object is placeholder
EMdEObjectFlagStartUpNotPresent = 0x00000020, // object is marked as start up not present
EMdEObjectFlagContext = 0x00000040, // object is context object
EMdEObjectFlagGarbage = 0x00000080, // object is marked to be removed by garbage collector
EMdeObjectFlagPending = 0x00000100, // composing to binary is pending for this object
EMdEObjectFlagModObject = 0x00010000, // object modifications
EMdEObjectFlagModProperty = 0x00020000, // one of properties modifications
EMdEObjectFlagModFreeText = 0x00040000, // one of freetext modifications
EMdEObjectFlagModOpen = 0x00080000, // open for modifications
EMdEObjectFlagAutoLock = 0x00100000, // open for modifications
enum TMdERelationFlags
EMdERelationFlagNone = 0x00000000, // no flags set
EMdERelationFlagNotPresent = 0x00000001, // relation's object is not present
EMdERelationFlagDeleted = 0x00000002, // relation's object is marked as removed
EMdERelationFlagGarbageDeleted = 0x00080000, // relation's object is marked to be removed by garbage collector
enum TMdEPropertyFlags
EPropertyReadOnly = 0x01,
EPropertyMandatory = 0x02,
enum TMdEPropertyModFlags
EMdEPropertyModNone = 0x00,
EMdEPropertyModChange = 0x01,
EMdEPropertyModRemove = 0x02,
enum TMdSObserverNotificationType
EObjectNotifyAdd = 0x00000001,
EObjectNotifyModify = 0x00000002,
EObjectNotifyRemove = 0x00000004,
EObjectNotifyPresent = 0x00000010,
EObjectNotifyNotPresent = 0x00000020,
ERelationNotifyAdd = 0x00000100,
ERelationNotifyModify = 0x00000200,
ERelationNotifyRemove = 0x00000400,
ERelationNotifyPresent = 0x00001000,
ERelationNotifyNotPresent = 0x00002000,
//ERelationItemNotifyAdd = 0x00010000,
//ERelationItemNotifyModify = 0x00020000,
ERelationItemNotifyRemove = 0x00040000,
EEventNotifyAdd = 0x00100000,
EEventNotifyRemove = 0x00200000,
ESchemaModify = 0x01000000,
EObjectNotifyAddWithUri = 0x10000000,
EObjectNotifyModifyWithUri = 0x20000000,
EObjectNotifyRemoveWithUri = 0x40000000,
// 0x80000000 is not allowed (signed number is negative)
// File info
struct TMdSFileInfo
/** Last modification time. */
TInt64 iModifiedTime;
/** File size in bytes. */
TUint32 iSize;
/** Storage state flags. */
enum TStoredFlags
EStoredFlagsNone = 0x0000,
EStoredFlagsDB = 0x0001, // data stored in DB
EStoredFlagsTable = 0x0002, // table is stored in DB
EStoredFlagsC2P = 0x0004, // data is stored in Col2Prop table
* Query's internal optimization flags
enum TInternalOptimizationFlags
EContainsObjectCondition = 0x00000001,
EContainsRelationCondition = 0x00000002,
EContainsEventCondition = 0x00000004,
EContainsFreetextCondition = 0x00000008,
EContainsNotPresentCondition = 0x00000010,
EContainsObjectLocking = 0x00000020,
EContainsPlaceholdersOnly = 0x00000040
struct TMdEMediaInfo
TUint32 iMediaId;
TChar iDrive;
* File present states.
* Values must be between 0 and 255.
enum TFilePresentStates
EMdsNotFound = 0,
struct TMdSMediaIdAndCount
TUint32 iMediaId;
TUint32 iCount;